Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel

List of Accessories

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Accessories are purchasable items you can use to change the appearance of your profile and matches in Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel. Read on to see the list of accessories.

List of Accessories

List of Mates


Mates are the characters found hanging around you each time you start a duel. These characters will react differently depending on what happens during your matches.

American FootballAmerican Football Ancient Gear WyvernAncient Gear Wyvern Ash Blossom and Joyous SpringAsh Blossom and Joyous Spring
Borreload Dragon (Mini)Borreload Dragon (Mini) CarCar Cyber Dragon Infinity (Mini)Cyber Dragon Infinity (Mini)
Danger!? Jackalope?Danger!? Jackalope? Dark MagicianDark Magician Elemental HERO StratosElemental HERO Stratos
GeargianoGeargiano Ghostrick LanternGhostrick Lantern Inline SkatesInline Skates
Karakuri Barrel mdl 96 "Shinkuro"Karakuri Barrel mdl 96 "Shinkuro" Laundry DragonmaidLaundry Dragonmaid MarshmallonMarshmallon
Mokey MokeyMokey Mokey Pot of GreedPot of Greed Qliphort MonolithQliphort Monolith
Rescue RabbitRescue Rabbit Revendread Slayer - MateRevendread Slayer - Mate Ritual RavenRitual Raven
SanganSangan ScapegoatScapegoat Shard of GreedShard of Greed
Soccer BallSoccer Ball Trishula, Dragon of the Ice BarrierTrishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier WightbakingWightbaking
World Chalice GuardragonWorld Chalice Guardragon

Mate Base

Bug MatrixBug Matrix Destiny BoardDestiny Board Draconic TacticsDraconic Tactics
Flower GatheringFlower Gathering World Legacy Ruins - Mate BaseWorld Legacy Ruins - Mate Base

List of Mates

List of Duel Fields

Duel Fields
Duel Fields allow you to change the appearance of your board. These boards also include a base where your Mates are placed.

VolcanoVolcano Foreign CapitalForeign Capital Ritual CageRitual Cage
GeartownGeartown World Legacy Ruins DuelWorld Legacy Ruins Duel Realm of Danger!Realm of Danger!
The Desolate TempleThe Desolate Temple Night SkyscrapersNight Skyscrapers Vivid Abyssal WatersVivid Abyssal Waters
Mount SwordsoulMount Swordsoul Spellbook Star HallSpellbook Star Hall Ghostrick MansionGhostrick Mansion

List of Duel Fields

Field Part

Loop of DestructionLoop of Destruction Magical HatsMagical Hats Summon LimitSummon Limit
Trap Hole FieldTrap Hole Field World Legacy Ruins - Field PartWorld Legacy Ruins - Field Part

List of Protectors

Protectors change the appearance and theme of your card backs during your duels. You can pick the one that matches your Deck!

Ash Blossom and Joyous SpringAsh Blossom and Joyous Spring Auram the World Chalice BlademasterAuram the World Chalice Blademaster Blackbeard, the Plunder Patroll Captain - ProtectorBlackbeard, the Plunder Patroll Captain - Protector
Blue-Eyes Chaos MAX DragonBlue-Eyes Chaos MAX Dragon Crusadia MaximusCrusadia Maximus DC 2022 AUG CelebrationDC 2022 AUG Celebration
DC 2022 DEC CelebrationDC 2022 DEC Celebration Dragonmaid Send-OffDragonmaid Send-Off Dream Mirror PhantasmsDream Mirror Phantasms
Five-Headed DragonFive-Headed Dragon GeartownGeartown Ghostrick AlucardGhostrick Alucard
Ghostrick FestivalGhostrick Festival Giant Beetrooper Invincible AtlasGiant Beetrooper Invincible Atlas Link BlackLink Black
Longirsu, the Orcust OrchestratorLongirsu, the Orcust Orchestrator Lovely Labrynth of the Silver CasltleLovely Labrynth of the Silver Casltle Mamonaka the Vaylantz UnitedMamonaka the Vaylantz United
Nephthys, the Sacred FlameNephthys, the Sacred Flame Protector - DARKProtector - DARK Protector - EARTHProtector - EARTH
Protector - FIREProtector - FIRE Protector - LIGHTProtector - LIGHT Protector - WINDProtector - WIND
Protector SilverProtector Silver Revendread Slayer - ProtectorRevendread Slayer - Protector Runick FountainRunick Fountain
Sky Striker Conversion - Flaming Wings of DestructionSky Striker Conversion - Flaming Wings of Destruction Starry Night, Starry DragonStarry Night, Starry Dragon The Weather ForecastThe Weather Forecast
Token CollectorToken Collector Tri-BrigadeTri-Brigade Trishula, Dragon of the Ice BarrierTrishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier

List of Protectors

List of Icons


Icons are hexagonical pictures placed beside the players' in-game name. These icons will also display on your profile outside of duels.

Aluber the DogmaticAluber the Dogmatic Apoqliphort TowersApoqliphort Towers Auram the World Chalice BlademasterAuram the World Chalice Blademaster
Beetrooper Sting LancerBeetrooper Sting Lancer Black Luster Soldier - Super SoldierBlack Luster Soldier - Super Soldier Blackbeard, the Plunder Patroll Captain - IconBlackbeard, the Plunder Patroll Captain - Icon
Condemned DarklordCondemned Darklord Crusadia EquimaxCrusadia Equimax Danger! Nessie!Danger! Nessie!
DC 2022 DEC Bronze FinalistDC 2022 DEC Bronze Finalist DC 2022 DEC Gold FinalistDC 2022 DEC Gold Finalist DC 2022 DEC Silver FinalistDC 2022 DEC Silver Finalist
Demise, Supreme King of ArmageddonDemise, Supreme King of Armageddon Destiny HERO - Destroyer Phoenix EnforcerDestiny HERO - Destroyer Phoenix Enforcer Digital Bug RhinosebusDigital Bug Rhinosebus
Dinomist RexDinomist Rex Dogmatika Ecclesia, the VirtuousDogmatika Ecclesia, the Virtuous Elementsaber Lapauila ManaElementsaber Lapauila Mana
Erebus the Underworld MonarchErebus the Underworld Monarch Fallen of AlbazFallen of Albaz Geargiagear Gigant XGGeargiagear Gigant XG
Gem-Knight Master DiamondGem-Knight Master Diamond Ghostrick AlucardGhostrick Alucard Gladiator Beast DomitianusGladiator Beast Domitianus
Great Shogun ShienGreat Shogun Shien Hela, Generaider Boss of DoomHela, Generaider Boss of Doom Herald of UltimatenessHerald of Ultimateness
House DragonmaidHouse Dragonmaid Judgement DragonJudgement Dragon Karakuri Super Shogun mdl 00N "Bureibu"Karakuri Super Shogun mdl 00N "Bureibu"
Knightmare GryphonKnightmare Gryphon Megalith AratronMegalith Aratron Mekk-Knight Spectrum SupremeMekk-Knight Spectrum Supreme
Nephthys, the Sacred FlameNephthys, the Sacred Flame Oneiros, the Dream Mirror ErlkingOneiros, the Dream Mirror Erlking Oneiros, the Dream Mirror TormentorOneiros, the Dream Mirror Tormentor
OrchustrionOrchustrion Punishment DragonPunishment Dragon Revendread Slayer - IconRevendread Slayer - Icon
Shiranui SunsagaShiranui Sunsaga Starry Night, Starry DragonStarry Night, Starry Dragon Swordsoul Supreme Sovereign - ChengyingSwordsoul Supreme Sovereign - Chengying
The Weather Painter MoonbowThe Weather Painter Moonbow The Weather Painter RainbowThe Weather Painter Rainbow Thunder Dragon ColossusThunder Dragon Colossus
Time Thief RedoerTime Thief Redoer True King of All CalamitiesTrue King of All Calamities Upstart GoblinUpstart Goblin
Vendread BattlelordVendread Battlelord Visas StarfrostVisas Starfrost Warrior Dai GrepherWarrior Dai Grepher
X-Krawler SynaphysisX-Krawler Synaphysis

List of Icons

List of Monster Art

Monster Art Shop Image

Monster Arts are images of iconic cards within Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel that can appear in the title screen, and will display in the main menu and player profile.

Ghostrick FestivalGhostrick Festival Shooting Quasar DragonShooting Quasar Dragon Tri-Brigade Shuraig the Ominous OmenTri-Brigade Shuraig the Ominous Omen

List of Icon Frames

Icon Frame Shop Image

Icon Frames change the appearance othe area around the Icon. These are displayed next to a player's name in a Duel, and on a player's profile.

Festive OrnamentFestive Ornament Magic CylinderMagic Cylinder

What are Accessories?

Purchasable Aesthetic Upgrades

Accessories are aesthetic upgrades you can purchase from the in-game shop to visually change your matches and profile. These accessories do not affect the actual gameplay, so be sure to find the combination of accessories to fit your taste, playstyle, or Deck!

Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel Related Guides

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