Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel

Studying the Origins of the Karakuri: Solo Rewards and Guide

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Master Duel - Studying the Origins of the Karakuri Walkthrough.png
Studying the Origins of the Karakuri is one of the Gates that can be played through on Solo Mode in Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel. Find out more about the different rewards in this Gate, as well as what strategies you can do to accomplish each chapter!

Studying the Origins of the Karakuri Info and Rewards

Rewards by Chapter

Master Duel - Study of the Origins of the Karakuri.png

Chapter Rewards
1 [Card]
Karakuri Spider x3
2 [ORB]
ORB-Fire x150
3 [Card]
Karakuri Barrel mdl 96 "Shinkuro" x3
Eilminating the League x3
4 [ORB]
ORB-Earth x150
5 [Mate]
Karakuri Barrel mdl 96 "Shinkuro"
Legacy Pack Ticket x2
6 [Icon]
Karakuri Super Shogun mdl 00N "Bureibu"
Gem x200

Locked Chapter Unlock Conditions

Unlock Cost Master Duel - Earth Orb.png200 ORB-Earth

Studying the Origins of the Karakuri Strategy

Synchro Summon High Stat Monster Cards

Karakuri Steel Shogun MDL 00X "Bureido"
Required Cards
Karakuri Komachi MDL 224 "Ninishi" + Karakuri Bonze MDL 9763 "Kunamzan"

Take to heart the warning given to you at the start of the Tutorial Chapter in this gate – it is difficult to play this Deckw ithout doing any Synchro Summoning for Monsters Level 7 and above.

These Synchro Summoned cards provide the best stats of any card in the Loaner Deck, and so coming after them is required if the player wishes to win in any of the Duel Chapters of the Gate – managing to summon a Level 9 Karakuri Super Shogun mdl 00N Bureibu can pretty much guarantee a victory in any of the Duels in this Gate.

Use Runaway Karakuri or Karakuri Trick House

Master Duel - Runaway Karakuri Master Duel - Karakuri Trick House.png

The opponent in this Gate will be very liberal in their use of Spell Cards, particularly Karakuri Cash Cache, which has the power to change the position of any of your cards that are targeted for an attack. For cards like the powerful Synchro Summoned ones, this can be a dangerous thing as they all feature weak DEF stats overall.

To counter this, you can use the Karakuri Trick House to destroy your opponent's Cash Cache, and boost your card's stats with the Runaway Karakuri in order to get the best damage output during the Battle Phase.

Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel Related Guides

Yugi Oh Master Duel - Solo Mode Partial Banner.png

Solo Mode

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The Glory of the Gladiator Beasts Studying the Origins of the Karakuri
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