Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel

Is Master Duel Pay to Win?

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Is Master Duel Pay to Win
Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel can be easily written off as another pay-to-win card game at first glance. Learn why Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel isn't necessarily as pay-to-win as most card games tend to be!

Is Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel Pay-to-Win?

Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel Isn’t As Pay-To-Win As Other Card Games

YGO Master Duel -  Release Image.png

Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel is Pay-to-Win by virtue of being a competitive card game. The more bucks the player spend, the more cards they get, which ultimately grants said player access to better cards and decks overall.

That said, Yu-Gi-Oh Master Duel isn't as Pay-to-Win as other titles in the genre. The game is Free-to-Play (F2P) and it is completely possible for an F2P to start off with a high-tier deck from the very beginning — provided they know what they're doing with the initial surge of gems they receive, of course.

Beginner's Guide: Tips For Starting Out

Newer Releases in Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel Have Tendency to Shift Meta

Master Duel - Lord of Dimensions Selection Pack

A trend that has been growing in Master Duel as of late is that the recent Selection Packs sometimes introduce themes that immediately skyrocket certain cards, if not whole archetypes, into the top of the meta.

Archetypes that immediately became crucial to the competitive side of the game include Branded Despia, Tearlaments, Kashtira, Bystial, Runick, Spright, the Superheavy Samurai engine, Snake-Eyes, Fire King, Rescue-ACE and more among others.

Certain Archetypes Remain Relevant

Master Duel - Blessings of Nature Selection Pack

With that being said, some of the introduced archetypes stay pretty high up in the meta's tier list after their introduction to Master Duel. That means players can opt to stick with the Deck built or cards obtaindfrom a certain Selection Pack and not go as hard on the next couple of Packs--unless they are as equally meta-defining.

Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel is F2P Friendly

Free-To-Play players have access to systems which makes the overall experience from start to high-rank play less daunting. This results in a surprisingly accessible card game that interested players should definitely consider trying out!

In-Game currency is farmable through gameplay

Master Duel Missions

Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel uses a currency called Gems which are spent for items such as Packs, Accessories, and Duel Passes.

The game gives you a generous amount that can be earned primarily through it's Solo Mode and Missions. Solo Mode is essentially a set of campaigns split into self-contained stories called Gates. Every Gate has a set number of Chapters, which reward players a variety of rewards for completing them — this include Gems. Missions, on the other hand, grant Gems and other rewards for completing specific activities while in-game. These range anywhere from performing special summons in matches to logging in for the first time in a day.

Best Way to Spend Gems

Solo Mode Gives Gems

F2P players can expect to earn well-over 10k gems by just playing Solo Mode and completing missions from the start using the various free Structure Decks they'll receive as they progress through its Gates. This amount is enough to craft anywhere from high-tier meta decks, to fun off-meta decks players might want to use.

It is important to note that these high amount of free gems will reduce as you complete all of the Gates and first batch of missions. New players must use their gems as efficiently as possible!

Solo Mode Guide: Best Routes to Progress

Cards can be directly crafted and dismantled

Card Crafting
One of Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel's best systems is the ability to craft cards directly! Players can also dismantle existing cards for resources that can be used to make others.

This is a nice step away from the heavy RNG that goes into most TCGs and makes the new-player experience more accessible than other games in the genre.

How to Craft Cards

The game's Secret Pack system makes pulling cards more efficient

Secret Pack
Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel has Secret Packs which are packs with a more focused pool of cards. These cards are centered around a particular archetype, theme, or strategy as opposed to the Master Pack which has an insanely large card pool.

This is another good system that helps mitigate the RNG that goes into creating specific decks that players want to use.

How to Unlock Secret Packs

Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel Related Guides

Master Duel - Beginner Guides Partial.png

Beginner's Guides

All Beginner's Guides

Beginner's Guides
How to Farm Gems Best Way to Spend Gems
How to Craft Cards Best Cards to Craft
How to Use Pendulum How to Use Synchro
How to Use XYZ Summon How to Use Link Summon
Best Normal and Secret Packs to Buy How to Unlock Secret Packs
Best Starter Deck Best Early Decks to Craft
How to Get and Use Orbs Terms and Glossary
How to Farm SR and UR Materials Replay Guide: How to Save Replays
Cross Progression: How to Transfer Data Things to Do Daily
Trophies and Achievements Guides to Ranking Up
List of Secret Missions How to Report Players
How to Use Legacy Pack Tickets Best Deck Engines

FAQ Section

Frequently Asked Questions

FAQ Section
How to Earn Keys Duel Live: How to Spectate Duels
Can You Reroll? Is the Duel Pass Worth it?
How Many of Each Card Can You Have? Is Master Duel Pay to Win?
Daily Reset Time Should You De-Rank Your Account?


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