Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel

All Equip Spell Cards

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Equip Spell Cards are cards that can be equipped to a face-up Monster on the Field in Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel. Read on to find out more about each card in this category, what their effects are, and how you can fit them to your Decks!

List of Equip Spell Cards

Equip Spell Cards by Rarity

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UR Equip Spell Cards

Double-Edged SwordDouble-Edged Sword Golden RuleGolden Rule Mikanko Fire DanceMikanko Fire Dance
Mikanko Water ArabesqueMikanko Water Arabesque Original Bamboo SwordOriginal Bamboo Sword Premature BurialPremature Burial
Smoke Grenade of the ThiefSmoke Grenade of the Thief Snatch StealSnatch Steal United We StandUnited We Stand

SR Equip Spell Cards

"Infernoble Arms - Almace""Infernoble Arms - Almace" AngelicaAngelica's Angelic Ring Butterfly Dagger - ElmaButterfly Dagger - Elma
Cursed Bamboo SwordCursed Bamboo Sword Disposable Learner DeviceDisposable Learner Device Divine Sword - Phoenix BladeDivine Sword - Phoenix Blade
Dragunity Divine LanceDragunity Divine Lance Evil Eye of GorgoneioEvil Eye of Gorgoneio Evil Eye of SeleneEvil Eye of Selene
Fleuret de FleurFleuret de Fleur Inzektor Sword - ZektkaliberInzektor Sword - Zektkaliber KahyoreigetsuKahyoreigetsu
Living FossilLiving Fossil Mikanko Dance - MayowashidoriMikanko Dance - Mayowashidori Overdone BurialOverdone Burial
Power of the GuardiansPower of the Guardians Ring of MagnetismRing of Magnetism Spellbook of LifeSpellbook of Life
Stoic ChallengeStoic Challenge Supermagic Sword of RaptinusSupermagic Sword of Raptinus SuperviseSupervise
Symbol of HeritageSymbol of Heritage Wonder WandWonder Wand Xyz UnitXyz Unit

R Equip Spell Cards

"Infernoble Arms - Durendal""Infernoble Arms - Durendal" "Infernoble Arms - Joyeuse""Infernoble Arms - Joyeuse" Abyss-Scale of the KrakenAbyss-Scale of the Kraken
Air Cracking StormAir Cracking Storm Amulet of AmbitionAmulet of Ambition ArchfiendArchfiend's Staff of Despair
Assault ArmorAssault Armor Autonomous Action UnitAutonomous Action Unit Axe of DespairAxe of Despair
Axe of FoolsAxe of Fools Big Bang ShotBig Bang Shot Black PendantBlack Pendant
Bound WandBound Wand Break! Draw!Break! Draw! Broken Bamboo SwordBroken Bamboo Sword
Celestial Sword - EatosCelestial Sword - Eatos Comic HandComic Hand Crystal ReleaseCrystal Release
Cursed ArmamentsCursed Armaments D.D.R. - Different Dimension ReincarnationD.D.R. - Different Dimension Reincarnation Darkworld ShacklesDarkworld Shackles
Double Tool C&DDouble Tool C&D Dracoback, the Rideable DragonDracoback, the Rideable Dragon Dragon NailsDragon Nails
Dragon ShieldDragon Shield Emblem of the Plunder PatrollEmblem of the Plunder Patroll Falling DownFalling Down
Favorite HeroFavorite Hero Fighting SpiritFighting Spirit Fuhma ShurikenFuhma Shuriken
Fusion Sword Murasame BladeFusion Sword Murasame Blade GagagarevengeGagagarevenge Galaxy ZeroGalaxy Zero
Grief TabletGrief Tablet Horn of the UnicornHorn of the Unicorn Insect Armor with Laser CannonInsect Armor with Laser Cannon
Karakuri Gama OilKarakuri Gama Oil Life ExtremeLife Extreme Lucky Iron AxeLucky Iron Axe
Mage PowerMage Power Magic FormulaMagic Formula Magicalized Duston MopMagicalized Duston Mop
Magnum ShieldMagnum Shield Mark of the RoseMark of the Rose Mask of BrutalityMask of Brutality
Mask of the AccursedMask of the Accursed MegamorphMegamorph Mist BodyMist Body
Moon Mirror ShieldMoon Mirror Shield Neos ForceNeos Force Ninjitsu Art Tool - Iron DiggerNinjitsu Art Tool - Iron Digger
Noble Arms - CaliburnNoble Arms - Caliburn Noble Arms - ExcaliburnNoble Arms - Excaliburn Noble Arms - GallatinNoble Arms - Gallatin
Noble Arms of DestinyNoble Arms of Destiny Nordic Relic DraupnirNordic Relic Draupnir Parasomnia PillowParasomnia Pillow
Penguin SwordPenguin Sword PestilencePestilence Phalanx PikePhalanx Pike
Power PickaxePower Pickaxe Psychic BladePsychic Blade Rainbow VeilRainbow Veil
Reaper Scythe - DreadscytheReaper Scythe - Dreadscythe Restoration of the MonarchsRestoration of the Monarchs Ribbon of RebirthRibbon of Rebirth
SalamandraSalamandra Salamandra FusionSalamandra Fusion Salamangreat ClawSalamangreat Claw
SaqlificeSaqlifice Shine PalaceShine Palace Silver WingSilver Wing
Starlit PapillonStarlit Papillon StonehengeStonehenge Sword of Dark RitesSword of Dark Rites
Symbols of DutySymbols of Duty Tailwind of GustoTailwind of Gusto Telekinetic Charging CellTelekinetic Charging Cell
Tokkosho of Ghost DestroyingTokkosho of Ghost Destroying Unstable EvolutionUnstable Evolution Vylon ComponentVylon Component
Vylon FilamentVylon Filament Vylon MaterialVylon Material Vylon SegmentVylon Segment
White VeilWhite Veil

N Equip Spell Cards

"Infernoble Arms - Hauteclere""Infernoble Arms - Hauteclere" 7 Completed7 Completed Abyss-Scale of CetusAbyss-Scale of Cetus
Abyss-scale of the MizuchiAbyss-scale of the Mizuchi Amazoness HeirloomAmazoness Heirloom AmplifierAmplifier
Ancient Gear FistAncient Gear Fist Ancient Gear TankAncient Gear Tank Armed ChangerArmed Changer
Ballista of Rampart SmashingBallista of Rampart Smashing Bashing ShieldBashing Shield Beacon of WhiteBeacon of White
Beast FangsBeast Fangs Book of Secret ArtsBook of Secret Arts Borrel RegeneratorBorrel Regenerator
Bubble BlasterBubble Blaster Burning SpearBurning Spear Buster RancherBuster Rancher
Cestus of DaglaCestus of Dagla Chthonian AllianceChthonian Alliance Core BlasterCore Blaster
Cursed BillCursed Bill Cyber ShieldCyber Shield Cyclon LaserCyclon Laser
Cyclone BladeCyclone Blade Cyclone BoomerangCyclone Boomerang Danger! Feets of Strength!Danger! Feets of Strength!
Dark EnergyDark Energy DemotionDemotion DogmatikacismDogmatikacism
Dragon TreasureDragon Treasure Dragonic AttackDragonic Attack Dunnell, the Noble Arms of LightDunnell, the Noble Arms of Light
Ekibyo DrakmordEkibyo Drakmord Electro-WhipElectro-Whip ElfElf's Light
Execution of the ContractExecution of the Contract Fairy Meteor CrushFairy Meteor Crush FlintFlint
Follow WindFollow Wind Fulfillment of the ContractFulfillment of the Contract Fusion WeaponFusion Weapon
Germ InfectionGerm Infection Gladiator BeastGladiator Beast's Battle Archfiend Shield Gladiator BeastGladiator Beast's Battle Gladius
Gladiator BeastGladiator Beast's Battle Halberd Gladiator BeastGladiator Beast's Battle Manica Glass SlippersGlass Slippers
Glowing CrossbowGlowing Crossbow Gravity Axe - GrarlGravity Axe - Grarl Gravity BlasterGravity Blaster
Grid RodGrid Rod Gust FanGust Fan Heart of Clear WaterHeart of Clear Water
Horn of LightHorn of Light Hydro Pressure CannonHydro Pressure Cannon Instant Neo SpaceInstant Neo Space
InvigorationInvigoration Inzektor Axe - ZektahawkInzektor Axe - Zektahawk Inzektor Crossbow - ZektarrowInzektor Crossbow - Zektarrow
Iron Core ArmorIron Core Armor Junk BarrageJunk Barrage Kozmo LightswordKozmo Lightsword
Laser Cannon ArmorLaser Cannon Armor Legendary Black BeltLegendary Black Belt Legendary Ebon SteedLegendary Ebon Steed
Legendary SwordLegendary Sword Light LaserLight Laser Lightning BladeLightning Blade
Lightsworn SabreLightsworn Sabre Machine Conversion FactoryMachine Conversion Factory Magical LabyrinthMagical Labyrinth
Malevolent NuzzlerMalevolent Nuzzler Mathmech Billionblade NayutaMathmech Billionblade Nayuta Metalsilver ArmorMetalsilver Armor
Mikanko Purification DanceMikanko Purification Dance Mikanko Reflection RondoMikanko Reflection Rondo Mirror of YataMirror of Yata
Molting EscapeMolting Escape MordschlagMordschlag Morphtronic CordMorphtronic Cord
Morphtronic EngineMorphtronic Engine Morphtronic Repair UnitMorphtronic Repair Unit Morphtronic Rusty EngineMorphtronic Rusty Engine
Mystical MoonMystical Moon Myutant BlastMyutant Blast Necklace of CommandNecklace of Command
Nephe Shaddoll FusionNephe Shaddoll Fusion Nitro UnitNitro Unit Noble Arms - ArfeudutyrNoble Arms - Arfeudutyr
Noble Arms - ClarentNoble Arms - Clarent Omega GogglesOmega Goggles One-Shot WandOne-Shot Wand
Opti-Camouflage ArmorOpti-Camouflage Armor Orb of YasakaOrb of Yasaka Parallel PanzerParallel Panzer
Paralyzing PotionParalyzing Potion Phantasm Spiral CrashPhantasm Spiral Crash Phantasm Spiral GripPhantasm Spiral Grip
Phantasm Spiral WavePhantasm Spiral Wave Phoenix GearbladePhoenix Gearblade Power of KaishinPower of Kaishin
PredapruningPredapruning Prevention StarPrevention Star Psychic SwordPsychic Sword
Raise Body HeatRaise Body Heat RaptorRaptor's Ultimate Mace Raregold ArmorRaregold Armor
Re-FusionRe-Fusion Reptilianne RageReptilianne Rage Reverse BreakerReverse Breaker
Rising FireRising Fire Rising Sun SlashRising Sun Slash Ritual WeaponRitual Weapon
Rocket PilderRocket Pilder Rod of Silence - KayRod of Silence - Kay'est Rod of the MindRod of the Mind's Eye
Scroll of BewitchmentScroll of Bewitchment Shooting Star Bow - CealShooting Star Bow - Ceal Silver Bow and ArrowSilver Bow and Arrow
Sky Striker Mecharmory - Hercules BaseSky Striker Mecharmory - Hercules Base Solitary Sword of PoisonSolitary Sword of Poison Spark BlasterSpark Blaster
Spirit BurnerSpirit Burner SPYRAL GEAR - Big RedSPYRAL GEAR - Big Red SPYRAL GEAR - Fully ArmedSPYRAL GEAR - Fully Armed
Steel ShellSteel Shell Stellarknight AlphaStellarknight Alpha Stim-PackStim-Pack
Super Strident BlazeSuper Strident Blaze Sword of Dark DestructionSword of Dark Destruction Sword of Deep-SeatedSword of Deep-Seated
Sword of DragonSword of Dragon's Soul Sword of KusanagiSword of Kusanagi Sword of SparklesSword of Sparkles
Sword of the Soul-EaterSword of the Soul-Eater Synchro BoostSynchro Boost Thorn of MaliceThorn of Malice
Train ConnectionTrain Connection Trial of the PrincessesTrial of the Princesses Trickstar Magical LaurelTrickstar Magical Laurel
Twin Swords of Flashing Light - TryceTwin Swords of Flashing Light - Tryce Two Toads with One StingTwo Toads with One Sting U.A. Powered JerseyU.A. Powered Jersey
Vengeful ServantVengeful Servant Vicious ClawVicious Claw Vile GermsVile Germs
Violet CrystalViolet Crystal WattcubeWattcube WattjustmentWattjustment
Wicked-Breaking Flamberge - BaouWicked-Breaking Flamberge - Baou

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