Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel

All SR Rarity Cards

★ Latest Events & Updates: 3rd Anniversary
March 2025 Duelist Cup
★ Banlist Updates: February 6 | March 6 | March 28
★ Newly Released Card Packs ★
The Ultimate Sparkle | Duel Experts | The Forbidden Liberated

SR Rarity Cards are Super Rare cards you can obtain in Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel. Read on to learn more about each SR card's ATK, DEF, Effect, and more!

All SR Cards

All SR Monster Cards

Card Type How to Get
"A" Cell Recombination Device - Cell "A" Corruption
"Infernoble Arms - Almace" - Ride Into the Future
Geas of the Light
1st Movement Solo - A Song of Zephyr and Petals
Geas of the Light
A Deal with Dark Ruler -
A Wild Monster Appears! -
A-Assault Core Machine Emblazoned Armor
A.I. Meet You - AI Omniscience
A.I.'s Show - AI Omniscience
Abominable Unchained Soul Fiend Roused from Destruction
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Name of Champions
Absolute King Back Jack Fiend The Trap in the Wicked Castle
Absorouter Dragon Dragon Shot Through Fiction
Aim For The Stars
Abyss Actor - Hyper Director Fiend The Darkness Amuses
Abyss Actor - Leading Lady Fiend The Darkness Amuses
Abyss Actor - Wild Hope Fiend The Darkness Amuses
Abyss Actors' Dress Rehearsal - Climax of the Showdown
Abyss Playhouse - Fantastic Theater - The Darkness Amuses
Climax of the Showdown
Abyss Script - Rise of the Abyss King - The Darkness Amuses
Abyss Shark Fish Cosmic Ocean
Raging God of the Sea
Accumulated Fortune -
Action Magic - Full Turn -
Adamancipator Researcher Rock Pyroxene Relinquished
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Adamancipator Risen - Raptite Rock Pyroxene Relinquished
Adamancipator Signs - Pyroxene Relinquished
Admancipator Risen - Leonite Rock Pyroxene Relinquished
Advanced Crystal Beast Cobalt Eagle Winged Beast Strong Will
Advanced Crystal Beast Sapphire Pegasus Beast Strong Will
Advanced Dark - Crystal Serpentry
Strong Will
Advanced Ritual Art - Miraculous Advent
Ruler's Mask
Guided by Fate
Inherited Unity
Aerial Recharge - Rapid Aircraft Advancement
Afterglow -
Ages of Stars and Frost - Nightmare Arrivals
New World Replete With Joy
Agido the Ancient Sentinel Fairy Strong Will
Agnimal Candle Pyro Revived Legion
Ahrima, the Wicked Warden Fiend Rulers of Darkness
Illusion Beast's Roar
Aileron Machine Singular Strike Overthrow
Aiza the Dragoness of Deranged Devotion Dragon Dragons' Reincarnation
Akashic Magician Spellcaster
Albaz the Ashen Dragon Alba Abyss
Fighting Spirit of Sparking Iron
Aleister the Invoker Spellcaster Seekers of Witchcraft
Alice, Lady of Lament Fiend Mysterious Labyrinth
Illusion Beast's Roar
Alien Ammonite Reptile Cell "A" Corruption
Alien Overlord Reptile Cell "A" Corruption
Alien Stealthbuster Reptile Cell "A" Corruption
All-Out Attacks -
Allure of Darkness - The Infinite Void
Duel Experts
Allure Queen LV7 Spellcaster
Ally of Justice Catastor Machine Justice Before Attribute
Ally of Justice Cycle Reader Machine Justice Before Attribute
Ally of Justice Cyclone Creator Machine Justice Before Attribute
Ally of Justice Light Gazer Machine Justice Before Attribute
Aloof Lupine Beast Forest Friends
Altergeist Hexstia Spellcaster Electron Illusions
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Nightmare Arrivals
Altergeist Marionetter Spellcaster Electron Illusions
Altergeist Meluseek Spellcaster Electron Illusions
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Altergeist Silquitous Spellcaster Electron Illusions
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Aluber the Jester of Despia Fairy Ruler's Mask
Refined Blade
Beginning of Turmoil
Theme Chronicle Banlist
The Opening Act of an Apocalypse
Beginning of the Next Journey
Name of Champions
Aim For The Stars
Amabie Fairy
Amano-Iwato Rock Souls of Sublime Gods
Amaterasu Fairy Souls of Sublime Gods
Amaze Attraction Cyclo-Coaster - The Darkness Amuses
Amazement Attendant Comica Machine The Darkness Amuses
Rage of Chaos
Amazing Time Ticket - The Darkness Amuses
Amazoness Archer Warrior Theme Chronicle Banlist
Amazoness Call - Warriors Unite!
Blessings of Nature
Amazoness Empress Warrior Warriors Unite!
Amazoness Hot Spring - Blessings of Nature
Amazoness Pet Liger Beast Warriors Unite!
Amazoness Pet Liger King Beast Blessings of Nature
Amazoness Spiritualist Warrior Blessings of Nature
Amazoness Village - Warriors Unite!
Amazoness War Chief Warrior Blessings of Nature
Amorphactor Pain, the Imagination Dracoverlord Dragon Advanced Warriors
Theme Chronicle Banlist
True Dracos' Forging
Amorphage Goliath Dragon Advanced Warriors
True Dracos' Forging
Amphibious Swarmship Amblowhale Machine Colossal Mech
Record of Noble Spirits
Ancient Chant - The Great Olds
The Ones Who Serve Ra
Ancient City - Rainbow Ruins - Crystal Serpentry
Ancient Gear Advance - Advance of Great Forces
Ancient Gear Ballista Machine Gargantuan Gears
Ancient Gear Catapult - Gargantuan Gears
Ancient Gear Commander Machine Advance of Great Forces
Ancient Gear Dragon Machine Advance of Great Forces
Ancient Gear Fusion - Gargantuan Gears
Fusion Potential
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Advance of Great Forces
Ancient Gear Gadget Machine Gargantuan Gears
Shifting Gears
Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon Machine Gargantuan Gears
Shifting Gears
Ancient Gear Golem - Ultimate Pound Machine Gargantuan Gears
Ancient Gear Hydra Machine Gargantuan Gears
Shifting Gears
Ancient Gear Wyvern Machine Gargantuan Gears
Ancient Leaf -
Ancient Warriors - Ambitious Cao De Beast-Warrior Legends of Old
Ancient Warriors - Masterful Sun Mou Beast-Warrior Legends of Old
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Ancient Warriors - Savage Don Ying Beast-Warrior Passage of the Sun
Ancient Warriors - Virtuous Liu Xuan Beast-Warrior Legends of Old
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Ancient Warriors Saga - Deception and Betrayal - Passage of the Sun
And the Band Played On - Theme Chronicle Banlist
Angel of Zera Fairy
Angel Statue - Azurune - Life Finds a Way
Chaotic Showtime
Angelica, Princess of Noble arms Warrior Ride Into the Future
Angelica's Angelic Ring - Ride Into the Future
Angello Vaalmonica Fairy Lord of Dimensions
Angraecum Umbrella Spellcaster
Animadorned Archosaur Dinosaur Prehistoric Beast Advance
Ante -
Anti-Aircraft Flower Plant
Anti-Magic Arrows -
Anti-Spell Fragrance - Theme Chronicle Banlist
Apophis the Swamp Deity - Inherited Unity
The Ones Who Serve Ra
Chaotic Showtime
Appliancer Socketroll Machine Electrilyrical
Appliancer Test - Electrilyrical
Apprentice Illusion Magician Spellcaster Darkest Magics
Aqua Chorus Round -
Aqua Story - Urashima -
Arcana Force EX - The Dark Ruler Fairy Hand of Fate
Arcana Knight Joker Warrior Pledge of Sword
Arcana Reading - Hand of Fate
Arcanite Magician Spellcaster Synchro Mode Change
Arcanite Magician/Assault Mode Spellcaster Synchro Mode Change
Archfiend Black Skull Dragon Dragon The Cerise in the Ebony
1st Anniversary - The Cerise in the Ebony
Invincible Aces
Archfiend Eccentrick Fiend The Forbidden Liberated
Archfiend Empress Fiend
Archfiend Heiress Fiend The Cost of Dark Powers
Archfiend's Awakening Fiend
Archfiend's Call Fiend
Archfiend's Ghastly Glitch - Mysterious Labyrinth
The Trap in the Wicked Castle
The Forbidden Liberated
Archfiend's Manifestation Fiend
Archfiend’s Ascent Fiend
Archnemeses Eschatos Dragon Interdimensional Interlopers
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Ariane the Labrynth Servant Fiend Mysterious Labyrinth
The Trap in the Wicked Castle
Arianna the Labrynth Servant Fiend Mysterious Labyrinth
The Trap in the Wicked Castle
Blazing Arena
Aim For The Stars
Arionpos, Serpent of the Ghoti Fish The Synchronized Cosmos
Treasures of the Cosmic Ocean
Armades, Keeper of Boundaries Fiend
Armageddon Designator -
Armageddon Knight Warrior Invincible Aces
Armed Dragon LV10 Dragon
Armed Dragon Thunder LV7 Dragon Monster Overdrive
Armed Dragon, the Armored Dragon Dragon Monster Overdrive
Armed Neos Warrior Climax of the Showdown
Armillyre, the Starleader Dragon Dragon
Armored Bitron Cyberse
Armored Kappa Psychic
Armored Xyz - Blazing Arena
Armory Arm Machine Scrap Iron Soldiers
Revival of Legends
Armory Call - Awakening of the Ancients
Guided by Fate
A Dance Dedicated to the Heavens
Victory in Progress
Aroma Gardening - Blooming in Adversity
Advance of Great Forces
Aromage Jasmine Plant Blooming in Adversity
Aromalilith Magnolia Plant Advance of Great Forces
Blooming in Adversity
Aromaseraphy Rosemary Plant Blooming in Adversity
Aron, the Ogdoadic King Reptile Gods of Abyss and Arcadia
Eternal Partners
Sacred Imperial Tomb
Arrivalrivals -
Artemis, the Magistus Moon Maiden Spellcaster Knowledge of the Mythlords
Seekers of Witchcraft
Artifact Dagda Fairy Awakening of the Ancients
Sisters of the Light
Artifact Durendal Fairy Awakening of the Ancients
Sisters of the Light
Artifact Ignition - Awakening of the Ancients
Sisters of the Light
Artifact Lancea Fairy Awakening of the Ancients
Sisters of the Light
Artifact Moralltach Fairy Awakening of the Ancients
Sisters of the Light
Artorigus, King of the Noble Knights Warrior Guided by the Noble Blade
Ascator, Dawnwalker Spellcaster Terra Firma Transcendants
Ascension Sky Dragon Dragon
Ashura King Warrior Heroic Warriors
Outlaws from the Inferno
Askaan, the Bicorned Ghoti Fish The Synchronized Cosmos
Treasures of the Cosmic Ocean
Asset Mountis Insect Advance of Great Forces
Asymmetaphys - Interdimensional Interlopers
Athena Fairy Life Finds a Way
Atlantean Dragoons Sea Serpent Forgotten City Dwellers
Atlantean Heavy Infantry Sea Serpent Forgotten City Dwellers
Atlantean Marksman Sea Serpent Forgotten City Dwellers
Attack Guidance Armor - The Masters Saga
Aussa the Earth Charmer, Immovable Spellcaster Spiritual Mastery
The Ultimate Traditional Art
Hope Sprouting in the Spring Breeze
Avida, Rebuilder of Worlds Cyberse Star-Studded Futures
Awakening of Veidos - Dragons' Reincarnation
Ayers Rock Sunrise - Forest Friends
Azamina Debtors - The Forbidden Liberated
Azamina Mu Rcielago Illusion The Forbidden Liberated
Azure-Eyes Silver Dragon Dragon The Azure in the Ivory
1st Anniversary - The Azure in the Ivory
Blue-Eyes Max
B-Buster Drake Machine Emblazoned Armor
B.E.S. Big Core MK-3 Machine Galaxy War
Babycerasaurus Dinosaur Prehistoric Beast Advance
Back to the Front - Revival of Legends
Baku the Beast Ninja Beast Hidden Arts of Shadows
Balameuniere de Nouvelles Beast-Warrior Singularity Warrior
A Full Course of Magic
Balancer Lord Cyberse Burning Spirits
Banishing Trap Hole - Return of the King
Mother Nature's Snare
Banishment of the Darklords - Deceitful Wings of Darkness
The Opening Act of an Apocalypse
Baromet the Sacred Sheep Shrub Plant Dreaded Conspiracy
Barrage Blast - Dreadnought Advance
Xyz Explosion
Barrel Dragon Machine
Barricadeborg Blocker Machine
Barrier Statue of the Abyss Fiend Theme Chronicle Banlist
Barrier Statue of the Drought Rock Theme Chronicle Banlist
Barrier Statue of the Heavens Fairy Theme Chronicle Banlist
Barrier Statue of the Inferno Pyro Theme Chronicle Banlist
Barrier Statue of the Stormwinds Winged Beast Theme Chronicle Banlist
Barrier Statue of the Torrent Aqua Theme Chronicle Banlist
Basal Rose Shoot - Exquisite Jet-Black Rose
Inherited Unity
Batteryman 9-Volt Thunder Electrilyrical
Burst of Zapping Energy!
Batteryman Industrial Strength Thunder Electrilyrical
Burst of Zapping Energy!
Battle Fusion - Fusion Potential
Battlewasp - Ballista the Armageddon Insect Insect Metamorphosis
Battlewasp - Hama the Conquering Bow Insect Insect Metamorphosis
Battlin' Boxer Lead Yoke Warrior Blazing Warriors
Battlin' Boxer Promoter Warrior Blazing Arena
Baxia, Brightness of the Yang Zing Wyrm Dragon Spirit
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Guardian of the Sacred Summit
Beast King Barbaros Beast-Warrior Hope Sprouting in the Spring Breeze
Beast Machine King Barbaros Ür Beast-Warrior
Beast-Eyes Pendulum Dragon Dragon
Beat Cop from the Underworld Fiend
Beat, Bladesman fur Hire Warrior Vessels of Freedom
The Synchronized Cosmos
Beatraptor Dinosaur Prehistoric Beast Advance
Beautunaful Princess Fish Rulers of the Deep
Beelze of the Diabolic Dragons Dragon
Beetrooper Armor Horn Insect Invincible Raid
Recollection of the Story
Beetle Troops Roll Out
Record of Noble Spirits
Name of Champions
Beetrooper Cruel Saturnas Insect Record of Noble Spirits
Beetrooper Descent - Invincible Raid
Beetle Troops Roll Out
Beetrooper Fly & Sting -
Benghalancer the Resurgent Plant Seedling Soul Fey
Berfomet the Mythical King of Phantom Beasts Fiend Nightmare Arrivals
Illusion Beast's Roar
Berserk Dragon Zombie
Berserkion the Electromagna Warrior Rock Scientific Analysis
Binary Blader Cyberse
Binary Sorceress Cyberse Hope Sprouting in the Spring Breeze
Birth of the Prominence Flame -
Black Brutdrago Dragon
Black Dragon Collapserpent Dragon Dragons' Reincarnation
Black Dragon Ninja Beast The Hidden Arts
Black Fang Magician Spellcaster Counterswing Mages
Theme Chronicle Banlist
1st Anniversary - Counterswing Mages
Black Feather Whirlwind - Blackwing's Pride
Black Garden - Exquisite Jet-Black Rose
Black Illusion -
Black Luster Soldier - Super Soldier Warrior Inevitability of Chaos
Spiral Spear Strike
Black Salvo Machine
Black Whirlwind - Soaring on Darkest Wings
Blackwing's Pride
Black-Winged Dragon Dragon Soaring on Darkest Wings
Blackwing's Pride
Blackfeather Darkrage Dragon Dragon Soaring on Darkest Wings
Blackwing - Boreastorm the Wicked Wind Winged Beast Blackwing's Pride
Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind Winged Beast Soaring on Darkest Wings
Blackwing's Pride
Blackwing - Gofu the Vague Shadow Winged Beast Theme Chronicle Banlist
Blackwing - Gram the Shining Star Winged Beast Soaring on Darkest Wings
Blackwing - Shamal the Sandstorm Winged Beast Blackwing's Pride
Blackwing - Simoon the Poison Wind Winged Beast Soaring on Darkest Wings
Blackwing's Pride
Blackwing - Steam the Cloak Winged Beast Theme Chronicle Banlist
Blackwing's Pride
Blackwing - Twin Shadow - Blackwing's Pride
Blackwing - Vayu the Emblem of Honor Winged Beast Soaring on Darkest Wings
Blackwing's Pride
Blackwing Armed Wing Winged Beast Soaring on Darkest Wings
Blackwing's Pride
Blaze, Supreme Ruler of All Dragons Dragon Outlaws from the Inferno
Blazing Mirror Force -
Blessing of the Voiceless Voice Spell Wings of the Guardian
Blizzard Princess Spellcaster
Block Dragon Rock
Blood Mefist Fiend
Bloom Harmonist the Melodious Composer Fairy A Song of Zephyr and Petals
Geas of the Light
Bloom Prima the Melodious Choir Fairy A Song of Zephyr and Petals
Blowback Dragon Machine
Blue Dragon Ninja Sea Serpent The Hidden Arts
Blue-Blooded Oni Zombie Xyz Explosion
Blue-Eyes Twin Burst Dragon Dragon The Azure in the Ivory
Revival of Legends
1st Anniversary - The Azure in the Ivory
Blue-Eyes Max
Blue-Eyes Tyrant Dragon Dragon The Newborn Dragon
Blue-Eyes Max
The Masters Saga
Bone Archfiend Fiend Return of the King
Boogie Trap - Mother Nature's Snare
Book of Eclipse - Beastly Claws of Terror
Return of the King
Duel Experts
Book of Lunar Eclipse - Beastly Claws of Terror
Return of the King
Boompoline!! -
Boot Sector Launch - Shot Through Fiction
Aim For The Stars
Boot Staggered Cyberse
Borrelguard Dragon Dragon Shot Through Fiction
Boss Rush - Galaxy War
Bownty -
Brain Golem Fiend
Brain Research Lab -
Branded Banishment - Alba Abyss
The Opening Act of an Apocalypse
Aim For The Stars
Branded Befallen - Climax of the Showdown
Dragon Kings from the Abyss
Branded in High Spirits - Refined Blade
Alba Abyss
Fighting Spirit of Sparking Iron
Aim For The Stars
Branded in White - Ruler's Mask
Alba Abyss
Fighting Spirit of Sparking Iron
Aim For The Stars
Branded Regained - Climax of the Showdown
Dragon Kings from the Abyss
Aim For The Stars
Break The Destiny - Refined Blade
Breakthrough Skill -
Breath of the Tistina - Return of the King
Crystal Realm Defier
Brightest, Blazing, Branded King - Beginning of the Next Journey
Aim For The Stars
Brionac, the Magical Ice Dragon Sea Serpent Wings of the Guardian
Brohunder Thunder
Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Bear Beast-Warrior Guardians of Fire
Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Eland Beast-Warrior Guardians of Fire
Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Horse Prince Beast-Warrior Guardians of Fire
Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Peacock Beast-Warrior Guardians of Fire
Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Spirit Beast-Warrior Guardians of Fire
Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Swan Beast Guardians of Fire
Brute Enforcer Cyberse Fires of Scorching Bonds
Bujin Arasuda Beast-Warrior Bujin's Vault of Heaven
Bujin Hiruko Beast-Warrior
Bujin Hirume Beast-Warrior
Bujin Mahitotsu Beast-Warrior Bujin's Vault of Heaven
Bujin Mikazuchi Beast-Warrior Bujin's Vault of Heaven
Bujin Torifune Beast-Warrior Bujin's Vault of Heaven
Bujin Yamato Beast-Warrior Bujin's Vault of Heaven
Bujingi Crane Winged Beast Bujin's Vault of Heaven
Bujingi Quilin Beast Bujin's Vault of Heaven
Bujinki Ahashima Beast-Warrior Bujin's Vault of Heaven
Burial from a Different Dimension -
Burner, Dragon Ruler of Sparks Dragon
Burning Soul -
Buster Blader, The Destruction Swordmaster Warrior Warriors of Legend
Buster Dragon Dragon Warriors of Legend
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Butterfly Dagger - Elma - Theme Chronicle Banlist
Bye Bye Damage -
Bystial Baldrake Dragon Climax of the Showdown
Dragon Kings from the Abyss
Aim For The Stars
Duel Experts
Bystial Druiswurm Dragon Climax of the Showdown
Dragon Kings from the Abyss
Aim For The Stars
Duel Experts
Bystial Saronir Dragon Climax of the Showdown
Dragon Kings from the Abyss
Aim For The Stars
C-Crush Wyvern Machine Emblazoned Armor
Cactus Bouncer Plant
Cairngorgon, Antiluminescent Knight Rock
Caius the Mega Monarch Fiend Supernatural Elements
Caius the Shadow Monarch Fiend
Call of the Haunted -
Camelot, Realm of Noble Knights and Noble Arms - Ride Into the Future
Cannon Soldier Machine Theme Chronicle Banlist
Cannon Soldier MK-2 Machine Theme Chronicle Banlist
Card Guard Fiend
Card of Demise -
Card of the Soul -
Cards from the Sky - Guardians of the Sacred Sky
Cards of Consonance -
Carnot the Eternal Machine Machine Outlaws from the Inferno
Castle Gate Rock
Catalyst Field - Scientific Analysis
Catche Eve L2 Cyberse
Ceasefire -
Celestial Double Star Shaman Fairy
Celestial Observatory -
Centaur Mina Beast-Warrior Beyond Speed
The Noble Knights of Crimson Flowers
Centur-Ion Trudea Pyro Eternal Partners
Eternal Partners
Centur-Ion True Awakening - Eternal Partners
Eternal Partners
Cerulean Sacred Phoenix of Nephthys Winged Beast Roused from Destruction
Recollection of the Story
Cerulean Skyfire - World Cloaked in Magical Power
Chain Hole - Mother Nature's Snare
Chain Summoning -
Chamber Dragonmaid Dragon Dragon Luster
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Changshi the Spiridao Zombie Immortal Glory
Chaos Archfiend Fiend Rage of Chaos
Chaos Emperor, the Dragon of Armageddon Dragon Inevitability of Chaos
Rage of Chaos
Chaos Hunter Fiend
Chaos Mirage Dragon Wyrm Rage of Chaos
Chaos Nephthys Winged Beast Cosmic Ocean
Chaos Phantasm - Rage of Chaos
Chaos Space - Inevitability of Chaos
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Spiral Spear Strike
Aim For The Stars
Dragons' Reincarnation
Chaos Summoning Beast Fiend World Cloaked in Magical Power
Chaos Valkyria Fairy Inevitability of Chaos
Rage of Chaos
Charged-Up Heraldry - Altered Heraldry
Charging Gaia the Fierce Knight Warrior Inevitability of Chaos
Warriors of Legend
Spiral Spear Strike
Chef's Special Recipe - Singularity Warrior
A Full Course of Magic
Chevalier de Fleur Warrior Beyond Speed
The Noble Knights of Crimson Flowers
Chimera Fusion - Nightmare Arrivals
Illusion Beast's Roar
Chimera the Illusion Beast Illusion Nightmare Arrivals
Illusion Beast's Roar
Chimeratech Overdragon Machine Pearlescent Cyber Dragons
Revived Legion
Chimeratech Rampage Dragon Machine Pearlescent Cyber Dragons
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Chocolate Magician Girl Spellcaster Vortex of Magic
Choju of the Trillion Hands Fairy
Chronograph Sorcerer Spellcaster Counterswing Mages
Stalwart Force
1st Anniversary - Counterswing Mages
Chronomaly Crystal Chrononaut Psychic Timeworn Legacies
Chronomaly Crystal Skull Rock Timeworn Legacies
Chronomaly Nebra Disk Machine Timeworn Legacies
Chronomaly Technology - Timeworn Legacies
Chthonian Emperor Dragon Dragon
Circle of the Fire Kings - Roused from Destruction
Lord of Dimensions
Citadel Whale Fish Rulers of the Deep
Cosmic Ocean
Raging God of the Sea
Clear Kuriboh Fairy
Clear Vice Dragon Dragon
Clear World -
Click & Echo Sea Serpent
Clorless, Chaos King of Dark World Fusion Blazing Arena
Closed Forest - Forest Friends
Cloudian - Eye of The Typhoon Aqua
Cloudian - Turbulence Fairy
Cloudian Aerosol -
Coach Soldier Wolfbark Beast-Warrior
Code Talker Inverted Cyberse Soldiers from the Storm
Theme Chronicle Banlist
1st Anniversary - Soldiers from the Storm
Codebreaker Virus Berserker Warrior
Colossal Fighter/Assault Mode Warrior Synchro Mode Change
Conbirdable Winged Beast Tricky Reception
Concours de Cuisine (Culinary Confrontation) - Singularity Warrior
A Full Course of Magic
Condemned Darklord Fairy Deceitful Wings of Darkness
The Opening Act of an Apocalypse
Conductor of Nephthys Spellcaster Roused from Destruction
Constellar Caduceus Spellcaster Champions of Salvation
Constellar Omega Beast-Warrior Champions of Salvation
Constellar Sombre Fairy Champions of Salvation
Contact "C" Insect
Contract with Don Thousand - Sword of the Seventh One
Coral Dragon Dragon
Cornfield Coatl Illusion Nightmare Arrivals
Illusion Beast's Roar
Cosmic Cyclone - Sword of Souls
Cosmic Horror Gangi'el Reptile Cell "A" Corruption
Cosmic Tree Irmistil Plant Geas of the Light
Counter Gate -
Couplet the Melodious Songstress Fairy Geas of the Light
Courageous Crimson Chevalier Bradamante Warrior Ride Into the Future
Geas of the Light
Cracking Dragon Machine
Crane Crane Winged Beast Indomitable Pride
Crealtar, the Impcantation Originator Fiend Miraculous Advent
Creature Swap -
Creeping Darkness -
Crimson Blader Warrior
Cross Breed - Devastation Regenerated
Cross Over -
Crusadia Equimax Cyberse Star-Studded Futures
Recollection of the Story
Crusadia Magius Spellcaster Star-Studded Futures
Crystal Abundance - Crystal Serpentry
Crystal God Tistina Aqua Return of the King
Crystal Realm Defier
Crystal Miracle - Strong Will
Crystal Skull Rock Strong Will
Blazing Arena
Crystron Citree Machine Those who Stand Against Kings
Crystron Phoenix Machine Those who Stand Against Kings
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Crystron Sulfefnir Machine Those who Stand Against Kings
Cubic Dharma - Natural Selection
Cubic Karma - Natural Selection
Curse of Aramatir - Rage of Chaos
Guided by Fate
Victory in Progress
Curse of Dragon, the Magical Knight Dragon Dragon Warriors of Legend
Cursed Bamboo Sword - A Dance Dedicated to the Heavens
Cursed Eldland - Immortal Royalty
Crystal Realm Defier
Cursed Fire King Doom Burst Fiend Tricky Reception
CXyz Barian Hope Warrior Sword of the Seventh One
CXyz Skypalace Babylon Machine Altered Heraldry
Cyber Angel Benten Fairy Souls of Sublime Gods
Galactic Evolution
Cyber Angel Izana Fairy Souls of Sublime Gods
Cyber Blader Warrior
Cyber Dragon Core Machine Pearlescent Cyber Dragons
Cyber Emergency - Pearlescent Cyber Dragons
Cyber Energy Shock -
Cyber Eternity Dragon Machine Pearlescent Cyber Dragons
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Cyber Phoenix Machine
Cyber Summon Blaster -
Cyber Twin Dragon Machine Pearlescent Cyber Dragons
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Cyber-Tech Alligator Machine
Cyberdark Cannon Dragon Pearlescent Cyber Dragons
Cyberdark Chimera Machine
Cyberdark Claw Dragon Pearlescent Cyber Dragons
Cyberdark Realm -
Cyberdarkness Dragon Machine Pearlescent Cyber Dragons
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Cybernetic Horizon -
Cyberse Accelerator Cyberse
Cyberse Converter Cyberse
Cyberse Enchanter Cyberse
Cyberse Quantum Dragon Cyberse Soldiers from the Storm
1st Anniversary - Soldiers from the Storm
Singularity Warrior
Cyberse White Hat Cyberse
Cyclos the Circular Sprite Plant Advance of Great Forces
Cynet Codec - Soldiers from the Storm
Revival of Legends
1st Anniversary - Soldiers from the Storm
D - Force - Shrouded Heroes
D.D Esper Star Sparrow Warrior
D.D. Crow Winged Beast Mighty Contenders
Wings that Span the Sky
Duel Experts
D.D. Dynamite - Theme Chronicle Banlist
D/D Dog Fiend
D/D Gryphon Fiend Invincible Raid
D/D Swirl Slime Fiend Cross-Dimensional Contracts
D/D/D Abyss King Gilgamesh Fiend Cross-Dimensional Contracts
Theme Chronicle Banlist
D/D/D Chaos King Apocalypse Fiend
D/D/D Destiny King Zero Laplace Fiend
D/D/D Dragonbane King Beowulf Fiend Cross-Dimensional Contracts
D/D/D Flame King Genghis Fiend Cross-Dimensional Contracts
Theme Chronicle Banlist
D/D/D Marksman King Tell Fiend
D/D/D Oblivion King Abyss Ragnarok Fiend Cross-Dimensional Contracts
Theme Chronicle Banlist
D/D/D Rebel King Leonidas Fiend Cross-Dimensional Contracts
D/D/D Supersight King Zero Maxwell Fiend
D/D/D Vice King Requiem Fiend Invincible Raid
D/D/D Wave King Caesar Fiend Cross-Dimensional Contracts
D/D/D/D Super Dimensional Sovereign Emperor Zero Paradox Fiend Inherited Unity
Dai Dance -
Daigusto Gulldos Psychic Ties to Mother Nature
Daigusto Laplampilica Psychic Ties to Mother Nature
Daigusto Phoenix Pyro Ties to Mother Nature
Daigusto Sphreez Psychic Ties to Mother Nature
Dakki, the Graceful Mayakashi Zombie Fires of This World and The Next
Danger! Nessie! Aqua Emerging Monstrosity Recon!
Recollection of the Story
Danger!? Jackalope? Beast Emerging Monstrosity Recon!
Outlaws from the Inferno
Danger!? Tsuchinoko? Reptile Emerging Monstrosity Recon!
Outlaws from the Inferno
Dangerous Frightfur Nightmary Fiend Fiendish Playthings
Dangerous Machine Type-6 -
Dante, Pilgrim of the Burning Abyss Fairy Fiendish Encounter
Dark Anthelion Dragon Dragon Ruler's Mask
Dark Armed Dragon Dragon Monster Overdrive
Dark Beckoning Beast Fiend World Cloaked in Magical Power
Eternal Partners
Dark Bribe -
Dark Calling - Transfigured Heroes
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Dark Cavalry Spellcaster Darkest Magics
Dark Contract with the Gate - Cross-Dimensional Contracts
Invincible Raid
Dark Corridor - Blazing Arena
Dark Dimension Soldier Warrior
Dark Diviner Fiend
Dark Element Spell Wings of the Guardian
Dark End Dragon Dragon
Dark End Evaporation Dragon Dragon Dragons' Reincarnation
Dark Flattop Machine
Dark Fusion - Transfigured Heroes
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Dark Grepher Warrior
Dark Guardian Warrior Wings of the Guardian
Dark Highlander Fiend
Dark Hole - Revival of Legends
Sword of Souls
Dark Infant @Ignister Cyberse AI Omniscience
Dark Lucius LV8 Fiend
Dark Magic Mirror Force - Geas of the Light
Dark Magical Circle - Darkest Magics
Vortex of Magic
Dark Magician Girl Spellcaster Darkest Magics
Vortex of Magic
Dark Magician the Dragon Knight Dragon Darkest Magics
Vortex of Magic
Dark Magician the Magician of Black Magic Spellcaster Geas of the Light
Dark Master - Zorc Fiend

All SR Trap Cards

Card How to Get
A.I.'s Show AI Omniscience
・Master Pack
Accumulated Fortune ・Master Pack
Aerial Recharge Rapid Aircraft Advancement
・Master Pack
All-Out Attacks
・Legacy Pack
Amaze Attraction Cyclo-Coaster The Darkness Amuses
・Master Pack
Amazoness Hot Spring Blessings of Nature
・Master Pack
And the Band Played On Theme Chronicle Banlist

・Legacy Pack
Angel Statue - Azurune Life Finds a Way
Chaotic Showtime
・Master Pack
Anti-Spell Fragrance Theme Chronicle Banlist
・Master Pack
Apophis the Swamp Deity Inherited Unity
The Ones Who Serve Ra
Chaotic Showtime
・Master Pack
Aqua Story - Urashima
・Legacy Pack
Archfiend's Ghastly Glitch Mysterious Labyrinth
The Trap in the Wicked Castle
The Forbidden Liberated
・Master Pack
Armageddon Designator
・Legacy Pack
Armory Call Awakening of the Ancients
Guided by Fate
A Dance Dedicated to the Heavens
Victory in Progress
・Master Pack
Attack Guidance Armor The Masters Saga
・Master Pack
Back to the Front Revival of Legends
・Master Pack
Banishing Trap Hole Return of the King
Mother Nature's Snare
・Master Pack
Barrage Blast Dreadnought Advance
Xyz Explosion
・Master Pack
Beetrooper Fly & Sting ・Master Pack
Black Illusion
・Legacy Pack
Blackwing - Twin Shadow Blackwing's Pride
・Master Pack
Blazing Mirror Force ・Master Pack
Boompoline!! ・Master Pack
Branded Banishment Alba Abyss
The Opening Act of an Apocalypse
Aim For The Stars
・Master Pack
Branded Befallen Climax of the Showdown
Dragon Kings from the Abyss
・Master Pack
Break The Destiny Refined Blade
・Master Pack
Breakthrough Skill ・Master Pack
Brightest, Blazing, Branded King Beginning of the Next Journey
Aim For The Stars
・Master Pack
Bye Bye Damage ・Master Pack
Call of the Haunted
・Legacy Pack
・Legacy Pack
Centur-Ion True Awakening Eternal Partners
Eternal Partners
・Master Pack
Chain Hole Mother Nature's Snare
・Master Pack
Chaos Phantasm Rage of Chaos
・Master Pack
Chef's Special Recipe Singularity Warrior
A Full Course of Magic
・Master Pack
Counter Gate
・Legacy Pack
Crystal Miracle Strong Will
・Master Pack
Cyber Summon Blaster
・Legacy Pack
D.D. Dynamite Theme Chronicle Banlist

・Legacy Pack
Dai Dance
・Legacy Pack
Dark Bribe ・Master Pack
Dark Magic Mirror Force Geas of the Light
・Master Pack
Dark Sacrifice
・Legacy Pack
Dark Spell Regeneration The Great Olds
The Ones Who Serve Ra
・Master Pack
Dark World Punishment Dreaded Conspiracy
・Master Pack
Darklord Rebellion Deceitful Wings of Darkness
The Opening Act of an Apocalypse
・Master Pack
Debunk Hidden Arts of Shadows
・Master Pack
Deck Devastation Virus Rulers of Darkness
Illusion Beast's Roar
・Master Pack
Destined Rivals Darkest Magics
The Azure in the Ivory
Vortex of Magic
1st Anniversary - The Azure in the Ivory
Blue-Eyes Max
・Master Pack
Destiny Board Theme Chronicle Banlist
The Trap in the Wicked Castle
・Master Pack
Different Dimension Ground ・Master Pack
Dimensional Barrier Duel Experts
・Master Pack
Dimensional Prison Rescue Team, Emergency Dispatch!
・Master Pack
Dinomists Howling Advanced Warriors
・Master Pack
Dinomorphia Frenzy Beginning of Turmoil
Theme Chronicle Banlist
・Master Pack
Dinomorphia Intact Transcendentalism
・Master Pack
Dinomorphia Reversion Invincible Raid
・Master Pack
Divine Punishment Guardians of the Sacred Sky
・Master Pack
Doodlebook - Uh uh uh! Passage of the Sun
・Master Pack
Double Dai Dragons' Reincarnation
・Master Pack
Double Payback
・Legacy Pack
Drastic Drop Off
・Legacy Pack
Draw Discharge ・Master Pack
Drop Off
・Legacy Pack
Drowning Mirror Force ・Master Pack
Eldlixir of Scarlet Sanguine Immortal Royalty
Crystal Realm Defier
・Master Pack
Emergeroid Call Roid Nexus
・Master Pack
Eradicator Epidemic Virus Rulers of Darkness
Illusion Beast's Roar
・Master Pack
Eternal Favorite Eternal Partners
・Master Pack
Evenly Matched Mighty Contenders
Name of Champions
Duel Experts
・Master Pack
Evil Eye Mesmerism The Cost of Dark Powers
・Master Pack
Evo-Singularity ・Master Pack
Exchange of Despair and Hope Strong Will
The Ones Who Serve Ra
・Master Pack
Exchange of the Spirit The Ones Who Serve Ra

・Legacy Pack
Exosister Returnia Sprites of Miracle
Sisters of the Light
・Master Pack
Exosister Vadis Valiant Wings
Valiant Wings
Sisters of the Light
・Master Pack
Fake Feather
・Legacy Pack
Fiend Comedian
・Legacy Pack
Fiery Fervor
・Legacy Pack
Final Fusion Fusion Potential
・Master Pack
Forge a New Future New Step for Duelists
・Master Pack
Frozen Domain of the Ice Barrier Wings of the Guardian
・Master Pack
Full Force Virus Rulers of Darkness
Illusion Beast's Roar
・Master Pack
Fusion Duplication Record of Noble Spirits
A Full Course of Magic
・Master Pack
Geargiagear Shifting Gears
・Master Pack
Gemini Ablation ・Master Pack
Generaider Boss Fight Worthy Adversaries
Xyz Explosion
Adventure of Mystical Etchings
・Master Pack
Get Out! ・Master Pack
Ghostrick Break Mischievous Specters
・Master Pack
Ghostrick or Treat The Newborn Dragon
Tricky Reception
・Master Pack
Ghostrick Renovation Mischievous Specters
Ghostrick Purrely
・Master Pack
Ghoti Chain The Synchronized Cosmos
Treasures of the Cosmic Ocean
・Master Pack
Giant Star Fall Refined Blade
・Master Pack
Gladiator Beast War Chariot Valiant Gladiator Beasts
・Master Pack
Gleipnir, the Fetters of Fenrir Astral Trinity of Gods
Invincible Raid
・Master Pack
Goblin Biker Grand Pileup Outlaws from the Inferno
・Master Pack
Goblin Biker Grand Stampede Outlaws from the Inferno
・Master Pack
Golden Land Forever! Immortal Royalty
Crystal Realm Defier
・Master Pack
Gozen Match Theme Chronicle Banlist
・Master Pack
Graceful Tear
・Legacy Pack
Gravedigger's Trap Hole Mother Nature's Snare
・Master Pack
・Legacy Pack
Grinning Grave Virus Rulers of Darkness
Illusion Beast's Roar
・Master Pack
Grisaille Prison ・Master Pack
Halfway to Forever Champions of Hope
・Master Pack
Heavy Storm Duster ・Master Pack
Hope for Escape
・Legacy Pack
How Did Dai Get Here? ・Master Pack
Hyper Blaze World Cloaked in Magical Power
・Master Pack
Hysteric Party Glory on Wings
・Master Pack
Icarus Attack Blackwing's Pride
・Master Pack
Ice Barrier Ruler's Mask
・Master Pack
Ice Dragon's Prison Dragon Knight Gorge
Mighty Contenders
Duel Experts
・Master Pack
Imperial Custom
・Legacy Pack
Imperial Iron Wall ・Master Pack
Imperial Tombs of Necrovalley Guardian of Kings
・Master Pack
Infernity Barrier The Infinite Void
・Master Pack
Intimidating Ore - Summonite Dreaded Conspiracy
・Master Pack
Jar of Avarice ・Master Pack
Joker's Wild Pledge of Sword
・Master Pack
Just Desserts
・Legacy Pack
Karma Cut ・Master Pack
Kashtira Big Bang Flame of Fury
A Warrior of Seething Anger
・Master Pack
Kingyo Sukui ・Master Pack
Labrynth Barrage Mysterious Labyrinth
The Trap in the Wicked Castle
・Master Pack
Laundry Trap
・Legacy Pack
Libromancer Displaced Heroic Warriors
Fires of Scorching Bonds
・Master Pack
Libromancer Intervention Heroic Warriors
Fires of Scorching Bonds
・Master Pack
Life Shaver The Masters Saga
・Master Pack
Linear Equation Cannon
・Legacy Pack
Lose 1 Turn ・Master Pack
Macro Cosmos ・Master Pack
Magic Cylinder Valiant Wings
Shot Through Fiction
・Master Pack
Magic Deflector ・Master Pack
Magical Cylinders Valiant Wings
Shot Through Fiction
・Master Pack
Magical Hats
・Legacy Pack
Magical Trick Mirror The Masters Saga
・Master Pack
Mannadium Reframing Beginning of the Next Journey
New World Replete With Joy
・Master Pack
Marshalling Field Altered Heraldry
Colossal Mech
Timeworn Legacies
・Master Pack
Mask of Restrict ・Master Pack
Matching Outfits
・Legacy Pack
Mind Crush
・Legacy Pack
Mirror Force Revival of Legends
Shot Through Fiction
・Master Pack
Mirror Force Launcher Shot Through Fiction
・Master Pack
Mistake Theme Chronicle Banlist
・Master Pack
Monster Rebirth Legacy Pack
・Master Pack
Monster Rebone ・Master Pack
Morphtronic Impact Return Sprites of Miracle
・Master Pack
Multiple Destruction ・Master Pack
Musakani Magatama Great Shogun's Rule
・Master Pack
Naturia Sacred Tree Denizens of Sacred Tree Grove
・Master Pack
Necro Fusion ・Master Pack
Needlebug Nest ・Master Pack
Nega-Ton Corepanel Iron Core Synthetics
・Master Pack
Nemleria Repeter Indomitable Pride
Sugar-Suffused Reverie
・Master Pack
NEXT Neo Space Comrades
・Master Pack
Nightmare Archfiends
・Legacy Pack
Nine Pillars of Yang Zing Dragon Spirit
Guardian of the Sacred Summit
・Master Pack
Ninjitsu Art of Dancing Leaves Hidden Arts of Shadows
・Master Pack
Ninjitsu Art of Mirage-Transformation The Hidden Arts
Hidden Arts of Shadows
・Master Pack
Offering to the Snake Deity Curse of the Serpent
Sacred Imperial Tomb
・Master Pack
Ojama Pajama
・Legacy Pack
Ojama Trio Prank Panic!
Theme Chronicle Banlist
・Master Pack
Orcust Crescendo Star-Studded Futures
Invincible Aces
・Master Pack
Peaceful Burial ・Master Pack
Pendulum Area
・Legacy Pack
Pendulum Encore ・Master Pack
Planet Pollutant Virus Cell "A" Corruption
・Master Pack
Possessed Partnerships Spiritual Mastery
・Master Pack
Power Wall ・Master Pack
Powerhold the Moving Battery Shifting Gears
・Master Pack
Powersink Stone ・Master Pack
Present Card
・Legacy Pack
Proton Blast
・Legacy Pack
Quaking Mirror Force ・Master Pack
Raidraptor's Phantom Knights Claw Invulnerable Iron Wings
Indomitable Knights
・Master Pack
Rainbow Bridge of Salvation Strong Will
・Master Pack
Rainbow Life Crystal Serpentry
・Master Pack
Rebirth of Parshath Guardians of the Sacred Sky
・Master Pack
Recall ・Master Pack
Reckless Greed
・Legacy Pack
Red Reign Savage Crimson Dragon
1st Anniversary - Savage Crimson Dragon
Return of the King
・Master Pack
Red Zone Return of the King
・Master Pack
Redeemable Jar ・Master Pack
Relay Soul Theme Chronicle Banlist

・Legacy Pack
Retort ・Master Pack
Return from the Different Dimension Theme Chronicle Banlist
・Master Pack
Revenge Rally ・Master Pack
Reverse Trap
・Legacy Pack
Ritual Beast Steeds Ties to Mother Nature
・Master Pack
Rivalry of Warlords Theme Chronicle Banlist
・Master Pack
Royal Decree ・Master Pack
S-Force Chase Space-Time Transcendents
・Master Pack
Safe Zone Galaxy War
・Master Pack
Salamangreat Roar Blazing Fortitude
Burning Spirits
Theme Chronicle Banlist
・Master Pack
Scareclaw Alternative Battle Trajectory
Beastly Claws of Terror
・Master Pack
Scrap-Iron Scarecrow Scrap Iron Soldiers
Revival of Legends
・Master Pack
Self-Destruct Button Theme Chronicle Banlist
・Master Pack
Shaddoll Schism Enchanted Threads of Shade
・Master Pack
Shadow Impulse
・Legacy Pack
Shapesister Chaotic Showtime
・Master Pack
Shiranui Style Swallow's Slash
・Legacy Pack
Silhouhatte Trick Chaotic Showtime
・Master Pack
Sinful Spoils of Betrayal - Silvera Ride Into the Future
Victory in Progress
・Master Pack
Sinful Spoils Subdual Chaotic Showtime
・Master Pack
Sinister Yorishiro ・Master Pack
Skill Drain Theme Chronicle Banlist
・Master Pack
Skill Prisoner ・Master Pack
Solemn Warning Guardians of the Sacred Sky
Duel Experts
・Master Pack
Soul Drain ・Master Pack
Soul Energy MAX!!! Inherited Unity
The Great Olds
・Master Pack
Soul Transition
・Legacy Pack
Spatial Collapse Theme Chronicle Banlist

・Legacy Pack
Spiritual Swords of Revealing Light Stalwart Force
・Master Pack
Stained Glass of Light & Dark Valiant Wings
Valiant Wings
・Master Pack
Stardust Mirage Evoked Dragon of Miracles
・Master Pack
Stardust Re-Spark
・Legacy Pack
Starlight Road Stardust Ties
Revival of Legends
1st Anniversary - Stardust Ties
・Master Pack
Stellarnova Alpha Champions of Salvation
・Master Pack
Storm Dragon's Return ・Master Pack
Storming Mirror Force ・Master Pack
Summon Gate
・Legacy Pack
Summon Limit Theme Chronicle Banlist

・Legacy Pack
Super Soldier Shield Inevitability of Chaos
Spiral Spear Strike
・Master Pack
Synchro Call ・Master Pack
Synchro Forceback Return of the King
・Master Pack
T.G. Close Ride Into the Future
・Master Pack
Terrifying Trap Hole Nightmare Dreaded Conspiracy
Mother Nature's Snare
・Master Pack
Terror of Trishula Glacial Seal
・Master Pack
Terrors of the Afterroot Tricky Reception
・Master Pack
That Six
・Legacy Pack
The Forceful Checkpoint ・Master Pack
The Golden Apples Astral Trinity of Gods
・Master Pack
The Phantom Knights of Shade Brigandine Stalwart Force
Indomitable Knights
・Master Pack
The Transmigration Prophecy Destiny's Sorceress
・Master Pack
The Weather Rainbowed Canvas Artistic Angel
・Master Pack
Therion Cross Heroic Warriors
Fighting Spirit of Sparking Iron
・Master Pack
Threatening Roar
・Legacy Pack
Time Thief Power Reserve Eternal Partners
・Master Pack
Time to Stand Up New Step for Duelists
Return of the King
・Master Pack
Titanocider Mysterious Labyrinth
・Master Pack
Toon Terror Toontastic
・Master Pack
Transmigration Break
・Legacy Pack
Trap Dustshoot Theme Chronicle Banlist
・Master Pack
Trap of Darkness
・Legacy Pack
Trap Stun Blackwing's Pride
・Master Pack
Trap Trick Mother Nature's Snare
Duel Experts
・Master Pack
Traptrix Holeutea Dreaded Conspiracy
Mother Nature's Snare
・Master Pack
True Light The Azure in the Ivory
1st Anniversary - The Azure in the Ivory
Blue-Eyes Max
・Master Pack
Type Zero Magic Crusher
・Legacy Pack
Tyrant's Tantrum
・Legacy Pack
Tyrant's Temper
・Legacy Pack
Ultimate Crystal Magic Crystal Serpentry
・Master Pack
Ultimate Providence Ties to Mother Nature
・Master Pack
Ultimeat Offering
・Legacy Pack
Unending Nightmare Battle Trajectory
True Dracos' Forging
・Master Pack
Unification ・Master Pack
Universal Adapter Electrilyrical
Burst of Zapping Energy!
・Master Pack
Unwavering Bond True Dracos' Forging
・Master Pack
Vampire Awakening Immortal Royalty
・Master Pack
Vampire Domination Immortal Royalty
・Master Pack
Vaylantz Wave - Master Phase Revived Legion
・Master Pack
Vivid Tail Passage of the Sun
・Master Pack
Volcanic Emission Blazing Arena
・Master Pack
Wall of Revealing Light
・Legacy Pack
Warning Point Victory in Progress
Invincible Aces
・Master Pack
Waterfall of Dragon Souls Dragon Spirit
Guardian of the Sacred Summit
・Master Pack
Weighbridge Flame of Fury
・Master Pack
White Howling Rulers of the Deep
Treasures of the Cosmic Ocean
・Master Pack
Wiretap ・Master Pack
Woes of the White Forest Chaotic Showtime
・Master Pack
World Legacy Cliffhanger
・Legacy Pack
World Reassembly
・Legacy Pack
XX-clusion ・Master Pack
Xyz Universe ・Master Pack
Yosenjus' Secret Move Piercing Winds
・Master Pack
Zefra Divine Strike Enchanted Threads of Shade
Theme Chronicle Banlist
・Master Pack
Zero-Day Blaster ・Master Pack

All SR Spell Cards

Card How to Get
"A" Cell Recombination Device Cell "A" Corruption
・Master Pack
"Infernoble Arms - Almace" Ride Into the Future
Geas of the Light
・Master Pack
1st Movement Solo A Song of Zephyr and Petals
Geas of the Light
・Master Pack
A Deal with Dark Ruler ・Master Pack
A Wild Monster Appears! ・Master Pack
A.I. Meet You AI Omniscience
・Master Pack
Abyss Actors' Dress Rehearsal Climax of the Showdown
・Master Pack
Abyss Playhouse - Fantastic Theater The Darkness Amuses
Climax of the Showdown
・Master Pack
Abyss Script - Rise of the Abyss King The Darkness Amuses
・Master Pack
Action Magic - Full Turn ・Master Pack
Adamancipator Signs Pyroxene Relinquished
・Master Pack
Advanced Dark Crystal Serpentry
Strong Will
・Master Pack
Advanced Ritual Art Miraculous Advent
Ruler's Mask
Guided by Fate
Inherited Unity
・Master Pack
Afterglow ・Master Pack
Ages of Stars and Frost Nightmare Arrivals
New World Replete With Joy
・Master Pack
Allure of Darkness The Infinite Void
Duel Experts
・Master Pack
Amazing Time Ticket The Darkness Amuses
・Master Pack
Amazoness Call Warriors Unite!
Blessings of Nature
・Master Pack
Amazoness Village Warriors Unite!
・Master Pack
Ancient Chant The Great Olds
The Ones Who Serve Ra
・Master Pack
Ancient City - Rainbow Ruins Crystal Serpentry
・Master Pack
Ancient Gear Advance Advance of Great Forces
・Master Pack
Ancient Gear Catapult Gargantuan Gears
・Master Pack
Ancient Gear Fusion Gargantuan Gears
Fusion Potential
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Advance of Great Forces
・Master Pack
Ancient Leaf ・Master Pack
Ancient Warriors Saga - Deception and Betrayal Passage of the Sun
・Master Pack
Angelica's Angelic Ring Ride Into the Future
・Master Pack
Ante ・Master Pack
Anti-Magic Arrows ・Master Pack
Appliancer Test Electrilyrical
・Master Pack
Aqua Chorus Round ・Master Pack
Arcana Reading Hand of Fate
・Master Pack
Armored Xyz Blazing Arena
・Master Pack
Aroma Gardening Blooming in Adversity
Advance of Great Forces
・Master Pack
Arrivalrivals ・Master Pack
Artifact Ignition Awakening of the Ancients
Sisters of the Light
・Master Pack
Asymmetaphys Interdimensional Interlopers
・Master Pack
Awakening of Veidos Dragons' Reincarnation
・Master Pack
Ayers Rock Sunrise Forest Friends
・Master Pack
Azamina Debtors The Forbidden Liberated
・Master Pack
Banishment of the Darklords Deceitful Wings of Darkness
The Opening Act of an Apocalypse
・Master Pack
Basal Rose Shoot Exquisite Jet-Black Rose
Inherited Unity
・Master Pack
Battle Fusion Fusion Potential
・Master Pack
Beetrooper Descent Invincible Raid
Beetle Troops Roll Out
・Master Pack
Birth of the Prominence Flame ・Master Pack
Black Feather Whirlwind Blackwing's Pride
・Master Pack
Black Garden Exquisite Jet-Black Rose
・Master Pack
Black Whirlwind Soaring on Darkest Wings
Blackwing's Pride
・Master Pack
Blessing of the Voiceless Voice Wings of the Guardian
・Master Pack
Boogie Trap Mother Nature's Snare
・Master Pack
Book of Eclipse Beastly Claws of Terror
Return of the King
Duel Experts
・Master Pack
Book of Lunar Eclipse Beastly Claws of Terror
Return of the King
・Master Pack
Boot Sector Launch Shot Through Fiction
Aim For The Stars
・Master Pack
Boss Rush Galaxy War
・Master Pack
Bownty ・Master Pack
Brain Research Lab ・Master Pack
Branded in High Spirits Refined Blade
Alba Abyss
Fighting Spirit of Sparking Iron
Aim For The Stars
・Master Pack
Branded in White Ruler's Mask
Alba Abyss
Fighting Spirit of Sparking Iron
Aim For The Stars
・Master Pack
Branded Regained Climax of the Showdown
Dragon Kings from the Abyss
Aim For The Stars
・Master Pack
Breath of the Tistina Return of the King
Crystal Realm Defier
・Master Pack
Burial from a Different Dimension ・Master Pack
Burning Soul ・Master Pack
Butterfly Dagger - Elma Theme Chronicle Banlist
・Master Pack
Camelot, Realm of Noble Knights and Noble Arms Ride Into the Future
・Master Pack
Card of Demise ・Master Pack
Card of the Soul ・Master Pack
Cards from the Sky Guardians of the Sacred Sky
・Master Pack
Cards of Consonance ・Master Pack
Catalyst Field Scientific Analysis
・Master Pack
Celestial Observatory ・Master Pack
Cerulean Skyfire World Cloaked in Magical Power
・Master Pack
Chain Summoning ・Master Pack
Chaos Space Inevitability of Chaos
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Spiral Spear Strike
Aim For The Stars
Dragons' Reincarnation
・Master Pack
Charged-Up Heraldry Altered Heraldry
・Master Pack
Chimera Fusion Nightmare Arrivals
Illusion Beast's Roar
・Master Pack
Chronomaly Technology Timeworn Legacies
・Master Pack
Circle of the Fire Kings Roused from Destruction
Lord of Dimensions
・Master Pack
Clear World ・Master Pack
Closed Forest Forest Friends
・Master Pack
Cloudian Aerosol ・Master Pack
Concours de Cuisine (Culinary Confrontation) Singularity Warrior
A Full Course of Magic
・Master Pack
Contract with Don Thousand Sword of the Seventh One
・Master Pack
Cosmic Cyclone Sword of Souls
・Master Pack
Creature Swap ・Master Pack
Creeping Darkness ・Master Pack
Cross Breed Devastation Regenerated
・Master Pack
Cross Over ・Master Pack
Crystal Abundance Crystal Serpentry
・Master Pack
Cubic Dharma Natural Selection
・Master Pack
Cubic Karma Natural Selection
・Master Pack
Curse of Aramatir Rage of Chaos
Guided by Fate
Victory in Progress
・Master Pack
Cursed Bamboo Sword A Dance Dedicated to the Heavens
・Master Pack
Cursed Eldland Immortal Royalty
Crystal Realm Defier
・Master Pack
Cyber Emergency Pearlescent Cyber Dragons
・Master Pack
Cyber Energy Shock ・Master Pack
Cyberdark Realm ・Master Pack
Cybernetic Horizon ・Master Pack
Cynet Codec Soldiers from the Storm
Revival of Legends
1st Anniversary - Soldiers from the Storm
・Master Pack
D - Force Shrouded Heroes
・Master Pack
Dangerous Machine Type-6 ・Master Pack
Dark Calling Transfigured Heroes
Theme Chronicle Banlist
・Master Pack
Dark Contract with the Gate Cross-Dimensional Contracts
Invincible Raid
・Master Pack
Dark Corridor Blazing Arena
・Master Pack
Dark Element Wings of the Guardian
・Master Pack
Dark Fusion Transfigured Heroes
Theme Chronicle Banlist
・Master Pack
Dark Hole Revival of Legends
Sword of Souls
・Master Pack
Dark Magical Circle Darkest Magics
Vortex of Magic
・Master Pack
Dark Room of Nightmare ・Master Pack
Dark World Archives Dreaded Conspiracy
・Master Pack
Dark World Dealings Rulers of Darkness
・Master Pack
Deck Lockdown ・Master Pack
Deep Sea Aria Rulers of the Deep
・Master Pack
Degenerate Circuit ・Master Pack
Demise of the Land ・Master Pack
Destiny Draw Shrouded Heroes
・Master Pack
Dice Dungeon ・Master Pack
Dicephoon ・Master Pack
Diffusion Wave-Motion ・Master Pack
Dimension Dice ・Master Pack
Dimer Synthesis Scientific Analysis
・Master Pack
Dirge of the Lost Dragon ・Master Pack
Disposable Learner Device ・Master Pack
Divine Sword - Phoenix Blade Theme Chronicle Banlist
・Master Pack
Divine Temple of the Snake-Eye Ride Into the Future
Victory in Progress
・Master Pack
Divine Wind of Mist Valley Piercing Winds
・Master Pack
Dogmatikamacabre The Newborn Dragon
Beginning of Turmoil
・Master Pack
Dogmatikamatrix Climax of the Showdown
・Master Pack
Doll Happiness Beloved Dolls
・Master Pack
Double Evolution Pill Prehistoric Beast Advance
Passage of the Sun
Name of Champions
・Master Pack
Draco Face-Off Advanced Warriors
Rage of Chaos
True Dracos' Forging
・Master Pack
Dragged Down into the Grave ・Master Pack
Dragon Shrine Dragonmaid-to-Order
・Master Pack
Dragon's Light and Darkness Dragons' Reincarnation
・Master Pack
Dragon's Mirror Fusion Potential
The Masters Saga
・Master Pack
Dragonic Diagram Theme Chronicle Banlist
Invincible Aces
True Dracos' Forging
・Master Pack
Dragonmaid Hospitality Dragon Luster
Theme Chronicle Banlist
・Master Pack
Dragunity Divine Lance Dragon Knight Gorge
・Master Pack
Dragunity Whirlwind Dragon Knight Gorge
・Master Pack
Dramatic Snake-Eye Chase Ride Into the Future
Victory in Progress
・Master Pack
Drastic Draw Revived Legion
・Master Pack
Dream Mirror of Joy Interdimensional Interlopers
・Master Pack
Dream Mirror of Terror Interdimensional Interlopers
・Master Pack
Dream Tower of Princess Nemleria Indomitable Pride
Sugar-Suffused Reverie
・Master Pack
Dual Avatar Invitation Souls of Sublime Gods
Fusion Potential
Record of Noble Spirits
・Master Pack
Duel Academy Sprites of Miracle
・Master Pack
Duelist Alliance Counterswing Mages
1st Anniversary - Counterswing Mages
・Master Pack
Duelist Genesis Ride Into the Future
Evoked Dragon of Miracles
・Master Pack
E - Emergency Call The First Heroes
1st Anniversary - The First Heroes
The Masters Saga
・Master Pack
Earthbound Geoglyph Terra Firma Transcendants
・Master Pack
Earthbound Prison Return of the King
・Master Pack
Earthshattering Event ・Master Pack
Edge of the Ring ・Master Pack
El Shaddoll Fusion Enchanted Threads of Shade
・Master Pack
Eldlixir of Black Awakening Immortal Royalty
Crystal Realm Defier
・Master Pack
Emergency Teleport Victory in Progress
Duel Experts
・Master Pack
Empowerment ・Master Pack
EN - Engage Neo Space Sprites of Miracle
・Master Pack
EN Shuffle Sprites of Miracle
・Master Pack
Endymion's Lab Knowledge of the Mythlords
・Master Pack
Evil Eye Domain - Pareidolia The Cost of Dark Powers
・Master Pack
Evil Eye of Gorgoneio The Cost of Dark Powers
・Master Pack
Evil Eye of Selene The Cost of Dark Powers
Dreaded Conspiracy
・Master Pack
Evil Eye Repose The Cost of Dark Powers
・Master Pack
Evil Mind Transfigured Heroes
・Master Pack
Evo-Diversity ・Master Pack
Evo-Force ・Master Pack
Exchange ・Master Pack
Extinguishing the Ashened Dragons' Reincarnation
・Master Pack
Extra Gate ・Master Pack
Extra Pendulum Battle Trajectory
・Master Pack
Extra-Foolish Burial ・Master Pack
Face Card Fusion Pledge of Sword
・Master Pack
Fallen Paradise World Cloaked in Magical Power
Theme Chronicle Banlist
・Master Pack
Fateful Adventure Wandering Travelers
Guided by Fate
Victory in Progress
・Master Pack
Field Barrier ・Master Pack
Fighting Flame Sword Geas of the Light
・Master Pack
Final Bringer of the End Times Dragons' Reincarnation
・Master Pack
Final Cross The Synchronized Cosmos
Evoked Dragon of Miracles
・Master Pack
Finite Cards ・Master Pack
Fire Ejection Blazing Arena
Blazing Arena
Dragons' Reincarnation
・Master Pack
Fire Formation - Tenki Guardians of Fire
Mighty Contenders
・Master Pack
Fire Formation - Yoko Guardians of Fire
・Master Pack
Fish Sonar Cosmic Ocean
Raging God of the Sea
・Master Pack
Five Star Twilight ・Master Pack
Flame Swordsrealm Geas of the Light
・Master Pack
Fleuret de Fleur Beyond Speed
The Noble Knights of Crimson Flowers
・Master Pack
Floowandereeze and the Unexplored Winds Wandering Travelers
Wings that Span the Sky
・Master Pack
Foolish Burial Goods ・Master Pack
Forbidden Lance Deceitful Wings of Darkness
・Master Pack
Forge of the True Dracos ・Master Pack
Fortune Vision Destiny's Sorceress
・Master Pack
Freezing Chains of the Ice Barrier Glacial Seal
・Master Pack
Frightfur Fusion Fiendish Playthings
Fusion Potential
・Master Pack
Frightfur Patchwork Fiendish Playthings
・Master Pack
Frozen Rose Exquisite Jet-Black Rose
・Master Pack
Fury of Kairyu-Shin Rulers of the Deep
Raging God of the Sea
・Master Pack
Fusion Gate ・Master Pack
Fusion Recycling Plant Fusion Potential
The Forbidden Liberated
・Master Pack
Future Fusion Roid Nexus
・Master Pack
Future Visions Destiny's Sorceress
・Master Pack
Gagaga Academy Emergency Network Onomatopair-Up
・Master Pack
Galaxy Cyclone ・Master Pack
Galaxy Hundred Galactic Evolution
Origin of the Galaxy
・Master Pack
Gateway to Chaos Inevitability of Chaos
Inevitability of Chaos
Warriors of Legend
Spiral Spear Strike
・Master Pack
Geargia Change Shifting Gears
・Master Pack
Gem-Knight Fusion ・Master Pack
Gemini Spark ・Master Pack
Generalprobe Heroic Warriors
・Master Pack
Generation Force ・Master Pack
Generation Next Neo Space Comrades
・Master Pack
Ghostrick Mansion Mischievous Specters
・Master Pack
Gift Exchange ・Master Pack
Gishki Nekromirror Flame of Fury
・Master Pack
Gladiator Beast United Valiant Gladiator Beasts
・Master Pack
Gladiator Proving Ground Valiant Gladiator Beasts
・Master Pack
Goblin Biker Grand Entrance Outlaws from the Inferno
・Master Pack
Goblin Circus ・Master Pack
Gold Pride - The Crowd Goes Wild! Indomitable Pride
The Most Dangerous Race of the Cosmos!
・Master Pack
Golden Bamboo Sword A Dance Dedicated to the Heavens
・Master Pack
Gravekeeper's Inscription Inherited Unity
The Ones Who Serve Ra
・Master Pack
Greater Polymerization ・Master Pack
Ground Collapse ・Master Pack
Gunkan Suship Catch-of-the-Day Indomitable Pride
A Full Course of Magic
・Master Pack
Harmonic Synchro Fusion Return of the King
・Master Pack
Heat Wave ・Master Pack
Heavy Metal Raiders ・Master Pack
Herald of the Abyss ・Master Pack
Heritage of the Chalice Guided by the Noble Blade
・Master Pack
Hey, Trunade! ・Master Pack
Hidden Armory Awakening of the Ancients
Guided by Fate
A Dance Dedicated to the Heavens
Victory in Progress
・Master Pack
Hidden Springs of the Far East ・Master Pack
Hidden Temples of Necrovalley Guardian of Kings
・Master Pack
Hidden Village of Ninjitsu Arts The Hidden Arts
Hidden Arts of Shadows
・Master Pack
Hieratic Seal of Creation Gods of Abyss and Arcadia
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Dragon Kings from the Abyss
・Master Pack
High Ritual Art Ruler's Mask
Guided by Fate
・Master Pack
Hyper Rank-Up-Magic Utopiforce Champions of Hope
The Masters Saga
・Master Pack
Hysteric Sign Glory on Wings
・Master Pack
Icejade Cradle Refined Blade
Cosmic Ocean
Beginning of Turmoil
Treasures of the Cosmic Ocean
・Master Pack
Icejade Curse Beginning of Turmoil
Treasures of the Cosmic Ocean
・Master Pack
Icejade Manifestation The Synchronized Cosmos
Treasures of the Cosmic Ocean
・Master Pack
Igknights Unite Advanced Warriors
・Master Pack
Ignister A.I.Land AI Omniscience
Theme Chronicle Banlist
・Master Pack
Inferno Fire Blast The Cerise in the Ebony
New Step for Duelists
1st Anniversary - The Cerise in the Ebony
・Master Pack
Inferno Reckless Summon ・Master Pack
Infestation Pandemic Yearning Evil Body
・Master Pack
Instant Contact Sprites of Miracle
Heroes' Union
Heroes' Union
Heroes' Union
・Master Pack
Into the Void Life Force Control System
The Infinite Void
・Master Pack
Invocation Seekers of Witchcraft
・Master Pack
Inzektor Sword - Zektkaliber Insect Metamorphosis
Beetle Troops Roll Out
・Master Pack
Iron Draw ・Master Pack
Jackpot 7 Theme Chronicle Banlist
・Master Pack
Joker's Straight Pledge of Sword
New Step for Duelists
・Master Pack
Kahyoreigetsu Inherited Unity
・Master Pack
Kaiser Colosseum Theme Chronicle Banlist
・Master Pack
Karakuri Cash Cache Traditions of Trickery
The Ultimate Traditional Art
・Master Pack
Kashtira Birth Rage of Chaos
A Warrior of Seething Anger
・Master Pack
Kozmotown Galaxy War
・Master Pack
Kuji-Kiri Curse ・Master Pack
Labrynth Labyrinth Mysterious Labyrinth
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Dreaded Conspiracy
The Trap in the Wicked Castle
・Master Pack
Lair of Darkness Rulers of Darkness
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Name of Champions
Illusion Beast's Roar
・Master Pack
Law of the Cosmos ・Master Pack
Ledger of Legerdemain VS NEW CHALLENGER!
・Master Pack
Left Arm Offering The Great Olds
The Ones Who Serve Ra
・Master Pack
Libromancer Origin Story Record of Noble Spirits
Fires of Scorching Bonds
・Master Pack
Light Barrier Hand of Fate
・Master Pack
Like the Diabell The Forbidden Liberated
・Master Pack
Link Bound ・Master Pack
Live☆Twin Home Electron Illusions
・Master Pack
Live☆Twin Sunny's Snitch Electron Illusions
・Master Pack
Living Fossil ・Master Pack
Lunalight Fusion Moonlit Avian Dance
・Master Pack
Lyrilusc - Bird Call Moonlit Avian Dance
Stalwart Force
・Master Pack
Machina Redeployment Rapid Aircraft Advancement
Rescue Team, Emergency Dispatch!
・Master Pack
Machine Duplication Roid Nexus
Rescue Team, Emergency Dispatch!
・Master Pack
Made to Order Mermaid Outfit Outfitter Rage of Chaos
・Master Pack
Magical Citadel of Endymion Knowledge of the Mythlords
・Master Pack
Magical Contract Door ・Master Pack
Magical Musket - Cross-Domination Fiendish Encounter
・Master Pack
Magical Spring ・Master Pack
Magicalized Fusion Vortex of Magic
・Master Pack
Magician's Salvation Darkest Magics
Vortex of Magic
・Master Pack
Magnet Induction Scientific Analysis
・Master Pack
Majespecter Wind Eternal Partners
・Master Pack
Malefic Territory Terra Firma Transcendants
・Master Pack
Mannadium Abscission Beginning of the Next Journey
New World Replete With Joy
・Master Pack
Mansion of the Dreadful Dolls Chaotic Showtime
・Master Pack
Marincess Dive Cosmic Ocean
・Master Pack
Mask Change Transfigured Heroes
Theme Chronicle Banlist
・Master Pack
Mask Change II Transfigured Heroes
Theme Chronicle Banlist
・Master Pack
Materiactor Annulus Beginning of Turmoil
・Master Pack
Mayakashi Return Fires of This World and The Next
・Master Pack
Medallion of the Ice Barrier Glacial Seal
・Master Pack
Megaroid City Roid Nexus
・Master Pack
Meklord Fortress Impending Assassination
・Master Pack
Melffy Staring Contest Blessings of Nature
My Cute Lovely Friends
Forest Friends
・Master Pack
Mementotlan Bone Party Revived Legion
・Master Pack
Mementotlan Fusion Revived Legion
・Master Pack
Messenger of Peace ・Master Pack
Metalfoes Fusion Those who Stand Against Kings
・Master Pack
Metamorphosis Theme Chronicle Banlist
・Master Pack
Mikanko Dance - Mayowashidori Galactic Evolution
A Dance Dedicated to the Heavens
・Master Pack
Millennium Ankh The Forbidden Liberated
・Master Pack
Millennium Revelation The Great Olds
・Master Pack
Miracle Contact Neo Space Comrades
Neo Space Comrades
Sprites of Miracle
・Master Pack
Miracle Stone Destiny's Sorceress
・Master Pack
Mirage of Nightmare Theme Chronicle Banlist
・Master Pack
Mischief of the Time Goddess Life Finds a Way
・Master Pack
Mistaken Arrest ・Master Pack
Molten Conduction Field Combatants of Flame
・Master Pack
Monster Gate ・Master Pack
Morphtronic Converter Sprites of Miracle
・Master Pack
Morphtronic Map Transforming Tech
・Master Pack
Mound of the Bound Creator The Great Olds
The Ones Who Serve Ra
・Master Pack
Mount Sylvania Seedling Soul Fey
Blessings of Nature
・Master Pack
Multi-Universe Tricky Reception
・Master Pack
Mutamorphosis Tricky Reception
・Master Pack
Necrovalley Throne Guardian of Kings
・Master Pack
Nekroz Cycle Rites of the Mirrorworld
・Master Pack
Nekroz Kaleidoscope Rites of the Mirrorworld
Theme Chronicle Banlist
・Master Pack
New Frontier Beginning of the Next Journey
・Master Pack
Night Beam ・Master Pack
Nightmare Pain Eternal Partners
・Master Pack
Ninjitsu Art of Mosquito Marching ・Master Pack
Noble Arms Museum Ride Into the Future
・Master Pack
Nordic Relic Hlidskjalf Invincible Raid
・Master Pack
Numbers Last Hope Galactic Evolution
Origin of the Galaxy
・Master Pack
Obedience Schooled Fabled Gods
・Master Pack
Obsidim, the Ashened City Dragons' Reincarnation
・Master Pack
Odd-Eyes Fusion Draconic Resplendence
・Master Pack
Ogdoadic Daybreak Eternal Partners
Sacred Imperial Tomb
・Master Pack
Oil The Masters Saga
・Master Pack
Ojama Country Prank Panic!
・Master Pack
Ojamagic Prank Panic!
・Master Pack
Ojamassimilation ・Master Pack
On Your Mark, Get Set, DUEL! The Synchronized Cosmos
Ride Into the Future
Evoked Dragon of Miracles
・Master Pack
Onomatopia Onomatopair-Up
・Master Pack
Onomatopickup Onomatopair-Up
・Master Pack
Oracle of Zefra Enchanted Threads of Shade
・Master Pack
Original Sinful Spoils - Snake-Eye Ride Into the Future
Victory in Progress
・Master Pack
Overdone Burial Immortal Glory
・Master Pack
Overexaggeration ・Master Pack
Overlay Network Inherited Unity
Xyz Explosion
・Master Pack
P.U.N.K. JAM Extreme Session Sprites of Miracle
The Ultimate Traditional Art
Victory in Progress
・Master Pack
Painful Decision A Full Course of Magic
・Master Pack
Pantheism of the Monarchs Supernatural Elements
・Master Pack
Peeking Goblin ・Master Pack
Pendulum Call Counterswing Mages
1st Anniversary - Counterswing Mages
・Master Pack
Pendulum Evolution Lord of Dimensions
・Master Pack
Pendulum Paradox ・Master Pack
Pendulum Treasure Indomitable Pride
・Master Pack
Performapal Dramatic Theater Captivating Curtain Call
The Bizarre Playing Board
・Master Pack
Phantom Knights' Rank-Up-Magic Force Indomitable Knights
Invulnerable Iron Wings
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Wings of the Guardian
・Master Pack
Photon Sanctuary Nebula Cyclone
1st Anniversary - Nebula Cyclone
Origin of the Galaxy
・Master Pack
Photon Stream of Destruction Galactic Evolution
Origin of the Galaxy
・Master Pack
Piercing the Darkness Vortex of Magic
・Master Pack
Pinpoint Landing VS NEW CHALLENGER!
・Master Pack
Piri Reis Map Timeworn Legacies
Blazing Arena
・Master Pack
Play of the Tistina Return of the King
Crystal Realm Defier
・Master Pack
Play the Diabell The Forbidden Liberated
・Master Pack
Pot of Acquisitiveness ・Master Pack
Pot of Avarice ・Master Pack
Pot of Desires Stalwart Force
・Master Pack
Pot of Dichotomy ・Master Pack
Pot of Duality ・Master Pack
Pot of Extravagance ・Master Pack
Pot of Prosperity ・Master Pack
Power Filter ・Master Pack
Power of the Guardians Awakening of the Ancients
A Dance Dedicated to the Heavens
・Master Pack
Prank-Kids Place Prank Panic!
・Master Pack
Prayers of the Voiceless Voice Wings of the Guardian
・Master Pack
Pre-Preparation of Rites Miraculous Advent
Heroic Warriors
Fires of Scorching Bonds
・Master Pack
Preparation of Rites Miraculous Advent
Fires of Scorching Bonds
・Master Pack
Prohibition ・Master Pack
Pseudo Space Cyber City Guardians
・Master Pack
Psychic Feel Zone ・Master Pack
Quick Launch Shot Through Fiction
Aim For The Stars
・Master Pack
Quiet Life ・Master Pack
Ragnaraika Bloom Advance of Great Forces
・Master Pack
Raidraptor - Call Invulnerable Iron Wings
・Master Pack
Raidraptor - Roost Wings of the Guardian
・Master Pack
Rainbow Bridge Crystal Serpentry
Inherited Unity
・Master Pack
Rainbow Bridge of the Heart Strong Will
・Master Pack
Rank-Down-Magic Numeron Fall ・Master Pack
Rank-Up-Magic Admiration of the Thousands Sword of the Seventh One
・Master Pack
Rank-Up-Magic Astral Force Number Recall
・Master Pack
Rank-Up-Magic Barian's Force Sword of the Seventh One
Cosmic Ocean
・Master Pack
Rank-Up-Magic Cipher Ascension ・Master Pack
Rank-Up-Magic Zexal Force Champions of Hope
・Master Pack
Rare Value Crystal Serpentry
Invincible Raid
・Master Pack
Ravenous Vendread Heroic Warriors
・Master Pack
Realm Elegy Nightmare Arrivals
New World Replete With Joy
・Master Pack
Realm Eulogy Nightmare Arrivals
New World Replete With Joy
・Master Pack
Reasoning ・Master Pack
Rebellion ・Master Pack
Recurring Nightmare ・Master Pack
Red-Eyes Fusion The Cerise in the Ebony
1st Anniversary - The Cerise in the Ebony
Inherited Unity
Invincible Aces
・Master Pack
Red-Eyes Insight The Cerise in the Ebony
1st Anniversary - The Cerise in the Ebony
Invincible Aces
・Master Pack
Relinquished Fusion Toontastic
・Master Pack
Resonator Call Savage Crimson Dragon
1st Anniversary - Savage Crimson Dragon
Return of the King
・Master Pack
Return of the Dragon Lords Dragon Luster
Blue-Eyes Max
・Master Pack
Reversal Quiz ・Master Pack
Revolving Switchyard Dreadnought Advance
Xyz Explosion
・Master Pack
Rikka Glamour Blooming in Adversity
Name of Champions
Aim For The Stars
・Master Pack
Rikka Konkon ・Master Pack
Ring Announcer Blazing Arena
・Master Pack
Ring of Magnetism ・Master Pack
Riryoku Guardian Beginning of the Next Journey
A Warrior of Seething Anger
・Master Pack
Rise Rank-Up-Magic Raidraptor's Force Wings of the Guardian
・Master Pack
Ritual Sanctuary Souls of Sublime Gods
Galactic Evolution
・Master Pack
Rose Bell of Revelation Exquisite Jet-Black Rose
・Master Pack
Royal Penguins Garden
・Legacy Pack
Royal Tribute Guardian of Kings
・Master Pack
Runick Destruction Mysterious Labyrinth
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Adventure of Mystical Etchings
・Master Pack
Runick Flashing Fire Mysterious Labyrinth
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Adventure of Mystical Etchings
・Master Pack
Runick Freezing Curses Mysterious Labyrinth
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Adventure of Mystical Etchings
・Master Pack
Runick Golden Droplet Mysterious Labyrinth
Adventure of Mystical Etchings
・Master Pack
Sacred Scrolls of the Gizmek Legend Traditions of Trickery
・Master Pack
Sacred Sword of Seven Stars Celestial Dragon and Bear
Mighty Contenders
・Master Pack
Salamangreat Charge Revived Legion
・Master Pack
Salamangreat Circle Blazing Fortitude
・Master Pack
Salamangreat Sanctuary Blazing Fortitude
Burning Spirits
・Master Pack
Sangen Summoning Outlaws from the Inferno
・Master Pack
Satellarknight Skybridge Champions of Salvation
・Master Pack
Savage Colosseum ・Master Pack
Scareclaw Straddle Battle Trajectory
Beastly Claws of Terror
Flame of Fury
・Master Pack
Scatter Fusion Strong Will
・Master Pack
Scrapstorm Devastation Regenerated
・Master Pack
Scrapyard Devastation Regenerated
・Master Pack
Secret Village of the Spellcasters Theme Chronicle Banlist
・Master Pack
Sekka's Light ・Master Pack
Seventh Force Blazing Arena
・Master Pack
Shaddoll Fusion Enchanted Threads of Shade
・Master Pack
Shared Ride ・Master Pack
Shien's Smoke Signal Great Shogun's Rule
・Master Pack
Silver's Cry Blue-Eyes Max
・Master Pack
Sinful Spoils of the White Forest The Forbidden Liberated
・Master Pack
Single Purchase ・Master Pack
Six Samurai United Great Shogun's Rule
・Master Pack
Sky Striker Mecha - Hornet Drones Singular Strike Overthrow
・Master Pack
Sky Striker Mecha - Widow Anchor Singular Strike Overthrow
Lord of Dimensions
・Master Pack
Small World Wandering Travelers
Mighty Contenders
Duel Experts
・Master Pack
Sol and Luna Mysterious Labyrinth
・Master Pack
Solar Recharge Justice from Light
Advance of Great Forces
・Master Pack
Solfachord Symphony Record of Noble Spirits
・Master Pack
Soul Absorption ・Master Pack
Soul Binding Gate Beyond Speed
The Noble Knights of Crimson Flowers
・Master Pack
Soul Charge Theme Chronicle Banlist
・Master Pack
Soul Crossing The Great Olds
・Master Pack
Speed Recovery Warp-Speed Toys
・Master Pack
Speedlift Warp-Speed Toys
・Master Pack
Speedroid Scratch Beyond Speed
・Master Pack
Speedroid Wheel Beyond Speed
・Master Pack
Spell Card “Soul Exchange” The Masters Saga
・Master Pack
Spell of Pain ・Master Pack
Spell Power Mastery Knowledge of the Mythlords
・Master Pack
Spellbook of Fate Mastery of the Grimoire
・Master Pack
Spellbook of Judgment ・Master Pack
Spellbook of Knowledge Mastery of the Grimoire
・Master Pack
Spellbook of Life Mastery of the Grimoire
・Master Pack
Spellbook of the Master Mastery of the Grimoire
・Master Pack
Spiral Flame Strike Draconic Resplendence
・Master Pack
Springans Watch Echo Chamber Nation
Fighting Spirit of Sparking Iron
・Master Pack
SPYRAL Resort Secret Fighters
・Master Pack
Stand Up Centur-Ion! Eternal Partners
・Master Pack
Stardust Illumination Beyond Speed
Evoked Dragon of Miracles
・Master Pack
Starry Knight Balefire Dragon Luster
・Master Pack
Stoic Challenge Blazing Warriors
・Master Pack
Subset Beat Tricky Reception
・Master Pack
Summon Dice ・Master Pack
Super Koi Koi Hand of Fate
・Master Pack
Super Rejuvenation ・Master Pack
Supermagic Sword of Raptinus ・Master Pack
Supernatural Danger Zone Wandering Travelers
Guided by Fate
・Master Pack
Supervise Scientific Analysis
・Master Pack
Supply Squad ・Master Pack
Swords of Revealing Light ・Master Pack
Swordsoul Emergence Refined Blade
Beginning of Turmoil
Guardian of the Sacred Summit
Sword of Souls
・Master Pack
Symbol of Heritage ・Master Pack
Synchro Creed The Masters Saga
・Master Pack
Synchro Overtake Beyond Speed
Evoked Dragon of Miracles
・Master Pack
Synchronized Realm ・Master Pack
T.G. Limiter Removal Ride Into the Future
・Master Pack
Tally-ho! Springans Climax of the Showdown
Fighting Spirit of Sparking Iron
Beginning of the Next Journey
・Master Pack
Tearlaments Perlegia Beginning of the Next Journey
Songstress of Sorrow Song
・Master Pack
Temple of the Kings Guardian of Kings
Strong Will
The Ones Who Serve Ra
・Master Pack
Tenacity of the Monarchs Supernatural Elements
・Master Pack
Terrors in the Hidden City ・Master Pack
The Beginning of the End The Infinite Void
・Master Pack
The Eye of Timaeus Darkest Magics
Vortex of Magic
・Master Pack
The Fang of Critias ・Master Pack
The Flute of Summoning Kuriboh ・Master Pack
The Hidden City Worthy Adversaries
Theme Chronicle Banlist
・Master Pack
The Law of the Normal ・Master Pack
The Mask of Remnants ・Master Pack
The Monarchs Stormforth Supernatural Elements
・Master Pack
The Sacred Waters in the Sky Valiant Wings
・Master Pack
The Weather Forecast Mysterious Labyrinth
・Master Pack
The Weather Snowy Canvas Artistic Angel
・Master Pack
Therion Charge Heroic Warriors
Fighting Spirit of Sparking Iron
・Master Pack
This Creepy Little Punk New Step for Duelists
Tricky Reception
・Master Pack

Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel Related Guides

Monster Cards

Monster Cards
List of All Monster Cards

General Staple Cards

Best Cards
Best Searchers Best Hand Traps

The Best Cards to Craft

By Card Type

Card Types
Normal MonsterNormal EffectEffect
PendulumPendulum RitualRitual
FusionFusion SynchroSynchro
XYZXyz Link CardLink

By Monster Levels

Card Levels
Level0 Level1 Level2 Level3 Level4
Level5 Level6 Level7 Level8 Level9
Level10 Level11 Level12 Level13

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FireFire WaterWater
EarthEarth WindWind
LightLight DarkDark

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