Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel

The Colossal Majestic Conch: Solo Rewards and Guide

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Master Duel - The Colossal Majestic Conch Walkthrough.png
The Colossal Majestic Conch is one of the Gates that can be played through on Solo Mode in Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel. Find out more about the different rewards in this Gate, as well as what strategies you can do to accomplish each chapter!

The Colossal Majestic Conch Info and Rewards

Rewards by Chapter

Master Duel - The Colossal Majestic Conch Rewards.png

Chapter Rewards
1 [Card]
Qliphort Shell x3
2 [ORB]
ORB-Light x150
3 [Card]
Qliphort Cephalopod x3
Frontline Observer x3
4 [ORB]
ORB-Dark x150
5 [Mate]
Qliphort Monolith
Legacy Pack Ticket x2
6 [Icon]
Apoqliphort Towers
Gem x200

Locked Chapter Unlock Conditions

Unlock Cost Master Duel - Dark Orb.png200 ORB-Dark

The Colossal Majestic Conch Strategy

Use Pendulum Summons

Card 1 Card 2
Qliphort Monolith Qliphort Scout

The Colossal Majestic Conch Gate focuses entirely on more advanced methods of Pendulum Summons particular to the Loaner Decks that you can play with in the Gate. Between these two cards, players will be able to summon three other cards from their hand.

Summon Three Cards

Qliphort Disk Qliphort Shell Qliphort Stealth

These three Qliphort cards on their own are more than enough to outlast an opponent that is trying to build a combo in their side of the Field, with over 1800 ATK between each of the three cards. If the ATK stat is too low to defend against enemy attacks, players can go further and Tribute Summon Apoqliphort Towers if it is in their hand, which gives players a card with over 3000 and 2600 ATK and DEF respectively.

The Tribute Summoned card also has the power to banish one card of your opponent off of the field, which allows a player to directly attack an opponent's Life Points if there are no other cards on their side of the field.

Use Spell Cards

Master Duel - Lightning StormLightning Storm Twin Twisters

Trying to go for a "home run" play where multiple, powerful monsters can be summoned to the Field, players may find themselves in situations where the opponent is able to summon monsters on their side of the Field that can harm them.

In order to slow down an opponent's progress, particularly with this Gate, players can make use of either Lightning Storm or Twin Sisters to banish any summoned card on the Field, which essentially brings an opponent back to square one provided that the banished card has no special effects that can be triggered upon being banished or while in the Graveyard.

Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel Related Guides

Yugi Oh Master Duel - Solo Mode Partial Banner.png

Solo Mode

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