Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel

All Psychic Monster Cards

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These are the Psychic Monster Cards in Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel. Read on to see all available Psychic monsters across all attributes and how to get them!

List of Psychic Monster Cards

Fire Psychic Monsters

Monsters By Attribute
FireFire WaterWater EarthEarth WindWind
LightLight DarkDark DivineDivine

Click on a link to take you to that rarity's section!

Chosen by the World Chalice Fullmetalfoes Alkahest Heavymetalfoes Amalgam
Heavymetalfoes Electrumite Kashtira Shangri-Ira Metalfoes Adamante
Metalfoes Crimsonite Metalfoes Goldriver Metalfoes Mithrilium
Metalfoes Orichalc Metalfoes Silverd Metalfoes Steelen
Metalfoes Vanisher Metalfoes Volflame Parametalfoes Azortless
Parametalfoes Melcaster Raremetalfoes Bismugear

Water Psychic Monsters

Monsters By Attribute
FireFire WaterWater EarthEarth WindWind
LightLight DarkDark DivineDivine

Click on a link to take you to that rarity's section!

Ariel, Priestess of the Nekroz Armored Kappa Kashtira Ogre
Myutant GB-88 Myutant M-05 Myutant ST-46
Myutant Synthesis Naelshaddoll Ariel Pandaborg
Super Quantum Blue Layer Tearlaments Kashtira

Earth Psychic Monsters

Monsters By Attribute
FireFire WaterWater EarthEarth WindWind
LightLight DarkDark DivineDivine

Click on a link to take you to that rarity's section!

Armored Axon Kicker D.D. Telepon Destructotron
Doctor Cranium Esper Girl Final Psychic Ogre
Gagaku-P.U.N.K. Wa Gon Gold Pride - Roller Baller Grapple Blocker
HTS Psyhemuth Hushed Psychic Cleric Hyper Psychic Blaster
Hyper Psychic Blaster/Assault Mode Hyper Psychic Riser Joruri-P.U.N.K. Madame Spider
Kashtira Fenrir Master Gig Mental Seeker
Noh-P.U.N.K. Ze Amin Number 74: Master of Blades P.U.N.K. JAM Dragon Drive
Power Injector Propa Gandake Psi-Beast
Psychic Commander Psychic Jumper Psychic Lifetrancer
Psychic Snail Psychic Tracker Psychic Wheeleder
Re-Cover Reinforced Human Psychic Borg Scareclaw Kashtira
Serene Psychic Witch Silent Psychic Wizard Telekinetic Shocker
Time Escaper Ukiyoe-P.U.N.K. Sharakusai

Wind Psychic Monsters

Monsters By Attribute
FireFire WaterWater EarthEarth WindWind
LightLight DarkDark DivineDivine

Click on a link to take you to that rarity's section!

Caam, Serenity of Gusto Daigusto Eguls Daigusto Falcos
Daigusto Gulldos Daigusto Laplampilica Daigusto Sphreez
El Shaddoll Wendigo Genetic Woman Genomix Fighter
Ghost Fairy Elfobia Hu-Li the Jewel Mikanko Hypnosister
Kamui, Hope of Gusto Kashtira Unicorn Libromancer Geek Boy
Lifeforce Harmonizer Musto, Oracle of gusto Nightmell the Dark Bonder
Pilica, Descendant of Gusto Psi-Blocker Psychic Nightmare
Reeshaddoll Wendi Reeze, Whirlwind of Gusto Risebell the Star Adjuster
Risebell the Star Psycher Risebell the Summoner Ritual Beast Tamer Elder
Ritual Beast Tamer Lara Ritual Beast Tamer Wen Ritual Beast Tamer Zeframpilica
Ritual Beast Tamer Zefrawendi Ritual Beast Ulti-Kimunfalcos Ritual Beast Ulti-Reirautari
Space-Time Police Spiritual Beast Tamer Winda Storm Caller
Virtual World Beast - Jiujiu Virtual World Hime - Nyannyan Virtual World Kyubi - Shenshen
Virtual World Mai-Hime - Lulu Virtual World Roshi - Laolao Wind-Up Juggler
Winda, Priestess of Gusto Windaar, Sage of Gusto

Light Psychic Monsters

Monsters By Attribute
FireFire WaterWater EarthEarth WindWind
LightLight DarkDark DivineDivine

Click on a link to take you to that rarity's section!

Amazement Abomination Arlekino Chronomaly Crystal Chrononaut Crusadia Maximus
Dimensional Allotrope Varis Ghost Ogre & Snow Rabbit Impcantation Penciplume
Kozmo Farmgirl Kozmo Goodwitch Kozmo Scaredy Lion
Kozmo Strawman Kozmo Tincan Magical Android
Mekk-Knight Avram Mekk-Knight Blue Sky Mekk-Knight Green Horizon
Mekk-Knight Indigo Eclipse Mekk-Knight Orange Sunset Mekk-Knight Purple Nightfall
Mekk-Knight Red Moon Mekk-Knight Yellow Star Mental Tuner
Mind Master Mind Protector Number 18: Heraldry Patriarch
Number 26: Spaceway Octobypass Number 69: Heraldry Crest Number 8: Heraldic King Genom-Heritage
Number C69: Heraldry Crest of Horror Overdrive Teleporter PSY-Frame Driver
PSY-Frame Multi-Threader PSY-Framegear Alpha PSY-Framegear Beta
PSY-Framegear Delta PSY-Framegear Epsilon PSY-Framegear Gamma
PSY-Framelord Lambda PSY-Framelord Omega PSY-Framelord Zeta
Psychic Emperor Psychic End Punisher Ritual Beast Ulti-Gaiapelio
S-Force Gravitino Spiritual Beast Tamer Lara Therion "Duke" Yul
Ultimate Axon Kicker Wattkinetic Puppeteer Wattsychic Fighter

Dark Psychic Monsters

Monsters By Attribute
FireFire WaterWater EarthEarth WindWind
LightLight DarkDark DivineDivine

Click on a link to take you to that rarity's section!

Amazement Administrator Arlekino D.D. Seeker Dr. Frankenderp
Flint Cragger Gravity Controller Kozmo Soartroopers
Kozmoll Dark Lady Kozmoll Wickedwitch Krebons
Leafplace Plaice Myutant Ultimus Number 89: Diablosis the Mind Hacker
Overmind Archfiend Psi-Reflector Psychic Ace
Psychic Rover S-Force Professor DiGamma Thought Ruler Archfiend
Time Thief Adjuster Time Thief Double Barrel Time Thief Perpetua
Time Thief Redoer Time Thief Winder Trancefamiliar

Divine Psychic Monsters

Monsters By Attribute
FireFire WaterWater EarthEarth WindWind
LightLight DarkDark DivineDivine

Click on a link to take you to that rarity's section!

There are currently no cards that belong to this category.

Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel Related Guides

List of All Cards

List of All Cards

Card Type

Normal MonsterNormal EffectEffect FusionFusion RitualRitual
SynchroSynchro XYZXyz PendulumPendulum Link CardLink
SpellSpell TrapTrap


Monster Attributes
FireFire WaterWater WindWind EarthEarth
LightLight DarkDark DivineDivine

Types of Spell and Traps

Normal SpellNormal Quick-Play SpellQuick-Play Continuous SpellContinuous
Field SpellField Equip SpellEquip Ritual SpellRitual
Normal TrapNormal Continuous TrapContinuous Counter TrapCounter


SpellcasterSpellcaster DragonDragon ZombieZombie WarriorWarrior
Beast-WarriorBeast-Warrior BeastBeast Winged BeastWinged Beast MachineMachine
FiendFiend FairyFairy InsectInsect DinosaurDinosaur
ReptileReptile FishFish Sea SerpentSea Serpent AquaAqua
PyroPyro ThunderThunder RockRock PlantPlant
PsychicPsychic WyrmWyrm CyberseCyberse BeastDivine Beast
IllusionIllusion - - -

Level / Rank / Link

Level0 Level1 Level2 Level3
Level4 Level5 Level6 Level7
Level8 Level9 Level10 Level11
Level12 Level13 - -



Abilities / Other

Toon Spirit Union Gemini
Tuner Flip Special Summon -


BannedBanned LimitedLimited Semi-LimitedSemi-Limited


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