Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel

All Continuous Spell Cards

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Continuous Spell Cards is a type of card that remains on the Field even after it is used in Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel. Read on to find out more about each card in this category, what their effects are, and how you can fit them to your Decks!

List of Continuous Spell Cards

Continuous Spell Cards by Rarity

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UR Continuous Spell Cards

Awakening of the PossessedAwakening of the Possessed Barrier of the Voiceless VoiceBarrier of the Voiceless Voice Branded LostBranded Lost
Brilliant FusionBrilliant Fusion Card of Safe ReturnCard of Safe Return Constellar TellarknightsConstellar Tellarknights
Crimson GaiaCrimson Gaia Deception of the Sinful SpoilsDeception of the Sinful Spoils Gateway of the SixGateway of the Six
Gold Pride - Better Luck Next Time!Gold Pride - Better Luck Next Time! Infernity LauncherInfernity Launcher Legacy of the DuelistLegacy of the Duelist
Mass DriverMass Driver My Friend PurrelyMy Friend Purrely Overload Future FusionOverload Future Fusion
Salamangreat Burst GryphonSalamangreat Burst Gryphon Shining SarcophagusShining Sarcophagus Tearlaments ScreamTearlaments Scream
The True Sun GodThe True Sun God The World LegacyThe World Legacy Toy BoxToy Box
Zoodiac BarrageZoodiac Barrage

SR Continuous Spell Cards

Ancient Gear AdvanceAncient Gear Advance Ancient Warriors Saga - Deception and BetrayalAncient Warriors Saga - Deception and Betrayal Aroma GardeningAroma Gardening
AsymmetaphysAsymmetaphys Black Feather WhirlwindBlack Feather Whirlwind Black WhirlwindBlack Whirlwind
Blessing of the Voiceless VoiceBlessing of the Voiceless Voice Boss RushBoss Rush Branded RegainedBranded Regained
Breath of the TistinaBreath of the Tistina Cerulean SkyfireCerulean Skyfire Contract with Don ThousandContract with Don Thousand
Cubic DharmaCubic Dharma Cubic KarmaCubic Karma Curse of AramatirCurse of Aramatir
Cursed EldlandCursed Eldland Cyberdark RealmCyberdark Realm Cynet CodecCynet Codec
D - ForceD - Force Dangerous Machine Type-6Dangerous Machine Type-6 Dark Contract with the GateDark Contract with the Gate
Dark Magical CircleDark Magical Circle Dark Room of NightmareDark Room of Nightmare Dark World ArchivesDark World Archives
Deck LockdownDeck Lockdown Degenerate CircuitDegenerate Circuit Dirge of the Lost DragonDirge of the Lost Dragon
DogmatikamatrixDogmatikamatrix Doll HappinessDoll Happiness Dream Tower of Princess NemleriaDream Tower of Princess Nemleria
Earthshattering EventEarthshattering Event EndymionEndymion's Lab Evil Eye ReposeEvil Eye Repose
Fateful AdventureFateful Adventure Field BarrierField Barrier Finite CardsFinite Cards
Fire Formation - TenkiFire Formation - Tenki Fire Formation - YokoFire Formation - Yoko Flame SwordsrealmFlame Swordsrealm
Floowandereeze and the Unexplored WindsFloowandereeze and the Unexplored Winds Fortune VisionFortune Vision Freezing Chains of the Ice BarrierFreezing Chains of the Ice Barrier
Future FusionFuture Fusion Galaxy HundredGalaxy Hundred GeneralprobeGeneralprobe
Goblin CircusGoblin Circus Ground CollapseGround Collapse Gunkan Suship Catch-of-the-DayGunkan Suship Catch-of-the-Day
Harmonic Synchro FusionHarmonic Synchro Fusion Hidden Temples of NecrovalleyHidden Temples of Necrovalley Hysteric SignHysteric Sign
Icejade CurseIcejade Curse Kaiser ColosseumKaiser Colosseum Kashtira BirthKashtira Birth
Libromancer Origin StoryLibromancer Origin Story Live☆Twin SunnyLive☆Twin Sunny's Snitch Malefic TerritoryMalefic Territory
Melffy Staring ContestMelffy Staring Contest Messenger of PeaceMessenger of Peace Millennium RevelationMillennium Revelation
Miracle StoneMiracle Stone Mirage of NightmareMirage of Nightmare Nightmare PainNightmare Pain
On Your Mark, Get Set, DUEL!On Your Mark, Get Set, DUEL! OnomatopickupOnomatopickup Pendulum EvolutionPendulum Evolution
Piercing the DarknessPiercing the Darkness Pinpoint LandingPinpoint Landing Power FilterPower Filter
ProhibitionProhibition Quiet LifeQuiet Life Ragnaraika BloomRagnaraika Bloom
Raidraptor - RoostRaidraptor - Roost Rainbow Bridge of the HeartRainbow Bridge of the Heart Scatter FusionScatter Fusion
Six Samurai UnitedSix Samurai United Soul AbsorptionSoul Absorption Subset BeatSubset Beat
Supernatural Danger ZoneSupernatural Danger Zone Supply SquadSupply Squad Synchronized RealmSynchronized Realm
Temple of the KingsTemple of the Kings Terrors in the Hidden CityTerrors in the Hidden City The Weather Snowy CanvasThe Weather Snowy Canvas
Tool BoxTool Box Valhalla, Hall of the FallenValhalla, Hall of the Fallen Vernusylph CorollaVernusylph Corolla
Void ApocalypseVoid Apocalypse Void ImaginationVoid Imagination Void VanishmentVoid Vanishment
Volcanic Blaze AcceleratorVolcanic Blaze Accelerator Walls of the Imperial TombWalls of the Imperial Tomb WattkingdomWattkingdom
Wave-Motion CannonWave-Motion Cannon White ReincarnationWhite Reincarnation Wind-Up FactoryWind-Up Factory
Xyz Change TacticsXyz Change Tactics Yaminabe PartyYaminabe Party

R Continuous Spell Cards

"A" Cell Breeding Device"A" Cell Breeding Device Advance ForceAdvance Force Advance ZoneAdvance Zone
Alluring Mirror SplitAlluring Mirror Split Amorphage InfectionAmorphage Infection Ancient Gear CastleAncient Gear Castle
Ancient Gear FortressAncient Gear Fortress Ancient Warriors Saga - Three VisitsAncient Warriors Saga - Three Visits ArchfiendArchfiend's Oath
Armed Dragon LightningArmed Dragon Lightning Arrive in LightArrive in Light Attack the Moon!Attack the Moon!
Backup SquadBackup Squad Blaze AcceleratorBlaze Accelerator Boot-Up Order - Gear ChargeBoot-Up Order - Gear Charge
BujincandescenceBujincandescence Burden of the MightyBurden of the Mighty Burning Bamboo SwordBurning Bamboo Sword
Cauldron of the Old ManCauldron of the Old Man Chain EnergyChain Energy Clockwork NightClockwork Night
Cloudian SquallCloudian Squall Code A Ancient RuinsCode A Ancient Ruins Constellar Star ChartConstellar Star Chart
Constellar TempestConstellar Tempest Core Transport UnitCore Transport Unit Corridor of AgonyCorridor of Agony
Cosmos ChannellingCosmos Channelling Court of JusticeCourt of Justice Crystal TreeCrystal Tree
Cynet OptimizationCynet Optimization Dark Snake SyndromeDark Snake Syndrome Decisive Battle of GolgondaDecisive Battle of Golgonda
Different Dimension GateDifferent Dimension Gate Dimensional FissureDimensional Fissure Dinomist ChargeDinomist Charge
Disciples of the True DracophoenixDisciples of the True Dracophoenix Don ThousandDon Thousand's Throne Double ExposureDouble Exposure
Dragonoid GeneratorDragonoid Generator Dragunity DraftDragunity Draft Dream Mirror PhantasmsDream Mirror Phantasms
Ebon SunEbon Sun EctoplasmerEctoplasmer EN WaveEN Wave
Exosister CarpedivemExosister Carpedivem Fairy Tail TalesFairy Tail Tales Fire Formation - GyokkouFire Formation - Gyokkou
Fire Formation - TensuFire Formation - Tensu Fire King SanctuaryFire King Sanctuary Frightfur SanctuaryFrightfur Sanctuary
Frontline BaseFrontline Base Gadget BoxGadget Box Galaxy WaveGalaxy Wave
GearbreedGearbreed Gladiator RejectionGladiator Rejection Goblin Biker Grand BashGoblin Biker Grand Bash
GravekeeperGravekeeper's Servant Heart of the UnderdogHeart of the Underdog Herculean PowerHerculean Power
Insect BarrierInsect Barrier Insect NeglectInsect Neglect Interdimensional Matter ForwarderInterdimensional Matter Forwarder
Iron CageIron Cage Jewels of the ValiantJewels of the Valiant Jursassic PowerJursassic Power
Karakuri AnatomyKarakuri Anatomy Level Limit - Area BLevel Limit - Area B Libromancer RealizedLibromancer Realized
Lyrilusc - Bird SanctuaryLyrilusc - Bird Sanctuary Machina Armored UnitMachina Armored Unit Machine Assembly LineMachine Assembly Line
Madolche SalonMadolche Salon Madolche TicketMadolche Ticket Mask of DispelMask of Dispel
Mayakashi WinterMayakashi Winter Meklord AssemblyMeklord Assembly Miracle FertilizerMiracle Fertilizer
Ninjitsu Art NotebookNinjitsu Art Notebook Ogdoadic Serpent StrikeOgdoadic Serpent Strike Opening of the Spirit GatesOpening of the Spirit Gates
Perform PuppetPerform Puppet PredaponicsPredaponics Pride of the WeakPride of the Weak
QuarantineQuarantine Raidraptor - NestRaidraptor - Nest Reinforcement of the ArmyReinforcement of the Army's Troops
Return of the MonarchsReturn of the Monarchs Rikka FlurriesRikka Flurries Ritual Beast InheritanceRitual Beast Inheritance
Scareclaw DefangingScareclaw Defanging Sea LordSea Lord's Amulet Sea Stealth IISea Stealth II
Second Coin TossSecond Coin Toss Seven Cities of the Golden LandSeven Cities of the Golden Land Shard of GreedShard of Greed
Shinobird Power SpotShinobird Power Spot Sky Striker Mecha Modules - MultiroleSky Striker Mecha Modules - Multirole SolidaritySolidarity
Soul Devouring Bamboo SwordSoul Devouring Bamboo Sword Soul PendulumSoul Pendulum Spell AbsorptionSpell Absorption
Spell ChronicleSpell Chronicle Spell EconomicsSpell Economics Spellbook Star HallSpellbook Star Hall
SpidersSpiders' Lair Spirit ConverterSpirit Converter Springans BootySpringans Booty
SPYRAL MISSION - AssaultSPYRAL MISSION - Assault Stairs of MailStairs of Mail Star PendulumgraphStar Pendulumgraph
Strength in UnityStrength in Unity StumblingStumbling Summoning CurseSummoning Curse
Sunvine ShrineSunvine Shrine Super Solar NutrientSuper Solar Nutrient Swords of Burning LightSwords of Burning Light
Swords of Concealing LightSwords of Concealing Light Synchro DilemmaSynchro Dilemma Terminal WorldTerminal World
Terminal World NEXTTerminal World NEXT The Sanctum of ParshathThe Sanctum of Parshath The Weather Cloudy CanvasThe Weather Cloudy Canvas
The World TreeThe World Tree TollToll Tri-Blaze AcceleratorTri-Blaze Accelerator
Tri-Brigade ShowdownTri-Brigade Showdown Triamid LoadingTriamid Loading True Draco HeritageTrue Draco Heritage
Ursarctic RadiationUrsarctic Radiation Verdant SanctuaryVerdant Sanctuary Virtual World Gate - QinglongVirtual World Gate - Qinglong
Vision with Eyes of BlueVision with Eyes of Blue War Rock MediumWar Rock Medium Water HazardWater Hazard
Wave-Motion InfernoWave-Motion Inferno Will of the SalamangreatWill of the Salamangreat Wonder BalloonsWonder Balloons
World Legacy GuardragonWorld Legacy Guardragon You and A.I.You and A.I. Zefra PathZefra Path

N Continuous Spell Cards

"A" Cell Incubator"A" Cell Incubator 77 Abyss Prop - Wild WagonAbyss Prop - Wild Wagon
Abyss Script - AbysstainmentAbyss Script - Abysstainment Amazoness Fighting SpiritAmazoness Fighting Spirit Ancient Warriors Saga - Borrowing of ArrowsAncient Warriors Saga - Borrowing of Arrows
Ancient Warriors Saga - East-by-South WindsAncient Warriors Saga - East-by-South Winds Ancient Warriors Saga - Sun-Liu AllianceAncient Warriors Saga - Sun-Liu Alliance Aquarium LightingAquarium Lighting
Aquarium SetAquarium Set Aquarium StageAquarium Stage Arcane BarrierArcane Barrier
Ascending SoulAscending Soul Attack PheromonesAttack Pheromones Attraffic ControlAttraffic Control
Banner of CourageBanner of Courage Battle Royal Mode - JoiningBattle Royal Mode - Joining Battleguard EchoesBattleguard Echoes
Blessings of the NileBlessings of the Nile Blockout CurtainBlockout Curtain Borrel SupplierBorrel Supplier
Branch!Branch! Branded DiscipleBranded Disciple Branded in Central DogmatikaBranded in Central Dogmatika
Bubble BarrierBubble Barrier Burning LandBurning Land Call of the MummyCall of the Mummy
Card ShuffleCard Shuffle Card TraderCard Trader ChildChild's Play
Chronomaly Pyramid Eye TabletChronomaly Pyramid Eye Tablet Chronomaly Temple - TrilithonChronomaly Temple - Trilithon Cipher InterferenceCipher Interference
Cocoon RebirthCocoon Rebirth Common SoulCommon Soul Constellar BeltConstellar Belt
Continuous Destruction PunchContinuous Destruction Punch Core OverclockCore Overclock CrackingCracking
Cynet RecoveryCynet Recovery D - FormationD - Formation D.D. BorderlineD.D. Borderline
Dark Contract with the EntitiesDark Contract with the Entities Dark Contract with the Swamp KingDark Contract with the Swamp King Dark Contract with the YamimakaiDark Contract with the Yamimakai
Dark World GrimoireDark World Grimoire Different Dimension Deepsea TrenchDifferent Dimension Deepsea Trench Domino EffectDomino Effect
Double DefenderDouble Defender DracocensionDracocension Dragon MasteryDragon Mastery
Dragonmaid WelcomeDragonmaid Welcome Dust BarrierDust Barrier Electromagnetic ShieldElectromagnetic Shield
Everliving Underworld CannonEverliving Underworld Cannon Evo-KarmaEvo-Karma Evo-PriceEvo-Price
F.A. WinnersF.A. Winners Fire Formation - DomeiFire Formation - Domei Fire Formation - IngenFire Formation - Ingen
Forbidden Dark Contract with the Swamp KingForbidden Dark Contract with the Swamp King FortissimoFortissimo Frightfur FactoryFrightfur Factory
Future GlowFuture Glow Gagaku-P.U.N.K. Crash BeatGagaku-P.U.N.K. Crash Beat Gagaku-P.U.N.K. Wild PickingGagaku-P.U.N.K. Wild Picking
Gathering LightGathering Light Generaider Boss LootGeneraider Boss Loot Giant BallgameGiant Ballgame
Gingerbread HouseGingerbread House Goddess SkuldGoddess Skuld's Oracle Goddess UrdGoddess Urd's Verdict
Goddess VerdandeGoddess Verdande's Guidance Gogogo TalismanGogogo Talisman Graydle ImpactGraydle Impact
Guarded TreasureGuarded Treasure Hazy PillarHazy Pillar Heavy ForwardHeavy Forward
Heritage of the LightHeritage of the Light Hollow GiantsHollow Giants Impenetrable FormationImpenetrable Formation
Incarnated Machine AngelIncarnated Machine Angel Infected MailInfected Mail Infinite CardsInfinite Cards
InspectionInspection Jam Breeding MachineJam Breeding Machine Kishido SpiritKishido Spirit
Lighten the LoadLighten the Load Lightsworn SanctuaryLightsworn Sanctuary Lil-la RapLil-la Rap
Machina Defense PerimeterMachina Defense Perimeter MagicianMagician's Left Hand MagicianMagician's Restage
MagicianMagician's Right Hand March of the MonarchsMarch of the Monarchs Marshmallon GlassesMarshmallon Glasses
Mature ChronicleMature Chronicle Melffy Hide-and-SeekMelffy Hide-and-Seek Mokey Mokey SmackdownMokey Mokey Smackdown
Morale BoostMorale Boost Mystical Cards of LightMystical Cards of Light Mythical InstitutionMythical Institution
NagelNagel's Protection Non-Spellcasting AreaNon-Spellcasting Area Orcustrated EinsatzOrcustrated Einsatz
Out of the BlueOut of the Blue Outrigger ExtensionOutrigger Extension Paralyzing ChainParalyzing Chain
Phantom KnightsPhantom Knights' Spear Poison ChainPoison Chain Poison FangsPoison Fangs
Poisonous WindsPoisonous Winds Prank-Kids PranksPrank-Kids Pranks Precious Cards from BeyondPrecious Cards from Beyond
Primordial SoupPrimordial Soup Psi-StationPsi-Station Pyramid of WondersPyramid of Wonders
RecycleRecycle Resonant DestructionResonant Destruction Ritual CageRitual Cage
Ruins of the Divine Dragon LordsRuins of the Divine Dragon Lords SamsaraSamsara Scrap LubeScrap Lube
Secret Sanctuary of the SpellcastersSecret Sanctuary of the Spellcasters Seed CannonSeed Cannon Senet SwitchSenet Switch
Senri EyeSenri Eye ShienShien's Dojo Shifting ShadowsShifting Shadows
Shiranui Style SolemnityShiranui Style Solemnity Spiral Spear StrikeSpiral Spear Strike Spirit Message "A"Spirit Message "A"
Spirit Message "I"Spirit Message "I" Spirit Message "L"Spirit Message "L" Spirit Message "N"Spirit Message "N"
Spiritual Energy Settle MachineSpiritual Energy Settle Machine Spiritual ForestSpiritual Forest Spring of RebirthSpring of Rebirth
Staring ContestStaring Contest Starry Knight CeremonyStarry Knight Ceremony Subterror Cave ClashSubterror Cave Clash
Summon CloudSummon Cloud Sunvine Cross BreedSunvine Cross Breed Synchro ChaseSynchro Chase
T.G. All ClearT.G. All Clear Talisman of Trap SealingTalisman of Trap Sealing TeleportTeleport
Temple of the SunTemple of the Sun TGX300TGX300 The A. ForcesThe A. Forces
The Dark DoorThe Dark Door The Fountain in the SkyThe Fountain in the Sky The Kaiju FilesThe Kaiju Files
The Resolute Meklord ArmyThe Resolute Meklord Army The Second SarcophagusThe Second Sarcophagus The Third SarcophagusThe Third Sarcophagus
The Weather Rainy CanvasThe Weather Rainy Canvas The Weather Sunny CanvasThe Weather Sunny Canvas Time Thief HackTime Thief Hack
Toon WorldToon World Toy VendorToy Vendor Tri-Brigade Stand-OffTri-Brigade Stand-Off
TrismagistusTrismagistus Two-Man Cell BattleTwo-Man Cell Battle VampireVampire's Domain
Veil of DarknessVeil of Darkness Vendread NightmareVendread Nightmare Vengeful Bog SpiritVengeful Bog Spirit
Void BreachVoid Breach Vylon ElementVylon Element Wailing of the Unchained SoulsWailing of the Unchained Souls
War Rock OrdealWar Rock Ordeal WattcineWattcine Weapon ChangeWeapon Change
Whitefish SalvageWhitefish Salvage Witchcrafter BystreetWitchcrafter Bystreet Witchcrafter ScrollWitchcrafter Scroll
World Legacy KeyWorld Legacy Key World LegacyWorld Legacy's Corruption Worm CallWorm Call
Yang Zing PranaYang Zing Prana Yellow Luster ShieldYellow Luster Shield Yosen Training GroundsYosen Training Grounds
Yosen WhirlwindYosen Whirlwind Zero Extra LinkZero Extra Link ZerozerockZerozerock

Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel Related Guides



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Normal SpellNormal Equip SpellEquip Quick-Play SpellQuick-Play
Ritual SpellRitual ContinuousContinuous Field SpellField

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