Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel

The Pyroxene Warriors: Solo Rewards and Guide

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Master Duel - The Pyroxene Warriors Walkthrough.png
The Pyroxene Warriors is one of the Gates that can be played through on Solo Mode in Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel. Find out more about the different rewards in this Gate, as well as what strategies you can do to accomplish each chapter!

The Pyroxene Warriors Info and Rewards

Rewards by Chapter

Master Duel - The Pyroxene Warriors Rewards.png

Chapter Rewards
1 [Card]
Gem-Knight Lapis x3
2 [ORB]
3 [ORB]
Gem-Merchant x3
4 [Structure Deck]
Gem-Knight's Resolution
5 [Card]
Fusion Conscription x3
Legacy Pack Ticket
6 [Icon]
Gem-Knight Master Diamond
Gem x200

Locked Chapter Unlock Conditions

Unlock Cost Master Duel - Earth Orb.png200 ORB-Earth

The Pyroxene Warriors Strategy

Use Gem-Knight Fusion

The Gem-Knight Fusion spell is the player's primary means of summoning a high-level, high stat Monster Card from the Extra Deck. This banishes the card to the GY, where the player can once again use it's effect to bring it back to their hand, allowing them to re-use its effects on the next Turn.

Link Summon for Gem-Knight Phantom Quartz

Should players be capable of doing it, Link Summoning for the Gem-Knight Phantom Quartz is another quick way for them to summon a high-level, high stat Monster Card due to the Phantom Quartz' effects. Although going for this card is not necessary in any of the Duel Chapters, it may be one extra way players can go for high stat monsters should they find themselves in need of "one more card" in a duel.

Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel Related Guides

Yugi Oh Master Duel - Solo Mode Partial Banner.png

Solo Mode

All Walkthroughs

All Solo Gates
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The Warriors of the Six Elemental Lords Ruin and Demise
The Mystery of the Megalith The Pyroxene Warriors
The Glory of the Gladiator Beasts Studying the Origins of the Karakuri
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Digital Bugs in Cyberspace The Steam Dinosaurs of Uncharted Lands
The Colossal Majestic Conch The Legend of the Star Heroes


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