Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel

All Dark Monster Cards

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The Ultimate Sparkle | Duel Experts | The Forbidden Liberated

Dark Monsters are monster cards that have the Dark attribute in Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel. Read on to learn more about each Dark monster's ATK, DEF, Effect, and more!

List of Dark Monster Cards

UR Dark Monsters

Monsters By Rarity
image.pngUR image.pngSR image.pngR image.pngN

Click on a link to take you to that rarity's section!

Card Type How to Get
Abyss Actor - Evil Heel Fiend The Darkness Amuses
Abyss Actor - Mellow Madonna Fiend The Darkness Amuses
Abyss Actor - Super Producer Fiend Climax of the Showdown
Abyss Actor - Superstar Fiend The Darkness Amuses
Accesscode Talker Cyberse Soldiers from the Storm
Theme Chronicle Banlist
1st Anniversary - Soldiers from the Storm
Adreus, Keeper of Armageddon Fiend
Alba-Lenatus the Abyss Dragon Dragon Alba Abyss
Albion the Branded Dragon Dragon Ruler's Mask
Alba Abyss
Fighting Spirit of Sparking Iron
Aim For The Stars
Ally of Justice Decisive Armor Machine Justice Before Attribute
Ally of Justice Field Marshal Machine Justice Before Attribute
Altergeis Adminia Spellcaster Nightmare Arrivals
Altergeist Memorygant Spellcaster Electron Illusions
Altergeist Multifaker Spellcaster Electron Illusions
Stalwart Force
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Amazement Administrator Arlekino Psychic The Darkness Amuses
Ancient Pixie Dragon Dragon
Ancient Warriors - Rebellious Lu Feng Beast Legends of Old
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Passage of the Sun
Appliancer Celtopus Machine Electrilyrical
Arc Rebellion Xyz Dragon Dragon Indomitable Knights
Archnemeses Protos Wyrm Interdimensional Interlopers
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Arias the Labrynth Butler Fiend Blazing Arena
Armityle the Chaos Phantasm - Phantom of Fury Fiend World Cloaked in Magical Power
Aromalilith Rosalina Plant Advance of Great Forces
Blooming in Adversity
Aromalilith Rosemary Plant Advance of Great Forces
Blooming in Adversity
Assault Blackwing - Onimaru the Divine Thunder Winged Beast Soaring on Darkest Wings
Assault Blackwing - Raikiri the Rain Shower Warrior Soaring on Darkest Wings
Assault Synchron Machine The Synchronized Cosmos
Evoked Dragon of Miracles
Astrograph Sorcerer Spellcaster Counterswing Mages
1st Anniversary - Counterswing Mages
Avendread Savior Zombie Abyssal Underworld
Heroic Warriors
Azamina Ilia Silvia Illusion The Forbidden Liberated
Azamina Moa Regina Illusion The Forbidden Liberated
Baelgrill de Nouvelles Warrior Singularity Warrior
A Full Course of Magic
Beelzeus of the Diabolic Dragons Dragon
Beyond the Pendulum Spellcaster Battle Trajectory
Big-Winged Berfomet Fiend Nightmare Arrivals
Illusion Beast's Roar
Black Skull Dragon Dragon
Black-Winged Assault Dragon Dragon Blackwing's Pride
Blackwing - Nothung the Starlight Winged Beast Soaring on Darkest Wings
Blackwing - Sharnga the Waning Moon Winged Beast Blackwing's Pride
Blackwing - Sudri the Phantom Glimmer Winged Beast Blackwing's Pride
Blackwing - Vata the Emblem of Wandering Winged Beast Blackwing's Pride
Blackwing - Zephyros the Elite Winged Beast Soaring on Darkest Wings
Blackwing Full Armor Master Winged Beast Soaring on Darkest Wings
Blackwing Tamer - Obsidian Hawk Joe Warrior
Blue-Eyes Chaos MAX Dragon Dragon The Azure in the Ivory
Revival of Legends
Theme Chronicle Banlist
1st Anniversary - The Azure in the Ivory
Blue-Eyes Max
Borrelcode Dragon Dragon Valiant Wings
Shot Through Fiction
Borrelend Dragon Dragon Shot Through Fiction
The Newborn Dragon
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Aim For The Stars
Borreload Dragon Dragon Shot Through Fiction
Valiant Wings
Borreload Furious Dragon Dragon Shot Through Fiction
Borreload Savage Dragon Dragon Shot Through Fiction
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Name of Champions
Borrelsword Dragon Dragon Stalwart Force
Shot Through Fiction
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Bystial Dis Pater Dragon Beginning of the Next Journey
Dragon Kings from the Abyss
Aim For The Stars
Bystial Magnamhut Dragon Climax of the Showdown
Dragon Kings from the Abyss
Aim For The Stars
Centur-Ion Auxila Dragon Eternal Partners
Chaos Ancient Gear Giant Machine Gargantuan Gears
Fusion Potential
Chaos Angel Fiend Rage of Chaos
Chaos Dragon Levianeer Dragon Dragon Luster
Chaos Ruler, the Chaotic Magical Dragon Dragon
Chaos Witch Spellcaster Rage of Chaos
Cherubini, Ebon Angel of the Burning Abyss Fairy Fiendish Encounter
Chimeratech Megafleet Dragon Machine Pearlescent Cyber Dragons
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Chronicle Magician Spellcaster Vortex of Magic
Colossal Fighter Warrior
Coordius the Triphasic Dealmon Fiend
Crimson Knight Vampire Bram Zombie Immortal Royalty
Crimson Nova the Dark Cubic Lord Fiend Natural Selection
Crimson Nova Trinity the Dark Cubic Lord Fiend Natural Selection
Crossrose Dragon Dragon Exquisite Jet-Black Rose
Crowley, the First Propheseer Spellcaster Seekers of Witchcraft
Mastery of the Grimoire
Curse Necrofear Fiend The Trap in the Wicked Castle
CXyz Gimmick Puppet Fanatix Machinix Machine Chaotic Showtime
Cyber Jar Rock Theme Chronicle Banlist
Cyber-Stein Machine Theme Chronicle Banlist
Cyberdark End Dragon Machine Theme Chronicle Banlist
Cyberse Clock Dragon Cyberse Soldiers from the Storm
Theme Chronicle Banlist
1st Anniversary - Soldiers from the Storm
Cyberse Desavewurm Cyberse Singularity Warrior
D/D/D Cursed King Siegfried Fiend Cross-Dimensional Contracts
D/D/D Deviser King Deus Machinex Fiend Invincible Raid
Theme Chronicle Banlist
D/D/D Duo-Dawn King Kali Yuga Fiend Cross-Dimensional Contracts
Invincible Raid
Theme Chronicle Banlist
D/D/D Wave Oblivion King Caesar Ragnarok Fiend Cross-Dimensional Contracts
Danger! Bigfoot! Beast Emerging Monstrosity Recon!
Dark Hole Dragon Dragon Lord of Dimensions
Dark Honest Fairy Deceitful Wings of Darkness
Dark Magician Spellcaster Darkest Magics
Vortex of Magic
Dark Magician the Knight of Dragon Magic Dragon Inherited Unity
Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon Dragon Indomitable Knights
Dark Requiem Xyz Dragon Dragon Indomitable Knights
Dark Templar @Ignister Cyberse AI Omniscience
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Darkest Diabolos, Lord of the Lair Dragon Rulers of Darkness
Illusion Beast's Roar
Darklord Superbia Fairy Deceitful Wings of Darkness
The Opening Act of an Apocalypse
Decode Talker Cyberse
Demise, Supreme King of Armageddon Fiend Miraculous Advent
Recollection of the Story
Desperado Barrel Dragon Machine
Destiny HERO - Destroyer Phoenix Enforcer Warrior Refined Blade
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Name of Champions
Destiny HERO - Dominance Warrior Shrouded Heroes
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Destiny HERO - Plasma Warrior Shrouded Heroes
Refined Blade
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Dhampir Vampire Sheridan Zombie Immortal Royalty
Diabellstar the Black Witch Spellcaster Ride Into the Future
Victory in Progress
Chaotic Showtime
Diabolantis the Menacing Mantis Insect The Synchronized Cosmos
Dimension Shifter Spellcaster Theme Chronicle Banlist
Dingirsu, the Orcust of the Evening Star Machine Star-Studded Futures
Name of Champions
Dinomorphia Kentregina Dinosaur Invincible Raid
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Dinomorphia Rexterm Dinosaur Beginning of Turmoil
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Dinomorphia Therizia Dinosaur Invincible Raid
Beginning of Turmoil
Djinn Releaser of Rituals Fiend Theme Chronicle Banlist
Doomking Balerdroch Zombie Abyssal Underworld
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Tricky Reception
Draco Berserker of the Tenyi Wyrm Dragon Spirit
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Dragon Buster Destruction Sword Dragon Warriors of Legend
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Dragon of Pride and Soul Dragon
Dual Assembwurm Cyberse
Dystopia the Despondent Fiend
Earthbound Immortal Aslla piscu Winged Beast Destiny's Sorceress
Terra Firma Transcendants
Earthbound Immortal Chacu Challhua Fish Terra Firma Transcendants
Earthbound Prisoner Stone Sweeper Fiend Return of the King
Earthbound Servant Geo Grasha Fiend Return of the King
El Shaddoll Apkallone Spellcaster Enchanted Threads of Shade
Theme Chronicle Banlist
El Shaddoll Winda Spellcaster Enchanted Threads of Shade
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Eldlich the Mad Golden Lord Zombie Immortal Royalty
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Crystal Realm Defier
Endymion, the Mighty Master of Magic Spellcaster Knowledge of the Mythlords
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Epurrely Noir Fairy My Cute Lovely Friends
Nightmare Arrivals
Erebus the Underworld Monarch Zombie Supernatural Elements
Recollection of the Story
Evil HERO Malicious Bane Fiend Transfigured Heroes
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Evil HERO Malicious Fiend Fiend Transfigured Heroes
Evil★Twins Ki-sikil & Lil-la Fiend Electron Illusions
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Evilswarm Ophion Dragon Yearning Evil Body
Evilswarm Ouroboros Dragon Yearning Evil Body
Firewall Dragon Singularity Cyberse Singularity Warrior
Five-Headed Dragon Dragon
Five-Headed Link Dragon Cyberse Beasts of the Inferno
Flower Cardian Lightflare Warrior Hand of Fate
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Flower Cardian Lightshower Warrior Hand of Fate
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Folgo, Justice Fur Hire Beast Vessels of Freedom
Frightfur Bear Fiend Fiendish Playthings
Frightfur Chimera Fiend Fiendish Playthings
Fusion Potential
Frightfur Tiger Fiend Fiendish Playthings
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Gagagaga Magician Spellcaster Onomatopair-Up
Gandora-G the Dragon of Destruction Dragon Geas of the Light
Gandora-X the Dragon of Demolition Dragon Theme Chronicle Banlist
Garura, Wings of Resonant Life Winged Beast Climax of the Showdown
Mighty Contenders
Gate Guardians Combined Warrior Beginning of the Next Journey
A Warrior of Seething Anger
Gatling Dragon Machine
Ghost Reaper & Winter Cherries Zombie Mighty Contenders
Ghostrick Alucard Zombie Mischievous Specters
Recollection of the Story
Ghostrick Angel of Mischief Fairy Mischievous Specters
Tricky Reception
Ghostrick Dullahan Fiend Mischievous Specters
Ghostrick Festival Spellcaster The Newborn Dragon
Gigantic Spright Thunder Sprites of Miracle
Burst of Zapping Energy!
Gimmick Puppet Chimera Doll Machine Colossal Mech
Gimmick Puppet Fantasix Machinix Machine Chaotic Showtime
Gimmick Puppet Little Soldiers Machine Chaotic Showtime
Girsu, the Orcust Mekk-Knight Machine Star-Studded Futures
Invincible Aces
Gizmek Orochi, the Serpentron Sky Slasher Machine Traditions of Trickery
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Gladiator Beast Domitianus Sea Serpent Valiant Gladiator Beasts
Gladiator Beast Gyzarus Winged Beast Valiant Gladiator Beasts
Gold Pride - Eradicator Warrior Tricky Reception
The Most Dangerous Race of the Cosmos!
Gorgon, Empress of the Evil Eyed Fiend The Cost of Dark Powers
Grapha, Dragon Lord of Dark World Fiend Dreaded Conspiracy
Grapha, Dragon Overlord of Dark World Fiend Dreaded Conspiracy
Gravekeeper's Oracle Spellcaster Guardian of Kings
Strong Will
Gravekeeper's Supernaturalist Spellcaster Guardian of Kings
Fusion Potential
Grinder Golem Fiend Theme Chronicle Banlist
Guardian Chimera Beast Invincible Raid
Nightmare Arrivals
Illusion Beast's Roar
Duel Experts
Guardragon Agarpain Dragon Theme Chronicle Banlist
Guardragon Elpy Dragon Theme Chronicle Banlist
Heretical Phobos Covos Illusion Geas of the Light
Hierophant of Prophecy Spellcaster Mastery of the Grimoire
Hot Red Dragon Archfiend Abyss Dragon Savage Crimson Dragon
Theme Chronicle Banlist
1st Anniversary - Savage Crimson Dragon
Return of the King
Hot Red Dragon Archfiend King Calamity Dragon Savage Crimson Dragon
1st Anniversary - Savage Crimson Dragon
I:P Masquerena Cyberse Space-Time Transcendents
Passage of the Sun
Ignoble Knight of High Laundsallyn Warrior Guided by the Noble Blade
Illegal Knight Fiend Mysterious Labyrinth
Guided by Fate
Victory in Progress
Illusion of Chaos Spellcaster Vortex of Magic
Imsety, Glory of Horus Spellcaster Revived Legion
Sacred Imperial Tomb
Infernity Archfiend Fiend The Infinite Void
Tricky Reception
Infernity Doom Dragon Dragon The Infinite Void
New Step for Duelists
Inzektor Dragonfly Insect Insect Metamorphosis
Beetle Troops Roll Out
Inzektor Exa-Beetle Insect Insect Metamorphosis
Beetle Troops Roll Out
Jinzo - Layered Machine
Jinzo the Machine Menace Machine
Kashtira Arise-Heart Machine Flame of Fury
A Warrior of Seething Anger
Knightmare Unicorn Fiend Cosmic Mechanical Entities
Kozmo Dark Eclipser Machine Galaxy War
Kuribabylon Fiend
Lady Labrynth of the Silver Castle Fiend Dreaded Conspiracy
The Trap in the Wicked Castle
Name of Champions
Legendary Six Samurai - Shi En Warrior Great Shogun's Rule
Libromancer Doombroker Fiend Heroic Warriors
Fires of Scorching Bonds
Lilith, Lady of Lament Fiend Theme Chronicle Banlist
Illusion Beast's Roar
Link Decoder Cyberse Singularity Warrior
Linkmail Archfiend Cyberse
Linkuriboh Cyberse Revival of Legends
Locomotion R-Genex Machine Elemental Exchanges
Loki, Lord of the Aesir Spellcaster Astral Trinity of Gods
Lord of the Heavenly Prison Rock Refined Blade
Invincible Aces
Lovely Labrynth of the Silver Castle Fiend Mysterious Labyrinth
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Dreaded Conspiracy
The Trap in the Wicked Castle
Lunalight Leo Dancer Beast-Warrior Moonlit Avian Dance
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Lunalight Sabre Dancer Beast-Warrior Moonlit Avian Dance
Fusion Potential
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Machina Ruinforce Machine Rapid Aircraft Advancement
Wandering Travelers
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Rescue Team, Emergency Dispatch!
Magical Scientist Spellcaster Theme Chronicle Banlist
Magicians' Souls Spellcaster Darkest Magics
Vortex of Magic
Majesty Hyperion Fairy Valiant Wings
Malefic Paradigm Dragon Dragon Terra Firma Transcendants
Malefic Truth Dragon Dragon Terra Firma Transcendants
Masked HERO Dark Law Warrior Transfigured Heroes
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Masquerade the Blazing Dragon Fiend Refined Blade
Beginning of Turmoil
The Opening Act of an Apocalypse
Master of Chaos Spellcaster Vortex of Magic
Masterking Archfiend Fiend The Cost of Dark Powers
Meizen the Battle Ninja Warrior Hidden Arts of Shadows
Meklord Astro Dragon Triskelion Machine Impending Assassination
Mementotlan Angwitch Spellcaster Revived Legion
Meteor Black Comet Dragon Dragon The Cerise in the Ebony
1st Anniversary - The Cerise in the Ebony
Millennium-Eyes Restrict Spellcaster Toontastic
Mirrorjade the Iceblade Dragon Wyrm The Newborn Dragon
Alba Abyss
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Aim For The Stars
Mythical Beast Jackal King Spellcaster Knowledge of the Mythlords
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Myutant Ultimus Psychic
Nightmare Apprentice Illusion Illusion Beast's Roar
Geas of the Light
Nightmare Magician Illusion Nightmare Arrivals
Illusion Beast's Roar
Number 1: Infection Buzzking Fiend
Number 15: Gimmick Puppet Giant Grinder Machine Colossal Mech
Number 22: Zombiestein Zombie Beloved Dolls
Number 86: Heroic Champion - Rhongomyniad Warrior Blazing Warriors
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Number 88: Gimmick Puppet of Leo Machine Colossal Mech
Number 95: Galaxy-Eyes Dark Matter Dragon Dragon Theme Chronicle Banlist
Number 98: Antitopian Warrior
Number XX: Utopic Dark Infinity Warrior
Odd-Eyes Arc Pendulum Dragon Dragon Draconic Resplendence
Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon Dragon Counterswing Mages
Draconic Resplendence
Indomitable Knights
1st Anniversary - Counterswing Mages
Odd-Eyes Rebellion Dragon Overlord Dragon The Newborn Dragon
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Odd-Eyes Rebellion Xyz Dragon Dragon Inherited Unity
Oneiros, the Dream Mirror Tormentor Fiend Interdimensional Interlopers
Outer Entity Azathot Fiend Theme Chronicle Banlist
Overmind Archfiend Psychic
Performapal Celestial Magician Spellcaster Counterswing Mages
1st Anniversary - Counterswing Mages
The Bizarre Playing Board
Indomitable Pride
Phantom of Chaos Fiend World Cloaked in Magical Power
Phantom of Yubel Fiend Eternal Partners
Pharaonic Advent Spellcaster Inherited Unity
Poissonniere de Nouvelles Fairy Singularity Warrior
A Full Course of Magic
Power Tool Mecha Dragon Machine Transforming Tech
Predaplant Chimerafflesia Plant Natural Selection
Fusion Potential
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Predaplant Verte Anaconda Plant Natural Selection
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Name of Champions
Prediction Princess Tarotreith Fairy Flame of Fury
Priestess of the Ashened City Pyro Dragons' Reincarnation
Psychic Rover Psychic
Punishment Dragon Dragon Justice from Light
Raidraptor - Arsenal Falcon Winged Beast Invulnerable Iron Wings
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Xyz Explosion
Raidraptor - Bloom Vulture Winged Beast Wings of the Guardian
Raidraptor - Final Fortress Falcon Winged Beast Invulnerable Iron Wings
Raidraptor - Revolution Falcon - Air Raid Winged Beast Invulnerable Iron Wings
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Raidraptor - Rising Rebellion Falcon Winged Beast Wings of the Guardian
Raidraptor - Ultimate Falcon Winged Beast Invulnerable Iron Wings
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Xyz Explosion
Raidraptor - Wise Strix Winged Beast Invulnerable Iron Wings
Rainbow Dark Dragon Dragon Crystal Serpentry
Raviel, Lord of Phantasms - Shimmering Scraper Fiend World Cloaked in Magical Power
Red Blossoms from Underroot Fiend
Red Nova Dragon Dragon Savage Crimson Dragon
New Step for Duelists
1st Anniversary - Savage Crimson Dragon
Red Supernova Dragon Dragon Savage Crimson Dragon
1st Anniversary - Savage Crimson Dragon
Red-Eyes Black Dragon Dragon The Cerise in the Ebony
New Step for Duelists
1st Anniversary - The Cerise in the Ebony
Invincible Aces
Red-Eyes Dark Dragoon Spellcaster Theme Chronicle Banlist
Invincible Aces
Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon Dragon The Cerise in the Ebony
1st Anniversary - The Cerise in the Ebony
Red-Eyes Slash Dragon Dragon The Cerise in the Ebony
1st Anniversary - The Cerise in the Ebony
Red-Eyes Soul Dragon Inherited Unity
Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon Lord Zombie Immortal Glory
Reign-Beaux, Overking of Dark World Fiend Dreaded Conspiracy
Relinquished Anima Spellcaster Toontastic
Repair Genex Controller Machine Advance of Great Forces
Elemental Exchanges
Reptilianne Echidna Reptile Curse of the Serpent
Valiant Wings
Rindbrumm the Striking Dragon Winged Beast Climax of the Showdown
S:P Little Knight Warrior Revived Legion
Duel Experts
Satellite Warrior Warrior Scrap Iron Soldiers
Sauge de Fleur Spellcaster Beyond Speed
The Noble Knights of Crimson Flowers
Scareclaw Light-Heart Beast-Warrior Battle Trajectory
Beastly Claws of Terror
Scareclaw Reichheart Warrior Battle Trajectory
Beastly Claws of Terror
Scareclaw Tri-Heart Beast-Warrior Battle Trajectory
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Beastly Claws of Terror
Scarred Dragon Archfiend Dragon Return of the King
Skeletal Dragon Felgrand Zombie Immortal Glory
Sky Scourge Norleras Fiend
Sky Striker Ace - Azalea Machine Rage of Chaos
Sky Striker Ace - Camellia Machine Lord of Dimensions
Snake-Eyes Flamberge Dragon Dragon Ride Into the Future
Victory in Progress
Sophia, Goddess of Rebirth Fairy
Souleating Oviraptor Dinosaur Prehistoric Beast Advance
Spright Blue Thunder Sprites of Miracle
Burst of Zapping Energy!
Starving Venemy Dragon Dragon Ruler's Mask
Starving Venemy Lethal Dose Dragon Dragon Ruler's Mask
Starving Venom Predapower Fusion Dragon Dragon Mysterious Labyrinth
Steelswarm Caucastag Fiend Yearning Evil Body
Summon Sorceress Spellcaster Theme Chronicle Banlist
Super Starslayer TY-PHON - Sky Crisis Fiend Eternal Partners
Supreme King Z-ARC Dragon Counterswing Mages
Battle Trajectory
Theme Chronicle Banlist
1st Anniversary - Counterswing Mages
Lord of Dimensions
Surgical Striker - H.A.M.P. Machine Singular Strike Overthrow
T.G. Hyper Librarian Spellcaster Futuristic Creatures
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Tearlaments Kaleido-Heart Fiend Blessings of Nature
Songstress of Sorrow Song
Tearlaments Scheiren Aqua Blessings of Nature
Songstress of Sorrow Song
Tempest Magician Spellcaster Theme Chronicle Banlist
Ten Thousand Dragon Dragon
The Arrival Cyberse @Ignister Cyberse AI Omniscience
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Singularity Warrior
The Dark Magicians Spellcaster Darkest Magics
Vortex of Magic
The First Darklord Fairy Deceitful Wings of Darkness
Fusion Potential
Theme Chronicle Banlist
The Opening Act of an Apocalypse
The Phantom Knights of Rusty Bardiche Warrior Indomitable Knights
Theme Chronicle Banlist
The Suppression Pluto Fiend
The Unstoppable Exodia Incarnate Spellcaster The Forbidden Liberated
The Weather Painter Moonbow Fairy Mysterious Labyrinth
The Zombie Vampire Zombie The Newborn Dragon
Therion Irregular Machine Heroic Warriors
Fighting Spirit of Sparking Iron
Thought Ruler Archfiend Psychic The Cost of Dark Powers
The Ultimate Traditional Art
Thunder Dragon Colossus Dragon Roaring Thunder
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Tricky Reception
Time Thief Redoer Psychic Space-Time Transcendents
Xyz Explosion
Timestar Magician Spellcaster Counterswing Mages
1st Anniversary - Counterswing Mages
Tindangle Acute Cerberus Fiend Cyber City Guardians
Titaniklad the Ash Dragon Dragon Ruler's Mask
Alba Abyss
Topologic Gumblar Dragon Cyberse Theme Chronicle Banlist
Topologic Trisbaena Cyberse Fires of Scorching Bonds
Topologic Zeroboros Cyberse Fires of Scorching Bonds
Tour Guide From the Underworld Fiend Mysterious Labyrinth
Traffic Ghost Cyberse
Tri-Brigade Arms Bucephalus II Winged Beast Climax of the Showdown
Mighty Contenders
Tri-Brigade Mercourier Winged Beast The Newborn Dragon
Alba Abyss
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Tri-Brigade Shuraig the Ominous Omen Winged Beast Stalwart Force
Echo Chamber Nation
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Mighty Contenders
True King of All Calamities Wyrm Theme Chronicle Banlist
Tyrant Red Dragon Archfiend Dragon Savage Crimson Dragon
1st Anniversary - Savage Crimson Dragon
Ultimaya Tzolkin Dragon
Unchained Abomination Fiend Roused from Destruction
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Blazing Arena
Unchained Soul Lord of Yama Fiend Blazing Arena
Unchained Soul of Sharvara Fiend Blazing Arena
Uni-Zombie Zombie Abyssal Underworld
Immortal Glory
Vampire Voivode Zombie Immortal Royalty
The Newborn Dragon
Vanquish Soul Dr. Mad Love Fiend Singularity Warrior
Varudras, the Final Bringer of the End Times Wyrm Dragons' Reincarnation
Veda Kalanta Warrior New World Replete With Joy
Veda Kalarcanum Warrior Nightmare Arrivals
New World Replete With Joy
Veidos the Dragon of Endless Darkness Pyro Dragons' Reincarnation
Veidos the Eruption Dragon of Extinction Pyro Dragons' Reincarnation
Vendread Scavenger Zombie Heroic Warriors
Vennominaga the Deity of Poisonous Snakes Reptile Curse of the Serpent
Vennominon the King of Poisonous Snakes Reptile Curse of the Serpent
Vicious Astraloud Fairy Beginning of the Next Journey
Vision HERO Faris Warrior Shrouded Heroes
Heroes' Union
Heroes' Union
Vision HERO Trinity Warrior Shrouded Heroes
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Heroes' Union
Vision HERO Vyon Warrior Shrouded Heroes
Heroes' Union
Vision Resonator Fiend Return of the King
Void Ogre Dragon Dragon The Infinite Void
Vouiburial, the Dragon Undertaker Illusion Geas of the Light
Witchcrafter Vice-Madame Spellcaster Passage of the Sun
Name of Champions
World Gears of Theurlogical Demiurgy Cyberse Star-Studded Futures
Yubel - The Loving Defender Forever Fiend Eternal Partners
Zerrziel, Ruler of the Evil Eyed Fiend The Cost of Dark Powers

SR Dark Monsters

Monsters By Rarity
image.pngUR image.pngSR image.pngR image.pngN

Click on a link to take you to that rarity's section!

Card Type How to Get
Abominable Unchained Soul Fiend Roused from Destruction
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Name of Champions
Absolute King Back Jack Fiend The Trap in the Wicked Castle
Absorouter Dragon Dragon Shot Through Fiction
Aim For The Stars
Abyss Actor - Hyper Director Fiend The Darkness Amuses
Abyss Actor - Leading Lady Fiend The Darkness Amuses
Abyss Actor - Wild Hope Fiend The Darkness Amuses
Ahrima, the Wicked Warden Fiend Rulers of Darkness
Illusion Beast's Roar
Akashic Magician Spellcaster
Albaz the Ashen Dragon Alba Abyss
Fighting Spirit of Sparking Iron
Aleister the Invoker Spellcaster Seekers of Witchcraft
Alice, Lady of Lament Fiend Mysterious Labyrinth
Illusion Beast's Roar
Alien Overlord Reptile Cell "A" Corruption
Allure Queen LV7 Spellcaster
Ally of Justice Catastor Machine Justice Before Attribute
Ally of Justice Cycle Reader Machine Justice Before Attribute
Ally of Justice Cyclone Creator Machine Justice Before Attribute
Ally of Justice Light Gazer Machine Justice Before Attribute
Aloof Lupine Beast Forest Friends
Aluber the Jester of Despia Fairy Ruler's Mask
Refined Blade
Beginning of Turmoil
Theme Chronicle Banlist
The Opening Act of an Apocalypse
Beginning of the Next Journey
Name of Champions
Aim For The Stars
Ancient Warriors - Savage Don Ying Beast-Warrior Passage of the Sun
Angello Vaalmonica Fairy Lord of Dimensions
Appliancer Socketroll Machine Electrilyrical
Apprentice Illusion Magician Spellcaster Darkest Magics
Archfiend Black Skull Dragon Dragon The Cerise in the Ebony
1st Anniversary - The Cerise in the Ebony
Invincible Aces
Archfiend Empress Fiend
Archfiend Heiress Fiend The Cost of Dark Powers
Archfiend's Awakening Fiend
Archfiend's Call Fiend
Archfiend's Manifestation Fiend
Archfiend’s Ascent Fiend
Ariane the Labrynth Servant Fiend Mysterious Labyrinth
The Trap in the Wicked Castle
Arianna the Labrynth Servant Fiend Mysterious Labyrinth
The Trap in the Wicked Castle
Blazing Arena
Aim For The Stars
Armageddon Knight Warrior Invincible Aces
Armillyre, the Starleader Dragon Dragon
Armored Bitron Cyberse
Aromalilith Magnolia Plant Advance of Great Forces
Blooming in Adversity
Azamina Mu Rcielago Illusion The Forbidden Liberated
Balameuniere de Nouvelles Beast-Warrior Singularity Warrior
A Full Course of Magic
Barrel Dragon Machine
Barricadeborg Blocker Machine
Barrier Statue of the Abyss Fiend Theme Chronicle Banlist
Beast-Eyes Pendulum Dragon Dragon
Beat Cop from the Underworld Fiend
Beelze of the Diabolic Dragons Dragon
Beetrooper Cruel Saturnas Insect Record of Noble Spirits
Berserk Dragon Zombie
Black Dragon Collapserpent Dragon Dragons' Reincarnation
Black Dragon Ninja Beast The Hidden Arts
Black Fang Magician Spellcaster Counterswing Mages
Theme Chronicle Banlist
1st Anniversary - Counterswing Mages
Black Salvo Machine
Black-Winged Dragon Dragon Soaring on Darkest Wings
Blackwing's Pride
Blackfeather Darkrage Dragon Dragon Soaring on Darkest Wings
Blackwing - Boreastorm the Wicked Wind Winged Beast Blackwing's Pride
Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind Winged Beast Soaring on Darkest Wings
Blackwing's Pride
Blackwing - Gofu the Vague Shadow Winged Beast Theme Chronicle Banlist
Blackwing - Gram the Shining Star Winged Beast Soaring on Darkest Wings
Blackwing - Shamal the Sandstorm Winged Beast Blackwing's Pride
Blackwing - Simoon the Poison Wind Winged Beast Soaring on Darkest Wings
Blackwing's Pride
Blackwing - Steam the Cloak Winged Beast Theme Chronicle Banlist
Blackwing's Pride
Blackwing - Vayu the Emblem of Honor Winged Beast Soaring on Darkest Wings
Blackwing's Pride
Blackwing Armed Wing Winged Beast Soaring on Darkest Wings
Blackwing's Pride
Blood Mefist Fiend
Blowback Dragon Machine
Blue-Blooded Oni Zombie Xyz Explosion
Bone Archfiend Fiend Return of the King
Borrelguard Dragon Dragon Shot Through Fiction
Brain Golem Fiend
Brute Enforcer Cyberse Fires of Scorching Bonds
Buster Dragon Dragon Warriors of Legend
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Bystial Baldrake Dragon Climax of the Showdown
Dragon Kings from the Abyss
Aim For The Stars
Duel Experts
Bystial Druiswurm Dragon Climax of the Showdown
Dragon Kings from the Abyss
Aim For The Stars
Duel Experts
Bystial Saronir Dragon Climax of the Showdown
Dragon Kings from the Abyss
Aim For The Stars
Cairngorgon, Antiluminescent Knight Rock
Caius the Mega Monarch Fiend Supernatural Elements
Caius the Shadow Monarch Fiend
Cannon Soldier Machine Theme Chronicle Banlist
Card Guard Fiend
Centur-Ion Trudea Pyro Eternal Partners
Eternal Partners
Chamber Dragonmaid Dragon Dragon Luster
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Changshi the Spiridao Zombie Immortal Glory
Chaos Archfiend Fiend Rage of Chaos
Chaos Emperor, the Dragon of Armageddon Dragon Inevitability of Chaos
Rage of Chaos
Chaos Hunter Fiend
Chaos Nephthys Winged Beast Cosmic Ocean
Chaos Summoning Beast Fiend World Cloaked in Magical Power
Chimera the Illusion Beast Illusion Nightmare Arrivals
Illusion Beast's Roar
Chimeratech Overdragon Machine Pearlescent Cyber Dragons
Revived Legion
Chimeratech Rampage Dragon Machine Pearlescent Cyber Dragons
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Chronograph Sorcerer Spellcaster Counterswing Mages
Stalwart Force
1st Anniversary - Counterswing Mages
Clear Vice Dragon Dragon
Clorless, Chaos King of Dark World Fusion Blazing Arena
Codebreaker Virus Berserker Warrior
Colossal Fighter/Assault Mode Warrior Synchro Mode Change
Condemned Darklord Fairy Deceitful Wings of Darkness
The Opening Act of an Apocalypse
Cracking Dragon Machine
Curse of Dragon, the Magical Knight Dragon Dragon Warriors of Legend
Cyberdark Cannon Dragon Pearlescent Cyber Dragons
Cyberdark Chimera Machine
Cyberdark Claw Dragon Pearlescent Cyber Dragons
Cyberdarkness Dragon Machine Pearlescent Cyber Dragons
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Cyberse Quantum Dragon Cyberse Soldiers from the Storm
1st Anniversary - Soldiers from the Storm
Singularity Warrior
D.D. Crow Winged Beast Mighty Contenders
Wings that Span the Sky
Duel Experts
D/D Dog Fiend
D/D Gryphon Fiend Invincible Raid
D/D Swirl Slime Fiend Cross-Dimensional Contracts
D/D/D Abyss King Gilgamesh Fiend Cross-Dimensional Contracts
Theme Chronicle Banlist
D/D/D Chaos King Apocalypse Fiend
D/D/D Destiny King Zero Laplace Fiend
D/D/D Dragonbane King Beowulf Fiend Cross-Dimensional Contracts
D/D/D Marksman King Tell Fiend
D/D/D Oblivion King Abyss Ragnarok Fiend Cross-Dimensional Contracts
Theme Chronicle Banlist
D/D/D Rebel King Leonidas Fiend Cross-Dimensional Contracts
D/D/D Supersight King Zero Maxwell Fiend
D/D/D Vice King Requiem Fiend Invincible Raid
D/D/D/D Super Dimensional Sovereign Emperor Zero Paradox Fiend Inherited Unity
Danger! Nessie! Aqua Emerging Monstrosity Recon!
Recollection of the Story
Danger!? Jackalope? Beast Emerging Monstrosity Recon!
Outlaws from the Inferno
Danger!? Tsuchinoko? Reptile Emerging Monstrosity Recon!
Outlaws from the Inferno
Dangerous Frightfur Nightmary Fiend Fiendish Playthings
Dark Anthelion Dragon Dragon Ruler's Mask
Dark Armed Dragon Dragon Monster Overdrive
Dark Beckoning Beast Fiend World Cloaked in Magical Power
Eternal Partners
Dark Cavalry Spellcaster Darkest Magics
Dark Dimension Soldier Warrior
Dark Diviner Fiend
Dark End Dragon Dragon
Dark End Evaporation Dragon Dragon Dragons' Reincarnation
Dark Flattop Machine
Dark Grepher Warrior
Dark Guardian Warrior Wings of the Guardian
Dark Highlander Fiend
Dark Infant @Ignister Cyberse AI Omniscience
Dark Magician Girl Spellcaster Darkest Magics
Vortex of Magic
Dark Magician the Dragon Knight Dragon Darkest Magics
Vortex of Magic
Dark Magician the Magician of Black Magic Spellcaster Geas of the Light
Dark Master - Zorc Fiend
Dark Necrofear Fiend
Dark Scorpion - Chick the Yellow Warrior
Dark Simorgh Winged Beast Piercing Winds
Wings that Span the Sky
Dark Spirit of Banishment Fiend The Trap in the Wicked Castle
Dark Spirit of Malice Fiend The Trap in the Wicked Castle
Dark Strike Fighter Machine
Darklord Amdusc Fairy Deceitful Wings of Darkness
The Opening Act of an Apocalypse
Darklord Ixchel Fairy Deceitful Wings of Darkness
Theme Chronicle Banlist
The Opening Act of an Apocalypse
Darklord Morningstar Fairy Deceitful Wings of Darkness
Fusion Potential
The Opening Act of an Apocalypse
Darklord Nasten Fairy Deceitful Wings of Darkness
The Opening Act of an Apocalypse
Darkness Metal, the Dragon of Dark Steel Dragon 1st Anniversary - The Cerise in the Ebony
Decode Talker Extended Cyberse Soldiers from the Storm
New Step for Duelists
1st Anniversary - Soldiers from the Storm
Demise, King of Armageddon Fiend
Destiny End Dragoon Warrior Shrouded Heroes
Destiny HERO - Dangerous Warrior Shrouded Heroes
Heroes' Union
Destiny HERO - Diamond Dude Warrior
Destiny HERO - Dogma Warrior Shrouded Heroes
Destiny Hero - Dusktopia Warrior
Destiny HERO - Dystopia Warrior Shrouded Heroes
Heroes' Union
Destiny HERO - Malicious Warrior Shrouded Heroes
Heroes' Union
Heroes' Union
Destrudo the Lost Dragon's Frisson Dragon
Dharc the Dark Charmer, Gloomy Spellcaster The Newborn Dragon
The Forbidden Liberated
Dictator of D. Spellcaster The Newborn Dragon
Blue-Eyes Max
Dimension Fortress Weapon Machine
Dinomorphia Stealthbergia Dinosaur Invincible Raid
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Doom Virus Dragon Dragon
Double Iris Magician Spellcaster Counterswing Mages
Theme Chronicle Banlist
1st Anniversary - Counterswing Mages
Downerd Magician Spellcaster Xyz Explosion
Duel Experts
Draconnet Cyberse Fires of Scorching Bonds
Invincible Aces
Dragocytos Corrupted Nethersoul Dragon Dragon
Dragonecro Nethersoul Dragon Dragon The Newborn Dragon
Tricky Reception
Dragonox, the Empowered Warrior Warrior
Dramaturge of Despia Fairy Ruler's Mask
Refined Blade
Beginning of Turmoil
The Opening Act of an Apocalypse
Duel Link Dragon, the Duel Dragon Dragon Stardust Ties
1st Anniversary - Stardust Ties
Duralume, Vaalmonican Heathen Hallow Fairy Lord of Dimensions
Earthbound Immortal Ccapac Apu Fiend Terra Firma Transcendants
Return of the King
Earthbound Immortal Ccarayhua Reptile Terra Firma Transcendants
Earthbound Servant Geo Gryphon Fiend Return of the King
Earthbound Servant Geo Kraken Fiend Return of the King
Eater of Millions Fiend Theme Chronicle Banlist
Ebon High Magician Spellcaster
Elemental HERO Escuridao Warrior The First Heroes
1st Anniversary - The First Heroes
Elemental HERO Shadow Mist Warrior Stalwart Force
The First Heroes
Transfigured Heroes
1st Anniversary - The First Heroes
Heroes' Union
Heroes' Union
Heroes' Union
EM:P Meowmine Cyberse Revived Legion
Embers of the Ashened Pyro Dragons' Reincarnation
Emperor Maju Garzett Fiend
Endymion, the Master Magician Spellcaster Knowledge of the Mythlords
Engraver of the Mark Spellcaster
Evil Dragon Ananta Reptile Curse of the Serpent
Sacred Imperial Tomb
Evil★Twin Lil-la Fiend Electron Illusions
Wandering Travelers
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Evilswarm Bahamut Dragon Yearning Evil Body
Evilswarm Kerykeion Spellcaster Yearning Evil Body
Evilswarm Thunderbird Thunder Yearning Evil Body
Evolsaur Lios Dinosaur
Exodia the Forbidden One Spellcaster The Great Olds
Theme Chronicle Banlist
The Forbidden Liberated
F.A. Dark Dragster Machine Tournament Athletes
The Most Dangerous Race of the Cosmos!
Fallen of Albaz Dragon Ruler's Mask
Refined Blade
Alba Abyss
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Beginning of the Next Journey
Name of Champions
Aim For The Stars
Fantastical Dragon Phantazmay Dragon Dragon Luster
Singularity Warrior
Invincible Aces
Farfa, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss Fiend Fiendish Encounter
Firewall Dragon Darkfluid Cyberse Soldiers from the Storm
Theme Chronicle Banlist
1st Anniversary - Soldiers from the Storm
Singularity Warrior
Firewall Dragon Darkfluid - Neo Tempest Terahertz Cyberse Inherited Unity
Firewall Phantom Cyberse Singularity Warrior
First of the Dragons Dragon Blue-Eyes Max
Flash Charge Dragon Dragon
Flower Cardian Boardefly Warrior Hand of Fate
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Flower Cardian Moonflowerviewing Warrior Hand of Fate
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Freki the Runick Fangs Beast Dreaded Conspiracy
Adventure of Mystical Etchings
Frightfur Daredevil Fiend Fiendish Playthings
Frightfur Leo Fiend Fiendish Playthings
Frightfur Sabre-Tooth Fiend Fiendish Playthings
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Frightfur Wolf Fiend Fiendish Playthings
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Fusion Parasite Insect
Gaap the Divine Soldier Fiend
Gagaga Magician Spellcaster Onomatopair-Up
Gagaga Sister Spellcaster Onomatopair-Up
Galatea, the Orcust Automaton Machine Star-Studded Futures
Invincible Aces
Galaxy Satellite Dragon Dragon
Galaxy Stealth Dragon Dragon
Garden Rose Maiden Plant Exquisite Jet-Black Rose
Gashadokuro, the Skeletal Mayakashi Zombie Fires of This World and The Next
Genex Ally Birdman Machine Elemental Exchanges
Advance of Great Forces
Genex Ally Triarm Machine Elemental Exchanges
Genex Ally Triforce Machine Elemental Exchanges
Genta, Gateman of Dark World Fiend Dreaded Conspiracy
Geri the Runick Fangs Beast Mysterious Labyrinth
Adventure of Mystical Etchings
Ghost Charon, the Underworld Boatman Zombie Tricky Reception
Crystal Realm Defier
Ghost Wyvern, the Underworld Dragon Zombie The Newborn Dragon
Tricky Reception
Crystal Realm Defier
Ghostrick Fairy Spellcaster Mischievous Specters
Ghostrick Lantern Fiend Mischievous Specters
The Newborn Dragon
Tricky Reception
Ghostrick Mary Fiend Mischievous Specters
Ghostrick Siren Fairy The Newborn Dragon
Gigarays Gandora the Dragon of Destruction Dragon
Gimmick Puppet Bisque Doll Machine Colossal Mech
Chaotic Showtime
Gimmick Puppet Gigantes Doll Machine Colossal Mech
Chaotic Showtime
Gimmick Puppet Rouge Doll Machine Chaotic Showtime
Gladiator Beast Andabata Beast-Warrior
Gladiator Beast Nerokius Winged Beast Valiant Gladiator Beasts
Gladiator Beast Tamer Editor Beast-Warrior
Glow-Up Bloom Zombie Abyssal Underworld
Immortal Glory
Go! - D/D/D Divine Zero King Rage Fiend
Goblin King Fiend
Gold Pride - Pin Baller Machine Indomitable Pride
The Most Dangerous Race of the Cosmos!
Gorgonic Guardian Rock
Gorz the Emissary of Darkness Fiend
Graff, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss Fiend Fiendish Encounter
Grave Protector Fiend
Gravekeeper's Nobleman Spellcaster Guardian of Kings
Gravekeeper's Recruiter Spellcaster Guardian of Kings
Fusion Potential
Strong Will
Gravekeeper's Shaman Spellcaster Guardian of Kings
Gravekeeper's Visionary Spellcaster Guardian of Kings
Great Maju Garzett Fiend
Greedy Venom Fusion Dragon Dragon Natural Selection
Mysterious Labyrinth
Groza, Tyrant of Thunder Fiend
Guardian Dreadscythe Fiend Awakening of the Ancients
A Dance Dedicated to the Heavens
Hallo, the Spirit of Tricks Fiend Tricky Reception
Harr, Generaider Boss of Storms Spellcaster Worthy Adversaries
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Xyz Explosion
Adventure of Mystical Etchings
Hela, Generaider Boss of Doom Zombie Worthy Adversaries
Xyz Explosion
Adventure of Mystical Etchings
Horned Saurus Dinosaur Nightmare Arrivals
Hot Red Dragon Archfiend Dragon Savage Crimson Dragon
1st Anniversary - Savage Crimson Dragon
Hot Red Dragon Archfiend Bane Dragon Savage Crimson Dragon
1st Anniversary - Savage Crimson Dragon
Hundred Eyes Dragon Dragon Terra Firma Transcendants
Ikelos, the Dream Mirror Mara Fairy Interdimensional Interlopers
Immortal Dragon Zombie Immortal Glory
Impcantation Chalislime Aqua Miraculous Advent
Singularity Warrior
Infernity Doom Archfiend Fiend The Infinite Void
Infernity Mirage Fiend The Infinite Void
Infernity Necromancer Fiend The Infinite Void
New Step for Duelists
Tricky Reception
Infernity Pawn Fiend The Infinite Void
Infernoid Devyaty Fiend Life Force Control System
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Outlaws from the Inferno
Invader of Darkness Fiend
Inzektor Giga-Mantis Insect Insect Metamorphosis
Beetle Troops Roll Out
Inzektor Hornet Insect Insect Metamorphosis
Passage of the Sun
Beetle Troops Roll Out
Inzektor Picofalena Insect Insect Metamorphosis
Invincible Raid
Beetle Troops Roll Out
Isolde, Belle of the Underworld Zombie
Jiaotu, Darkness of the Yang Zing Wyrm Dragon Spirit
Guardian of the Sacred Summit
Jinzo Machine
Jinzo - Jector Machine
Junk Connector Warrior Scrap Iron Soldiers
Junk Synchron Warrior
Keeper of Dragon Magic Dragon Dragon Luster
Blue-Eyes Max
King Dragun Dragon
King of the Feral Imps Reptile Invaders from Outer Space
Advance of Great Forces
Sacred Imperial Tomb
King of the Skull Servants Zombie Abyssal Underworld
Advance of Great Forces
Kinka-Byo Beast My Cute Lovely Friends
Kittytail, Mystical Beast of the Forest Dragon Climax of the Showdown
Forest Friends
Knightmare Corruptor Iblee Cyberse Cosmic Mechanical Entities
Kozmo Dark Destroyer Machine Galaxy War
Kuibelt the Blade Dragon Dragon Outlaws from the Inferno
Kuribandit Fiend Vortex of Magic
Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer Spellcaster
Legendary Maju Garzett Fiend
Legendary Secret of the Six Samurai Warrior
Level Eater Insect Theme Chronicle Banlist
Linguriboh Cyberse AI Omniscience
Litmus Doom Swordsman Warrior Scientific Analysis
Longirsu, the Orcust Orchestrator Machine Star-Studded Futures
Recollection of the Story
Invincible Aces
Loris, Lady of Lament Fiend Mysterious Labyrinth
Illusion Beast's Roar
Lumina, Twilightsworn Shaman Spellcaster Justice from Light
Lunalight Panther Dancer Beast-Warrior Moonlit Avian Dance
Fusion Potential
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Machina Unclaspare Machine Rapid Aircraft Advancement
Wandering Travelers
Rescue Team, Emergency Dispatch!
Maestroke the Symphony Djinn Fiend
Magikuriboh Fiend Vortex of Magic
Makyura the Destructor Warrior
Malefic Paradox Dragon Dragon Terra Firma Transcendants
Masked Beast Des Gardius Fiend
Materiactor Gigaboros Dragon
Materiactor Gigadra Dragon
Mathmech Nabla Cyberse Singular Strike Overthrow
Mighty Contenders
Medusa, Watcher of the Evil Eye Fiend The Cost of Dark Powers
Meklord Emperor Wisel Machine Impending Assassination
Meklord Emperor Wisel - Synchro Absorption Machine Impending Assassination
Meklord Nucleus Infinity Core Machine Impending Assassination
Mementotlan Dark Blade Warrior Revived Legion
Mereologic Aggregator Cyberse Climax of the Showdown
Micro Coder Cyberse Soldiers from the Storm
Revival of Legends
Theme Chronicle Banlist
1st Anniversary - Soldiers from the Storm
Mikazukinoyaiba, the Moon Fang Dragon Dragon Dragons' Reincarnation
Morgan, the Enchantress of Avalon Spellcaster Guided by the Noble Blade
Motor Frenzy Machine
Muckraker From The Underworld Fiend Dreaded Conspiracy
The Forbidden Liberated
Mystrick Hulder Spellcaster
Nauya, the Ogdoadic Remnant Reptile Gods of Abyss and Arcadia
Sacred Imperial Tomb
Necro Synchron Machine Beyond Speed
The Noble Knights of Crimson Flowers
The Noble Knights of Crimson Flowers
Necroface Zombie Theme Chronicle Banlist
Necroworld Banshee Zombie Abyssal Underworld
Immortal Glory
Neiroy, the Dream Mirror Traitor Fiend Legacy Pack
Nemleria Dream Devourer - Reveil Beast Indomitable Pride
Sugar-Suffused Reverie
Nephilabyss, the Ogdoadic Overlord Reptile Eternal Partners
Sacred Imperial Tomb
Night Assailant Fiend
Ninja Grandmaster Hanzo Warrior The Hidden Arts
Hidden Arts of Shadows
Noh-P.U.N.K. Foxy Tune Fiend Refined Blade
The Ultimate Traditional Art
Victory in Progress
Noh-P.U.N.K. Ogre Dance Fiend Refined Blade
The Ultimate Traditional Art
Victory in Progress
Number 11: Big Eye Spellcaster Number Recall
Flame of Fury
Xyz Explosion
Number 14: Greedy Sarameya Beast
Number 23: Lancelot, Dark Knight of the Underworld Zombie
Number 24: Dragulas the Vampiric Dragon Wyrm
Number 34: Terror-Byte Machine
Number 40: Gimmick Puppet of Strings Machine Colossal Mech
Number 66: Master Key Beetle Insect
Number 68: Sanaphond the Sky Prison Rock Number Recall
Number 89: Diablosis the Mind Hacker Psychic Number Recall
Number C1: Numeron Chaos Gate Sunya Machine Number Recall
Number C15: Gimmick Puppet Giant Hunter Machine Colossal Mech
Number C40: Gimmick Puppet of Dark Strings Machine Colossal Mech
Number C88: Gimmick Puppet Disaster Leo Machine Colossal Mech
Chaotic Showtime
Numeron Wall Fiend Number Recall
Name of Champions
Odd-Eyes Phantasma Dragon Dragon Draconic Resplendence
Odd-Eyes Phantom Dragon Dragon Draconic Resplendence
Odd-Eyes Raging Dragon Dragon Draconic Resplendence
Odd-Eyes Venom Dragon Dragon Draconic Resplendence
Onibimaru Soul Sweeper Fiend New Step for Duelists
Burst of Zapping Energy!
Orea, the Sylvan High Arbiter Plant Seedling Soul Fey
Overtex Qoatlus Dinosaur Prehistoric Beast Advance
Pandora's Jewelry Box Wyrm
Patissciel Couverture Fairy Battle Trajectory
Singularity Warrior
A Full Course of Magic
Performapal Barokuriboh Fiend Battle Trajectory
The Bizarre Playing Board
Performapal Classikuriboh Fiend Battle Trajectory
The Bizarre Playing Board
Performapal Gatlinghoul Fiend Captivating Curtain Call
Performapal Gentrude Fiend Battle Trajectory
The Bizarre Playing Board
Performapal Kuribohble Fiend Captivating Curtain Call
Battle Trajectory
Performapal Odd-Eyes Metal Claw Dragon Captivating Curtain Call
New Step for Duelists
Performapal Skullcrobat Joker Spellcaster Captivating Curtain Call
Draconic Resplendence
Theme Chronicle Banlist
The Bizarre Playing Board
Name of Champions
Peten the Dark Clown Spellcaster
Phantasmal Lord Ultimitl Bishbaalkin Dragon Theme Chronicle Banlist
Phantasmal Summoning Beast Fiend Eternal Partners
Plunder Patrollship Moerk Fiend Vessels of Freedom
Predaplant Ambulomelides Plant Mysterious Labyrinth
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Predaplant Dragostapelia Plant Natural Selection
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Duel Experts
Predaplant Ophrys Scorpio Plant Natural Selection
Predaplant Triphyoverutum Plant Natural Selection
Fusion Potential
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Purple Poison Magician Spellcaster Counterswing Mages
Theme Chronicle Banlist
1st Anniversary - Counterswing Mages
Quadborrel Dragon Dragon Shot Through Fiction
Quintet Magician Spellcaster Vortex of Magic
Raider's Knight Warrior Indomitable Knights
Invulnerable Iron Wings
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Raidraptor - Brave Strix Winged Beast Wings of the Guardian
Raidraptor - Force Strix Winged Beast Invulnerable Iron Wings
Xyz Explosion
Raidraptor - Revolution Falcon Winged Beast Invulnerable Iron Wings
Raidraptor - Satellite Cannon Falcon WInged Beast Invulnerable Iron Wings
Raidraptor - Stranger Falcon Winged Beast Invulnerable Iron Wings
Raidraptor - Tribute Lanius Winged Beast Invulnerable Iron Wings
Raviel, Lord of Phantasms Fiend World Cloaked in Magical Power
Red Dragon Archfiend Dragon Savage Crimson Dragon
Synchro Mode Change
Beyond Speed
New Step for Duelists
1st Anniversary - Savage Crimson Dragon
Return of the King
Evoked Dragon of Miracles
Red Dragon Archfiend/Assault Mode Dragon Synchro Mode Change
Red Rising Dragon Dragon Savage Crimson Dragon
1st Anniversary - Savage Crimson Dragon
Return of the King
Red-Eyes Black Flare Dragon Dragon The Cerise in the Ebony
1st Anniversary - The Cerise in the Ebony
Red-Eyes Black Meteor Dragon Dragon Inherited Unity
Invincible Aces
Red-Eyes Flare Metal Dragon Dragon The Cerise in the Ebony
1st Anniversary - The Cerise in the Ebony
Invincible Aces
Reptilianne Hydra Reptile Curse of the Serpent
Reptilianne Lamia Reptile Curse of the Serpent
Reptilianne Melusine Reptile Valiant Wings
Reptilianne Vaskii Reptile Curse of the Serpent
Ret-time Reviver Emit-ter Fairy Artistic Angel
Revendread Executor Zombie Abyssal Underworld
Heroic Warriors
Name of Champions
Rokket Coder Cyberse Inherited Unity
Shot Through Fiction
Rokket Tracer Dragon Shot Through Fiction
Aim For The Stars
ROM Cloudia Cyberse Singularity Warrior
Rune-Eyes Pendulum Dragon Dragon Draconic Resplendence
Counterswing Mages
1st Anniversary - Counterswing Mages
S-Force Nightchaser Cyberse Singularity Warrior
S-Force Rappa Chiyomaru Warrior Space-Time Transcendents
Revived Legion
Saint Azamina Illusion The Forbidden Liberated
Samsara D Lotus Fiend Eternal Partners
Samsara Lotus Plant
Samsara, Dragon of Rebirth Dragon
Satellite Synchron Machine Scrap Iron Soldiers
The Synchronized Cosmos
Scapeghost Zombie Mischievous Specters
Immortal Glory
Scarlight Red Dragon Archfiend Dragon Savage Crimson Dragon
1st Anniversary - Savage Crimson Dragon
Scarm, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss Fiend Fiendish Encounter
Serziel, Watcher of the Evil Eye Fiend The Cost of Dark Powers
Shadow Ghoul of the Labyrinth Zombie Beginning of the Next Journey
A Warrior of Seething Anger
Shinobi Necro Zombie
Silverrokket Dragon Dragon Shot Through Fiction
The Newborn Dragon
Simorgh of Darkness Winged Beast Cosmic Ocean
Wings that Span the Sky
Skull Meister Fiend VS NEW CHALLENGER!
Duel Experts
Sky Striker Ace - Azalea Temperance Machine Lord of Dimensions
Sky Striker Ace - Zeke Machine Singular Strike Overthrow
Smoke Mosquito Insect Beetle Troops Roll Out
Snoww, Unlight of Dark World Fiend Rulers of Darkness
Soldier Gaia the Fierce Knight Warrior Warriors of Legend
Spiral Spear Strike
Sorciere de Fleur Spellcaster Beyond Speed
The Noble Knights of Crimson Flowers
Soul-Absorbing Bone Tower Zombie
Spirit of Yubel Fiend Eternal Partners
Spright Jet Thunder Sprites of Miracle
Burst of Zapping Energy!
SPYRAL Master Plan Spellcaster Secret Fighters
Starving Venom Fusion Dragon Dragon Natural Selection
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Steelswarm Girastag Fiend Yearning Evil Body
Steelswarm Hercules Fiend Yearning Evil Body
Steelswarm Roach Fiend Yearning Evil Body
Storagepod Machine Transcendentalism
Striker Dragon Dragon Shot Through Fiction
Aim For The Stars
Stygian Sergeants Fiend
Summoned Skull Fiend
Summoner Monk Spellcaster
Superheavy Samurai Battleball Machine Immovable Samurai
Indomitable Pride
Superheavy Samurai Commander Shanawo Machine Indomitable Pride
Supreme King Dragon Starving Venom Dragon Indomitable Knights
Battle Trajectory
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Lord of Dimensions
Supreme King Z-ARC - Synchro Universe Dragon Lord of Dimensions
Surgical Striker - S.P.E.C.T.R.A. Machine Lord of Dimensions
T.G. Over Dragonar Dragon Ride Into the Future
T.G. Warwolf Beast-Warrior Futuristic Creatures
Taotie Dragon Wyrm
Tearlaments Kitkallos Aqua Blessings of Nature
Songstress of Sorrow Song
The Agent of Entropy - Uranus Fairy Guardians of the Sacred Sky
The Bystial Alba Los Dragon Climax of the Showdown
Dragon Kings from the Abyss
The Chaos Creator Thunder Inevitability of Chaos
Theme Chronicle Banlist
The End of Anubis Fiend
The Executor of the Underworld - Pluto Fairy Valiant Wings
The Grand Jupiter Warrior
The King of D. Spellcaster Blue-Eyes Max
The Masked Beast Fiend
The Phantom Knights of Ancient Cloak Warrior Indomitable Knights
The Phantom Knights of Break Sword Warrior Indomitable Knights
Theme Chronicle Banlist
The Phantom Knights of Silent Boots Warrior Indomitable Knights
The Supremacy Sun Fiend
The Weather Painter Aurora Fairy Artistic Angel
Recollection of the Story
Thousand-Eyes Restrict Spellcaster Toontastic
Thunder Dragondark Thunder Stalwart Force
Roaring Thunder
Tricky Reception
Thunder Dragonroar Thunder Roaring Thunder
Time Thief Double Barrel Psychic Space-Time Transcendents
Passage of the Sun
Xyz Explosion
Time Thief Perpetua Psychic Space-Time Transcendents
Xyz Explosion
Time Thief Temporwhal Machine Passage of the Sun
Xyz Explosion
Time Thief Winder Psychic Space-Time Transcendents
Xyz Explosion
Timelord Progenitor Vorpgate Fairy Impending Assassination
Tindangle Dholes Fiend Cyber City Guardians
Tindangle Hound Fiend Cyber City Guardians
Toon Cannon Soldier Machine Theme Chronicle Banlist
Toon Dark Magician Spellcaster Toontastic
Toon Dark Magician Girl Spellcaster Toontastic
Topologic Bomber Dragon Cyberse Fires of Scorching Bonds
Transcendosaurus Exaraptor Dinosaur Transcendentalism
Transonic Bird Winged Beast Wandering Travelers
Wings that Span the Sky
Tristan, Knight of the Underworld Zombie
Twin Triangle Dragon Dragon
Umbramirage the Elemental Lord Fiend
Unchained Soul of Anguish Fiend Roused from Destruction
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Unchained Soul of Disaster Fiend Roused from Destruction
Unchained Soul of Rage Fiend Roused from Destruction
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Underclock Taker Cyberse
Vampire Fascinator Zombie The Newborn Dragon
Vampire Fraulein Zombie Immortal Royalty
Vampire Sucker Zombie Immortal Royalty
Van'Dalgyon the Dark Dragon Lord Dragon
Vanadis of the Nordic Ascendant Fairy Astral Trinity of Gods
Vanity's Fiend Fiend Theme Chronicle Banlist
Vanquish Soul Heavy Borger Machine Singularity Warrior
Vector Pendulum, the Dracoverlord Dragon
Vector Scare Archfiend Cyberse
Vendread Battlelord Zombie Abyssal Underworld
Vendread Chimera Zombie Abyssal Underworld
Vision HERO Adoration Warrior Shrouded Heroes
Voloferniges, the Darkest Dragon Doomrider Dragon Ruler's Mask
Mighty Contenders
Vorticular Drumgon Dragon
Wee Witch's Apprentice Spellcaster
Wicked Acolyte Chilam Sabak Reptile
Wightbaking Zombie Abyssal Underworld
Wind-Up Hunter Beast-Warrior Theme Chronicle Banlist
Witch of the Black Forest Spellcaster Return of the King
Witchcrafter Haine Spellcaster Seekers of Witchcraft
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Passage of the Sun
Wollow, Founder of the Drudge Dragons Zomie Climax of the Showdown
Xtra HERO Cross Crusader Warrior Shrouded Heroes
Heroes' Union
Yaguramaru the Armor Ninja Machine Hidden Arts of Shadows
Yazi, Evil of the Yang Zing Wyrm Dragon Spirit
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Guardian of the Sacred Summit
Zany Zebra Beast
Zeta Reticulant Fairy
ZW - Dragonic Halberd Dragon Champions of Hope

R Dark Monsters

Monsters By Rarity
image.pngUR image.pngSR image.pngR image.pngN

Click on a link to take you to that rarity's section!

Card Type How to Get
A Man with Wdjat Spellcaster
Abyss Actor - Curtain Raiser Fiend The Darkness Amuses
Abyss Actor - Sassy Rookie Fiend The Darkness Amuses
Abyss Actor - Trendy Understudy Fiend The Darkness Amuses
Climax of the Showdown
Abyss Actor - Twinkle Little Star Fiend The Darkness Amuses
Accel Synchron Machine Stardust Ties
Beyond Speed
1st Anniversary - Stardust Ties
Ride Into the Future
Evoked Dragon of Miracles
Acrobatic Magician Spellcaster
Aether, the Evil Empowering Dragon Dragon
Albion the Shrouded Dragon Dragon Ruler's Mask
Alba Abyss
Fighting Spirit of Sparking Iron
Beginning of the Next Journey
Aim For The Stars
Alchemic Magician Spellcaster
Aleister the Invoker of Madness Spellcaster Seekers of Witchcraft
Stalwart Force
Alghoul Mazera Zombie Immortal Glory
Alien Mother Reptile Cell "A" Corruption
Allure Queen LV5 Spellcaster
Allvain the Essence of Vanity Fairy Ruler's Mask
Beginning of the Next Journey
Ally of Justice Cosmic Gateway Machine Justice Before Attribute
Ally of Justice Reverse Break Machine Justice Before Attribute
Ally of Justice Searcher Machine Justice Before Attribute
Ally of Justice Unlimiter Machine Justice Before Attribute
Ally Salvo Machine Justice Before Attribute
Altergeist Pookuery Spellcaster Electron Illusions
Altergeist Primebanshee Spellcaster Electron Illusions
Nightmare Arrivals
Alviss of the Nordic Alfar Spellcaster Astral Trinity of Gods
Ambitious Gofer Fiend
Amulet Dragon Dragon Darkest Magics
Angmarl the Fiendish Monarch Fiend
Annihilator Archfiend Fiend
Ape Fighter Beast
Ape Magician Beast
Appliancer Vacculephant Machine Electrilyrical
Apprentice Piper Spellcaster
Aratama Fiend Souls of Sublime Gods
Archfiend Cavalry Fiend The Cost of Dark Powers
Archfiend Commander Fiend
Archfiend Emperor, the First Lord of Horror Fiend The Cost of Dark Powers
Archfiend Interceptor Fiend
Archfiend of Gilfer Fiend
Archfiend Zombie-Skull Zombie
Archfiend's Advent Fiend Geas of the Light
Arisen Gaia the Fierce Knight Warrior Inevitability of Chaos
Spiral Spear Strike
Armed Samurai - Ben Kei Warrior Theme Chronicle Banlist
Armityle the Chaos Phantasm Fiend World Cloaked in Magical Power
Assault Blackwing - Chidori the Rain Sprinkling Warrior Soaring on Darkest Wings
Assault Blackwing - Sayo the Rain Hider Winged Beast
Assault Blackwing - Sohaya the Rain Storm Winged Beast Soaring on Darkest Wings
Azamina Sol Erysichthon Illusion The Forbidden Liberated
Baba Barber Fiend
Baby Spider Insect Dreaded Conspiracy
The Masters Saga
Backlinker Cyberse
Bacon Saver Zombie Immortal Glory
Baobaboon Plant
Basiltrice, Familiar of the Evil Eye Fiend Dreaded Conspiracy
Battle Fader Fiend Singularity Warrior
Battlestorm Winged Beast
Bearblocker Fiend
Beetron Insect
Beiige, Vanguard of Dark World Fiend Rulers of Darkness
Belial - Marquis of Darkness Fiend
Bicorn Re'em Beast
Bird of Paradise Lost Wyrm
Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Evening Twilight Warrior Inevitability of Chaos
Spiral Spear Strike
Black Mamba Reptile Inherited Unity
Sacred Imperial Tomb
Black Metal Dragon Dragon The Cerise in the Ebony
1st Anniversary - The Cerise in the Ebony
Inherited Unity
Invincible Aces
Black Ray Lancer Beast-Warrior Shark's Pride
Blazing Arena
Blackwing - Auster the South Wind Winged Beast Soaring on Darkest Wings
Blackwing's Pride
Blackwing - Blizzard the Far North Winged Beast Soaring on Darkest Wings
Blackwing's Pride
Blackwing - Bora the Spear Winged Beast Soaring on Darkest Wings
Blackwing's Pride
Blackwing - Chinook the Snow Blast Winged Beast Blackwing's Pride
Blackwing - Kalut the Moon Shadow Winged Beast Soaring on Darkest Wings
Blackwing's Pride
Blackwing - Shura the Blue Flame Winged Beast Soaring on Darkest Wings
Blackwing's Pride
Blackwing - Silverwind the Ascendant Winged Beast Soaring on Darkest Wings
Blackwing - Sirocco the Dawn Winged Beast Soaring on Darkest Wings
Blackwing's Pride
Blackwing - Zonda the Dusk Winged Beast Blackwing's Pride
Blackwing Armor Master Winged Beast Soaring on Darkest Wings
Blackwing's Pride
Blast Sphere Machine
Blue Mountain Butterspy Warrior
Blue Rose Dragon Dragon Exquisite Jet-Black Rose
Blue-Eyes Chaos Dragon Dragon The Azure in the Ivory
Revival of Legends
1st Anniversary - The Azure in the Ivory
Blue-Eyes Max
BM-4 Blast Spider Machine
Booster Dragon Dragon Shot Through Fiction
Borreload eXcharge Dragon Dragon Shot Through Fiction
Borreload Riot Dragon Dragon Valiant Wings
Shot Through Fiction
Brave-Eyes Pendulum Dragon Dragon Draconic Resplendence
Breaker the Magical Warrior Spellcaster Knowledge of the Mythlords
Brigrand the Glory Dragon Beast Ruler's Mask
Alba Abyss
Name of Champions
Aim For The Stars
Broww, Huntsman of Dark World Fiend Rulers of Darkness
Brron, Mad King of Dark World Fiend Rulers of Darkness
Burgundy the Magic Elf Spellcaster
Byser Shock Fiend
Caligo Claw Crow Winged Beast
Cassimolar Fiend Beginning of Turmoil
Celestial Wolf Lord, Blue Sirius Beast-Warrior
Centur-Ion Gargoyle II Dragon Eternal Partners
Eternal Partners
Chakra Fiend
Chaos Beast Fiend Rage of Chaos
Chaos Daedalus Sea Serpent Inevitability of Chaos
Chaos Emperor Dragon - Envoy of the End Dragon Inevitability of Chaos
Rage of Chaos
Chaos King Archfiend Fiend
Chaos Necromancer Fiend
Cherry Inmato Plant
Chimeratech Fortress Dragon Machine Pearlescent Cyber Dragons
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Chobham Armor Dragon Dragon
Chronicle Sorceress Spellcaster Inherited Unity
Cir, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss Fiend Fiendish Encounter
Clavkiys, the Magikey Skyblaster Warrior Ruler's Mask
Wandering Travelers
Dreaded Conspiracy
Guided by Fate
Clock Spartoi Cyberse Soldiers from the Storm
1st Anniversary - Soldiers from the Storm
Code Talker Cyberse Soldiers from the Storm
Revival of Legends
1st Anniversary - Soldiers from the Storm
Mighty Contenders
Codebreaker Virus Swordsman Warrior
Condemned Witch Fairy Deceitful Wings of Darkness
Contrast HERO Chaos Warrior Transfigured Heroes
Cosmo Brain Spellcaster
Cosmo Queen Spellcaster
Crimson Resonator Fiend Savage Crimson Dragon
1st Anniversary - Savage Crimson Dragon
Return of the King
Tricky Reception
Cross Debug Cyberse
Cross Keeper Warrior Sprites of Miracle
Cross Porter Warrior Neo Space Comrades
Sprites of Miracle
Crystal Master Spellcaster Crystal Serpentry
Curse of Dragon, the Cursed Dragon Dragon Warriors of Legend
Fusion Potential
Spiral Spear Strike
CXyz Mechquipped Djinn Angeneral Fairy Altered Heraldry
Cyberdark Dragon Machine Pearlescent Cyber Dragons
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Cyberse Synchron Cyberse Soldiers from the Storm
1st Anniversary - Soldiers from the Storm
Cyberse Wicckid Cyberse
Cyberse Witch Cyberse Soldiers from the Storm
1st Anniversary - Soldiers from the Storm
Fires of Scorching Bonds
Singularity Warrior
D-Boyz Fiend
D.D. Scout Plane Machine
D.D. Seeker Psychic
D.D. Survivor Warrior
D/D Ark Fiend Fires of This World and The Next
D/D Evil Fiend
D/D Lamia Fiend Cross-Dimensional Contracts
Invincible Raid
D/D Necro Slime Fiend Cross-Dimensional Contracts
D/D Orthros Fiend Cross-Dimensional Contracts
D/D Proud Chevalier Fiend
D/D Proud Ogre Fiend
D/D Savant Copernicus Fiend Cross-Dimensional Contracts
D/D Savant Newton Fiend Cross-Dimensional Contracts
D/D Savant Nikola Fiend Cross-Dimensional Contracts
D/D Savant Thomas Fiend Cross-Dimensional Contracts
D/D/D Dragon King Pendragon Dragon
D/D/D Super Doom King Bright Armageddon Fiend Cross-Dimensional Contracts
D/D/D Super Doom King Dark Armageddon Fiend Cross-Dimensional Contracts
D/D/D Super Doom King Purple Armageddon Fiend Cross-Dimensional Contracts
D/D/D Supreme King Kaiser Fiend
Damage Eater Fiend
Damage Mage Spellcaster
Danger! Thunderbird! WInged Beast Emerging Monstrosity Recon!
Recollection of the Story
Mighty Contenders
Danmari @Ignister Cyberse AI Omniscience
Dark Alligator Reptile The Masters Saga
Sacred Imperial Tomb
Dark Angel Fairy
Dark Armed, the Dragon of Annihilation Dragon Monster Overdrive
A Warrior of Seething Anger
Dragons' Reincarnation
Dark Balter the Terrible Fiend
Dark Blade the Dragon Knight Warrior
Dark Bug Insect
Dark Doriado Spellcaster Spiritual Mastery
Dark Eradicator Warlock Spellcaster
Dark Eye Nightmare Fiend
Dark Flare Knight Warrior
Dark General Freed Warrior
Dark Horus Dragon
Dark Hunter Fiend
Dark Magician Girl the Dragon Knight Dragon Vortex of Magic
Dark Mimic LV3 Fiend
Dark Paladin Spellcaster Darkest Magics
Dark Red Enchanter Spellcaster
Dark Ruler Ha Des Fiend
Dark Sage Spellcaster
Dark Scorpion - Meanae the Thorn Warrior
Dark Summoning Beast Fiend World Cloaked in Magical Power
Dark Voltanis Fairy
Darkfire Dragon Dragon
Darklord Tezcatlipoca Fairy Deceitful Wings of Darkness
Fusion Potential
The Opening Act of an Apocalypse
Darklord Zerato Fairy Deceitful Wings of Darkness
The Opening Act of an Apocalypse
Darkness Destroyer Fiend
Darkness Neosphere Fiend
Darksea Float Machine
Darksea Rescue Machine
Darkstorm Dragon Dragon
Darton the Mechanical Monstrosity Machine Invincible Raid
Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive Machine
Delg the Dark Monarch Spellcaster
Des Feral Imp Reptile
Despair from the Dark Zombie
Destiny HERO - Blade Master Warrior
Destiny HERO - Celestial Warrior Shrouded Heroes
Refined Blade
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Destiny HERO - Dark Angel Warrior
Destiny HERO - Dasher Warrior Heroes' Union
Destiny HERO - Disk Commander Warrior Shrouded Heroes
Destiny HERO - Dreadmaster Warrior Shrouded Heroes
Name of Champions
Destiny HERO - Fear Monger Warrior
Detonate Deleter Cyberse
Diabolica the Draconique General Fiend Dreaded Conspiracy
The Trap in the Wicked Castle
Blazing Arena
Eternal Partners
Illusion Beast's Roar
The Forbidden Liberated
Diabolos, King of the Abyss Dragon
Diabound Kernel Fiend The Trap in the Wicked Castle
Dimension Conjurer Spellcaster Legacy Pack
Dispatchparazzi Fiend Beyond Speed
Divine Serpent Geh Reptile World Cloaked in Magical Power
Djinn Cursenchanter of Rituals Fiend
Djinn Demolisher of Rituals Fiend
Djinn Disserere of Rituals Fiend
Djinn Presider of Rituals Fiend
Djinn Prognosticator of Rituals Fiend
DMZ Dragon Dragon
Doggy Diver Warrior
Dokurorider Zombie
Don Zaloog Warrior
Doomcaliber Knight Fiend The Trap in the Wicked Castle
Doomdog Octhros Fiend The Trap in the Wicked Castle
Doomsday Horror Fiend
Doomstar Magician Spellcaster
Doppelwarrior Warrior Stardust Ties
Revival of Legends
1st Anniversary - Stardust Ties
Ride Into the Future
Double Disruptor Dragon Dragon Valiant Wings
Shot Through Fiction
Doublebyte Dragon Cyberse
Dr. Frankenderp Psychic
Dragard Dragon
Draghig, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss Fiend Fiendish Encounter
Dragon Core Hexer Dragon
Dragon Horn Hunter Warrior
Dragon Queen of Tragic Endings Dragon
Dragonbite Insect Beginning of Turmoil
Beetle Troops Roll Out
Earthbound Greater Linewalker Fiend Terra Firma Transcendants
Return of the King
Earthbound Immortal Cusillu Insect Terra Firma Transcendants
Earthbound Immortal Uru Insect Terra Firma Transcendants
Earthbound Immortal Wiraqocha Rasca Winged Beast Terra Firma Transcendants
The Masters Saga
Earthbound Servant Geo Gremlin Fiend Return of the King
Earthbound Servant Geo Gremlina Fiend Return of the King
Ebon Illusion Magician Spellcaster
Edge Imp Cotton Eater Fiend
Edge Imp Frightfuloid Fiend Fiendish Playthings
Edge Imp Sabres Fiend Fiendish Playthings
Fusion Potential
Edge Imp Scythe Fiend Fiendish Playthings
Eidos the Underworld Squire Spellcaster Supernatural Elements
Elemental HERO Chaos Neos Warrior Neo Space Comrades
Elemental HERO Darkbright Warrior
Elemental HERO Necroshade Warrior
Emissary of the Afterlife Fiend
Endless Decay Zombie
Enlightenment Paladin Spellcaster Counterswing Mages
1st Anniversary - Counterswing Mages
Envoy of Chaos Warrior Inevitability of Chaos
Warriors of Legend
Spiral Spear Strike
Evil HERO Sinister Necrom Fiend Transfigured Heroes
Evil Thorn Plant
Evilswarm Castor Warrior Yearning Evil Body
Evilswarm Golem Rock Yearning Evil Body
Evilswarm Heliotrope Rock Yearning Evil Body
Evilswarm Mandragora Plant Yearning Evil Body
Evilswarm Nightmare Fiend Yearning Evil Body
Evilswarm Thanatos Fiend Yearning Evil Body
Exarion Universe Warrior
Exploder Dragonwing Dragon Savage Crimson Dragon
1st Anniversary - Savage Crimson Dragon
Fenrir the Nordic Wolf Beast Astral Trinity of Gods
Fiend's Mirror Fiend
Fiendish Engine Ω Machine
Firewall Defenser Cyberse Singularity Warrior
Firewall eXceed Dragon Cyberse Soldiers from the Storm
1st Anniversary - Soldiers from the Storm
Singularity Warrior
Firewall Guardian Cyberse
Flame Ghost Zombie
Flick Clown Cyberse
Flower Cardian Cherry Blossom Warrior Hand of Fate
Flower Cardian Cherry Blossom with Curtain Warrior Hand of Fate
Flower Cardian Pine Warrior Hand of Fate
Foie Glasya de Nouvelles Warrior Singularity Warrior
Fortune Lady Past Spellcaster Destiny's Sorceress
Foucault's Cannon Spellcaster
Frightfur Meister Fiend Fiendish Playthings
Frightfur Sheep Fiend Fiendish Playthings
Fushioh Richie Zombie
Fusilier Dragon, the Dual-Mode Beast Machine
Fusion Devourer Fiend
Gagaga Girl Spellcaster Onomatopair-Up
Gagaga Mancer Spellcaster Onomatopair-Up
Galactic Spiral Dragon Dragon Dragon Kings from the Abyss
Gandora the Dragon of Destruction Dragon
Garlandolf, King of Destruction Fiend
Garma Sword Warrior
Gash the Dust Lord Fiend
Gate Guardian Warrior A Warrior of Seething Anger
Gateway Dragon Dragon Shot Through Fiction
Gearfried the Red-Eyes Iron Knight Warrior The Cerise in the Ebony
1st Anniversary - The Cerise in the Ebony
Gearspring Spirit Machine Wind-Up Soldiers
Gemini Imps Fiend
Genex Ally Axel Machine Elemental Exchanges
Advance of Great Forces
Genex Ally Bellflame Machine Elemental Exchanges
Genex Ally Duradark Machine Elemental Exchanges
Genex Ally Powercell Machine Elemental Exchanges
Genex Ally Reliever Machine Elemental Exchanges
Genex Ally Remote Machine Elemental Exchanges
Genex Controller Machine Elemental Exchanges
Advance of Great Forces
Ghost Bird of Bewitchment Winged Beast Wings that Span the Sky
Ghost Lancer, the Underworld Spearman Zombie The Newborn Dragon
Tricky Reception
Crystal Realm Defier
Ghost Sleeper, the Underworld Princess Zombie The Newborn Dragon
Tricky Reception
Crystal Realm Defier
Ghostrick Doll Spellcaster Mischievous Specters
Ghostrick Jiangshi Zombie Mischievous Specters
Tricky Reception
Ghostrick Socuteboss Spellcaster Mischievous Specters
Tricky Reception
Ghostrick Specter Fiend Mischievous Specters
Ghostrick Stein Zombie Mischievous Specters
Recollection of the Story
Giant Germ Fiend
Gimmick Puppet Fiendish Knight Machine Chaotic Showtime
Gimmick Puppet Magnet Doll Machine Colossal Mech
Chaotic Showtime
Gimmick Puppet Terror Baby Machine Colossal Mech
Chaotic Showtime
Gladiator Beast Augustus Winged Beast
Gladiator Beast Gaiodiaz Dinosaur
Goblin Decoy Squad Warrior
Goblin Zombie Zombie Immortal Glory
Goblin's Crazy Beast Fiend Outlaws from the Inferno
Gogogo Ghost Zombie Onomatopair-Up
Gold Pride - Nytro Blaster Pyro Indomitable Pride
The Most Dangerous Race of the Cosmos!
Goldd, Wu-Lord of Dark World Fiend Rulers of Darkness
Blazing Arena
Golden-Eyes Idol Spellcaster Toontastic
Gorgonic Cerberus Rock
Gorgonic Gargoyle Rock
Gorgonic Ghoul Rock
Gorgonic Golem Rock
Grandpa Demetto Spellcaster Beloved Dolls
Gravekeeper's Chief Spellcaster Guardian of Kings
Gravekeeper's Descendant Spellcaster Guardian of Kings
Gravekeeper's Headman Spellcaster Guardian of Kings
Fusion Potential
Inherited Unity
Gravekeeper's Heretic Spellcaster Guardian of Kings
Gravekeeper's Priestess Spellcaster Guardian of Kings
Strong Will
Gravekeeper's Spy Spellcaster Guardian of Kings
Fusion Potential
Gravity Behemoth Beast
Gravity Controller Psychic Space-Time Transcendents
Duel Experts
Great Dezard Spellcaster
Greed Quasar Fiend
Greenkappa Warrior
Gruesome Grave Squirmer Fiend Eternal Partners
Guard Ghost Zombie Fires of This World and The Next
Immortal Glory
Guardragon Pisty Dragon Star-Studded Futures
Invincible Aces
Hallohallo Fiend
Hannibal Necromancer Spellcaster
Harmonizing Magician Spellcaster Counterswing Mages
Theme Chronicle Banlist
1st Anniversary - Counterswing Mages
Lord of Dimensions
Harvest Angel of Doom Fairy Record of Noble Spirits
Heavy Mech Support Platform Machine
Helpoemer Fiend
Hero of the Ashened City Pyro Dragons' Reincarnation
Hexe Trude Spellcaster Legends of Old
Hibernation Dragon Dragon
Hiro's Shadow Scout Fiend
Humpty Grumpty Zombie
Hundred-Footed Horror Insect
Hypnocorn Beast
Ido the Supreme Magical Force Fiend
Il Blud Zombie
Illusory Snatcher Fiend
Impcantation Talismandra Plant Miraculous Advent
Imperial Princess Quinquery Cyberse Record of Noble Spirits
Indulged Darklord Fairy Deceitful Wings of Darkness
Fusion Potential
The Opening Act of an Apocalypse
Infernal Dragon Dragon
Infernity Archer Fiend The Infinite Void
Infernity Avenger Fiend The Infinite Void
Infernity Beetle Insect The Infinite Void
New Step for Duelists
Tricky Reception
Infernity Conjurer Fiend The Infinite Void
New Step for Duelists
Tricky Reception
Infernity General Fiend The Infinite Void
Infernity Patriarch Fiend The Infinite Void
Infernity Sage Fiend The Infinite Void
Inferno Hammer Fiend
Inmato Plant
Interplanetarypurplythorny Beast Beast
Interplanetarypurplythorny Dragon Dragon
Invoked Caliga Beast Seekers of Witchcraft
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Rage of Chaos
Inzektor Centipede Insect Insect Metamorphosis
Passage of the Sun
Beetle Troops Roll Out
Inzektor Exa-Stag Insect Insect Metamorphosis
Beetle Troops Roll Out
Inzektor Ladybug Insect Insect Metamorphosis
Passage of the Sun
Beetle Troops Roll Out
Iron Dragon Tiamaton Dragon Dragon Luster
Sisters of the Light
Eternal Partners
Jack Wyvern Machine
Jester Confit Spellcaster The Darkness Amuses
Jinzo - Lord Machine
Jinzo - Returner Machine
Jormungardr the Nordic Serpent Dragon Astral Trinity of Gods
Jungle Dweller Fiend Dragons' Reincarnation
Juragedo Fiend The Ones Who Serve Ra
Kagemucha Knight Warrior Outlaws from the Inferno
Kagetokage Reptile
Kaiser Vorse Raider Beast-Warrior
King of the Ashened City Pyro Dragons' Reincarnation
Kozmo Dark Planet Machine Galaxy War
Kozmo DOG Fighter Machine Galaxy War
Kozmo Landwalker Machine Galaxy War
Kozmo Soartroopers Psychic Galaxy War
Kozmoll Dark Lady Psychic Galaxy War
Krebons Psychic
Kuribah Fiend
Kuribee Fiend
Kuribeh Fiend
Kuriboh Fiend
Kuriboo Fiend
Labradorite Dragon Dragon
Labrynth Archfiend Fiend Mysterious Labyrinth
The Trap in the Wicked Castle
Labrynth Cooclock Fiend Mysterious Labyrinth
The Trap in the Wicked Castle
Name of Champions
Aim For The Stars
Labyrinth Heavy Tank Machine Beginning of the Next Journey
A Warrior of Seething Anger
Lamia Reptile Inherited Unity
Sacred Imperial Tomb
Lancer Archfiend Fiend
Laughing Puffin Winged Beast Climax of the Showdown
Wings that Span the Sky
Legion the Fiend Jester Spellcaster
Lesser Fiend Fiend
Live☆Twin Lil-la Cyberse Electron Illusions
Wandering Travelers
Rage of Chaos
Live☆Twin Lil-la Treat Zombie Electron Illusions
Lord of D. Spellcaster
Lunalight Cat Dancer Beast-Warrior Moonlit Avian Dance
Fusion Potential
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Lunalight Crimson Fox Beast-Warrior Moonlit Avian Dance
Lunalight Emerald Bird Beast-Warrior Moonlit Avian Dance
Lunalight Kaleido Chick Beast-Warrior Moonlit Avian Dance
Fusion Potential
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Lunalight Yellow Marten Beast-Warrior Moonlit Avian Dance
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Machina Possesstorage Machine Rapid Aircraft Advancement
Rescue Team, Emergency Dispatch!
Machina Resavenger Machine Rapid Aircraft Advancement
Rescue Team, Emergency Dispatch!
Mad Archfiend Fiend
Mad Hacker Cyberse Burning Spirits
Mad Mauler Zombie Immortal Glory
Magic Hole Golem Rock
Magical Something Spellcaster Knowledge of the Mythlords
Magician's Rod Spellcaster Darkest Magics
Vortex of Magic
Magikey Beast - Ansyalabolas Beast Ruler's Mask
Wandering Travelers
Guided by Fate
Magikey Mechmusket - Batosbuster Machine Ruler's Mask
Wandering Travelers
Guided by Fate
Magnarokket Dragon Dragon Shot Through Fiction
Stalwart Force
Aim For The Stars
Maiden of Macabre Spellcaster
Majestic Red Dragon Dragon Beyond Speed
Evoked Dragon of Miracles
Malacoda, Netherlord of the Burning Abyss Fiend Fiendish Encounter
Malefic Paradox Gear Machine Terra Firma Transcendants
Malefic Stardust Dragon Dragon Terra Firma Transcendants
Malice Doll of Demise Fiend
Malice, Lady of Lament Fiend Rulers of Darkness
Mysterious Labyrinth
Illusion Beast's Roar
Mana Dragon Zirnitron Dragon Dragon Luster
Mara of the Nordic Alfar Spellcaster Astral Trinity of Gods
Marionette Mite Insect
Mask of Darkness Fiend
Masked HERO Anki Warrior Transfigured Heroes
Masked Sorcerer Spellcaster
Mataza the Zapper Warrior
Mazera DeVille Fiend
Mechanicalchaser Machine
Meklord Astro Dragon Asterisk Machine Impending Assassination
Mementotlan Goblin Fiend Revived Legion
Mementotlan-Horned Dragon Dragon Revived Legion
Memory Crush King Fiend
Merlin Spellcaster Guided by the Noble Blade
Metalrokket Dragon Dragon Shot Through Fiction
Valiant Wings
Aim For The Stars
Mikazukinoyaiba Dragon
Millennium Seeker Spellcaster Guardian of Kings
The Ones Who Serve Ra
Millennium-Eyes Illusionist Spellcaster Toontastic
Missing Force Warrior
Mono Synchron Machine Beyond Speed
Evoked Dragon of Miracles
Monster Eye Fiend
Moon Dragon Quilla Dragon Terra Firma Transcendants
The Masters Saga
Morpheus, the Dream Mirror Black Knight Warrior Interdimensional Interlopers
Mother Spider Splitter Insect Dreaded Conspiracy
The Masters Saga
Muddy Mudragon Dragon Ruler's Mask
Mutant Mindmaster Spellcaster
Mystery Shell Dragon Wyrm Sword of Souls
Mythical Beast Jackal Spellcaster Knowledge of the Mythlords
Name of Champions
Necro Defender Fiend
Necro Fleur Plant Beyond Speed
Necro Gardna Warrior
Newdoria Fiend
Night Dragolich Wyrm Dragon Spirit
Refined Blade
Night Papilloperative Warrior
Night's End Sorcerer Spellcaster Valiant Wings
Nirvana High Paladin Spellcaster Counterswing Mages
1st Anniversary - Counterswing Mages
Noctovision Dragon Dragon Shot Through Fiction
Number 13: Embodiment of Crime Fiend
Number 31: Embodiment of Punishment Fiend
Number 43: Manipulator of Souls Fiend
Number 48: Shadow Lich Zombie
Number 5: Doom Chimera Dragon Dragon
Number 50: Blackship of Corn Plant Number Recall
Cosmic Ocean
A Full Course of Magic
Number 65: Djinn Buster Fiend
Number 77: The Seven Sins Fiend Number Recall
Theme Chronicle Banlist
The Masters Saga
Number 80: Rhapsody in Berserk Fiend
Number 83: Galaxy Queen Spellcaster
Number 97: Draglubion Dragon Number Recall
Xyz Explosion
Number C104: Umbral Horror Masquerade Spellcaster Sword of the Seventh One
Number C43: High Manipulator of Chaos Fiend
Number C5: Chaos Chimera Dragon Dragon
Number C65: King Overfiend Fiend
Number C80: Requiem in Berserk Fiend
Number C96: Dark Storm Fiend Number Recall
Odd-Eyes Advance Dragon Dragon Draconic Resplendence
Odd-Eyes Mirage Dragon Dragon Draconic Resplendence
Odd-Eyes Persona Dragon Dragon Draconic Resplendence
Odd-Eyes Rebellion Dragon Dragon Draconic Resplendence
Indomitable Knights
The Newborn Dragon
Odd-Eyes Wing Dragon Dragon Draconic Resplendence
Odd-Eyes Wizard Dragon Dragon Draconic Resplendence
Ogre of the Scarlet Sorrow Fiend
Old Vindictive Magician Spellcaster
Omni Dragon Brotaur Dragon Dragon Luster
Revived Legion
Orcust Harp Horror Machine Star-Studded Futures
Invincible Aces
Orcust Knightmare Machine Star-Studded Futures
Name of Champions
Invincible Aces
Orcustrion Machine Star-Studded Futures
Invincible Aces
Orichalcos Shunoros Machine
Outburst Dragon Dragon Valiant Wings
Shot Through Fiction
Overburst Dragon Dragon Shot Through Fiction
Overflow Dragon Dragon
P.M. Captor Zombie
Paladin of Dark Dragon Dragon The Cerise in the Ebony
1st Anniversary - The Cerise in the Ebony
Pandemic Dragon Dragon
Parl, Hermit of Dark World Fiend Dreaded Conspiracy
Performapal Miss Director Spellcaster Battle Trajectory
Performapal Odd-Eyes Butler Pendulum Battle Trajectory
The Bizarre Playing Board
Performapal Silver Claw Beast Captivating Curtain Call
The Bizarre Playing Board
Phantasm Emperor Trilojig Fiend World Cloaked in Magical Power
Phantom Beast Rock-Lizard Beast-Warrior
Phantom King Hydride Fiend Return of the King
Phantom Magician Spellcaster
Phantom Skyblaster Fiend World Cloaked in Magical Power
Pilgrim Reaper Zombie Tricky Reception
Plague Wolf Zombie
Poeltis de Nouvelles Beast-Warrior Singularity Warrior
A Full Course of Magic
Poly-Chemicritter Dioxogre Fiend Scientific Analysis
Possessed Dark Soul Fiend
Power Invader Fiend
Predaplant Byblisp Plant Mysterious Labyrinth
Predaplant Chlamydosundew Plant Natural Selection
Fusion Potential
Predaplant Heliamphorhynchus Plant
Predaplant Sarraceniant Plant Natural Selection
Fusion Potential
Name of Champions
Duel Experts
Predaplant Spider Orchid Plant Natural Selection
Mysterious Labyrinth
Princess Curran Spellcaster
Procession of the Tea Jar Zombie Tricky Reception
Prometheus, King of the Shadows Fiend Rulers of Darkness
Illusion Beast's Roar
Proof of Pruflas Fiend
Protectcode Talker Cyberse Singularity Warrior
Prufinesse, the Tactical Trapper Fiend
Psi-Reflector Psychic Synchro Mode Change
Victory in Progress
Duel Experts
Psychic Ace Psychic
Psychic Megacyber Machine
Psychic Processor Psychic Chaotic Showtime
Purrelyly Fairy Galactic Evolution
Ghostrick Purrely
Nightmare Arrivals
My Cute Lovely Friends
Queen Azamina Illusion The Forbidden Liberated
Queen Dragun Djinn Dragon Dragonmaid-to-Order
Dragons' Reincarnation
Radian, the Multidimensional Kaiju Fiend Emerging Monstrosity Recon!
Duel Experts
Raider's Wing Winged Beast Invulnerable Iron Wings
Indomitable Knights
Xyz Explosion
Raidraptor - Blade Burner Falcon Winged Beast
Raidraptor - Fiend Eagle Winged Beast
Raidraptor - Fuzzy Lanius Winged Beast Invulnerable Iron Wings
Wings of the Guardian
Raidraptor - Mimicry Lanius Winged Beast Invulnerable Iron Wings
Wings of the Guardian
Raidraptor - Necro Vulture Winged Beast Invulnerable Iron Wings
Raidraptor - Pain Lanius Winged Beast
Raidraptor - Rudder Strix Winged Beast
Raidraptor - Strangle Lanius Winged Beast Invulnerable Iron Wings
Xyz Explosion
Rapid-Fire Magician Spellcaster
Reaper of Prophecy Spellcaster Mastery of the Grimoire
Reaper on the Nightmare Zombie
Red Familiar Fiend Savage Crimson Dragon
1st Anniversary - Savage Crimson Dragon
Return of the King
Tricky Reception
Red-Eyes Baby Dragon Dragon The Cerise in the Ebony
1st Anniversary - The Cerise in the Ebony
Red-Eyes Retro Dragon Dragon The Cerise in the Ebony
1st Anniversary - The Cerise in the Ebony
Invincible Aces
Red-Eyes Toon Dragon Dragon Toontastic
Red-Eyes Zombie Necro Dragon Zombie The Cerise in the Ebony
1st Anniversary - The Cerise in the Ebony
Reign-Beaux, Overlord of Dark World Fiend Rulers of Darkness
Dreaded Conspiracy
Relinkuriboh Fiend
Reptilianne Naga Reptile Curse of the Serpent
Reptilianne Viper Reptile Curse of the Serpent
Revendread Slayer Zombie Abyssal Underworld
Heroic Warriors
Ritual Raven Fiend
Rokket Caliber Dragon Valiant Wings
The Newborn Dragon
Aim For The Stars
Shot Through Fiction
Rokket Synchron Dragon Shot Through Fiction
Name of Champions
Aim For The Stars
Roxrose Dragon Dragon Exquisite Jet-Black Rose
Ryko, Twilightsworn Fighter Beast Justice from Light
S-Force Edge Razor Cyberse Space-Time Transcendents
S-Force Pla-Tina Spellcaster Space-Time Transcendents
Sangan Fiend Revival of Legends
The Trap in the Wicked Castle
Eternal Partners
Scar of the Vendread Zombie Heroic Warriors
Seal, Strategist Fur Hire Beast-Warrior Vessels of Freedom
Sealmaster Meisei Spellcaster
Secret Sect Druid Dru Spellcaster
Secret Sect Druid Wid Spellcaster
Serpent Night Dragon Dragon
Shaddoll Dragon Spellcaster Enchanted Threads of Shade
Name of Champions
Shaddoll Falco Spellcaster Enchanted Threads of Shade
Shaddoll Hedgehog Spellcaster
Shadow Ghoul Zombie
Shadow Vampire Zombie Immortal Royalty
The Newborn Dragon
Shamisen Samsara Sorrowcat Zombie The Synchronized Cosmos
Tricky Reception
Shark Fortress Fish Shark's Pride
Sisters of the Light
Shell of Chaos Machine Rage of Chaos
Shura the Combat Star Warrior
Sillva, Warlord of Dark World Fiend Rulers of Darkness
SIMM Tablir Cyberse Fires of Scorching Bonds
Simorgh, Bird of Perfection Winged Beast Cosmic Ocean
Wings that Span the Sky
Skelesaurus Zombie
Skilled Dark Magician Spellcaster
Skilled Red Magician Spellcaster
Skull Conductor Zombie
Sky Striker Ace - Raye Warrior Stalwart Force
Singular Strike Overthrow
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Rage of Chaos
Lord of Dimensions
Snipe Hunter Fiend
Sorcerer of Dark Magic Spellcaster
Speedburst Dragon Dragon Shot Through Fiction
Spell Reactor ・ RE Machine
Spirit Reaper Zombie
Spright Red Thunder Sprites of Miracle
Burst of Zapping Energy!
Sprind the Irondash Dragon Machine Ruler's Mask
Alba Abyss
Fighting Spirit of Sparking Iron
Aim For The Stars
Springans Kitt Beast The Newborn Dragon
Alba Abyss
Fighting Spirit of Sparking Iron
Aim For The Stars
Starduston Fiend Prank Panic!
Stealth Bird Winged Beast Theme Chronicle Banlist
Steelswarm Longhorn Fiend Yearning Evil Body
Steelswarm Mantis Fiend Yearning Evil Body
Steelswarm Moth Fiend
Steelswarm Sentinel Fiend Yearning Evil Body
Steelswarm Sting Fiend Yearning Evil Body
Stegocyber Dinosaur Transcendentalism
Strike Ninja Warrior The Hidden Arts
Hidden Arts of Shadows
Stygian Street Patrol Fiend
Summon Reactor ・ SK Machine
Super Crashbug Fiend
Supreme King Dragon Clear Wing Dragon Indomitable Knights
Battle Trajectory
Lord of Dimensions
Supreme King Dragon Dark Rebellion Dragon Indomitable Knights
The Newborn Dragon
Battle Trajectory
Lord of Dimensions
Supreme King Dragon Darkwurm Dragon Indomitable Knights
Battle Trajectory
Lord of Dimensions
Supreme King Dragon Odd-Eyes Dragon Indomitable Knights
Battle Trajectory
Lord of Dimensions
Swarm of Centipedes Insect Tricky Reception
Swarm of Crows Winged Beast
Swarm of Locusts Insect
Swarm of Scarabs Insect
Synkron Resonator Fiend Savage Crimson Dragon
1st Anniversary - Savage Crimson Dragon
Return of the King
T.G. Gear Zombie Zombie Futuristic Creatures
Ride Into the Future
Tainted of the Tistina Aqua Return of the King
Crystal Realm Defier
Taotie, Shadow of the Yang Zing Wyrm Dragon Spirit
Guardian of the Sacred Summit
Tenmataitei Warrior
Tenyi Spirit - Vishuda Wyrm Dragon Spirit
Theme Chronicle Banlist
The Agent of Destruction - Venus Fairy Cosmic Ocean
The Big Saturn Machine
The Black Stone of Legend Dragon The Cerise in the Ebony
New Step for Duelists
1st Anniversary - The Cerise in the Ebony
Inherited Unity
Invincible Aces
The Dark - Hex-Sealed Fusion Rock
The Dark Creator Thunder
The Fiend Megacyber Warrior
The Immortal Bushi Warrior
The Legendary Exodia Incarnate Spellcaster The Great Olds
The Forbidden Liberated
The Phantom Knights of Fragile Armor Warrior Indomitable Knights
The Phantom Knights of Stained Greaves Warrior Indomitable Knights
The Phantom Knights of Torn Scales Warrior Indomitable Knights
The Six Samurai - Irou Warrior Great Shogun's Rule
The Wicked Avatar Fiend World Cloaked in Magical Power
The Wicked Dreadroot Fiend World Cloaked in Magical Power
The Wicked Eraser Fiend World Cloaked in Magical Power
Thelematech Clatis Spellcaster Blazing Arena
Three-Eyed Ghost Fiend Record of Noble Spirits
Thunder Ball Fiend
Thunder Dragonduo Thunder Roaring Thunder
Time Thief Adjuster Psychic Space-Time Transcendents
Passage of the Sun
Eternal Partners
Xyz Explosion
Time Thief Regulator Machine Space-Time Transcendents
Passage of the Sun
Xyz Explosion
Tindangle Jhrelth Fiend Cyber City Guardians
Tindangle Trinity Fiend Cyber City Guardians
Tlakalel, His Malevolent Majesty Fiend Rulers of Darkness
Illusion Beast's Roar
Torapart Warrior
Total Defense Shogun Warrior
Tour Bus From the Underworld Fiend Mysterious Labyrinth
Tour Bus To Forbidden Realms Fiend Mysterious Labyrinth
Trance Archfiend Fiend
Trancefamiliar Psychic
Trap Reactor ・ Y FI Machine
Tri-Horned Dragon Dragon
Trifortressops Machine Transcendentalism
Triggering Wurm Dragon
Triple Burst Dragon Dragon Shot Through Fiction
Tsukuyomi Spellcaster
Tuning Gum Fiend
Twilight Ninja Getsuga, the Shogun Warrior The Hidden Arts
Hidden Arts of Shadows
Twilight Ninja Jogen Warrior The Hidden Arts
Twilight Ninja Kagen Warrior The Hidden Arts
Hidden Arts of Shadows
Twin-Barrel Dragon Machine
Underworld Fighter Balmung Warrior
Vagnawa the Moon-Eating Dragon Dragon Outlaws from the Inferno
Vampire Familiar Zombie Immortal Royalty
Vampire Ghost Zombie The Newborn Dragon
Vampire Retainer Zombie Immortal Royalty
Vampire Scarlet Scourge Zombie Immortal Royalty
Vampire Sorcerer Spellcaster Immortal Royalty
Vampire Vamp Zombie Immortal Royalty
Vendread Anima Zombie Abyssal Underworld
Vendread Core Zombie Abyssal Underworld
Heroic Warriors
Versago the Destroyer Fiend
Vice Dragon Dragon Savage Crimson Dragon
1st Anniversary - Savage Crimson Dragon
Return of the King
Vijam the Cubic Seed Fiend Natural Selection
Viser Des Fiend
Vision HERO Gravito Warrior Shrouded Heroes
Vision HERO Increase Warrior Shrouded Heroes
Vision HERO Witch Raider Warrior Shrouded Heroes
Vorse Raider Beast-Warrior
Votis Fiend Beginning of Turmoil
Wall of Illusion Fiend
Wandering King Wildwind Fiend Return of the King
Tricky Reception
White-Horned Dragon Dragon
Wightmare Zombie Abyssal Underworld
Wightprince Zombie Abyssal Underworld
World Carrotweight Champion Plant
World Legacy - "World Ark" Machine
World Legacy - "World Armor" Machine
World Legacy - "World Chalice" Machine
World Legacy - "World Crown" Machine
World Legacy - "World Lance" Machine Cosmic Mechanical Entities
World Legacy - "World Shield" Machine
World Legacy - "World Wand" Machine Star-Studded Futures
Invincible Aces
World Legacy - “World Key” Machine
Xtra HERO Dread Decimator Warrior Transfigured Heroes
Xtra HERO Infernal Devicer Fiend Transfigured Heroes
Heroes' Union
Xyz Avenger Fiend
Yajiro Invader Reptile Invaders from Outer Space
Yubel - Terror Incarnate Fiend World Cloaked in Magical Power
Eternal Partners
Yubel - The Ultimate Nightmare Fiend World Cloaked in Magical Power
Eternal Partners
Zalamander Catalyzer Fiend Dreaded Conspiracy
The Trap in the Wicked Castle
Blazing Arena
The Forbidden Liberated
Zombowwow Zombie Beloved Dolls

N Dark Monsters

Monsters By Rarity
image.pngUR image.pngSR image.pngR image.pngN

Click on a link to take you to that rarity's section!

Card Type How to Get
8-Claws Scorpion Insect
A Cat of Ill Omen Beast Guardian of Kings
Abyss Actor - Comic Relief Fiend The Darkness Amuses
Climax of the Showdown
Abyss Actor - Extras Fiend The Darkness Amuses
Climax of the Showdown
Abyss Actor - Funky Comedian Fiend The Darkness Amuses
Climax of the Showdown
Abyss Actor - Liberty Dramatist Fiend Climax of the Showdown
Ad Libitum of Despia Fairy Refined Blade
Beginning of Turmoil
The Opening Act of an Apocalypse
Akakieisu Spellcaster
Aleirtt, the Ogdoadic Dark Reptile Gods of Abyss and Arcadia
Invincible Raid
Eternal Partners
Sacred Imperial Tomb
Alich, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss Fiend Fiendish Encounter
Alien Psychic Reptile Cell "A" Corruption
Allure Queen LV3 Spellcaster
Ally Mind Machine
Ally of Justice Clausolas Machine
Ally of Justice Core Destroyer Machine Justice Before Attribute
Ally of Justice Enemy Catcher Machine Justice Before Attribute
Ally of Justice Garadholg Machine Justice Before Attribute
Ally of Justice Nullfier Machine Justice Before Attribute
Ally of Justice Omni-Weapon Machine Justice Before Attribute
Ally of Justice Quarantine Machine Justice Before Attribute
Ally of Justice Rudra Machine Justice Before Attribute
Ally of Justice Thousand Arms Machine Justice Before Attribute
Ally of Justice Thunder Armor Machine Justice Before Attribute
Ally of Justice Unknown Crusher Machine Justice Before Attribute
Altergeist Dragvirion Spellcaster Electron Illusions
Altergeist Fifinellag Spellcaster Electron Illusions
Altergeist Kidolga Spellcaster Electron Illusions
Amunessia, the Ogdoadic Queen Reptile Gods of Abyss and Arcadia
Invincible Raid
Eternal Partners
Sacred Imperial Tomb
Ancient Brain Fiend
Ancient Sorcerer Spellcaster
Ancient Tool Machine
Anesthrokket Dragon Dragon Shot Through Fiction
Valiant Wings
Aim For The Stars
Appliancer Copybokkle Machine Electrilyrical
Apprentice Magician Spellcaster Knowledge of the Mythlords
Archfiend General Fiend The Cost of Dark Powers
Archfiend Giant Fiend The Cost of Dark Powers
Archfiend Mirror Fiend
Archfiend Soldier Fiend
Armored Zombie Zombie
Aromage Marjoram Plant Blooming in Adversity
Advance of Great Forces
Assault Blackwing - Kunai the Drizzle Winged Beast
Aswan Apparition Fiend
Autorokket Dragon Dragon Shot Through Fiction
Stalwart Force
Aim For The Stars
Axe Dragonute Dragon
B.E.S. Big Core Machine Galaxy War
Background Dragon Dragon Valiant Wings
Barbar, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss Fiend Fiendish Encounter
Baron of the Fiend Sword Fiend
Barox Fiend
Basilius, Familiar of the Evil Eye Fiend The Cost of Dark Powers
Dreaded Conspiracy
Bayonater, the Baneful Barrel Zombie
Beast of Talwar Fiend
Berfomet Fiend Illusion Beast's Roar
Berserk Archfiend Fiend Tricky Reception
Berserker of the Tenyi Dragon Dragon Spirit
Bickuribox Fiend
Big Eye Fiend
Bio Plant Fiend
Bite Shoes Fiend
Black Dragon's Chick Dragon The Cerise in the Ebony
New Step for Duelists
1st Anniversary - The Cerise in the Ebony
Invincible Aces
Black Potan Fiend
Blackland Fire Dragon Dragon
Blackwing - Abrolhos the Megaquake Winged Beast
Blackwing - Boreas the Sharp Winged Beast Soaring on Darkest Wings
Blackwing's Pride
Blackwing - Breeze the Zephyr Winged Beast
Blackwing - Brisote the Tailwind Winged Beast
Blackwing - Calima the Haze Winged Beast
Blackwing - Damascus the Polar Night Winged Beast Soaring on Darkest Wings
Blackwing's Pride
Blackwing - Decay the Ill Wind Winged Beast
Blackwing - Elphin the Raven Winged Beast
Blackwing - Etesian of Two Swords Winged Beast
Blackwing - Fane the Steel Chain Winged Beast
Blackwing - Ghibli the Searing Wind Winged Beast
Blackwing - Gladius the Midnight Sun Winged Beast Soaring on Darkest Wings
Blackwing's Pride
Blackwing - Gust the Backblast Winged Beast
Blackwing - Harmattan the Dust Winged Beast Soaring on Darkest Wings
Blackwing's Pride
Blackwing - Hillen the Tengu-wind Winged Beast
Blackwing - Hurricane the Tornado Winged Beast Soaring on Darkest Wings
Blackwing's Pride
Blackwing - Jetstream the Blue Sky Winged Beast Soaring on Darkest Wings
Blackwing's Pride
Blackwing - Jin the Rain Shadow Winged Beast
Blackwing - Kochi the Daybreak Winged Beast
Blackwing - Kogarashi the Wanderer Winged Beast
Blackwing - Kris the Crack of Dawn Winged Beast Soaring on Darkest Wings
Blackwing's Pride
Blackwing - Mistral the Silver Shield Winged Beast
Blackwing - Oroshi the Squall Winged Beast Soaring on Darkest Wings
Blackwing's Pride
Blackwing - Pinaki the Waxing Moon Winged Beast
Blackwing - Tornado the Reverse Wind Winged Beast Soaring on Darkest Wings
Blackwing's Pride
Blocker Machine
Blood Sucker Zombie
Blue-Eyed Silver Zombie Zombie
Bokoichi the Freightening Car Machine
Bone Mouse Zombie
Boo Koo Spellcaster
Bowganian Machine
Brain Crusher Insect
Brain Jacker Fiend
Brave Scizzar Machine
Breaker the Dark Magical Warrior Spellcaster Knowledge of the Mythlords
Buerillabaisse de Nouvelles Beast-Warrior Singularity Warrior
A Full Course of Magic
Cagna, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss Fiend Fiendish Encounter
Calcab, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss Fiend Fiendish Encounter
Candle of Fate Fiend
Capricious Darklord Fairy Deceitful Wings of Darkness
Fusion Potential
The Opening Act of an Apocalypse
Capshell Fiend Stalwart Force
Sprites of Miracle
Guided by Fate
Beginning of the Next Journey
Burst of Zapping Energy!
The Forbidden Liberated
Castle of Dark Illusions Fiend
Catoblepas, Familiar of the Evil Eye Fiend The Cost of Dark Powers
Dreaded Conspiracy
Ceruli, Guru of Dark World Fiend Rulers of Darkness
Dreaded Conspiracy
Changer Synchron Machine
Chaos Betrayer Fiend Inevitability of Chaos
Chaos Core Fiend World Cloaked in Magical Power
Chaos Sorcerer Spellcaster Inevitability of Chaos
Rage of Chaos
Dragons' Reincarnation
Checksum Dragon Dragon Shot Through Fiction
Chopman the Desperate Outlaw Zombie
Chow Sai the Ghost Stopper Spellcaster
Chrysalis Pantail Beast
Chthonian Soldier Warrior
Claw Reacher Fiend
Clock Arc Machine Ruler's Mask
Battle Trajectory
Clock Lizard Cyberse Singularity Warrior
Clown Zombie Zombie
Codebreaker Zero Day Warrior
Confiras de Nouvelles Warrior Singularity Warrior
A Full Course of Magic
Corroding Shark Zombie
Crashbug X Fiend
Crashbug Y Fiend
Crashbug Z Fiend
Crass Clown Fiend
Crowley, the Magistus of Grimoires Spellcaster Valiant Wings
Curse of Dragon Dragon Warriors of Legend
Spiral Spear Strike
Nightmare Arrivals
Curse of Dragonfire Dragon Warriors of Legend
Fusion Potential
Spiral Spear Strike
Curtain of the Dark Ones Spellcaster
CXyz Dark Fairy Cheer Girl Fairy Altered Heraldry
Cyber Archfiend Fiend
Cyber Commander Machine
Cyber Ouroboros Machine
Cyber Raider Machine
Cyber Soldier Machine
Cyber Soldier of Darkworld Machine
Cyberdark Edge Machine Pearlescent Cyber Dragons
Cyberdark Horn Machine Pearlescent Cyber Dragons
Cyberdark Keel Machine Pearlescent Cyber Dragons
Cyberse Magician Cyberse Soldiers from the Storm
Heroic Warriors
1st Anniversary - Soldiers from the Storm
Fires of Scorching Bonds
Singularity Warrior
Revived Legion
Cyberse Sage Cyberse Singularity Warrior
D Cubed Machine
D.D. Assault Carrier Machine Beginning of Turmoil
D.D. Guide Warrior
D.D. Patrol Plane Machine Beginning of Turmoil
D.D. Trainer Fiend
D/D Berfomet Fiend
D/D Cerberus Fiend Cross-Dimensional Contracts
D/D Ghost Fiend
D/D Lilith Fiend Cross-Dimensional Contracts
Invincible Raid
D/D Nighthowl Fiend Cross-Dimensional Contracts
D/D Pandora Fiend
D/D Savant Galilei Fiend Cross-Dimensional Contracts
Invincible Raid
D/D Savant Kepler Fiend Cross-Dimensional Contracts
Invincible Raid
Inherited Unity
D/D Vice Typhon Fiend
D/D/D Doom King Armageddon Fiend Cross-Dimensional Contracts
D/D/D Oracle King D'Arc Fiend Cross-Dimensional Contracts
Inherited Unity
Danger! Chupacabra! Fiend Emerging Monstrosity Recon!
Recollection of the Story
Danger! Dogman! Beast-Warrior Emerging Monstrosity Recon!
Mighty Contenders
Danger! Mothman! Insect Emerging Monstrosity Recon!
Recollection of the Story
Danger! Ogopogo! Sea Serpent Emerging Monstrosity Recon!
Dark Artist Fiend
Dark Assailant Zombie
Dark Blade Warrior
Dark Blade the Captain of the Evil World Warrior
Dark Chimera Fiend
Dark Crusader Warrior
Dark Effigy Fiend
Dark Elf Spellcaster
Dark Jeroid Fiend
Dark King of the Abyss Fiend
Dark Magician Knight Warrior
Dark Magician of Chaos Spellcaster
Dark Mimic LV1 Fiend
Dark Nephthys Winged Beast Roused from Destruction
Dark Plant Plant
Dark Prisoner Fiend
Dark Rabbit Beast
Dark Resonator Fiend Savage Crimson Dragon
New Step for Duelists
1st Anniversary - Savage Crimson Dragon
Return of the King
Dark Rose Fairy Fairy Exquisite Jet-Black Rose
Dark Scorpion - Cliff the Trap Remover Warrior
Dark Scorpion - Gorg the Strong Warrior
Dark Scorpion Burglars Warrior
Dark Spider Insect
Dark Tinker Fiend
Dark Titan of Terror Fiend
Dark Valkyria Fairy
Dark-Eyes Illusionist Spellcaster
Darkflare Dragon Dragon Inevitability of Chaos
Rage of Chaos
Dragon Kings from the Abyss
Dragons' Reincarnation
Darklon Fiend
Darklord Asmodeus Fairy Deceitful Wings of Darkness
The Opening Act of an Apocalypse
Darklord Desire Fairy Deceitful Wings of Darkness
The Opening Act of an Apocalypse
Darklord Edeh Arae Fairy Deceitful Wings of Darkness
The Opening Act of an Apocalypse
Darklord Marie Fiend Deceitful Wings of Darkness
The Opening Act of an Apocalypse
Darklord Nergal Fairy Deceitful Wings of Darkness
Fusion Potential
The Opening Act of an Apocalypse
Darklord Nurse Reficule Fairy Deceitful Wings of Darkness
Theme Chronicle Banlist
The Opening Act of an Apocalypse
Darklord Ukoback Fairy Deceitful Wings of Darkness
The Opening Act of an Apocalypse
Darknight Parshath Fairy Guardians of the Sacred Sky
Datacorn Cyberse
Defrag Dragon Dragon Stalwart Force
Demise, Agent of Armageddon Fiend
Des Kangaroo Beast
Des Mosquito Insect
Despian Comedy Fairy Ruler's Mask
Refined Blade
Beginning of Turmoil
The Opening Act of an Apocalypse
Despian Tragedy Fairy Ruler's Mask
Refined Blade
Beginning of Turmoil
The Opening Act of an Apocalypse
Name of Champions
Aim For The Stars
Destiny HERO - Captain Tenacious Warrior
Destiny HERO - Decider Warrior Shrouded Heroes
Refined Blade
Destiny HERO - Defender Warrior
Destiny HERO - Departed Warrior
Destiny HERO - Doom Lord Warrior
Destiny HERO - Double Dude Warrior
Destiny HERO - Drawhand Warrior Shrouded Heroes
Name of Champions
Destiny HERO - Dread Servant Warrior Shrouded Heroes
Destiny HERO - Dreamer Warrior
Destiny HERO - Drilldark Warrior Shrouded Heroes
Destiny HERO - Dunker Warrior
Destiny HERO - Dynatag Warrior Shrouded Heroes
Refined Blade
Devouring Sarcoughagus Zombie Immortal Glory
Dharc the Dark Charmer Spellcaster Spiritual Mastery
Dharma Cannon Machine
Dillingerous Dragon Dragon Shot Through Fiction
Inherited Unity
Dimension Jar Machine
Dinomorphia Diplos Dinosaur Invincible Raid
Beginning of Turmoil
Disk Magician Machine
Divine Dragon Apocralyph Dragon Dragonmaid-to-Order
Dragons' Reincarnation
Dokuroizo the Grim Reaper Zombie
Doma the Angel of Silence Fairy
Donyoribo @Ignister Cyberse AI Omniscience
Doom Donuts Fiend
Doom Shaman Spellcaster
Double Coston Zombie
Doyon @Ignister Cyberse AI Omniscience
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Dragon Seeker Fiend
Dragon Zombie Zombie
Dragoncaller Magician Spellcaster Counterswing Mages
1st Anniversary - Counterswing Mages
Drillago Machine
Duke Shade, the Sinister Shadow Lord Fiend Rulers of Darkness
Illusion Beast's Roar
DZW - Chimera Clad Fiend Champions of Hope
Earthbound Linewalker Fiend Terra Firma Transcendants
Return of the King
The Masters Saga
Earthbound Prisoner Ground Keeper Fiend Return of the King
Earthbound Prisoner Line Walker Fiend Return of the King
Ebon Magician Curran Spellcaster
Edge Imp Chain Fiend Fiendish Playthings
Edge Imp Saw Fiend Fiendish Playthings
Edge Imp Tomahawk Fiend Fiendish Playthings
Element Doom Fiend
Element Soldier Fiend
Elemental HERO Dark Neos Warrior Neo Space Comrades
Elemental HERO Necroid Shaman Warrior
Elementsaber Molehu Warrior
Embryonic Beast Fiend
Emissary from the House of Wax Fiend Wings of the Guardian
Illusion Beast's Roar
The Forbidden Liberated
Emperor of Prophecy Spellcaster Mastery of the Grimoire
Evening Twilight Knight Warrior Inevitability of Chaos
Spiral Spear Strike
Evil HERO Infernal Prodigy Fiend Transfigured Heroes
Evilswarm Azzathoth Reptile Yearning Evil Body
Evilswarm Coppelia Machine Yearning Evil Body
Evilswarm Hraesvelg Winged Beast Yearning Evil Body
Evilswarm Ketos Aqua Yearning Evil Body
Evilswarm O'lantern Pyro Yearning Evil Body
Evilswarm Obliviwisp Pyro Yearning Evil Body
Evilswarm Salamandra Dinosaur Yearning Evil Body
Evilswarm Zahak Dragon Yearning Evil Body
Exodia Necross Spellcaster The Great Olds
The Forbidden Liberated
Exodius the Ultimate Forbidden Lord Spellcaster The Great Olds
The Forbidden Liberated
Exploderokket Dragon Dragon Shot Through Fiction
The Newborn Dragon
Aim For The Stars
Fairywitch Spellcaster
Fallen of Argyros Thunder Beginning of the Next Journey
Burst of Zapping Energy!
Familiar Knight Warrior
Familiar-Possessed Dharc Spellcaster Spiritual Mastery
Fear From The Dark Zombie
Feral Imp Fiend
Fiend Sword Warrior
Fiend's Hand Zombie
Fire Reaper Zombie
Flash Assailant Fiend
Flint Cragger Psychic Primordial Rising
Flower Cardian Clover with Boar Warrior Hand of Fate
Flower Cardian Maple With Deer Warrior Hand of Fate
Flower Cardian Paulownia Warrior Hand of Fate
Flower Cardian Paulownia with Phoenix Warrior Hand of Fate
Flower Cardian Peony with Butterfly Warrior Hand of Fate
Flower Cardian Pine With Crane Warrior Hand of Fate
Flower Cardian Willow Warrior Hand of Fate
Flower Cardian Willow with Calligrapher Warrior Hand of Fate
Flower Cardian Zebra Grass Warrior Hand of Fate
Flower Cardian Zebra Grass with Moon Warrior Hand of Fate
Fortune Fairy Ann Spellcaster Destiny's Sorceress
Fortune Lady Dark Spellcaster Destiny's Sorceress
Fungi of the Musk Fiend
Gagaga Child Spellcaster Onomatopair-Up
Gagaga Head Spellcaster Onomatopair-Up
Gaia, the Polar Knight Warrior Inevitability of Chaos
Spiral Spear Strike
Gambler of Legend Spellcaster
Garbage Lord Fiend Theme Chronicle Banlist
Garbage Ogre Fiend Altered Heraldry
Garmr of the Nordic Beasts Beast Invincible Raid
Gate Deeg Beast
Gatekeeper Machine
Geistgrinder Golem Fiend Eternal Partners
Genex Ally Changer Machine Elemental Exchanges
Genex Ally Chemistrer Machine Elemental Exchanges
Genex Ally Crusher Machine Elemental Exchanges
Genex Ally Solid Machine Elemental Exchanges
Genex Ally Volcannon Machine Elemental Exchanges
Genex Doctor Spellcaster Elemental Exchanges
Genex Recycled Machine Elemental Exchanges
Genex Spare Machine Elemental Exchanges
Gernia Zombie
Getsu Fuhma Warrior
Ghost Beef Beast
Ghost Gardna Warrior
Ghostrick Ghoul Zombie Mischievous Specters
Tricky Reception
Ghostrick Jackfrost Fiend Mischievous Specters
Recollection of the Story
Tricky Reception
Ghostrick Mummy Zombie Mischievous Specters
Tricky Reception
Ghostrick Nekomusume Spellcaster Mischievous Specters
The Newborn Dragon
Ghostrick Skeleton Zombie Mischievous Specters
Tricky Reception
Ghostrick Warwolf Zombie Mischievous Specters
Ghostrick Witch Spellcaster Mischievous Specters
The Newborn Dragon
Ghostrick Yeti Zombie Mischievous Specters
Ghostrick Yuki-onna Spellcaster Mischievous Specters
Recollection of the Story
Ghoul with an Appetite Zombie
Giant Kozaky Fiend Theme Chronicle Banlist
Giant Orc Fiend
Giganto Machine Prehistoric Beast Advance
Gil Garth Fiend
Gimmick Puppet Cattle Scream Machine Chaotic Showtime
Gimmick Puppet Des Troy Machine Colossal Mech
Gimmick Puppet Dreary Doll Machine Colossal Mech
Chaotic Showtime
Gimmick Puppet Humpty Dumpty Machine Colossal Mech
Chaotic Showtime
Gimmick Puppet Nightmare Machine Colossal Mech
Gimmick Puppet Scissor Arms Machine Colossal Mech
Chaotic Showtime
Gimmick Puppet Shadow Feeler Machine Colossal Mech
Gimmick Puppet Twilight Joker Machine Colossal Mech
Gladiator Beast Noxious Beast-Warrior Valiant Gladiator Beasts
Goblin Black Ops Beast-Warrior
Goblin Calligrapher Fiend
Gorgon Egg Fiend
Grand Tiki Elder Fiend
Grave Squirmer Fiend World Cloaked in Magical Power
Strong Will
Gravekeeper's Ambusher Spellcaster Guardian of Kings
Inherited Unity
Gravekeeper's Assailant Spellcaster Guardian of Kings
Strong Will
Inherited Unity
Gravekeeper's Cannonholder Spellcaster Guardian of Kings
Inherited Unity
Gravekeeper's Curse Spellcaster Guardian of Kings
Gravekeeper's Guard Spellcaster Guardian of Kings
Fusion Potential
Strong Will
Inherited Unity
Gravekeeper's Spear Soldier Spellcaster Guardian of Kings
Fusion Potential
Inherited Unity
Gravekeeper's Spiritualist Spellcaster Guardian of Kings
Fusion Potential
Gravekeeper's Vassal Spellcaster Guardian of Kings
Gravekeeper's Watcher Spellcaster Guardian of Kings
Strong Will
Graveyard and the Hand of Invitation Zombie
Gravi-Crush Dragon Dragon
Gravitic Orb Fiend
Great Long Nose Beast-Warrior
Great Mammoth of Goldfine Zombie
Gren, Tactician of Dark World Fiend Rulers of Darkness
Dreaded Conspiracy
Guardian Baou Fiend Awakening of the Ancients
A Dance Dedicated to the Heavens
Hack Worm Machine
Hand-Holding Genie Fiend
Holding Arms Fiend The Great Olds
The Ones Who Serve Ra
Holding Legs Fiend The Great Olds
The Ones Who Serve Ra
Horn Imp Fiend
Hungry Burger Warrior A Full Course of Magic
Hunter Dragon Dragon
Hydralander Orbit Machine Beginning of Turmoil
Ignoble Knight of Black Laundsallyn Warrior
Illusionist Faceless Mage Spellcaster
Illusionist Faceless Magician Spellcaster Toontastic
Impcantation Bookstone Spellcaster Miraculous Advent
Ruler's Mask
Singularity Warrior
Imprisoned Queen Archfiend Fiend The Cost of Dark Powers
Infernity Beast Beast The Infinite Void
New Step for Duelists
Infernity Destroyer Fiend The Infinite Void
Infernity Dwarf Warrior The Infinite Void
Tricky Reception
Infernity Guardian Fiend The Infinite Void
Infernity Knight Fiend The Infinite Void
Infernity Queen Fiend Tricky Reception
Infernity Randomizer Warrior The Infinite Void
Infernity Wildcat Fiend The Infinite Void
New Step for Duelists
Tricky Reception
Infinity Dark Fiend
Invader from Another Dimension Fiend
Invitation to a Dark Sleep Spellcaster
Inzektor Ant Insect
Inzektor Earwig Insect Insect Metamorphosis
Passage of the Sun
Beetle Troops Roll Out
Inzektor Firefly Insect Insect Metamorphosis
Beetle Troops Roll Out
Inzektor Giga-Cricket Insect Insect Metamorphosis
Passage of the Sun
Beetle Troops Roll Out
Inzektor Giga-Weevil Insect
Inzektor Hopper Insect Insect Metamorphosis
Passage of the Sun
Beetle Troops Roll Out
Jain, Twilightsworn General Warrior
Jester Lord Spellcaster The Darkness Amuses
Jinzo #7 Machine
Job-Change Mirror Fiend
Jongleur-Ghoul Illusionist Illusion Tricky Reception
Illusion Beast's Roar
KA-2 Des Scissors Machine
Kageningen Warrior
Kahkki, Guerilla of Dark World Fiend Rulers of Darkness
Dreaded Conspiracy
Kamionwizard Spellcaster
Keeper of the Shrine Dragon The Newborn Dragon
Blue-Eyes Max
The Masters Saga
Key Mace #2 Fiend
King Fog Fiend
King of Yamimakai Fiend
Kiryu Dragon
Kiseitai Fiend
Knightmare Incarnation Idlee Fairy Star-Studded Futures
Invincible Aces
Koumori Dragon Dragon
Kozaky Fiend
Kozmo Delta Shuttle Machine Galaxy War
Kozmoll Wickedwitch Psychic Galaxy War
Kryuel Fiend
La Jinn the Mystical Genie of the Lamp Fiend
Labrynth Chandraglier Fiend Mysterious Labyrinth
Dreaded Conspiracy
The Trap in the Wicked Castle
Name of Champions
Aim For The Stars
Labrynth Stovie Torbie Fiend Mysterious Labyrinth
Dreaded Conspiracy
The Trap in the Wicked Castle
Aim For The Stars
Labyrinth Tank Machine
Lady of D. Spellcaster The Newborn Dragon
Dragon Kings from the Abyss
Lancer Dragonute Dragon
Latinum, Exarch of Dark World Fiend Rulers of Darkness
Leafplace Plaice Psychic Cosmic Ocean
Lector Pendulum, the Dracoverlord Dragon Rage of Chaos
True Dracos' Forging
Left Arm of the Forbidden One Spellcaster The Great Olds
The Forbidden Liberated
Left Leg of the Forbidden One Spellcaster The Great Olds
The Forbidden Liberated
Legendary Fiend Fiend
Leng Ling Dragon Valiant Wings
Libic, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss Fiend Fiendish Encounter
Lich Lord, King of the Underworld Zombie Rulers of Darkness
Illusion Beast's Roar
Lightning Punisher Thunder
Lord of the Lamp Fiend
Lord of Zemia Fiend
Lucent, Netherlord of Dark World Fiend Rulers of Darkness
Lucius the Shadow Vassal Fiend Supernatural Elements
Luna the Dark Spirit Fiend
Lunalight Black Sheep Beast-Warrior Moonlit Avian Dance
Fusion Potential
Lunalight Blue Cat Beast-Warrior Moonlit Avian Dance
Fusion Potential
Lunalight Purple Butterfly Beast-Warrior Moonlit Avian Dance
Lunalight White Rabbit Beast-Warrior Moonlit Avian Dance
Fusion Potential
Lyla, Twilightsworn Enchantress Spellcaster Justice from Light
Mabarrel Fiend
Mad Dog of Darkness Beast
Mad Reloader Fiend World Cloaked in Magical Power
Madjinn Gunn Fiend
Magic Hand Spellcaster
Magical Broker Spellcaster Beyond Speed
Magical Ghost Zombie
Magical King Moonstar Fiend Return of the King
Magical Marionette Spellcaster
Magical Plant Mandragola Spellcaster
Magical Undertaker Spellcaster
Magician of Black Chaos Spellcaster The Masters Saga
Magician of Chaos Spellcaster Darkest Magics
Vortex of Magic
The Masters Saga
Magician of Dark Illusion Spellcaster Darkest Magics
Vortex of Magic
Magician's Robe Spellcaster Darkest Magics
Vortex of Magic
Maju Garzett Fiend
Malefic Blue-Eyes White Dragon Dragon Terra Firma Transcendants
Malefic Cyber End Dragon Machine Terra Firma Transcendants
Malefic Parallel Gear Machine Terra Firma Transcendants
Malefic Rainbow Dragon Dragon Terra Firma Transcendants
Malefic Red-Eyes Black Dragon Dragon Terra Firma Transcendants
Malice Ascendant Zombie
Malicevorous Fork Fiend
Malicevorous Knife Fiend
Malicevorous Spoon Fiend
Man-Eating Treasure Chest Fiend
Maniacal Servant Spellcaster
Masked Clown Warrior
Master's Diploman Machine Beyond Speed
Mech Mole Zombie Zombie
Mechanical Snail Machine
Meda Bat Fiend
Mefist the Infernal General Fiend
Megasonic Eye Machine
Megirus Light Fiend
Mekanikal Arkfiend Fiend
Meklord Army of Wisel Machine Impending Assassination
Melchid the Four-Face Beast Fiend
Mementotlan Ghattic Fiend Revived Legion
Memory Crusher Fiend
Metabo Globster Fiend
Metal Guardian Fiend
Metalzoa Machine
Meteor Dragon Red-Eyes Impact Dragon The Cerise in the Ebony
1st Anniversary - The Cerise in the Ebony
Inherited Unity
Midnight Fiend Fiend
Mimikuril Fiend Beloved Dolls
Blessings of Nature
Mimir of the Nordic Ascendant Fairy Astral Trinity of Gods
Mind on Air Spellcaster
Miniborrel Dragon Dragon Valiant Wings
Inherited Unity
Mist Archfiend Fiend The Cost of Dark Powers
Morinphen Fiend
Morph King Stygi-Gel Fiend The Masters Saga
Tricky Reception
Morpho Butterspy Warrior
Mother Spider Insect
Mucus Yolk Aqua
Mystery Hand Fiend
Mystic Clown Fiend
Mystic Lamp Spellcaster
Mystic Tomato Plant
Neck Hunter Fiend
Necro Linker Fiend
Necrolancer The Time Lord Spellcaster
Needle Ball Fiend Theme Chronicle Banlist
Needle Burrower Machine
Nemuriko Spellcaster
Neo-Spacian Dark Panther Beast Neo Space Comrades
Nightmare Horse Zombie
Noble Knight Eachtar Warrior
Number 35: Ravenous Tarantula Insect Number Recall
The Masters Saga
Crystal Realm Defier
Duel Experts
Number 53: Heart-earthH Fiend Altered Heraldry
Adventure of Mystical Etchings
Number 70: Malevolent Sin Insect Number Recall
The Masters Saga
Duel Experts
Number 84: Pain Gainer Insect Number Recall
Theme Chronicle Banlist
The Masters Saga
Duel Experts
Number 85: Crazy Box Fiend Number Recall
Number 92: Heart-eartH Dragon Dragon Altered Heraldry
Adventure of Mystical Etchings
Number 96: Dark Mist Fiend Number Recall
Number C92: Heart-eartH Chaos Dragon Dragon Altered Heraldry
Adventure of Mystical Etchings
Nuvia the Wicked Fiend
Obsidian Dragon Rock
Odd-Eyes Dragon Dragon Draconic Resplendence
The Newborn Dragon
Opticlops Fiend
Orbital Hydralander Machine Refined Blade
Orcust Brass Bombard Machine Star-Studded Futures
Recollection of the Story
Invincible Aces
Orcust Cymbal Skeleton Machine Star-Studded Futures
Recollection of the Story
Name of Champions
Invincible Aces
Pain Painter Zombie Abyssal Underworld
Immortal Glory
Pandemonium Watchbear Beast
Patrician of Darkness Zombie
Pendulum Machine Machine
Pentestag Cyberse
Penumbral Soldier Lady Warrior
Perditious Puppeteer Fiend
Performapal Extra Slinger Spellcaster
Performapal Helpprincess Warrior Captivating Curtain Call
Battle Trajectory
Performapal Odd-Eyes Dissolver Spellcaster Draconic Resplendence
Performapal Odd-Eyes Minitaurus Beast-Warrior Draconic Resplendence
Performapal Odd-Eyes Seer Spellcaster New Step for Duelists
Inherited Unity
The Bizarre Playing Board
Performapal Odd-Eyes Synchron Spellcaster Draconic Resplendence
Performapal Trump Girl Spellcaster Captivating Curtain Call
Battle Trajectory
Performapal Trump Witch Spellcaster Captivating Curtain Call
Battle Trajectory
Performapal U Go Golem Fiend Draconic Resplendence
Battle Trajectory
Inherited Unity
Performapal Whim Witch Spellcaster Captivating Curtain Call
Battle Trajectory
Phantom Bounzer Warrior
Phantom Ghost Zombie
Pharaoh's Servant Zombie
Pitch-Black Warwolf Beast-Warrior
Pitch-Dark Dragon Dragon
Plaguespreader Zombie Zombie Abyssal Underworld
Immortal Glory
Predaplant Banksiogre Plant
Predaplant Bufolicula Plant Mysterious Labyrinth
Name of Champions
Predaplant Cordyceps Plant
Predaplant Darlingtonia Cobra Plant Natural Selection
Fusion Potential
Predaplant Drosophyllum Hydra Plant Natural Selection
Mysterious Labyrinth
Predaplant Flytrap Plant Natural Selection
Fusion Potential
Predaplant Moray Nepenthes Plant Natural Selection
Mysterious Labyrinth
Predaplant Pterapenthes Plant
Predaplant Spinodionaea Plant Natural Selection
Mysterious Labyrinth
Predaplant Squid Drosera Plant Natural Selection
Mysterious Labyrinth
Predaplant Triantis Plant Mysterious Labyrinth
Prediction Princess Astromorrigan Fairy Destiny's Sorceress
Flame of Fury
Prompthorn Cyberse
Prophecy Destroyer Spellcaster Mastery of the Grimoire
Protocol Gardna Cyberse
Pumpking the King of Ghosts Zombie
Pumprincess the Princess of Ghosts Zombie
Puppet Master Fiend
R-Genex Oracle Spellcaster Elemental Exchanges
Advance of Great Forces
R-Genex Overseer Spellcaster Elemental Exchanges
R-Genex Turing Spellcaster Advance of Great Forces
Elemental Exchanges
Ragnaraika Armored Lizard Reptile Advance of Great Forces
Raidraptor - Avenge Vulture Winged Beast
Raidraptor - Blaze Falcon Winged Beast Invulnerable Iron Wings
Wings of the Guardian
Raidraptor - Booster Strix Winged Beast Invulnerable Iron Wings
Raidraptor - Heel Eagle Winged Beast Invulnerable Iron Wings
Wings of the Guardian
Raidraptor - Last Strix Winged Beast Invulnerable Iron Wings
Xyz Explosion
Raidraptor - Napalm Dragonius Winged Beast
Raidraptor - Noir Lanius Winged Beast Wings of the Guardian
Raidraptor - Rise Falcon Winged Beast Invulnerable Iron Wings
Wings of the Guardian
Raidraptor - Sharp Lanius Winged Beast Invulnerable Iron Wings
Raidraptor - Singing Lanius Winged Beast Invulnerable Iron Wings
Xyz Explosion
Raidraptor - Skull Eagle Winged Beast
Raidraptor - Vanishing Lanius Winged Beast Invulnerable Iron Wings
Wings of the Guardian
Raidraptor - Wild Vulture Winged Beast Invulnerable Iron Wings
Wings of the Guardian
Rare Metal Dragon Dragon
Reaper of the Cards Fiend
Reborn Zombie Zombie
Red Rose Dragon Dragon Exquisite Jet-Black Rose
Red-Eyes Archfiend of Lightning Fiend The Cerise in the Ebony
1st Anniversary - The Cerise in the Ebony
Inherited Unity
Red-Eyes Black Dragon Sword Dragon The Cerise in the Ebony
1st Anniversary - The Cerise in the Ebony
Invincible Aces
Red-Eyes Black Metal Dragon Machine The Cerise in the Ebony
1st Anniversary - The Cerise in the Ebony
Inherited Unity
Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon Dragon The Cerise in the Ebony
1st Anniversary - The Cerise in the Ebony
Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon Zombie The Cerise in the Ebony
Immortal Glory
1st Anniversary - The Cerise in the Ebony
Red-Headed Oni Zombie Xyz Explosion
Regenerating Mummy Zombie
Regenerating Rose Plant
Relinquished Spellcaster Toontastic
Renge, Gatekeeper of Dark World Fiend Rulers of Darkness
Reptilianne Coatl Reptile Valiant Wings
Reptilianne Gorgon Reptile Curse of the Serpent
Valiant Wings
Reptilianne Medusa Reptile Curse of the Serpent
Reptilianne Nyami Reptile Valiant Wings
Reptilianne Scylla Reptile Curse of the Serpent
Valiant Wings
Reptilianne Servant Reptile Curse of the Serpent
Restoration Point Guard Cyberse
Return Zombie Zombie
Revival Rose Plant Exquisite Jet-Black Rose
Revived King Ha Des Zombie Abyssal Underworld
Right Arm of the Forbidden One Spellcaster The Great Olds
The Forbidden Liberated
Right Leg of the Forbidden One Spellcaster The Great Olds
The Forbidden Liberated
Robot Buster Destruction Sword Machine Warriors of Legend
Rokket Recharger Dragon Shot Through Fiction
The Newborn Dragon
Inherited Unity
Name of Champions
Aim For The Stars
Rose Spectre of Dunn Plant
Rubic, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss Fiend Fiendish Encounter
Ryu Kokki Zombie
Ryu-Kishin Fiend
Ryu-Kishin Powered Fiend
S-Force Professor DiGamma Psychic Space-Time Transcendents
Saggi the Dark Clown Spellcaster
Samurai Skull Zombie Fires of This World and The Next
Sanwitch Spellcaster
Scarr, Scout of Dark World Fiend Rulers of Darkness
Schwarzschild Limit Dragon Dragon Sword of the Seventh One
Science Soldier Warrior
Second Goblin Fiend
Secret Six Samurai - Doji Warrior Great Shogun's Rule
Sectarian of Secrets Spellcaster
Shaddoll Beast Spellcaster Stalwart Force
Enchanted Threads of Shade
Name of Champions
Shaddoll Hound Spellcaster
Shaddoll Squamata Spellcaster Enchanted Threads of Shade
Shaddoll Zefracore Rock Enchanted Threads of Shade
Shaddoll Zefranaga Spellcaster Enchanted Threads of Shade
Shadow Delver Fiend
Shadow Specter Zombie
Shadowpriestess of Ohm Spellcaster
Shadowslayer Fiend
Shaman of the Ashened City Pyro Dragons' Reincarnation
Shapesnatch Machine
Shelrokket Dragon Dragon Shot Through Fiction
Valiant Wings
Aim For The Stars
Silent Wolf Calupo Beast-Warrior Climax of the Showdown
Sinister Sprocket Fiend
Skelgon Zombie
Skull Archfiend of Lightning Fiend The Cost of Dark Powers
Skull Knight Spellcaster
Skull Knight #2 Fiend
Skull Kraken Aqua
Skull Servant Zombie Abyssal Underworld
Advance of Great Forces
Skull Stalker Warrior
Slot Machine Machine
Sniffer Dragon Dragon Shot Through Fiction
Sorcerer of the Doomed Spellcaster
Soul Hunter Fiend
Soul Scissors Fiend Dreaded Conspiracy
The Trap in the Wicked Castle
Souls of the Forgotten Fiend
Space Insulator Cyberse
Spear Cretin Fiend
Spearhead of the Ashened City Pyro Dragons' Reincarnation
Spell Recycler Spellcaster
Sphere Kuriboh Fiend Stalwart Force
Heroic Warriors
Guided by Fate
Inherited Unity
Duel Experts
Sphere of Chaos Machine Inevitability of Chaos
Spikebot Machine
Spiked Snail Insect
Spright Carrot Thunder Sprites of Miracle
Burst of Zapping Energy!
Spright Pixies Thunder Sprites of Miracle
Burst of Zapping Energy!
SPYGAL Misty Spellcaster Secret Fighters
Stack Reviver Cyberse Revival of Legends
Fires of Scorching Bonds
Singularity Warrior
Revived Legion
Stargazer Magician Spellcaster Counterswing Mages
1st Anniversary - Counterswing Mages
Lord of Dimensions
Stealthroid Machine Roid Nexus
Steelswarm Caller Fiend Yearning Evil Body
Steelswarm Cell Fiend Yearning Evil Body
Steelswarm Gatekeeper Fiend Yearning Evil Body
Steelswarm Genome Fiend Yearning Evil Body
Steelswarm Scout Fiend
Storm Cipher Cyberse
Stygian Security Fiend
Succubus Knight Warrior
Suppression Collider Cyberse
Supreme King Gate Infinity Fiend Indomitable Knights
The Newborn Dragon
Battle Trajectory
Lord of Dimensions
Supreme King Gate Zero Fiend Indomitable Knights
The Newborn Dragon
Battle Trajectory
Lord of Dimensions
Svartalf of the Nordic Alfar Spellcaster Astral Trinity of Gods
Invincible Raid
Swallowtail Butterspy Warrior
Swift Gaia the Fierce Knight Warrior Warriors of Legend
Spiral Spear Strike
Sword Slasher Machine
Swordstalker Warrior
Sylvan Snapdrassinagon Plant Seedling Soul Fey
Blessings of Nature
Synchro Fusionist Spellcaster Synchro Mode Change
The Synchronized Cosmos
The Noble Knights of Crimson Flowers
Return of the King
T.G. Metal Skeleton Zombie Futuristic Creatures
Tainted Wisdom Fiend
Talkback Lancer Cyberse Soldiers from the Storm
Revival of Legends
1st Anniversary - Soldiers from the Storm
Mighty Contenders
Tardy Orc Fiend
Tatsunecro Zombie Abyssal Underworld
Immortal Glory
Tearlaments Havnis Aqua Blessings of Nature
Tearlaments Merrli Aqua Blessings of Nature
Songstress of Sorrow Song
Temple of Skulls Zombie
Terra the Terrible Fiend
Terrifying Toddler of Torment Fiend Dreaded Conspiracy
The Trap in the Wicked Castle
The Forbidden Liberated
Terrorking Archfiend Fiend The Cost of Dark Powers
Texchanger Cyberse
That Which Feeds on Life Fiend
The 13th Grave Zombie
The Bewitching Phantom Thief Spellcaster
The Bistro Butcher Fiend
The Drdek Fiend
The Earl of Demise Fiend
The Gross Ghost of Fled Dreams Fiend
The Illusory Gentleman Spellcaster
The Kick Man Zombie
The Lady in Wight Zombie Abyssal Underworld
The Phantom Knights of Cloven Helm Warrior Indomitable Knights
Stalwart Force
The Phantom Knights of Cursed Javelin Warrior Indomitable Knights
Theme Chronicle Banlist
The Phantom Knights of Ragged Gloves Warrior Indomitable Knights
The Shadow Who Controls the Dark Fiend
The Snake Hair Zombie
The Wandering Doomed Zombie
Thousand-Eyes Idol Spellcaster
Three-Headed Geedo Fiend
Three-Legged Zombies Zombie
Time Thief Bezel Ship Machine Space-Time Transcendents
Passage of the Sun
Eternal Partners
Time Thief Chronocorder Machine Space-Time Transcendents
Passage of the Sun
Xyz Explosion
Timeater Machine
Timebreaker Magician Spellcaster Counterswing Mages
1st Anniversary - Counterswing Mages
Lord of Dimensions
Timegazer Magician Spellcaster Counterswing Mages
1st Anniversary - Counterswing Mages
Lord of Dimensions
Tindangle Angel Fiend Cyber City Guardians
Tindangle Base Gardna Fiend Cyber City Guardians
Tindangle Intruder Fiend Cyber City Guardians
Tindangle Protector Fiend Cyber City Guardians
Tongue Twister Fiend
Toon Barrel Dragon Machine Toontastic
Toon Masked Sorcerer Spellcaster Toontastic
Toon Summoned Skull Fiend Toontastic
Tragoedia Fiend World Cloaked in Magical Power
Mysterious Labyrinth
The Masters Saga
Crystal Realm Defier
Trap Eater Fiend New Step for Duelists
Trial of Nightmare Fiend
Tricorn the Cacophonous Concert Fiend Dragons' Reincarnation
Tuning Magician Spellcaster Counterswing Mages
1st Anniversary - Counterswing Mages
Twilight Ninja Nichirin, the Chunin Warrior The Hidden Arts
Hidden Arts of Shadows
Twilight Ninja Shingetsu Warrior The Hidden Arts
Hidden Arts of Shadows
Twilight Rose Knight Warrior Exquisite Jet-Black Rose
Twin-Headed Wolf Fiend
Twin-Sword Marauder Warrior
Umbral Horror Ghost Fiend Sword of the Seventh One
Umbral Horror Ghoul Fiend Sword of the Seventh One
Umbral Horror Unform Fiend Sword of the Seventh One
Umbral Horror Will O' The Wisp Fiend Sword of the Seventh One
Umbral Soul Reptile
Unauthorized Bootup Device Machine Rapid Aircraft Advancement
Rescue Team, Emergency Dispatch!
Unchained Twins - Sarama Fiend Roused from Destruction
Unknown Synchron Machine Stardust Ties
Revival of Legends
1st Anniversary - Stardust Ties
Ride Into the Future
Unknown Warrior of Fiend Warrior
Urubonus, the Avatar of Malice Reptile Inherited Unity
Sacred Imperial Tomb
Ushi Oni Fiend
Vampire Baby Zombie
Vampire Dragon Zombie Immortal Royalty
Vampire Duke Zombie Immortal Royalty
Vampire Genesis Zombie Immortal Royalty
Vampire Grace Zombie Immortal Royalty
Vampire Grimson Zombie Immortal Royalty
Vampire Hunter Warrior Immortal Royalty
Vampire Lady Zombie
Vampire Lord Zombie Immortal Royalty
Immortal Royalty
Vampire Red Baron Zombie Immortal Royalty
The Newborn Dragon
Vampire's Curse Zombie Immortal Royalty
Vendread Houndhorde Zombie Abyssal Underworld
Heroic Warriors
Name of Champions
Vendread Revenants Zombie Abyssal Underworld
Heroic Warriors
Vendread Striges Zombie Abyssal Underworld
Heroic Warriors
Vengeful Shinobi Warrior
Venom Serpent Reptile Curse of the Serpent
Vice Berserker Fiend
Violet Witch Spellcaster Exquisite Jet-Black Rose
Vishwar Randi Warrior
Vision HERO Minimum Ray Warrior Shrouded Heroes
Vision HERO Multiply Guy Warrior Shrouded Heroes
Vision HERO Poisoner Warrior Shrouded Heroes
Voltester Thunder Tricky Reception
Wall Shadow Warrior A Warrior of Seething Anger
Weeping Idol Rock
Wheel of Prophecy Spellcaster Mastery of the Grimoire
Whiptail Crow Fiend
White Rose Dragon Dragon Exquisite Jet-Black Rose
Winged Minion Fiend
Witch Doctor of Chaos Spellcaster
Witch of the Black Rose Spellcaster Exquisite Jet-Black Rose
Witch's Apprentice Spellcaster
Witty Phantom Fiend
Wizard Buster Destruction Sword Spellcaster Warriors of Legend
Wood Remains Zombie
Wretched Ghost of the Attic Fiend
Xiangke Magician Spellcaster Counterswing Mages
Stalwart Force
1st Anniversary - Counterswing Mages
Yaiba Robo Machine
Yamato-No-Kami Warrior
Yaranzo Zombie
Yasha, the Skeletal Mayakashi Zombie Fires of This World and The Next
Passage of the Sun
Yellow-Bellied Oni Zombie Xyz Explosion
Yubel Fiend World Cloaked in Magical Power
Sprites of Miracle
Eternal Partners
Zera the Mant Fiend
Zoa Fiend
Zohah, the Ogdoadic Boundless Reptile Gods of Abyss and Arcadia
Invincible Raid
Eternal Partners
Sacred Imperial Tomb
Zombie Master Zombie Abyssal Underworld
Immortal Glory
Zombie Warrior Warrior
Zombyra the Dark Warrior
ZS - Ouroboros Sage Warrior
Zure, Knight of Dark World Fiend Rulers of Darkness

Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel Related Guides

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FusionFusion SynchroSynchro
XYZXyz Link CardLink

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Level5 Level6 Level7 Level8 Level9
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