Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel

All Zombie Monster Cards

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These are the Zombie Monster Cards in Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel. Read on to see all available Zombie monsters across all attributes and how to get them!

List of Zombie Monster Cards

Fire Zombie Monsters

Monsters By Attribute
FireFire WaterWater EarthEarth WindWind
LightLight DarkDark DivineDivine

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Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring Burning Skull Head Dakki, the Graceful Mayakashi
Doomkaiser Dragon Doomkaiser Dragon/Assault Mode Goka, The Pyre of Malice
Heavy Knight of the Flame Jack-o-Bolan Nine-Tailed Fox
Shiranui Samurai Shiranui Samuraisaga Shiranui Shogunsaga
Shiranui Skillsaga Supremacy Shiranui Smith Shiranui Solitaire
Shiranui Spectralsword Shiranui Spectralsword Shade Shiranui Spiritmaster
Shiranui Squire Shiranui Squiresaga Shiranui Sunsaga
Shiranui Swordmaster Shiranui Swordsaga Skull Flame
Vanquish Soul Pluton HG Yoko, the Graceful Mayakashi

Water Zombie Monsters

Monsters By Attribute
FireFire WaterWater EarthEarth WindWind
LightLight DarkDark DivineDivine

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Daidarant the Ooze Giant Finis Terrae, Tower of the Necroworld Ghost Sister & Spooky Dog
Sacred Spirit of the Ice Barrier Sea Monster of Theseus Yuki-Musume, the Ice Mayakashi
Yuki-Onna, the Absolute Zero Mayakashi Yuki-Onna, the Ice Mayakashi Yuki-Onna, the Icicle Mayakashi

Earth Zombie Monsters

Monsters By Attribute
FireFire WaterWater EarthEarth WindWind
LightLight DarkDark DivineDivine

Click on a link to take you to that rarity's section!

Astra Ghouls Beast of the Pharaoh Bone Crusher
Chewbone Crow Tengu Dark Dust Spirit
Decayed Commander Des Lacooda Doombearer Psychopompos
Ghost Belle & Haunted Mansion Giant Axe Mummy Gozuki
Immortal Ruler Kasha Koa'ki Meiru Ghoulungulate
Master Kyonshee Mezuki Nine-Lives Cat
Number 45: Crumble Logos the Prophet of Demolition Onmoraki Pharaonic Protector
Poison Mummy Pyramid Turtle Red Ogre
Royal Keeper Shafu, the Wheeled Mayakashi Shutendoji
Subterror Behemoth Dragossuary Tsuchigumo, the Poisonous Mayakashi Tsukahagi, the Poisonous Mayakashi
Wandering Mummy Zombie Mammoth Zombie Tiger
Zombina Zombino

Wind Zombie Monsters

Monsters By Attribute
FireFire WaterWater EarthEarth WindWind
LightLight DarkDark DivineDivine

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Ghost Mourner & Moonlit Chill Hajun, the Winged Mayakashi Supersonic Skull Flame
Tengu, the Winged Mayakashi

Light Zombie Monsters

Monsters By Attribute
FireFire WaterWater EarthEarth WindWind
LightLight DarkDark DivineDivine

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Eldlich the Golden Lord Malevolent Mech - Goku En Oboro-Guruma, the Wheeled Mayakashi
Paladin of the Cursed Dragon Spirit of the Pharaoh Ween, the Spirit of Treats
Wightlord Wightprincess

Dark Zombie Monsters

Monsters By Attribute
FireFire WaterWater EarthEarth WindWind
LightLight DarkDark DivineDivine

Click on a link to take you to that rarity's section!

Alghoul Mazera Archfiend Zombie-Skull Armored Zombie
Avendread Savior Bacon Saver Bayonater, the Baneful Barrel
Berserk Dragon Blood Sucker Blue-Blooded Oni
Blue-Eyed Silver Zombie Bone Mouse Changshi the Spiridao
Chopman the Desperate Outlaw Clown Zombie Corroding Shark
Crimson Knight Vampire Bram Dark Assailant Despair from the Dark
Devouring Sarcoughagus Dhampir Vampire Sheridan Dokuroizo the Grim Reaper
Dokurorider Doomking Balerdroch Double Coston
Dragon Zombie Eldlich the Mad Golden Lord Endless Decay
Erebus the Underworld Monarch Fear From The Dark Fiend's Hand
Fire Reaper Flame Ghost Fushioh Richie
Gashadokuro, the Skeletal Mayakashi Gernia Ghost Charon, the Underworld Boatman
Ghost Lancer, the Underworld Spearman Ghost Reaper & Winter Cherries Ghost Sleeper, the Underworld Princess
Ghost Wyvern, the Underworld Dragon Ghostrick Alucard Ghostrick Ghoul
Ghostrick Jiangshi Ghostrick Mummy Ghostrick Skeleton
Ghostrick Stein Ghostrick Warwolf Ghostrick Yeti
Ghoul with an Appetite Glow-Up Bloom Goblin Zombie
Gogogo Ghost Graveyard and the Hand of Invitation Great Mammoth of Goldfine
Guard Ghost Hela, Generaider Boss of Doom Humpty Grumpty
Il Blud Immortal Dragon Isolde, Belle of the Underworld
King of the Skull Servants Lich Lord, King of the Underworld Live☆Twin Lil-la Treat
Mad Mauler Magical Ghost Malice Ascendant
Mech Mole Zombie Necroface Necroworld Banshee
Nightmare Horse Number 22: Zombiestein Number 23: Lancelot, Dark Knight of the Underworld
Number 48: Shadow Lich P.M. Captor Pain Painter
Patrician of Darkness Phantom Ghost Pharaoh's Servant
Pilgrim Reaper Plague Wolf Plaguespreader Zombie
Procession of the Tea Jar Pumpking the King of Ghosts Pumprincess the Princess of Ghosts
Reaper on the Nightmare Reborn Zombie Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon
Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon Lord Red-Eyes Zombie Necro Dragon Red-Headed Oni
Regenerating Mummy Return Zombie Revendread Executor
Revendread Slayer Revived King Ha Des Ryu Kokki
Samurai Skull Scapeghost Scar of the Vendread
Shadow Ghoul Shadow Ghoul of the Labyrinth Shadow Specter
Shadow Vampire Shamisen Samsara Sorrowcat Shinobi Necro
Skelesaurus Skeletal Dragon Felgrand Skelgon
Skull Conductor Skull Servant Soul-Absorbing Bone Tower
Spirit Reaper T.G. Gear Zombie T.G. Metal Skeleton
Tatsunecro Temple of Skulls The 13th Grave
The Kick Man The Lady in Wight The Snake Hair
The Wandering Doomed The Zombie Vampire Three-Legged Zombies
Tristan, Knight of the Underworld Uni-Zombie Vampire Baby
Vampire Dragon Vampire Duke Vampire Familiar
Vampire Fascinator Vampire Fraulein Vampire Genesis
Vampire Ghost Vampire Grace Vampire Grimson
Vampire Lady Vampire Lord Vampire Red Baron
Vampire Retainer Vampire Scarlet Scourge Vampire Sucker
Vampire Vamp Vampire Voivode Vampire's Curse
Vendread Anima Vendread Battlelord Vendread Chimera
Vendread Core Vendread Houndhorde Vendread Revenants
Vendread Scavenger Vendread Striges Wightbaking
Wightmare Wightprince Wood Remains
Yaranzo Yasha, the Skeletal Mayakashi Yellow-Bellied Oni
Zombie Master Zombowwow

Divine Zombie Monsters

Monsters By Attribute
FireFire WaterWater EarthEarth WindWind
LightLight DarkDark DivineDivine

Click on a link to take you to that rarity's section!

There are currently no cards that belong to this category.

Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel Related Guides

List of All Cards

List of All Cards

Card Type

Normal MonsterNormal EffectEffect FusionFusion RitualRitual
SynchroSynchro XYZXyz PendulumPendulum Link CardLink
SpellSpell TrapTrap


Monster Attributes
FireFire WaterWater WindWind EarthEarth
LightLight DarkDark DivineDivine

Types of Spell and Traps

Normal SpellNormal Quick-Play SpellQuick-Play Continuous SpellContinuous
Field SpellField Equip SpellEquip Ritual SpellRitual
Normal TrapNormal Continuous TrapContinuous Counter TrapCounter


SpellcasterSpellcaster DragonDragon ZombieZombie WarriorWarrior
Beast-WarriorBeast-Warrior BeastBeast Winged BeastWinged Beast MachineMachine
FiendFiend FairyFairy InsectInsect DinosaurDinosaur
ReptileReptile FishFish Sea SerpentSea Serpent AquaAqua
PyroPyro ThunderThunder RockRock PlantPlant
PsychicPsychic WyrmWyrm CyberseCyberse BeastDivine Beast
IllusionIllusion - - -

Level / Rank / Link

Level0 Level1 Level2 Level3
Level4 Level5 Level6 Level7
Level8 Level9 Level10 Level11
Level12 Level13 - -



Abilities / Other

Toon Spirit Union Gemini
Tuner Flip Special Summon -


BannedBanned LimitedLimited Semi-LimitedSemi-Limited


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