Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel

All Pyro Monster Cards

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These are the Pyro Monster Cards in Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel. Read on to see all available Pyro monsters across all attributes and how to get them!

List of Pyro Monster Cards

Fire Pyro Monsters

Monsters By Attribute
FireFire WaterWater EarthEarth WindWind
LightLight DarkDark DivineDivine

Click on a link to take you to that rarity's section!

Agnimal Candle Ancient Flamvell Deity Awakening of the Possessed - Greater Inari Fire
Barrier Statue of the Inferno Berlineth the Firestorm Vassal Blaze Fenix, The Burning Bombardment Bird
Blazing Inpachi Burning Algae Burning Beast
Charcoal Inpachi Charubin the Fire Knight Cooling Embers
Darkfire Soldier #1 Darkfire Soldier #2 Dragon Piper
Elemental HERO Heat Elemental HERO Inferno Elemental HERO Lady Heat
Fire Eye Fire Hand Fire Princess
Firebrand Hymnist Fireyarou Flame Cerebrus
Flame Champion Flame Dancer Flame Ruler
Flame Spirit Ignis Flamvell Archer Flamvell Baby
Flamvell Commando Flamvell Poun Flamvell Uruquizas
Fox Fire Gaia Blaze, the Force of the Sun Gaia Prominence, the Fierce Force
Gaia Soul the Combustible Collective Garunix Eternity, Hyang of the Fire Kings Genex Furnace
Gold Pride - Nytro Head Guardian Ceal Gundari
Hazy Flame Basiltrice Hazy Flame Hyppogrif Hazy Flame Peryton
Hino-Kagu-Tsuchi Hinotama Soul Inari Fire
Infernal Flame Banshee Infernal Flame Emperor Infernal Flame Vixen
Inferno Invasion of Flames Jigen Bakudan
King Pyron Lady Assailant of Flames Laval Archer
Laval Burner Laval Coatl Laval Forest Sprite
Laval Lakeside Lady Laval Magma Cannoneer Laval Miller
Laval Phlogis Laval Stennon Laval Volcano Handmaiden
Master Craftsman Gamil Molten Behemoth Molten Zombie
Morphtronic Datatron Mr. Volcano Nemeses Flag
Neo Flamvell Garuda Neo Flamvell Hedgehog Neo Flamvell Lady
Neo Flamvell Origin Neo Flamvell Sabre Neo Flamvell Shaman
Number 58: Burner Visor Old Entity Cthugua People Running About
Prank-Kids Bow-Wow-Bark Prank-Kids Lampsies Prank-Kids Rocket Ride
Prominence Hand Pyrotech Mech - Shiryu R-Genex Magma
Raging Flame Sprite Royal Firestorm Guards Snake-Eye Ash
Snake-Eye Birch Snake-Eye Oak Snake-Eyes Poplar
Solar Flare Dragon Spirit of Flames Star Mine
T.G. Rocket Salamander Tenkabito Shien The Blazing Mars
The Thing in the Crater Thestalos the Firestorm Monarch Thestalos the Mega Monarch
Thestalos the Shadowfire Monarch Twin-Headed Fire Dragon Uria, Lord of Searing Flames
Vermillion Sparrow Volcanic Blaster Volcanic Counter
Volcanic Doomfire Volcanic Emperor Volcanic Hammerer
Volcanic Queen Volcanic Rat Volcanic Rimfire
Volcanic Rocket Volcanic Scattershot Volcanic Shell
Volcanic Slicer Volcanic Trooper Watch Dog
Wings of Wicked Flame

Water Pyro Monsters

Monsters By Attribute
FireFire WaterWater EarthEarth WindWind
LightLight DarkDark DivineDivine

Click on a link to take you to that rarity's section!

There are currently no cards that belong to this category.

Earth Pyro Monsters

Monsters By Attribute
FireFire WaterWater EarthEarth WindWind
LightLight DarkDark DivineDivine

Click on a link to take you to that rarity's section!

Flame Viper Gem-Knight Citrine Gem-Knight Garnet
Gem-Knight Ruby Gem-Knight Sardonyx Subterror Behemoth Ultramafus

Wind Pyro Monsters

Monsters By Attribute
FireFire WaterWater EarthEarth WindWind
LightLight DarkDark DivineDivine

Click on a link to take you to that rarity's section!

Daigusto Phoenix Ritual Beast Ulti-Apelio Spiritual Beast Apelio

Light Pyro Monsters

Monsters By Attribute
FireFire WaterWater EarthEarth WindWind
LightLight DarkDark DivineDivine

Click on a link to take you to that rarity's section!

Helios - The Primordial Sun Helios Duo Megistus Helios Trice Megistus
Impcantation Candoll

Dark Pyro Monsters

Monsters By Attribute
FireFire WaterWater EarthEarth WindWind
LightLight DarkDark DivineDivine

Click on a link to take you to that rarity's section!

Centur-Ion Trudea Embers of the Ashened Evilswarm O'lantern
Evilswarm Obliviwisp Gold Pride - Nytro Blaster Hero of the Ashened City
King of the Ashened City Priestess of the Ashened City Shaman of the Ashened City
Spearhead of the Ashened City Veidos the Dragon of Endless Darkness Veidos the Eruption Dragon of Extinction

Divine Pyro Monsters

Monsters By Attribute
FireFire WaterWater EarthEarth WindWind
LightLight DarkDark DivineDivine

Click on a link to take you to that rarity's section!

There are currently no cards that belong to this category.

Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel Related Guides

List of All Cards

List of All Cards

Card Type

Normal MonsterNormal EffectEffect FusionFusion RitualRitual
SynchroSynchro XYZXyz PendulumPendulum Link CardLink
SpellSpell TrapTrap


Monster Attributes
FireFire WaterWater WindWind EarthEarth
LightLight DarkDark DivineDivine

Types of Spell and Traps

Normal SpellNormal Quick-Play SpellQuick-Play Continuous SpellContinuous
Field SpellField Equip SpellEquip Ritual SpellRitual
Normal TrapNormal Continuous TrapContinuous Counter TrapCounter


SpellcasterSpellcaster DragonDragon ZombieZombie WarriorWarrior
Beast-WarriorBeast-Warrior BeastBeast Winged BeastWinged Beast MachineMachine
FiendFiend FairyFairy InsectInsect DinosaurDinosaur
ReptileReptile FishFish Sea SerpentSea Serpent AquaAqua
PyroPyro ThunderThunder RockRock PlantPlant
PsychicPsychic WyrmWyrm CyberseCyberse BeastDivine Beast
IllusionIllusion - - -

Level / Rank / Link

Level0 Level1 Level2 Level3
Level4 Level5 Level6 Level7
Level8 Level9 Level10 Level11
Level12 Level13 - -



Abilities / Other

Toon Spirit Union Gemini
Tuner Flip Special Summon -


BannedBanned LimitedLimited Semi-LimitedSemi-Limited


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