Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel

All Normal Spell Cards

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Normal Spell Cards are a type of Spell Card normally activated during the Main Phase 1 and Main Phase 2 in Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel. Read on to see the full list, learn more about each card and use them to your advantage in duels!

List of Normal Spell Cards

Normal Spell Cards by Rarity

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UR Normal Spell Cards

A Hero LivesA Hero Lives Advanced Heraldry ArtAdvanced Heraldry Art Angel of Blue TearsAngel of Blue Tears
BarianBarian's Chaos Draw Bingo Machine, Go!!!Bingo Machine, Go!!! BonfireBonfire
Branded FusionBranded Fusion Card DestructionCard Destruction Card of FateCard of Fate
Change of HeartChange of Heart Charge of the Light BrigadeCharge of the Light Brigade Cold WaveCold Wave
ConfiscationConfiscation Crystal BondCrystal Bond Cynet MiningCynet Mining
Dark Ruler No MoreDark Ruler No More Dark SpiritDark Spirit's Mastery Delinquent DuoDelinquent Duo
Diamond Core of KoaDiamond Core of Koa'ki Meiru Dimension FusionDimension Fusion Draw of FateDraw of Fate
Endless Engine Argyo SystemEndless Engine Argyo System Evil Eyes UnleashedEvil Eyes Unleashed Final CountdownFinal Countdown
Focused AquamirrorFocused Aquamirror Foolish BurialFoolish Burial Fortune Lady CallingFortune Lady Calling
Fossil DigFossil Dig Fossil FusionFossil Fusion Fusion ArmamentFusion Armament
Fusion DeploymentFusion Deployment Giant TrunadeGiant Trunade Gold SarcophagusGold Sarcophagus
Gouki Re-MatchGouki Re-Match Graceful CharityGraceful Charity Gravity BalanceGravity Balance
Ground XenoGround Xeno HarpieHarpie's Feather Duster Heavy StormHeavy Storm
Heroic CallHeroic Call Heroic EnvoyHeroic Envoy Hieratic Seal of ConvocationHieratic Seal of Convocation
Instant FusionInstant Fusion Interrupted Kaiju SlumberInterrupted Kaiju Slumber KashtiratheosisKashtiratheosis
Land FlippingLand Flipping Last WillLast Will Lightning StormLightning Storm
Link into the VRAINS!Link into the VRAINS! Lullaby of ObedienceLullaby of Obedience Magical Stone ExcavationMagical Stone Excavation
Margin TradingMargin Trading Memories of HopeMemories of Hope Mind ControlMind Control
Monster RebornMonster Reborn Monster Reborn RebornMonster Reborn Reborn Moray of AvariceMoray of Avarice
Nadir ServantNadir Servant Neos FusionNeos Fusion Numbers EveilNumbers Eveil
Ogdoadic Water LilyOgdoadic Water Lily One Day of PeaceOne Day of Peace One for OneOne for One
OnomatopairaOnomatopaira Onslaught of the Fire KingsOnslaught of the Fire Kings OstinatoOstinato
Painful ChoicePainful Choice Pot of GreedPot of Greed Primal SeedPrimal Seed
RaigekiRaigeki Rank-Up-Magic  - The Seventh OneRank-Up-Magic - The Seventh One Rank-Up-Magic Argent Chaos ForceRank-Up-Magic Argent Chaos Force
Ready FusionReady Fusion Reinforcement of the ArmyReinforcement of the Army RekindlingRekindling
Ride of the ValkyriesRide of the Valkyries Rite of AramesirRite of Aramesir Sales BanSales Ban
Secret PasswordSecret Password Seventh AscensionSeventh Ascension ShadowShadow's Light
Simorgh OnslaughtSimorgh Onslaught Sky Striker Mobilize - Engage!Sky Striker Mobilize - Engage! Slash DrawSlash Draw
Snake RainSnake Rain Solfachord EleganceSolfachord Elegance Spell Card “Monster Reborn”Spell Card “Monster Reborn”
Spellbook of SecretsSpellbook of Secrets SpellboundSpellbound Stake your Soul!Stake your Soul!
Sweet Dreams, NemleriaSweet Dreams, Nemleria Sylvan CharitySylvan Charity Symbol of FriendshipSymbol of Friendship
TerraformingTerraforming That Grass Looks GreenerThat Grass Looks Greener The Forceful SentryThe Forceful Sentry
The Melody of Awakening DragonThe Melody of Awakening Dragon Ties of the BrethrenTies of the Brethren Time-Tearing MorganiteTime-Tearing Morganite
Tokusano ShinkyojinTokusano Shinkyojin Trade-InTrade-In Traptantalizing TuneTraptantalizing Tune
Triple Tactics TalentTriple Tactics Talent Triple Tactics ThrustTriple Tactics Thrust TuningTuning
Ultimate SlayerUltimate Slayer Upstart GoblinUpstart Goblin Uradora of FateUradora of Fate
Void ReignitionVoid Reignition Witchcrafter Confusion ConfessionWitchcrafter Confusion Confession Yu-Jo FriendshipYu-Jo Friendship
Zexal ConstructionZexal Construction

SR Normal Spell Cards

1st Movement Solo1st Movement Solo A Wild Monster Appears!A Wild Monster Appears! A.I. Meet YouA.I. Meet You
Abyss ActorsAbyss Actors' Dress Rehearsal Abyss Script - Rise of the Abyss KingAbyss Script - Rise of the Abyss King Adamancipator SignsAdamancipator Signs
AfterglowAfterglow Allure of DarknessAllure of Darkness Ancient ChantAncient Chant
Ancient Gear CatapultAncient Gear Catapult Ancient Gear FusionAncient Gear Fusion Ancient LeafAncient Leaf
AnteAnte Appliancer TestAppliancer Test Aqua Chorus RoundAqua Chorus Round
Arcana ReadingArcana Reading Armored XyzArmored Xyz Ayers Rock SunriseAyers Rock Sunrise
Banishment of the DarklordsBanishment of the Darklords Beetrooper DescentBeetrooper Descent Birth of the Prominence FlameBirth of the Prominence Flame
Boogie TrapBoogie Trap Branded in WhiteBranded in White Card of DemiseCard of Demise
Card of the SoulCard of the Soul Cards from the SkyCards from the Sky Cards of ConsonanceCards of Consonance
Celestial ObservatoryCelestial Observatory Chaos SpaceChaos Space Charged-Up HeraldryCharged-Up Heraldry
Chronomaly TechnologyChronomaly Technology Cloudian AerosolCloudian Aerosol Creature SwapCreature Swap
Creeping DarknessCreeping Darkness Cross BreedCross Breed Cross OverCross Over
Crystal AbundanceCrystal Abundance Cyber EmergencyCyber Emergency Cybernetic HorizonCybernetic Horizon
Dark CallingDark Calling Dark CorridorDark Corridor Dark ElementDark Element
Dark FusionDark Fusion Dark HoleDark Hole Dark World DealingsDark World Dealings
Deep Sea AriaDeep Sea Aria Destiny DrawDestiny Draw Dice DungeonDice Dungeon
Diffusion Wave-MotionDiffusion Wave-Motion Dimer SynthesisDimer Synthesis Double Evolution PillDouble Evolution Pill
Dragged Down into the GraveDragged Down into the Grave Dragon ShrineDragon Shrine DragonDragon's Mirror
Dragonmaid HospitalityDragonmaid Hospitality Drastic DrawDrastic Draw Dual Avatar InvitationDual Avatar Invitation
Duelist AllianceDuelist Alliance Duelist GenesisDuelist Genesis E - Emergency CallE - Emergency Call
Eldlixir of Black AwakeningEldlixir of Black Awakening EN - Engage Neo SpaceEN - Engage Neo Space EN ShuffleEN Shuffle
Evil MindEvil Mind Evo-DiversityEvo-Diversity Evo-ForceEvo-Force
ExchangeExchange Extra PendulumExtra Pendulum Extra-Foolish BurialExtra-Foolish Burial
Face Card FusionFace Card Fusion Fire EjectionFire Ejection Fish SonarFish Sonar
Five Star TwilightFive Star Twilight Foolish Burial GoodsFoolish Burial Goods Forge of the True DracosForge of the True Dracos
Frightfur FusionFrightfur Fusion Frightfur PatchworkFrightfur Patchwork Fury of Kairyu-ShinFury of Kairyu-Shin
Gagaga Academy Emergency NetworkGagaga Academy Emergency Network Galaxy CycloneGalaxy Cyclone Gem-Knight FusionGem-Knight Fusion
Generation ForceGeneration Force Gift ExchangeGift Exchange Gladiator Proving GroundGladiator Proving Ground
Goblin Biker Grand EntranceGoblin Biker Grand Entrance Gold Pride - The Crowd Goes Wild!Gold Pride - The Crowd Goes Wild! Golden Bamboo SwordGolden Bamboo Sword
GravekeeperGravekeeper's Inscription Greater PolymerizationGreater Polymerization Heat WaveHeat Wave
Herald of the AbyssHerald of the Abyss Heritage of the ChaliceHeritage of the Chalice Hey, Trunade!Hey, Trunade!
Hidden ArmoryHidden Armory Hieratic Seal of CreationHieratic Seal of Creation Hyper Rank-Up-Magic UtopiforceHyper Rank-Up-Magic Utopiforce
Icejade CradleIcejade Cradle Icejade ManifestationIcejade Manifestation Inferno Fire BlastInferno Fire Blast
Instant ContactInstant Contact Into the VoidInto the Void InvocationInvocation
Iron DrawIron Draw Jackpot 7Jackpot 7 JokerJoker's Straight
Karakuri Cash CacheKarakuri Cash Cache Kuji-Kiri CurseKuji-Kiri Curse Law of the CosmosLaw of the Cosmos
Ledger of LegerdemainLedger of Legerdemain Left Arm OfferingLeft Arm Offering Lunalight FusionLunalight Fusion
Lyrilusc - Bird CallLyrilusc - Bird Call Machina RedeploymentMachina Redeployment Machine DuplicationMachine Duplication
Made to Order Mermaid Outfit OutfitterMade to Order Mermaid Outfit Outfitter Magical Contract DoorMagical Contract Door Magicalized FusionMagicalized Fusion
Magnet InductionMagnet Induction Mannadium AbscissionMannadium Abscission Marincess DiveMarincess Dive
Materiactor AnnulusMateriactor Annulus Mayakashi ReturnMayakashi Return Medallion of the Ice BarrierMedallion of the Ice Barrier
Metalfoes FusionMetalfoes Fusion MetamorphosisMetamorphosis Miracle ContactMiracle Contact
Molten Conduction FieldMolten Conduction Field Monster GateMonster Gate Morphtronic ConverterMorphtronic Converter
MutamorphosisMutamorphosis Necrovalley ThroneNecrovalley Throne Night BeamNight Beam
Ninjitsu Art of Mosquito MarchingNinjitsu Art of Mosquito Marching Nordic Relic HlidskjalfNordic Relic Hlidskjalf Numbers Last HopeNumbers Last Hope
Obedience SchooledObedience Schooled Odd-Eyes FusionOdd-Eyes Fusion OilOil
OjamagicOjamagic OjamassimilationOjamassimilation Original Sinful Spoils - Snake-EyeOriginal Sinful Spoils - Snake-Eye
Overlay NetworkOverlay Network Painful DecisionPainful Decision Pantheism of the MonarchsPantheism of the Monarchs
Peeking GoblinPeeking Goblin Pendulum CallPendulum Call Pendulum ParadoxPendulum Paradox
Pendulum TreasurePendulum Treasure Photon SanctuaryPhoton Sanctuary Piri Reis MapPiri Reis Map
Pot of AvaricePot of Avarice Pot of DesiresPot of Desires Pot of DichotomyPot of Dichotomy
Pot of DualityPot of Duality Pot of ExtravagancePot of Extravagance Pot of ProsperityPot of Prosperity
Pre-Preparation of RitesPre-Preparation of Rites Preparation of RitesPreparation of Rites Psychic Feel ZonePsychic Feel Zone
Raidraptor - CallRaidraptor - Call Rainbow BridgeRainbow Bridge Rank-Down-Magic Numeron FallRank-Down-Magic Numeron Fall
Rank-Up-Magic Admiration of the ThousandsRank-Up-Magic Admiration of the Thousands Rank-Up-Magic Astral ForceRank-Up-Magic Astral Force Rank-Up-Magic BarianRank-Up-Magic Barian's Force
Rank-Up-Magic Zexal ForceRank-Up-Magic Zexal Force Rare ValueRare Value Realm ElegyRealm Elegy
ReasoningReasoning Recurring NightmareRecurring Nightmare Red-Eyes FusionRed-Eyes Fusion
Red-Eyes InsightRed-Eyes Insight Resonator CallResonator Call Return of the Dragon LordsReturn of the Dragon Lords
Reversal QuizReversal Quiz Rikka GlamourRikka Glamour Ring AnnouncerRing Announcer
Riryoku GuardianRiryoku Guardian Rose Bell of RevelationRose Bell of Revelation Royal TributeRoyal Tribute
Sacred Sword of Seven StarsSacred Sword of Seven Stars ScrapyardScrapyard SekkaSekka's Light
Shaddoll FusionShaddoll Fusion ShienShien's Smoke Signal Single PurchaseSingle Purchase
Small WorldSmall World Solar RechargeSolar Recharge Soul ChargeSoul Charge
Speed RecoverySpeed Recovery Speedroid ScratchSpeedroid Scratch Spell Card “Soul Exchange”Spell Card “Soul Exchange”
Spell Power MasterySpell Power Mastery Spellbook of KnowledgeSpellbook of Knowledge Spellbook of the MasterSpellbook of the Master
Spiral Flame StrikeSpiral Flame Strike Springans WatchSpringans Watch Stardust IlluminationStardust Illumination
Starry Knight BalefireStarry Knight Balefire Summon DiceSummon Dice Super Koi KoiSuper Koi Koi
Swords of Revealing LightSwords of Revealing Light Swordsoul EmergenceSwordsoul Emergence Synchro CreedSynchro Creed
Synchro OvertakeSynchro Overtake T.G. Limiter RemovalT.G. Limiter Removal Tenacity of the MonarchsTenacity of the Monarchs
The Beginning of the EndThe Beginning of the End The Eye of TimaeusThe Eye of Timaeus The Fang of CritiasThe Fang of Critias
The Law of the NormalThe Law of the Normal The Mask of RemnantsThe Mask of Remnants The Sacred Waters in the SkyThe Sacred Waters in the Sky
Therion ChargeTherion Charge This Creepy Little PunkThis Creepy Little Punk Thunder Dragon FusionThunder Dragon Fusion
Time StreamTime Stream Toon BookmarkToon Bookmark Toon Table of ContentsToon Table of Contents
TransmodifyTransmodify Triangle OTriangle O Tribute BurialTribute Burial
TunerTuner's High Ultra PolymerizationUltra Polymerization Unexpected DaiUnexpected Dai
Ursarctic DepartureUrsarctic Departure Utopia BusterUtopia Buster Vaalmonica SceltaVaalmonica Scelta
Vaylantz Wakening - Solo ActivationVaylantz Wakening - Solo Activation Vehicroid Connection ZoneVehicroid Connection Zone Vessel for the Dragon CycleVessel for the Dragon Cycle
Voici la Carte (TodayVoici la Carte (Today's Menu) WattrainWattrain White Circle ReefWhite Circle Reef
Windwitch ChimesWindwitch Chimes Wise ManWise Man's Chalice WisemanWiseman's Chalice
Witchcrafter CreationWitchcrafter Creation World Legacy SuccessionWorld Legacy Succession Yosenju Oroshi ChannelingYosenju Oroshi Channeling
Zefra ProvidenceZefra Providence Zektrike Kou-ouZektrike Kou-ou ZERO-MAXZERO-MAX
Zombie NecronizeZombie Necronize Zombie RebornZombie Reborn

R Normal Spell Cards

AbominationAbomination's Prison Abyss Script - Dramatic StoryAbyss Script - Dramatic Story AccellightAccellight
Acid RainAcid Rain Adamancipator FriendsAdamancipator Friends After the StormAfter the Storm
Ancient RulesAncient Rules Armor BlastArmor Blast Armor Ninjitsu Art of AlchemyArmor Ninjitsu Art of Alchemy
Aroma BlendAroma Blend Assault TeleportAssault Teleport BarkionBarkion's Bark
BattlinBattlin' Boxing Spirits Beta Evolution Pill - UltranscendanceBeta Evolution Pill - Ultranscendance Big Evolution PillBig Evolution Pill
Bond Between Teacher and StudentBond Between Teacher and Student Book of LifeBook of Life Boon of the Meklord EmperorBoon of the Meklord Emperor
Brain ControlBrain Control Branded LossBranded Loss Breath of LightBreath of Light
Bujin Regalia - The MirrorBujin Regalia - The Mirror BujincarnationBujincarnation BujinunityBujinunity
Card of SanctityCard of Sanctity Cards for Black FeathersCards for Black Feathers Cards of the Red StoneCards of the Red Stone
Chain SummonChain Summon Charge Into a Dark WorldCharge Into a Dark World Clear New WorldClear New World
Condolence PuppetCondolence Puppet Contact GateContact Gate Contact with GustoContact with Gusto
Contact with the AquamirrorContact with the Aquamirror Convert ContactConvert Contact Core CompressionCore Compression
Crystal PromiseCrystal Promise Cup of AceCup of Ace Cyber Repair PlantCyber Repair Plant
Cyber RevsystemCyber Revsystem Cyberdark Impact!Cyberdark Impact! D.D. DesignatorD.D. Designator
Danger! Excitement! Mystery!Danger! Excitement! Mystery! Dark CoreDark Core Dark EruptionDark Eruption
Dark Factory of Mass ProductionDark Factory of Mass Production Dark Magic CurtainDark Magic Curtain Dark Magic VeilDark Magic Veil
Darklord ContactDarklord Contact De-SynchroDe-Synchro Divine EvolutionDivine Evolution
Doctor DDoctor D DodododrawDodododraw DownbeatDownbeat
DraconnectionDraconnection Dragon Revival RhapsodyDragon Revival Rhapsody Dragonic TacticsDragonic Tactics
Dragunity GlowDragunity Glow Drytron NovaDrytron Nova Earthbound WhirlwindEarthbound Whirlwind
Emblem of Dragon DestroyerEmblem of Dragon Destroyer Emerging Emergency Rescute RescueEmerging Emergency Rescute Rescue Enchanting Fitting RoomEnchanting Fitting Room
Eradicating AerosolEradicating Aerosol Eternal DroughtEternal Drought Eternal RestEternal Rest
Evil Eye ReemergenceEvil Eye Reemergence Evolution End BurstEvolution End Burst FA.I.ghting SpiritFA.I.ghting Spirit
FiendFiend's Sanctuary Final FlameFinal Flame Final LightFinal Light
Fire RecoveryFire Recovery Fish and KicksFish and Kicks Fish and SwapsFish and Swaps
FissureFissure Flash of the Forbidden SpellFlash of the Forbidden Spell Flower GatheringFlower Gathering
Flower StackingFlower Stacking FortuneFortune's Future Frightfur RepairFrightfur Repair
Fusion ConscriptionFusion Conscription Fusion DestinyFusion Destiny Fusion of FireFusion of Fire
Fusion SubstituteFusion Substitute Fusion TagFusion Tag Galaxy ExpeditionGalaxy Expedition
Ghost FusionGhost Fusion Ghostrick ShotGhostrick Shot Gladiator BeastGladiator Beast's Comeback
Glorious NumbersGlorious Numbers Goblin ThiefGoblin Thief GottomsGottoms' Second Call
GravekeeperGravekeeper's Stele Hammer ShotHammer Shot Harpie Lady Phoenix FormationHarpie Lady Phoenix Formation
Harpie’s Feather RestHarpie’s Feather Rest Hero MaskHero Mask HEROHERO's Bond
Hypernova BurstHypernova Burst Insect ImitationInsect Imitation Iron Core of KoaIron Core of Koa'ki Meiru
Jack-In-The-HandJack-In-The-Hand LandoiseLandoise's Luminous Moss Leeching the LightLeeching the Light
Legacy of a HEROLegacy of a HERO Legend of HeartLegend of Heart LeodrakeLeodrake's Mane
Level LifterLevel Lifter Light of RedemptionLight of Redemption Lightning VortexLightning Vortex
Link BackLink Back Link PartyLink Party Lucky LoanLucky Loan
Luna Light PerfumeLuna Light Perfume Magic Gate of MiraclesMagic Gate of Miracles Magic PlanterMagic Planter
Magic ReflectorMagic Reflector Magic Triangle of the Ice BarrierMagic Triangle of the Ice Barrier Magical BlastMagical Blast
Magical MalletMagical Mallet Magikey MafteaMagikey Maftea Majespecter StormMajespecter Storm
Makiu, The Magical MistMakiu, The Magical Mist March of the Dark BrigadeMarch of the Dark Brigade Mega Ton Magical CannonMega Ton Magical Cannon
Melodious ConcertoMelodious Concerto Merciful Machine AngelMerciful Machine Angel Meteor of DestructionMeteor of Destruction
MimicatMimicat MimiclayMimiclay Mini-GutsMini-Guts
Miracle FusionMiracle Fusion Miracle Synchro FusionMiracle Synchro Fusion Monster ReincarnationMonster Reincarnation
Moray of GreedMoray of Greed Morphtronic AcceleratorMorphtronic Accelerator Multiplication of AntsMultiplication of Ants
Myutant FusionMyutant Fusion Necroquip PrismNecroquip Prism NightmareNightmare's Steelcage
Nobleman of CrossoutNobleman of Crossout Nobleman of ExterminationNobleman of Extermination Numeron CallingNumeron Calling
Numeron Chaos RitualNumeron Chaos Ritual Numeron CreationNumeron Creation Numeron StormNumeron Storm
Ojama Delta HurricaneOjama Delta Hurricane Old MindOld Mind One-Kuri-WayOne-Kuri-Way
One-Time PasscodeOne-Time Passcode Orcustrated ReturnOrcustrated Return Over DestinyOver Destiny
Overlay CaptureOverlay Capture Overlay RegenOverlay Regen Overload FusionOverload Fusion
OwnerOwner's Seal Parallel TwisterParallel Twister Parallel World FusionParallel World Fusion
Pendulum HaltPendulum Halt Pendulum RisingPendulum Rising Performapal PopperupPerformapal Popperup
Photon VeilPhoton Veil Pot of RichesPot of Riches Power BondPower Bond
PredapracticePredapractice Psi-ImpulsePsi-Impulse Psychic Eraser LaserPsychic Eraser Laser
PsychokinesisPsychokinesis Quill Pen of GulldosQuill Pen of Gulldos Rank-Up-Magic Limited BarianRank-Up-Magic Limited Barian's Force
Rank-Up-Magic Numeron ForceRank-Up-Magic Numeron Force Rank-Up-Magic Raid ForceRank-Up-Magic Raid Force Rank-Up-Magic Skip ForceRank-Up-Magic Skip Force
Rank-Up-Magic Soul Shave ForceRank-Up-Magic Soul Shave Force RecardinationRecardination Release Restraint WaveRelease Restraint Wave
Reptilianne PoisonReptilianne Poison Reptilianne RamificationsReptilianne Ramifications Reptilianne SpawnReptilianne Spawn
Resonator EngineResonator Engine Restructer RevolutionRestructer Revolution Revival SwarmRevival Swarm
RiryokuRiryoku Sabatiel - The PhilosopherSabatiel - The Philosopher's Stone Sacrifice Level-UpSacrifice Level-Up
SageSage's Stone Scareclaw ArrivalScareclaw Arrival Scareclaw DeclineScareclaw Decline
Sextet SummonSextet Summon Shield & SwordShield & Sword Shining Hope RoadShining Hope Road
Short CircuitShort Circuit Shuffle RebornShuffle Reborn Simorgh RepulsionSimorgh Repulsion
Sinful Spoils of Subversion - Snake-EyeSinful Spoils of Subversion - Snake-Eye Sky Striker Maneuver - Afterburners!Sky Striker Maneuver - Afterburners! Skydive ScorcherSkydive Scorcher
Soul ExchangeSoul Exchange Soul TakerSoul Taker Space GiftSpace Gift
Spacetime TranscendenceSpacetime Transcendence Special HurricaneSpecial Hurricane Spell Power GraspSpell Power Grasp
Spell ReproductionSpell Reproduction Spell WallSpell Wall Spellbook Library of the CrescentSpellbook Library of the Crescent
Spellbook of PowerSpellbook of Power Spiritual EntanglementSpiritual Entanglement Stand-OffStand-Off
Star BlastStar Blast Stardust ShimmerStardust Shimmer SummonerSummoner's Art
Sunvine SowingSunvine Sowing Swordsoul Sacred SummitSwordsoul Sacred Summit Synchro RumbleSynchro Rumble
System DownSystem Down Tearlaments GriefTearlaments Grief The Chorus in the SkyThe Chorus in the Sky
The Claw of HermosThe Claw of Hermos The Shallow GraveThe Shallow Grave The True NameThe True Name
Ties That BindTies That Bind Toon RollbackToon Rollback Top ShareTop Share
Tremendous FireTremendous Fire Tri-WightTri-Wight Trial and TribulationTrial and Tribulation
Tribute to the DoomedTribute to the Doomed U.A. Signing DealU.A. Signing Deal Ultra Evolution PillUltra Evolution Pill
Ursarctic DrytronUrsarctic Drytron Vaalmonica DisarmoniaVaalmonica Disarmonia Vaalmonica IntonareVaalmonica Intonare
Vaalmonica VersareVaalmonica Versare ValkyrieValkyrie's Embrace Vaylantz Wars - The Place of BeginningVaylantz Wars - The Place of Beginning
Venom ShotVenom Shot ViperViper's Rebirth Virtual World City - KauwloonVirtual World City - Kauwloon
Warrior EliminationWarrior Elimination Water of LifeWater of Life Where Arf Thou?Where Arf Thou?
White ElephantWhite Elephant's Gift White MirrorWhite Mirror Wild NatureWild Nature's Release
Winds Over the Ice BarrierWinds Over the Ice Barrier Wing RequitalWing Requital World Legacy SurvivorWorld Legacy Survivor
Worm BaitWorm Bait Xyz GiftXyz Gift Xyz RevengeXyz Revenge
Yang Zing PathYang Zing Path Zexal EntrustZexal Entrust

N Normal Spell Cards

A Feather of the PhoenixA Feather of the Phoenix A Wingbeat of Giant DragonA Wingbeat of Giant Dragon A.I. ContactA.I. Contact
A.I. Love FusionA.I. Love Fusion Absorb FusionAbsorb Fusion Abyss Script - Fantasy MagicAbyss Script - Fantasy Magic
Abyss Script - Fire DragonAbyss Script - Fire Dragon's Lair Abyss Script - Opening CeremonyAbyss Script - Opening Ceremony Abyssal DesignatorAbyssal Designator
Advance DrawAdvance Draw After the StruggleAfter the Struggle Against the WindAgainst the Wind
Amazing PendulumAmazing Pendulum Amazoness SpellcasterAmazoness Spellcaster Ancient Gear DrillAncient Gear Drill
Ancient Gear ExplosiveAncient Gear Explosive Ancient Gear FactoryAncient Gear Factory Ancient Gear WorkshopAncient Gear Workshop
Ancient TelescopeAncient Telescope Appliancer ReuseAppliancer Reuse Aqua JetAqua Jet
Armed Dragon BlitzArmed Dragon Blitz Back to Square OneBack to Square One Back-Up RiderBack-Up Rider
Battery ChargerBattery Charger Battle WaltzBattle Waltz Beast RageBeast Rage
Beetrooper LandingBeetrooper Landing Big Wave Small WaveBig Wave Small Wave Black-Winged StrafeBlack-Winged Strafe
Block AttackBlock Attack Blue MedicineBlue Medicine Blustering WindsBlustering Winds
Bonding - D20Bonding - D20 Bonding - D2OBonding - D2O Bonding - H2OBonding - H2O
Book of TaiyouBook of Taiyou Branded BondBranded Bond BujinterventionBujintervention
Burning DrawBurning Draw Burst ReturnBurst Return Burst Stream of DestructionBurst Stream of Destruction
Calming MagicCalming Magic Card AdvanceCard Advance Card RotatorCard Rotator
Chaos EndChaos End Chaos GreedChaos Greed Chaos SeedChaos Seed
CheckmateCheckmate Chosen OneChosen One Cocoon PartyCocoon Party
Constellar Star CradleConstellar Star Cradle Constellar TwinkleConstellar Twinkle ContactContact
Contract with ExodiaContract with Exodia Contract with the VoidContract with the Void Corruption Cell "A"Corruption Cell "A"
Cost DownCost Down Counter CleanerCounter Cleaner Creature SeizureCreature Seizure
Cross AttackCross Attack Crystal AegisCrystal Aegis Crystal BeaconCrystal Beacon
Crystal BlessingCrystal Blessing Cubic WaveCubic Wave Curse of FiendCurse of Fiend
Cynet FusionCynet Fusion D - SpiritD - Spirit Danger! Response TeamDanger! Response Team
Dark Burning AttackDark Burning Attack Dark DesignatorDark Designator Dark Magic AttackDark Magic Attack
Dark Magic Twin BurstDark Magic Twin Burst Dark MambeleDark Mambele Dark World LightningDark World Lightning
Dark-Piercing LightDark-Piercing Light Darkness ApproachesDarkness Approaches De-SpellDe-Spell
Decode DestructionDecode Destruction Delta AttackerDelta Attacker Des CroakingDes Croaking
Dian Keto the Cure MasterDian Keto the Cure Master Different Dimension CapsuleDifferent Dimension Capsule Dimension DistortionDimension Distortion
Dimension Fusion DestructionDimension Fusion Destruction DimensionholeDimensionhole Double AttackDouble Attack
Double SnareDouble Snare Double SummonDouble Summon Dowsing FusionDowsing Fusion
DragonDragon's Gunfire Dragonmaid ChangeoverDragonmaid Changeover Drytron EclipseDrytron Eclipse
Dwimmered PathDwimmered Path Earthbound Immortal RevivalEarthbound Immortal Revival EarthquakeEarthquake
Elegant EgotistElegant Egotist Emergency AssistanceEmergency Assistance Evil Eye AwakeningEvil Eye Awakening
Evolution BurstEvolution Burst Exile of the WickedExile of the Wicked Fairy of the SpringFairy of the Spring
Fake HeroFake Hero Falling CurrentFalling Current Faustian BargainFaustian Bargain
Feast of the Wild LV5Feast of the Wild LV5 Feather ShotFeather Shot Fengsheng MirrorFengsheng Mirror
Fifth HopeFifth Hope Final DestinyFinal Destiny Final GestureFinal Gesture
Final InzektionFinal Inzektion Flourishing FrolicFlourishing Frolic Forbidden TrapezohedronForbidden Trapezohedron
Fragrance StormFragrance Storm Frightfur RebornFrightfur Reborn Frost Blast of the MonarchsFrost Blast of the Monarchs
Full-Force StrikeFull-Force Strike Fury of FireFury of Fire Fusion RecoveryFusion Recovery
Fusion SageFusion Sage GagagaboltGagagabolt GagagadrawGagagadraw
GagagatagGagagatag GagagawindGagagawind Galactic CharityGalactic Charity
Galaxy QueenGalaxy Queen's Light Galaxy TranceGalaxy Trance Gather Your MindGather Your Mind
Generaider Boss QuestGeneraider Boss Quest Gift of the MartyrGift of the Martyr Gladiator BeastGladiator Beast's Respite
GladiatorGladiator's Return GoblinGoblin's Secret Remedy Gold Moon CoinGold Moon Coin
GotterdammerungGotterdammerung Gouki Face TurnGouki Face Turn Gouki Finishing MoveGouki Finishing Move
Gravedigger GhoulGravedigger Ghoul GryphonGryphon's Feather Duster Guts of SteelGuts of Steel
H - Heated HeartH - Heated Heart Harmonic WavesHarmonic Waves Heraldry RebornHeraldry Reborn
Hero Flash!!Hero Flash!! Hero HeartHero Heart Heroic ChanceHeroic Chance
Hi-Speed Re-LevelHi-Speed Re-Level Hieratic Seal of SupremacyHieratic Seal of Supremacy Hieroglyph LithographHieroglyph Lithograph
HinotamaHinotama Ice MirrorIce Mirror Infernity ParanoiaInfernity Paranoia
Iron CallIron Call Iron Core Immediate DisposalIron Core Immediate Disposal Jade Insect WhistleJade Insect Whistle
Junk BoxJunk Box Junk PuppetJunk Puppet Kaminote BlowKaminote Blow
KnightKnight's Title KoaKoa'ki Ring Last Chapter of the Noble KnightsLast Chapter of the Noble Knights
Last Day of WitchLast Day of Witch Last Hope of NephthysLast Hope of Nephthys Level ModulationLevel Modulation
Level TuningLevel Tuning Level Up!Level Up! Lightwave TuningLightwave Tuning
Linear Accelerator CannonLinear Accelerator Cannon Link BurstLink Burst Link HoleLink Hole
Lucky CloudLucky Cloud Lyrilusc - Bird StrikeLyrilusc - Bird Strike Magical Star IllusionMagical Star Illusion
Magicians UniteMagicians Unite Magistus InvocationMagistus Invocation Magistus VritraMagistus Vritra
Magnet Circle LV2Magnet Circle LV2 Majestic AbsorptionMajestic Absorption Malefic SelectorMalefic Selector
Mannadium ImaginingsMannadium Imaginings Mask ChargeMask Charge Mathmech EquationMathmech Equation
Mesmeric ControlMesmeric Control Message in a BottleMessage in a Bottle Mind PollutantMind Pollutant
Mind TrustMind Trust Miracle DigMiracle Dig Miracle RuptureMiracle Rupture
MisfortuneMisfortune Monster SlotsMonster Slots Murmur of the ForestMurmur of the Forest
Mustering of the Dark ScorpionsMustering of the Dark Scorpions Mystic BoxMystic Box Natural TuneNatural Tune
Necroid SynchroNecroid Synchro Neutron BlastNeutron Blast NEXNEX
O - OversoulO - Oversoul OjamuscleOjamuscle Oni-Gami ComboOni-Gami Combo
OokaziOokazi Overpowering EyeOverpowering Eye Packet SwapPacket Swap
Painful ReturnPainful Return Parametalfoes FusionParametalfoes Fusion Particle FusionParticle Fusion
Pegasus WingPegasus Wing Pendulum FusionPendulum Fusion Pendulum PendantPendulum Pendant
Pendulum StormPendulum Storm Pendulum TransferPendulum Transfer Pendulum XyzPendulum Xyz
Performance HurricanePerformance Hurricane Performapal RecastingPerformapal Recasting Phantasmal MartyrsPhantasmal Martyrs
Photon BoosterPhoton Booster Photon HandPhoton Hand Plunder Patroll Shipshape Ships ShippingPlunder Patroll Shipshape Ships Shipping
PolymerizationPolymerization Pot of BenevolencePot of Benevolence Pot of GenerosityPot of Generosity
Power CapsulePower Capsule Psychic PathPsychic Path Puppet RitualPuppet Ritual
R - Righteous JusticeR - Righteous Justice RaimeiRaimei Rain of MercyRain of Mercy
Raptor Wing StrikeRaptor Wing Strike Realm ResonanceRealm Resonance RebootReboot
Recycling BatteriesRecycling Batteries Red ArrowsRed Arrows Red Dragon VaseRed Dragon Vase
Red MedicineRed Medicine Release RestraintRelease Restraint Remove TrapRemove Trap
Resonance DeviceResonance Device Return of the DoomedReturn of the Doomed Revoke FusionRevoke Fusion
Ritual ForegoneRitual Foregone Rose BudRose Bud Ruthless DenialRuthless Denial
Saber SlashSaber Slash Salamangreat RecureanceSalamangreat Recureance SalvageSalvage
Scarlet SecurityScarlet Security Seal of the AncientsSeal of the Ancients Secret Pass to the TreasuresSecret Pass to the Treasures
Shadow ToonShadow Toon Share the PainShare the Pain Shield CrushShield Crush
ShienShien's Spy Shining DrawShining Draw Shock SurpriseShock Surprise
Silent DoomSilent Doom Six Strike - Triple ImpactSix Strike - Triple Impact Sky Striker Maneuver - Jamming Waves!Sky Striker Maneuver - Jamming Waves!
Sky Striker Maneuver - Scissors CrossSky Striker Maneuver - Scissors Cross Sky Striker Maneuver - Vector BlastSky Striker Maneuver - Vector Blast Smashing GroundSmashing Ground
Smile WorldSmile World Solfachord ScaleSolfachord Scale Soul of FireSoul of Fire
Soul of the PureSoul of the Pure Soul ReleaseSoul Release SoundproofedSoundproofed
SparksSparks Special ScheduleSpecial Schedule Specimen InspectionSpecimen Inspection
Spell CallingSpell Calling Spell GearSpell Gear Spellbook Library of the HeliosphereSpellbook Library of the Heliosphere
Spellbook of EternitySpellbook of Eternity Spellbook of MiraclesSpellbook of Miracles Spiral FusionSpiral Fusion
SpiritualismSpiritualism Stamping DestructionStamping Destruction Star Light, Star BrightStar Light, Star Bright
Stop DefenseStop Defense StormStorm Stray LambsStray Lambs
Summon StormSummon Storm Summoning SwarmSummoning Swarm Super All In!Super All In!
Super Quantal Alphan SpikeSuper Quantal Alphan Spike Supremacy BerrySupremacy Berry SurfaceSurface
Suture RebirthSuture Rebirth Sweet RoommaidSweet Roommaid Swing of MemoriesSwing of Memories
Swordsoul PunishmentSwordsoul Punishment Synchro Blast WaveSynchro Blast Wave Synchro ChangeSynchro Change
Synchro CrackerSynchro Cracker Synchro GiftSynchro Gift Synchro OvertopSynchro Overtop
Tail SwipeTail Swipe Tannhauser GateTannhauser Gate That Wacky Magic!That Wacky Magic!
The Big Cattle DriveThe Big Cattle Drive The Cheerful CoffinThe Cheerful Coffin The Flute of Summoning DragonThe Flute of Summoning Dragon
The Graveyard in the Fourth DimensionThe Graveyard in the Fourth Dimension The Humble SentryThe Humble Sentry The Inexperienced SpyThe Inexperienced Spy
The Puppet Magic of Dark RulerThe Puppet Magic of Dark Ruler The Secret of the BanditThe Secret of the Bandit The Terminus of the Burning AbyssThe Terminus of the Burning Abyss
The Warrior Returning AliveThe Warrior Returning Alive Thousand EnergyThousand Energy Thousand KnivesThousand Knives
Thunder CrashThunder Crash Thunder ShortThunder Short TimidityTimidity
Token SundaeToken Sundae Token ThanksgivingToken Thanksgiving Torpedo TakedownTorpedo Takedown
Toy ParadeToy Parade Triangle Ecstasy SparkTriangle Ecstasy Spark Triangle PowerTriangle Power
Tribute DollTribute Doll Trickstar FestivalTrickstar Festival Trickstar FusionTrickstar Fusion
Twilight Twin DragonsTwilight Twin Dragons Tyrant FarmTyrant Farm Unicorn BeaconUnicorn Beacon
Union AttackUnion Attack Urgent SynthesisUrgent Synthesis VampireVampire's Desire
Variety Comes OutVariety Comes Out Vision FusionVision Fusion Vision ReleaseVision Release
Vylon MatterVylon Matter WattkeyWattkey Weights & ZenmaisuresWeights & Zenmaisures
Witchcrafter CollaborationWitchcrafter Collaboration Witchcrafter HolidayWitchcrafter Holiday Wonder CloverWonder Clover
World LegacyWorld Legacy's Heart Wrath of NeosWrath of Neos Xyz BurstXyz Burst
Xyz EnergyXyz Energy Xyz EntrustXyz Entrust XYZ ReceptionXYZ Reception
Xyz ShiftXyz Shift Z-ONEZ-ONE ZenmailfunctionZenmailfunction
Zexal CatapultZexal Catapult

Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel Related Guides

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