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All Ritual Spell Cards

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Ritual Spell Cards is a type of Spell Card that is used to Ritual Summon a Ritual Monster in Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel. Read on to find out more about each card in this category, what their effects are, and how you can fit them to your Decks!

List of Ritual Spell Cards

Ritual Spell Cards by Rarity

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UR Ritual Spell Cards

Meteonis DrytronMeteonis Drytron

SR Ritual Spell Cards

Advanced Ritual ArtAdvanced Ritual Art DogmatikamacabreDogmatikamacabre Gishki NekromirrorGishki Nekromirror
High Ritual ArtHigh Ritual Art Nekroz CycleNekroz Cycle Nekroz KaleidoscopeNekroz Kaleidoscope
Prayers of the Voiceless VoicePrayers of the Voiceless Voice Ravenous VendreadRavenous Vendread

R Ritual Spell Cards

Beastly Mirror RitualBeastly Mirror Ritual Breath of AcclamationBreath of Acclamation Chaos FormChaos Form
Contract with the AbyssContract with the Abyss Dawn of the HeraldDawn of the Herald DogmatikalamityDogmatikalamity
DoriadoDoriado's Blessing Earth ChantEarth Chant End of the WorldEnd of the World
Final Ritual of the AncientsFinal Ritual of the Ancients Forbidden Arts of the GishkiForbidden Arts of the Gishki Fortress WhaleFortress Whale's Oath
Garma Sword OathGarma Sword Oath Javelin Beetle PactJavelin Beetle Pact Libromancer BondedLibromancer Bonded
Machine Angel Absolute RitualMachine Angel Absolute Ritual Machine Angel RitualMachine Angel Ritual Mikanko KaguraMikanko Kagura
NovoxNovox's Prayer Odd-Eyes AdventOdd-Eyes Advent Rebirth of NephthysRebirth of Nephthys
Recete de Poisson (Fish Recipe)Recete de Poisson (Fish Recipe) Recette de Viande (Meat Recipe)Recette de Viande (Meat Recipe) Resurrection of ChakraResurrection of Chakra
Revendread OriginRevendread Origin Revival of DokuroriderRevival of Dokurorider Ritual of DestructionRitual of Destruction
Ritual of GraceRitual of Grace Sonic TrackerSonic Tracker Super Soldier RitualSuper Soldier Ritual
Underworld Ritual of PredictionUnderworld Ritual of Prediction War-Lion RitualWar-Lion Ritual Zera RitualZera Ritual

N Ritual Spell Cards

A.I.A.I.'s Ritual Armor Dragon RitualArmor Dragon Ritual Black Illusion RitualBlack Illusion Ritual
Black Luster RitualBlack Luster Ritual Black Magic RitualBlack Magic Ritual Commencement DanceCommencement Dance
Contract with the Dark MasterContract with the Dark Master Curse of the Masked BeastCurse of the Masked Beast Cycle of the WorldCycle of the World
Cynet RitualCynet Ritual Dark Dragon RitualDark Dragon Ritual Emblem of the AwakeningEmblem of the Awakening
Gishki AquamirrorGishki Aquamirror Gishki PhotomirrorGishki Photomirror Good & Evil in the Burning AbyssGood & Evil in the Burning Abyss
Hamburger RecipeHamburger Recipe Hymn of LightHymn of Light Impcantation InceptionImpcantation Inception
Incandescent OrdealIncandescent Ordeal Litmus Doom RitualLitmus Doom Ritual Luminous Dragon RitualLuminous Dragon Ritual
Nekroz MirrorNekroz Mirror Oracle of the HeraldOracle of the Herald Prediction RitualPrediction Ritual
Primal CryPrimal Cry Red-Eyes TransmigrationRed-Eyes Transmigration Revendread EvolutionRevendread Evolution
Rise of the SalamangreatRise of the Salamangreat ShinatoShinato's Ark ShinobirdShinobird's Calling
SpriteSprite's Blessing Super Soldier SynthesisSuper Soldier Synthesis Synthesis SpellSynthesis Spell
Turtle OathTurtle Oath White Dragon RitualWhite Dragon Ritual

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Ritual SpellRitual ContinuousContinuous Field SpellField

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