Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel

Specter Slaying Flames: Solo Rewards and Guide

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Master Duel - Specter Slaying Flames Walkthrough.png
Specter Slaying Flames is one of the Gates that can be played through on Solo Mode in Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel. Find out more about the different rewards in this Gate, as well as what strategies you can do to accomplish each chapter!

Specter Slaying Flames Info and Rewards

Rewards by Chapter

Master Duel - Specter Slaying Flames Rewards.png

Chapter Rewards
1 [ORB]
ORB-Dark x150
2 [ORB]
ORB-Light x150
3 [ORB]
ORB-Fre x150
Free-Range Monsters x3
4 [Structure Deck]
Heir to the Shiranui-Style
5 [ORB]
ORB-Dark x250
Legacy Pack Ticket x2
6 [Icon]
Shiranui Sunsaga
Gem x200

Locked Chapter Unlock Conditions

Unlock Cost Master Duel - Fire Orb.png200 ORB-Fire

Specter Slaying Flames Strategy

Synchro Summon Monster Cards

The Loaner Deck provided to you for the Duel Chapters throughout the Gate is quite easy to learn and use despite the complexity of how the Cards work.Tribute Summoning for the monsters in your Extra Deck is how you can win most of the Duels.

Cards such as Shiranui Squire or Shiranui Spiritmaster can help you summon one more card of a certain type to the field – the combination of either card plus the newly summoned card is enough to bring a monster card from the Extra Deck to the field – attack then, and attack frequently while also making use of the banished cards in the GY to knock out any Spell or Trap Cards on your opponent's field that can disrupt your progress.

Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel Related Guides

Yugi Oh Master Duel - Solo Mode Partial Banner.png

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