Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel

Ignister Deck List and Card Guide

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Master Duel - @Ignister Top Image
Lock out your opponent in Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel with this powerful new Ignister Deck. We've got the full deck list breakdown, combos, and more!

Ignister Deck List

Main Deck: 40 Cards
Achichi @Ignister x3 Pikari @Ignister x3 Maxx "C" x3 Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring x3 Bururu @Ignister x1
Gatchiri @Ignister x1 Doyon @Ignister x1 Danmari @Ignister x1 Doshin @Ignister x1 Nibiru, the Primal Being x1
Cynet Mining x3 A.I. Meet You x3 Forbidden Droplet x3 Called by the Grave x2 A.I.dle Reborn x2
Harpie x1 Ignister A.I.Land x1 FA.I.ghting Spirit x1 Monster Reborn x1 Crossout Designator x1
Infinite Impermanence x2 Ice Dragon x2
Extra Deck: 15 Cards
Wind Pegasus @Ignister x1 Light Dragon @Ignister x1 Linkuriboh x1 Dark Infant @Ignister x2 Cyberse Wicckid x1
Update Jammer x1 Splash Mage x2 Transcode Talker x1 Dark Templar @Ignister x1 Decode Talker Heatsoul x1
Accesscode Talker x1 The Arrival Cyberse @Ignister x1 Linguriboh x1

Ignister Breakdown

Ignister Deck Guide: How to Play

Playstyle and Win Condition

@Ignister is an Archetype composed of Cyberse Type Monsters with various Attributes mainly focusing on Link Summoning. @Ignister pride themselves with strong 1-card combo, giving you a lot of room to opt for Handtrap-centric build or more of a midrange build with the help of Traps.

The Arrival Cyberse @Ignister Accesscode Talker

The Arrival Cyberse @Ignister is the Boss Monster and the Win condition of the deck. With its strong effect making it immune to any card effects, the only way to get rid of this card is by destroying it in Battle or a Kaiju like effect. The goal is to summon this with atleast 4000 Attack points so that most monsters cannot bypass it.

Accesscode Talker will be your main attacker of the deck. Once you boardwipe your opponent and it is safe to attack, use Arrival as its Material so that Accesscode gains 6000 Attack, for a total of 8300 Attack points. You can also maximize Accesscode's effect since @Ignister deck has all of the Attributes.

Achichi @Ignister Pikari @Ignister Ignister A.I.Land

The heart and soul of the deck, the bread and butter of your combos. Achichi @Ignister and Pikari @Ignister lets you add level 4 or @Ignister Monster and A.I Spell/Trap from your Deck respectively. Ignister A.I.Land will be your main way to swarm the field with Ignister monsters to Link Climb.

Dark Infant @Ignister Dark Templar @Ignister Wind Pegasus @Ignister Light Dragon @Ignister

Dark Infant @Ignister is your primary way for searching Ignsiter A.I.Land, Dark Infant can also change its Attribute that will be later used as material for The Arrival Cyberse @Ignister.

Dark Templar @Ignister will be your mid-combo extender as it lets you summon 3 Ignisters from your Graveyard.

Wind Pegasus @Ignister and Light Dragon @Ignister will act as another layer of protection on the field. They can also do non-targeting destruction effects.

Cyberse Wicckid Splash Mage Transcode Talker Decode Talker Heatsoul

Cyberse Wicckid lets you utilize Synchro Summoning thanks to its effect that lets you search for a tuner.

Splash Mage and Transcode Talker is your combo extender for Link Climbing as they offer free Monster on the field with their effects.

Decode Talker Heatsoul is your alternative end board monster if things went south and you get negated right and left. This lets you draw a card once per turn, making comeback lot more easier with the new card that you'll draw.

Setup Combo 1: Pikari

Required Cards
Pikari @Ignister
Step Description
1 Normal Summon Pikari @Ignister → Activate Pikari @Ignister's Effect to search for A.I. Meet You from the Deck and add it to the Hand.
2 Activate A.I. Meet You → Reveal Decode Talker Heatsoul in the Extra Deck → search for Achichi @Ignister from the Deck and add it to the Hand.
3 Link Summon Dark Infant @Ignister using the Pikari @Ignister on the Field, on the right EMZ. → Dark Infant @Ignister's effect lets you add Ignister A.I.Land from the Deck to the Hand.
4 Activate Ignister A.I.Land. → Activate Ignister A.I.Land's Effect to Special Summon Achichi @Ignister onto the Field BELOW Dark Infant @Ignister. → Activate Achichi @Ignister's Effect to search for Doyon @Ignister from the Deck to hand.
5 Link Summon Cyberse Wicckid on the Right EMZ using the Dark Infant @Ignister and Achichi @Ignister. → Activate Ignister A.I.Land's Effect to Special Summon Doyon @Ignister onto the Field, BELOW Cyberse Wicckid.
6 Cyberse Wicckid & Doyon @Ignister's Effects will both trigger as Chain Links 1 & 2 respectively → Chain Link 2: Use Doyon @Ignister's Effect to add Pikari @Ignister from the GY to the Hand → Chain Link 1: Cyberse Wicckid will add Bururu @Ignister from the Deck to Hand by banishing Dark Infant in the GY for cost.
7 Link Summon Splash Mage on the Right EMZ using Cyberse Wicckid and Doyon @Ignister.→ Doyon @Ignister's Effect in the GY will Trigger and add back A.I. Meet You from the GY to the Hand. → DO NOT activate Splash Mage's Effect yet. → Activate Ignister A.I.Land and Special Summon Bururu @Ignister onto the Field. → Bururu @Ignister's Effect triggers and send Danmari @Ignister from the Deck to the GY.
8 Activate Splash Mage's Effect and Special Summon Doyon @Ignister from the GY onto the Field.
9 Link Summon Dark Templar @Ignister using the Splash Mage, Bururu @Ignister, and Doyon @Ignister on the Field, and place it on the RIGHT EMZ.
10 Activate Ignister A.I.Land and Special Summon Pikari @Ignister onto the Field.
11 Link Summon Dark Infant @Ignister using the Pikari @Ignister on the Field and set it in the MIDDLE Monster Zone.
12 Dark Templar @Ignister & Dark Infant @Ignister's Effects will both trigger as Chain Links 1 & 2 respectively → Chain Link 2: Dark Infant @Ignister's Effect will move it one space to the LEFT opening up all the zones Dark Templar @Ignister open. → Change Dark Infant @Ignister's Attribute to DIVINE → Chain Link 1: Dark Templar @Ignister's Effect will Trigger and Special Summon Pikari @Ignister, Bururu @Ignister, and Achichi @Ignister to the zones Dark Templar @Ignister is pointing to from the GY.
13 Synchro Summon Wind Pegasus @Ignister on the Leftmost Main Monster Zeon using Pikari @Ignister and Bururu @Ignister. → Bururu @Ignister's Effect will Trigger in the GY and Special Summon Pikari @Ignister from the GY to the Field.
14 Link Summon The Arrival Cyberse @Ignister using Dark Templar, Achichi, Bururu, and Pikari.

Your end board will be a 4000 Attack The Arrival Cyberse @Ignister and Wind Pegasus @Ignister. Wind Pegasus can banish itself to spin one of your opponen'ts card, while Danmari can also banish itself to negate one face up car your opponent controls.

Setup Combo 2: Achichi

Required Cards
Achichi @Ignister
Step Description
1 Normal Summon Achichi @Ignister → Activate Achichi @Ignister's Effect to search for Pikari @Ignister from the Deck and add it to the Hand.
2 Link Summon Dark Infant @Ignister using the Achichi @Ignister on the Field, on the right EMZ. → Dark Infant @Ignister's effect lets you add Ignister A.I.Land from the Deck to the Hand
3 Activate Ignister A.I.Land. → Activate Ignister A.I.Land's Effect to Special Summon Pikari @Ignister onto the Field BELOW Dark Infant @Ignister. → Activate Pikari @Ignister's Effect to search for A.I. Meet You from the Deck to hand.
4 Link Summon Cyberse Wicckid on the Right EMZ using the Dark Infant @Ignister and Pikari @Ignister.
5 Activate A.I. Meet You revealing Dark Templar @Ignister to add Doyon @Ignister from the Deck to hand. → Activate Ignister A.I.Land's Effect to Special Summon Doyon @Ignister onto the Field, BELOW Cyberse Wicckid.

Starting from Step 6, the board state will be similar to the first Setup combo. You will end up with the same end board with The Arrival having 4000 Attack points and a Wind Pegasus on the field and a Danmari in the GY.

Follow-up OTK Combo 1

Note: This combo directly continues from the previous one, assuming all the steps were followed..

Required Cards
A.I. Meet You
Step Description
1 Activate A.I. Meet You and reveal Light Dragon @Ignister from your Extra Deck and search for a Pikari @Ignister from the Deck and send it to your Hand.
2 Activate Ignister A.I.Land and Special Summon Pikari @Ignister onto the Field. → Pikari @Ignister's Effect Triggers, search for A.I.dle Reborn from the Deck and send it to your Hand.
3 Activate A.I.dle Reborn and target Doyon @Ignister in your GY and Special Summon it onto the Field. → Doyon @Ignister's Effect Triggers and grab Achichi @Ignister from the GY and send it to the Hand.
4 Normal Summon Achichi @Ignister onto the Field → Achichi @Ignister's Effect triggers → Search for Hiyari @Ignister from the Deck and send it to the Hand → Special Summon Hiyari @Ignister*
  • from the Hand.
  • 5 Link Summon Splash Mage using both Achichi @Ignister and the Hiyari @Ignister on the Field. → Activate Splash Mage's Effect to Special Summon a Cyberse Monster from the GY.
    6 Link Summon Update Jammer using the Pikari @Ignister and Doyon @Ignister on the Field.
    7 Link Summon Transcode Talker with double attack using the Update Jammer and the Cyberse Monster Splash Mage revived, and set it BELOW The Arrival Cyberse @Ignister. → Activate Transcode Talker's Effect and Special Summon Update Jammer from the GY.
    8 Link Summon Accesscode Talker using both the revived Update Jammer and the Splash Mage on the Field, setting it on the RIGHTMOST Monster Zone so it Co-Links with Transcode Talker.

    Now, you have a 5000ATK The Arrival Cyberse @Ignister, a 2800ATK Transcode Talker that can attack twice, as well as a 2800ATK Accesscode Talker.

    If these steps were followed, you should have 8 Link Monsters in the GY to use as fodder to Banish your opponent's cards on the field. Alternatively, using Accesscode Talker, you can also target either Splash Mage or Update Jammer in the GY to gain an additional 2000ATK, leaving you with 7 Link Monsters to use as fodder for Banishing.

    Accesscode Oneshot

    Assuming that The Arrival Cyberse @Ignister survives a turn (this will probably happen most of the time), you can continue your extender combos like Monster Reborn, A.I.dle Reborn, and FA.I.ghting Spirit to try and Summon Accesscode Talker with The Arrival as one of its Material. Accesscode's effect will then increase its Attack by a total of 6000 points (since The Arrival is Link-6).

    Accesscode can then clear the board with its effect then swing directly for 8300 damage.

    Alternative Options


    Mathmech Circular Mathmech Sigma Mathmech Nabla Primathmech Alembertian Primathmech Laplacian Mathmech Equation Mathmech Superfactorial

    Since @Ignister usually pulls off its combo using only 1 to 2 cards, the inclusion of Mathmechs provides another combo play for the deck. Mathmech is another Archetype that can easily do its combo even with just 1 or 2 cards in hand.

    Plus, Mathmechs also provide disruption plays during your opponent's turn in the form of Mathmech Superfactorial.

    Ignister Counters: How to Beat

    Deck Counters

    Control Decks

    Master Duel - Drytron Fairy Top Image

    The key to beating Ignister Decks is negating & interrupting their Summons & Card Effect activations.
    Once Ignister A.I.Land is destroyed or negated, Ignister will slowly crumble.

    Going with a deck similar to the Drytron Fairy Control Deck that can control the flow of the Duel may turn things to your favor!

    Drytron Fairy Deck List and Card Guide

    Thunder Dragon

    Master Duel - Thunder Dragon Top Image

    Thunder Dragon Colossus can shut down Ignister with its strong field control. It is a walking Mistake, and an upgrade for Thunder King, Rai-Oh with its higher Attack stat and built-in protection.
    Unless you remove Colossus, there's is no way for Ignister to do their combos peacefully.

    Thunder Dragon List and Card Guide

    Best Cards to Tech Against Ignister

    PSY-Framegear Gamma
    PSY-Framegear Gamma A hand trap that can be used to negate the effects of your opponent's @Ignister Deck especially when used against the multiple Cyberse Monsters, throwing a wrench into the combo, and destroying them in the process.
    Gozen Match
    Gozen Match Once Gozen Match resolves, your board will most likely get wiped since Ignister Monsters possess different kind of attributes. With this active on board, there is no way to Link Climb.
    Effect Veiler
    Effect Veiler Another hand trap like PSY-Framegear Gamma that can be used against the various Cyberse Monster cards.
    Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring
    Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring This card can be quickly used to cancel specific effects that are at the core of Ignister decks by discarding this card.
    Droll & Lock Bird
    Droll & Lock Bird With multiple ways of searching cards from the deck, getting restricted in doing so will be a vital hit against Ignister.
    Nibiru, the Primal Being
    Nibiru, the Primal Being Having multiple Summon in a turn and having no effect negation, getting hit with Nibiru prior to Summoning the Arrival will result to a great resource loss for Ignister.

    Limit Summons & Negate

    This Ignister Deck relies on searches and chaining summons to use for Synchro Summons to create a strong board early in the game.

    Using a combination of spells and traps to interrupt your opponent will quickly put the duel in your favor.

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    2 Anonymousover 2 years

    Would have been a better example if you started with Achichi so you don’t take the 2300 damage. Transcode doesn’t boost The Arrival. Like the other comment said, Splash Mage is a hard once per turn. Really? Prohibition is a good counter?

    1 Anonymousover 2 years

    Doesn’t work you can’t use splash mage twice in one turn


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