Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel

All Level 3 Monster Cards

★ Latest Events & Updates: 3rd Anniversary
March 2025 Duelist Cup
★ Banlist Updates: February 6 | March 6 | March 28
★ Newly Released Card Packs ★
The Ultimate Sparkle | Duel Experts | The Forbidden Liberated

Level 3 Monster Cards are cards that typically feature decent stats that can commonly be found in most Deck builds. Read on to know more about each Level 3 card and how they can help to bring victories in duels!

List of Level 3 Monster Cards

Level 3 UR Monsters

Monsters By Rarity
image.pngUR image.pngSR image.pngR image.pngN

Click on a link to take you to that rarity's section!

Card Type How to Get
Altergeist Multifaker Spellcaster Electron Illusions
Stalwart Force
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Amazoness Princess Warrior Warriors Unite!
Blessings of Nature
Arcana Extra Joker Warrior Pledge of Sword
Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring Zombie Ghostrick Purrely
Name of Champions
Duel Experts
Ashoka Pillar Rocket Blazing Arena
Black Luster Soldier - Soldier of Chaos Warrior Inevitability of Chaos
Spiral Spear Strike
Borrelcode Dragon Dragon Valiant Wings
Shot Through Fiction
Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Rooster Beast-Warrior Guardians of Fire
Celestial Knightlord Parshath Fairy Guardians of the Sacred Sky
Code of Soul Cyberse Revived Legion
Cosmic Slicer Zer'oll Reptile Cell "A" Corruption
Curious, the Lightsworn Dominion Warrior Justice from Light
Cyber Jar Rock Theme Chronicle Banlist
Dandy Whitelion Plant
Dandylion Plant Theme Chronicle Banlist
Dante, Traveler of the Burning Abyss Warrior Fiendish Encounter
Dark Templar @Ignister Cyberse AI Omniscience
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Decode Talker Cyberse
Digital Bug Registrider Insect Insect Metamorphosis
Recollection of the Story
Dinowrestler King T Wrextle Dinosaur Three-Strike Success
Djinn Releaser of Rituals Fiend Theme Chronicle Banlist
Draco Masters of the Tenyi Wyrm Dragon Spirit
Folgo, Justice Fur Hire Beast Vessels of Freedom
Geargiagear Gigant XG Machine Shifting Gears
Ghost Belle & Haunted Mansion Zombie Duel Experts
Ghost Mourner & Moonlit Chill Zombie Invincible Aces
Ghost Ogre & Snow Rabbit Psychic
Ghost Reaper & Winter Cherries Zombie Mighty Contenders
Ghost Sister & Spooky Dog Zombie
Ghostrick Alucard Zombie Mischievous Specters
Recollection of the Story
Goblin Biker Big Gabonga Beast-Warrior Outlaws from the Inferno
Gold Pride - Leon Warrior Indomitable Pride
The Most Dangerous Race of the Cosmos!
Gouki The Great Ogre Warrior Three-Strike Success
Infinitrack Fortress Megaclops Machine Dreadnought Advance
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Inzektor Dragonfly Insect Insect Metamorphosis
Beetle Troops Roll Out
Knightmare Unicorn Fiend Cosmic Mechanical Entities
Kozmo Farmgirl Psychic Galaxy War
Lilith, Lady of Lament Fiend Theme Chronicle Banlist
Illusion Beast's Roar
M-X-Saber Invoker Warrior Theme Chronicle Banlist
Beastly Claws of Terror
Pledge of Sword
Mathematician Spellcaster Scientific Analysis
Mecha Phantom Beast Auroradon Machine Rapid Aircraft Advancement
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Mekk-Knight Spectrum Supreme Cyberse Cosmic Mechanical Entities
Mementotlan Angwitch Spellcaster Revived Legion
Munin the Runick Wings Fairy Mysterious Labyrinth
Adventure of Mystical Etchings
Nephthys, the Sacred Flame Winged Beast Roused from Destruction
Ningirsu the World Chalice Warrior Warrior
Number 3: Cicada King Insect
Number 30: Acid Golem of Destruction Rock
Revolution Synchron Machine Ride Into the Future
Evoked Dragon of Miracles
Rookie Warrior Lady Warrior Wandering Travelers
S-Force Justify Cyberse Space-Time Transcendents
Salamangreat Heatleo Cyberse Blazing Fortitude
Burning Spirits
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Selene, Queen of the Master Magicians Spellcaster Knowledge of the Mythlords
Shiranui Skillsaga Supremacy Zombie Fires of This World and The Next
Simorgh, Bird of Sovereignty Winged Beast Piercing Winds
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Wings that Span the Sky
Summon Sorceress Spellcaster Theme Chronicle Banlist
Sunavalon Melias Plant Seedling Soul Fey
Tenpai Dragon Genroku Dragon Outlaws from the Inferno
Tenpai Dragon Paidra Dragon Outlaws from the Inferno
The Phantom Knights of Rusty Bardiche Warrior Indomitable Knights
Theme Chronicle Banlist
The Weather Painter Rainbow Fairy Artistic Angel
Mysterious Labyrinth
Tindangle Acute Cerberus Fiend Cyber City Guardians
Topologic Trisbaena Cyberse Fires of Scorching Bonds
Tour Guide From the Underworld Fiend Mysterious Labyrinth
Traffic Ghost Cyberse
Uni-Zombie Zombie Abyssal Underworld
Immortal Glory
Virtual World Dragon - Longlong Wrym Cyber City Guardians
Volcanic Trooper Pyro Blazing Arena
Water Enchantress of the Temple Spellcaster Wandering Travelers
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Guided by Fate
Victory in Progress
Wind-Up Carrier Zenmaity Machine Wind-Up Soldiers
Windwitch - Ice Bell Spellcaster A Song of Zephyr and Petals
World Gears of Theurlogical Demiurgy Cyberse Star-Studded Futures
Zefra Metaltron Wyrm Enchanted Threads of Shade
Zerrziel, Ruler of the Evil Eyed Fiend The Cost of Dark Powers

Level 3 SR Monsters

Monsters By Rarity
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Click on a link to take you to that rarity's section!

Card Type How to Get
Alice, Lady of Lament Fiend Mysterious Labyrinth
Illusion Beast's Roar
Ally of Justice Cycle Reader Machine Justice Before Attribute
Ally of Justice Cyclone Creator Machine Justice Before Attribute
Amabie Fairy
Angraecum Umbrella Spellcaster
Anti-Aircraft Flower Plant
Archfiend Eccentrick Fiend The Forbidden Liberated
Archfiend Heiress Fiend The Cost of Dark Powers
Ashura King Warrior Heroic Warriors
Outlaws from the Inferno
Atlantean Marksman Sea Serpent Forgotten City Dwellers
Baku the Beast Ninja Beast Hidden Arts of Shadows
Beat, Bladesman fur Hire Warrior Vessels of Freedom
The Synchronized Cosmos
Black Salvo Machine
Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind Winged Beast Soaring on Darkest Wings
Blackwing's Pride
Blackwing - Steam the Cloak Winged Beast Theme Chronicle Banlist
Blackwing's Pride
Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Spirit Beast-Warrior Guardians of Fire
Burner, Dragon Ruler of Sparks Dragon
Chronomaly Crystal Chrononaut Psychic Timeworn Legacies
Chronomaly Crystal Skull Rock Timeworn Legacies
Codebreaker Virus Berserker Warrior
Crane Crane Winged Beast Indomitable Pride
Crusadia Equimax Cyberse Star-Studded Futures
Recollection of the Story
Cursed Fire King Doom Burst Fiend Tricky Reception
Cyberdark Cannon Dragon Pearlescent Cyber Dragons
Cyberdark Claw Dragon Pearlescent Cyber Dragons
Cyberse Accelerator Cyberse
Cyberse Enchanter Cyberse
Danger!? Jackalope? Beast Emerging Monstrosity Recon!
Outlaws from the Inferno
Danger!? Tsuchinoko? Reptile Emerging Monstrosity Recon!
Outlaws from the Inferno
Dark Scorpion - Chick the Yellow Warrior
Dark Spirit of Banishment Fiend The Trap in the Wicked Castle
Dark Spirit of Malice Fiend The Trap in the Wicked Castle
Decode Talker Extended Cyberse Soldiers from the Storm
New Step for Duelists
1st Anniversary - Soldiers from the Storm
Digital Bug Scaradiator Insect
Dora Dora Dragon Outlaws from the Inferno
Draconnet Cyberse Fires of Scorching Bonds
Invincible Aces
Dream Cicada Insect
Excode Talker Cyberse Soldiers from the Storm
Theme Chronicle Banlist
1st Anniversary - Soldiers from the Storm
Exodia the Forbidden One Spellcaster The Great Olds
Theme Chronicle Banlist
The Forbidden Liberated
Fairyant the Circular Sorcerer Insect The Synchronized Cosmos
Advance of Great Forces
Farfa, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss Fiend Fiendish Encounter
Fiber Jar Plant Theme Chronicle Banlist
Fire Phoenix @Ignister Cyberse AI Omniscience
Firebrand Hymnist Pyro Beasts of the Inferno
Flame Bufferlo Cyberse
Flash Charge Dragon Dragon
Gadget Gamer Machine Sprites of Miracle
Gaia Saber, the Lightning Shadow Machine
Galaxy Worm Insect
Gallis the Star Beast Beast
Gen the Diamond Tiger Warrior Outlaws from the Inferno
Genex Ally Birdman Machine Elemental Exchanges
Advance of Great Forces
Genex Undine Aqua Elemental Exchanges
Advance of Great Forces
Ghost Fairy Elfobia Psychic
Gilasaurus Dinosaur
Goblin Biker Boom Mach Warrior Outlaws from the Inferno
Goblin Biker Dugg Charger Warrior Outlaws from the Inferno
Gold Pride - Captain Carrie Fiend Indomitable Pride
Tricky Reception
The Most Dangerous Race of the Cosmos!
Gold Pride - Chariot Carrie Aqua Indomitable Pride
The Most Dangerous Race of the Cosmos!
Gorgonic Guardian Rock
Gouki The Blade Ogre Warrior Three-Strike Success
Gouki Thunder Ogre Warrior Three-Strike Success
Graff, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss Fiend Fiendish Encounter
Gravekeeper's Nobleman Spellcaster Guardian of Kings
Gravekeeper's Recruiter Spellcaster Guardian of Kings
Fusion Potential
Strong Will
Graydle Alligator Aqua Invaders from Outer Space
Graydle Eagle Aqua Invaders from Outer Space
Gren Maju Da Eiza Fiend Beasts of the Inferno
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Ha-Re the Sword Mikanko Warrior Galactic Evolution
A Dance Dedicated to the Heavens
Hi-Speedroid Cork Shooter Machine Beyond Speed
Horse of the Floral Knights Beast Beyond Speed
The Noble Knights of Crimson Flowers
Hu-Li the Jewel Mikanko Psychic Galactic Evolution
Nightmare Arrivals
A Dance Dedicated to the Heavens
Icejade Aegirine Aqua Cosmic Ocean
Beginning of Turmoil
Treasures of the Cosmic Ocean
Beginning of the Next Journey
Icejade Ran Aegirine Aqua Beginning of the Next Journey
Infernity Necromancer Fiend The Infinite Void
New Step for Duelists
Tricky Reception
Injection Fairy Lily Spellcaster
Inzektor Hornet Insect Insect Metamorphosis
Passage of the Sun
Beetle Troops Roll Out
Jowgen the Spiritualist Spellcaster Theme Chronicle Banlist
Junk Synchron Warrior
Karakuri Komachi mdl 224 "Ninishi" Machine Traditions of Trickery
Ken the Warrior Dragon Warrior Outlaws from the Inferno
King of the Swamp Aqua Fusion Potential
The Forbidden Liberated
Kitchen Dragonmaid Dragon Dragon Luster
Kitsuni Kitsunebi Warrior Record of Noble Spirits
Koa'ki Meiru Doom Fiend Iron Core Synthetics
Kotodama Fairy
Kuribandit Fiend Vortex of Magic
Laval Lakeside Lady Pyro Combatants of Flame
Leviair the Sea Dragon Aqua
Libromancer Geek Boy Psychic Heroic Warriors
Fires of Scorching Bonds
Lightning, Dragon Ruler of Drafts Dragon
Lonefire Blossom Plant Blooming in Adversity
Aim For The Stars
Longirsu, the Orcust Orchestrator Machine Star-Studded Futures
Recollection of the Story
Invincible Aces
Loris, Lady of Lament Fiend Mysterious Labyrinth
Illusion Beast's Roar
Lumina, Lightsworn Summoner Spellcaster Justice from Light
Lumina, Twilightsworn Shaman Spellcaster Justice from Light
Lunalight Tiger Beast-Warrior Moonlit Avian Dance
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Madolche Hootcake Beast Beloved Dolls
Sugar-Suffused Reverie
Magical Musketeer Caspar Fiend Fiendish Encounter
Theme Chronicle Banlist
The Forbidden Liberated
Martial Metal Marcher Machine
Master Tao the Chanter Illusion Wings of the Guardian
Illusion Beast's Roar
Materiactor Gigaboros Dragon
Materiactor Gigadra Dragon
Meliae of the Trees Plant Seedling Soul Fey
Mermail Abyssgunde Aqua Forgotten City Dwellers
Songstress of Sorrow Song
Mist Bird Clausolas Winged Beast
Morgan, the Enchantress of Avalon Spellcaster Guided by the Noble Blade
Morphtronic Boarden Machine Transforming Tech
Mystical Fairy Elfuria Spellcaster
Naturia Rosewhip Plant Denizens of Sacred Tree Grove
Neiroy, the Dream Mirror Traitor Fiend Legacy Pack
Neo Flamvell Hedgehog Pyro Justice Before Attribute
Neo Super Quantal Mech King Blaster Magna Machine Secret Fighters
Ni-Ni the Mirror Mikanko Spellcaster Galactic Evolution
A Dance Dedicated to the Heavens
Night Assailant Fiend
Noh-P.U.N.K. Ze Amin Psychic Refined Blade
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Sprites of Miracle
The Ultimate Traditional Art
Name of Champions
Victory in Progress
Nopenguin Aqua
Nordic Beast Gullinbursti Beast Invincible Raid
Number 17: Leviathan Dragon Dragon Shark's Pride
Number 26: Spaceway Octobypass Psychic Invaders from Outer Space
Number 34: Terror-Byte Machine
Number 47: Nightmare Shark Sea Serpent Shark's Pride
Number 71: Rebarian Shark Dragon Shark's Pride
Raging God of the Sea
Ojama Emperor Beast Prank Panic!
Pendulum Witch Spellcaster Lord of Dimensions
Performapal Ladyange Fairy Battle Trajectory
The Bizarre Playing Board
Peropero Cerperus Beast
Peten the Dark Clown Spellcaster
Predaplant Ophrys Scorpio Plant Natural Selection
Prediction Princess Coinorma Fairy Destiny's Sorceress
Flame of Fury
Psychic Wheeleder Psychic Battle Trajectory
Indomitable Pride
The Most Dangerous Race of the Cosmos!
Ra'ten, the Heavenly General Warrior Refined Blade
Reeshaddoll Wendi Psychic Enchanted Threads of Shade
Rescue-ACE Impulse Machine Flame of Fury
Nightmare Arrivals
Rescue Team, Emergency Dispatch!
Salamangreat Gazelle Cyberse Stalwart Force
Blazing Fortitude
Burning Spirits
Salamangreat Miragestallio Cyberse Blazing Fortitude
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Revived Legion
Salamangreat Spinny Cyberse Blazing Fortitude
Scarm, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss Fiend Fiendish Encounter
Sea Archiver Cyberse
Seraphim Papillion Insect Insect Metamorphosis
Beetle Troops Roll Out
Servant of Endymion Spellcaster Stalwart Force
Knowledge of the Mythlords
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Name of Champions
Shurit, Strategist of the Nekroz Warrior Rites of the Mirrorworld
Soul Resonator Fiend Return of the King
Soul-Absorbing Bone Tower Zombie
Speedroid CarTurbo Machine Warp-Speed Toys
Speedroid Terrortop Machine Stalwart Force
Warp-Speed Toys
Outlaws from the Inferno
Steam Synchron Machine
Sublimation Knight Warrior
Sunavalon Dryanome Plant Seedling Soul Fey
Symphonic Warrior Guitaar Machine Shifting Gears
Heroic Warriors
T.G. Trident Launcher Machine Futuristic Creatures
Ride Into the Future
T.G. Warwolf Beast-Warrior Futuristic Creatures
Taotie Dragon Wyrm
Tatsunoko Wyrm
Temperance of Prophecy Spellcaster Mastery of the Grimoire
Tenpai Dragon Fadra Dragon Outlaws from the Inferno
The Phantom Knights of Ancient Cloak Warrior Indomitable Knights
The Phantom Knights of Break Sword Warrior Indomitable Knights
Theme Chronicle Banlist
The Phantom Knights of Silent Boots Warrior Indomitable Knights
The Weather Painter Snow Fairy Artistic Angel
Totem Bird Winged Beast
Transcode Talker Cyberse Soldiers from the Storm
Revival of Legends
Theme Chronicle Banlist
1st Anniversary - Soldiers from the Storm
Tri-Gate Wizard Cyberse Hope Sprouting in the Spring Breeze
Trickstar Foxglove Witch Fairy Essence of Flora and Ocean
Chaotic Showtime
Trickstar Lycoris Fairy Essence of Flora and Ocean
New Step for Duelists
Chaotic Showtime
Ultimate Baseball Kid Warrior
Unchained Soul of Anguish Fiend Roused from Destruction
Theme Chronicle Banlist
V-LAN Hydra Cyberse
Vampire Fascinator Zombie The Newborn Dragon
Vector Scare Archfiend Cyberse
Vernusylph of the Misting Seedlings Fairy Blessings of Nature
Hope Sprouting in the Spring Breeze
Virtual World Hime - Nyannyan Psychic Cyber City Guardians
Name of Champions
Virtual World Mai-Hime - Lulu Psychic Cyber City Guardians
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Volcanic Counter Pyro Beasts of the Inferno
Vorticular Drumgon Dragon
Widget Kid Cyberse
Wind-Up Hunter Beast-Warrior Theme Chronicle Banlist
Wind-Up Zenmaines Machine Wind-Up Soldiers
Woodland Sprite Plant
XX-Saber Darksoul Beast Pledge of Sword
Beastly Claws of Terror

Level 3 R Monsters

Monsters By Rarity
image.pngUR image.pngSR image.pngR image.pngN

Click on a link to take you to that rarity's section!

Card Type How to Get
Absorbing Jar Rock
Adhesive Explosive Machine
Advanced Crystal Beast Ruby Carbuncle Fairy Strong Will
Alien Dog Reptile Cell "A" Corruption
Alien Mars Reptile Cell "A" Corruption
Ally of Justice Searcher Machine Justice Before Attribute
Alpha The Electromagnet Warrior Rock Scientific Analysis
Altergeist Malwisp Spellcaster Nightmare Arrivals
Altergeist Primebanshee Spellcaster Electron Illusions
Nightmare Arrivals
Amanokujaki Fiend
Amazement Ambassador Bufo Beast The Darkness Amuses
Amazoness Spy Warrior Warriors Unite!
Ancient Gear Hunting Hound Machine Gargantuan Gears
Ancient Lamp Spellcaster
Antidote Nurse Machine Chaotic Showtime
Ape Magician Beast
Apple Magician Girl Spellcaster Vortex of Magic
Attachment Cybern Dragon
Backlinker Cyberse
Banisher of the Light Fairy
Banisher of the Radiance Fairy
Baobaboon Plant
Battlecruiser Dianthus Plant Altered Heraldry
Battlin' Boxer Cheat Commissioner Warrior Blazing Warriors
Bearblocker Fiend
Beetrooper Scale Bomber Insect Invincible Raid
Beetle Troops Roll Out
Record of Noble Spirits
Beetrooper Scout Buggy Insect Invincible Raid
Recollection of the Story
Beetle Troops Roll Out
Record of Noble Spirits
Beta The Electromagnet Warrior Rock Scientific Analysis
Black Mamba Reptile Inherited Unity
Sacred Imperial Tomb
Black Ray Lancer Beast-Warrior Shark's Pride
Blazing Arena
Blackwing - Kalut the Moon Shadow Winged Beast Soaring on Darkest Wings
Blackwing's Pride
Blast Asmodian Fiend
Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Leopard Beast-Warrior Guardians of Fire
Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Lion Emperor Beast-Warrior Guardians of Fire
Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Ram Beast-Warrior Guardians of Fire
Broww, Huntsman of Dark World Fiend Rulers of Darkness
Burning Skull Head Zombie
Caninetaur Beast-Warrior
Carboneddon Dinosaur Scientific Analysis
Invincible Aces
Card Blocker Warrior
Card Ejector Spellcaster
Card Trooper Machine Roid Nexus
Cassimolar Fiend Beginning of Turmoil
Charming Resort Staff Fairy Secret Fighters
Chewbone Zombie
Chronomaly Crystal Bones Rock Timeworn Legacies
Chronomaly Gordian Knot Rock Timeworn Legacies
Cir, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss Fiend Fiendish Encounter
Cliant Cyberse
Cockroach Knight Insect
Cocoon of Evolution Insect
Code Generator Cyberse Soldiers from the Storm
Revival of Legends
1st Anniversary - Soldiers from the Storm
Mighty Contenders
Name of Champions
Comrade Swordsman of Landstar Warrior
Constellar Hyades Beast-Warrior
Construction Train Signal Red Machine Dreadnought Advance
Creation Resonator Fiend Savage Crimson Dragon
1st Anniversary - Savage Crimson Dragon
Return of the King
Crusadia Arboria Warrior Star-Studded Futures
Crystal Master Spellcaster Crystal Serpentry
Crystron Rion Machine
Crystron Smiger Machine
Cyberse Reminder Cyberse
D.D. Seeker Psychic
D/D/D Stone King Darius Fiend
Damage Mage Spellcaster
Dark Mimic LV3 Fiend
Deep Diver Aqua
Defcon Bird Cyberse
Delta Flyer Dragon
Des Koala Beast Theme Chronicle Banlist
Des Lacooda Zombie
Deskbot 003 Machine Wind-Up Soldiers
Destiny HERO - Blade Master Warrior
Detonate Deleter Cyberse
Dice Jar Rock Theme Chronicle Banlist
Digital Bug Centibit Insect
Digital Bug Websolder Insect
Dinowrestler Capaptera Dinosaur Three-Strike Success
Djinn Demolisher of Rituals Fiend
Djinn Prognosticator of Rituals Fiend
Doomdog Octhros Fiend The Trap in the Wicked Castle
Dr. Frankenderp Psychic
Draghig, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss Fiend Fiendish Encounter
Dragoness the Wicked Knight Warrior
Dragunity Legionnaire Winged Beast Dragon Knight Gorge
Drill Synchron Machine
Dual Avatar Feet - Kokoku Warrior Souls of Sublime Gods
Fusion Potential
Record of Noble Spirits
Duck Fighter Machine
DUCKER Mobile Cannon Machine
Eccentric Boy Spellcaster
Edge Imp Sabres Fiend Fiendish Playthings
Fusion Potential
Edge Imp Scythe Fiend Fiendish Playthings
Electric Virus Thunder
Electromagnetic Bagworm Insect
Elemental Mistress Doriado Spellcaster
Evoltile Lagosucho Reptile
Evoltile Westlo Reptile
Exploder Dragon Dragon
Fabled Kushano Fiend Fabled Gods
Feedran, the Winds of Mischief Dragon A Song of Zephyr and Petals
Fiendish Rhino Warrior Fiend Mysterious Labyrinth
The Trap in the Wicked Castle
Blazing Arena
Eternal Partners
Illusion Beast's Roar
The Forbidden Liberated
Fire King Avatar Kirin Beast Roused from Destruction
Lord of Dimensions
Fishborg Archer Fish
Flame Ghost Zombie
Flower Cardian Cherry Blossom Warrior Hand of Fate
Flower Cardian Cherry Blossom with Curtain Warrior Hand of Fate
Flowerbot Plant
Fortune Lady Wind Spellcaster Destiny's Sorceress
Friller Rabca Fish
Fusionist Beast
Gagaga Girl Spellcaster Onomatopair-Up
Gagaku-P.U.N.K. Wa Gon Psychic Refined Blade
Sprites of Miracle
The Ultimate Traditional Art
Victory in Progress
Gamma The Electromagnet Warrior Rock Scientific Analysis
Gem-Knight Obsidian Rock Pyroxene Relinquished
Strong Will
Genex Ally Remote Machine Elemental Exchanges
Genex Controller Machine Elemental Exchanges
Advance of Great Forces
Ghost Sleeper, the Underworld Princess Zombie The Newborn Dragon
Tricky Reception
Crystal Realm Defier
Ghostrick Jiangshi Zombie Mischievous Specters
Tricky Reception
Ghostrick Stein Zombie Mischievous Specters
Recollection of the Story
Giant Soldier of Steel Rock
Gizmek Taniguku, the Immobile Intellect Machine Traditions of Trickery
Glacial Beast Polar Penguin Aqua Ruler's Mask
Gladiator Beast Murmillo Fish Valiant Gladiator Beasts
Gladiator Beast Sagittarii Winged Beast Valiant Gladiator Beasts
Gluttonous Reptolphin Greethys Fish
Goblin Biker Clatter Sploder Beast-Warrior Outlaws from the Inferno
Goblin Biker Mean Merciless Fiend Outlaws from the Inferno
Goddess of Whim Fairy
Gokipole Insect
Gonogo Rock
Gorgonic Cerberus Rock
Gorgonic Gargoyle Rock
Gorgonic Golem Rock
Gouki Twistcobra Warrior Three-Strike Success
Goyo Defender Warrior
Gravekeeper's Headman Spellcaster Guardian of Kings
Fusion Potential
Inherited Unity
Gravekeeper's Priestess Spellcaster Guardian of Kings
Strong Will
Greenkappa Warrior
Grenosaurus Dinosaur
Guitar Gurnards Duonigis Sea Serpent
Gusto Codor Winged Beast
Gusto Vedir Winged Beast Ties to Mother Nature
Gyaku-Gire Panda Beast
Hallohallo Fiend
Heavy Mech Support Armor Machine Emblazoned Armor
Heavy Mech Support Platform Machine
Hibernation Dragon Dragon
Hraesvelgr, the Desperate Doom Eagle Winged Beast Mighty Contenders
Humhumming the Key Djinn Fiend
Humpty Grumpty Zombie
Hushed Psychic Cleric Psychic
Hydrotortoise, the Empowered Warrior Warrior
Infernity Conjurer Fiend The Infinite Void
New Step for Duelists
Tricky Reception
Infernoid Harmadik Fiend Life Force Control System
Outlaws from the Inferno
Influence Dragon Dragon
Inmato Plant
Inzektor Centipede Insect Insect Metamorphosis
Passage of the Sun
Beetle Troops Roll Out
Jabbing Panda Beast-Warrior
Jinzo - Returner Machine
Joruri-P.U.N.K. Madame Spider Psychic Refined Blade
Sprites of Miracle
The Ultimate Traditional Art
Victory in Progress
Junk Forward Warrior Scrap Iron Soldiers
Revival of Legends
Justice of Prophecy Spellcaster Mastery of the Grimoire
Kagemucha Knight Warrior Outlaws from the Inferno
Karakuri Ninja mdl 339 "Sazank" Machine Traditions of Trickery
The Ultimate Traditional Art
Kidmodo Dragon Dragon
Koa'ki Meiru Hydro Barrier Aqua Iron Core Synthetics
Konohanasakuya Fairy Souls of Sublime Gods
Kozmo Soartroopers Psychic Galaxy War
Kujakujaku Winged Beast
Lavalval Ignis Warrior Combatants of Flame
Legendary Jujitsu Master Rock
Legendary Six Samurai - Kageki Warrior Great Shogun's Rule
Legendary Six Samurai - Mizuho Warrior Great Shogun's Rule
Legendary Six Samurai - Shinai Warrior Great Shogun's Rule
Libromancer Firestarter Cyberse Heroic Warriors
Record of Noble Spirits
Fires of Scorching Bonds
Lightserpent Reptile Curse of the Serpent
Lock Cat Beast
Lockout Gardna Cyberse
Lost Blue Breaker Sea Serpent
Magic Hole Golem Rock
Magical Musketeer Doc Fiend Fiendish Encounter
Theme Chronicle Banlist
The Forbidden Liberated
Magical Musketeer Kidbrave Fiend Fiendish Encounter
Theme Chronicle Banlist
The Forbidden Liberated
Magical Reflect Slime Aqua
Magician's Rod Spellcaster Darkest Magics
Vortex of Magic
Majespecter Cat - Nekomata Spellcaster Advanced Warriors
Malice, Lady of Lament Fiend Rulers of Darkness
Mysterious Labyrinth
Illusion Beast's Roar
Marauding Captain Warrior
Marincess Marbled Rock Cyberse Essence of Flora and Ocean
Marincess Sea Horse Cyberse Essence of Flora and Ocean
Marionette Mite Insect
Marmiting Captain Warrior
Marshmallon Fairy
Mataza the Zapper Warrior
Mechquipped Angineer Fairy Altered Heraldry
Melomelody the Brass Djinn Fiend The Forbidden Liberated
Merlin Spellcaster Guided by the Noble Blade
Mermail Abyssdine Aqua Forgotten City Dwellers
Songstress of Sorrow Song
Mermail Abysshilde Aqua Forgotten City Dwellers
Songstress of Sorrow Song
Mermail Abysslinde Aqua Forgotten City Dwellers
Songstress of Sorrow Song
Mermail Abyssnerei Aqua Forgotten City Dwellers
Songstress of Sorrow Song
Mermail Abysstrite Sea Serpent Forgotten City Dwellers
Songstress of Sorrow Song
Mind Protector Psychic
Mine Mole Beast
Minerva, Lightsworn Maiden Spellcaster Justice from Light
Advance of Great Forces
Mist Valley Shaman Winged Beast
Mist Valley Thunderbird Thunder
Morphing Jar #2 Rock
Morphtronic Remoten Machine Transforming Tech
Morphtronic Scopen Machine Transforming Tech
Muzurhythm the String Djinn Fiend
Mystical Sheep #1 Beast
Myutant ST-46 Psychic Recollection of the Story
Naturia Butterfly Insect Denizens of Sacred Tree Grove
Naturia Rock Rock Denizens of Sacred Tree Grove
Necro Gardna Warrior
Neiroy, the Dream Mirror Disciple Fairy Interdimensional Interlopers
Recollection of the Story
Nekroz of Clausolas Warrior Rites of the Mirrorworld
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Number 48: Shadow Lich Zombie
Number 49: Fortune Tune Winged Beast
Number 51: Finisher the Strong Arm Rock
Number 75: Bamboozling Gossip Shadow Spellcaster Number Recall
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Indomitable Pride
Xyz Explosion
Outlaws from the Inferno
Number C43: High Manipulator of Chaos Fiend
Number C65: King Overfiend Fiend
Number C96: Dark Storm Fiend Number Recall
Odd-Eyes Mirage Dragon Dragon Draconic Resplendence
Oily Cicada Insect
Oshaleon Reptile Curse of the Serpent
Oyster Meister Fish
Penguin Torpedo Aqua
Performapal Friendonkey Beast Captivating Curtain Call
New Step for Duelists
Performapal Momoncarpet Beast
Performapal Parrotrio Winged Beast Captivating Curtain Call
Battle Trajectory
The Bizarre Playing Board
Performapal Revue Dancer Spellcaster Captivating Curtain Call
Phantom King Hydride Fiend Return of the King
Phantom Magician Spellcaster
Photon Cerberus Beast
Photon Pirate Machine
Photon Sabre Tiger Beast
Pilica, Descendant of Gusto Psychic Ties to Mother Nature
Plague Wolf Zombie
Poeltis de Nouvelles Beast-Warrior Singularity Warrior
A Full Course of Magic
Possessed Dark Soul Fiend
Procession of the Tea Jar Zombie Tricky Reception
Proof of Pruflas Fiend
Propa Gandake Psychic Blessings of Nature
Protector of The Agents - Moon Fairy Valiant Wings
Psychic Commander Psychic
Psychic Processor Psychic Chaotic Showtime
Puppet Plant Plant
Pursuit Chaser Machine
Raging Flame Sprite Pyro
Ragnaraika Samurai Beetle Insect Advance of Great Forces
Rai-Mei Thunder
Raidraptor - Fiend Eagle Winged Beast
Razor Lizard Reptile
Red Lotus King, Flame Crime Fiend The Masters Saga
Red-Eyes Baby Dragon Dragon The Cerise in the Ebony
1st Anniversary - The Cerise in the Ebony
Rescue Interlacer Cyberse
Reverse Jar Rock Strong Will
Rigorous Reaver Plant
Rogue of Endymion Spellcaster Knowledge of the Mythlords
Stalwart Force
Rose Princess Plant Exquisite Jet-Black Rose
Roxrose Dragon Dragon Exquisite Jet-Black Rose
Salamangreat Coyote Cyberse Blazing Fortitude
Burning Spirits
Revived Legion
Salamangreat Weasel Cyberse Revived Legion
Sangan Fiend Revival of Legends
The Trap in the Wicked Castle
Eternal Partners
Scrap Goblin Beast-Warrior Devastation Regenerated
Scrap Recycler Machine Devastation Regenerated
Rescue Team, Emergency Dispatch!
Sea Dragoons of Draconia Sea Serpent
Sealmaster Meisei Spellcaster
Searchlightman Machine
Second Booster Machine
Secret Six Samurai - Hatsume Warrior Great Shogun's Rule
Self-Destruct Ant Insect Theme Chronicle Banlist
Sentinel of the Tistina Aqua Return of the King
Crystal Realm Defier
Sentry Soldier of Stone Rock
Serene Psychic Witch Psychic
Shaddoll Hedgehog Spellcaster
Shamisen Samsara Sorrowcat Zombie The Synchronized Cosmos
Tricky Reception
Shark Caesar Fish Shark's Pride
Shiranui Spectralsword Shade Zombie Fires of This World and The Next
Recollection of the Story
Shogi Knight Beast-Warrior
Shogi Lance Beast-Warrior
Simorgh, Bird of Calamity Winged Beast Piercing Winds
Wings that Span the Sky
Snowman Eater Aqua
Soul of Silvermountain Rock The Ultimate Traditional Art
Speedroid Den-Den Daiko Duke Machine Warp-Speed Toys
Speedroid Taketomborg Machine Warp-Speed Toys
Beyond Speed
Outlaws from the Inferno
Speedroid Tri-Eyed Dice Machine Warp-Speed Toys
Stalwart Force
Speedroid Ultra Hound Machine Beyond Speed
Spell Reactor ・ RE Machine
Spell Striker Warrior
Spellstone Sorcerer Karood Spellcaster
Spined Gillman Sea Serpent
Spirit of the Six Samurai Warrior Great Shogun's Rule
Spirit Reaper Zombie
Spy-C-Spy Warrior
Stealth Bird Winged Beast Theme Chronicle Banlist
Steel Star Regulator Machine
Steelswarm Sentinel Fiend Yearning Evil Body
Submersible Carrier Aero Shark Fish Shark's Pride
Indomitable Pride
Summoner of Illusions Spellcaster
Super Quantal Mech Beast Grampulse Machine Secret Fighters
Super Quantum Blue Layer Psychic Secret Fighters
Superheavy Samurai Flutist Machine Immovable Samurai
Superheavy Samurai Soulbang Cannon Machine Immovable Samurai
Swarm of Centipedes Insect Tricky Reception
Swarm of Locusts Insect
Swarm of Scarabs Insect
Sylvan Marshalleaf Plant Seedling Soul Fey
Tanngrisnir of the Nordic Beasts Beast Astral Trinity of Gods
Tellus the Little Angel Fairy Life Finds a Way
Temtempo the Percussion Djinn Fiend
Test Tiger Beast Valiant Gladiator Beasts
The Agent of Creation - Venus Fairy Guardians of the Sacred Sky
Valiant Wings
Cosmic Ocean
The Agent of Destruction - Venus Fairy Cosmic Ocean
The Dark - Hex-Sealed Fusion Rock
The Earth - Hex-Sealed Fusion Rock
The Immortal Bushi Warrior
The Light - Hex-Sealed Fusion Rock
The Phantom Knights of Stained Greaves Warrior Indomitable Knights
The Phantom Knights of Torn Scales Warrior Indomitable Knights
The Weather Painter Thunder Fairy Artistic Angel
Mysterious Labyrinth
Three-Eyed Ghost Fiend Record of Noble Spirits
Thunder Ball Fiend
Tindangle Jhrelth Fiend Cyber City Guardians
Tour Bus From the Underworld Fiend Mysterious Labyrinth
Tour Bus To Forbidden Realms Fiend Mysterious Labyrinth
Transforming Sphere Winged Beast
Tri-Brigade Rugal the Silver Sheller Beast-Warrior Echo Chamber Nation
Mighty Contenders
Tri-Edge Levia Sea Serpent
Trickstar Delfiendium Fairy
Triple Burst Dragon Dragon Shot Through Fiction
Tripod Fish Fish
Trust Guardian Fairy
Turbo Cannon Machine
Twin-Headed Behemoth Dragon
Ukiyoe-P.U.N.K. Sharakusai Psychic Refined Blade
Sprites of Miracle
The Ultimate Traditional Art
Victory in Progress
Ultimate Insect LV3 Insect
Valkyrie Vierte Fairy Life Finds a Way
Vampire Ghost Zombie The Newborn Dragon
Vernusylph of the Thawing Mountains Fairy Blessings of Nature
Hope Sprouting in the Spring Breeze
Versago the Destroyer Fiend
Vision HERO Increase Warrior Shrouded Heroes
Vortex Trooper Aqua
Vylon Cube Machine Emblazoned Armor
Warm Worm Insect
Wattsquirrel Thunder
Wattsychic Fighter Psychic
Wightprincess Zombie Abyssal Underworld
Wind-Up Rabbit Beast-Warrior Wind-Up Soldiers
Wind-Up Rat Beast Wind-Up Soldiers
Windwitch - Freeze Bell Spellcaster A Song of Zephyr and Petals
Worm Jetelikpse Reptile Invaders from Outer Space
X-Saber Airbellum Beast Pledge of Sword
Beastly Claws of Terror
Xtra HERO Dread Decimator Warrior Transfigured Heroes
XX-Saber Fulhelmknight Warrior Pledge of Sword
Beastly Claws of Terror
Xyz Armor Torpedo Warrior Blazing Arena
Yowie Reptile Curse of the Serpent
Sacred Imperial Tomb

Level 3 N Monsters

Monsters By Rarity
image.pngUR image.pngSR image.pngR image.pngN

Click on a link to take you to that rarity's section!

Card Type How to Get
3-Hump Lacooda Beast
4-Starred Ladybug of Doom Insect
Abyss Actor - Comic Relief Fiend The Darkness Amuses
Climax of the Showdown
Achacha Archer Warrior
Achacha Chanbara Warrior
Acid Crawler Insect
Acrobat Monkey Machine
Advanced Crystal Beast Amethyst Cat Beast Strong Will
Advanced Crystal Beast Emerald Tortoise Aqua Strong Will
Airorca Sea Serpent
Akakieisu Spellcaster
Al-Lumi'raj Wyrm Stalwart Force
Alich, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss Fiend Fiendish Encounter
Alinsection Insect
Allure Queen LV3 Spellcaster
Ally of Justice Core Destroyer Machine Justice Before Attribute
Ally of Justice Unknown Crusher Machine Justice Before Attribute
Amazoness Blowpiper Warrior Warriors Unite!
Amazoness Silver Sword Master Warrior Blessings of Nature
Ambulanceroid Machine Roid Nexus
Flame of Fury
Amores of Prophecy Spellcaster Mastery of the Grimoire
Ancient Brain Fiend
Ancient Tree of Enlightenment Plant
Anthrosaurus Dinosaur
Aqua Snake Aqua
Arcane Archer of the Forest Warrior
Arlownay Plant
Armaill Warrior
Armed Dragon LV3 Dragon Monster Overdrive
Climax of the Showdown
Mighty Contenders
Dragons' Reincarnation
Armed Dragon Thunder LV3 Dragon Monster Overdrive
Climax of the Showdown
Mighty Contenders
Dragons' Reincarnation
Armor Breaker Warrior
Armored Rat Beast
Armored Zombie Zombie
Aromage Cananga Plant Blooming in Adversity
Advance of Great Forces
Arsenal Bug Insect
Aswan Apparition Fiend
Atlantean Attack Squad Sea Serpent Forgotten City Dwellers
The Synchronized Cosmos
Aurkus, Lightsworn Druid Beast-Warrior Justice from Light
Aussa the Earth Charmer Spellcaster Spiritual Mastery
Hope Sprouting in the Spring Breeze
Autorokket Dragon Dragon Shot Through Fiction
Stalwart Force
Aim For The Stars
Avatar of The Pot Rock
Baby Dragon Dragon
Bachibachibachi Insect
Backup Operator Cyberse Electron Illusions
Singularity Warrior
Backup Secretary Cyberse Electron Illusions
Revival of Legends
Singularity Warrior
Barbar, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss Fiend Fiendish Encounter
Barrel Lily Plant
Basilius, Familiar of the Evil Eye Fiend The Cost of Dark Powers
Dreaded Conspiracy
Batteryman AA Thunder Electrilyrical
Burst of Zapping Energy!
Battle Warrior Warrior
Battlewasp - Twinbow the Attacker Insect Insect Metamorphosis
Battlin' Boxer Counterpunch Warrior Blazing Warriors
Blazing Arena
Battlin' Boxer Rabbit Puncher Warrior Blazing Warriors
Battlin' Boxer Rib Gardna Warrior Blazing Warriors
Beaked Snake Reptile
Beast of the Pharaoh Zombie
Beelze Frog Aqua
Bellcat Fighter Machine Beyond Speed
Berlineth the Firestorm Vassal Pyro Supernatural Elements
Berserker of the Tenyi Dragon Dragon Spirit
Bi'an, Earth of the Yang Zing Wyrm Dragon Spirit
Guardian of the Sacred Summit
Big Jaws Fish
Binding Chain Fairy
Bio Plant Fiend
Bio-Mage Fairy
Bite Bug Insect
Black Ptera Dinosaur
Blackwing - Breeze the Zephyr Winged Beast
Blackwing - Damascus the Polar Night Winged Beast Soaring on Darkest Wings
Blackwing's Pride
Blackwing - Etesian of Two Swords Winged Beast
Blackwing - Ghibli the Searing Wind Winged Beast
Blackwing - Gladius the Midnight Sun Winged Beast Soaring on Darkest Wings
Blackwing's Pride
Blackwing - Pinaki the Waxing Moon Winged Beast
Blade Garoodia the Cubic Beast Beast Natural Selection
Blast Juggler Machine
Blizzard Warrior Warrior
Block Golem Rock Strong Will
Blue-Eyed Silver Zombie Zombie
Bolt Penguin Thunder
Boneheimer Aqua
Botanical Girl Plant Blooming in Adversity
Bowganian Machine
Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Hawk Beast-Warrior Guardians of Fire
Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Raven Beast-Warrior Guardians of Fire
Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Wolf Beast-Warrior Guardians of Fire
Bubonic Vermin Beast
Burglar Beast
Burning Algae Pyro
Bururu @Ignister Cyberse AI Omniscience
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Name of Champions
Cagna, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss Fiend Fiendish Encounter
Calcab, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss Fiend Fiendish Encounter
Catoblepas, Familiar of the Evil Eye Fiend The Cost of Dark Powers
Dreaded Conspiracy
Ceremonial Bell Spellcaster
Chamberlain of the Six Samurai Warrior
Chaos Core Fiend World Cloaked in Magical Power
Chaos-End Master Warrior Inevitability of Chaos
Charubin the Fire Knight Pyro
Chopman the Desperate Outlaw Zombie
Chosen by the World Chalice Psychic
Chronomaly Mayan Machine Machine Timeworn Legacies
Chu-Ske the Mouse Fighter Beast
Cipher Soldier Machine
Claw Reacher Fiend
Clock Resonator Fiend Savage Crimson Dragon
1st Anniversary - Savage Crimson Dragon
Return of the King
Cloudian - Poison Cloud Fiend
Cobraman Sakuzy Reptile
Constellar Aldebaran Beast-Warrior
Constellar Leonis Beast
Constellar Sheratan Beast Champions of Salvation
Record of Noble Spirits
Cooling Embers Pyro
Corroding Shark Zombie
Counselor Lily Fairy Life Finds a Way
Crashbug X Fiend
Crashbug Y Fiend
Crashbug Z Fiend
Creeping Doom Manta Fish
Creepy Coney Beast
Crusadia Leonis Beast Star-Studded Futures
Recollection of the Story
Crusadia Reclusia Spellcaster Star-Studded Futures
Crystal Beast Amethyst Cat Beast Crystal Serpentry
Strong Will
Crystal Beast Emerald Tortoise Aqua Crystal Serpentry
Strong Will
Crystal Beast Ruby Carbuncle Fairy Crystal Serpentry
Strong Will
Inherited Unity
Crystron Thystvern Machine Those who Stand Against Kings
Cursed Bride Doll Spellcaster Advance of Great Forces
Cyber Kirin Machine
Cyber Tutu Warrior
Cyberse Integrator Cyberse Soldiers from the Storm
1st Anniversary - Soldiers from the Storm
Singularity Warrior
Cycroid Machine Roid Nexus
D.D. Crazy Beast Beast
D.D. Patrol Plane Machine Beginning of Turmoil
D/D Nighthowl Fiend Cross-Dimensional Contracts
Dark Artist Fiend
Dark Bat Winged Beast
Dark Gray Beast
Dark King of the Abyss Fiend
Dark Prisoner Fiend
Dark Resonator Fiend Savage Crimson Dragon
New Step for Duelists
1st Anniversary - Savage Crimson Dragon
Return of the King
Dark Scorpion - Cliff the Trap Remover Warrior
Dark Shade Fiend
Darkbishop Archfiend Fiend The Cost of Dark Powers
Darklord Ukoback Fairy Deceitful Wings of Darkness
The Opening Act of an Apocalypse
Darkworld Thorns Plant
Dash Warrior Warrior Scrap Iron Soldiers
The Synchronized Cosmos
Dawnbreak Gardna Warrior
Deep Sea Minstrel Sea Serpent Rulers of the Deep
Name of Champions
Defect Compiler Cyberse
Defender of the Ice Barrier Aqua Glacial Seal
Wings of the Guardian
Defrag Dragon Dragon Stalwart Force
Des Mosquito Insect
Des Wombat Beast Forest Friends
Desertapir Beast
Desrook Archfiend Fiend The Cost of Dark Powers
Destiny HERO - Captain Tenacious Warrior
Destiny HERO - Doom Lord Warrior
Destiny HERO - Dread Servant Warrior Shrouded Heroes
Dharc the Dark Charmer Spellcaster Spiritual Mastery
Digital Bug Cocoondenser Insect
Digital Bug LEDybug Insect
Dinowrestler Valeonyx Dinosaur Three-Strike Success
Dissolverock Rock
Djinn the Watcher of the Wind Spellcaster
Dokuroizo the Grim Reaper Zombie
Dokuroyaiba Fiend
Don Turtle Reptile
Dorover Aqua
Dotedotengu Fiend
Dragon Manipulator Warrior
Dragon Piper Pyro
Dragon Statue Warrior
Dragon Zombie Zombie
Dragunity Darkspear Dragon Dragon Knight Gorge
Dragunity Guisarme Dragon Dragon Knight Gorge
Dragunity Pilum Dragon Dragon Knight Gorge
Dream Clown Warrior
Drill Barnacle Aqua
Drooling Lizard Reptile
Dweller in the Depths Dragon Crystal Serpentry
Eagle Eye Winged Beast
Earthbound Prisoner Line Walker Fiend Return of the King
Edge Imp Saw Fiend Fiendish Playthings
Eldeen Spellcaster
Elder of the Six Samurai Warrior
Electric Lizard Thunder
Electric Snake Thunder
Elemental HERO Avian Warrior The First Heroes
Sprites of Miracle
1st Anniversary - The First Heroes
Ride Into the Future
Elemental HERO Burstinatrix Warrior The First Heroes
Sprites of Miracle
1st Anniversary - The First Heroes
Ride Into the Future
Elemental HERO Ice Edge Warrior
Elemental HERO Knospe Plant
Elementsaber Malo Warrior Supernatural Elements
Recollection of the Story
Elementsaber Nalu Warrior Supernatural Elements
Elephant Statue of Blessing Rock
Elephant Statue of Disaster Rock
Emissary of the Oasis Spellcaster
Enchanting Mermaid Fish
Encode Talker Cyberse Soldiers from the Storm
New Step for Duelists
1st Anniversary - Soldiers from the Storm
Mighty Contenders
Eria the Water Charmer Spellcaster Spiritual Mastery
Evoltile Casinerio Reptile
Fabled Dyf Fiend Fabled Gods
Fairy Archer Fairy
Fairy Guardian Fairy
Fairywitch Spellcaster
Familiar Knight Warrior
Feedback Warrior Warrior
Fire Ant Ascator Insect Terra Firma Transcendants
Fire King Avatar Garunix Winged Beast Roused from Destruction
Record of Noble Spirits
Lord of Dimensions
Fire Trooper Warrior Beasts of the Inferno
Flame Manipulator Spellcaster
Flamvell Archer Pyro Justice Before Attribute
Flare Resonator Fiend Savage Crimson Dragon
1st Anniversary - Savage Crimson Dragon
Return of the King
Flint Cragger Psychic Primordial Rising
Fluffal Bear Fairy Fiendish Playthings
Flyfang Fish
Flying “C” Insect
Fool of Prophecy Spellcaster Mastery of the Grimoire
Fortune Fairy Hu Spellcaster Destiny's Sorceress
Frontier Wiseman Spellcaster
Gagaga Caesar Warrior Onomatopair-Up
Galaxy Mirror Sage Spellcaster
Garbage Ogre Fiend Altered Heraldry
Garum the Storm Vassal Winged Beast Supernatural Elements
Gate Deeg Beast
Gauntlet Warrior Warrior
Geargiano Machine
Geargiano Mk-II Machine
Geargiano Mk-III Machine Shifting Gears
Gem-Elephant Rock
Gem-Knight Lapis Rock
Gem-Merchant Spellcaster
Genex Ally Changer Machine Elemental Exchanges
Genex Doctor Spellcaster Elemental Exchanges
Genex Gaia Rock
Genex Spare Machine Elemental Exchanges
Genex Worker Machine Elemental Exchanges
Genin Spellcaster
Geomancer of the Ice Barrier Spellcaster Glacial Seal
Ghostrick Ghoul Zombie Mischievous Specters
Tricky Reception
Ghostrick Mummy Zombie Mischievous Specters
Tricky Reception
Ghostrick Skeleton Zombie Mischievous Specters
Tricky Reception
Ghostrick Warwolf Zombie Mischievous Specters
Ghostrick Yeti Zombie Mischievous Specters
Giant Scorpion of the Tundra Insect
Giant Soldier of Stone Rock
Gishki Diviner Sea Serpent
Gladiator Beast Retiari Aqua Valiant Gladiator Beasts
Gladiator Beast Samnite Beast
Gladiator Beast Torax Fish
Goblin Biker Troika Griare Warrior Outlaws from the Inferno
Gora Turtle Aqua
Gorgon Egg Fiend
Gouki The Solid Ogre Warrior Three-Strike Success
Grass Phantom Plant
Gravekeeper's Curse Spellcaster Guardian of Kings
Gravekeeper's Vassal Spellcaster Guardian of Kings
Graveyard and the Hand of Invitation Zombie
Gravitic Orb Fiend
Gray Wing Dragon
Graydle Cobra Aqua
Great Phantom Thief Spellcaster
Green Phantom King Plant
Green Turtle Summoner Spellcaster Cosmic Ocean
Gruesome Goo Aqua
Guard Dog Beast
Guardian Elma Fairy Awakening of the Ancients
A Dance Dedicated to the Heavens
Guardragon Garmides Dragon Star-Studded Futures
Invincible Aces
Gusto Gulldo Winged Beast Ties to Mother Nature
Gyroid Machine Roid Nexus
Hand of the Six Samurai Warrior Great Shogun's Rule
Hard Armor Warrior
Hayabusa Knight Warrior
Hedge Guard Plant Exquisite Jet-Black Rose
Blessings of Nature
Helmer, Helmsman Fur Hire Aqua Vessels of Freedom
The Synchronized Cosmos
Hermit of Prophecy Spellcaster Mastery of the Grimoire
Hero of the East Warrior
Hiita the Fire Charmer Spellcaster Spiritual Mastery
Blazing Arena
Victory in Progress
Holograh Machine
Howling Insect Insect
Hunter Dragon Dragon
Hyena Beast
Hyo Warrior
Ice Water Aqua
Igknight Crusader Warrior Advanced Warriors
Rage of Chaos
Geas of the Light
Igknight Squire Warrior
Impcantation Penciplume Psychic Miraculous Advent
Ruler's Mask
Singularity Warrior
Inaba White Rabbit Beast
Infernity Beast Beast The Infinite Void
New Step for Duelists
Infernity Knight Fiend The Infinite Void
Infernity Queen Fiend Tricky Reception
Infernity Wildcat Fiend The Infinite Void
New Step for Duelists
Tricky Reception
Infinite Antlion Insect Dreaded Conspiracy
Record of Noble Spirits
Insect Soldiers of the Sky Insect
Invasion of Flames Pyro
Inzektor Ant Insect
Iron Chain Coil Machine
Iron Chain Snake Reptile
Jerry Beans Man Plant
Job-Change Mirror Fiend
Junk Changer Warrior Scrap Iron Soldiers
The Synchronized Cosmos
Junk Defender Warrior Scrap Iron Soldiers
The Synchronized Cosmos
Jurrac Brachis Dinosaur Prehistoric Beast Advance
Jurrac Dino Dinosaur Prehistoric Beast Advance
Jurrac Monoloph Dinosaur Prehistoric Beast Advance
Jurrac Ptera Dinosaur Prehistoric Beast Advance
Kaibaman Warrior The Azure in the Ivory
Revival of Legends
Kanikabuto Aqua
Kappa Avenger Aqua
Karakuri Strategist mdl 248 "Nishipachi" Machine Traditions of Trickery
Recollection of the Story
The Ultimate Traditional Art
Karate Man Warrior
Kayenn, the Master Magma Blacksmith Rock Combatants of Flame
King Fog Fiend
Knight Armed Dragon, the Armored Knight Dragon Dragon Dragons' Reincarnation
Koa'ki Meiru Speeder Machine Iron Core Synthetics
Kumootoko Insect
Kurama Winged Beast
Labrynth Chandraglier Fiend Mysterious Labyrinth
Dreaded Conspiracy
The Trap in the Wicked Castle
Name of Champions
Aim For The Stars
Lady Ninja Yae Warrior The Hidden Arts
Hidden Arts of Shadows
Lady of Faith Spellcaster
Larvas Beast
Laval Miller Pyro Combatants of Flame
Leafplace Plaice Psychic Cosmic Ocean
Left-Hand Shark Fish Shark's Pride
Cosmic Ocean
Blazing Arena
Legendary Atlantean Tridon Sea Serpent Forgotten City Dwellers
Leng Ling Dragon Valiant Wings
Level Warrior Warrior Stardust Ties
Revival of Legends
1st Anniversary - Stardust Ties
Libic, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss Fiend Fiendish Encounter
Lightning Conger Thunder
Liquid Beast Aqua
Little D Dinosaur
Little Fairy Fairy
Living Vase Plant
Lizard Soldier Dragon
Lunalight Purple Butterfly Beast-Warrior Moonlit Avian Dance
Lunar Queen Elzaim Fairy
Lyna the Light Charmer Spellcaster Spiritual Mastery
M-Warrior #1 Warrior
M-Warrior #2 Warrior
Machine King Prototype Machine
Mad Lobster Aqua
Madolche Baaple Beast Beloved Dolls
Geas of the Light
Sugar-Suffused Reverie
Madolche Chickolates Beast Beloved Dolls
Sugar-Suffused Reverie
Madolche Cruffssant Beast Beloved Dolls
Sugar-Suffused Reverie
Madolche Mewfeuille Beast Beloved Dolls
Geas of the Light
Sugar-Suffused Reverie
Magical Broker Spellcaster Beyond Speed
Magical King Moonstar Fiend Return of the King
Magister of Endymion Spellcaster Stalwart Force
Knowledge of the Mythlords
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Name of Champions
Magnetic Mosquito Insect
Majespecter Raccoon - Bunbuku Spellcaster Rage of Chaos
Eternal Partners
Majiosheldon Warrior
Mammoth Graveyard Dinosaur
Man Beast of Ares Beast-Warrior
Maniacal Servant Spellcaster
Maryokutai Aqua
Masked Dragon Dragon
Mecha Phantom Beast Aerosguin Machine Rapid Aircraft Advancement
Mecha Phantom Beast Blue Impala Machine Rapid Aircraft Advancement
Mecha Phantom Beast Hamstrat Machine Rapid Aircraft Advancement
Name of Champions
Mecha Phantom Beast Stealthray Machine
Mecha Phantom Beast Turtletracer Machine Rapid Aircraft Advancement
Mechanical Snail Machine
Megirus Light Fiend
Memory Crusher Fiend
Mental Seeker Psychic
Mental Tuner Psychic Rage of Chaos
Mermaid Archer Sea Serpent
Mermail Abyssocea Aqua Forgotten City Dwellers
Songstress of Sorrow Song
Metabo Globster Fiend
Metalfoes Silverd Psychic
Mimikuril Fiend Beloved Dolls
Blessings of Nature
Mimimic Machine
Minar Insect
Mine Golem Rock
MiSolfachord Eliteia Fairy Artistic Angel
Record of Noble Spirits
Monk Fighter Rock
Monoceros Beast
Monster Egg Warrior
Monsturtle Aqua
Moremarshmallon Fairy Geas of the Light
Morphtronic Datatron Pyro Transforming Tech
Morphtronic Magnen Thunder Transforming Tech
Mountain Warrior Beast-Warrior
Mucus Yolk Aqua
Muse-A Fairy
Mushroom Man #2 Warrior
Mysterious Guard Spellcaster
Mystic Macrocarpa Seed Plant Blessings of Nature
Hope Sprouting in the Spring Breeze
Mystical Sheep #2 Beast
Naturia Fruitfly Insect Denizens of Sacred Tree Grove
Naturia Marron Plant Denizens of Sacred Tree Grove
The Synchronized Cosmos
Naturia Ragweed Plant Denizens of Sacred Tree Grove
Naturia Stinkbug Insect Denizens of Sacred Tree Grove
Necrolancer The Time Lord Spellcaster
Needle Sunfish Fish
Nekogal #1 Beast
Nemeses Umbrella Aqua Interdimensional Interlopers
Nemuriko Spellcaster
Neo Flamvell Garuda Pyro Justice Before Attribute
Neo Flamvell Shaman Pyro Justice Before Attribute
Neo-Spacian Air Hummingbird Winged Beast Neo Space Comrades
Neo-Spacian Aqua Dolphin Warrior Neo Space Comrades
Sprites of Miracle
Neo-Spacian Dark Panther Beast Neo Space Comrades
Neo-Spacian Flare Scarab Insect Neo Space Comrades
Sprites of Miracle
Neo-Spacian Glow Moss Plant Neo Space Comrades
Neo-Spacian Grand Mole Rock Neo Space Comrades
Sprites of Miracle
Night Wing Sorceress Spellcaster Synchro Mode Change
Nightmare Scorpion Insect
Niwatori Winged Beast
Nobledragon Magician Spellcaster Counterswing Mages
Battle Trajectory
1st Anniversary - Counterswing Mages
Inherited Unity
Lord of Dimensions
Number 20: Giga-Brilliant Insect Number Recall
Stalwart Force
Indomitable Pride
Outlaws from the Inferno
Obese Marmot of Nefariousness Beast
Oboro-Guruma, the Wheeled Mayakashi Zombie Fires of This World and The Next
Ocean's Keeper Fish
One-Eyed Shield Dragon Dragon
Orcust Cymbal Skeleton Machine Star-Studded Futures
Recollection of the Story
Name of Champions
Invincible Aces
Oscillo Hero Warrior
Otohime Spellcaster
Parlor Dragonmaid Dragon Stalwart Force
Dragon Luster
Patrol Robo Machine
Penguin Knight Aqua
Performapal Ballad Plant
Performapal Barracuda Plant
Performapal Bit Bite Turtle Reptile
Performapal Card Gardna Rock
Performapal Corn Beast-Warrior Draconic Resplendence
Performapal Extra Slinger Spellcaster
Performapal Fire Mufflerlion Beast
Performapal Flip Hippo Beast
Performapal Hip Hippo Beast
Performapal Lizardraw Reptile
Performapal Sky Pupil Spellcaster Captivating Curtain Call
Performapal Thunderhino Rock
Performapal Trumpanda Beast
Performapal Whim Witch Spellcaster Captivating Curtain Call
Battle Trajectory
Petit Angel Fairy
Photon Lizard Dragon Nebula Cyclone
Fusion Potential
1st Anniversary - Nebula Cyclone
Galactic Evolution
Pitch-Dark Dragon Dragon
Plasma Ball Thunder
Poki Draco Dragon
Powercode Talker Cyberse Soldiers from the Storm
Revival of Legends
1st Anniversary - Soldiers from the Storm
Prank-Kids Lampsies Pyro Prank Panic!
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Predaplant Darlingtonia Cobra Plant Natural Selection
Fusion Potential
Predaplant Pterapenthes Plant
Prediction Princess Astromorrigan Fairy Destiny's Sorceress
Flame of Fury
Prediction Princess Petalelf Fairy Destiny's Sorceress
Flame of Fury
Princess of Tsurugi Warrior
Prisman Rock
Proto-Cyber Dragon Machine
Psychic Tracker Psychic Refined Blade
Battle Trajectory
Indomitable Pride
The Most Dangerous Race of the Cosmos!
Pumpkin Carriage Plant Legends of Old
Pumprincess the Princess of Ghosts Zombie
Quick-Span Knight Machine
R-Genex Magma Pyro Elemental Exchanges
Advance of Great Forces
Rai Rider Thunder
Raidraptor - Heel Eagle Winged Beast Invulnerable Iron Wings
Wings of the Guardian
Raidraptor - Skull Eagle Winged Beast
Rallis the Star Bird Winged Beast
Rampaging Rhynos Beast-Warrior
Ray & Temperature Fairy
Red Rose Dragon Dragon Exquisite Jet-Black Rose
Reptilianne Gorgon Reptile Curse of the Serpent
Valiant Wings
Reversible Beetle Insect
Risebell the Star Adjuster Psychic Mysterious Labyrinth
Indomitable Pride
True Dracos' Forging
Risebell the Summoner Psychic Battle Trajectory
Indomitable Pride
True Dracos' Forging
Ritual Beast Tamer Wen Psychic Ties to Mother Nature
Outlaws from the Inferno
Ritual Beast Tamer Zeframpilica Psychic Enchanted Threads of Shade
Ritual Beast Tamer Zefrawendi Psychic Enchanted Threads of Shade
Robolady Machine
Roboyarou Machine
Rock Ogre Grotto #1 Rock
Rock Ogre Grotto #2 Rock
Rocket Jumper Rock
Root Water Fish
Rose Archer Warrior Exquisite Jet-Black Rose
Rose Fairy Plant
Rose Girl Plant Exquisite Jet-Black Rose
The Synchronized Cosmos
Advance of Great Forces
Royal Knight Fairy
Rubic, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss Fiend Fiendish Encounter
Ryu-Kishin Fiend
S-Force Professor DiGamma Psychic Space-Time Transcendents
Saambell the Star Bonder Spellcaster Ruler's Mask
Battle Trajectory
True Dracos' Forging
True Dracos' Forging
Saggi the Dark Clown Spellcaster
Salamangreat Fennec Cyberse Blazing Fortitude
Burning Spirits
Salamangreat Foxer Cyberse Blazing Fortitude
Burning Spirits
Salamangreat Foxy Cyberse Stalwart Force
Blazing Fortitude
Burning Spirits
Sand Gambler Spellcaster
Sasuke Samurai #3 Warrior
Scareclaw Acro Beast Battle Trajectory
Beastly Claws of Terror
Flame of Fury
Scareclaw Astra Beast Battle Trajectory
Beastly Claws of Terror
Flame of Fury
Scareclaw Belone Beast Battle Trajectory
Beastly Claws of Terror
Flame of Fury
Science Soldier Warrior
Scrap Hunter Machine Devastation Regenerated
Seed of Flame Plant
Seismic Crasher Rock
Servant of Catabolism Aqua
Shadow Tamer Warrior
Shafu, the Wheeled Mayakashi Zombie Fires of This World and The Next
Passage of the Sun
Shark Stickers Fish Shark's Pride
Cosmic Ocean
Blazing Arena
Shield Warrior Warrior
Shine Knight Warrior
Shire, Lightsworn Spirit Fairy Justice from Light
Shock Troops of the Ice Barrier Spellcaster Glacial Seal
Shootingcode Talker Cyberse Soldiers from the Storm
Revival of Legends
1st Anniversary - Soldiers from the Storm
Name of Champions
Shovel Crusher Machine
Silent Swordsman LV3 Warrior Monster Overdrive
Silver Fang Beast
Skull Knight #2 Fiend
Skull Kraken Aqua
Skull Stalker Warrior
Skystarray Sea Serpent
Small Piece Golem Rock
Soitsu Fairy
Solitude Beast-Warrior
Sonata the Melodious Diva Fairy A Song of Zephyr and Petals
Sonic Duck Winged Beast
Sonic Maid Warrior
Speedroid Ohajikid Machine Warp-Speed Toys
Stalwart Force
Spherous Lady Rock
Spiked Snail Insect
Spirit Caller Spellcaster
Spirit of the Breeze Fairy
Starfish Aqua
Stone Armadiller Rock
Stray Asmodian Fiend
Stuffed Animal Warrior
Subterror Nemesis Archer Fairy Worthy Adversaries
Super Defense Robot Monki Machine
Superheavy Samurai Gigagloves Machine Immovable Samurai
Indomitable Pride
Superheavy Samurai Prepped Defense Machine Immovable Samurai
Superheavy Samurai Soulshield Wall Machine Immovable Samurai
Indomitable Pride
Superheavy Samurai Swordsman Machine Immovable Samurai
Supporter in the Shadows Warrior
Sword Master Warrior
Swordsman of Landstar Warrior
Sylvan Mikorange Plant Seedling Soul Fey
Symphonic Warrior Guitariss Machine Heroic Warriors
Symphonic Warrior Piaano Machine Shifting Gears
Heroic Warriors
Synchar Beast
Synchro Magnet Machine
T.G. Jet Falcon Winged Beast Futuristic Creatures
Stalwart Force
Tactical Espionage Expert Warrior
Tainted Wisdom Fiend
Tanngnjostr of the Nordic Beasts Beast Astral Trinity of Gods
Invincible Raid
Tao the Chanter Spellcaster
Tatsunecro Zombie Abyssal Underworld
Immortal Glory
Tearlaments Havnis Aqua Blessings of Nature
Tenderness Fairy
Terrene Toothed Tsuchinoko Reptile Hope Sprouting in the Spring Breeze
Terrifying Toddler of Torment Fiend Dreaded Conspiracy
The Trap in the Wicked Castle
The Forbidden Liberated
The 13th Grave Zombie
The Agent of Force - Mars Fairy Guardians of the Sacred Sky
Valiant Wings
The All-Seeing White Tiger Beast
The Drdek Fiend
The Fabled Ganashia Beast Fabled Gods
The Furious Sea King Aqua
The Hunter with 7 Weapons Warrior
The Judgement Hand Warrior
The Kick Man Zombie
The Lady in Wight Zombie Abyssal Underworld
The Little Swordsman of Aile Warrior
The Phantom Knights of Ragged Gloves Warrior Indomitable Knights
The Shadow Who Controls the Dark Fiend
The Six Samurai - Kamon Warrior Great Shogun's Rule
Recollection of the Story
The Six Samurai - Yaichi Warrior Great Shogun's Rule
Recollection of the Story
The Six Samurai - Yariza Warrior Great Shogun's Rule
The Weather Painter Cloud Fairy Artistic Angel
Mysterious Labyrinth
The Weather Painter Rain Fairy Artistic Angel
Mysterious Labyrinth
The Weather Painter Sun Fairy Artistic Angel
Mysterious Labyrinth
The Wicked Worm Beast Beast
Three Trolling Trolls Beast-Warrior Vessels of Freedom
Three-Legged Zombies Zombie
Timebreaker Magician Spellcaster Counterswing Mages
1st Anniversary - Counterswing Mages
Lord of Dimensions
Timegazer Magician Spellcaster Counterswing Mages
1st Anniversary - Counterswing Mages
Lord of Dimensions
Tindangle Protector Fiend Cyber City Guardians
Toad Master Aqua
Torike Beast
Torpedo Fish Fish
Totem Five Rock
Trakodon Dinosaur
Transcicada Insect Beyond Speed
Beginning of Turmoil
Record of Noble Spirits
Trap Master Warrior
Triamid Dancer Rock Primordial Rising
Triamid Hunter Rock Primordial Rising
Tricular Machine
Trigon Dragon
Tune Warrior Warrior
Turbo-Tainted Hot Rod GT19 Machine Rage of Chaos
Indomitable Pride
Turtle Raccoon Aqua
Twilight Rose Knight Warrior Exquisite Jet-Black Rose
Twin Long Rods #1 Aqua
Twin Long Rods #2 Aqua
Two-Mouth Darkruler Dinosaur
Unchained Twins - Aruha Fiend Roused from Destruction
Name of Champions
Unchained Twins - Rakea Fiend Roused from Destruction
Unchained Twins - Sarama Fiend Roused from Destruction
United Resistance Thunder
Unknown Warrior of Fiend Warrior
Unmasked Dragon Wyrm
Valkyrie Chariot Fairy Life Finds a Way
Vampire Baby Zombie
Vendread Houndhorde Zombie Abyssal Underworld
Heroic Warriors
Name of Champions
Venom Snake Reptile Curse of the Serpent
Vernusylph of the Flowering Fields Fairy Blessings of Nature
Hope Sprouting in the Spring Breeze
Virtual World Shell - Jaja Wyrm Cyber City Guardians
Record of Noble Spirits
Virtual World Xiezhi - Jiji Wyrm Cyber City Guardians
Theme Chronicle Banlist
Record of Noble Spirits
Name of Champions
Vishwar Randi Warrior
Vision HERO Minimum Ray Warrior Shrouded Heroes
Vision HERO Multiply Guy Warrior Shrouded Heroes
Vision HERO Poisoner Warrior Shrouded Heroes
Volcanic Blaster Pyro Beasts of the Inferno
Vulcan Dragni the Cubic King Fairy Natural Selection
Vylon Stella Fairy Emblazoned Armor
Battle Trajectory
Warlock of the Ice Barrier Spellcaster Glacial Seal
Water Element Aqua
Waterdragon Fairy Aqua
Wattberyx Thunder Roaring Thunder
Eternal Partners
Wattkid Thunder
Wattkiwi Thunder Roaring Thunder
Eternal Partners
Wattmole Thunder Roaring Thunder
Wattwoodpecker Thunder
Wetha Aqua
Whirlwind Weasel Beast
White Magical Hat Spellcaster
White Tiger Summoner Spellcaster
Wicked Dragon with the Ersatz Head Dragon
Wind-Up Dog Beast Wind-Up Soldiers
Wing Egg Elf Fairy
Wingtortoise Aqua
Witchcrafter Pittore Spellcaster Seekers of Witchcraft
Wizard Buster Destruction Sword Spellcaster Warriors of Legend
Wodan the Resident of the Forest Warrior
Wolf Beast
Wood Clown Warrior
Wood Remains Zombie
Woodland Archer Beast-Warrior
Worm Barses Reptile Invaders from Outer Space
Wroughtweiler Machine
Wynn the Wind Charmer Spellcaster Spiritual Mastery
XX-Saber Emmersblade Insect Pledge of Sword
Beastly Claws of Terror
Yomi Ship Aqua
Yormungarde Reptile
Zefraxi, Treasure of the Yang Zing Wyrm Enchanted Threads of Shade
Guardian of the Sacred Summit
Zombie Tiger Zombie
Zombie Warrior Warrior
ZS - Ouroboros Sage Warrior
Zubaba Buster Warrior
Zubaba Knight Warrior
ZW - Phoenix Bow Winged Beast Champions of Hope

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