Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel

All R Rarity Cards

★ Latest Events & Updates: 3rd Anniversary
March 2025 Duelist Cup
★ Banlist Updates: February 6 | March 6 | March 28
★ Newly Released Card Packs ★
The Ultimate Sparkle | Duel Experts | The Forbidden Liberated

R Rarity Cards are Rare cards you can obtain in Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel. Read on to learn more about each R card's ATK, DEF, Effect, and more!

All R Cards

All R Monster Cards

Card Type How to Get
"A" Cell Breeding Device - Cell "A" Corruption
"A" Cell Scatter Burst - Cell "A" Corruption
"Infernoble Arms - Durendal" - Guided by the Noble Blade
The Noble Knights of Crimson Flowers
Ride Into the Future
Geas of the Light
"Infernoble Arms - Joyeuse" - Guided by the Noble Blade
The Noble Knights of Crimson Flowers
Ride Into the Future
Geas of the Light
A Major Upset -
A Man with Wdjat Spellcaster
A-Team: Trap Disposal Unit Machine
A.I. Challenge You - AI Omniscience
A.I.dle Reborn - AI Omniscience
A/D Changer Warrior
Abomination's Prison - Roused from Destruction
Name of Champions
Blazing Arena
Absolute Crusader Warrior
Absorbing Jar Rock
Abyss Actor - Curtain Raiser Fiend The Darkness Amuses
Abyss Actor - Sassy Rookie Fiend The Darkness Amuses
Abyss Actor - Trendy Understudy Fiend The Darkness Amuses
Climax of the Showdown
Abyss Actor - Twinkle Little Star Fiend The Darkness Amuses
Abyss Actors' Curtain Call - The Darkness Amuses
Climax of the Showdown
Abyss Keeper Fish Cosmic Ocean
The Synchronized Cosmos
Treasures of the Cosmic Ocean
Raging God of the Sea
Abyss Script - Dramatic Story - Climax of the Showdown
Abyss Script - Romantic Terror - The Darkness Amuses
Abyss Soldier Aqua
Abyss Warrior Aqua
Abyss-Scale of the Kraken - Forgotten City Dwellers
Songstress of Sorrow Song
Abyss-Sphere - Forgotten City Dwellers
Songstress of Sorrow Song
Abyss-Squall - Forgotten City Dwellers
Songstress of Sorrow Song
Accel Synchron Machine Stardust Ties
Beyond Speed
1st Anniversary - Stardust Ties
Ride Into the Future
Evoked Dragon of Miracles
Accellight - Nebula Cyclone
1st Anniversary - Nebula Cyclone
Origin of the Galaxy
Achichi @Ignister Cyberse AI Omniscience
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Acid Rain -
Acrobatic Magician Spellcaster
Action Magic - Double Banking -
Adamancipator Friends - Pyroxene Relinquished
Adamancipator Laputite - Pyroxene Relinquished
Adamancipator Resonance - Pyroxene Relinquished
Adamancipator Seeker Rock Pyroxene Relinquished
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Adhesive Explosive Machine
Adularia of the June Moon Spellcaster Climax of the Showdown
Advance Force -
Advance Zone -
Advanced Crystal Beast Ruby Carbuncle Fairy Strong Will
Aegaion the Sea Castrum Machine Colossal Mech
Aegis of the Ocean Dragon Lord -
Aether, the Evil Empowering Dragon Dragon
After the Storm -
Agave Dragon Wyrm Refined Blade
Guardian of the Sacred Summit
Air Cracking Storm -
Aiwass, the Magistus Spell Spirit Fiend Seekers of Witchcraft
Albion the Shrouded Dragon Dragon Ruler's Mask
Alba Abyss
Fighting Spirit of Sparking Iron
Beginning of the Next Journey
Aim For The Stars
Alchemic Magician Spellcaster
Alchemist of Black Spells Spellcaster Knowledge of the Mythlords
Alector, Sovereign of Birds Winged Beast Piercing Winds
Aleister the Invoker of Madness Spellcaster Seekers of Witchcraft
Stalwart Force
ALERT! - Flame of Fury
Rescue Team, Emergency Dispatch!
Alexandrite Dragon Dragon
Alghoul Mazera Zombie Immortal Glory
Alien Dog Reptile Cell "A" Corruption
Alien Hypno Reptile Cell "A" Corruption
Alien Kid Reptile Cell "A" Corruption
Alien Mars Reptile Cell "A" Corruption
Alien Mother Reptile Cell "A" Corruption
Alien Telepath Reptile Cell "A" Corruption
Alligator's Sword Dragon Dragon
Allure Queen LV5 Spellcaster
Alluring Mirror Split - Glory on Wings
Allvain the Essence of Vanity Fairy Ruler's Mask
Beginning of the Next Journey
Ally of Justice Cosmic Gateway Machine Justice Before Attribute
Ally of Justice Reverse Break Machine Justice Before Attribute
Ally of Justice Searcher Machine Justice Before Attribute
Ally of Justice Unlimiter Machine Justice Before Attribute
Ally Salvo Machine Justice Before Attribute
Alpha The Electromagnet Warrior Rock Scientific Analysis
Altergeist Fijialert Spellcaster Electron Illusions
Stalwart Force
Altergeist Malwisp Spellcaster Nightmare Arrivals
Altergeist Pookuery Spellcaster Electron Illusions
Altergeist Primebanshee Spellcaster Electron Illusions
Nightmare Arrivals
Altergeist Protocol - Electron Illusions
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Altitude Knight Warrior
Alviss of the Nordic Alfar Spellcaster Astral Trinity of Gods
Amanokujaki Fiend
Amarylease Plant
Amaze Attraction Horror House - The Darkness Amuses
Rage of Chaos
Amaze Attraction Thrill Train - Rage of Chaos
Amaze Attraction Wonder Wheel - The Darkness Amuses
Amazement Ambassador Bufo Beast The Darkness Amuses
Amazement Assistant Delia Machine The Darkness Amuses
Rage of Chaos
Amazement Precious Park - The Darkness Amuses
Amazoness Archers - Warriors Unite!
Amazoness Baby Tiger Beast Warriors Unite!
Blessings of Nature
Amazoness Hall - Blessings of Nature
Amazoness Onslaught - Warriors Unite!
Amazoness Queen Warrior Warriors Unite!
Blessings of Nature
Amazoness Secret Arts - Blessings of Nature
Amazoness Spy Warrior Warriors Unite!
Amazoness Trainee Dragon Warriors Unite!
Amazoness Willpower - Warriors Unite!
Ambitious Gofer Fiend
Ameba Aqua
Amorphage Gluttony Dragon Advanced Warriors
True Dracos' Forging
Amorphage Infection - Advanced Warriors
True Dracos' Forging
Amorphage Sloth Dragon Advanced Warriors
True Dracos' Forging
Amorphage Wrath Machine Advanced Warriors
True Dracos' Forging
Amphibious Bugroth MK-3 Spellcaster
Amulet Dragon Dragon Darkest Magics
Amulet of Ambition -
Anarchist Monk Ranshin Dragon
Anchamoufrite Spellcaster
Ancient Dragon Machine
Ancient Forest -
Ancient Gear Beast Machine Gargantuan Gears
Ancient Gear Box Machine Gargantuan Gears
Advance of Great Forces
Ancient Gear Castle - Gargantuan Gears
Ancient Gear Duel - Advance of Great Forces
Ancient Gear Fortress - Gargantuan Gears
Ancient Gear Frame Machine Gargantuan Gears
Advance of Great Forces
Ancient Gear Golem Machine Gargantuan Gears
Fusion Potential
Advance of Great Forces
Ancient Gear Howitzer Machine Gargantuan Gears
Fusion Potential
Advance of Great Forces
Ancient Gear Hunting Hound Machine Gargantuan Gears
Ancient Gear Reborn - Gargantuan Gears
Ancient Gear Tanker Machine Advance of Great Forces
Ancient Lamp Spellcaster
Ancient Rules -
Ancient Sacred Wyvern Fairy Life Finds a Way
Ancient Warriors - Ingenious Zhuge Kong Beast-Warrior Legends of Old
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Passage of the Sun
Ancient Warriors - Loyal Guan Yun Beast-Warrior Legends of Old
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Ancient Warriors - Valiant Zhang De Beast-Warrior Legends of Old
Passage of the Sun
Ancient Warriors Saga - Three Visits - Legends of Old
Andro Sphinx Beast
Angel O1 Fairy Life Finds a Way
Angel O7 Fairy Life Finds a Way
Angel Trumpeter Plant
Angmarl the Fiendish Monarch Fiend
Annihilator Archfiend Fiend
Anteatereatingant Insect
Anti-Magic Prism -
Antidote Nurse Machine Chaotic Showtime
Ape Fighter Beast
Ape Magician Beast
Apple Magician Girl Spellcaster Vortex of Magic
Appliancer Dryer Drake Machine Electrilyrical
Appliancer Kappa Scale Machine Electrilyrical
Appliancer Laundry Dragon Machine Electrilyrical
Appliancer Propelion Machine Electrilyrical
Appliancer Vacculephant Machine Electrilyrical
Apprentice Piper Spellcaster
Appropriate -
Aqua Madoor Spellcaster
Aqua Spirit Aqua
Aquaactress Arowana Aqua
Aquamirror Cycle - Rites of the Mirrorworld
Aquarian Alessa Aqua
Aratama Fiend Souls of Sublime Gods
Arcana Force 0 - The Fool Fairy Hand of Fate
Arcana Force IV - The Emperor Fairy Hand of Fate
Arcana Force VII - The Chariot Fairy Hand of Fate
Arcana Force XIV - Temperance Fairy Hand of Fate
Eternal Partners
Arcana Force XV - The Fiend Fairy Eternal Partners
Archfiend Cavalry Fiend The Cost of Dark Powers
Archfiend Commander Fiend
Archfiend Emperor, the First Lord of Horror Fiend The Cost of Dark Powers
Archfiend Interceptor Fiend
Archfiend of Gilfer Fiend
Archfiend Palabyrinth - The Cost of Dark Powers
Archfiend Zombie-Skull Zombie
Archfiend's Advent Fiend Geas of the Light
Archfiend's Oath - The Cost of Dark Powers
Archfiend's Staff of Despair - The Cost of Dark Powers
Archlord Zerato Fairy
Arcjet Lightcraft Machine Colossal Mech
Aria the Melodious Diva Fairy A Song of Zephyr and Petals
Geas of the Light
Ariel, Priestess of the Nekroz Psychic Rites of the Mirrorworld
Arisen Gaia the Fierce Knight Warrior Inevitability of Chaos
Spiral Spear Strike
Arkbrave Dragon Dragon Dragon Luster
Armed Dragon Flash - Monster Overdrive
Dragons' Reincarnation
Armed Dragon Lightning - Monster Overdrive
Dragons' Reincarnation
Armed Dragon LV7 Dragon Monster Overdrive
Climax of the Showdown
Mighty Contenders
Dragons' Reincarnation
Armed Dragon Thunder LV5 Dragon Monster Overdrive
Climax of the Showdown
Mighty Contenders
Dragons' Reincarnation
Armed Ninja Warrior
Armed Samurai - Ben Kei Warrior Theme Chronicle Banlist
Armityle the Chaos Phantasm Fiend World Cloaked in Magical Power
Armor Blast - Insect Metamorphosis
Beetle Troops Roll Out
Armor Ninjitsu Art of Alchemy - The Hidden Arts
Hidden Arts of Shadows
Armor Ninjitsu Art of Rust Mist - The Hidden Arts
Hidden Arts of Shadows
Armored Axon Kicker Psychic
Armored Bee Insect
Armoroid Machine Roid Nexus
Arnis, the Empowered Warrior Warrior
Aroma Blend - Advance of Great Forces
Blooming in Adversity
Aromage Bergamot Plant Blooming in Adversity
Advance of Great Forces
Aromage Laurel Plant Blooming in Adversity
Advance of Great Forces
Aromaseraphy Angelica Plant Blooming in Adversity
Advance of Great Forces
Arrive in Light - Beyond Speed
Evoked Dragon of Miracles
Arsenal Summoner Spellcaster Awakening of the Ancients
Artifact Aegis Fairy Awakening of the Ancients
Sisters of the Light
Artifact Caduceus Fairy Awakening of the Ancients
Sisters of the Light
Artifact Mjollnir Fairy Awakening of the Ancients
Sisters of the Light
Artifact Vajra Fairy Awakening of the Ancients
Sisters of the Light
Artillery Catapult Turtle Aqua Warriors of Legend
Fusion Potential
Spiral Spear Strike
Asceticism of the Six Samurai - Great Shogun's Rule
Ashened to Endlessness - Dragons' Reincarnation
Assault Armor -
Assault Beast Beast-Warrior Synchro Mode Change
Victory in Progress
Duel Experts
Assault Blackwing - Chidori the Rain Sprinkling Warrior Soaring on Darkest Wings
Assault Blackwing - Sayo the Rain Hider Winged Beast
Assault Blackwing - Sohaya the Rain Storm Winged Beast Soaring on Darkest Wings
Assault Dog Beast
Assault Mode Activate - Synchro Mode Change
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Victory in Progress
Duel Experts
Assault on GHQ -
Assault Sentinel Beast-Warrior Synchro Mode Change
Victory in Progress
Assault Teleport - Synchro Mode Change
Assault Wyvern Dragon The Azure in the Ivory
1st Anniversary - The Azure in the Ivory
Blue-Eyes Max
Astra Ghouls Zombie
Astral Barrier -
Astraltopia Warrior
Asura Priest Fairy
Attachment Cybern Dragon
Attack the Moon! -
Attention! -
Augmented Heraldry - Altered Heraldry
Aurora Paragon Fairy Life Finds a Way
Autonomous Action Unit -
Avenging Knight Parshath Fairy Guardians of the Sacred Sky
New World Replete With Joy
Awakening of the Possessed - Gagigobyte Reptile Spiritual Mastery
Awakening of the Possessed - Greater Inari Fire Pyro Spiritual Mastery
Blazing Arena
Awakening of the Possessed - Nefariouser Archfiend Beast Spiritual Mastery
Hope Sprouting in the Spring Breeze
Awakening of the Possessed - Rasenryu Dragon Spiritual Mastery
Axe of Despair - The Cost of Dark Powers
Axe of Fools -
Axe Raider Warrior
Azamina Determination - The Forbidden Liberated
Azamina Sol Erysichthon Illusion The Forbidden Liberated
Aztekipede, the Worm Warrior Insect
B.E.S. Big Core MK-2 Machine Galaxy War
B.E.S. Crystal Core Machine Galaxy War
B.E.S. Tetran Machine Galaxy War
Baba Barber Fiend
Baby Raccoon Ponpoko Beast
Baby Raccoon Tantan Beast
Baby Spider Insect Dreaded Conspiracy
The Masters Saga
Baby Tiragon Dragon
Backfire - Theme Chronicle Banlist
Backlinker Cyberse
Backup Soldier -
Backup Squad -
Backup Supervisor Cyberse Electron Illusions
Backup Team -
Bacon Saver Zombie Immortal Glory
Bad Aim -
Bad Luck Blast - Theme Chronicle Banlist
Bad Reaction to Simochi - Theme Chronicle Banlist
Ballista Squad -
Banisher of the Light Fairy
Banisher of the Radiance Fairy
Baobaboon Plant
Barbaroid, the Ultimate Battle Machine Machine Roid Nexus
Bark of Dark Ruler -
Barkion's Bark - Denizens of Sacred Tree Grove
Barrel Behind the Door -
Barrier Wave -
Basiltrice, Familiar of the Evil Eye Fiend Dreaded Conspiracy
Batteryman Charger Thunder Electrilyrical
Burst of Zapping Energy!
Batteryman Micro-Cell Thunder Electrilyrical
Burst of Zapping Energy!
Battle Break -
Battle Fader Fiend Singularity Warrior
Battle of Sleeping Spirits - Sprites of Miracle
Battle of the Elements -
Battle Survivor Warrior
Battlecruiser Dianthus Plant Altered Heraldry
Battleguard King Warrior
Battleguard Rage -
Battlestorm Winged Beast
Battlewasp - Arbalest the Rapidfire Insect Insect Metamorphosis
Battlewasp - Azusa the Ghost Bow Insect Insect Metamorphosis
Battlewasp - Sting the Poison Insect Insect Metamorphosis
Battlin' Boxer Cheat Commissioner Warrior Blazing Warriors
Battlin' Boxer Switchitter Warrior Blazing Warriors
Battlin' Boxer Uppercutter Warrior Blazing Arena
Battlin' Boxer Veil Warrior Blazing Warriors
Blazing Arena
Battlin' Boxing Spirits - Blazing Warriors
Blazing Arena
Bearblocker Fiend
Beast Rising -
Beast-Warrior Puma Beast-Warrior
Beastking of the Swamps Aqua
Beastly Mirror Ritual -
Beetron Insect
Beetrooper Assault Roller Insect
Beetrooper Formation - Invincible Raid
Recollection of the Story
Beetle Troops Roll Out
Beetrooper Light Flapper Insect
Beetrooper Scale Bomber Insect Invincible Raid
Beetle Troops Roll Out
Record of Noble Spirits
Beetrooper Scout Buggy Insect Invincible Raid
Recollection of the Story
Beetle Troops Roll Out
Record of Noble Spirits
Beetrooper Squad - Invincible Raid
Beetle Troops Roll Out
Beginning of Heaven and Earth - Inevitability of Chaos
Warriors of Legend
Spiral Spear Strike
Begone, Knave! -
Behemoth the King of All Animals Beast
Beiige, Vanguard of Dark World Fiend Rulers of Darkness
Belial - Marquis of Darkness Fiend
Berry Magician Girl Spellcaster Vortex of Magic
Berserk Scales -
Berserker Crush -
Berserking -
Beta Evolution Pill - Ultranscendance - Transcendentalism
Beta The Electromagnet Warrior Rock Scientific Analysis
Bicorn Re'em Beast
Big Bang Shot - Awakening of the Ancients
Big Belly Knight Warrior
Big Burn -
Big Evolution Pill - Prehistoric Beast Advance
Big Piece Golem Rock
Big Shield Gardna Warrior
BIG Win!? -
Big-Tusked Mammoth Beast
Bio-Insect Armor Insect Dreaded Conspiracy
Biofalcon Machine
Bird of Paradise Lost Wyrm
Bird of Roses Plant
Birthright -
Black and White Wave -
Black Horn of Heaven -
Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Evening Twilight Warrior Inevitability of Chaos
Spiral Spear Strike
Black Mamba Reptile Inherited Unity
Sacred Imperial Tomb
Black Metal Dragon Dragon The Cerise in the Ebony
1st Anniversary - The Cerise in the Ebony
Inherited Unity
Invincible Aces
Black Pendant -
Black Ray Lancer Beast-Warrior Shark's Pride
Blazing Arena
Black Tyranno Dinosaur
Blackbird Close - Soaring on Darkest Wings
Blackwing's Pride
Blackeyes, the Plunder Patroll Seaguide Fiend Vessels of Freedom
The Synchronized Cosmos
Blackwing - Aurora the Northern Lights Winged Beast
Blackwing - Auster the South Wind Winged Beast Soaring on Darkest Wings
Blackwing's Pride
Blackwing - Blizzard the Far North Winged Beast Soaring on Darkest Wings
Blackwing's Pride
Blackwing - Bora the Spear Winged Beast Soaring on Darkest Wings
Blackwing's Pride
Blackwing - Chinook the Snow Blast Winged Beast Blackwing's Pride
Blackwing - Kalut the Moon Shadow Winged Beast Soaring on Darkest Wings
Blackwing's Pride
Blackwing - Shura the Blue Flame Winged Beast Soaring on Darkest Wings
Blackwing's Pride
Blackwing - Silverwind the Ascendant Winged Beast Soaring on Darkest Wings
Blackwing - Sirocco the Dawn Winged Beast Soaring on Darkest Wings
Blackwing's Pride
Blackwing - Zonda the Dusk Winged Beast Blackwing's Pride
Blackwing Armor Master Winged Beast Soaring on Darkest Wings
Blackwing's Pride
Blade Knight Warrior
Blast Asmodian Fiend
Blast Held by a Tribute -
Blast Held by Destiny - Strong Will
The Ones Who Serve Ra
Blast Magician Spellcaster
Blast Sphere Machine
Blast with Chain -
Blasting Fuse -
Blaze Accelerator - Beasts of the Inferno
Blaze Cannon - The Great Olds
Passage of the Sun
The Ones Who Serve Ra
Blazewing Butterfly Insect
Blessed Winds - Blooming in Adversity
Advance of Great Forces
Blind Obliteration -
Blind Spot Strike -
Blizzard -
Blizzard Dragon Dragon
Blizzard Falcon Winged Beast
Blizzard Thunderbird Winged Beast
Blockman Rock
Blooming of the Darkest Rose - Exquisite Jet-Black Rose
Blue Flame Swordsman Warrior Geas of the Light
Blue Mountain Butterspy Warrior
Blue Rose Dragon Dragon Exquisite Jet-Black Rose
Blue Thunder T-45 Machine Galaxy War
Blue-Eyes Chaos Dragon Dragon The Azure in the Ivory
Revival of Legends
1st Anniversary - The Azure in the Ivory
Blue-Eyes Max
Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon Dragon The Azure in the Ivory
1st Anniversary - The Azure in the Ivory
Blue-Eyes Solid Dragon Dragon The Azure in the Ivory
Revival of Legends
1st Anniversary - The Azure in the Ivory
Blue-Eyes Max
Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon Dragon The Azure in the Ivory
1st Anniversary - The Azure in the Ivory
The Masters Saga
BM-4 Blast Spider Machine
Bond Between Teacher and Student - Darkest Magics
Vortex of Magic
Bonze Alone Fairy
Boo-Boo Game - Electron Illusions
Mysterious Labyrinth
Booby Trap E -
Book of Life -
Book of Moon - Return of the King
Duel Experts
Boon of the Meklord Emperor - Impending Assassination
Booster Dragon Dragon Shot Through Fiction
Boot-Up Admiral - Destroyer Dynamo Machine Shifting Gears
Boot-Up Order - Gear Charge - Shifting Gears
Boot-Up Order - Gear Force - Shifting Gears
Born from Draconis - Celestial Dragon and Bear
Borreload eXcharge Dragon Dragon Shot Through Fiction
Borreload Riot Dragon Dragon Valiant Wings
Shot Through Fiction
Bound Wand -
Bounzer Guard -
Box of Friends Machine Beloved Dolls
BOXer Warrior
Brain Control -
Brain Hazard -
Branded Beast - Climax of the Showdown
Dragon Kings from the Abyss
Name of Champions
Aim For The Stars
Branded in Red - Refined Blade
Alba Abyss
Beginning of Turmoil
The Opening Act of an Apocalypse
Beginning of the Next Journey
Name of Champions
Aim For The Stars
Branded Loss - Alba Abyss
Branded Retribution - The Newborn Dragon
Alba Abyss
Aim For The Stars
Brave-Eyes Pendulum Dragon Dragon Draconic Resplendence
Break Off Trap Hole - Mother Nature's Snare
Break! Draw! -
Breaker the Magical Warrior Spellcaster Knowledge of the Mythlords
Breath of Acclamation - Miraculous Advent
Breath of Light -
Breath of Resurrection - Wandering Travelers
Guided by Fate
Victory in Progress
Bright Star Dragon Dragon
Brigrand the Glory Dragon Beast Ruler's Mask
Alba Abyss
Name of Champions
Aim For The Stars
Brinegir Sea Serpent
Broken Bamboo Sword - A Dance Dedicated to the Heavens
Broken Line - Electrilyrical
Burst of Zapping Energy!
Broomy Spellcaster The Forbidden Liberated
Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Buffalo Beast-Warrior Guardians of Fire
Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Dragon Beast-Warrior Guardians of Fire
Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Gorilla Beast-Warrior Guardians of Fire
Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Kirin Beast-Warrior Guardians of Fire
Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Leopard Beast-Warrior Guardians of Fire
Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Lion Emperor Beast-Warrior Guardians of Fire
Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Ram Beast-Warrior Guardians of Fire
Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Swallow Beast-Warrior Guardians of Fire
Broww, Huntsman of Dark World Fiend Rulers of Darkness
Brron, Mad King of Dark World Fiend Rulers of Darkness
Brushfire Knight Warrior
Brutal Beast Battle -
Brutal Potion -
Bubble Crash -
Bug Matrix -
Bug Signal - Insect Metamorphosis
Bujin Regalia - The Mirror - Bujin's Vault of Heaven
Bujincandescence - Bujin's Vault of Heaven
Bujincarnation - Bujin's Vault of Heaven
Bujingi Crow Winged Beast Bujin's Vault of Heaven
Bujingi Fox Beast Bujin's Vault of Heaven
Bujingi Hare Beast Bujin's Vault of Heaven
Bujingi Pavo Winged Beast Bujin's Vault of Heaven
Bujingi Peacock Winged Beast Bujin's Vault of Heaven
Bujingi Sinyou Beast Bujin's Vault of Heaven
Bujinunity - Bujin's Vault of Heaven
Bull Blader Warrior
Bunny Ear Enthusiast Beast-Warrior
Burden of the Mighty -
Burgundy the Magic Elf Spellcaster
Burning Bamboo Sword - A Dance Dedicated to the Heavens
Burning Dragon Dragon Inherited Unity
Outlaws from the Inferno
Burning Skull Head Zombie
Burnout - Scientific Analysis
Burst Rebirth -
Buster Gundil the Cubic Behemoth Beast Natural Selection
Buster Whelp of the Destruction Swordsman Dragon Warriors of Legend
Butterspy Protection -
Buzzsaw Shark Fish Shark's Pride
Blazing Arena
Raging God of the Sea
Byser Shock Fiend
Caam, Serenity of Gusto Psychic Ties to Mother Nature
Cactus Fighter Plant
Caligo Claw Crow Winged Beast
Call of the Atlanteans - Forgotten City Dwellers
Cameraclops Warrior
Caninetaur Beast-Warrior
Canopic Protector - Revived Legion
Sacred Imperial Tomb
Canyon -
Carboneddon Dinosaur Scientific Analysis
Invincible Aces
Card Blocker Warrior
Card Ejector Spellcaster
Card of Sacrifice -
Card of Sanctity -
Card Trooper Machine Roid Nexus
Cardcar D Machine
Cards for Black Feathers - Soaring on Darkest Wings
Cards of the Red Stone - The Cerise in the Ebony
1st Anniversary - The Cerise in the Ebony
Carpaponica, Mystical Beast of the Forest Beast Forest Friends
Cartorhyn the Hidden Gem of the Seafront Rock Strong Will
Cash Back -
Cassimolar Fiend Beginning of Turmoil
Castle Link -
Castle of Dragon Souls - Dragonmaid-to-Order
Cataclysmic Circumpolar Chilblainia Fairy Worthy Adversaries
Cataclysmic Crusted Calcifida Fairy Worthy Adversaries
The Ultimate Traditional Art
Revived Legion
Cataclysmic Cryonic Coldo Fairy Worthy Adversaries
Cataclysmic Scorching Sunburner Fairy Worthy Adversaries
Catapult Turtle Aqua
Catapult Warrior Machine Scrap Iron Soldiers
Catapult Zone -
Catoblepas and the Witch of Fate Spellcaster Destiny's Sorceress
Cattle Call - Wings that Span the Sky
Cauldron of the Old Man - Theme Chronicle Banlist
Celestia, Lightsworn Angel Fairy Justice from Light
Celestial Apparatus Tesea Fairy Rage of Chaos
Guided by Fate
Victory in Progress
Celestial Sword - Eatos - Awakening of the Ancients
A Dance Dedicated to the Heavens
Celestial Transformation -
Celestial Wolf Lord, Blue Sirius Beast-Warrior
Celtic Guard of Noble Arms Warrior
Celtic Guardian Warrior
Centerfrog Aqua
Centur-Ion Emeth VI Machine Eternal Partners
Eternal Partners
Centur-Ion Gargoyle II Dragon Eternal Partners
Eternal Partners
Chain Destruction -
Chain Detonation -
Chain Disappearance -
Chain Dog Beast
Chain Energy -
Chain Healing -
Chain Material -
Chain Resonator Fiend Savage Crimson Dragon
New Step for Duelists
1st Anniversary - Savage Crimson Dragon
Chain Summon -
Chainsaw Insect Insect
Chakra Fiend
Champion's Vigilance -
Chaos Beast Fiend Rage of Chaos
Chaos Burst -

All R Trap Cards

Card How to Get
A Major Upset
・Legacy Pack
A.I. Challenge You AI Omniscience
・Master Pack
Abyss Actors' Curtain Call The Darkness Amuses
Climax of the Showdown
・Master Pack
Abyss-Sphere Forgotten City Dwellers
Songstress of Sorrow Song
・Master Pack
Abyss-Squall Forgotten City Dwellers
Songstress of Sorrow Song
・Master Pack
Adamancipator Resonance Pyroxene Relinquished
・Master Pack
Aegis of the Ocean Dragon Lord
・Legacy Pack
Altergeist Protocol Electron Illusions
Theme Chronicle Banlist
・Master Pack
Amaze Attraction Horror House The Darkness Amuses
Rage of Chaos
・Master Pack
Amaze Attraction Thrill Train Rage of Chaos
・Master Pack
Amaze Attraction Wonder Wheel The Darkness Amuses
・Master Pack
Amazoness Archers Warriors Unite!
・Master Pack
Amazoness Hall Blessings of Nature
・Master Pack
Amazoness Onslaught Warriors Unite!
・Master Pack
Amazoness Willpower Warriors Unite!
・Master Pack
Ancient Gear Duel Advance of Great Forces
・Master Pack
Ancient Gear Reborn Gargantuan Gears
・Master Pack
Anti-Magic Prism
・Legacy Pack
・Legacy Pack
Aquamirror Cycle Rites of the Mirrorworld
・Master Pack
Armor Ninjitsu Art of Rust Mist The Hidden Arts
Hidden Arts of Shadows
・Master Pack
Ashened to Endlessness Dragons' Reincarnation
・Master Pack
Assault Mode Activate Synchro Mode Change
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Victory in Progress
Duel Experts
・Master Pack
Assault on GHQ
・Legacy Pack
Astral Barrier
・Legacy Pack
・Legacy Pack
Azamina Determination The Forbidden Liberated
・Master Pack
Backfire Theme Chronicle Banlist

・Legacy Pack
Backup Soldier
・Legacy Pack
Backup Team ・Master Pack
Bad Aim
・Legacy Pack
Bad Luck Blast Theme Chronicle Banlist
・Master Pack
Bad Reaction to Simochi Theme Chronicle Banlist

・Legacy Pack
Ballista Squad
・Legacy Pack
Bark of Dark Ruler
・Legacy Pack
Barrel Behind the Door
・Legacy Pack
Barrier Wave
・Legacy Pack
Battle Break
・Legacy Pack
Battle of the Elements ・Master Pack
Battleguard Rage ・Master Pack
Beast Rising
・Legacy Pack
Beetrooper Squad Invincible Raid
Beetle Troops Roll Out
・Master Pack
Beginning of Heaven and Earth Inevitability of Chaos
Warriors of Legend
Spiral Spear Strike
・Master Pack
Begone, Knave!
・Legacy Pack
・Legacy Pack
Big Burn
・Legacy Pack
BIG Win!?
・Legacy Pack
・Legacy Pack
Black Horn of Heaven ・Master Pack
Blackbird Close Soaring on Darkest Wings
Blackwing's Pride
・Master Pack
Blast Held by a Tribute ・Master Pack
Blast Held by Destiny Strong Will
The Ones Who Serve Ra
・Master Pack
Blast with Chain
・Legacy Pack
Blasting Fuse
・Legacy Pack
Blessed Winds Blooming in Adversity
Advance of Great Forces
・Master Pack
Blind Obliteration
・Legacy Pack
Blooming of the Darkest Rose Exquisite Jet-Black Rose
・Master Pack
Boo-Boo Game Electron Illusions
Mysterious Labyrinth
・Master Pack
Booby Trap E
・Legacy Pack
Boot-Up Order - Gear Force Shifting Gears
・Master Pack
Born from Draconis Celestial Dragon and Bear
・Master Pack
Bounzer Guard
・Legacy Pack
Brain Hazard
・Legacy Pack
Branded Beast Climax of the Showdown
Dragon Kings from the Abyss
Name of Champions
Aim For The Stars
・Master Pack
Branded Retribution The Newborn Dragon
Alba Abyss
Aim For The Stars
・Master Pack
Break Off Trap Hole Mother Nature's Snare
・Master Pack
Broken Line Electrilyrical
Burst of Zapping Energy!
・Master Pack
Brutal Beast Battle
・Legacy Pack
Brutal Potion
・Legacy Pack
Bubble Crash
・Legacy Pack
Burnout Scientific Analysis
・Master Pack
Burst Rebirth ・Master Pack
Butterspy Protection ・Master Pack
Canopic Protector Revived Legion
Sacred Imperial Tomb
・Master Pack
Card of Sacrifice
・Legacy Pack
Cash Back
・Legacy Pack
Castle of Dragon Souls Dragonmaid-to-Order
・Master Pack
Chain Destruction
・Legacy Pack
Chain Detonation
・Legacy Pack
Chain Disappearance
・Legacy Pack
Chain Healing
・Legacy Pack
Chain Material
・Legacy Pack
Champion's Vigilance ・Master Pack
Chaos Burst
・Legacy Pack
Chaos Infinity ・Master Pack
Chivalry ・Master Pack
Chosen of Zefra Enchanted Threads of Shade
・Master Pack
Cloak and Dagger
・Legacy Pack
Coffin Seller ・Master Pack
Commander of Swords
・Legacy Pack
Common Charity
・Legacy Pack
Compulsory Escape Device ・Master Pack
Compulsory Evacuation Device
・Legacy Pack
Conquistador of the Golden Land Immortal Royalty
Crystal Realm Defier
・Master Pack
Consolation Prize Tournament Athletes
・Master Pack
CONTAIN! Flame of Fury
Rescue Team, Emergency Dispatch!
・Master Pack
Copy Knight
・Legacy Pack
Core Blast
・Legacy Pack
・Legacy Pack
Court of Cards Pledge of Sword
・Master Pack
Crevice Into the Different Dimension
・Legacy Pack
Cross-Dimensional Duel Gargantuan Gears
Advance of Great Forces
・Master Pack
Crusadia Krawler Cosmic Mechanical Entities
Star-Studded Futures
・Master Pack
Crush Card Virus Rulers of Darkness
Illusion Beast's Roar
・Master Pack
Cry Havoc!
・Legacy Pack
Crystal Boon Strong Will
・Master Pack
Crystal Brilliance Strong Will
・Master Pack
Crystal Conclave Crystal Serpentry
・Master Pack
Crystal Pair Crystal Serpentry
Strong Will
・Master Pack
Cubic Ascension Natural Selection
・Master Pack
Curse of Anubis
・Legacy Pack
Curse of Darkness
・Legacy Pack
Cursed Seal of the Forbidden Spell
・Legacy Pack
Cyber Shadow Gardna
・Legacy Pack
Cyberdark Invasion ・Master Pack
Cybernetic Revolution Pearlescent Cyber Dragons
・Master Pack
Cyberse Beacon
・Legacy Pack
Cynet Conflict Soldiers from the Storm
Theme Chronicle Banlist
New Step for Duelists
1st Anniversary - Soldiers from the Storm
・Master Pack
D - Tactics Shrouded Heroes
・Master Pack
D-Fusion Shrouded Heroes
・Master Pack
D2 Shield
・Legacy Pack
Damage Condenser
・Legacy Pack
Damage Diet
・Legacy Pack
Damage Gate ・Master Pack
Damage Polarizer
・Legacy Pack
Dances with Beasts
・Legacy Pack
Danger! Zone Emerging Monstrosity Recon!
・Master Pack
Dark Cure
・Legacy Pack
Dark Factory of More Production ・Master Pack
Dark Horizon Vortex of Magic
・Master Pack
Dark Illusion
・Legacy Pack
Dark Mirror Force ・Master Pack
Dark Renewal Vortex of Magic
・Master Pack
Dark Scorpion Combination ・Master Pack
Dark Spirit Art - Greed Spiritual Mastery
・Master Pack
・Legacy Pack
Darklord Enchantment Deceitful Wings of Darkness
The Opening Act of an Apocalypse
・Master Pack
Defenders Intersect
・Legacy Pack
Defense Draw
・Legacy Pack
Depth Amulet
・Legacy Pack
Des Counterblow
・Legacy Pack
Destruction Jammer
・Legacy Pack
Destruction Ring
・Legacy Pack
Destruction Sword Memories Warriors of Legend
Theme Chronicle Banlist
・Master Pack
Destructive Draw
・Legacy Pack
Dice It
・Legacy Pack
・Legacy Pack
・Legacy Pack
Different Dimension Encounter
・Legacy Pack
Dig of Destiny
・Legacy Pack
Dimension Gate
・Legacy Pack
Dimension Guardian ・Master Pack
Dimension Mirage
・Legacy Pack
Dimension Reflector
・Legacy Pack
Dimension Slice ・Master Pack
Dimension Sphinx
・Legacy Pack
Dimension Wall ・Master Pack
Dinomorphia Alert Invincible Raid
・Master Pack
Dinomorphia Shell Invincible Raid
・Master Pack
Dinomorphia Sonic Invincible Raid
Beginning of Turmoil
Theme Chronicle Banlist
・Master Pack
Disappear ・Master Pack
・Legacy Pack
DNA Checkup
・Legacy Pack
DNA Surgery
・Legacy Pack
DNA Transplant
・Legacy Pack
Doble Passe
・Legacy Pack
Dogmatika Genesis Echo Chamber Nation
Beginning of Turmoil
・Master Pack
Dogmatika Punishment Echo Chamber Nation
Alba Abyss
Beginning of Turmoil
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Duel Experts
・Master Pack
Double Magical Arm Bind
・Legacy Pack
Dragonmaid Tidying Dragon Luster
Theme Chronicle Banlist
・Master Pack
Dragunity Oubliette Dragon Knight Gorge
・Master Pack
Draining Shield
・Legacy Pack
Drytron Meteor Shower Celestial Dragon and Bear
Dragons' Reincarnation
・Master Pack
Dust Storm of Gusto
・Legacy Pack
Dust Tornado
・Legacy Pack
Dustflame Blast Combatants of Flame
・Master Pack
Duston Roller Prank Panic!
・Master Pack
E.M.R. The Masters Saga
・Master Pack
Earthbound Release Return of the King
・Master Pack
Echelon of the Fire Kings Lord of Dimensions
・Master Pack
Edge Hammer
・Legacy Pack
Eisbahn ・Master Pack
El Dorado Adelantado Immortal Royalty
Crystal Realm Defier
・Master Pack
Elemental Training Supernatural Elements
・Master Pack
Eliminating the League
・Legacy Pack
Embodiment of Apophis Guardian of Kings
Chaotic Showtime
・Master Pack
Emergency Apport Chaotic Showtime
・Master Pack
Empty Machine Impending Assassination
・Master Pack
Enma's Judgment Fires of This World and The Next
Immortal Glory
・Master Pack
Escape from the Dark Dimension
・Legacy Pack
Eternal Bond
・Legacy Pack
Eternal Chaos Inevitability of Chaos
Spiral Spear Strike
・Master Pack
Eternal Soul Darkest Magics
Vortex of Magic
・Master Pack
Etude of the Branded Beginning of the Next Journey
Dragon Kings from the Abyss
Aim For The Stars
・Master Pack
Evil Eye Defeat The Cost of Dark Powers
・Master Pack
Evil Eye Retribution The Cost of Dark Powers
Dreaded Conspiracy
・Master Pack
Evolutionary Bridge Nightmare Arrivals
・Master Pack
Expendable Dai ・Master Pack
EXTINGUISH! Flame of Fury
Rescue Team, Emergency Dispatch!
・Master Pack
Extra Buck
・Legacy Pack
Fabled Treason Fabled Gods
・Master Pack
・Legacy Pack
Fairy Box ・Master Pack
Fairy Wind A Song of Zephyr and Petals
・Master Pack
Fake Explosion
・Legacy Pack
Fake Trap
・Legacy Pack
Fallen Sanctuary Valiant Wings
・Master Pack
Farewelcome Labrynth Mysterious Labyrinth
Dreaded Conspiracy
The Trap in the Wicked Castle
・Master Pack
Fatal Abacus
・Legacy Pack
Favorite Contact Sprites of Miracle
The Masters Saga
Heroes' Union
Heroes' Union
・Master Pack
Fiendish Chain Return of the King
Duel Experts
・Master Pack
Fiendish Portrait ・Master Pack
Fighting Dirty
・Legacy Pack
Final Geas
・Legacy Pack
Fish Depth Charge
・Legacy Pack
Fists of the Unrivaled Tenyi Dragon Spirit
Victory in Progress
・Master Pack
Flame Swordsdance Geas of the Light
・Master Pack
Floodgate Trap Hole Mother Nature's Snare
Name of Champions
Duel Experts
・Master Pack
Floowandereeze and the Scary Sea Wandering Travelers
Wings that Span the Sky
・Master Pack
Forced Requisition
・Legacy Pack
Fortune Lady Rewind Destiny's Sorceress
・Master Pack
Free-Range Monsters
・Legacy Pack
Frightfur Jar Fiendish Playthings
・Master Pack
Frightfur March Fiendish Playthings
・Master Pack
Froggy Forcefield
・Legacy Pack
Fuhma Wave Fires of This World and The Next
・Master Pack
・Legacy Pack
Fuse Line ・Master Pack
Fusion Guard
・Legacy Pack
Fusion Reserve Heroes' Union
・Master Pack
Gagagashield Onomatopair-Up
・Master Pack
・Legacy Pack
Generation Shift
・Legacy Pack
Ghost of a Grudge Immortal Glory
・Master Pack
Ghostrick-Go-Round Mischievous Specters
Tricky Reception
・Master Pack
Ghoti Cosmos The Synchronized Cosmos
Treasures of the Cosmic Ocean
・Master Pack
Gift Card
・Legacy Pack
Gladiator Beast Charge Valiant Gladiator Beasts
・Master Pack
Gladiator Naumachia Valiant Gladiator Beasts
・Master Pack
Glorious Illusion Justice from Light
・Master Pack
Goblin Fan
・Legacy Pack
Gold Pride - It's Neck and Neck! Indomitable Pride
The Most Dangerous Race of the Cosmos!
・Master Pack
Good Goblin Housekeeping Outlaws from the Inferno
・Master Pack
Graceful Revival
・Legacy Pack
Grave of the Super Ancient Organism Timeworn Legacies
・Master Pack
Graveyard of Wandering Souls ・Master Pack
Gravity Bind
・Legacy Pack
Graydle Combat Invaders from Outer Space
・Master Pack
Greed ・Master Pack
Guard Mines
・Legacy Pack
Guardian of the Golden Land Immortal Royalty
Immortal Royalty
Stalwart Force
Crystal Realm Defier
・Master Pack
Guardian of the Voiceless Voice Wings of the Guardian
・Master Pack
Guardragon Cataclysm Star-Studded Futures
Mighty Contenders
Invincible Aces
・Master Pack
Half Counter
・Legacy Pack
Half Unbreak ・Master Pack
Hallowed Life Barrier
・Legacy Pack
Hard-Sellin' Zombie
・Legacy Pack
Harpie Lady Elegance Glory on Wings
・Master Pack
Haunted Zombies Immortal Glory
・Master Pack
Heartless Drop Off ・Master Pack
Heavy Slump
・Legacy Pack
Hero's Rule 2
・Legacy Pack
Heroic Retribution Sword Blazing Warriors
Heroic Warriors
・Master Pack
Hi-Five the Sky ・Master Pack
Hidden Soldiers
・Legacy Pack
Hieratic Seal From the Ashes Gods of Abyss and Arcadia
Dragon Kings from the Abyss
・Master Pack
Hieratic Seal of Banishment Gods of Abyss and Arcadia
Dragon Kings from the Abyss
・Master Pack
Hieratic Seal of Reflection Gods of Abyss and Arcadia
Dragon Kings from the Abyss
・Master Pack
Horn of Heaven
・Legacy Pack
Horn of Olifant Guided by the Noble Blade
Ride Into the Future
Geas of the Light
・Master Pack
Horn of the Phantom Beast Forest Friends
・Master Pack
Howl of the Wild
・Legacy Pack
Huaquero of the Golden Land Immortal Royalty
Immortal Royalty
Crystal Realm Defier
・Master Pack
Humid Winds Blooming in Adversity
Advance of Great Forces
・Master Pack
Icejade Erosion Cosmic Ocean
Beginning of Turmoil
Treasures of the Cosmic Ocean
Beginning of the Next Journey
・Master Pack
Igknight Burst
・Legacy Pack
Impenetrable Attack
・Legacy Pack
Induced Explosion
・Legacy Pack
Infernity Break The Infinite Void
Tricky Reception
・Master Pack
Infernity Inferno The Infinite Void
・Master Pack
Infestation Infection Yearning Evil Body
・Master Pack
Infestation Tool Yearning Evil Body
・Master Pack
Interdimensional Matter Transporter
・Legacy Pack
Intrigue Shield
・Legacy Pack
Invincibility Barrier
・Legacy Pack
Jar of Greed
・Legacy Pack
Jelly Cannon
・Legacy Pack
Jolt Counter Blazing Warriors
Blazing Arena
・Master Pack
Judgment of Anubis ・Master Pack
Judgment of the Branded Ruler's Mask
The Newborn Dragon
Alba Abyss
Fighting Spirit of Sparking Iron
・Master Pack
Judgment of Thunder Burst of Zapping Energy!
・Master Pack
Junk Sleep Wind-Up Soldiers
Return of the King
・Master Pack
Jurassic Impact Prehistoric Beast Advance
・Master Pack
Kairyu-Shin's Dark Reef Cosmic Ocean
Raging God of the Sea
・Master Pack
Karakuri Cash Inn Traditions of Trickery
The Ultimate Traditional Art
・Master Pack
・Legacy Pack
King's Consonance ・Master Pack
Koa'ki Meiru Shield Iron Core Synthetics
・Master Pack
Krystal Avatar The Azure in the Ivory
1st Anniversary - The Azure in the Ivory
Chaotic Showtime
・Master Pack
Kunai with Chain
・Legacy Pack
Lair Wire ・Master Pack
Legacy of Yata-Garasu
・Legacy Pack
Level Resist Wall
・Legacy Pack
Liberty at Last! Beyond Speed
The Noble Knights of Crimson Flowers
・Master Pack
Light of Intervention
・Legacy Pack
Light-Imprisoning Mirror Interdimensional Interlopers
・Master Pack
Lightsworn Aegis Advance of Great Forces
Justice from Light
・Master Pack
Limit Reverse Eternal Partners
・Master Pack
Localized Tornado
・Legacy Pack
Loge's Flame Life Finds a Way
・Master Pack
Loka Samsara Nightmare Arrivals
・Master Pack
Lost Wind A Song of Zephyr and Petals
Duel Experts
・Master Pack
Lucky Chance
・Legacy Pack
・Legacy Pack
Lunalight Serenade Dance Moonlit Avian Dance
・Master Pack
Lyrilusc - Phantom Feathers Moonlit Avian Dance
・Master Pack
Machine King - 3000 B.C. Inherited Unity
・Master Pack
Madolche Dessert Geas of the Light
Sugar-Suffused Reverie
・Master Pack
Madolche Nights Beloved Dolls
Sugar-Suffused Reverie
・Master Pack
Madolche Promenade Beloved Dolls
Geas of the Light
Sugar-Suffused Reverie
・Master Pack
Magic Drain ・Master Pack
Magic Jammer
・Legacy Pack
Magical Arm Shield
・Legacy Pack
Magical Musket - Crooked Crown Fiendish Encounter
The Forbidden Liberated
・Master Pack
Magical Musket - Desperado Fiendish Encounter
The Forbidden Liberated
・Master Pack
Magical Musket - Last Stand Fiendish Encounter
The Forbidden Liberated
・Master Pack
Magical Thorn
・Legacy Pack
Magician Navigation Darkest Magics
Vortex of Magic
・Master Pack
Magician's Circle
・Legacy Pack
Magicians' Combination Darkest Magics
Vortex of Magic
・Master Pack
Magicians' Defense ・Master Pack
Magnet Force Scientific Analysis
・Master Pack
Malevolent Catastrophe
・Legacy Pack
Marincess Bubble Ring Cosmic Ocean
・Master Pack
Marincess Circulation Cosmic Ocean
・Master Pack
Marincess Wave Essence of Flora and Ocean
Theme Chronicle Banlist
・Master Pack
・Legacy Pack
Mayakashi Mayhem Fires of This World and The Next
・Master Pack
Memory Loss Revived Legion
・Master Pack
Memory of an Adversary
・Legacy Pack
Metalhold the Moving Blockade Shifting Gears
・Master Pack
・Legacy Pack
Metaphys Ascension Interdimensional Interlopers
・Master Pack
Metaphys Dimension Interdimensional Interlopers
・Master Pack
Mimesis Elephant The Synchronized Cosmos
・Master Pack
Mind Drain ・Master Pack
Mind Over Matter
・Legacy Pack
Miracle's Wake ・Master Pack
Mirror Mail
・Legacy Pack
Mirror of Oaths
・Legacy Pack
Mirror Wall
・Legacy Pack
Moon Dance Ritual ・Master Pack
Morphtronic Bind Transforming Tech
・Master Pack
Morphtronic Forcefield Transforming Tech
・Master Pack
・Legacy Pack
Mutually Affured Destruction ・Master Pack
Mythical Bestiamorph Knowledge of the Mythlords
・Master Pack
Myutant Cry ・Master Pack
Myutant Expansion ・Master Pack
Nature's Reflection
・Legacy Pack
Necrovalley Temple Guardian of Kings
Inherited Unity
・Master Pack
Needle Ceiling
・Legacy Pack
Network Trap Hole Mother Nature's Snare
Indomitable Pride
・Master Pack
New World Formation Indomitable Pride
New World Replete With Joy
・Master Pack
Nightmare Wheel
・Legacy Pack
Ninjitsu Art of Duplication The Hidden Arts
・Master Pack
Non Aggression Area
・Legacy Pack
Non-Fusion Area
・Legacy Pack
Nordic Relic Svalinn Invincible Raid
・Master Pack
Number Wall Timeworn Legacies
・Master Pack
Numbers Overlay Boost ・Master Pack
Numbers Protection The Masters Saga
・Master Pack
Oath of Companionship
・Legacy Pack
Obliterate!!! The Great Olds
The Forbidden Liberated
・Master Pack
Oh Tokenbaum!
・Legacy Pack
Ojama Duo Prank Panic!
Theme Chronicle Banlist
・Master Pack
Omega Summon
・Legacy Pack
One by One ・Master Pack
・Legacy Pack
Ordeal of a Traveler
・Legacy Pack
Over Capacity
・Legacy Pack
Over Limit
・Legacy Pack
Overwhelm ・Master Pack
Overwind Wind-Up Soldiers
・Master Pack
Overworked ・Master Pack
Packet Link
・Legacy Pack
Painful Escape A Full Course of Magic
・Master Pack
Paleozoic Dinomischus Primordial Rising
・Master Pack
Paleozoic Pikaia Primordial Rising
・Master Pack
Paradox Fusion
・Legacy Pack
Parallel Port Armor
・Legacy Pack
Pendulum Hole
・Legacy Pack
Pendulum Reborn ・Master Pack
Pendulum Scale Battle Trajectory
Lord of Dimensions
・Master Pack
Pennant of Revolution Beyond Speed
The Noble Knights of Crimson Flowers
・Master Pack
Performapal Show Down
・Legacy Pack
Personal Spoofing Electron Illusions
・Master Pack
Phantom Knights' Fog Blade Stalwart Force
Indomitable Knights
Theme Chronicle Banlist
・Master Pack
Phoenix Wing Wind Blast Roused from Destruction
・Master Pack
Photon Current
・Legacy Pack
Pinpoint Guard
・Legacy Pack
Pixie Ring
・Legacy Pack
・Legacy Pack
Plant Food Chain Mother Nature's Snare
・Master Pack
Pollinosis ・Master Pack
Power Break Transforming Tech
・Master Pack
Power Frame
・Legacy Pack
Powerful Rebirth ・Master Pack
Predaplanning Natural Selection
Mysterious Labyrinth
・Master Pack
Premature Return ・Master Pack
Prideful Roar
・Legacy Pack
Prologue of the Destruction Swordsman Warriors of Legend
Theme Chronicle Banlist
・Master Pack
Proof of Powerlessness
・Legacy Pack
Protection of the Elements Climax of the Showdown
・Master Pack
・Legacy Pack
Psychic Overload
・Legacy Pack
Psychic Shockwave
・Legacy Pack
Psychic Trigger
・Legacy Pack
Psychic Tuning
・Legacy Pack
Pulling the Rug ・Master Pack
Pulse Mines
・Legacy Pack
・Legacy Pack
Puppet Parade Colossal Mech
Chaotic Showtime
・Master Pack
Purge Ray
・Legacy Pack
Purrelyeap!? Galactic Evolution
My Cute Lovely Friends
・Master Pack
Purushaddoll Aeon
・Legacy Pack
Pyramid of Light
・Legacy Pack
Pyro Clock of Destiny
・Legacy Pack
Qlife's End Life Force Control System
・Master Pack
Quantum Cat Chaotic Showtime
・Master Pack
Radiance of the Voiceless Voice Wings of the Guardian
・Master Pack
Radiant Mirror Force
・Legacy Pack
Ragnaraika Hunting Dance Advance of Great Forces
・Master Pack
Raidraptor - Glorious Bright Wings of the Guardian
・Master Pack
Raigeki Bottle Electrilyrical
・Master Pack
Raigeki Break
・Legacy Pack
Rare Metalmorph Rescue Team, Emergency Dispatch!
・Master Pack
Reanimation Wave
・Legacy Pack
・Legacy Pack
Recoded Alive Soldiers from the Storm
Revival of Legends
1st Anniversary - Soldiers from the Storm
・Master Pack
Red Supremacy Savage Crimson Dragon
1st Anniversary - Savage Crimson Dragon
Return of the King
・Master Pack
Red-Eyes Fang with Chain The Cerise in the Ebony
1st Anniversary - The Cerise in the Ebony
Invincible Aces
・Master Pack
Red-Eyes Spirit The Cerise in the Ebony
1st Anniversary - The Cerise in the Ebony
Inherited Unity
Invincible Aces
・Master Pack
Regretful Rebirth ・Master Pack
Reincarnation of the Seventh Emperors Cosmic Ocean
・Master Pack
Reinforce Truth ・Master Pack
REINFORCE! Flame of Fury
Nightmare Arrivals
Rescue Team, Emergency Dispatch!
・Master Pack
Reject Reborn Immortal Glory
・Master Pack
Release From Stone
・Legacy Pack
Release, Reverse, Burst
・Legacy Pack
Relieve Monster ・Master Pack
Renewal of the World
・Legacy Pack
Resh Shaddoll Incarnation Enchanted Threads of Shade
・Master Pack
Respect Play
・Legacy Pack
Resurgam Xyz Altered Heraldry
Colossal Mech
Timeworn Legacies
Inherited Unity
Chaotic Showtime
・Master Pack
・Legacy Pack
Reversal of Fate Hand of Fate
・Master Pack
Reverse Glasses
・Legacy Pack
Ring of Destruction Theme Chronicle Banlist

・Legacy Pack
Rise of the Snake Deity Curse of the Serpent
・Master Pack
Rise to Full Height Immovable Samurai
・Master Pack
Rising Energy
・Legacy Pack
Ritual Beast Ambush Ties to Mother Nature
Outlaws from the Inferno
・Master Pack
Robbin' Goblin
・Legacy Pack
Robbin' Zombie
・Legacy Pack
Rock Bombardment
・Legacy Pack
Rocket Hand
・Legacy Pack
Rope of Life
・Legacy Pack
Royal Command
・Legacy Pack
Royal Prison
・Legacy Pack
Salamangreat Rage Blazing Fortitude
Burning Spirits
Theme Chronicle Banlist
・Master Pack
Sanguine Swamp
・Legacy Pack
Scareclaw Sclash Battle Trajectory
Flame of Fury
Beastly Claws of Terror
Beginning of the Next Journey
・Master Pack
Scrap-Iron Sacred Statue Ride Into the Future
Evoked Dragon of Miracles
・Master Pack
Scrap-Iron Signal Scrap Iron Soldiers
・Master Pack
Scrap-Iron Statue Scrap Iron Soldiers
Revival of Legends
・Master Pack
Secret Barrel Theme Chronicle Banlist

・Legacy Pack
Secret Blast Theme Chronicle Banlist
・Master Pack
Sentence of Doom The Trap in the Wicked Castle
・Master Pack
Service Puppet Play Chaotic Showtime
・Master Pack
Seven Tools of the Bandit
・Legacy Pack
Seventh Eternity Cosmic Ocean
Raging God of the Sea
・Master Pack
Shadow Spell
・Legacy Pack
Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror Interdimensional Interlopers
・Master Pack
Shining Silver Force
・Legacy Pack
Shiranui Style Samsara
・Legacy Pack
Side Effects?
・Legacy Pack
Simorgh Sky Battle Piercing Winds
Wings that Span the Sky
・Master Pack
Simul Archfiends Dreaded Conspiracy
Victory in Progress
The Forbidden Liberated
・Master Pack
Sinister Shadow Games Enchanted Threads of Shade
・Master Pack
Skill Successor
・Legacy Pack
Skull Invitation
・Legacy Pack
Skull Lair
・Legacy Pack
Small Scuffle Revived Legion
・Master Pack
Smashing Horn
・Legacy Pack
Solemn Scolding Guardians of the Sacred Sky
・Master Pack
Solemn Wishes
・Legacy Pack
Solfachord Musica Artistic Angel
Record of Noble Spirits
・Master Pack
Soul Levy
・Legacy Pack
Soul Rope
・Legacy Pack

All R Spell Cards

Card How to Get
"A" Cell Breeding Device Cell "A" Corruption
・Master Pack
"A" Cell Scatter Burst Cell "A" Corruption
・Master Pack
"Infernoble Arms - Durendal" Guided by the Noble Blade
The Noble Knights of Crimson Flowers
Ride Into the Future
Geas of the Light
・Master Pack
"Infernoble Arms - Joyeuse" Guided by the Noble Blade
The Noble Knights of Crimson Flowers
Ride Into the Future
Geas of the Light
・Master Pack
A.I.dle Reborn AI Omniscience
・Master Pack
Abomination's Prison Roused from Destruction
Name of Champions
Blazing Arena
・Master Pack
Abyss Script - Dramatic Story Climax of the Showdown
・Master Pack
Abyss Script - Romantic Terror The Darkness Amuses
・Master Pack
Abyss-Scale of the Kraken Forgotten City Dwellers
Songstress of Sorrow Song
・Master Pack
Accellight Nebula Cyclone
1st Anniversary - Nebula Cyclone
Origin of the Galaxy
・Master Pack
Acid Rain ・Master Pack
Action Magic - Double Banking ・Master Pack
Adamancipator Friends Pyroxene Relinquished
・Master Pack
Adamancipator Laputite Pyroxene Relinquished
・Master Pack
Advance Force ・Master Pack
Advance Zone ・Master Pack
After the Storm ・Master Pack
Air Cracking Storm ・Master Pack
ALERT! Flame of Fury
Rescue Team, Emergency Dispatch!
・Master Pack
Alluring Mirror Split Glory on Wings
・Master Pack
Amazement Precious Park The Darkness Amuses
・Master Pack
Amazoness Secret Arts Blessings of Nature
・Master Pack
Amorphage Infection Advanced Warriors
True Dracos' Forging
・Master Pack
Amulet of Ambition ・Master Pack
Ancient Forest ・Master Pack
Ancient Gear Castle Gargantuan Gears
・Master Pack
Ancient Gear Fortress Gargantuan Gears
・Master Pack
Ancient Rules ・Master Pack
Ancient Warriors Saga - Three Visits Legends of Old
・Master Pack
Archfiend Palabyrinth The Cost of Dark Powers
・Master Pack
Archfiend's Oath The Cost of Dark Powers
・Master Pack
Archfiend's Staff of Despair The Cost of Dark Powers
・Master Pack
Armed Dragon Flash Monster Overdrive
Dragons' Reincarnation
・Master Pack
Armed Dragon Lightning Monster Overdrive
Dragons' Reincarnation
・Master Pack
Armor Blast Insect Metamorphosis
Beetle Troops Roll Out
・Master Pack
Armor Ninjitsu Art of Alchemy The Hidden Arts
Hidden Arts of Shadows
・Master Pack
Aroma Blend Advance of Great Forces
Blooming in Adversity
・Master Pack
Arrive in Light Beyond Speed
Evoked Dragon of Miracles
・Master Pack
Asceticism of the Six Samurai Great Shogun's Rule
・Master Pack
Assault Armor ・Master Pack
Assault Teleport Synchro Mode Change
・Master Pack
Attack the Moon! ・Master Pack
Augmented Heraldry Altered Heraldry
・Master Pack
Autonomous Action Unit ・Master Pack
Axe of Despair The Cost of Dark Powers
・Master Pack
Axe of Fools ・Master Pack
Backup Squad ・Master Pack
Barkion's Bark Denizens of Sacred Tree Grove
・Master Pack
Battle of Sleeping Spirits Sprites of Miracle
・Master Pack
Battlin' Boxing Spirits Blazing Warriors
Blazing Arena
・Master Pack
Beastly Mirror Ritual ・Master Pack
Beetrooper Formation Invincible Raid
Recollection of the Story
Beetle Troops Roll Out
・Master Pack
Berserk Scales ・Master Pack
Berserker Crush ・Master Pack
Beta Evolution Pill - Ultranscendance Transcendentalism
・Master Pack
Big Bang Shot Awakening of the Ancients
・Master Pack
Big Evolution Pill Prehistoric Beast Advance
・Master Pack
Black and White Wave ・Master Pack
Black Pendant ・Master Pack
Blaze Accelerator Beasts of the Inferno
・Master Pack
Blaze Cannon The Great Olds
Passage of the Sun
The Ones Who Serve Ra
・Master Pack
Blind Spot Strike ・Master Pack
Blizzard ・Master Pack
Bond Between Teacher and Student Darkest Magics
Vortex of Magic
・Master Pack
Book of Life ・Master Pack
Book of Moon Return of the King
Duel Experts
・Master Pack
Boon of the Meklord Emperor Impending Assassination
・Master Pack
Boot-Up Order - Gear Charge Shifting Gears
・Master Pack
Bound Wand ・Master Pack
Brain Control ・Master Pack
Branded in Red Refined Blade
Alba Abyss
Beginning of Turmoil
The Opening Act of an Apocalypse
Beginning of the Next Journey
Name of Champions
Aim For The Stars
・Master Pack
Branded Loss Alba Abyss
・Master Pack
Break! Draw! ・Master Pack
Breath of Acclamation Miraculous Advent
・Master Pack
Breath of Light ・Master Pack
Broken Bamboo Sword A Dance Dedicated to the Heavens
・Master Pack
Bug Matrix ・Master Pack
Bug Signal Insect Metamorphosis
・Master Pack
Bujin Regalia - The Mirror Bujin's Vault of Heaven
・Master Pack
Bujincandescence Bujin's Vault of Heaven
・Master Pack
Bujincarnation Bujin's Vault of Heaven
・Master Pack
Bujinunity Bujin's Vault of Heaven
・Master Pack
Burden of the Mighty ・Master Pack
Burning Bamboo Sword A Dance Dedicated to the Heavens
・Master Pack
Call of the Atlanteans Forgotten City Dwellers
・Master Pack
Canyon ・Master Pack
Card of Sanctity ・Master Pack
Cards for Black Feathers Soaring on Darkest Wings
・Master Pack
Cards of the Red Stone The Cerise in the Ebony
1st Anniversary - The Cerise in the Ebony
・Master Pack
Castle Link ・Master Pack
Catapult Zone ・Master Pack
Cattle Call Wings that Span the Sky
・Master Pack
Cauldron of the Old Man Theme Chronicle Banlist
・Master Pack
Celestial Sword - Eatos Awakening of the Ancients
A Dance Dedicated to the Heavens
・Master Pack
Celestial Transformation ・Master Pack
Chain Energy ・Master Pack
Chain Summon ・Master Pack
Chaos Form The Azure in the Ivory
Revival of Legends
Vortex of Magic
1st Anniversary - The Azure in the Ivory
Inherited Unity
Blue-Eyes Max
・Master Pack
Charge Into a Dark World Rulers of Darkness
・Master Pack
Chronomaly City Babylon Timeworn Legacies
・Master Pack
Clear New World The Newborn Dragon
Beastly Claws of Terror
New World Replete With Joy
・Master Pack
Clock Tower Prison Shrouded Heroes
・Master Pack
Clockwork Night Inherited Unity
Duel Experts
・Master Pack
Cloudian Squall ・Master Pack
Code A Ancient Ruins Cell "A" Corruption
・Master Pack
Column Switch ・Master Pack
Comic Hand Toontastic
・Master Pack
Concentrating Current Shifting Gears
Indomitable Pride
・Master Pack
Condolence Puppet Colossal Mech
Chaotic Showtime
・Master Pack
Constellar Star Chart Champions of Salvation
・Master Pack
Constellar Tempest Champions of Salvation
・Master Pack
Contact Gate Neo Space Comrades
・Master Pack
Contact Out Neo Space Comrades
・Master Pack
Contact with Gusto Ties to Mother Nature
・Master Pack
Contact with the Aquamirror ・Master Pack
Contract with the Abyss ・Master Pack
Convert Contact Neo Space Comrades
・Master Pack
Core Compression Iron Core Synthetics
・Master Pack
Core Transport Unit Iron Core Synthetics
・Master Pack
Corridor of Agony ・Master Pack
Cosmic Flare Stardust Ties
1st Anniversary - Stardust Ties
Evoked Dragon of Miracles
・Master Pack
Cosmos Channelling ・Master Pack
Court of Justice ・Master Pack
Crystal Promise Crystal Serpentry
Strong Will
・Master Pack
Crystal Release Crystal Serpentry
Invincible Raid
・Master Pack
Crystal Tree Crystal Serpentry
Strong Will
・Master Pack
Cunning of the Six Samurai Great Shogun's Rule
・Master Pack
Cup of Ace Hand of Fate
・Master Pack
Curse of the Shadow Prison ・Master Pack
Curse Reflection Doll Strong Will
・Master Pack
Cursed Armaments ・Master Pack
Cyber Repair Plant Pearlescent Cyber Dragons
・Master Pack
Cyber Revsystem Pearlescent Cyber Dragons
・Master Pack
Cyberdark Impact! Pearlescent Cyber Dragons
・Master Pack
Cyberdark Inferno Pearlescent Cyber Dragons
・Master Pack
Cyberload Fusion Pearlescent Cyber Dragons
・Master Pack
Cybernetic Zone ・Master Pack
Cynet Optimization Soldiers from the Storm
Revival of Legends
1st Anniversary - Soldiers from the Storm
Mighty Contenders
Revived Legion
・Master Pack
D.D. Designator ・Master Pack
D.D.R. - Different Dimension Reincarnation A Warrior of Seething Anger
・Master Pack
Danger! Excitement! Mystery! Emerging Monstrosity Recon!
・Master Pack
Dark Burning Magic Darkest Magics
Vortex of Magic
・Master Pack
Dark Contract with Patent License Invincible Raid
・Master Pack
Dark Core ・Master Pack
Dark Eruption The Infinite Void
・Master Pack
Dark Factory of Mass Production ・Master Pack
Dark Magic Curtain ・Master Pack
Dark Magic Expanded Darkest Magics
・Master Pack
Dark Magic Inheritance Darkest Magics
Vortex of Magic
・Master Pack
Dark Magic Veil ・Master Pack
Dark Snake Syndrome Theme Chronicle Banlist
・Master Pack
Dark World Accession Dreaded Conspiracy
・Master Pack
Dark World Puppetry Dreaded Conspiracy
・Master Pack
Darklord Contact Deceitful Wings of Darkness
The Opening Act of an Apocalypse
・Master Pack
Darkworld Shackles ・Master Pack
Dawn of the Herald Miraculous Advent
・Master Pack
De-Fusion ・Master Pack
De-Synchro ・Master Pack
Decisive Battle of Golgonda Climax of the Showdown
Fighting Spirit of Sparking Iron
Aim For The Stars
・Master Pack
Dedication through Light and Darkness ・Master Pack
Destruction Swordsman Fusion Warriors of Legend
Theme Chronicle Banlist
・Master Pack
Detonate ・Master Pack
Diamond-Dust Cyclone ・Master Pack
Diced Dice ・Master Pack
Different Dimension Gate ・Master Pack
Dimensional Fissure Duel Experts
・Master Pack
Dinomist Charge Advanced Warriors
Recollection of the Story
・Master Pack
Disciples of the True Dracophoenix Invincible Aces
True Dracos' Forging
・Master Pack
Divine Evolution The Great Olds
World Cloaked in Magical Power
・Master Pack
Doctor D Shrouded Heroes
・Master Pack
Dodododraw ・Master Pack
Dogmatikalamity Echo Chamber Nation
Beginning of Turmoil
・Master Pack
Don Thousand's Throne Sword of the Seventh One
・Master Pack
Doriado's Blessing ・Master Pack
Double Exposure ・Master Pack
Double Hero Attack Neo Space Comrades
Heroes' Union
・Master Pack
Double Tool C&D Transforming Tech
Sprites of Miracle
・Master Pack
Downbeat Shifting Gears
・Master Pack
Dracoback, the Rideable Dragon Wandering Travelers
Rage of Chaos
Guided by Fate
Victory in Progress
・Master Pack
Draconnection ・Master Pack
Dragon Nails New Step for Duelists
・Master Pack
Dragon Revival Rhapsody The Newborn Dragon
Blue-Eyes Max
・Master Pack
Dragon Shield ・Master Pack
Dragonic Pendulum Rage of Chaos
Eternal Partners
True Dracos' Forging
・Master Pack
Dragonic Tactics ・Master Pack
Dragonoid Generator ・Master Pack
Dragoroar Dragonmaid-to-Order
・Master Pack
Dragunity Draft Dragon Knight Gorge
・Master Pack
Dragunity Glow Dragon Knight Gorge
・Master Pack
Draw Muscle ・Master Pack
Dream Mirror Phantasms Interdimensional Interlopers
・Master Pack
Drytron Asterism Celestial Dragon and Bear
Dragons' Reincarnation
・Master Pack
Drytron Fafnir Celestial Dragon and Bear
Refined Blade
Dragons' Reincarnation
・Master Pack
Drytron Nova Stalwart Force
Celestial Dragon and Bear
Dragons' Reincarnation
・Master Pack
Dueltaining Captivating Curtain Call
The Bizarre Playing Board
・Master Pack
Earth Chant ・Master Pack
Earthbound Whirlwind Terra Firma Transcendants
・Master Pack
Ebon Sun ・Master Pack
Ectoplasmer ・Master Pack
Elborz, the Sacred Lands of Simorgh Piercing Winds
Cosmic Ocean
Wings that Span the Sky
・Master Pack
Eldlixir of White Destiny Immortal Royalty
Immortal Royalty
Stalwart Force
Crystal Realm Defier
・Master Pack
Emblem of Dragon Destroyer Warriors of Legend
・Master Pack
Emblem of the Plunder Patroll Vessels of Freedom
・Master Pack
Emergency Provisions ・Master Pack
Emerging Emergency Rescute Rescue Forest Friends
Flame of Fury
・Master Pack
EN Wave Sprites of Miracle
・Master Pack
Enchanting Fitting Room ・Master Pack
End of the World ・Master Pack
Eradicating Aerosol ・Master Pack
ESP Amplifier ・Master Pack
Eternal Cyber ・Master Pack
Eternal Drought ・Master Pack
Eternal Rest ・Master Pack
Everlasting Alloy ・Master Pack
Evil Eye Reemergence The Cost of Dark Powers
・Master Pack
Evolution End Burst Inherited Unity
・Master Pack
Exosister Carpedivem Valiant Wings
Sisters of the Light
・Master Pack
Extra Net ・Master Pack
Eye of Illusion Wings of the Guardian
Geas of the Light
Illusion Beast's Roar
The Forbidden Liberated
・Master Pack
F.A. Pit Stop Tournament Athletes
The Most Dangerous Race of the Cosmos!
・Master Pack
F.A. Test Run Tournament Athletes
The Most Dangerous Race of the Cosmos!
・Master Pack
FA.I.ghting Spirit AI Omniscience
・Master Pack
Fairy Tail Tales Legends of Old
・Master Pack
Falling Down The Cost of Dark Powers
・Master Pack
Fandora, the Flying Furtress Vessels of Freedom
・Master Pack
Favorite Hero The First Heroes
1st Anniversary - The First Heroes
Heroes' Union
Heroes' Union
・Master Pack
Fiend's Sanctuary The Great Olds
・Master Pack
Fiendsmith's Sanct The Forbidden Liberated
・Master Pack
Fighting Spirit ・Master Pack
Final Flame ・Master Pack
Final Light Life Finds a Way
・Master Pack
Final Ritual of the Ancients ・Master Pack
Fire Formation - Gyokkou Guardians of Fire
・Master Pack
Fire Formation - Tensu Guardians of Fire
Mighty Contenders
・Master Pack
Fire Fortress atop Liang Peak Guardians of Fire
・Master Pack
Fire King Island Roused from Destruction
Lord of Dimensions
・Master Pack
Fire King Sanctuary Lord of Dimensions
・Master Pack
Fire King Sky Burn Lord of Dimensions
・Master Pack
Fire Recovery Blazing Arena
・Master Pack
Fires of Doomsday The Infinite Void
・Master Pack
Fish and Kicks ・Master Pack
Fish and Swaps ・Master Pack
Fissure ・Master Pack
Fist of Fate The Great Olds
・Master Pack
Flash Fusion The Forbidden Liberated
・Master Pack
Flash of the Forbidden Spell ・Master Pack
Floowandereeze and the Magnificent Map Wandering Travelers
Wings that Span the Sky
・Master Pack
Flower Gathering Hand of Fate
・Master Pack
Flower Stacking Hand of Fate
・Master Pack
Forbidden Arts of the Gishki Rites of the Mirrorworld
Flame of Fury
・Master Pack
Forbidden Chalice Deceitful Wings of Darkness
Sword of Souls
Duel Experts
・Master Pack
Forbidden Dress Deceitful Wings of Darkness
・Master Pack
Forbidden Scripture Deceitful Wings of Darkness
・Master Pack
Fortress Whale's Oath ・Master Pack
Fortune's Future Destiny's Sorceress
・Master Pack
Frightfur Repair Fiendish Playthings
・Master Pack
Frightfur Sanctuary ・Master Pack
Frontline Base ・Master Pack
Fuhma Shuriken The Hidden Arts
Hidden Arts of Shadows
・Master Pack
Fusion Conscription ・Master Pack
Fusion Destiny Shrouded Heroes
Refined Blade
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Heroes' Union
Heroes' Union
・Master Pack
Fusion of Fire Blazing Fortitude
Revived Legion
・Master Pack
Fusion Substitute ・Master Pack
Fusion Sword Murasame Blade ・Master Pack
Fusion Tag Revived Legion
Heroes' Union
・Master Pack
Gadget Box Sprites of Miracle
・Master Pack
Gagagarevenge Onomatopair-Up
・Master Pack
Galaxy Expedition Nebula Cyclone
1st Anniversary - Nebula Cyclone
Galactic Evolution
Origin of the Galaxy
・Master Pack
Galaxy Wave Theme Chronicle Banlist
・Master Pack
Galaxy Zero Nebula Cyclone
1st Anniversary - Nebula Cyclone
Origin of the Galaxy
・Master Pack
Galloping Gaia Warriors of Legend
Spiral Spear Strike
・Master Pack
Garma Sword Oath ・Master Pack
Gearbreed The Noble Knights of Crimson Flowers
Geas of the Light
・Master Pack
Generaider Boss Stage Worthy Adversaries
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Dreaded Conspiracy
Xyz Explosion
Adventure of Mystical Etchings
・Master Pack
Ghost Fusion The Newborn Dragon
Tricky Reception
Crystal Realm Defier
・Master Pack
Ghost Meets Girl - A Mayakashi's Manuscript Fires of This World and The Next
・Master Pack
Ghost Meets Girl - A Shiranui's Story Fires of This World and The Next
・Master Pack
Ghostrick Museum Mischievous Specters
The Newborn Dragon
・Master Pack
Ghostrick Shot The Newborn Dragon
Ghostrick Purrely
Tricky Reception
・Master Pack
Giant Ballpark ・Master Pack
Gladiator Beast's Comeback Valiant Gladiator Beasts
・Master Pack
Gladiator Rejection Valiant Gladiator Beasts
・Master Pack
Glorious Numbers Sword of the Seventh One
Blazing Arena
・Master Pack
Glory of the Noble Knights Guided by the Noble Blade
・Master Pack
Goblin Biker Grand Bash Outlaws from the Inferno
・Master Pack
Goblin Thief ・Master Pack
Gottoms' Second Call Pledge of Sword
Beastly Claws of Terror
・Master Pack
Gravekeeper's Servant ・Master Pack
Gravekeeper's Stele Strong Will
・Master Pack
Great Sand Sea - Gold Golgonda Echo Chamber Nation
Fighting Spirit of Sparking Iron
・Master Pack
Greed Grado ・Master Pack
Grief Tablet The Forbidden Liberated
・Master Pack
Guardragon Shield ・Master Pack
Half Shut ・Master Pack
Hammer Shot ・Master Pack
Hand Destruction Crystal Serpentry
・Master Pack
Harpie Lady Phoenix Formation Glory on Wings
・Master Pack
Harpie’s Feather Rest Glory on Wings
・Master Pack
Harpies' Hunting Ground Glory on Wings
・Master Pack
Heart of the Underdog ・Master Pack
Heavenly Dragon Circle Dragon Spirit
・Master Pack
Herculean Power ・Master Pack
Hero Mask ・Master Pack
HERO's Bond ・Master Pack
Hexatellarknight Champions of Salvation
・Master Pack
Horn of the Unicorn ・Master Pack
Hypernova Burst Celestial Dragon and Bear
Indomitable Pride
・Master Pack
Igknight Reload ・Master Pack
Ignition Phoenix Advanced Warriors
・Master Pack
Impcantation Thanatosis Miraculous Advent
Singularity Warrior
・Master Pack
In Papa's Footsteps Dragons' Reincarnation
・Master Pack
Inferno Tempest ・Master Pack
Insect Armor with Laser Cannon ・Master Pack
Insect Barrier ・Master Pack
Insect Imitation ・Master Pack
Insect Neglect ・Master Pack
Intercept Wave ・Master Pack
Interdimensional Matter Forwarder Dragons' Reincarnation
・Master Pack
Iron Cage Legends of Old
・Master Pack
Iron Core of Koa'ki Meiru Iron Core Synthetics
・Master Pack
Iron Core Specimen Lab Iron Core Synthetics
・Master Pack
Jack-In-The-Hand Mischievous Specters
・Master Pack
Javelin Beetle Pact ・Master Pack
Jewels of the Valiant ・Master Pack
Jursassic Power Nightmare Arrivals
・Master Pack
Karakuri Anatomy Traditions of Trickery
The Ultimate Traditional Art
・Master Pack
Karakuri Gama Oil Traditions of Trickery
The Ultimate Traditional Art
・Master Pack
Karakuri Showdown Castle Traditions of Trickery
The Ultimate Traditional Art
・Master Pack
Landoise's Luminous Moss Denizens of Sacred Tree Grove
・Master Pack
Leeching the Light ・Master Pack
Legacy of a HERO ・Master Pack
Legend of Heart ・Master Pack
Leodrake's Mane Denizens of Sacred Tree Grove
・Master Pack
Level Lifter ・Master Pack
Level Limit - Area B ・Master Pack
Libromancer Bonded Heroic Warriors
Fires of Scorching Bonds
・Master Pack
Libromancer Realized Heroic Warriors
Fires of Scorching Bonds
・Master Pack
Life Extreme Sprites of Miracle
・Master Pack
Life Hack Duel Experts
・Master Pack
Light of Redemption ・Master Pack
Light of the Branded Climax of the Showdown
Aim For The Stars
・Master Pack
Light Wing Shield Champions of Hope
・Master Pack
Lightning Vortex ・Master Pack
Link Back ・Master Pack
Link Party ・Master Pack
Lost World Prehistoric Beast Advance
Passage of the Sun
Name of Champions
Nightmare Arrivals
・Master Pack
Lucky Iron Axe ・Master Pack
Lucky Loan Destiny's Sorceress
・Master Pack
Luna Light Perfume Moonlit Avian Dance
・Master Pack
Lyrilusc - Bird Sanctuary Moonlit Avian Dance
・Master Pack
Machina Armored Unit Rapid Aircraft Advancement
Rescue Team, Emergency Dispatch!
・Master Pack
Machine Angel Absolute Ritual Souls of Sublime Gods
・Master Pack
Machine Angel Ritual Souls of Sublime Gods
・Master Pack
Machine Assembly Line Roid Nexus
・Master Pack
Madolche Chateau Beloved Dolls
Geas of the Light
Sugar-Suffused Reverie
・Master Pack
Madolche Salon Beloved Dolls
Geas of the Light
Sugar-Suffused Reverie
・Master Pack
Madolche Ticket Beloved Dolls
Sugar-Suffused Reverie
・Master Pack
Mage Power ・Master Pack
Magellanica, the Deep Sea City Rulers of the Deep
Name of Champions
・Master Pack
Magic Formula ・Master Pack
Magic Gate of Miracles ・Master Pack
Magic Planter ・Master Pack
Magic Reflector ・Master Pack
Magic Triangle of the Ice Barrier Glacial Seal
・Master Pack
Magical Blast ・Master Pack
Magical Dimension ・Master Pack
Magical Mallet ・Master Pack
Magical Meltdown Seekers of Witchcraft
・Master Pack
Magical Musket - Steady Hands Fiendish Encounter
・Master Pack
Magicalized Duston Mop Prank Panic!
・Master Pack
Magikey Maftea Ruler's Mask
Wandering Travelers
Dreaded Conspiracy
Guided by Fate
・Master Pack
Magikey World Ruler's Mask
Wandering Travelers
Guided by Fate
・Master Pack
Magnet Reverse Scientific Analysis
・Master Pack
Magnetic Field Scientific Analysis
・Master Pack
Magnum Shield ・Master Pack
Majespecter Cyclone Advanced Warriors
Eternal Partners
・Master Pack
Majespecter Storm Advanced Warriors
Eternal Partners
・Master Pack
Majesty's Pegasus Advanced Warriors
Eternal Partners
・Master Pack
Makiu, The Magical Mist ・Master Pack
Malefic World Terra Firma Transcendants
・Master Pack
March of the Dark Brigade Justice from Light
・Master Pack
Mark of the Rose Exquisite Jet-Black Rose
・Master Pack
Mask of Brutality ・Master Pack
Mask of Dispel ・Master Pack
Mask of the Accursed ・Master Pack
Materialization Outlaws from the Inferno
・Master Pack
Mausoleum of the Emperor ・Master Pack
Mayakashi Winter Fires of This World and The Next
Passage of the Sun
・Master Pack
Mayhem Fur Hire Vessels of Freedom
The Synchronized Cosmos
・Master Pack
Mega Ton Magical Cannon ・Master Pack
Megamorph Awakening of the Ancients
The Most Dangerous Race of the Cosmos!
・Master Pack
Meklord Assembly Impending Assassination
・Master Pack
Meklord Deflection Impending Assassination
・Master Pack
Melodious Concerto Geas of the Light
・Master Pack
Mementomictlan Revived Legion
・Master Pack
Mementotlan Bone Back Revived Legion
Revived Legion
Revived Legion
・Master Pack
Merciful Machine Angel Souls of Sublime Gods
・Master Pack
Meteor of Destruction ・Master Pack
Mikanko Kagura Galactic Evolution
Nightmare Arrivals
A Dance Dedicated to the Heavens
・Master Pack
Million-Century Ice Prison Blazing Arena
・Master Pack
Mimicat Toontastic
・Master Pack
Mimiclay ・Master Pack
Mini-Guts ・Master Pack
Miracle Fertilizer ・Master Pack
Miracle Fusion The First Heroes
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Sprites of Miracle
1st Anniversary - The First Heroes
Return of the King
Heroes' Union
Heroes' Union
・Master Pack
Miracle Synchro Fusion Synchro Mode Change
The Synchronized Cosmos
The Noble Knights of Crimson Flowers
・Master Pack
Mist Body ・Master Pack
Mistaken Accusation ・Master Pack
Monster Reincarnation ・Master Pack
Moon Mirror Shield Awakening of the Ancients
Duel Experts
・Master Pack
Moray of Greed ・Master Pack
Morphtronic Accelerator Transforming Tech
・Master Pack
Multiplication of Ants ・Master Pack
Multiply ・Master Pack
My Body as a Shield ・Master Pack
Mystical Space Typhoon ・Master Pack
Mystical Wind Typhoon ・Master Pack
Mystik Wok ・Master Pack
Mythical Bestiary Knowledge of the Mythlords
・Master Pack
Myutant Evolution Lab ・Master Pack
Myutant Fusion ・Master Pack
Naturia Forest Denizens of Sacred Tree Grove
・Master Pack
Necroquip Prism Mischievous Specters
・Master Pack
Neos Force Neo Space Comrades
・Master Pack
Night Flight Wandering Travelers
・Master Pack
Nightmare's Steelcage ・Master Pack
Ninjitsu Art Notebook The Hidden Arts
Hidden Arts of Shadows
・Master Pack
Ninjitsu Art Tool - Iron Digger Hidden Arts of Shadows
・Master Pack
Noble Arms - Caliburn Guided by the Noble Blade
・Master Pack
Noble Arms - Excaliburn Guided by the Noble Blade
・Master Pack
Noble Arms - Gallatin Guided by the Noble Blade
・Master Pack
Noble Arms of Destiny Guided by the Noble Blade
・Master Pack
Noble Knights of the Round Table ・Master Pack
Nobleman of Crossout ・Master Pack
Nobleman of Extermination ・Master Pack
Nordic Relic Draupnir Astral Trinity of Gods
・Master Pack
Novox's Prayer ・Master Pack
Numeron Calling Number Recall
Theme Chronicle Banlist
・Master Pack
Numeron Chaos Ritual Number Recall
・Master Pack
Numeron Creation Galactic Evolution
Origin of the Galaxy
・Master Pack
Numeron Storm Number Recall
・Master Pack
Odd-Eyes Advent Draconic Resplendence
Battle Trajectory
・Master Pack
Offerings to the Doomed ・Master Pack
Ogdoadic Serpent Strike Invincible Raid
Sacred Imperial Tomb
・Master Pack
Ojama Delta Hurricane Prank Panic!
・Master Pack
Old Mind ・Master Pack
One-Kuri-Way ・Master Pack
One-Time Passcode Electron Illusions
Burning Spirits
Fires of Scorching Bonds
・Master Pack
Opening of the Spirit Gates World Cloaked in Magical Power
Eternal Partners
・Master Pack
Orcustrated Babel Star-Studded Futures
Invincible Aces
・Master Pack
Orcustrated Return Star-Studded Futures
Invincible Aces
・Master Pack
Over Destiny ・Master Pack
Overlay Capture ・Master Pack
Overlay Regen ・Master Pack
Overload Fusion ・Master Pack
Owner's Seal ・Master Pack
Pacifis, the Phantasm City Rulers of the Deep
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Victory in Progress
・Master Pack
Parallel Twister ・Master Pack
Parallel World Fusion The First Heroes
1st Anniversary - The First Heroes
・Master Pack
Parasomnia Pillow Mysterious Labyrinth
Indomitable Pride
Sugar-Suffused Reverie
・Master Pack
Pendulum Halt Counterswing Mages
1st Anniversary - Counterswing Mages
・Master Pack
Pendulum Impenetrable ・Master Pack
Pendulum Rising ・Master Pack
Pendulum Shift ・Master Pack
Penguin Sword ・Master Pack
Perfect Sync - A-Un Souls of Sublime Gods
・Master Pack
Perform Puppet Colossal Mech
・Master Pack
Performapal Popperup Theme Chronicle Banlist
・Master Pack
Pestilence ・Master Pack
Phalanx Pike ・Master Pack
Photon Lead ・Master Pack
Photon Veil ・Master Pack
Poison of the Old Man ・Master Pack
Pop-Up Legends of Old
・Master Pack
Pot of Riches ・Master Pack
Power Bond Pearlescent Cyber Dragons
・Master Pack
Power Pickaxe ・Master Pack
Predaponics ・Master Pack
Predapractice Natural Selection
Mysterious Labyrinth
・Master Pack
Pride of the Weak ・Master Pack
Psi-Impulse ・Master Pack
Psychic Arsenal Chaotic Showtime
・Master Pack
Psychic Blade ・Master Pack
Psychic Eraser Laser ・Master Pack
Psychic Wave ・Master Pack
Psychokinesis ・Master Pack
Purrely Delicious Memory Galactic Evolution
Ghostrick Purrely
My Cute Lovely Friends
・Master Pack
Purrely Happy Memory Galactic Evolution
Ghostrick Purrely
My Cute Lovely Friends
・Master Pack
Purrely Pretty Memory Galactic Evolution
Ghostrick Purrely
My Cute Lovely Friends
・Master Pack
Quarantine ・Master Pack
Quill Pen of Gulldos Ties to Mother Nature
・Master Pack
Rage of Kairyu-Shin Rulers of the Deep
Cosmic Ocean
Raging God of the Sea
・Master Pack
Raging Mad Plants ・Master Pack
Raidraptor - Nest Invulnerable Iron Wings
Wings of the Guardian
・Master Pack
Rainbow Refraction Crystal Serpentry
Strong Will
・Master Pack
Rainbow Veil Crystal Serpentry
・Master Pack
Rank-Up-Magic Doom Double Force Invulnerable Iron Wings
・Master Pack
Rank-Up-Magic Limited Barian's Force Champions of Hope
・Master Pack
Rank-Up-Magic Numeron Force Number Recall
Stalwart Force
・Master Pack
Rank-Up-Magic Raid Force Invulnerable Iron Wings
・Master Pack

Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel Related Guides

Monster Cards

Monster Cards
List of All Monster Cards

General Staple Cards

Best Cards
Best Searchers Best Hand Traps

The Best Cards to Craft

By Card Type

Card Types
Normal MonsterNormal EffectEffect
PendulumPendulum RitualRitual
FusionFusion SynchroSynchro
XYZXyz Link CardLink

By Monster Levels

Card Levels
Level0 Level1 Level2 Level3 Level4
Level5 Level6 Level7 Level8 Level9
Level10 Level11 Level12 Level13

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FireFire WaterWater
EarthEarth WindWind
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