Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel

How to Spot a Bot

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Spotting a Bot Top Image.png

Bots have become a topic of discussion among the Master Duel players, with appearances getting more prominent the higher the placement in Ranked Duels is. Read on to learn more about this crucial topic, with topics such as signs and what to do after spotting a bot.

Bots in Ranked

There have been talks that certain players have been exhibiting suspicious behavior within Ranked Duels, especially within the higher tiers like Platinum and Diamond. It has lead a portion of the player base to believe that some players have resorted to running bots for their Master Duel accounts for a wide variety of reasons.

The most common reason to use a bot would be to quickly climb up the ranks and reach the current highest rank in Diamond 1, where they no longer have to fear any possible demotions for the rest of the Ranked Season.

Signs of Bots

There are a number of signs to take note of before a player can consider their opponent is likely using a bot.

  • The Player is using the default icon.
  • The Player does not use any cosmetics at all, only using Rescue Rabbit as their Mate.
  • The Player Name is short, and written in Japanese.
  • If they win the coin toss, The Player will let you go first.
  • The Player will always use the Starter Deck handed to players after completing the tutorial.
  • The Player does not use any hand-traps in the Starter Decks.
  • There are only 5 cards in the Extra Deck, with no focus on one type of Extra Deck card.
  • If The Player goes second, they surrender immediately during the Draw Phase.

Types of Bots

D.D. Dynamite Bot

This bot's strategy has already been destroyed as the titular Trap Card, D.D. Dynamite, was recently hit in the first banlist update in Master Duel, Semi-Limiting it to 2 copies per Deck only.

Back when the Deck was very viable, however, the bot was everywwhere--especially during events, as D.D. Dynamite Decks normally do not run Extra Deck monsters they can easily bypass restrictions easily.

D.D. Dynamite Top Image

D.D. Dynamite Deck Guide

Igknight OTK Bot

While not as popular as D.D. Dynamite, there have been some discussion that the Igknight OTK strategy is also a Deck often run by bot runners, letting them set up the Burn OTK should they go first or make it to their turn unscathed without having to manually do the lengthy combo themselves.

Bot versions of this Deck often only run 10 cards instead of the full 15; make sure to keep an eye out on the number of the cards in the opponent's Extra Deck.

Another sign would be them surrendering as soon as the Igknight's combo gets negated early on. A determined player would try to work around the weakness of having their key cards negated.

Igknights OTK Top Image

Igknight Burn OTK Deck Guide

Stall AFK Bot

This version of the bot aims to annoy the player by moving as slowly as possible, stalling out for time. The goal is to frustrate the opponent, waste their time, and force them to either surrender or wait out until either the bot surrenders, the timer runs out. bad connection ends the Duel or the impersonator surrenders first.

Among the plausible signs of bots, the easiest sign to spot for this kind of bot is the fact that they run the Starter Deck given to you when you complete the tutorial when you play Master Duel for the very first time. Make sure to check for confirmation after the Duel by going into your match history.

Main Deck: 40 cards
Crowned by the World Chalice x3 Tune Warrior x3 Chosen by the World Chalice x3 Beckoned by the World Chalice x3 Bayonater, the Baneful Barrel x3
Blade Knight x3 Leotaur x3 Unexpected Dai x3 Smashing Ground x2 Shield Crush x2
Sorcerous Spell Wall x2 Dust Tornado x2 Skill Successor x2 Memory of an Adversary x2 Ballista Squad x2
Call of the Haunted x2 - - - -
Extra Deck: 5 cards
Mighty Warrior x1 Kachi Kochi Dragon x1 Defender of the Labyrinth x1 Gaia Saber, the Lightning Shadow x1 Traffic Ghost x1

How to Report Bots

You can only report Duelists that you think are running bots after Dueling them. Just make sure you are sure that the opponent you Dueled exhibits nearly all signs, if not all outright .

Steps in Reporting a Player
1 Match History in Duel Menu.PNGGo to the Duel Menu, and click on the Match History tab on the right side.
2 Match History.PNGClick on the Duel that you suspect the opponent is running a bot.
3 AFK Bot Deck.PNGClick Confirm Opponent's Deck and check first the Deck Recipe to see if it looks suspicious.
4 Match History Menu.PNGIf you are ready to report, click on the suspicious Duel again, and click Report.

Master Duel Report Limit

Players can only report their opponents up to three times a day, and must wait for the day to cross in order to send reports again. Make those reports count!

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