Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel

Best Fusion Monsters

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Master Duel - Best Fusion Monsters Top Image

Fusion is a type of Monster Card in Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel. Use these staples to see what can make your Deck stronger!

Best Fusion Monsters

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Destiny HERO - Destroyer Phoenix Enforcer
Hugin the Runick Wings
Elder Entity N'tss
Masked HERO Dark Law
. Thunder Dragon Colossus
Mirrorjade the Iceblade Dragon
Masquerade the Blazing Dragon
Naturia Exterio
Invoked Mechaba
Guardian Chimera
Predaplant Dragostapelia
Starving Venom Fusion Dragon
Quintet Magician

Destiny HERO - Destroyer Phoenix Enforcer

Part of the once-notorious "DPE Engine", Destiny HERO - Destroyer Phoenix Enforcer can keep reviving itself in the following Standy Phase, if it gets destroyed by any card effect--including its own when destroying a card on the field.

While on the field, this monster will also reduce the ATK of the opponent's monsters for every HERO monster in the GY.

Hugin the Runick Wings

While the material requirement says 2 "Runick" Monsters, Hugin the Runick Wings is often brought out through the second effect by all of the Runick Quick-Play Spells.

On top of searching the archetype's key Field Spell Runick Fountain, it can provide protection to other cards from card destruction effects by banishing itself, and if this card gets destroyed it gets sent back to the GY immediately.

Elder Entity N'tss

Most times when Elder Entity N'tss is on the Extra Deck, the player won't even Fusion Summon this monster. Rather, it is usually sent straight to the GY when it can. That's where its trigger effect can be activated, and it provides a free card destruction effect.

Masked HERO Dark Law

While it can only be brought out through Mask Change, Masked HERO Dark Law is one of the best of the HERO archetype.

It has an effect similar to Macro Cosmos while on the field, and if the opponent adds a card to their hand except the Draw Phase or Damage Step, it can banish a card from their hand at random.

Thunder Dragon Colossus

Thunder Dragon Colossus can be cheated out on the field using a Thunder monster that's activated its effect from the hand, which is usually Nemeses Corridor in other Decks that have this in their Deck Recipe.

Once on the field, the opponent cannot add cards from the Deck to the hand except by drawing them, and it can protect itself from card destruction effects by banishing a Thunder-type Monster.

Mirrorjade the Iceblade Dragon

Mirrorjade the Iceblade Dragon is one of the most prominent Fusion Monsters in the current meta. With some help from Fallen of Albaz, this card can be brought out using the opponent's Extra Deck monsters.

What makes it so annoying as a boss monster is its Quick Effect that banishes a monster, and a floating effect that destroys all monsters the opponent controls on the End Phase this card leaves the field via opponent's card effect.

Masquerade the Blazing Dragon

Another staple for a Branded Despia Deck, Masquerade the Blazing Dragon punishes the opponent that uses effect after effect, burning them with effect damage for each effect activation. The effect also stacks if you control another copy of this monster.

When in the GY, if they so happen to control a Ritual, Fusion, Synchro, Xyz or Link Monster, it can be Special Summoned back to the field, often brought back to be used as a combo piece.

Naturia Exterio

As it needs specific materials to be Fusion Summoned, Naturia Exterio is a popular monster to be Special Summoned through Cyber-Stein's effect.

So long as this monster is face-up and active, it can keep negating Spells and Traps by banishing a card from the GY, and milling a card from the top of the Deck.

Invoked Mechaba

A staple for Decks that run the Invoked Engine, Invoked Mechaba is considered one of the best "Invoked" Fusion Monsters in the game. By discarding a card from the hand, this card can negate the activation of a card of the same time (Monster, Spell or Trap Card).

Guardian Chimera

Just Fusion Summoning Guardian Chimera provides a lot of card advantage. It can destroy cards on the field, and draw cards from the Deck depending if the Fusion Materials are used from the hand or on the field.

Predaplant Dragostapelia

A popular counter to use against Fusion-centric DARK Decks via Super Polymerization, Predaplant Dragostapelia is powerful enough even outside a Predaplant Deck. Being able to apply a monster effect-negating status once per turn is extremely strong in the current meta.

Starving Venom Fusion Dragon

Another popular target for players to Fusion Summon with via Super Polymerization, Starving Venom Fusion Dragon is a menace against Special Summoned monsters.

It can gain ATK upon being Fusion Summoned, can take on the name and effect of a Level 5 or higher monster the opponent controls, and destroys all the opponent's Special Summoned monsters when this card is destroyed.

Quintet Magician

Quintet Magician is often considered a last-resort boss monster for Spellcaster-centric Decks, brought out with help from Magicalized Fusion. If all 5 Fusion Materials used to summon this card have different names, it automatically destroys all cards the opponent controls.

On top of that, this card cannot be tributed, cannot be used as Fusion Material, and immune to card destruction effects, making it a very hard monster to remove from the field.

What are Fusion Monsters?

Purple Monster Cards

Fusion Monsters

Fusion Cards are monster cards with a purple frame placed in the Extra Deck. These cards are Fusion Summoned, and in most instances, need a Fusion Spell like Polymerization to Summon them to the field.

Though often resource heavy while Deck Building, most of the time the Fusion Monsters have potent effects and impressive ATK/DEF stats. Some can be game-winning monsters, others just provide immense utility to the deck.

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