Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel

All Quick-Play Spell Cards

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Quick-Play Spell Cards are cards whose effects can be activated in any Phase, on either player's turn in Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel. Read on to find out more about each card in this category, what their effects are, and how you can fit them to your Decks!

List of Quick-Play Spell Cards

Quick-Play Spell Cards by Rarity

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UR Quick-Play Spell Cards

Berserker SoulBerserker Soul Called by the GraveCalled by the Grave Chain StrikeChain Strike
Clashing SoulsClashing Souls Cocoon of Ultra EvolutionCocoon of Ultra Evolution Crossout DesignatorCrossout Designator
DualityDuality Earthbound FusionEarthbound Fusion Emblema OathEmblema Oath
EMERGENCY!EMERGENCY! Exosister PaxExosister Pax Floowandereeze and the Advent of AdventureFloowandereeze and the Advent of Adventure
Forbidden DropletForbidden Droplet Limiter RemovalLimiter Removal MetaltronusMetaltronus
Ninjitsu Art Notebook of MysteryNinjitsu Art Notebook of Mystery OjamatchOjamatch Pig Iron vs. Pen PegPig Iron vs. Pen Peg
Purrely Sleepy MemoryPurrely Sleepy Memory Rank-Up-Magic Quick ChaosRank-Up-Magic Quick Chaos Runick TipRunick Tip
Saga of the Dragon EmperorSaga of the Dragon Emperor Sangen KaimenSangen Kaimen ScapegoatScapegoat
Set RotationSet Rotation Sky Striker Mobilize - Linkage!Sky Striker Mobilize - Linkage! Soul ServantSoul Servant
Spirit CharmersSpirit Charmers Spright StarterSpright Starter Super PolymerizationSuper Polymerization
SwallowSwallow's Cowrie The Breaking Ruin GodThe Breaking Ruin God UnityUnity
WANTED: Seeker of Sinful SpoilsWANTED: Seeker of Sinful Spoils Wings of LightWings of Light

SR Quick-Play Spell Cards

"A" Cell Recombination Device"A" Cell Recombination Device A Deal with Dark RulerA Deal with Dark Ruler Action Magic - Full TurnAction Magic - Full Turn
Ages of Stars and FrostAges of Stars and Frost Amazing Time TicketAmazing Time Ticket Amazoness CallAmazoness Call
Anti-Magic ArrowsAnti-Magic Arrows ArrivalrivalsArrivalrivals Artifact IgnitionArtifact Ignition
Basal Rose ShootBasal Rose Shoot Battle FusionBattle Fusion Book of EclipseBook of Eclipse
Book of Lunar EclipseBook of Lunar Eclipse BowntyBownty Branded in High SpiritsBranded in High Spirits
Burial from a Different DimensionBurial from a Different Dimension Burning SoulBurning Soul Chain SummoningChain Summoning
Chimera FusionChimera Fusion Circle of the Fire KingsCircle of the Fire Kings Concours de Cuisine (Culinary Confrontation)Concours de Cuisine (Culinary Confrontation)
Cosmic CycloneCosmic Cyclone Cyber Energy ShockCyber Energy Shock Demise of the LandDemise of the Land
DicephoonDicephoon Draco Face-OffDraco Face-Off Dragunity WhirlwindDragunity Whirlwind
Dramatic Snake-Eye ChaseDramatic Snake-Eye Chase Edge of the RingEdge of the Ring El Shaddoll FusionEl Shaddoll Fusion
Emergency TeleportEmergency Teleport Extra GateExtra Gate Fighting Flame SwordFighting Flame Sword
Final CrossFinal Cross Forbidden LanceForbidden Lance Frozen RoseFrozen Rose
Geargia ChangeGeargia Change Gemini SparkGemini Spark Generation NextGeneration Next
Gladiator Beast UnitedGladiator Beast United Igknights UniteIgknights Unite Inferno Reckless SummonInferno Reckless Summon
Infestation PandemicInfestation Pandemic Link BoundLink Bound Live☆Twin HomeLive☆Twin Home
Magical Musket - Cross-DominationMagical Musket - Cross-Domination Magical SpringMagical Spring Majespecter WindMajespecter Wind
Mask ChangeMask Change Mask Change IIMask Change II Mementotlan Bone PartyMementotlan Bone Party
Mementotlan FusionMementotlan Fusion Mischief of the Time GoddessMischief of the Time Goddess Mistaken ArrestMistaken Arrest
Ogdoadic DaybreakOgdoadic Daybreak OverexaggerationOverexaggeration Phantom KnightsPhantom Knights' Rank-Up-Magic Force
Photon Stream of DestructionPhoton Stream of Destruction Play of the TIstinaPlay of the TIstina Pot of AcquisitivenessPot of Acquisitiveness
Quick LaunchQuick Launch Rank-Up-Magic Cipher AscensionRank-Up-Magic Cipher Ascension Realm EulogyRealm Eulogy
RebellionRebellion Relinquished FusionRelinquished Fusion Rise Rank-Up-Magic RaidraptorRise Rank-Up-Magic Raidraptor's Force
Runick DestructionRunick Destruction Runick Flashing FireRunick Flashing Fire Runick Freezing CursesRunick Freezing Curses
Runick Golden DropletRunick Golden Droplet Salamangreat ChargeSalamangreat Charge Salamangreat CircleSalamangreat Circle
Satellarknight SkybridgeSatellarknight Skybridge Scareclaw StraddleScareclaw Straddle ScrapstormScrapstorm
Seventh ForceSeventh Force Shared RideShared Ride SilverSilver's Cry
Sky Striker Mecha - Hornet DronesSky Striker Mecha - Hornet Drones Sky Striker Mecha - Widow AnchorSky Striker Mecha - Widow Anchor Sol and LunaSol and Luna
Solfachord SymphonySolfachord Symphony Soul CrossingSoul Crossing SpeedliftSpeedlift
Speedroid WheelSpeedroid Wheel Spell of PainSpell of Pain Spellbook of FateSpellbook of Fate
Spellbook of JudgmentSpellbook of Judgment Super RejuvenationSuper Rejuvenation Tally-ho! SpringansTally-ho! Springans
The Flute of Summoning KuribohThe Flute of Summoning Kuriboh The Monarchs StormforthThe Monarchs Stormforth Toon Page-FlipToon Page-Flip
Tri-Brigade Airborne AssaultTri-Brigade Airborne Assault Tri-Brigade RoarTri-Brigade Roar Tsukumo SlashTsukumo Slash
Turn SilenceTurn Silence Twin TwistersTwin Twisters U.A. Locker RoomU.A. Locker Room
Unauthorized ReactivationUnauthorized Reactivation Urgent ScheduleUrgent Schedule Vanquish Soul Dust DevilVanquish Soul Dust Devil
War Rock DignityWar Rock Dignity Wavering EyesWavering Eyes World Legacy ClashWorld Legacy Clash
World Legacy MonstrosityWorld Legacy Monstrosity Xyz ImportXyz Import

R Quick-Play Spell Cards

"A" Cell Scatter Burst"A" Cell Scatter Burst A.I.dle RebornA.I.dle Reborn Abyss Script - Romantic TerrorAbyss Script - Romantic Terror
Action Magic - Double BankingAction Magic - Double Banking ALERT!ALERT! Amazoness Secret ArtsAmazoness Secret Arts
Armed Dragon FlashArmed Dragon Flash Asceticism of the Six SamuraiAsceticism of the Six Samurai Battle of Sleeping SpiritsBattle of Sleeping Spirits
Berserk ScalesBerserk Scales Berserker CrushBerserker Crush Black and White WaveBlack and White Wave
Blaze CannonBlaze Cannon Blind Spot StrikeBlind Spot Strike BlizzardBlizzard
Book of MoonBook of Moon Branded in RedBranded in Red Bug SignalBug Signal
Call of the AtlanteansCall of the Atlanteans Cattle CallCattle Call Celestial TransformationCelestial Transformation
Column SwitchColumn Switch Concentrating CurrentConcentrating Current Contact OutContact Out
Cosmic FlareCosmic Flare Cunning of the Six SamuraiCunning of the Six Samurai Curse Reflection DollCurse Reflection Doll
Cyberload FusionCyberload Fusion Cybernetic ZoneCybernetic Zone Dark Burning MagicDark Burning Magic
Dark Magic ExpandedDark Magic Expanded Dark Magic InheritanceDark Magic Inheritance Dark World AccessionDark World Accession
Dark World PuppetryDark World Puppetry De-FusionDe-Fusion Dedication through Light and DarknessDedication through Light and Darkness
Destruction Swordsman FusionDestruction Swordsman Fusion DetonateDetonate Diamond-Dust CycloneDiamond-Dust Cyclone
Diced DiceDiced Dice Double Hero AttackDouble Hero Attack DragoroarDragoroar
Draw MuscleDraw Muscle Drytron AsterismDrytron Asterism Eldlixir of White DestinyEldlixir of White Destiny
Emergency ProvisionsEmergency Provisions ESP AmplifierESP Amplifier Eternal CyberEternal Cyber
Everlasting AlloyEverlasting Alloy Eye of IllusionEye of Illusion F.A. Pit StopF.A. Pit Stop
F.A. Test RunF.A. Test Run Fire King Sky BurnFire King Sky Burn Fires of DoomsdayFires of Doomsday
Fist of FateFist of Fate Flash FusionFlash Fusion Forbidden ChaliceForbidden Chalice
Forbidden DressForbidden Dress Forbidden ScriptureForbidden Scripture Ghost Meets Girl - A MayakashiGhost Meets Girl - A Mayakashi's Manuscript
Ghost Meets Girl - A ShiranuiGhost Meets Girl - A Shiranui's Story Glory of the Noble KnightsGlory of the Noble Knights Greed GradoGreed Grado
Half ShutHalf Shut Hand DestructionHand Destruction Heavenly Dragon CircleHeavenly Dragon Circle
Igknight ReloadIgknight Reload Inferno TempestInferno Tempest Intercept WaveIntercept Wave
Life HackLife Hack Light of the BrandedLight of the Branded Light Wing ShieldLight Wing Shield
Magical DimensionMagical Dimension Magical Musket - Steady HandsMagical Musket - Steady Hands Magnet ReverseMagnet Reverse
Majespecter CycloneMajespecter Cyclone MaterializationMaterialization Mayhem Fur HireMayhem Fur Hire
Meklord DeflectionMeklord Deflection Million-Century Ice PrisonMillion-Century Ice Prison Mistaken AccusationMistaken Accusation
MultiplyMultiply My Body as a ShieldMy Body as a Shield Mystical Space TyphoonMystical Space Typhoon
Mystical Wind TyphoonMystical Wind Typhoon Mystik WokMystik Wok Mythical BestiaryMythical Bestiary
Night FlightNight Flight Offerings to the DoomedOfferings to the Doomed Pendulum ImpenetrablePendulum Impenetrable
Pendulum ShiftPendulum Shift Photon LeadPhoton Lead Poison of the Old ManPoison of the Old Man
Pop-UpPop-Up Psychic WavePsychic Wave Purrely Delicious MemoryPurrely Delicious Memory
Purrely Happy MemoryPurrely Happy Memory Purrely Pretty MemoryPurrely Pretty Memory Rage of Kairyu-ShinRage of Kairyu-Shin
Raging Mad PlantsRaging Mad Plants Rainbow RefractionRainbow Refraction Rank-Up-Magic Doom Double ForceRank-Up-Magic Doom Double Force
Rank-Up-Magic RaptorRank-Up-Magic Raptor's Force Rank-Up-Magic Revolution ForceRank-Up-Magic Revolution Force RESCUE!RESCUE!
Resonator CommandResonator Command Ritual Beast ReturnRitual Beast Return Ritual BeastRitual Beast's Bond
Roulette SpiderRoulette Spider Runick DispellingRunick Dispelling Runick SlumberRunick Slumber
Runick Smiting StormRunick Smiting Storm Rush RecklesslyRush Recklessly Sacred SerpentSacred Serpent's Wake
Salamangreat Burning ShellSalamangreat Burning Shell Salamangreat TranscendenceSalamangreat Transcendence Scrap FistScrap Fist
Secret Skills of the Six SamuraiSecret Skills of the Six Samurai Security BlockSecurity Block Serial SpellSerial Spell
ShrinkShrink Silent BurningSilent Burning Silent GraveyardSilent Graveyard
Silent Sword SlashSilent Sword Slash Sinful Spoils of Doom - RcielaSinful Spoils of Doom - Rciela Spell Shattering ArrowSpell Shattering Arrow
Spellbook of WisdomSpellbook of Wisdom Spool CodeSpool Code Spright SmashersSpright Smashers
Squib DrawSquib Draw Successor SoulSuccessor Soul Super Hippo CarnivalSuper Hippo Carnival
SwallowSwallow's Nest Swords at DawnSwords at Dawn Synchro TranscendSynchro Transcend
Tearlaments HeartbeatTearlaments Heartbeat The Great Mikanko CeremonyThe Great Mikanko Ceremony The Phantom KnightsThe Phantom Knights' Rank-Up-Magic Launch
Thunderforce AttackThunderforce Attack Thunderspeed SummonThunderspeed Summon Ultimate FusionUltimate Fusion
Unacceptable ResultUnacceptable Result Unleash Your Power!Unleash Your Power! Vaalmonica InvitareVaalmonica Invitare
Vendread ChargeVendread Charge Wake Up Centur-Ion!Wake Up Centur-Ion! War Rock SpiritWar Rock Spirit
World LegacyWorld Legacy's Memory Xyz AlignXyz Align Xyz Double BackXyz Double Back
Xyz EncoreXyz Encore

N Quick-Play Spell Cards

Majespecter SonicsMajespecter Sonics Double or Nothing!Double or Nothing! Uni-Song TuningUni-Song Tuning
Melffy TagMelffy Tag Jar RobberJar Robber Ego BoostEgo Boost
GagagabackGagagaback F.A. DownforceF.A. Downforce Guard PenaltyGuard Penalty
DragonDragon's Fighting Spirit SebekSebek's Blessing Space CycloneSpace Cyclone
TGX1-HLTGX1-HL Galaxy StormGalaxy Storm Photon TridentPhoton Trident
Mirage TubeMirage Tube Time PassageTime Passage Gladiator TamingGladiator Taming
Pyramid EnergyPyramid Energy Photon Generator UnitPhoton Generator Unit Form ChangeForm Change
Magnificent Machine AngelMagnificent Machine Angel Battle TunedBattle Tuned Reverse of NeosReverse of Neos
Cybernetic Fusion SupportCybernetic Fusion Support Illusion MagicIllusion Magic Quick BoosterQuick Booster
Majesty with Eyes of BlueMajesty with Eyes of Blue Enemy ControllerEnemy Controller Graceful DiceGraceful Dice
ReloadReload Soul ReversalSoul Reversal Super Double SummonSuper Double Summon
Seed of DeceptionSeed of Deception Cold FeetCold Feet Six Scrolls of the SamuraiSix Scrolls of the Samurai
Factory of 100 MachinesFactory of 100 Machines Illusion BalloonsIllusion Balloons Evil Eye ConfrontationEvil Eye Confrontation
Witchcrafter UnveilingWitchcrafter Unveiling Malefic DivideMalefic Divide Karakuri Gold DustKarakuri Gold Dust
Stand InStand In Dimension ExplosionDimension Explosion U.A. Turnover TacticsU.A. Turnover Tactics
March Towards RagnarokMarch Towards Ragnarok Indomitable Gladiator BeastIndomitable Gladiator Beast Gateway to Dark WorldGateway to Dark World
Quick ChargerQuick Charger Searing Fire WallSearing Fire Wall KoaKoa'ki Meiru Initialize!
Bubble IllusionBubble Illusion Mirror of the Ice BarrierMirror of the Ice Barrier Bubble ShuffleBubble Shuffle
Golden GearboxGolden Gearbox Double CycloneDouble Cyclone Runaway KarakuriRunaway Karakuri
First Step Towards InfestationFirst Step Towards Infestation Vylon PolytopeVylon Polytope Fog ControlFog Control
Mysterious TriangleMysterious Triangle Ring of DefenseRing of Defense Malice DispersionMalice Dispersion
Foolish ReturnFoolish Return Spellbook OrganizationSpellbook Organization Dragon LaserDragon Laser
Karma of the Destruction SwordsmanKarma of the Destruction Swordsman Tailor of the FickleTailor of the Fickle Monster RecoveryMonster Recovery
Miraculous RebirthMiraculous Rebirth Sky Striker Mecha - Eagle BoosterSky Striker Mecha - Eagle Booster Evo-MiracleEvo-Miracle
Order to ChargeOrder to Charge TwisterTwister TornadoTornado
Combination AttackCombination Attack Trickstar BouquetTrickstar Bouquet Assault Mode ZeroAssault Mode Zero
Assault RevivalAssault Revival Yosenju Wind WorshipYosenju Wind Worship Scrap SheenScrap Sheen
Legendary Wind-up KeyLegendary Wind-up Key Gravity LashGravity Lash Self-MummificationSelf-Mummification
Level Down!?Level Down!? Super Rush HeadlongSuper Rush Headlong Tricky Spell 4Tricky Spell 4
Crashbug RoadCrashbug Road The Reliable GuardianThe Reliable Guardian Scramble!! Scramble!!Scramble!! Scramble!!
Vertical LandingVertical Landing Mind WipeMind Wipe The Big March of AnimalsThe Big March of Animals
Strike of the MonarchsStrike of the Monarchs Prank-Kids PandemoniumPrank-Kids Pandemonium Secrets of Dark MagicSecrets of Dark Magic
Nemeses AdrasteaNemeses Adrastea Transcendent WingsTranscendent Wings Grand ConvergenceGrand Convergence
Wild FireWild Fire Flint MissileFlint Missile Assault OverloadAssault Overload
Telekinetic Power WellTelekinetic Power Well Synchro ControlSynchro Control Star ChangerStar Changer
Sargasso LighthouseSargasso Lighthouse Artifacts UnleashedArtifacts Unleashed Hippo CarnivalHippo Carnival
Saber ReflectionSaber Reflection Void SeerVoid Seer Limit OverdriveLimit Overdrive
PianissimoPianissimo Fullmetalfoes FusionFullmetalfoes Fusion Tellarknight GenesisTellarknight Genesis
The Book of the LawThe Book of the Law PredaplastPredaplast Chaos Scepter BlastChaos Scepter Blast
Smile UniverseSmile Universe Cynet BackdoorCynet Backdoor Trading PlacesTrading Places
Cybersal CycloneCybersal Cyclone Sky Striker Mecha - Shark CannonSky Striker Mecha - Shark Cannon Crusadia PowerCrusadia Power
Turning of the WorldTurning of the World Beast Magic AttackBeast Magic Attack Rage with Eyes of BlueRage with Eyes of Blue
Zombie Power StruggleZombie Power Struggle Tyrant Dino FusionTyrant Dino Fusion Super Quantal Alphancall AppealSuper Quantal Alphancall Appeal
Guardragon ReincarnationGuardragon Reincarnation Crusadia TestamentCrusadia Testament Witchcrafter DrapingWitchcrafter Draping
Cynet CrosswipeCynet Crosswipe Psychic FervorPsychic Fervor Predaprime FusionPredaprime Fusion
Rapid TriggerRapid Trigger Star Power!!Star Power!! Bayonet PunisherBayonet Punisher
TA.I. StrikeTA.I. Strike Time Thief StartupTime Thief Startup Dragonmaid Send-OffDragonmaid Send-Off
Dream Mirror of ChaosDream Mirror of Chaos Future DriveFuture Drive Hidden Fangs of RevengeHidden Fangs of Revenge
Hyper GalaxyHyper Galaxy Megalith UnformedMegalith Unformed Dual Avatar Defeating EvilDual Avatar Defeating Evil
Rookie Fur HireRookie Fur Hire Magistus TheurgyMagistus Theurgy Tri-Brigade RendezvousTri-Brigade Rendezvous
S-Force ShowdownS-Force Showdown Amazement Special ShowAmazement Special Show Ursarctic SliderUrsarctic Slider
Appliancer ConversionAppliancer Conversion Branded OpeningBranded Opening Exosister ArmentExosister Arment
Magikey BattleMagikey Battle Labrynth Set-UpLabrynth Set-Up Runick AllureRunick Allure
Over FusionOver Fusion Spright Gamma BurstSpright Gamma Burst Royal StraightRoyal Straight
Awakening of the Crystal UltimatesAwakening of the Crystal Ultimates Naturia BlessingNaturia Blessing Additional Mirror Level 7Additional Mirror Level 7
Kashtira OverlapKashtira Overlap Cynet RollbackCynet Rollback Vanquish Soul - Continue?Vanquish Soul - Continue?
Double Attack! Wind and Thunder!!Double Attack! Wind and Thunder!! Kashtira AkstraKashtira Akstra Gold Pride - That Came Out of Nowhere!Gold Pride - That Came Out of Nowhere!
Gold Pride - Pedal to the Metal!Gold Pride - Pedal to the Metal! Absolute PowerforceAbsolute Powerforce Centur-Ion BondsCentur-Ion Bonds
Wattsychic Fighting PorterWattsychic Fighting Porter Future SilenceFuture Silence Sinful Spoils StruggleSinful Spoils Struggle

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