Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel

Earthbound Deck List & Card Guide

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Master Duel - Earthbound Top Banner
Earthbound is an Aggro deck in Yu-Gi-Oh Master Duel, which is mainly a Synchro Deck which also has a penchant for Fusion Monsters. Check out the core deck list, key combos, as well as how to play & counters!

Earthbound Deck List

Main Deck: 40 cards
Earthbound Prisoner Ground Keeper x3 Assault Synchron x3 Vision Resonator x3 Earthbound Prisoner Line Walker x3 Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring x3
Earthbound Prisoner Stone Sweeper x3 Maxx "C" x2 Cyber Dragon x2 Super Quantum Red Layer x2 PSY-Framegear Gamma x1
PSY-Frame Driver x1 Earthbound Prison x2 Called by the Grave x2 Triple Tactics Talent x2 Ready Fusion x2
Earthbound Fusion x1 Harmonic Synchro Fusion x1 Harpie x1 One for One x1 Infinite Impermanence x2
Extra Deck: 15 cards
Sea Monster of Theseus x2 Earthbound Servant Geo Gremlina x1 Earthbound Servant Geo Kraken x1 Earthbound Servant Geo Grasha x1 Earthbound Servant Geo Gremlin x2
Earthbound Servant Geo Gryphon x2 Stardust Charge Warrior x1 Ancient Fairy Dragon x1 PSY-Framelord Omega x1 Scarlight Red Dragon Archfiend x1
Scarred Dragon Archfiend x1 Baronne de Fleur x1

Earthbound Breakdown

Tier List Evaluation

Tier Ranking
2 IconTier 2
Deck Archetype Deck Difficulty
Aggro Hard
Deck Evaluation
CheckmarkAn archetype that has an embedded use of both Fusion and Synchro Monsters

CheckmarkHas cards and effects that enables it to summon Fusion and Synchro Monsters in one fell swoop

CheckmarkCan make use of various Synchro Deck Engines like Resonators and Synchrons

Earthbound Deck Guide: How to Play

Attention! This portion is in progress, stay tuned until then!

Playstyle and Win Condition

Originally, the Earthbound archetype mostly consisted of Level 10 Fiend monsters that were meant to counter Synchro Monsters.

Earthbound Immortal Ccapac Apu Earthbound Immortal Uru Earthbound Immortal Aslla piscu Earthbound Immortal Chacu Challhua

A player could only control one of them while on the field, but they make up for it by having some rather powerful effects. Yet, it did not matter as the playstyle was far too slow, and other Decks completely overtook them in the TCG and OCG.

Master Duel - Earthbound

The newer "Earthbound" cards look to correct this mistake by partaking in the Extra Deck themselves, having Fusion and Synchro Monsters up for grabs as materials.

Earthbound Main Deck Cards

Earthbound Prisoner Ground Keeper Earthbound Prisoner Line Walker Earthbound Prisoner Stone Sweeper

The three newest additions to the archetype, upon being introduced in Master Duel through the Return of the King Selection Pack, all have effects that focus on getting the proper cards needed. In Earthbound Prisoner Ground Keeper's case, it can Special Summon a Level 5 or lower "Earthbound" monster from the Deck which can be used for a Synchro Summon immediately.

Earthbound Prisoner Stone Sweeper can either Special Summon itself from the hand if there is an active Field Spell, or by discarding itself from the hand it can search out a Level 3 or lower Tuner to add to the hand. Meanwhile, Earthbound Prisoner Line Walker can search out certain Fusion Spells when it is summoned, which is ironic considering it is a Tuner.

Earthbound Prison Earthbound Fusion Harmonic Synchro Fusion

The Field Spell Earthbound Prison provides an additional Normal Summon to fellow "Earthbound" monsters, and upon activation it can negate a monster's effects immediately. It also acts as bait, as after this card is destroyed due to their opponent's card effect while you control an "Earthbound" monster, it triggers a one-turn Skill Drain effect.

Harmonic Synchro Fusion will be your main Fusion Spell to use, but it does have some strict requirements of needing both materials to match properly as if it were both a Synchro and a Fusion Summon at the same time.

Meanwhile, Earthbound Fusion can only be activated while a Field Spell is active, but it can also Special Summon an "Earthbound" monster from the GY by banishing this card from there.

Earthbound Extra Deck Cards

Earthbound Servant Geo Gremlina Earthbound Servant Geo Kraken Earthbound Servant Geo Grasha

There are only three Fusion Monsters among the Earthbound archetype, and you only need one copy of each in the Extra Deck. Geo Gremlina is the easiest to summon, and it hasboth a built-in search effect and burn effect. Special Summoning Geo Kraken makes it easier to get Earthbound Prison, and punishes the opponent for summoning an Extra Deck Monster with a Monster Zone wipe and burn damage for each card destroyed.

Earthbound Servant Geo Grasha serves as the main boss monster of the Deck, and has the hardest summoning conditions to fulfill. Any monster it battles makes its stats drop to 0, and the moment it destroys a mosnter by battle, it destroys all other cards on the opponent's field. The cherry on the top is its floating effect, being able to Special Summon any "Earthbound" monster from the Main Deck.

If you plan on adding at least one "Earthbound Immortal", Geo Grasha's effect is an easy way to bring it out.

Hand Traps

Maxx "C" Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring Called by the Grave Infinite Impermanence

Hand traps are stil a staple for this Deck, with cards like Maxx "C", Ash Blossom, Called by the Grave and Infinite Impermanence being staples among many Decks. Expect just about every Deck you go up against have these incorporated into their Deck.

A special addition for this Deck is PSY-Framegear Gamma, which can be a negate against monster effects (including other hand traps), and a free Synchro Summon to a Level 8 Synchro Monster if you manage to summon this card and PSY-Frame Driver during your own turn.

Ready Fusion & Sea Monster of Theseus

Ready Fusion Sea Monster of Theseus

With Instant Fusion currently being banned, Ready Fusion is a sneaky way to get high-level monsters on the field easily.

There are a number of non-effect Fusion Monsters this card can target, but Sea Monster of Theseus gets a very special mention due to it being a Tuner Monster as well. This can be a sneaky way to bring out Level 10 or higher Sycnhro Monsters.

Earthbound Servant Geo Gremlin Earthbound Servant Geo Gryphon

Earthbound Servant Geo Gremlin forces the opponent to choose between destroying a monster or gain LP equal to their ATK. It can also conduct a Fusion Summon during the opponent's turn, which makes it all the more elusive target as it can bring out the stronger monsters like Geo Kraken or Geo Grasha.

Geo Gryphon can Special Summon a fellow "Earthbound" monster from the GY, which will be crucial in getting the materials needed if attempting to summon Geo Grasha.

Core Combos and Interactions

Best Possible Hand

This is the best hand possible for this Deck to start with, outside of havinga couple of hand traps at the ready. This full hand can easily get players three Synchro Monsters and one Fusion Monster.

Best Possible Hand
Earthbound Prisoner Ground Keeper Earthbound Prisoner Line Walker Super Quantum Red Layer Earthbound Prison Ready Fusion
Step Description
1 Special Summon Super Quantum Red Layer while you control no monsters on your field.
Then, activate Earthbound Prison.
2 Using the effect of Earthbound Prison, Normal Summon Earthbound Prisoner Ground Keeper
Its effect triggers upon being summoned; Special Summon Earthbound Prisoner Stone Sweeper from the Deck.
3 Using Earthbound Prisoner Ground Keeper and Super Quantum Red Layer as materials, Synchro Summon Earthbound Prisoner Geo Gremlin.
4 Activate Ready Fusion; pay 1000 LP to Special Summon a copy of Sea Monster of Theseus from the Extra Deck to the hand.
5 Using your remaning regular Normal Summon, summon Earthbound Prisoner Line Walker onto the field.
Activate its effect upon being Summoned; search out a copy of Harmonic Synchro Fusion from the Deck to the hand.
6 Activate Harmonic Synchro Fusion; use Earthbound Prisoner Line Walker and Earthbound Prisoner Stone Sweeper as materials and send both cards to the GY, then Special Summon Earthbound Servant Geo Gremlina and Earthbound Servant Geo Grypher.
7 Activate Harmonic Synchro Fusion; use Earthbound Prisoner Line Walker and Earthbound Prisoner Stone Sweeper as materials and send both cards to the GY, then Special Summon Earthbound Servant Geo Gremlina and Earthbound Servant Geo Grypher.
8 Activate the effect of Earthbound Servant Geo Gryphon; target Earthbound Prisoner Stone Sweeper in the GY and Special Summon it back onto the field.
Then, using itself and Sea Monster of Theseus as materials, Synchro Summon Baronne de Fleur.
Field Spell: Earthbound Prison
Earthbound Servant Geo Gryphon X
Earthbound Servant Geo Gremlin Baronne de Fleur Earthbound Servant Geo Gremlina
- - - - -
Possible continuation
9 Activate the effect of Earthbound Prisoner Stone Sweeper; discard it, and search out Vision Resonator from the Deck to the hand.
Then, using its effect, you can Special Summon it onto the field.
10 Using Vision Resonator and Earthbound Servant Geo Gremlina as materials, Synchro Summon Scarred Dragon Archfiend.
Field Spell: Earthbound Prison
Earthbound Servant Geo Gryphon X
Earthbound Servant Geo Gremlin Baronne de Fleur Scarred Dragon Archfiend
- - - - -

Boss Monsters

Earthbound Servant Geo Grasha
Earthbound Servant Geo Grasha The strongest Fusion Monster in the Deck also has the hardest requirements to get for its Summoning condition. Earthbound Servant Geo Grashacan change the stats of the monster it attacks to 0, and it can completely destroy all cards on the opponent's field if this card destroys a monster by battle. It also has a floating effect where it can Special Summon an "Earthbound" monster from either the Main Deck or the Extra Deck.
Earthbound Servant Geo Gryphon
Earthbound Servant Geo Gryphon Earthbound Servant Geo Gryphon has several unique interruptions in its effect, both of which are triggered during the opponent's turn. During their Main Phase, it can target a monster they control to making them choose between destroying it or gain LP equal to its ATK. Meanwhile, it can conduct a Fusion Summon as a Quick Effect by banishing the needed materials.
Baronne de Fleur
Baronne de Fleur The epitome among Level 10 Synchro Monsters; Baronne de Fleur is universal in its utility as it is in control over the field. Its effect negation, card destruction, and floating Special Summon effects are all extremely useful in this Earthbound Deck.

Earthbound Counters: How to Beat

Best Decks to Use Against Earthbound



With a plethora of interruptions available, especially now with the addition of Transaction Rollback, Labrynth Decks are great matchups against an Earthbound Deck. Players could try to circumvent it with the help of Super Polymerization into either Garura or Predaplant Dragostapelia, but it is still an uphill battle.

Labrynth Deck List & Card Guide



Traptrix, much like Labrynth, is expected to have a lot of power in the current meta with the addition of Transaction Rollback. Their constant ussage of the "Hole" Trap Cards to interrupt plays will have to be dealt with first if you want to make meaningful plays as an Earthbound player.

Traptrix Deck List and Card Guide

Snake-Eyes Diabellstar

Snake-Eyes Diabellstar
Snake-Eyes Diabellstar is easily the strongest Deck in the meta as of writing, with all of the cards available in full power. Multiple negates, card destructions, and even turning monsters into Continuous Spells/Traps; they have it all. What makes them especially dangerous is their ability to activate Quick Effects during your own turn.

Snake-Eyes Deck List & Card Guide

Best Cards to Tech Against Earthbound

Summon Limit
Summon Limit In a usual combo for Earthbound, it can go up to more than 5 Summons in a single turn, especially if they aim on having Earthbound Servant Geo Grasha out as fast as possible. Summon Limit bottlenecks both players into only two summons each turn, forcing both players to choose their summons wisely.
Dimensional Barrier
Dimensional Barrier For Trap-centric Decks like Labrynth, Dimensional Barrier is a card that can shut down this Deck easily once they realize what cards you have in the Extra Deck. A single activation means you cannot Synchro Summon, nor activate the effects of Synchro Monsters for the rest of that turn. This also applies to Fusion Monsters, if it chooses "Fusion" for its effect.
Droll & Lock Bird
Droll & Lock Bird Earthbound Decks need to search certain cards in order to enact their Deck's strategies, like conducting Fusions with Harmonic Syncho Fusion. Droll & Lock Bird is one of the best counters against Decks that are reliant to their search effects.
Maxx "C"
Maxx "C" As with all Decks that rely on its Extra Deck for most of its strengths, Maxx "C" is the best counter for it. It also just so happens to be the most used card and the strongest card in the current meta, as deck building has revolved around this one hand trap.

Related Packs to Earthbound

Legacy Pack Master Pack
Pearlescent Cyber Dragons Return of the King
Savage Crimson Dragon Space-Time Transcendents
Stardust Ties

Yu-Gi-Oh Master Duel Related Guides

Deck Pages Banner.png

Yu-Gi-Oh Master Duel Deck Archetypes

Yu-Gi-Oh Master Duel Decks

Deck Tier List: Best Decks for Season 38

List of All Covered Decks

World Champion Decks

2024 World Champions: Team 7
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Decks Used in Worlds 2024

Decks Used By All Teams in Worlds 2024
snipehunters CER Hero's Future
CER 2 x FCG BRAZ IL Maxx “Yee”
Double Noir Rogue Ruler

Aggro Decks

List of All Aggro Decks
D/D/D Aggro Code Talker / Prank Kids Zoodiac
Blue-Eyes Virtual World SPYRAL Control
Toon Kingdom Red-Eyes Blue-Eyes
Zoodiac Prank-Kids Zoodiac Tri-Brigade
Pure Tri-Brigade Ancient Gear Dragonmaid
Tri-Brigade Lyrilusc (Bird Up) Dinosaur Raidraptor
HERO Dragon Link Despia
Magikey Adamancipator Black Luster Soldier
Pendulum Magician Stardust Dragon Tenyi Swordsoul
Cyberdark @Ignister Cyber Dragon
The Winged Dragon of Ra Despian Predaplant Despia Darklord
Odd-Eyes Performapal Numeron FTK Six Samurai
ABC Trickstar Windwitch Blackwings
Fluffal Cupid Pitch Turbo Lunalight
Vampire Ultra Athletes Thunder Dragon
Z-ARC Pendulum Magician Adventurer Rose Dragon Tenyi Adventurer P.U.N.K.
Suship Pure D/D/D Numeron Egyptian Gods
Galaxy Eyes OTK Borrelend Dragon Link Vaylantz
Beetrooper Icejade Ra Therion ABC
Libromancer Mathmech Spright Evil☆Twin
Spright Tri-Brigade Ishizu Chaos Slifer Arcana Knights
Gaia OTK Vernusylph Ancient Warriors
Ghoti Springans 8-Axis Gizmek Orochi
Danger! Dark World Mikanko Scareclaw Kashtira
Zombie World P.U.N.K. Hungry Burger Nouvelles Obelisk the Tormentor
Mannadium Gate Guardian Gold Pride P.U.N.K.
Superheavy Samurai Nemleria Dragon Rulers
Snake-Eye T.G. Diabellstar Skull Servant
Kaiju Resonators Earthbound
Malefic Kozmo Armored Xyz Shark
Unchained Battlin' Boxer Chimera Illusion
Fire King Snake-Eyes Vaalmonica Memento
Horus Tearlaments Centur-Ion Dragon Master Magia
Ice Barrier Infernoid Lightsworn
Ogdoadic Ragnaraika Genex Tenpai Dragon
Goblin Biker Infernoble Armed Dragon
Flame Swordsman Melodious Gimmick Puppet
Ashened White Forest Mekk-Knight
Fiendsmith Snake-Eyes White Forest Azamina Millennium

Control Decks

List of All Control Decks
Invoked Shaddoll Eldlich Control Drytron Fairy
True Draco Dark Magician Traptrix
Phantom Knights Madolche Relinquished
P.U.N.K. DPE Scythe Evil★Twin
Paleozoic Frog Salamangreat Gravekeepers
Monarch Tellarknight Agent
Exosisters Darklord Plunder Patrol
Rikka Floowandereeze Adventurer Phantom Knights
Dinomoprhia Tri-Brigade Gladiator Beast Adventurer Witchcrafter
Dark Magician Gravekeeper Branded Tri-Brigade Branded Despia
Zombie Vampire Blue-Eyes Jet Dragon Spellbook
Branded Cyber Dragon Branded Zombies Pure Scareclaw
Dinomorphia Runick Labrynth
Harpies Buster Blader Umi Control
Endymion Nekroz Spright
Spright Runick Ishizu Runick Branded Ishizu
Crystal Beasts Orcust Altergeist
Witchcrafter Subterror Krawler Mayakashi
Ishizu Tearlaments Evilswarm Melffy Spright
Bystial Branded Dogmatika Bystial Naturia Runick
Generaiders Kashtira Purrely
Ninja Rescue-ACE Gishki Spright
Prediction Princess Vanquish Soul Jinzo
Egyptian God Ojama Control Aromage
Ghostrick Kuriboh Anti-Meta Stun
Runick Spright Fur Hire Horus Control Toy Box Dark Magician
Yubel Voiceless Voice Rikka Ragnraika
Ritual Beast Shining Sarcophagus Fiendsmith Magical Musketeer

Burn Decks

List of All Burn Decks
Red-Eyes Burn Timelord Burn Chain Burn
D.D. Dynamite Igknight OTK Cubic
Dinosaur Bishbaalkin FTK Volcanic Snake-Eyes Transaction Rollback Burn

Alt-Win Decks

List of All Alternate Win Decks
Crooked Cook Exodia Flower Cardian Exodia Treasure Panda Exodia
Suicide Defense OTK

All Budget Decks

List of All Budget Deck Guides
Budget Shark Xyz Budget Eldlich Budget Hippo Turbo
Budget Despia Budget F.A. Metalfoes Budget Blue-Eyes White Dragon
Budget Chain Burn Budget Majespecter Budget Yosenju
Budget Flower Cardian Budget True Draco Budget Amorphage
Budget Ishizu Tearlaments

Best Cards for Decks

Lists of Best Cards for Deck Building
Best Staple Cards Best Searchers Best Hand Traps
Best Board Wipes Best Negates Best Fusion Monsters
Best Synchro Monsters Best Xyz Monsters Best Link Monsters
Best Structure Decks Best Decks to Go 1st or 2nd


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