Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel

All Field Spell Cards

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Field Spell Cards are Spell Cards that affect either the player's or their opponents Field in Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel. Read on to find out more about each card in this category, what their effects are, and how you can fit them to your Decks!

List of Field Spell Cards

Field Spell Cards by Rarity

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image.pngUR image.pngSR
image.pngR image.pngN

UR Field Spell Cards

Card Name
Sky Iris
Toon Kingdom
Zombie World
Palace of the Elemental Lords
The Gates of Dark World
Golden Castle of Stromberg
Mystic Mine
Trickstar Light Stage
Dragon Ravine
Domain of the True Monarchs
Chicken Game
Deskbot Base
Magical Mid-Breaker Field
Dark Sanctuary
B.E.F Zelos
Plunder Patroll Shipyarrrd
Numeron Network
Appliancer Electrilyrical World
Grand Spiritual Art - Ichirin
Ecole de Zone

SR Field Spell Cards

Card Name
Mount Sylvania
Catalyst Field
Meklord Fortress
Dream Mirror of Terror
Dream Mirror of Joy
Ojama Country
Advanced Dark
Light Barrier
Morphtronic Map
Closed Forest
Evil Eye Domain - Pareidolia
Pseudo Space
Megaroid City
Fusion Recycling Plant
Brain Research Lab
Gateway to Chaos
Magical Citadel of Endymion
Fusion Gate
Hidden Village of Ninjitsu Arts
Divine Wind of Mist Valley
Savage Colosseum
Venom Swamp
Prank-Kids Place
Dragonic Diagram
Ancient City - Rainbow Ruins
Black Garden
Secret Village of the Spellcasters
Future Visions
Clear World
Amazoness Village
Ghostrick Mansion
Mound of the Bound Creator
Revolving Switchyard
Oracle of Zefra
Performapal Dramatic Theater
Ritual Sanctuary
Union Hangar
The Hidden City
Fallen Paradise
Boot Sector Launch
Heavy Metal Raiders
Lair of Darkness
Abyss Playhouse - Fantastic Theater
Salamangreat Sanctuary
Earthbound Geoglyph
Ignister A.I.Land
U.A. Hyper Stadium
Tilted Try
War Rock Mountain
Hidden Springs of the Far East
Sacred Scrolls of the Gizmek Legend
Zexal Field
Magician's Salvation
Soul Binding Gate

R Field Spell Cards

Card Name
Majesty's Pegasus
Ignition Phoenix
Clock Tower Prison
Supreme King's Castle
Xyz Territory
Chronomaly City Babylon
Galloping Gaia
Bug Matrix
The Sanctuary in the Sky
Augmented Heraldry
Xyz Override
The Grand Spellbook Tower
Mausoleum of the Emperor
Archfiend Palabyrinth
Malefic World
Scrap Factory
Harpies' Hunting Ground
Madolche Chateau
U.A. Stadium
Iron Core Specimen Lab
Karakuri Showdown Castle
Temple of the Six
Triamid Kingolem
Triamid Fortress
Noble Knights of the Round Table
Magnetic Field
Triamid Cruiser
Catapult Zone
Naturia Forest
Extra Net
Summon Breaker
Fire King Island
Vendread Nights
Symph Amplifire
Shrine of Mist Valley
Sky Striker Airspace - Area Zero
Magical Meltdown
Ancient Forest
Ghostrick Museum
Curse of the Shadow Prison
Super Quantal Mech Ship Magnacarrier
Pacifis, the Phantasm City
Lost World
Castle Link
Cyberdark Inferno
World Legacy in Shadow
Fandora, the Flying Furtress
World Dino Wrestling
Orcustrated Babel
Giant Ballpark
Realm of Danger!
Guardragon Shield
Impcantation Thanatosis
Elborz, the Sacred Lands of Simorgh
Fire Fortress atop Liang Peak
Generaider Boss Stage
White Rose Cloister
Adamancipator Laputite
Magellanica, the Deep Sea City
Perfect Sync - A-Un
Myutant Evolution Lab
Drytron Fafnir
Great Sand Sea - Gold Golgonda
S-Force Bridgehead
Stairway to a Fabled Realm
Amazement Precious Park
Solfachord Harmonia
Ursarctic Big Dipper
Magikey World

N Field Spell Cards

Card Name
Starlight Junktion
Dinomic Powerload
Fortissimo the Mobile Fortress
F.A. Off-Road Grand Prix
F.A. Circuit Grand Prix
Dark City
Jurassic World
A Legendary Ocean
Centrifugal Field
Aroma Garden
Breaking of the World
Chorus of Sanctuary
World Legacy Discovery
Colosseum - Cage of the Gladiator Beasts
Realm of Light
PSY-Frame Circuit
Crystolic Potential
Summon Over
Metaphys Factor
Mausoleum of White
Saber Vault
Neo Space
Otherworld - The "A" Zone
Lemuria, The Forgotten City
Gaia Power
Sorcerous Spell Wall
Array of Revealing Light
Luminous Spark
Mystic Plasma Zone
Acidic Downpour
Chaos Zone
Gouki Cage Match
Megalith Portal
Shiranui Style Synthesis
Vampire Kingdom
Rising Air Current
Molten Destruction
Skyscraper 2 - Hero City
Shien's Castle of Mist
Temple of the Mind's Eye
Danger! Disturbance! Disorder!
Spider Web
The Nordic Lights
The Seal of Orichalcos
Sargasso the D.D. Battlefield
Ghostrick Parade
Laser Qlip
Void Expansion
Kyoutou Waterfront
Amorphous Persona
Zodiac Sign
Cynet Universe
Defense Zone
Fire Prison
Euler's Circuit
World Legacy Scars
Cynet Storm
F.A. City Grand Prix
Trickstar Light Arena
World Legacy's Nightmare
Crusadia Revival
Trickstar Live Stage
Flawless Perfection of the Tenyi
Marincess Battle Ocean
Smile Action
Dogmatika Nation
Live☆Twin Channel
Starry Knight Sky
Ogdoadic Origin
Doll House
Gunkan Sushipyard Seaside Supper Spot
Despia, Theater of the Branded

Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel Related Guides



List of All Spell Cards

General Staple Cards

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The Best Cards to Craft

By Type

Spell Cards by Type
Normal SpellNormal Equip SpellEquip Quick-Play SpellQuick-Play
Ritual SpellRitual ContinuousContinuous Field SpellField

By Rarity

Card Rarities


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