Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel

Terms and Glossary

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Learn about the complex terminologies in Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel! Increase your knowledge on the in-game vocabulary and stay a step ahead of your opponents in every Duel!

Terms and Glossary

Duel Specific Terms

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Term Definition
Life Points (LP) The amount of "health" a Dueler has. The main goal would be to reduce the opponent LP to zero while preventing one's own LP from hitting that mark.
Turn Refers to which player on the field will have the opportunity to make their play.
Phases Refers to the "opportunity" of a player to perform actions within their turn. Players are given two Main Phases to set their cards on the field, and one Battle Phase to attack an enemy, along with two other phases that automatically occur.
Draw Phase Refers to the mandatory action in certain phases where each player will draw a card from their Deck.
Monster Cards The primary cards that players use to deal damage against enemies – during opponent attacks, they can also help prevent the player from taking any direct damage to their Life Points.
Spell/Trap Cards Special cards with unique effects. Effects can differ, ranging from taking out an opponent's card to reviving or activating a card from the Graveyard, amongst other effects.
Hand Cards that the players have drawn from their Deck and are ready to be used on the field.
Deck Refers to the "inventory" of cards that a player has. Players can pull a random card from their Deck during a Draw Phase, which they can add to their Hand.
Graveyard Also referred to as GY, this refers to the player's discard pile where spent cards are sent to after being used.
Extra Deck Deck where certain monsters are kept – separate from the Main Deck, and mostly consists of monsters that require special types of summons to use.
Summon The basic method in which a basic monster card is placed onto the field.
Surrender Yields match to opponent – records a loss.

Advanced Terms

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Term Definition
Special Summon A type of summoning method that requires certain conditions to be met, which oftentimes requires plenty of preparation and knowledge on the dueler's part to properly set-up a situation where cards can be Special Summoned to the field.
Synchro A form of summoning that requires the use of Tuner and Non-Tuner monsters to Synchro Summon a monster from the Extra Deck.
Pendulum Summoning form that makes use of the Pendulum level of two cards – a "Pendulum" swings between the two Pendulum levels, ultimately summoning a monster equal to where the Pendulum stops between the two Pendulum levels of the used cards.
Xyz Summoning Special form of summoning where the "ingredients" needed to summon a monster is described in its description. Hence "X, Y, X" to denote the needed conditions for a summon.
Link Summoning Method of summoning certain monsters to the field by making use of other monsters.
Chain A game mechanic where the effects of multiple cards can be triggered one after the other when their conditions are met. This includes summoning.

Solo Terms

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Term Definition
Solo A game mode where players learn the basics of the game and other advanced mechanics through Gates. Each gate contains good rewards that players can earn by completing each Gate to build up their Deck.
Gate Refers to the titled sections in Solo mode. Each Gate is unique, representing a theme or mechanic that allows the player to learn both advanced mechanics in duels as well as how to use certain types of cards.
Chapters Chapters are nodes within a Gate in Solo Mode that represent a player's overall completion of a particular Gate. Each chapter is unique, with some being practice Duels, others being Live Duels against AI, and others containing simple tutorials or cinematics for the player's benefit.
Orbs A form of reward given to the player for accomplishins specific Chapters within a Gate. These "Orbs" are used to access locked gates which require a number of a specific Orb in order to play through them.
Clear A "status" given to a Gate that a player has run through without completing any of the side Chapters.
Complete "Status" given to a Gate that a player has played through, accomplishing all Chapters within including side Chapters.

PvP Terms

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Term Definition
Ranked Duels Refers to Duels between real players across the network – Rank refers to a player's overall global position, which recognizes their victories in Duels. There are 5 tiers in every Rank in Ranked Duels excluding the Rookie Rank.
Forbidden / Limited List The limits pertaining to certain cards within a Duel. Cards within the Forbidden List cannot be used at all, while those in the Limited list will have a the number of certain cards limited to a specific number in a Deck or Duel.
Ranked Duel Periods Ranked Duels are divided into two periods – one where Duels affect Ranks and players receive Rank Rewards, and another where scores are Tallied. Duels that occur during the tallying period will yield no Rank Rewards or any changes to the Rank.
Rank Reset At the end of every Ranked Duel Periods – or Seasons – a new Ranked Duel Period will begin. Players who achieved high ranks during the prior Duel Period will start once again in the new Ranked Duel Period on a lower Rank.
Rooms A custom Duel mode where players can create a room that other players can join. Players who create rooms can customize game settings for Duels, including any adjustments they desire to the Forbidden / Limited card list.
Spectating Players who are interested to watch an ongoing Ranked Duel can do so through Spectate mode under the Free Duel (Rooms) option. A list of available matches that can be watched will be provided to the user for their viewing.
Duel Assessents At the end of matches, players will be assessed on their performance in a Duel, which is based around certain criteria such as the actions that players take within a match.

For every 1000 points a player earns, a player will be gven 1 reward, with the maximum number of rewards available for a player being 6.

Surrendering a match will yield no points or rewards for the player..

Miscellaneous Terms

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Term Definition
Deck Editor Refers to the in-game editor that allows players to customize their Decks. Each player is provided 20 slots for their Decks, with each Deck capable of being brought into Duels with respect to the Forbidden / Limited card list.
Loaner Decks Decks that players will use throughout Solo Mode. The cards on these Decks can be viewed and copied to your own Deck, with any card you own being automatically put into your personal Deck.

Cards you do not own meanwhile will be marked as "Now Owned**, with Decks containing any of these marked cards not capable of being brought into Duels.
Card Crafting A player initiated method of creating specific cards using Craft Points.
Craft Points Currency used to craft cards.
Structure Decks Pre-made Decks that consist of cards that fit a certain theme or intended use. The card consistency of these types of Decks focus on Type, Archetype, or card Attributes among other criterias.
Shop Refers to the in-game shop where players can exchange real currency or Gems to purchase cards, Decks, and even cosmetic items.
Gems In-game currency that can be earned through Duels or as rewards for Missions.
Missions Tasks that players can accomplish daily, which lets them earn rewards such as Gems or Craft Points.

Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel Related Guides

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Beginner's Guides

All Beginner's Guides

Beginner's Guides
How to Farm Gems Best Way to Spend Gems
How to Craft Cards Best Cards to Craft
How to Use Pendulum How to Use Synchro
How to Use XYZ Summon How to Use Link Summon
Best Normal and Secret Packs to Buy How to Unlock Secret Packs
Best Starter Deck Best Early Decks to Craft
How to Get and Use Orbs Terms and Glossary
How to Farm SR and UR Materials Replay Guide: How to Save Replays
Cross Progression: How to Transfer Data Things to Do Daily
Trophies and Achievements Guides to Ranking Up
List of Secret Missions How to Report Players
How to Use Legacy Pack Tickets Best Deck Engines

FAQ Section

Frequently Asked Questions

FAQ Section
How to Earn Keys Duel Live: How to Spectate Duels
Can You Reroll? Is the Duel Pass Worth it?
How Many of Each Card Can You Have? Is Master Duel Pay to Win?
Daily Reset Time Should You De-Rank Your Account?


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