Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel

Best Early Decks to Craft

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Decks To Craft.png

There are several archetypes of deck you can craft in Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel. Read on to know the best Decks to craft for new players as soon as possible and a guide on each deck including their strengths and weaknesses and how to play them!

Best Early Decks to Craft

Counter Fairies

Counter Fairies Deck Recipe.PNG

Main Deck Extra Deck
・Bountiful Artemis x3
・Barrier Statue of the Heavens x3
・Guiding Ariadne x3
・Minerva, Scholar of the Sky
・Honest x2
・White Wing Magician x2
・Metiel, Sage of the Sky x1
・Sacred Arch-Airknight Parshath x1
・Ties of the Bretheren x3
・Card of Demise x2
・The Sanctum of Parshath x2
・Pot of Extravagance x1
・Pot of Prosperity x1
・The Sanctuary of the Sky x1
・Rebirth of Parshath x3
・Solemn Judgment x3
・Solemn Strike x3
・Divine Punishment x2
・Negate Attack x2
・Infinite Impermenance x1
・Red Reboot x1
・Avenging Knight Parshath x3
・Celestial Knightlord Parshath x3
・Evilswarm Exciton Knight x1
・Tonado Dragon x1
・Time Thief Redoer x1
・Stellswarm Roach x1
・Castel, the Skyblaster Musketeer x1
・Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon x1
・Number 103: Ragnazero
・Abyss Dweller
・Magician of Hope

Counter Fairies is a strategy that can be most thought of as a playstyle from the past, before Special Summoning became a lot easer and a central point for many archetype. This Deck involves setting as many Counter Trap Cards as possible and shut down any effects that would lead to an opponent's combo. All the while, the effects of your Fairy monsters will trigger and give you advantages each time one of your Counter Trap resolves.

Criteria Rating


Monarchs Deck Recipe.PNG

Main Deck Extra Deck
・Edea the Heavenly Squire x3
・Ehther the Heavnely Monarch x3
・Erebus the Underworld Monarch x3
・Caius the Shadow Monarch x1
・Kuraz the Light Monarch x1
・Thesthalos the Mega Monarch x1
・Mobius the Mega Monarch x1
・Majesty's Fiend x1
・Vanity's Fiend x1
・Trade-In x3
・Tenacity of the Monarchs x3
・The Monarchs Stormforth x3
・Domain of the True Monarchs x3
・March of the Monarchs x2
・Card Advance x2
・Return of the Monarchs x1
・One for One x1
・The Monarchs Erupt x3
・The Prime Monarch x3
・Escalation of the Monarch x1
There are no Extra Deck Monsters for this Deck Recipe.

Another throwback to the old days of Yu-Gi-Oh!, Monarchs specialize in Tribute Summons, controlling the field whenever a Monarch is successfully Tribute Summoned. It is slow compared to the current meta of continuous Special Summons, but it can keep up with the pressure by using the Monarch's summon effects and it can even be done on the opponent's turn!

Criteria Rating

Elemental HERO

Elemental HERO Deck Recipe.PNG

Main Deck Extra Deck
・Elemental HERO Stratos x3
・Elemental HERO Shadow Mist x3
・Elemental HERO Solid Soldier x3
・Effect Veiler x3 x1
・King of the Swamp x2
・Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring x1
・Elemental HERO Neos x1
・Elemental HERO Honest Neos
・Neos Fusion x3
・E - Emergency Call x3
・Mystical Space Typhoon x3
・Mask Change x3
・Polymerization x2
・Super Polymerization x2
・Miracle Fusion x2
・Mask Change II x1
・One for One x1
・Form Change x1
・A Hero Lives x1
・Red Reboot x1
・Elemental HERO Absolute Zero x2
・Elemental HERO Wild Tornado x2
・Masked HERO Dark Law x2
・Masked HERO Dian x2
・Elemental HERO Neos Knight x1
・Elemental HERO Sunrise x1
・Elemental HERO Core x1
・Masked HERO Acid x1
・Masked HERO Koga x1
・Masked HERO Divine Wind x1
・Contrast HERO Chaos x1

The Elemental HERO deck is one of the most prolific archetypes that uses the Fusion Summon mechanic a lot. Being able to fuse monsters of different combinations for any given situation, they are extremely adaptable to any situation. They have a Fusion Monster for any givem situation and they enjoy quite a lot of support from other HERO subarchetypes like Vision HERO, Evil HERO and Masked HERO.

Criteria Rating

Six Samurai

Six Samurai Deck Recipe.PNG

Main Deck Extra Deck
・Legendary Six Samurai - Kageki x3
・Legendary Six Samurai - Kizan x3
・Legendary Six Samurai - Shinai x2
・Legendary Six Samurai - Mizuho x2
・King of the Swamp x2
・Nibiru, the Primal Being x2
・Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring x1
・Legendary Secret of the Six Samurai x1
・Grandmaster of the Six Samurai x1
・Secret Six Samurai - Fuma x1
・Shien's Smoke Signal x3
・Shien's Dojo x3
・Crossout Designator x3
・Unexpected Dai x2
・Magical Mid-Breaker Field x2
・Reinforcement of the Army x1
・Raigeki x1
・Gateway of the Six x1
・Infininte Impermenance x2
・Legendary Six Samurai - Shi En x1
・Black Rose Dragon x1
・Hot Red Dragon Archfiend x1
・PSY-Framelord Omega x1
・Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier x1
・Star Eater x1
・Shadow of the Six Samurai - Shien x1
・Leviair the Sea Dragon x1
・Number 86: Heroic Champion - Rhongomyniad x1
・Divine Arsenal AA-ZEUS - Sky Thunder x1
・Battle Shogun of the Six Samurai x1
・Isolde, Two Tales of the Noble Knights x1
・Cross-Sheep x1
・Accesscode Talker x1
・Saryuja Skull Dread x1

The Six Samurai is one of the most consistent archetype that make full use of the Synchro Summon function. Being able to swarm the field with various monsters, their Extra Deck Synchro Monster has a surprising amount of control against the opponent's Spells to use. They have also received support for Xyz and Link Monsters, so players do have the option to branch out if variety is needed.

Criteria Rating

Cyber Dragons

Cyber Dragon Deck Recipe.PNG

Main Deck Extra Deck
・Cyber Dragon Herz x3
・Cyber Dragon Core x3
・Cyber Dragon x2
・Cyber Dragon Drei x2
・Galaxy Soldier x2
・Sangan x2
・Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring x2
・Cyber Dragon Nachster x1
・Effect Veiler x1
・Gamaciel, the Sea Turtle Kaiju x1
・Jizukiru, the Star Destroying Kaiju x1
・Cyber Emergency x3
・Machine Duplication x3
・Pot of Prosperity x3
・Power Bond x2
・Cyber Rev System x1
・Cyber Repair Plant x1
・Overload Fusion x1
・Interrupted Kaiju Slumber x1
・Cybernetic Overflow x2
・Solemn Judgment x2
・Red Reboot x1
・Chimeratech Megafleet Dragon x2
・Chimeratech Overdragon x1
・Chimeratech Fortress Dragon x1
・Cyber End Dragon x1
・Cyber Dragon Nova x2
・Cyber Dragon Infinite x2
・Divine Arsenal AA-ZEUS - Sky Thunderx1
・Cyber Dragon Sieger x1
・Relinquished Anima x1
・Galaxy-Eyes Solflare Dragon x1
・Predaplant Verte Anaconda x1

Cyber Dragons is another prolific archetype known for their ability to Fusion Summon some of the strongest Fusion Monsters in the game, all boosted by Machine-type monster Support Cards. Like the Six Samurai, they have also gained support for Xyz and Link Monsters, giving them a wider variety of playstyles that can adapt to any given situation.

Criteria Rating


DDD Deck Recipe.PNG

Main Deck Extra Deck
・D/D Savant Kepler x3
・D/D Necro Slime x3
・D/D Lamia x3
・D/D Swirl Slime x3
・D/D Savant Copernicus x3
・D/D/D Oblivion King Abyss Ragnarok x3
・D/D Nighthowl x2
・D/D/D Dragon King Pendragon x2
・D/D/D Rebel King Leonidas x1
・Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring x1
・Dark Contract of the Abyss x3
・Dark Contract with the Swamp King x3
・Allure of Darkness x3
・Solemn Judgment x3
・Bottomless Trap Hole x2
・Dark Contract with Errors x1
・Dark Contract with the Eternal Darkness x1
・D/D/D Flame King Genghis x2
・D/D/D Flame High King Genghis x2
・D/D/D Oracle King D'arc x1
・Supreme King Dragon Starving Venom x1
・D/D/D Gust King Alexander x1
・D/D/D Cursed King Siegfried x1
・Crystal Wing Synchro Dragon x1
・D/D/D Duo-Dawn King Kali Yuga x1
・Number 38: Hope Harbinger Dragon Titanic Galaxy x1
・Divine Arsenal AA-ZEUS - Sky Thunderx1
・D/D/D Abyss King Gilgamesh x2
・Predaplant Verte Anaconda x1

The most challenging archetype of the six, this archetype tests the mastery of the player on every form of Extra Deck Special Summoning: Fusion, Synchro, Xyz, Pendulum and Link Summoning. D/D/D embodies the current meta of chaining as many effects and Special Summons as possible, to form a field that can almost always secure a victory, even on the first turn.

Criteria Rating

Critera for Beginners

A Deck that is beginner-friendly should be able to guide the player around the mechanics within a Duel, making unfamiliar effects feel easy the more they use the Deck. Easy to learn, easy to master, it makes crafing the Deck very satisfying with simple yet effective combos that give the advantaged needed to win.

Criteria Breakdown

Criteria Information
Offense This criteria judges the Deck for its ability to deal large amounts of damage in a single turn. The higher the rating in Offense, the mower poweful the Deck is in raw power, and at some times can be capable of commiting to a One-Turn Kill.
Control Control is the ability of the Deck to answer the various Spells, Traps, and even Monster Effects from your opponent, either through negation or removing them from the field. It needs to be able to counter every danger the opponent can throw and come out untouched to earn a high rating.
Consistency Being able to constantly create combos and a powerful field no matter what cards are on the hand, field or Graveyard is what makes a Deck consistent. Sometimes, all a player needs is one card to turn the Duel around.
Difficulty Difficulty stands for how easy a player can master the Deck and tap into its full potential. Some Decks are easy to learn and master, while others take a considerable amount of time before a player can properly learn how even a basic combo works.

Yu-Gi-Oh Master Duel Related Guides

Master Duel - Beginner Guides Partial.png

Beginner's Guides

All Beginner's Guides

Beginner's Guides
How to Farm Gems Best Way to Spend Gems
How to Craft Cards Best Cards to Craft
How to Use Pendulum How to Use Synchro
How to Use XYZ Summon How to Use Link Summon
Best Normal and Secret Packs to Buy How to Unlock Secret Packs
Best Starter Deck Best Early Decks to Craft
How to Get and Use Orbs Terms and Glossary
How to Farm SR and UR Materials Replay Guide: How to Save Replays
Cross Progression: How to Transfer Data Things to Do Daily
Trophies and Achievements Guides to Ranking Up
List of Secret Missions How to Report Players
How to Use Legacy Pack Tickets Best Deck Engines

FAQ Section

Frequently Asked Questions

FAQ Section
How to Earn Keys Duel Live: How to Spectate Duels
Can You Reroll? Is the Duel Pass Worth it?
How Many of Each Card Can You Have? Is Master Duel Pay to Win?
Daily Reset Time Should You De-Rank Your Account?


2 Anonymousalmost 3 years

And like, half the good spell/traps..

1 Anonymousalmost 3 years

Y'all that Monarch deck needs Eidos and Mithra...


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