Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel

All UR Rarity Cards

★ Latest Events & Updates: 3rd Anniversary
March 2025 Duelist Cup
★ Banlist Updates: February 6 | March 6 | March 28
★ Newly Released Card Packs ★
The Ultimate Sparkle | Duel Experts | The Forbidden Liberated

UR Rarity Cards are Ultra Rare cards you can obtain in Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel. Read on to learn more about each UR card's ATK, DEF, Effect, and more!

All UR Cards

All UR Monster Cards

Card Type How to Get
A Hero Lives - The First Heroes
Theme Chronicle Banlist
1st Anniversary - The First Heroes
The Masters Saga
A-to-Z-Dragon Buster Cannon Machine
ABC-Dragon Buster Machine Emblazoned Armor
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Abyss Actor - Evil Heel Fiend The Darkness Amuses
Abyss Actor - Mellow Madonna Fiend The Darkness Amuses
Abyss Actor - Super Producer Fiend Climax of the Showdown
Abyss Actor - Superstar Fiend The Darkness Amuses
Abyss Dweller Sea Serpent Forgotten City Dwellers
Accel Synchro Stardust Dragon Dragon The Synchronized Cosmos
Evoked Dragon of Miracles
Accesscode Talker Cyberse Soldiers from the Storm
Theme Chronicle Banlist
1st Anniversary - Soldiers from the Storm
Ace★Spades Speculation Fusion The Masters Saga
Adamancipator Risen - Dragite Rock Pyroxene Relinquished
Adreus, Keeper of Armageddon Fiend
Advanced Heraldry Art - Altered Heraldry
Alba-Lenatus the Abyss Dragon Dragon Alba Abyss
Albion the Branded Dragon Dragon Ruler's Mask
Alba Abyss
Fighting Spirit of Sparking Iron
Aim For The Stars
Albion the Sanctifire Dragon Dragon Beginning of the Next Journey
Alien Shocktrooper M-Frame Reptile Cell "A" Corruption
All-Eyes Phantom Dragon Dragon Draconic Resplendence
Ally of Justice Decisive Armor Machine Justice Before Attribute
Ally of Justice Field Marshal Machine Justice Before Attribute
Alpha, the Master of Beasts Beast Singularity Warrior
Alsei, the Sylvan High Protector Plant Seedling Soul Fey
Altergeis Adminia Spellcaster Nightmare Arrivals
Altergeist Memorygant Spellcaster Electron Illusions
Altergeist Multifaker Spellcaster Electron Illusions
Stalwart Force
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Amazement Abomination Arlekino Psychic Rage of Chaos
Amazement Administrator Arlekino Psychic The Darkness Amuses
Amazoness Augusta Warrior Blessings of Nature
Amazoness Princess Warrior Warriors Unite!
Blessings of Nature
Amazoness Swords Woman Warrior Warriors Unite!
Ancient Fairy Dragon Dragon Theme Chronicle Banlist
New Step for Duelists
Ancient Flamvell Deity Pyro Justice Before Attribute
Ancient Gear Dark Golem Machine Advance of Great Forces
Ancient Gear Megaton Golem Machine Gargantuan Gears
Ancient Gear Reactor Dragon Machine Gargantuan Gears
Shifting Gears
Ancient Gear Statue Machine Advance of Great Forces
Ancient Pixie Dragon Dragon
Ancient Warriors - Rebellious Lu Feng Beast Legends of Old
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Passage of the Sun
Ancient Warriors Oath - Double Dragon Lords Beast-Warrior Legends of Old
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Angel of Blue Tears - New Step for Duelists
Antihuman Intelligence ME-PSY-YA Cyberse Ruler's Mask
Apex Predation - Invincible Raid
Apollousa, Bow of the Goddess Fairy Guardians of the Sacred Sky
Mysterious Labyrinth
Apoqliphort Skybase Machine Life Force Control System
Apoqliphort Towers Machine Life Force Control System
Recollection of the Story
Appliancer Celtopus Machine Electrilyrical
Appliancer Electrilyrical World - Electrilyrical
Arahime the Manifested Mikanko Fairy A Dance Dedicated to the Heavens
Nightmare Arrivals
Arc Rebellion Xyz Dragon Dragon Indomitable Knights
Arcana Extra Joker Warrior Pledge of Sword
Arcana Force EX - The Light Ruler Fairy Hand of Fate
Arcana Force XXI - The World Fairy Hand of Fate
Arcana Triumph Joker Warrior Pledge of Sword
Archlord Kristya Fairy Life Finds a Way
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Archnemeses Protos Wyrm Interdimensional Interlopers
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Arias the Labrynth Butler Fiend Blazing Arena
Arktos XII - Chronochasm Vaylantz Fairy Rage of Chaos
The Bizarre Playing Board
Armed Dragon Catapult Cannon Machine
Armed Dragon LV10 White Dragon Monster Overdrive
Climax of the Showdown
Armed Dragon Thunder LV10 Dragon Monster Overdrive
Armityle the Chaos Phantasm - Phantom of Fury Fiend World Cloaked in Magical Power
Arms of Genex Return Zero Machine Advance of Great Forces
Elemental Exchanges
Aromalilith Rosalina Plant Advance of Great Forces
Blooming in Adversity
Aromalilith Rosemary Plant Advance of Great Forces
Blooming in Adversity
Aromaseraphy Jasmine Plant Blooming in Adversity
Advance of Great Forces
Aromaseraphy Sweet Marjoram Plant Blooming in Adversity
Artifact Sanctum - Awakening of the Ancients
Sisters of the Light
Artifact Scythe Fairy Awakening of the Ancients
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Sisters of the Light
Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring Zombie Ghostrick Purrely
Name of Champions
Duel Experts
Ashoka Pillar Rocket Blazing Arena
Assault Blackwing - Onimaru the Divine Thunder Winged Beast Soaring on Darkest Wings
Assault Blackwing - Raikiri the Rain Shower Warrior Soaring on Darkest Wings
Assault Synchron Machine The Synchronized Cosmos
Evoked Dragon of Miracles
Astellar of the White Forest Spellcaster Chaotic Showtime
Astral Kuriboh Fiend Number Recall
Astrograph Sorcerer Spellcaster Counterswing Mages
1st Anniversary - Counterswing Mages
Atomic Scrap Dragon Dragon Devastation Regenerated
Auram the World Chalice Blademaster Cyberse
Aussa the Earth Channeler Spellcaster Strong Will
Hope Sprouting in the Spring Breeze
Avendread Savior Zombie Abyssal Underworld
Heroic Warriors
Awakening of the Possessed - Spiritual Mastery
Azamina Ilia Silvia Illusion The Forbidden Liberated
Azamina Moa Regina Illusion The Forbidden Liberated
B.E.F Zelos - Galaxy War
B.E.S. Blaster Cannon Core Machine Galaxy War
Galaxy War
Bacha the Melodious Maestra Fairy Geas of the Light
Baelgrill de Nouvelles Warrior Singularity Warrior
A Full Course of Magic
Bahalutiya, the Grand Radiance Dragon
Bahamut Shark Sea Serpent Shark's Pride
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Barian Untopia - New Step for Duelists
Barian's Chaos Draw - Cosmic Ocean
Raging God of the Sea
Baronne de Fleur Warrior Beyond Speed
Theme Chronicle Banlist
The Noble Knights of Crimson Flowers
Name of Champions
Duel Experts
Barrier of the Voiceless Voice - Wings of the Guardian
Batteryman Solar Thunder Electrilyrical
Burst of Zapping Energy!
Battle Shogun of the Six Samurai Warrior Great Shogun's Rule
Battlin' Boxer King Dempsey Warrior Blazing Arena
Beargram, Shelled Emperor of the Forest Crown Insect Dreaded Conspiracy
Beatrice, Lady of the Eternal Fairy Fiendish Encounter
Xyz Explosion
Beelzeus of the Diabolic Dragons Dragon
Beetrooper Sting Lancer Insect Invincible Raid
Beetle Troops Roll Out
Behemoth the King of a Hundred Battles Beast
Berserker Soul -
Beyond the Pendulum Spellcaster Battle Trajectory
Big Welcome Labrynth - Dreaded Conspiracy
The Trap in the Wicked Castle
Aim For The Stars
Big-Winged Berfomet Fiend Nightmare Arrivals
Illusion Beast's Roar
Bingo Machine, Go!!! - The Azure in the Ivory
1st Anniversary - The Azure in the Ivory
The Masters Saga
Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning Warrior Inevitability of Chaos
Spiral Spear Strike
Black Luster Soldier - Legendary Swordsman Warrior Inherited Unity
Black Luster Soldier - Sacred Soldier Warrior Inevitability of Chaos
Spiral Spear Strike
Black Luster Soldier - Soldier of Chaos Warrior Inevitability of Chaos
Spiral Spear Strike
Black Rose Dragon Dragon Exquisite Jet-Black Rose
Black Rose Moonlight Dragon Dragon Exquisite Jet-Black Rose
Black Skull Dragon Dragon
Black-Winged Assault Dragon Dragon Blackwing's Pride
Blackbeard, the Plunder Patroll Captain Fiend Vessels of Freedom
Blackwing - Nothung the Starlight Winged Beast Soaring on Darkest Wings
Blackwing - Sharnga the Waning Moon Winged Beast Blackwing's Pride
Blackwing - Sudri the Phantom Glimmer Winged Beast Blackwing's Pride
Blackwing - Vata the Emblem of Wandering Winged Beast Blackwing's Pride
Blackwing - Zephyros the Elite Winged Beast Soaring on Darkest Wings
Blackwing Full Armor Master Winged Beast Soaring on Darkest Wings
Blackwing Tamer - Obsidian Hawk Joe Warrior
Blade Armor Ninja Warrior The Hidden Arts
Hidden Arts of Shadows
Blaster, Dragon Ruler of Infernos Dragon Theme Chronicle Banlist
New Step for Duelists
Record of Noble Spirits
Blaze Accelerator Reload - Beasts of the Inferno
Blaze Fenix, The Burning Bombardment Bird Pyro
Blazing Bombardment Beast Machine
Blazing Cartesia, the Virtuous Spellcaster Climax of the Showdown
The Opening Act of an Apocalypse
Bloom Diva the Melodious Choir Fairy A Song of Zephyr and Petals
Blue-Eyes Abyss Dragon Dragon The Azure in the Ivory
1st Anniversary - The Azure in the Ivory
Blue-Eyes Max
Blue-Eyes Alternative White Dragon Dragon The Azure in the Ivory
Revival of Legends
1st Anniversary - The Azure in the Ivory
Blue-Eyes Max
Blue-Eyes Chaos MAX Dragon Dragon The Azure in the Ivory
Revival of Legends
Theme Chronicle Banlist
1st Anniversary - The Azure in the Ivory
Blue-Eyes Max
Blue-Eyes Jet Dragon Dragon The Newborn Dragon
Blue-Eyes Max
Blue-Eyes Spirit Dragon Dragon The Azure in the Ivory
1st Anniversary - The Azure in the Ivory
The Masters Saga
Blue-Eyes White Dragon Dragon Blue-Eyes Max
Bonfire - Blazing Arena
Dragons' Reincarnation
Borrelcode Dragon Dragon Valiant Wings
Shot Through Fiction
Borrelend Dragon Dragon Shot Through Fiction
The Newborn Dragon
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Aim For The Stars
Borreload Dragon Dragon Shot Through Fiction
Valiant Wings
Borreload Furious Dragon Dragon Shot Through Fiction
Borreload Savage Dragon Dragon Shot Through Fiction
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Name of Champions
Borrelsword Dragon Dragon Stalwart Force
Shot Through Fiction
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Branded Fusion - The Newborn Dragon
Alba Abyss
Aim For The Stars
Branded Lost - The Newborn Dragon
Alba Abyss
Brilliant Fusion - Pyroxene Relinquished
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier Sea Serpent Glacial Seal
Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Cardinal Beast-Warrior Guardians of Fire
Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Eagle Beast-Warrior Guardians of Fire
Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Rooster Beast-Warrior Guardians of Fire
Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Tiger King Beast-Warrior Guardians of Fire
Bujinki Amaterasu Beast-Warrior Bujin's Vault of Heaven
Bujintei Kagutsuchi Beast-Warrior Bujin's Vault of Heaven
Bujintei Susanowo Beast-Warrior Bujin's Vault of Heaven
Bujintei Tsukuyomi Beast-Warrior Bujin's Vault of Heaven
Buster Blader, The Dragon Destroyer Swordsman Warrior Warriors of Legend
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Bystial Dis Pater Dragon Beginning of the Next Journey
Dragon Kings from the Abyss
Aim For The Stars
Bystial Magnamhut Dragon Climax of the Showdown
Dragon Kings from the Abyss
Aim For The Stars
Called by the Grave -
Card Destruction -
Card of Fate -
Card of Safe Return - Theme Chronicle Banlist
Castel, the Skyblaster Musketeer Winged Beast
Celestial Knightlord Parshath Fairy Guardians of the Sacred Sky
Centur-Ion Auxila Dragon Eternal Partners
Centur-Ion Legatia Machine Eternal Partners
Centur-Ion Primera Spellcaster Eternal Partners
Chain Strike - Theme Chronicle Banlist
Change of Heart - Theme Chronicle Banlist
New Step for Duelists
Chaofeng, Phantom of the Yang Zing Wyrm Dragon Spirit
Guardian of the Sacred Summit
Chaos Ancient Gear Giant Machine Gargantuan Gears
Fusion Potential
Chaos Angel Fiend Rage of Chaos
Chaos Dragon Levianeer Dragon Dragon Luster
Chaos Ruler, the Chaotic Magical Dragon Dragon
Chaos Witch Spellcaster Rage of Chaos
Charge of the Light Brigade - Justice from Light
Advance of Great Forces
Cherubini, Ebon Angel of the Burning Abyss Fairy Fiendish Encounter
Chicken Game - Tricky Reception
The Most Dangerous Race of the Cosmos!
Chimera the King of Phantom Beasts Beast Nightmare Arrivals
Illusion Beast's Roar
Chimeratech Megafleet Dragon Machine Pearlescent Cyber Dragons
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Chronicle Magician Spellcaster Vortex of Magic
Chronomaly Vimana Warrior Timeworn Legacies
Clashing Souls -
Clear Wing Fast Dragon Dragon Warp-Speed Toys
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Clear Wing Synchro Dragon Dragon Warp-Speed Toys
Beyond Speed
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Cocoon of Ultra Evolution - Insect Metamorphosis
Code of Soul Cyberse Revived Legion
Cold Wave - Theme Chronicle Banlist
Colossal Fighter Warrior
Combined Maneuver - Engage Zero! Machine Lord of Dimensions
Confiscation - Theme Chronicle Banlist
Constellar Pleiades Warrior Champions of Salvation
Record of Noble Spirits
Constellar Ptolemy M7 Machine Champions of Salvation
Constellar Tellarknights - Record of Noble Spirits
Coordius the Triphasic Dealmon Fiend
Cosmic Blazar Dragon Dragon Stardust Ties
Theme Chronicle Banlist
1st Anniversary - Stardust Ties
Cosmic Fortress Gol'Gar Reptile Cell "A" Corruption
Cosmic Quasar Dragon Dragon Ride Into the Future
Evoked Dragon of Miracles
Cosmic Slicer Zer'oll Reptile Cell "A" Corruption
Crackdown - The Masters Saga
Crimson Dragon Dragon Ride Into the Future
Evoked Dragon of Miracles
Crimson Gaia - Return of the King
Crimson Knight Vampire Bram Zombie Immortal Royalty
Crimson Nova the Dark Cubic Lord Fiend Natural Selection
Crimson Nova Trinity the Dark Cubic Lord Fiend Natural Selection
Crossout Designator -
Crossrose Dragon Dragon Exquisite Jet-Black Rose
Crowley, the First Propheseer Spellcaster Seekers of Witchcraft
Mastery of the Grimoire
Crystal Beast Rainbow Dragon Dragon Invincible Raid
Crystal Bond - Crystal Serpentry
Crystal Clear Wing Synchro Dragon Dragon Beyond Speed
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Crystal Girl Spellcaster
Crystal Wing Synchro Dragon Dragon Warp-Speed Toys
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Crystron Halqifibrax Machine Stalwart Force
Those who Stand Against Kings
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Crystron Quariongandrax Machine Those who Stand Against Kings
Curious, the Lightsworn Dominion Warrior Justice from Light
Curse Necrofear Fiend The Trap in the Wicked Castle
CXyz Gimmick Puppet Fanatix Machinix Machine Chaotic Showtime
CXyz N.As.Ch. Knight Aqua Cosmic Ocean
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Raging God of the Sea
Cyber Angel Dakini Fairy Souls of Sublime Gods
Cyber Angel Vrash Fairy Souls of Sublime Gods
Cyber Dragon Infinity Machine Pearlescent Cyber Dragons
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Xyz Explosion
Cyber Dragon Sieger Machine Pearlescent Cyber Dragons
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Cyber End Dragon Machine Pearlescent Cyber Dragons
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Cyber Jar Rock Theme Chronicle Banlist
Cyber Slash Harpie Lady Winged Beast Glory on Wings
Cyber-Stein Machine Theme Chronicle Banlist
Cyberdark End Dragon Machine Theme Chronicle Banlist
Cyberse Clock Dragon Cyberse Soldiers from the Storm
Theme Chronicle Banlist
1st Anniversary - Soldiers from the Storm
Cyberse Desavewurm Cyberse Singularity Warrior
Cyberse Gadget Cyberse Revival of Legends
Fires of Scorching Bonds
Cynet Mining - Soldiers from the Storm
Burning Spirits
1st Anniversary - Soldiers from the Storm
D/D/D Cursed King Siegfried Fiend Cross-Dimensional Contracts
D/D/D Deviser King Deus Machinex Fiend Invincible Raid
Theme Chronicle Banlist
D/D/D Duo-Dawn King Kali Yuga Fiend Cross-Dimensional Contracts
Invincible Raid
Theme Chronicle Banlist
D/D/D Flame High King Genghis Fiend Cross-Dimensional Contracts
D/D/D Gust High King Alexander Fiend Theme Chronicle Banlist
D/D/D Wave Oblivion King Caesar Ragnarok Fiend Cross-Dimensional Contracts
Daigusto Eguls Psychic Ties to Mother Nature
Daigusto Emeral Rock Ties to Mother Nature
Dandy Whitelion Plant
Dandylion Plant Theme Chronicle Banlist
Danger! Bigfoot! Beast Emerging Monstrosity Recon!
Dante, Traveler of the Burning Abyss Warrior Fiendish Encounter
Dark Hole Dragon Dragon Lord of Dimensions
Dark Honest Fairy Deceitful Wings of Darkness
Dark Magician Spellcaster Darkest Magics
Vortex of Magic
Dark Magician the Knight of Dragon Magic Dragon Inherited Unity
Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon Dragon Indomitable Knights
Dark Requiem Xyz Dragon Dragon Indomitable Knights
Dark Ruler No More - Ghostrick Purrely
Invincible Aces
Dark Sanctuary - The Trap in the Wicked Castle
Dark Spirit's Mastery - The Trap in the Wicked Castle
Dark Templar @Ignister Cyberse AI Omniscience
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Darkest Diabolos, Lord of the Lair Dragon Rulers of Darkness
Illusion Beast's Roar
Darklord Superbia Fairy Deceitful Wings of Darkness
The Opening Act of an Apocalypse
Deception of the Sinful Spoils - The Forbidden Liberated
Decode Talker Cyberse
Decode Talker Heatsoul Cyberse Burning Spirits
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Deep Sea Prima Donna Sea Serpent Rulers of the Deep
Delinquent Duo - Theme Chronicle Banlist
Demigod of the Tistina Aqua Return of the King
Crystal Realm Defier
Demise, Supreme King of Armageddon Fiend Miraculous Advent
Recollection of the Story
Denglong, First of the Yang Zing Wyrm Dragon Spirit
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Guardian of the Sacred Summit
Deskbot Base - Wind-Up Soldiers
Deskbot Jet Machine Wind-Up Soldiers
Desperado Barrel Dragon Machine
Despian Luluwalilith Spellcaster Beginning of the Next Journey
Despian Quaeritis Fiend Ruler's Mask
Refined Blade
Beginning of Turmoil
Theme Chronicle Banlist
The Opening Act of an Apocalypse
Destiny HERO - Destroyer Phoenix Enforcer Warrior Refined Blade
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Name of Champions
Destiny HERO - Dominance Warrior Shrouded Heroes
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Destiny HERO - Plasma Warrior Shrouded Heroes
Refined Blade
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Destructive Daruma Karma Cannon - Flame of Fury
Invincible Aces
Dhampir Vampire Sheridan Zombie Immortal Royalty
Diabell, Queen of the White Forest Illusion Chaotic Showtime
Diabellstar the Black Witch Spellcaster Ride Into the Future
Victory in Progress
Chaotic Showtime
Diabellze the Original Sinkeeper Illusion Chaotic Showtime
Diabolantis the Menacing Mantis Insect The Synchronized Cosmos
Diamond Core of Koa'ki Meiru - Iron Core Synthetics
Diamond Duston - Prank Panic!
Digital Bug Registrider Insect Insect Metamorphosis
Recollection of the Story
Digital Bug Rhinosebus Insect
Dimension Fusion - Theme Chronicle Banlist
Dimension Shifter Spellcaster Theme Chronicle Banlist
Dingirsu, the Orcust of the Evening Star Machine Star-Studded Futures
Name of Champions
Dinomorphia Domain - Invincible Raid
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Dinomorphia Kentregina Dinosaur Invincible Raid
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Dinomorphia Rexterm Dinosaur Beginning of Turmoil
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Dinomorphia Therizia Dinosaur Invincible Raid
Beginning of Turmoil
Dinoster Power, the Mighty Dracoslayer Dragon Advanced Warriors
Dinowrestler King T Wrextle Dinosaur Three-Strike Success
Dinowrestler Pankratops Dinosaur Three-Strike Success
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Disablaster the Negation Fortress Machine Tricky Reception
Divine Arsenal AA-ZEUS - Sky Thunder Machine Eternal Partners
Duel Experts
Divine Domain Baatistina - Return of the King
Crystal Realm Defier
Divine Dragon Knight Felgrand Warrior
Diviner of the Herald Fairy Miraculous Advent
Galactic Evolution
Wings of the Guardian
Djinn Releaser of Rituals Fiend Theme Chronicle Banlist
Dogmatika Alba Zoa Spellcaster Climax of the Showdown
Dogmatika Fleurdelis, the Knighted Spellcaster Echo Chamber Nation
Beginning of Turmoil
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Dogoran, the Mad Flame Kaiju Dinosaur Emerging Monstrosity Recon!
Domain of the True Monarchs - Supernatural Elements
Donner, Dagger Fur Hire Beast-Warrior The Synchronized Cosmos
Doodle Beast - Tyranno Dinosaur Passage of the Sun
Doomking Balerdroch Zombie Abyssal Underworld
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Tricky Reception
DoSolfachord Coolia Fairy Artistic Angel
Double-Edged Sword - Awakening of the Ancients
DPH Gendamoore Cyberse Tricky Reception
Draco Berserker of the Tenyi Wyrm Dragon Spirit
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Draco Masters of the Tenyi Wyrm Dragon Spirit
Draco-Utopian Aura - New Step for Duelists
Origin of the Galaxy
Dragon Buster Destruction Sword Dragon Warriors of Legend
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Dragon Master Magia Dragon The Masters Saga
Dragon of Pride and Soul Dragon
Dragon Ravine - Dragon Knight Gorge
Dragonmaid Sheou Dragon Dragon Luster
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Dragonroid Machine Roid Nexus
Dragunity Arma Gram Dragon Dragon Knight Gorge
Dragunity Knight - Areadbhair Dragon Dragon Knight Gorge
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Dragunity Knight - Ascalon Dragon Dragon Knight Gorge
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Draw of Fate -
Dream Mirror Hypnagogia - Interdimensional Interlopers
Dreaming Nemleria Fairy Indomitable Pride
Sugar-Suffused Reverie
Drytron Meteonis DA Draconids Machine Dragons' Reincarnation
Drytron Meteonis Draconids Machine Celestial Dragon and Bear
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Drytron Mu Beta Fafnir Machine Celestial Dragon and Bear
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Drytron Nu II Machine Dragons' Reincarnation
Dual Assembwurm Cyberse
Dual Avatar - Empowered Kon-Gyo Warrior Souls of Sublime Gods
Fusion Potential
Dual Avatar - Empowered Mitsu-Jaku Warrior Souls of Sublime Gods
Duality - Inherited Unity
Dyna Tank Machine Passage of the Sun
Dystopia the Despondent Fiend
Earthbound Fusion - Return of the King
Earthbound Immortal Aslla piscu Winged Beast Destiny's Sorceress
Terra Firma Transcendants
Earthbound Immortal Chacu Challhua Fish Terra Firma Transcendants
Earthbound Prisoner Stone Sweeper Fiend Return of the King
Earthbound Servant Geo Grasha Fiend Return of the King
Eclipse Wyvern Dragon Theme Chronicle Banlist
Ecole de Zone - Beyond Speed
The Noble Knights of Crimson Flowers
Effect Veiler Spellcaster Victory in Progress
Duel Experts
Ehther the Heavenly Monarch Fairy Supernatural Elements
El Shaddoll Apkallone Spellcaster Enchanted Threads of Shade
Theme Chronicle Banlist
El Shaddoll Construct Fairy Stalwart Force
Enchanted Threads of Shade
Theme Chronicle Banlist
El Shaddoll Winda Spellcaster Enchanted Threads of Shade
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Elder Entity N'tss Fairy World Cloaked in Magical Power
Elder Entity Norden Fairy Theme Chronicle Banlist
Eldlich the Golden Lord Zombie Immortal Royalty
Stalwart Force
Crystal Realm Defier
Eldlich the Mad Golden Lord Zombie Immortal Royalty
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Crystal Realm Defier
Elemental HERO Divine Neos Warrior Neo Space Comrades
Elemental HERO Flame Wingman - Infernal Rage Warrior Ride Into the Future
Heroes' Union
Elemental HERO Honest Neos Warrior Neo Space Comrades
Elemental HERO Neos Warrior The First Heroes
Neo Space Comrades
Sprites of Miracle
1st Anniversary - The First Heroes
Heroes' Union
Elemental HERO Neos Kluger Spellcaster Sprites of Miracle
The Masters Saga
Elemental HERO Shining Neos Wingman Warrior Sprites of Miracle
Heroes' Union
Elemental HERO Solid Soldier Warrior The First Heroes
Theme Chronicle Banlist
1st Anniversary - The First Heroes
Elemental HERO Stratos Warrior The First Heroes
Theme Chronicle Banlist
1st Anniversary - The First Heroes
Elemental HERO Sunrise Warrior The First Heroes
Theme Chronicle Banlist
1st Anniversary - The First Heroes
Heroes' Union
Elzette, Azamina of the White Forest Illusion The Forbidden Liberated
Emblema Oath - Eternal Partners
EMERGENCY! - Nightmare Arrivals
Rescue Team, Emergency Dispatch!
Emperor Charles the Great Warrior Ride Into the Future
End of the Line - Legacy Pack
Endless Engine Argyro System - Heroic Warriors
Fighting Spirit of Sparking Iron
Endymion, the Mighty Master of Magic Spellcaster Knowledge of the Mythlords
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Enigmaster Packbit Cyberse Wings of the Guardian
Enlightenment Dragon Dragon Advance of Great Forces
Justice from Light
Epurrely Noir Fairy My Cute Lovely Friends
Nightmare Arrivals
Erebus the Underworld Monarch Zombie Supernatural Elements
Recollection of the Story
Evigishki Merrowgeist Aqua
Evigishki Neremanas Spellcaster Flame of Fury
Evil Eyes Unleashed - Dreaded Conspiracy
Evil HERO Dark Gaia Fiend Transfigured Heroes
Evil HERO Malicious Bane Fiend Transfigured Heroes
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Evil HERO Malicious Fiend Fiend Transfigured Heroes
Evil★Twin's Trouble Sunny Fiend Wandering Travelers
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Evil★Twins Ki-sikil & Lil-la Fiend Electron Illusions
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Evilswarm Exciton Knight Fiend Yearning Evil Body
Xyz Explosion
Evilswarm Ophion Dragon Yearning Evil Body
Evilswarm Ouroboros Dragon Yearning Evil Body
Evolzar Dolkka Dragon Theme Chronicle Banlist
Evolzar Laggia Dragon Theme Chronicle Banlist
Evolzar Lars Dragon Nightmare Arrivals
Exceed the Pendulum Spellcaster Lord of Dimensions
Exosister Martha Spellcaster Sprites of Miracle
Sisters of the Light
Exosister Mikailis Warrior Valiant Wings
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Sisters of the Light
Name of Champions
Exosister Pax - Valiant Wings
Sisters of the Light
Exosisters Magnifica Warrior Sprites of Miracle
Sisters of the Light
Expurrely Happiness Fairy Galactic Evolution
My Cute Lovely Friends
Expurrely Noir Fairy Galactic Evolution
My Cute Lovely Friends
F.A. Dawn Dragster Machine Tournament Athletes
Theme Chronicle Banlist
The Most Dangerous Race of the Cosmos!
F.A. Shining Star GT Machine Tournament Athletes
The Most Dangerous Race of the Cosmos!
Fabled Leviathan Fiend Fabled Gods
Fabled Valkyrus Fiend Fabled Gods
Fairy Tail - Luna Spellcaster Legends of Old
Fairy Tail - Snow Spellcaster Legends of Old
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Fiendsmith Engraver Fiend The Forbidden Liberated
Fiendsmith's Desirae Fiend The Forbidden Liberated
Fiendsmith's Lacrima Fiend The Forbidden Liberated
Fiendsmith's Tract - The Forbidden Liberated
Final Countdown - Theme Chronicle Banlist
Fire King High Avatar Garunix Winged Beast Roused from Destruction
Fire King High Avatar Kirin Winged Beast Lord of Dimensions
Firewall Dragon Cyberse Soldiers from the Storm
Revival of Legends
Theme Chronicle Banlist
1st Anniversary - Soldiers from the Storm
Firewall Dragon Singularity Cyberse Singularity Warrior
Five-Headed Dragon Dragon
Five-Headed Link Dragon Cyberse Beasts of the Inferno
Flametongue the Burning Blade Warrior Outlaws from the Inferno
Floowandereeze & Snowl Winged Beast Wandering Travelers
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Wings that Span the Sky
Floowandereeze and the Advent of Adventure - Cosmic Ocean
Wings that Span the Sky
Flower Cardian Lightflare Warrior Hand of Fate
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Flower Cardian Lightshower Warrior Hand of Fate
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Flowering Etoile the Melodious Magnificat Fairy Geas of the Light
Focused Aquamirror - Flame of Fury
Folgo, Justice Fur Hire Beast Vessels of Freedom
Foolish Burial -
Forbidden Droplet - Deceitful Wings of Darkness
Duel Experts
Fortune Lady Calling - Destiny's Sorceress
Fortune Lady Every Spellcaster Destiny's Sorceress
Fossil Dig - Prehistoric Beast Advance
Invincible Raid
Fossil Fusion - Primordial Rising
Fossil Warrior Skull King Rock Primordial Rising
Frightfur Bear Fiend Fiendish Playthings
Frightfur Chimera Fiend Fiendish Playthings
Fusion Potential
Frightfur Kraken Fiend Fiendish Playthings
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Frightfur Tiger Fiend Fiendish Playthings
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Full Armored Dark Knight Lancer Aqua Blazing Arena
Fusion Armament - Nightmare Arrivals
Fusion Deployment -
G Golem Invalid Dolmen Cyberse Strong Will
Hope Sprouting in the Spring Breeze
G Golem Pebble Dog Cyberse Strong Will
Hope Sprouting in the Spring Breeze
Gagaga Cowboy Warrior Onomatopair-Up
Gagagaga Magician Spellcaster Onomatopair-Up
Gaia the Magical Knight of Dragons Dragon Warriors of Legend
Fusion Potential
Spiral Spear Strike
Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Blade Dragon Dragon
Galaxy-Eyes Cipher X Dragon Dragon
Galaxy-Eyes Full Armor Photon Dragon Dragon Nebula Cyclone
1st Anniversary - Nebula Cyclone
Origin of the Galaxy
Galaxy-Eyes Solflare Dragon Dragon Nebula Cyclone
1st Anniversary - Nebula Cyclone
Origin of the Galaxy
Gandora-G the Dragon of Destruction Dragon Geas of the Light
Gandora-X the Dragon of Demolition Dragon Theme Chronicle Banlist
Garunix Eternity, Hyang of the Fire Kings Pyro Lord of Dimensions
Garura, Wings of Resonant Life Winged Beast Climax of the Showdown
Mighty Contenders
Gate Guardians Combined Warrior Beginning of the Next Journey
A Warrior of Seething Anger
Gateway of the Six - Great Shogun's Rule
Gatling Dragon Machine
Gear Gigant X Machine Shifting Gears
Recollection of the Story
Geargiagear Gigant XG Machine Shifting Gears
Geartown - Gargantuan Gears
Gem-Knight Lady Brilliant Diamond Rock Pyroxene Relinquished
Strong Will
Gem-Knight Lady Rose Diamond Fairy Strong Will
Gem-Knight Master Diamond Rock Pyroxene Relinquished
Recollection of the Story
Geomathmech Final Sigma Cyberse Singular Strike Overthrow
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Mighty Contenders
Ghost Belle & Haunted Mansion Zombie Duel Experts
Ghost Meets Girl - A Masterful Mayakashi Shiranui Saga - Passage of the Sun
Ghost Mourner & Moonlit Chill Zombie Invincible Aces
Ghost Ogre & Snow Rabbit Psychic
Ghost Reaper & Winter Cherries Zombie Mighty Contenders
Ghost Sister & Spooky Dog Zombie
Ghostrick Alucard Zombie Mischievous Specters
Recollection of the Story
Ghostrick Angel of Mischief Fairy Mischievous Specters
Tricky Reception
Ghostrick Dullahan Fiend Mischievous Specters
Ghostrick Festival Spellcaster The Newborn Dragon
Ghoti of the Deep Beyond Fish The Synchronized Cosmos
Treasures of the Cosmic Ocean
Giant Beetrooper Invincible Atlas Insect Invincible Raid
Recollection of the Story
Beetle Troops Roll Out
Giant Trunade - Theme Chronicle Banlist
Gigantic "Champion" Sargas Machine Climax of the Showdown
Fighting Spirit of Sparking Iron
Gigantic Spright Thunder Sprites of Miracle
Burst of Zapping Energy!
Gilti-Gearfried the Magical Steel Knight Warrior
Gimmick Puppet Chimera Doll Machine Colossal Mech
Gimmick Puppet Fantasix Machinix Machine Chaotic Showtime
Gimmick Puppet Little Soldiers Machine Chaotic Showtime
Girsu, the Orcust Mekk-Knight Machine Star-Studded Futures
Invincible Aces
Gishki Zielgigas Aqua Rites of the Mirrorworld
Flame of Fury
Gizmek Kaku, the Supreme Shining Sky Stag Machine Traditions of Trickery
Gizmek Okami, the Dreaded Deluge Dragon Machine Traditions of Trickery
Gizmek Orochi, the Serpentron Sky Slasher Machine Traditions of Trickery
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Gladiator Beast Domitianus Sea Serpent Valiant Gladiator Beasts
Gladiator Beast Gyzarus Winged Beast Valiant Gladiator Beasts
Gladiator Beast Heraklinos Beast-Warrior Valiant Gladiator Beasts
Recollection of the Story
Glow-up Bulb Plant Theme Chronicle Banlist
Gnomaterial Fairy Blessings of Nature
Goblin Biker Big Gabonga Beast-Warrior Outlaws from the Inferno
Gold Pride - Better Luck Next Time! - Indomitable Pride
The Most Dangerous Race of the Cosmos!
Gold Pride - Eradicator Warrior Tricky Reception
The Most Dangerous Race of the Cosmos!
Gold Pride - Leon Warrior Indomitable Pride
The Most Dangerous Race of the Cosmos!
Gold Pride - Star Leon Thunder Indomitable Pride
The Most Dangerous Race of the Cosmos!
Gold Sarcophagus - Duel Experts
Golden Castle of Stromberg - Legends of Old
Golden Rule - Inherited Unity
Gorgon, Empress of the Evil Eyed Fiend The Cost of Dark Powers
Gottoms' Emergency Call - Pledge of Sword
Beastly Claws of Terror
Gouki Re-Match - Three-Strike Success
Gouki The Great Ogre Warrior Three-Strike Success
Graceful Charity - Theme Chronicle Banlist
Grand Horn of Heaven -
Grand Spiritual Art - Ichirin - Spiritual Mastery
Granguignol the Dusk Dragon Spellcaster Climax of the Showdown
The Opening Act of an Apocalypse
GranSolfachord Coolia Fairy Record of Noble Spirits
GranSolfachord Musecia Fairy Artistic Angel
Grapha, Dragon Lord of Dark World Fiend Dreaded Conspiracy
Grapha, Dragon Overlord of Dark World Fiend Dreaded Conspiracy
Gravekeeper's Oracle Spellcaster Guardian of Kings
Strong Will
Gravekeeper's Supernaturalist Spellcaster Guardian of Kings
Fusion Potential
Gravekeeper's Trap - Strong Will
The Ones Who Serve Ra
Gravity Balance - Strong Will
Hope Sprouting in the Spring Breeze
Graydle Dragon Aqua Invaders from Outer Space
Grinder Golem Fiend Theme Chronicle Banlist
Ground Xeno - Transcendentalism
Guardian Chimera Beast Invincible Raid
Nightmare Arrivals
Illusion Beast's Roar
Duel Experts
Guardian Eatos Fairy Awakening of the Ancients
A Dance Dedicated to the Heavens
Guardragon Agarpain Dragon Theme Chronicle Banlist
Guardragon Elpy Dragon Theme Chronicle Banlist
Guiding Quem, the Virtuous Spellcaster Beginning of the Next Journey
Aim For The Stars
Gungnir, Dragon of the Ice Barrier Dragon Glacial Seal
Hapi, Guidance of Horus Beast-Warrior Revived Legion
Sacred Imperial Tomb
Harpie Channeler Winged Beast Glory on Wings
Harpie's Feather Duster - Glory on Wings
Name of Champions
Harpie's Feather Storm - Glory on Wings
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Hatsugai -
Hazy Flame Basiltrice Pyro Beasts of the Inferno
Heavenly Zephyr - Miradora Dragon
Heavy Storm - Theme Chronicle Banlist
The Masters Saga
Heavymetalfoes Electrumite Psychic Those who Stand Against Kings
Herald of Ultimateness Fairy Miraculous Advent
Recollection of the Story
Heretical Phobos Covos Illusion Geas of the Light
Heroic Call - Heroic Warriors
Blazing Warriors
Heroic Champion - Claivesolish Warrior Heroic Warriors
Blazing Warriors
Heroic Champion - Excalibur Warrior Blazing Warriors
Heroic Envoy - Heroic Warriors
Blazing Warriors
Hi-Speedroid Chanbara Machine Warp-Speed Toys
Hi-Speedroid Clear Wing Rider Machine Beyond Speed
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Hieratic Seal of Convocation - Gods of Abyss and Arcadia
Dragon Kings from the Abyss
Hieratic Seal of the Heavenly Spheres Dragon Gods of Abyss and Arcadia
Dragon Kings from the Abyss
Hierophant of Prophecy Spellcaster Mastery of the Grimoire
Hiita the Fire Channeler Spellcaster Blazing Arena
Honest Fairy Life Finds a Way
Horus the Black Flame Deity Dragon Revived Legion
Sacred Imperial Tomb
Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV8 Dragon Monster Overdrive
Revived Legion
Hot Red Dragon Archfiend Abyss Dragon Savage Crimson Dragon
Theme Chronicle Banlist
1st Anniversary - Savage Crimson Dragon
Return of the King
Hot Red Dragon Archfiend King Calamity Dragon Savage Crimson Dragon
1st Anniversary - Savage Crimson Dragon
House Dragonmaid Dragon Stalwart Force
Dragon Luster
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Hugin the Runick Wings Fairy Mysterious Labyrinth
Adventure of Mystical Etchings
I:P Masquerena Cyberse Space-Time Transcendents
Passage of the Sun
Icejade Cenote Enion Cradle - Cosmic Ocean
Beginning of Turmoil
Treasures of the Cosmic Ocean
Icejade Gymir Aegirine Aqua The Synchronized Cosmos
Treasures of the Cosmic Ocean
Name of Champions
Icejade Kosmochlor Aqua Cosmic Ocean
Beginning of Turmoil
Treasures of the Cosmic Ocean
Ignis Phoenix, the Dracoslayer Warrior Rage of Chaos
True Dracos' Forging
Ignister Prominence, the Blasting Dracoslayer Dragon Advanced Warriors
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Rage of Chaos
Ignoble Knight of High Laundsallyn Warrior Guided by the Noble Blade
Illegal Knight Fiend Mysterious Labyrinth
Guided by Fate
Victory in Progress
Illusion of Chaos Spellcaster Vortex of Magic
Immortal Phoenix Gearfried Warrior
Imperial Order - Theme Chronicle Banlist
Imperion Magnum the Superconductive Battlebot Rock Scientific Analysis
Imsety, Glory of Horus Spellcaster Revived Legion
Sacred Imperial Tomb
Infernal Flame Banshee Pyro Blazing Arena
Infernity Archfiend Fiend The Infinite Void
Tricky Reception
Infernity Doom Dragon Dragon The Infinite Void
New Step for Duelists
Infernity Launcher - The Infinite Void
Infernoble Knight Emperor Charles Warrior Guided by the Noble Blade
The Noble Knights of Crimson Flowers
Ride Into the Future
Infernoid Flood Fiend Outlaws from the Inferno
Infernoid Onuncu Fiend Life Force Control System
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Infernoid Tierra Fiend Life Force Control System
Infinite Impermanence - Ghostrick Purrely
Duel Experts
Infinitrack Fortress Megaclops Machine Dreadnought Advance
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Inspector Boarder Machine Theme Chronicle Banlist
Instant Fusion -
Interrupted Kaiju Slumber - Emerging Monstrosity Recon!
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Invoked Elysium Fairy Seekers of Witchcraft
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Inzektor Dragonfly Insect Insect Metamorphosis
Beetle Troops Roll Out
Inzektor Exa-Beetle Insect Insect Metamorphosis
Beetle Troops Roll Out
Iron Thunder - Eternal Partners
Isolde, Two Tales of the Noble Knights Warrior Guided by the Noble Blade
Jinzo - Layered Machine
Jinzo the Machine Menace Machine
Jormungandr, Generaider Boss of Eternity Reptile Worthy Adversaries
Xyz Explosion
Adventure of Mystical Etchings
Joyous Melffys Beast Forest Friends
Blessings of Nature
My Cute Lovely Friends
My Cute Lovely Friends
Judgment Dragon Dragon Justice from Light
Recollection of the Story
Judgment of the Pharaoh -
Junk Archer Warrior Scrap Iron Soldiers
Revival of Legends
Junk Destroyer Warrior Scrap Iron Soldiers
Revival of Legends
Junk Speeder Warrior Scrap Iron Soldiers
Beyond Speed
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Junk Warrior Warrior Evoked Dragon of Miracles
Jurrac Meteor Dinosaur Prehistoric Beast Advance
Karakuri Super Shogun mdl 00N "Bureibu" Machine Traditions of Trickery
The Ultimate Traditional Art
Kashtira Arise-Heart Machine Flame of Fury
A Warrior of Seething Anger
Kashtira Fenrir Psychic Rage of Chaos
A Warrior of Seething Anger
Kashtira Riseheart Warrior Rage of Chaos
A Warrior of Seething Anger
Kashtira Unicorn Psychic Rage of Chaos
A Warrior of Seething Anger
Kashtiratheosis - Flame of Fury
A Warrior of Seething Anger
Kelbek the Ancient Vanguard Fairy Strong Will
Keldo the Sacred Protector Fairy Strong Will
The Ones Who Serve Ra
King's Sarcophagus - Revived Legion
Sacred Imperial Tomb
Knightmare Goblin Fiend Theme Chronicle Banlist
Invincible Aces
Knightmare Gryphon Fiend Cosmic Mechanical Entities
Invincible Aces
Knightmare Mermaid Fiend Theme Chronicle Banlist
Invincible Aces
Knightmare Unicorn Fiend Cosmic Mechanical Entities
Koa'ki Meiru Maximus Dragon Iron Core Synthetics
Koa'ki Meiru Rooklord Warrior Iron Core Synthetics
Koa'ki Meiru Urnight Beast-Warrior Iron Core Synthetics
Kozmo Dark Eclipser Machine Galaxy War
Kozmo Farmgirl Psychic Galaxy War
Krawler Soma Insect Passage of the Sun
Krishnerd Witch Spellcaster Tricky Reception
Kuribabylon Fiend
Kurikara Divincarnate Fairy Strong Will
Mighty Contenders
Lady Labrynth of the Silver Castle Fiend Dreaded Conspiracy
The Trap in the Wicked Castle
Name of Champions
Laevatein, Generaider Boss of Shadows Fairy Worthy Adversaries
Dreaded Conspiracy
Xyz Explosion
Adventure of Mystical Etchings
Lancea, Ancestral Dragon of the Ice Mountain Dragon Wings of the Guardian
Land Flipping -
Last Turn - Theme Chronicle Banlist
Last Will - Theme Chronicle Banlist
Lavalval Chain Sea Serpent Theme Chronicle Banlist
Lavalval Dragun Dragon Combatants of Flame
Lavalval Exlord Warrior Combatants of Flame
Lavalval Salamander Dragon Combatants of Flame
Legacy of the Duelist -
Legendary Fire King Ponix Winged Beast Lord of Dimensions
Legendary Six Samurai - Shi En Warrior Great Shogun's Rule
Libromancer Doombroker Fiend Heroic Warriors
Fires of Scorching Bonds
Libromancer Fire Cyberse Heroic Warriors
Fires of Scorching Bonds
Libromancer Fireburst Cyberse Heroic Warriors
Fires of Scorching Bonds
Libromancer First Appearance - Heroic Warriors
Fires of Scorching Bonds
Libromancer Mystigirl Fairy Heroic Warriors
Fires of Scorching Bonds
Life Equalizer - Theme Chronicle Banlist
Life Stream Dragon Dragon Transforming Tech
Sprites of Miracle
Light and Darkness Dragon Dragon Dragons' Reincarnation
Light and Darkness Dragonlord Dragon Dragons' Reincarnation
Light Dragon @Ignister Cyberse AI Omniscience
Lightning Storm -
Lightsworn Dragonling Dragon Advance of Great Forces
Justice from Light
Lilith, Lady of Lament Fiend Theme Chronicle Banlist
Illusion Beast's Roar
Limiter Removal - Roid Nexus
Link Decoder Cyberse Singularity Warrior
Link into the VRAINS! - New Step for Duelists
Linkmail Archfiend Cyberse
Linkross Cyberse Theme Chronicle Banlist
Linkuriboh Cyberse Revival of Legends
Lo, the Prayers of the Voiceless Voice Fairy Wings of the Guardian
Locomotion R-Genex Machine Elemental Exchanges
Loki, Lord of the Aesir Spellcaster Astral Trinity of Gods
Lord of the Heavenly Prison Rock Refined Blade
Invincible Aces
Lord of the Missing Barrows Fiend Dragons' Reincarnation
Lovely Labrynth of the Silver Castle Fiend Mysterious Labyrinth
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Dreaded Conspiracy
The Trap in the Wicked Castle
Lubellion the Searing Dragon Dragon The Newborn Dragon
Alba Abyss
Lullaby of Obedience -
Lunalight Leo Dancer Beast-Warrior Moonlit Avian Dance
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Lunalight Sabre Dancer Beast-Warrior Moonlit Avian Dance
Fusion Potential
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Lyrilusc - Ensemblue Robin Winged Beast Moonlit Avian Dance
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Lyrilusc - Recital Starling Winged Beast Moonlit Avian Dance
Theme Chronicle Banlist
M-X-Saber Invoker Warrior Theme Chronicle Banlist
Beastly Claws of Terror
Pledge of Sword
Machina Citadel Machine Rapid Aircraft Advancement
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Rescue Team, Emergency Dispatch!
Machina Fortress Machine Rapid Aircraft Advancement
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Rescue Team, Emergency Dispatch!
Machina Ruinforce Machine Rapid Aircraft Advancement
Wandering Travelers
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Rescue Team, Emergency Dispatch!
Madolche Puddingcess Chocolat-a-la-Mode Fairy Beloved Dolls
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Sugar-Suffused Reverie
Madolche Queen Tiarafraise Fairy Sugar-Suffused Reverie
Geas of the Light
Madolche Queen Tiaramisu Fairy Beloved Dolls
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Sugar-Suffused Reverie
Madolche Teacher Glassouffle Fairy Beloved Dolls
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Sugar-Suffused Reverie
Magical Explosion - Theme Chronicle Banlist
Magical Mid-Breaker Field -
Magical Musketeer Max Fiend Fiendish Encounter
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Magical Scientist Spellcaster Theme Chronicle Banlist
Magical Stone Excavation -
Magicians of Bonds and Unity Spellcaster
Magicians' Souls Spellcaster Darkest Magics
Vortex of Magic
Magikey Dragon - Andrabime Dragon Ruler's Mask
Wandering Travelers
Guided by Fate
Magikey Fiend - Transfurlmine Thunder Wandering Travelers
Guided by Fate
Majespecter Draco - Ryu Spellcaster Eternal Partners
Majester Paladin, the Ascending Dracoslayer Dragon Advanced Warriors
Majesty Hyperion Fairy Valiant Wings
Majesty Pegasus, the Dracoslayer Spellcaster Rage of Chaos
Eternal Partners
True Dracos' Forging
Malefic Paradigm Dragon Dragon Terra Firma Transcendants
Malefic Truth Dragon Dragon Terra Firma Transcendants
Mamonaka the Vaylantz United Spellcaster Battle Trajectory
The Bizarre Playing Board
Mannadium Prime-Heart Fairy Beginning of the Next Journey
New World Replete With Joy
Mannadium Riumheart Warrior Beginning of the Next Journey
New World Replete With Joy
Mardel, Generaider Boss of Light Plant Worthy Adversaries
Xyz Explosion
Adventure of Mystical Etchings
Margin Trading - Ruler's Mask
Marincess Aqua Argonaut Cyberse Cosmic Ocean
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Marincess Coral Triangle Cyberse Cosmic Ocean
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Masked HERO Dark Law Warrior Transfigured Heroes
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Masquerade the Blazing Dragon Fiend Refined Blade
Beginning of Turmoil
The Opening Act of an Apocalypse
Mass Driver - Theme Chronicle Banlist
Master Hyperion Fairy Guardians of the Sacred Sky
Master of Chaos Spellcaster Vortex of Magic
Master Peace, the True Dracoslayer Dragon Advanced Warriors
True Dracos' Forging
Master Peace, the True Dracoslaying King Wyrm Theme Chronicle Banlist
True Dracos' Forging
Invincible Aces
Masterflare Hyperion Fairy Valiant Wings
Masterking Archfiend Fiend The Cost of Dark Powers
Mathematician Spellcaster Scientific Analysis
Mathmech Circular Cyberse Singular Strike Overthrow
Mighty Contenders
Maxx "C" Insect Ghostrick Purrely
Mayosenju Daibak Beast Piercing Winds
Mecha Phantom Beast Auroradon Machine Rapid Aircraft Advancement
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Mecha Phantom Beast Dracossack Machine Rapid Aircraft Advancement
Mega Fortress Whale Fish Cosmic Ocean
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Raging God of the Sea
Meizen the Battle Ninja Warrior Hidden Arts of Shadows
Mekk-Knight Crusadia Avramax Cyberse Star-Studded Futures
Invincible Aces
Mekk-Knight Spectrum Supreme Cyberse Cosmic Mechanical Entities
Meklord Astro Dragon Triskelion Machine Impending Assassination
Meklord Astro Mekanikle Machine Impending Assassination
Melffy of the Forest Beast Forest Friends
My Cute Lovely Friends
My Cute Lovely Friends
Mementoal Tecuhtlica - Combined Creation Wyrm Revived Legion
Mementotlan Angwitch Spellcaster Revived Legion
Memories of Hope -
Mermail Abyssalacia Sea Serpent Forgotten City Dwellers
Songstress of Sorrow Song
Mermail Abyssgaois Aqua Forgotten City Dwellers
Songstress of Sorrow Song
Metaltronus - Outlaws from the Inferno
Metaphys Executor Wyrm Interdimensional Interlopers
Metaverse - Cyber City Guardians
Tricky Reception
Meteonis Drytron - Celestial Dragon and Bear
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Meteor Black Comet Dragon Dragon The Cerise in the Ebony
1st Anniversary - The Cerise in the Ebony
Mikanko Fire Dance - Galactic Evolution
A Dance Dedicated to the Heavens
Mikanko Spiritwalk - Nightmare Arrivals
Mikanko Water Arabesque - Galactic Evolution
A Dance Dedicated to the Heavens
Millennium-Eyes Restrict Spellcaster Toontastic
Mind Control -
Mirror Mage of the Ice Barrier Aqua Wings of the Guardian
Mirror Swordknight Illusion Nightmare Arrivals
Illusion Beast's Roar
Mirrorjade the Iceblade Dragon Wyrm The Newborn Dragon
Alba Abyss
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Aim For The Stars
Mist Valley Apex Avian Winged Beast Piercing Winds
Wandering Travelers
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Mist Valley Thunder Lord Thunder
Mitsu the Insect Ninja Insect Hidden Arts of Shadows
Monster Reborn -
Monster Reborn Reborn -
Moon of the Closed Heaven Fiend Tricky Reception
Moray of Avarice - The Synchronized Cosmos
Treasures of the Cosmic Ocean
Morphing Jar Rock
Mulcharmy Fuwalos Winged Beast Dragons' Reincarnation
Mulcharmy Purulia Aqua Dragons' Reincarnation
Munin the Runick Wings Fairy Mysterious Labyrinth
Adventure of Mystical Etchings
Musical Sumo Dice Games Machine Battle Trajectory
My Friend Purrely - Galactic Evolution
Ghostrick Purrely
My Cute Lovely Friends
Mysterion the Dragon Crown Spellcaster
Mystic Mine - Theme Chronicle Banlist
Mystical Elf - White Lightning Spellcaster The Newborn Dragon
Mystical Refpanel -
Mythical Beast Jackal King Spellcaster Knowledge of the Mythlords
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Mythical Beast Master Cerberus Spellcaster Knowledge of the Mythlords
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Myutant Synthesis Psychic
Myutant Ultimus Psychic
N.As.H. Knight Aqua Cosmic Ocean
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Raging God of the Sea
Nadir Servant - Echo Chamber Nation
Alba Abyss
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Beginning of the Next Journey
Naturia Barkion Dragon Denizens of Sacred Tree Grove
Naturia Beast Beast Denizens of Sacred Tree Grove
The Synchronized Cosmos
Naturia Landoise Rock Denizens of Sacred Tree Grove
Naturia Mole Cricket Insect The Synchronized Cosmos
Necrovalley - Guardian of Kings
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Nekroz of Areadbhair Warrior Rites of the Mirrorworld
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Nekroz of Sophia Spellcaster Rites of the Mirrorworld
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Nekroz of Trishula Warrior Rites of the Mirrorworld
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Neos Fusion - Neo Space Comrades
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Nephthys, the Sacred Flame Winged Beast Roused from Destruction
Neptabyss, the Atlantean Prince Sea Serpent Forgotten City Dwellers
Nibiru, the Primal Being Rock Invaders from Outer Space
Duel Experts
Nightmare Apprentice Illusion Illusion Beast's Roar
Geas of the Light
Nightmare Magician Illusion Nightmare Arrivals
Illusion Beast's Roar
Nightmare Throne - Eternal Partners
Ningirsu the World Chalice Warrior Warrior
Ninja Grandmaster Saizo Warrior The Hidden Arts
Hidden Arts of Shadows
Ninjitsu Art Notebook of Mystery - Hidden Arts of Shadows
Ninjitsu Art of Super-Transformation - The Hidden Arts
Noh-P.U.N.K. Deer Note Warrior Sprites of Miracle
The Ultimate Traditional Art
Victory in Progress
Nouvelles Restaurant "At Table" - Singularity Warrior
A Full Course of Magic
Number 1: Infection Buzzking Fiend
Number 100: Numeron Dragon Dragon Number Recall
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Galactic Evolution
Number 101: Silent Honor ARK Aqua Sword of the Seventh One
Number 107: Galaxy-Eyes Tachyon Dragon Dragon Sword of the Seventh One
Number 12: Crimson Shadow Armor Ninja Warrior The Hidden Arts
Hidden Arts of Shadows
Number 15: Gimmick Puppet Giant Grinder Machine Colossal Mech
Number 16: Shock Master Fairy Theme Chronicle Banlist
Number 2: Ninja Shadow Mosquito Insect
Number 22: Zombiestein Zombie Beloved Dolls
Number 3: Cicada King Insect
Number 30: Acid Golem of Destruction Rock
Number 33: Chronomaly Machu Mech Warrior Timeworn Legacies
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Number 38: Hope Harbinger Dragon Titanic Galaxy Dragon Nebula Cyclone
1st Anniversary - Nebula Cyclone
Xyz Explosion
Number 39: Utopia Warrior Champions of Hope
Number 39: Utopia Rising Warrior Inherited Unity
Number 4: Stealth Kragen Aqua Theme Chronicle Banlist
Number 42: Galaxy Tomahawk Machine
Number 6: Chronomaly Atlandis Machine Timeworn Legacies
Number 62: Galaxy-Eyes Prime Photon Dragon Dragon Nebula Cyclone
1st Anniversary - Nebula Cyclone
Galactic Evolution
Origin of the Galaxy
Number 69: Heraldry Crest Psychic Altered Heraldry
Number 8: Heraldic King Genom-Heritage Psychic Altered Heraldry
Number 81: Superdreadnought Rail Cannon Super Dora Machine Dreadnought Advance
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Number 86: Heroic Champion - Rhongomyniad Warrior Blazing Warriors
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Number 88: Gimmick Puppet of Leo Machine Colossal Mech
Number 9: Dyson Sphere Machine Colossal Mech
Number 90: Galaxy-Eyes Photon Lord Warrior Nebula Cyclone
1st Anniversary - Nebula Cyclone
Number 93: Utopia Kaiser Warrior
Number 95: Galaxy-Eyes Dark Matter Dragon Dragon Theme Chronicle Banlist
Number 98: Antitopian Warrior
Number 99: Utopia Dragonar Warrior Champions of Hope
Theme Chronicle Banlist
The Masters Saga
Number C1000: Numerounius Fiend Number Recall
Number C101: Silent Honor DARK Aqua Sword of the Seventh One
Number C105: Battlin' Boxer Comet Cestus Warrior Blazing Warriors
Number C107: Neo Galaxy-Eyes Tachyon Dragon Dragon Sword of the Seventh One
Number C62: Neo Galaxy-Eyes Prime Photon Dragon Dragon Galactic Evolution
Number C79: Battlin' Boxer General Kaiser Warrior Blazing Arena
Number F0: Utopic Draco Future Warrior Champions of Hope
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Xyz Explosion
Number iC1000: Numerounius Numerounia Fiend Number Recall
Number S0: Utopic ZEXAL Warrior Theme Chronicle Banlist
Number S39: Utopia the Lightning Warrior Champions of Hope
Number XX: Utopic Dark Infinity Warrior
Numbers Eveil - Cosmic Ocean
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Number Recall
Numeron Network - Stalwart Force
Number Recall
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Obelisk the Tormentor Divine-Beast The Great Olds
Inherited Unity
Ocean Dragon Lord - Kairyu-Shin Sea Serpent Cosmic Ocean
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Raging God of the Sea
Odd-Eyes Arc Pendulum Dragon Dragon Draconic Resplendence
Odd-Eyes Arcray Dragon Dragon Lord of Dimensions
Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon Dragon Counterswing Mages
Draconic Resplendence
Indomitable Knights
1st Anniversary - Counterswing Mages
Odd-Eyes Pendulumgraph Dragon Dragon Battle Trajectory
Odd-Eyes Rebellion Dragon Overlord Dragon The Newborn Dragon
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Odd-Eyes Rebellion Xyz Dragon Dragon Inherited Unity
Odd-Eyes Revolution Dragon Dragon Draconic Resplendence
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Inherited Unity
Odin, Father of the Aesir Fairy Astral Trinity of Gods
Invincible Raid
Ogdoabyss, the Ogdoadic Overlord Reptile Gods of Abyss and Arcadia
Sacred Imperial Tomb
Ogdoadic Water Lily - Gods of Abyss and Arcadia
Sacred Imperial Tomb
Ohime the Manifested Mikanko Fairy Galactic Evolution
A Dance Dedicated to the Heavens
Ojama King Beast Prank Panic!
Ojamatch -
One Day of Peace -
One for One -
Oneiros, the Dream Mirror Erlking Fairy Interdimensional Interlopers
Recollection of the Story
Oneiros, the Dream Mirror Tormentor Fiend Interdimensional Interlopers
Onomatopaira - Onomatopair-Up
Onslaught of the Fire Kings - Roused from Destruction
Original Bamboo Sword - Singularity Warrior
A Dance Dedicated to the Heavens
Orphebull the Harmonious Bullfighter Bard Beast-Warrior Galactic Evolution
Ostinato - A Song of Zephyr and Petals
Geas of the Light
Outer Entity Azathot Fiend Theme Chronicle Banlist
Overload Future Fusion - Revived Legion
Overmind Archfiend Psychic
Painful Choice - Theme Chronicle Banlist
Palace of the Elemental Lords - Supernatural Elements
Paleozoic Cambroraster Aqua Primordial Rising
Palladium Oracle Mahad Spellcaster Darkest Magics
Peaceful Planet Calarium - Beginning of the Next Journey
New World Replete With Joy
Penguin Brave Aqua
Performage Trapeze Magician Spellcaster
Performapal Celestial Magician Spellcaster Counterswing Mages
1st Anniversary - Counterswing Mages
The Bizarre Playing Board
Indomitable Pride
Performapal Monkeyboard Beast Theme Chronicle Banlist
The Bizarre Playing Board
Performapal Pendulum Sorcerer Spellcaster Captivating Curtain Call
Theme Chronicle Banlist
The Bizarre Playing Board
Performapal Sky Magician Spellcaster Captivating Curtain Call
Performapal Sleight Hand Magician Spellcaster Captivating Curtain Call
Phantom of Chaos Fiend World Cloaked in Magical Power
Phantom of Yubel Fiend Eternal Partners
Pharaonic Advent Spellcaster Inherited Unity
Pig Iron vs. Pen Peg Spell
Platinum Gadget Machine Shifting Gears
Plunder Patroll Shipyarrrd - Vessels of Freedom
Plunder Patrollship Jord Fiend The Synchronized Cosmos
Poissonniere de Nouvelles Fairy Singularity Warrior
A Full Course of Magic
Pot of Greed -
Power Pro Knight Sisters Warrior
Power Pro Lady Sisters Winged Beast
Power Tool Braver Dragon Machine Sprites of Miracle
Power Tool Dragon Machine Transforming Tech
Power Tool Mecha Dragon Machine Transforming Tech
Prank-Kids Battle Butler Thunder Prank Panic!
Prank-Kids Rip-Roarin-Roaster Aqua Prank Panic!
Predaplant Chimerafflesia Plant Natural Selection
Fusion Potential
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Predaplant Verte Anaconda Plant Natural Selection
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Name of Champions
Prediction Princess Tarotrei Effect Destiny's Sorceress
Flame of Fury
Prediction Princess Tarotreith Fairy Flame of Fury
Premature Burial - Theme Chronicle Banlist
Pressured Planet Wraithsoth - Flame of Fury
A Warrior of Seething Anger
Priestess of the Ashened City Pyro Dragons' Reincarnation
Primal Seed -
Primathmech Alembertian Cyberse Singular Strike Overthrow
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Mighty Contenders
Primeval Planet Perlereino - Blessings of Nature
Songstress of Sorrow Song
Primitive Planet Reichphobia - Battle Trajectory
Beastly Claws of Terror
Promethean Princess, Bestower of Flames Fiend Record of Noble Spirits
Revived Legion
Protector Whelp of the Destruction Swordsman Dragon Warriors of Legend
PSY-Framelord Omega Psychic Space-Time Transcendents
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Psychic End Punisher Psychic Sprites of Miracle
The Ultimate Traditional Art
Psychic Rover Psychic
Punishment Dragon Dragon Justice from Light
Purrely Sleepy Memory - Galactic Evolution
Ghostrick Purrely
My Cute Lovely Friends
Queen Butterfly Danaus Insect
Rafale, Champion Fur Hire Dragon Vessels of Freedom
Ragnaraika Stag Sovereign Insect Advance of Great Forces
Ragnaraika the Evil Seed Plant Advance of Great Forces
Raidraptor - Arsenal Falcon Winged Beast Invulnerable Iron Wings
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Xyz Explosion
Raidraptor - Bloom Vulture Winged Beast Wings of the Guardian
Raidraptor - Final Fortress Falcon Winged Beast Invulnerable Iron Wings
Raidraptor - Revolution Falcon - Air Raid Winged Beast Invulnerable Iron Wings
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Raidraptor - Rising Rebellion Falcon Winged Beast Wings of the Guardian
Raidraptor - Ultimate Falcon Winged Beast Invulnerable Iron Wings
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Xyz Explosion
Raidraptor - Wise Strix Winged Beast Invulnerable Iron Wings
Raigeki - Name of Champions
Rainbow Dark Dragon Dragon Crystal Serpentry
Rainbow Dragon Dragon Crystal Serpentry
Strong Will
Rainbow Overdragon Dragon Crystal Serpentry
Rank-Up-Magic - The Seventh One - Blazing Warriors
Sword of the Seventh One
Shark's Pride
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Rank-Up-Magic Argent Chaos Force - Altered Heraldry
Colossal Mech
Timeworn Legacies
Rank-Up-Magic Quick Chaos - Shark's Pride
Rasterliger Cyberse
Raviel, Lord of Phantasms - Shimmering Scraper Fiend World Cloaked in Magical Power
Ready Fusion - Ruler's Mask
A Full Course of Magic
Rebirth Judgment -
Red Blossoms from Underroot Fiend
Red Nova Dragon Dragon Savage Crimson Dragon
New Step for Duelists
1st Anniversary - Savage Crimson Dragon
Red Reboot - Ghostrick Purrely
Return of the King
Red Supernova Dragon Dragon Savage Crimson Dragon
1st Anniversary - Savage Crimson Dragon
Red-Eyes Black Dragon Dragon The Cerise in the Ebony
New Step for Duelists
1st Anniversary - The Cerise in the Ebony
Invincible Aces
Red-Eyes Dark Dragoon Spellcaster Theme Chronicle Banlist
Invincible Aces
Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon Dragon The Cerise in the Ebony
1st Anniversary - The Cerise in the Ebony
Red-Eyes Slash Dragon Dragon The Cerise in the Ebony
1st Anniversary - The Cerise in the Ebony
Red-Eyes Soul Dragon Inherited Unity
Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon Lord Zombie Immortal Glory
Redox, Dragon Ruler of Boulders Dragon Theme Chronicle Banlist
Mighty Contenders
Refrain the Melodious Songstress Fairy Geas of the Light
Reign-Beaux, Overking of Dark World Fiend Dreaded Conspiracy
Reinforcement of the Army -
Rekindling - Justice Before Attribute
Combatants of Flame
Relinquished Anima Spellcaster Toontastic
Remove Brainwashing -
Repair Genex Controller Machine Advance of Great Forces
Elemental Exchanges
Reptilianne Echidna Reptile Curse of the Serpent
Valiant Wings
Rescue Cat Beast Forest Friends
Flame of Fury
Rescue Hedgehog Beast Wings of the Guardian
Rescue Rabbit Beast Forest Friends
Rescue-ACE Hydrant Machine Flame of Fury
Rescue Team, Emergency Dispatch!
Rescue-ACE Preventer Machine Rescue Team, Emergency Dispatch!
Nightmare Arrivals
Rescue-ACE Turbulence Machine Flame of Fury
Rescue Team, Emergency Dispatch!
Revolution Synchron Machine Ride Into the Future
Evoked Dragon of Miracles
Ride of the Valkyries - Life Finds a Way
Rikka Queen Strenna Plant Blooming in Adversity
Aim For The Stars
Rilliona, the Wondrous Magistus Witch Wardrobe Spellcaster Seekers of Witchcraft
Rindbrumm the Striking Dragon Winged Beast Climax of the Showdown
Ringowurm, the Dragon Guarding the Hundred Apples Dragon Beginning of the Next Journey
Victory in Progress
Rite of Aramesir - Wandering Travelers
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Guided by Fate
Victory in Progress
Ritual Beast Ulti-Cannahawk Thunder Ties to Mother Nature
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Outlaws from the Inferno
Ritual Beast Ulti-Gaiapelio Psychic Ties to Mother Nature
Fusion Potential
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Ritual Beast Ulti-Reirautari Psychic Outlaws from the Inferno
Rookie Warrior Lady Warrior Wandering Travelers
Royal Oppression - Theme Chronicle Banlist
Royal Straight Slasher Warrior New Step for Duelists
Pledge of Sword
Ruddy Rose Dragon Dragon
Ruin, Supreme Queen of Oblivion Fairy Miraculous Advent
Runick Fountain - Mysterious Labyrinth
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Adventure of Mystical Etchings
Runick Tip - Mysterious Labyrinth
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Adventure of Mystical Etchings
S-Force Justify Cyberse Space-Time Transcendents
S:P Little Knight Warrior Revived Legion
Duel Experts
Sacred Fire King Garunix Winged Beast Lord of Dimensions
Sacred Noble Knight of King Artorigus Warrior Guided by the Noble Blade
Sacred Noble Knight of King Custennin Warrior Guided by the Noble Blade
Saffira, Dragon Queen of the Voiceless Voice Dragon Wings of the Guardian
Saga of the Dragon Emperor - Galactic Evolution
Sakitama Fairy Record of Noble Spirits
Salamangreat Almiraj Cyberse Blazing Fortitude
Salamangreat Burst Gryphon Cyberse Revived Legion
Salamangreat Heatleo Cyberse Blazing Fortitude
Burning Spirits
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Salamangreat of Fire Cyberse Revived Legion
Salamangreat Pyro Phoenix Cyberse Blazing Fortitude
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Revived Legion
Salamangreat Raging Phoenix - Revived Legion
Salamangreat Sunlight Wolf Cyberse Blazing Fortitude
Burning Spirits
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Sales Ban - Cosmic Ocean
Sales Pitch -
Sandaion, the Timelord Fairy Impending Assassination
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Sangen Kaimen - Outlaws from the Inferno
Sangenpai Transcendent Dragion Dragon Outlaws from the Inferno
Saryuja Skull Dread Dragon
Satellite Warrior Warrior Scrap Iron Soldiers
Sauge de Fleur Spellcaster Beyond Speed
The Noble Knights of Crimson Flowers
Sauravis, the Ancient and Ascended Dragon Miraculous Advent
Scapegoat -
Scareclaw Light-Heart Beast-Warrior Battle Trajectory
Beastly Claws of Terror
Scareclaw Reichheart Warrior Battle Trajectory
Beastly Claws of Terror
Scareclaw Tri-Heart Beast-Warrior Battle Trajectory
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Beastly Claws of Terror
Scarred Dragon Archfiend Dragon Return of the King
Scrap Dragon Dragon Devastation Regenerated
Scrap Wyvern Dragon Devastation Regenerated
Secret Password - Electron Illusions
Selene, Queen of the Master Magicians Spellcaster Knowledge of the Mythlords
Selettrice Vaalmonica Spellcaster Lord of Dimensions
Sengenjin Wakes from a Millennium Beast-Warrior The Forbidden Liberated
Sephylon, the Ultimate Timelord Fairy Impending Assassination
Set Rotation - Theme Chronicle Banlist
Seventh Ascension - Cosmic Ocean
Raging God of the Sea
Shadow of the Six Samurai - Shien Warrior Great Shogun's Rule
Shadow's Light - Inherited Unity
Shining Sarcophagus - Geas of the Light
Shiranui Skillsaga Supremacy Zombie Fires of This World and The Next
Shiranui Sunsaga Zombie Fires of This World and The Next
Recollection of the Story
Shooting Majestic Star Dragon Dragon Beyond Speed
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Evoked Dragon of Miracles
Shooting Quasar Dragon Dragon Stardust Ties
Theme Chronicle Banlist
1st Anniversary - Stardust Ties
Shooting Star Dragon T.G. EX Dragon Futuristic Creatures
Silent Swordsman LV7 Warrior Monster Overdrive
Silhouhatte Rabbit Illusion Chaotic Showtime
Silvy of the White Forest Spellcaster Chaotic Showtime
Simorgh Onslaught - Wings that Span the Sky
Simorgh, Bird of Sovereignty Winged Beast Piercing Winds
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Wings that Span the Sky
Sixth Sense - Theme Chronicle Banlist
Skeletal Dragon Felgrand Zombie Immortal Glory
Skull Guardian, Protector of the Voiceless Voice Warrior Wings of the Guardian
Sky Galloping Gaia the Dragon Champion Dragon Warriors of Legend
Spiral Spear Strike
Sky Iris - Draconic Resplendence
Sky Scourge Norleras Fiend
Sky Striker Ace - Azalea Machine Rage of Chaos
Sky Striker Ace - Camellia Machine Lord of Dimensions
Sky Striker Ace - Kagari Machine Singular Strike Overthrow
Stalwart Force
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Sky Striker Mobilize - Engage! - Singular Strike Overthrow
Sky Striker Mobilize - Linkage! - Singular Strike Overthrow
Slash Draw -
Slifer the Sky Dragon Divine-Beast The Great Olds
New Step for Duelists
Smoke Grenade of the Thief -
Snake Rain - Curse of the Serpent
Snake-Eyes Diabellstar Spellcaster Geas of the Light
Snake-Eyes Doomed Dragon Dragon The Forbidden Liberated
Snake-Eyes Flamberge Dragon Dragon Ride Into the Future
Victory in Progress
Snake-Eyes Poplar Pyro Ride Into the Future
Victory in Progress
Snatch Steal - Theme Chronicle Banlist
The Masters Saga
Sneaky "C" Insect Dreaded Conspiracy
Solemn Judgment - Guardians of the Sacred Sky
Duel Experts
Solemn Strike - Guardians of the Sacred Sky
Solfachord Elegance - Artistic Angel
Sophia, Goddess of Rebirth Fairy
Soul of the Supreme King - Battle Trajectory
Soul Servant - Darkest Magics
Vortex of Magic
Souleating Oviraptor Dinosaur Prehistoric Beast Advance
Spell Card “Monster Reborn” - The Masters Saga
The Forbidden Liberated
Spellbook Magician of Prophecy Spellcaster Mastery of the Grimoire
Spellbook of Secrets - Mastery of the Grimoire
Spellbound - The Synchronized Cosmos
Spirit Charmers - Spiritual Mastery
Spiritual Beast Tamer Lara Psychic Outlaws from the Inferno
Split Mirror of the Underworld -
Spright Blue Thunder Sprites of Miracle
Burst of Zapping Energy!
Spright Elf Thunder Sprites of Miracle
Burst of Zapping Energy!
Spright Sprind Thunder Climax of the Showdown
Burst of Zapping Energy!
Spright Starter - Sprites of Miracle
Burst of Zapping Energy!
Springans Ship - Exblowrer Machine Echo Chamber Nation
Fighting Spirit of Sparking Iron
SPYRAL Double Helix Warrior Secret Fighters
Theme Chronicle Banlist
SPYRAL Super Agent Warrior Secret Fighters
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Stake your Soul! - Singularity Warrior
Star Mine Pyro Beasts of the Inferno
Stardust Dragon Dragon Stardust Ties
Synchro Mode Change
Revival of Legends
Beyond Speed
1st Anniversary - Stardust Ties
Evoked Dragon of Miracles
Stardust Dragon/Assault Mode Dragon Synchro Mode Change
Starring Knight Fairy Rage of Chaos
Starry Night, Starry Dragon Dragon Dragon Luster
Valiant Wings
Starving Venemy Dragon Dragon Ruler's Mask
Starving Venemy Lethal Dose Dragon Dragon Ruler's Mask
Starving Venom Predapower Fusion Dragon Dragon Mysterious Labyrinth
Steelswarm Caucastag Fiend Yearning Evil Body
Stellar Wind Wolfrayet Beast Beyond Speed
Stellarknight Constellar Diamond Wyrm Champions of Salvation
Stellarknight Triverr Warrior Champions of Salvation
Subterror Behemoth Fiendess Wyrm Worthy Adversaries
Subterror Guru Dragon Worthy Adversaries
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Summon Sorceress Spellcaster Theme Chronicle Banlist
Sunavalon Dryatrentiay Plant Seedling Soul Fey
Sunavalon Melias Plant Seedling Soul Fey
Super Polymerization - Transfigured Heroes
The Masters Saga
Dragons' Reincarnation
Super Quantal Mech King Great Magnus Machine Secret Fighters
Super Quantum Red Layer Warrior Secret Fighters
Super Starslayer TY-PHON - Sky Crisis Fiend Eternal Partners
Super Vehicroid - Mobile Base Machine Roid Nexus
Super Vehicroid - Stealth Union Machine Roid Nexus
Superancient Deepsea King Coelacanth Fish Rulers of the Deep
Superdimensional Robot Galaxy Destroyer Machine
Superdreadnought Rail Cannon Gustav Max Machine Dreadnought Advance
Xyz Explosion
Superdreadnought Rail Cannon Juggernaut Liebe Machine Dreadnought Advance
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Xyz Explosion
Superheavy Samurai Beast Kyubi Machine Immovable Samurai
Superheavy Samurai Brave Masurawo Machine Indomitable Pride
Superheavy Samurai Monk Big Benkei Machine Indomitable Pride
Superheavy Samurai Motorbike Machine Indomitable Pride
Superheavy Samurai Prodigy Wakaushi Machine Indomitable Pride
Superheavy Samurai Steam Train King Machine Immovable Samurai
Superheavy Samurai Swordmaster Musashi Machine Immovable Samurai
Indomitable Pride
Superheavy Samurai Warlord Susanowo Machine Immovable Samurai
Supreme Arcanite Magician Spellcaster Synchro Mode Change
Supreme King Gate Magician Spellcaster Lord of Dimensions
Supreme King Z-ARC Dragon Counterswing Mages
Battle Trajectory
Theme Chronicle Banlist
1st Anniversary - Counterswing Mages
Lord of Dimensions
Surgical Striker - H.A.M.P. Machine Singular Strike Overthrow
Swallow's Cowrie - Wings of the Guardian
Sweet Dreams, Nemleria - Indomitable Pride
Sugar-Suffused Reverie
Swordsoul Grandmaster - Chixiao Wyrm Refined Blade
Beginning of Turmoil
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Guardian of the Sacred Summit
Sword of Souls
Swordsoul of Mo Ye Wyrm Refined Blade
Beginning of Turmoil
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Guardian of the Sacred Summit
Sword of Souls
Swordsoul Sinister Sovereign - Qixing Longyuan Wyrm The Newborn Dragon
Beginning of Turmoil
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Guardian of the Sacred Summit
Swordsoul Supreme Sovereign - Chengying Wyrm Refined Blade
Beginning of Turmoil
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Guardian of the Sacred Summit
Sword of Souls
Sylvan Charity - Seedling Soul Fey
Sylvan Dancepione Plant Blessings of Nature
Seedling Soul Fey
Symbol of Friendship -
Symphonic Warrior Rockks Machine Heroic Warriors
T.G. Glaive Blaster Machine Ride Into the Future
T.G. Halberd Cannon/Assault Mode Machine Synchro Mode Change
Futuristic Creatures
T.G. Hyper Librarian Spellcaster Futuristic Creatures
Theme Chronicle Banlist
T.G. Rocket Salamander Pyro Ride Into the Future
Tales of the White Forest - Chaotic Showtime
Teardrop the Rikka Queen Plant Blooming in Adversity
Tearlaments Kaleido-Heart Fiend Blessings of Nature
Songstress of Sorrow Song
Tearlaments Reinoheart Warrior Blessings of Nature
Songstress of Sorrow Song
Tearlaments Rulkallos Aqua Blessings of Nature
Songstress of Sorrow Song
Tearlaments Scheiren Aqua Blessings of Nature
Songstress of Sorrow Song
Tearlaments Scream - Blessings of Nature
Songstress of Sorrow Song
Tellarknight Constellar Caduceus Spellcaster Record of Noble Spirits
Tellarknight Ptolemaeus Warrior Theme Chronicle Banlist
Record of Noble Spirits
Tempest Magician Spellcaster Theme Chronicle Banlist
Tempest, Dragon Ruler of Storms Dragon Mighty Contenders
Ten Thousand Dragon Dragon
Tenpai Dragon Chundra Dragon Outlaws from the Inferno
Tenpai Dragon Genroku Dragon Outlaws from the Inferno
Tenpai Dragon Paidra Dragon Outlaws from the Inferno
Terraforming -
Terrors of the Overroot - Beginning of Turmoil
Test Panther Beast Valiant Gladiator Beasts
That Grass Looks Greener - Theme Chronicle Banlist
The Arrival Cyberse @Ignister Cyberse AI Omniscience
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Singularity Warrior
The Black Goat Laughs - Advance of Great Forces
The Breaking Ruin God - Inherited Unity
The Great Olds
The Bystial Lubellion Dragon Climax of the Showdown
Dragon Kings from the Abyss
Name of Champions
Aim For The Stars
The Dark Magicians Spellcaster Darkest Magics
Vortex of Magic
The Fabled Unicore Beast Fabled Gods
The First Darklord Fairy Deceitful Wings of Darkness
Fusion Potential
Theme Chronicle Banlist
The Opening Act of an Apocalypse
The Forceful Sentry - Theme Chronicle Banlist
The Gates of Dark World - Rulers of Darkness
The Hallowed Azamina - The Forbidden Liberated
The Iris Swordsoul Spellcaster Ruler's Mask
Beginning of Turmoil
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Guardian of the Sacred Summit
Sword of Souls
The Legendary Fisherman III Warrior Rulers of the Deep
The Melody of Awakening Dragon - Revival of Legends
Blue-Eyes Max
The Most Distant, Deepest Depths - The Synchronized Cosmos
Treasures of the Cosmic Ocean
The Phantom Knights of Rusty Bardiche Warrior Indomitable Knights
Theme Chronicle Banlist
The Revived Sky God - New Step for Duelists
The Great Olds
The Suppression Pluto Fiend
The True Sun God - Passage of the Sun
The Great Olds
The Tyrant Neptune Reptile Theme Chronicle Banlist
The Unstoppable Exodia Incarnate Spellcaster The Forbidden Liberated
The Weather Painter Moonbow Fairy Mysterious Labyrinth
The Weather Painter Rainbow Fairy Artistic Angel
Mysterious Labyrinth
The Winged Dragon of Ra Divine-Beast The Great Olds
Passage of the Sun
The Ones Who Serve Ra
The Winged Dragon of Ra - Immortal Phoenix Divine-Beast The Great Olds
Passage of the Sun
The Ones Who Serve Ra
The Winged Dragon of Ra - Sphere Mode Divine-Beast The Great Olds
The Ones Who Serve Ra
The World Legacy -
The Zombie Vampire Zombie The Newborn Dragon
There Can Be Only One - Theme Chronicle Banlist
Therion "King" Regulus Machine Heroic Warriors
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Fighting Spirit of Sparking Iron
Therion Discolosseum - Heroic Warriors
Fighting Spirit of Sparking Iron
Therion Irregular Machine Heroic Warriors
Fighting Spirit of Sparking Iron
Thermal Genex Machine Elemental Exchanges
Thor, Lord of the Aesir Beast-Warrior Astral Trinity of Gods
Thought Ruler Archfiend Psychic The Cost of Dark Powers
The Ultimate Traditional Art
Thunder Dragon Colossus Dragon Roaring Thunder
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Tricky Reception
Thunder Dragon Titan Thunder Roaring Thunder
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Thunder King Rai-Oh Thunder
Tidal, Dragon Ruler of Waterfalls Dragon Theme Chronicle Banlist
Mighty Contenders
Tierra, Source of Destruction Fiend
Ties of the Brethren -
Timaeus the Knight of Destiny Warrior
Time Seal - Theme Chronicle Banlist
Time Thief Redoer Psychic Space-Time Transcendents
Xyz Explosion
Time-Tearing Morganite - Record of Noble Spirits
Timestar Magician Spellcaster Counterswing Mages
1st Anniversary - Counterswing Mages
Tindangle Acute Cerberus Fiend Cyber City Guardians
Tiras, Keeper of Genesis Fairy
Tistina, the Divinity that Defies Darkness Light Return of the King
Crystal Realm Defier
Titaniklad the Ash Dragon Dragon Ruler's Mask
Alba Abyss
Toadally Awesome Aqua Theme Chronicle Banlist
Tokusano Shinkyojin - Return of the King
Crystal Realm Defier
Toon Black Luster Soldier Warrior Toontastic
Toon Kingdom - Toontastic
Topologic Gumblar Dragon Cyberse Theme Chronicle Banlist
Topologic Trisbaena Cyberse Fires of Scorching Bonds
Topologic Zeroboros Cyberse Fires of Scorching Bonds
Tornado Dragon Wyrm
Tour Guide From the Underworld Fiend Mysterious Labyrinth
Toy Box - The Masters Saga
Trade-In - Origin of the Galaxy
Traffic Ghost Cyberse
Transaction Rollback - Return of the King
Aim For The Stars
Aim For The Stars
Transcendosaurus Meteorus Dinosaur Transcendentalism
Transmission Gear -
Trap Tracks - Record of Noble Spirits
Mother Nature's Snare
Traptantalizing Tune - Dreaded Conspiracy
Mother Nature's Snare
Traptrix Allomerus Insect Mother Nature's Snare
Traptrix Atypus Insect Dreaded Conspiracy
Mother Nature's Snare
Traptrix Cularia Plant Mother Nature's Snare
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Traptrix Pinguicula Plant Dreaded Conspiracy
Mother Nature's Snare
Traptrix Rafflesia Plant Mother Nature's Snare
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Traptrix Sera Plant Mother Nature's Snare
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Treeborn Frog Aqua
Tri-and-Guess -
Tri-Brigade Arms Bucephalus II Winged Beast Climax of the Showdown
Mighty Contenders
Tri-Brigade Mercourier Winged Beast The Newborn Dragon
Alba Abyss
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Tri-Brigade Shuraig the Ominous Omen Winged Beast Stalwart Force
Echo Chamber Nation
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Mighty Contenders
Tri-Edge Master Warrior Record of Noble Spirits
Triamid Sphinx Rock Primordial Rising
Trickstar Candina Fairy Essence of Flora and Ocean
Trickstar Holly Angel Fairy Essence of Flora and Ocean
Trickstar Hoody Fairy Chaotic Showtime
Trickstar Light Stage - Essence of Flora and Ocean
Trickstar Noble Angel Fairy Chaotic Showtime
Trickstar Reincarnation - Essence of Flora and Ocean
Triple Tactics Talent - Ghostrick Purrely
Duel Experts
Triple Tactics Thrust - Flame of Fury
Ghostrick Purrely
Invincible Aces
Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier Dragon Glacial Seal
Wings of the Guardian
Trishula, the Dragon of Icy Imprisonment Dragon
Trishula, Zero Dragon of the Ice Barrier Dragon Glacial Seal
Trivikarma - Beginning of the Next Journey
A Warrior of Seething Anger
True King of All Calamities Wyrm Theme Chronicle Banlist
Tsumuha-Kutsunagi the Lord of Swords Warrior Record of Noble Spirits
Tuning - Stardust Ties
Revival of Legends
1st Anniversary - Stardust Ties
The Noble Knights of Crimson Flowers
Evoked Dragon of Miracles
Tyrant Red Dragon Archfiend Dragon Savage Crimson Dragon
1st Anniversary - Savage Crimson Dragon
Tyrant's Throes -
U.A. Player Manager Warrior Tournament Athletes
U.A. Playmaker Warrior Tournament Athletes
Ukiyoe-P.U.N.K. Amazing Dragon Sea Serpent Refined Blade
Theme Chronicle Banlist
The Ultimate Traditional Art
Victory in Progress
Ukiyoe-P.U.N.K. Rising Carp Fish Refined Blade
The Ultimate Traditional Art
Victory in Progress
Ultimate Ancient Gear Golem Machine Gargantuan Gears
Ultimate Conductor Tyranno Dinosaur Prehistoric Beast Advance
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Ultimate Crystal Rainbow Dragon Overdrive Dragon Strong Will
Ultimate Dragonic Utopia Ray Warrior Champions of Hope
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Ultimate Flame Swordsman Warrior Geas of the Light
Ultimate Great Insect Insect Inherited Unity
Ultimate Leo Utopia Ray Warrior Theme Chronicle Banlist
Ultimate Offering - Theme Chronicle Banlist
Ultimate Slayer - Mysterious Labyrinth
Ultimaya Tzolkin Dragon
Ultra Beetrooper Absolute Heracles Insect Invincible Raid
Beetle Troops Roll Out
Unchained Abomination Fiend Roused from Destruction
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Blazing Arena
Unchained Soul Lord of Yama Fiend Blazing Arena
Unchained Soul of Sharvara Fiend Blazing Arena
Underworld Goddess of the Closed World Fiend Tricky Reception
Uni-Zombie Zombie Abyssal Underworld
Immortal Glory
Union Carrier Machine Emblazoned Armor
United We Stand -
Unity -
Upstart Goblin -
Uradora of Fate - Legacy Pack
Ursarctic Septentrion Beast-Warrior Celestial Dragon and Bear
Utopic Onomatopoeia Warrior Onomatopair-Up
Valiant Shark Lancer Beast Shark's Pride
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Valkyrie Sigrun Fairy Life Finds a Way
Vampire Voivode Zombie Immortal Royalty
The Newborn Dragon
Vanity's Emptiness - Theme Chronicle Banlist
Vanity's Ruler Fairy Theme Chronicle Banlist
Vanquish Soul Caesar Valius Dragon Singularity Warrior
Vanquish Soul Dr. Mad Love Fiend Singularity Warrior
Vanquish Soul Razen Warrior Singularity Warrior
Varudras, the Final Bringer of the End Times Wyrm Dragons' Reincarnation
Vaylantz World - Konig Wissen - Battle Trajectory
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Rage of Chaos
The Bizarre Playing Board
Vaylantz World - Shinra Bansho - Battle Trajectory
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Rage of Chaos
The Bizarre Playing Board
Veda Kalanta Warrior New World Replete With Joy
Veda Kalarcanum Warrior Nightmare Arrivals
New World Replete With Joy
Veidos the Dragon of Endless Darkness Pyro Dragons' Reincarnation
Veidos the Eruption Dragon of Extinction Pyro Dragons' Reincarnation
Vendread Scavenger Zombie Heroic Warriors
Vennominaga the Deity of Poisonous Snakes Reptile Curse of the Serpent
Vennominon the King of Poisonous Snakes Reptile Curse of the Serpent
Vera the Vernusylph Goddess Fairy Blessings of Nature
Hope Sprouting in the Spring Breeze
Vernusylph of the Flourishing Hills Fairy Blessings of Nature
Hope Sprouting in the Spring Breeze
Vicious Astraloud Fairy Beginning of the Next Journey
Victorica, Angel of Bravery Fairy Valiant Wings
Vindikite R-Genex Machine Elemental Exchanges
Virtual World Beast - Jiujiu Psychic Cyber City Guardians
Virtual World Dragon - Longlong Wrym Cyber City Guardians
Virtual World Kyubi - Shenshen Psychic Cyber City Guardians
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Visas Amritara Warrior New World Replete With Joy
Visas Starfrost Warrior Battle Trajectory
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Beastly Claws of Terror
Beginning of the Next Journey
New World Replete With Joy
Vision HERO Faris Warrior Shrouded Heroes
Heroes' Union
Heroes' Union
Vision HERO Trinity Warrior Shrouded Heroes
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Heroes' Union
Vision HERO Vyon Warrior Shrouded Heroes
Heroes' Union
Vision Resonator Fiend Return of the King
Void Ogre Dragon Dragon The Infinite Void
Void Reignition - Outlaws from the Inferno
Vola-Chemicritter Methydraco Beast-Warrior Scientific Analysis
Volcanic Doomfire Pyro Beasts of the Inferno
Volcanic Emperor Pyro Blazing Arena
Volcanic Trooper Pyro Blazing Arena
Vouiburial, the Dragon Undertaker Illusion Geas of the Light
Vylon Disigma Fairy Emblazoned Armor
Vylon Omega Fairy Emblazoned Armor
W Nebula Meteorite - Invaders from Outer Space
Wake Up Your Elemental HERO Warrior Climax of the Showdown
Waking the Dragon -
Wandering Gryphon Rider Winged Beast Wandering Travelers
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Guided by Fate
Victory in Progress
WANTED: Seeker of Sinful Spoils - Ride Into the Future
Chaotic Showtime
War Rock Bashileos Warrior Warriors Unite!
War Rock Meteoragon Warrior Warriors Unite!
Water Dragon Cluster Sea Serpent Scientific Analysis
Water Enchantress of the Temple Spellcaster Wandering Travelers
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Guided by Fate
Victory in Progress
Wattchimera Thunder Roaring Thunder
Watthydra Thunder Roaring Thunder
Wattkyuki Thunder Eternal Partners
Welcome Labrynth - Mysterious Labyrinth
Theme Chronicle Banlist
The Trap in the Wicked Castle
Aim For The Stars
White Aura Bihamut Fish Rulers of the Deep
Treasures of the Cosmic Ocean
Wind-Up Carrier Zenmaity Machine Wind-Up Soldiers
Wind-Up Zenmaintenance Machine Wind-Up Soldiers
Windwitch - Diamond Bell Spellcaster A Song of Zephyr and Petals
Windwitch - Ice Bell Spellcaster A Song of Zephyr and Petals
Winged Kuriboh LV6 Fairy The Masters Saga
Heroes' Union
Heroes' Union
Wings of Light - Lord of Dimensions
Witchcrafter Confusion Confession - Passage of the Sun
Witchcrafter Golem Aruru Spellcaster Stalwart Force
Seekers of Witchcraft
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Witchcrafter Vice-Madame Spellcaster Passage of the Sun
Name of Champions
World Gears of Theurlogical Demiurgy Cyberse Star-Studded Futures
Worldsea Dragon Zealantis Sea Serpent The Synchronized Cosmos
Raging God of the Sea
Worm Zero Reptile Invaders from Outer Space
Fusion Potential
Wynn the Wind Channeler Spellcaster Spiritual Mastery
X-Krawler Qualiark Insect Cosmic Mechanical Entities
XX-Saber Gottoms Beast-Warrior Pledge of Sword
Beastly Claws of Terror
Yata-Garasu Fiend Theme Chronicle Banlist
Record of Noble Spirits
Yoko, the Graceful Mayakashi Zombie Fires of This World and The Next
You're Finished -
Yu-Jo Friendship -
Yubel - The Loving Defender Forever Fiend Eternal Partners
Yuki-Onna, the Absolute Zero Mayakashi Zombie Fires of This World and The Next
Passage of the Sun
Yuki-Onna, the Icicle Mayakashi Zombie Passage of the Sun
Zefra Metaltron Wyrm Enchanted Threads of Shade
Zefraath Rock Enchanted Threads of Shade
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Zerrziel, Ruler of the Evil Eyed Fiend The Cost of Dark Powers
Zexal Construction - Champions of Hope
Zombie World - Abyssal Underworld
Immortal Glory
Zoodiac Barrage - Theme Chronicle Banlist
Mighty Contenders
Zoodiac Broadbull Beast-Warrior Theme Chronicle Banlist
Zoodiac Drident Beast-Warrior Those who Stand Against Kings
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Mighty Contenders
Zoroa, the Magistus Conflagrant Calamity Spellcaster Valiant Wings

All UR Trap Cards

Card How to Get
Apex Predation Invincible Raid
・Master Pack
Artifact Sanctum Awakening of the Ancients
Sisters of the Light
・Master Pack
Big Welcome Labrynth Dreaded Conspiracy
The Trap in the Wicked Castle
Aim For The Stars
・Master Pack
Blaze Accelerator Reload Beasts of the Inferno
・Master Pack
Crackdown The Masters Saga
・Master Pack
Destructive Daruma Karma Cannon Flame of Fury
Invincible Aces
・Master Pack
Diamond Duston Prank Panic!
・Master Pack
Dinomorphia Domain Invincible Raid
Theme Chronicle Banlist
・Master Pack
Draco-Utopian Aura New Step for Duelists
Origin of the Galaxy
・Master Pack
Dream Mirror Hypnagogia Interdimensional Interlopers
・Master Pack
End of the Line Legacy Pack
・Master Pack
Ghost Meets Girl - A Masterful Mayakashi Shiranui Saga Passage of the Sun
・Master Pack
Gottoms' Emergency Call Pledge of Sword
Beastly Claws of Terror
・Master Pack
Grand Horn of Heaven ・Master Pack
Gravekeeper's Trap Strong Will
The Ones Who Serve Ra
・Master Pack
Harpie's Feather Storm Glory on Wings
Theme Chronicle Banlist
・Master Pack
・Legacy Pack
Imperial Order Theme Chronicle Banlist
・Master Pack
Infinite Impermanence Ghostrick Purrely
Duel Experts
・Master Pack
Iron Thunder Eternal Partners
・Master Pack
Judgment of the Pharaoh ・Master Pack
Last Turn Theme Chronicle Banlist
・Master Pack
Life Equalizer Theme Chronicle Banlist
・Master Pack
Magical Explosion Theme Chronicle Banlist
・Master Pack
Metaverse Cyber City Guardians
Tricky Reception
・Master Pack
Mikanko Spiritwalk Nightmare Arrivals
・Master Pack
Mystical Refpanel
・Legacy Pack
Ninjitsu Art of Super-Transformation The Hidden Arts
・Master Pack
Rebirth Judgment ・Master Pack
Red Reboot Ghostrick Purrely
Return of the King
・Master Pack
Remove Brainwashing
・Legacy Pack
Royal Oppression Theme Chronicle Banlist
・Master Pack
Sales Pitch ・Master Pack
Sixth Sense Theme Chronicle Banlist
・Master Pack
Solemn Judgment Guardians of the Sacred Sky
Duel Experts
・Master Pack
Solemn Strike Guardians of the Sacred Sky
・Master Pack
Soul of the Supreme King Battle Trajectory
・Master Pack
Split Mirror of the Underworld ・Master Pack
Terrors of the Overroot Beginning of Turmoil
・Master Pack
The Black Goat Laughs Advance of Great Forces
・Master Pack
The Revived Sky God New Step for Duelists
The Great Olds
・Master Pack
There Can Be Only One Theme Chronicle Banlist
・Master Pack
Time Seal Theme Chronicle Banlist
・Master Pack
Transaction Rollback Return of the King
Aim For The Stars
Aim For The Stars
・Master Pack
Transmission Gear ・Master Pack
Trap Tracks Record of Noble Spirits
Mother Nature's Snare
・Master Pack
・Legacy Pack
Trickstar Reincarnation Essence of Flora and Ocean
・Master Pack
Trivikarma Beginning of the Next Journey
A Warrior of Seething Anger
・Master Pack
Tyrant's Throes
・Legacy Pack
Ultimate Offering Theme Chronicle Banlist
・Master Pack
Vanity's Emptiness Theme Chronicle Banlist
・Master Pack
W Nebula Meteorite Invaders from Outer Space
・Master Pack
Waking the Dragon ・Master Pack
Welcome Labrynth Mysterious Labyrinth
Theme Chronicle Banlist
The Trap in the Wicked Castle
Aim For The Stars
・Master Pack
You're Finished ・Master Pack

All UR Spell Cards

Card How to Get
A Hero Lives The First Heroes
Theme Chronicle Banlist
1st Anniversary - The First Heroes
The Masters Saga
・Master Pack
Advanced Heraldry Art Altered Heraldry
・Master Pack
Angel of Blue Tears New Step for Duelists
・Master Pack
Appliancer Electrilyrical World Electrilyrical
・Master Pack
Awakening of the Possessed Spiritual Mastery
・Master Pack
B.E.F Zelos Galaxy War
・Master Pack
Barian Untopia New Step for Duelists
・Master Pack
Barian's Chaos Draw Cosmic Ocean
Raging God of the Sea
・Master Pack
Barrier of the Voiceless Voice Wings of the Guardian
・Master Pack
Berserker Soul ・Master Pack
Bingo Machine, Go!!! The Azure in the Ivory
1st Anniversary - The Azure in the Ivory
The Masters Saga
・Master Pack
Bonfire Blazing Arena
Dragons' Reincarnation
・Master Pack
Branded Fusion The Newborn Dragon
Alba Abyss
Aim For The Stars
・Master Pack
Branded Lost The Newborn Dragon
Alba Abyss
・Master Pack
Brilliant Fusion Pyroxene Relinquished
・Master Pack
Called by the Grave ・Master Pack
Card Destruction ・Master Pack
Card of Fate ・Master Pack
Card of Safe Return Theme Chronicle Banlist
・Master Pack
Chain Strike Theme Chronicle Banlist
・Master Pack
Change of Heart Theme Chronicle Banlist
New Step for Duelists
・Master Pack
Charge of the Light Brigade Justice from Light
Advance of Great Forces
・Master Pack
Chicken Game Tricky Reception
The Most Dangerous Race of the Cosmos!
・Master Pack
Clashing Souls ・Master Pack
Cocoon of Ultra Evolution Insect Metamorphosis
・Master Pack
Cold Wave Theme Chronicle Banlist
・Master Pack
Confiscation Theme Chronicle Banlist
・Master Pack
Constellar Tellarknights Record of Noble Spirits
・Master Pack
Crimson Gaia Return of the King
・Master Pack
Crossout Designator ・Master Pack
Crystal Bond Crystal Serpentry
・Master Pack
Cynet Mining Soldiers from the Storm
Burning Spirits
1st Anniversary - Soldiers from the Storm
・Master Pack
Dark Ruler No More Ghostrick Purrely
Invincible Aces
・Master Pack
Dark Sanctuary The Trap in the Wicked Castle
・Master Pack
Dark Spirit's Mastery The Trap in the Wicked Castle
・Master Pack
Deception of the Sinful Spoils The Forbidden Liberated
・Master Pack
Delinquent Duo Theme Chronicle Banlist
・Master Pack
Deskbot Base Wind-Up Soldiers
・Master Pack
Diamond Core of Koa'ki Meiru Iron Core Synthetics
・Master Pack
Dimension Fusion Theme Chronicle Banlist
・Master Pack
Divine Domain Baatistina Return of the King
Crystal Realm Defier
・Master Pack
Domain of the True Monarchs Supernatural Elements
・Master Pack
Double-Edged Sword Awakening of the Ancients
・Master Pack
Dragon Ravine Dragon Knight Gorge
・Master Pack
Draw of Fate ・Master Pack
Duality Inherited Unity
・Master Pack
Earthbound Fusion Return of the King
・Master Pack
Ecole de Zone Beyond Speed
The Noble Knights of Crimson Flowers
・Master Pack
Emblema Oath Eternal Partners
・Master Pack
EMERGENCY! Nightmare Arrivals
Rescue Team, Emergency Dispatch!
・Master Pack
Endless Engine Argyro System Heroic Warriors
Fighting Spirit of Sparking Iron
・Master Pack
Evil Eyes Unleashed Dreaded Conspiracy
・Master Pack
Exosister Pax Valiant Wings
Sisters of the Light
・Master Pack
Fiendsmith's Tract The Forbidden Liberated
・Master Pack
Final Countdown Theme Chronicle Banlist
・Master Pack
Floowandereeze and the Advent of Adventure Cosmic Ocean
Wings that Span the Sky
・Master Pack
Focused Aquamirror Flame of Fury
・Master Pack
Foolish Burial ・Master Pack
Forbidden Droplet Deceitful Wings of Darkness
Duel Experts
・Master Pack
Fortune Lady Calling Destiny's Sorceress
・Master Pack
Fossil Dig Prehistoric Beast Advance
Invincible Raid
・Master Pack
Fossil Fusion Primordial Rising
・Master Pack
Fusion Armament Nightmare Arrivals
・Master Pack
Fusion Deployment ・Master Pack
Gateway of the Six Great Shogun's Rule
・Master Pack
Geartown Gargantuan Gears
・Master Pack
Giant Trunade Theme Chronicle Banlist
・Master Pack
Gold Pride - Better Luck Next Time! Indomitable Pride
The Most Dangerous Race of the Cosmos!
・Master Pack
Gold Sarcophagus Duel Experts
・Master Pack
Golden Castle of Stromberg Legends of Old
・Master Pack
Golden Rule Inherited Unity
・Master Pack
Gouki Re-Match Three-Strike Success
・Master Pack
Graceful Charity Theme Chronicle Banlist
・Master Pack
Grand Spiritual Art - Ichirin Spiritual Mastery
・Master Pack
Gravity Balance Strong Will
Hope Sprouting in the Spring Breeze
・Master Pack
Ground Xeno Transcendentalism
・Master Pack
Harpie's Feather Duster Glory on Wings
Name of Champions
・Master Pack
Heavy Storm Theme Chronicle Banlist
The Masters Saga
・Master Pack
Heroic Call Heroic Warriors
Blazing Warriors
・Master Pack
Heroic Envoy Heroic Warriors
Blazing Warriors
・Master Pack
Hieratic Seal of Convocation Gods of Abyss and Arcadia
Dragon Kings from the Abyss
・Master Pack
Icejade Cenote Enion Cradle Cosmic Ocean
Beginning of Turmoil
Treasures of the Cosmic Ocean
・Master Pack
Infernity Launcher The Infinite Void
・Master Pack
Instant Fusion ・Master Pack
Interrupted Kaiju Slumber Emerging Monstrosity Recon!
Theme Chronicle Banlist
・Master Pack
Kashtiratheosis Flame of Fury
A Warrior of Seething Anger
・Master Pack
Land Flipping ・Master Pack
Last Will Theme Chronicle Banlist
・Master Pack
Legacy of the Duelist ・Master Pack
Libromancer First Appearance Heroic Warriors
Fires of Scorching Bonds
・Master Pack
Lightning Storm ・Master Pack
Limiter Removal Roid Nexus
・Master Pack
Link into the VRAINS! New Step for Duelists
・Master Pack
Lullaby of Obedience ・Master Pack
Magical Mid-Breaker Field ・Master Pack
Magical Stone Excavation ・Master Pack
Margin Trading Ruler's Mask
・Master Pack
Mass Driver Theme Chronicle Banlist
・Master Pack
Memories of Hope ・Master Pack
Metaltronus Outlaws from the Inferno
・Master Pack
Meteonis Drytron Celestial Dragon and Bear
Theme Chronicle Banlist
・Master Pack
Mikanko Fire Dance Galactic Evolution
A Dance Dedicated to the Heavens
・Master Pack
Mikanko Water Arabesque Galactic Evolution
A Dance Dedicated to the Heavens
・Master Pack
Mind Control ・Master Pack
Monster Reborn ・Master Pack
Monster Reborn Reborn ・Master Pack
Moray of Avarice The Synchronized Cosmos
Treasures of the Cosmic Ocean
・Master Pack
My Friend Purrely Galactic Evolution
Ghostrick Purrely
My Cute Lovely Friends
・Master Pack
Mystic Mine Theme Chronicle Banlist
・Master Pack
Nadir Servant Echo Chamber Nation
Alba Abyss
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Beginning of the Next Journey
・Master Pack
Necrovalley Guardian of Kings
Theme Chronicle Banlist
・Master Pack
Neos Fusion Neo Space Comrades
Theme Chronicle Banlist
・Master Pack
Nightmare Throne Eternal Partners
・Master Pack
Ninjitsu Art Notebook of Mystery Hidden Arts of Shadows
・Master Pack
Nouvelles Restaurant "At Table" Singularity Warrior
A Full Course of Magic
・Master Pack
Numbers Eveil Cosmic Ocean
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Number Recall
・Master Pack
Numeron Network Stalwart Force
Number Recall
Theme Chronicle Banlist
・Master Pack
Ogdoadic Water Lily Gods of Abyss and Arcadia
Sacred Imperial Tomb
・Master Pack
Ojamatch ・Master Pack
One Day of Peace
・Legacy Pack
One for One ・Master Pack
Onomatopaira Onomatopair-Up
・Master Pack
Onslaught of the Fire Kings Roused from Destruction
・Master Pack
Original Bamboo Sword Singularity Warrior
A Dance Dedicated to the Heavens
・Master Pack
Ostinato A Song of Zephyr and Petals
Geas of the Light
・Master Pack
Overload Future Fusion Revived Legion
・Master Pack
Painful Choice Theme Chronicle Banlist
・Master Pack
Palace of the Elemental Lords Supernatural Elements
・Master Pack
Peaceful Planet Calarium Beginning of the Next Journey
New World Replete With Joy
・Master Pack
Pig Iron vs. Pen Peg
・Legacy Pack
Plunder Patroll Shipyarrrd Vessels of Freedom
・Master Pack
Pot of Greed ・Master Pack
Premature Burial Theme Chronicle Banlist
・Master Pack
Pressured Planet Wraithsoth Flame of Fury
A Warrior of Seething Anger
・Master Pack
Primal Seed ・Master Pack
Primeval Planet Perlereino Blessings of Nature
Songstress of Sorrow Song
・Master Pack
Primitive Planet Reichphobia Battle Trajectory
Beastly Claws of Terror
・Master Pack
Purrely Sleepy Memory Galactic Evolution
Ghostrick Purrely
My Cute Lovely Friends
・Master Pack
Raigeki Name of Champions
・Master Pack
Rank-Up-Magic - The Seventh One Blazing Warriors
Sword of the Seventh One
Shark's Pride
Theme Chronicle Banlist
・Master Pack
Rank-Up-Magic Argent Chaos Force Altered Heraldry
Colossal Mech
Timeworn Legacies
・Master Pack
Rank-Up-Magic Quick Chaos Shark's Pride
・Master Pack
Ready Fusion Ruler's Mask
A Full Course of Magic
・Master Pack
Reinforcement of the Army ・Master Pack
Rekindling Justice Before Attribute
Combatants of Flame
・Master Pack
Ride of the Valkyries Life Finds a Way
・Master Pack
Rite of Aramesir Wandering Travelers
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Guided by Fate
Victory in Progress
・Master Pack
Runick Fountain Mysterious Labyrinth
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Adventure of Mystical Etchings
・Master Pack
Runick Tip Mysterious Labyrinth
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Adventure of Mystical Etchings
・Master Pack
Saga of the Dragon Emperor Galactic Evolution
・Master Pack
Salamangreat Burst Gryphon Revived Legion
・Master Pack
Sales Ban Cosmic Ocean
・Master Pack
Sangen Kaimen Outlaws from the Inferno
・Master Pack
Scapegoat ・Master Pack
Secret Password Electron Illusions
・Master Pack
Set Rotation Theme Chronicle Banlist
・Master Pack
Seventh Ascension Cosmic Ocean
Raging God of the Sea
・Master Pack
Shadow's Light Inherited Unity
・Master Pack
Shining Sarcophagus Geas of the Light
・Master Pack
Simorgh Onslaught Wings that Span the Sky
・Master Pack
Sky Iris Draconic Resplendence
・Master Pack
Sky Striker Mobilize - Engage! Singular Strike Overthrow
・Master Pack
Sky Striker Mobilize - Linkage! Singular Strike Overthrow
・Master Pack
Slash Draw ・Master Pack
Smoke Grenade of the Thief ・Master Pack
Snake Rain Curse of the Serpent
・Master Pack
Snatch Steal Theme Chronicle Banlist
The Masters Saga
・Master Pack
Solfachord Elegance Artistic Angel
・Master Pack
Soul Servant Darkest Magics
Vortex of Magic
・Master Pack
Spell Card “Monster Reborn” The Masters Saga
The Forbidden Liberated
・Master Pack
Spellbook of Secrets Mastery of the Grimoire
・Master Pack
Spellbound The Synchronized Cosmos
・Master Pack
Spirit Charmers Spiritual Mastery
・Master Pack
Spright Starter Sprites of Miracle
Burst of Zapping Energy!
・Master Pack
Stake your Soul! Singularity Warrior
・Master Pack
Super Polymerization Transfigured Heroes
The Masters Saga
Dragons' Reincarnation
・Master Pack
Swallow's Cowrie Wings of the Guardian
・Master Pack
Sweet Dreams, Nemleria Indomitable Pride
Sugar-Suffused Reverie
・Master Pack
Sylvan Charity Seedling Soul Fey
・Master Pack
Symbol of Friendship ・Master Pack
Tales of the White Forest Chaotic Showtime
・Master Pack
Tearlaments Scream Blessings of Nature
Songstress of Sorrow Song
・Master Pack
Terraforming ・Master Pack
That Grass Looks Greener Theme Chronicle Banlist
・Master Pack
The Breaking Ruin God Inherited Unity
The Great Olds
・Master Pack
The Forceful Sentry Theme Chronicle Banlist
・Master Pack
The Gates of Dark World Rulers of Darkness
・Master Pack
The Hallowed Azamina The Forbidden Liberated
・Master Pack
The Melody of Awakening Dragon Revival of Legends
Blue-Eyes Max
・Master Pack
The Most Distant, Deepest Depths The Synchronized Cosmos
Treasures of the Cosmic Ocean
・Master Pack
The True Sun God Passage of the Sun
The Great Olds
・Master Pack
The World Legacy ・Master Pack
Therion Discolosseum Heroic Warriors
Fighting Spirit of Sparking Iron
・Master Pack
Ties of the Brethren ・Master Pack
Time-Tearing Morganite Record of Noble Spirits
・Master Pack
Tokusano Shinkyojin Return of the King
Crystal Realm Defier
・Master Pack
Toon Kingdom Toontastic
・Master Pack
Toy Box The Masters Saga
・Master Pack
Trade-In Origin of the Galaxy
・Master Pack
Traptantalizing Tune Dreaded Conspiracy
Mother Nature's Snare
・Master Pack
Trickstar Light Stage Essence of Flora and Ocean
・Master Pack
Triple Tactics Talent Ghostrick Purrely
Duel Experts
・Master Pack
Triple Tactics Thrust Flame of Fury
Ghostrick Purrely
Invincible Aces
・Master Pack
Tuning Stardust Ties
Revival of Legends
1st Anniversary - Stardust Ties
The Noble Knights of Crimson Flowers
Evoked Dragon of Miracles
・Master Pack
Ultimate Slayer Mysterious Labyrinth
・Master Pack
United We Stand ・Master Pack
Unity ・Master Pack
Upstart Goblin ・Master Pack
Uradora of Fate Legacy Pack
・Master Pack
Vaylantz World - Konig Wissen Battle Trajectory
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Rage of Chaos
The Bizarre Playing Board
・Master Pack
Vaylantz World - Shinra Bansho Battle Trajectory
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Rage of Chaos
The Bizarre Playing Board
・Master Pack
Void Reignition Outlaws from the Inferno
・Master Pack
WANTED: Seeker of Sinful Spoils Ride Into the Future
Chaotic Showtime
・Master Pack
Wings of Light Lord of Dimensions
・Master Pack
Witchcrafter Confusion Confession Passage of the Sun
・Master Pack
Yu-Jo Friendship ・Master Pack
Zexal Construction Champions of Hope
・Master Pack
Zombie World Abyssal Underworld
Immortal Glory
・Master Pack
Zoodiac Barrage Theme Chronicle Banlist
Mighty Contenders
・Master Pack

Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel Related Guides

Monster Cards

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FusionFusion SynchroSynchro
XYZXyz Link CardLink

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Level5 Level6 Level7 Level8 Level9
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