Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel

Best Searchers

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Card Searchers are cards that allow you to choose and draw specific cards from your deck in Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel. Read on to learn more about what the best card searchers are in the game.

Best Searchers

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Block Dragon
Cyber Angel Benten
Spright Starter
Gold Sarcophagus
Fire Formation - Tenki
Magical Meltdown
Small World
Foolish Burial
Reinforcement of the Armyl
Trap Trick

Block Dragon

Block Dragon was, and still is, the reason why Adamancipators are extremely strong. While on the field, Rock-type monsters cannot be destroyed, but the best effect comes in its ability to search up to 3 monsters whose total Levels equal 8 when it's sent from field to GY.

Combined with its effect of being able to Special Summon itself from the GY, and the Deck's ability to get crucial cards was consistent thanks to this monster.

Cyber Angel Benten

It is not a strong monster in its own right, but Cyber Angel Benten has unprecedented synergy with LIGHT Fairy monsters, moreso with Ritual Monster-centric ones like Drytron. The ability to search out those specific monsters after being tributed makes it very crucial to get resources on hand as fast as possible.

Spright Starter

With the inclusion of the Spright archetype into the game, they are commonly splashed as an Engine to multiple decks like Evil★Twin, Tri-brigade, Runicks, and many more.

Spright Starter is a 1-card combo for decks that utilizes Level 2 cards. Even if it is currently Semi-Limited, other Spright monsters can easily search this card.


Terraforming draws you a Field Spell from your Deck. This is an especially powerful card for a Decks that run essential Field Spells, like Union Hangar, Floowandereeze and the Magnificent Map, or Runick Fountain.

Additionally, Terraforming thins your Deck, allowing for a more concentrated pool of cards to draw from.

Gold Sarcophagus

Gold Sarcophagus is a great card searcher as it allows you to pick the exact card you want to add to the hand. The only drawback this card has is that the card being added is delayed until your second Standby Phase.

However, since the searched card is banished until the second Standby Phase, players use this card instead to activate effects that trigger if that card is banished.

Fire Formation - Tenki

Fire Formation - Tenki, Mode:scale

Beast-Warrior decks were catapulted into meta-relevancy thanks to this card. It adds massive consistency to any decks that rely on the Beast-Warrior type. Decks like Zoodiac, Tri-brigade, and Lunalight are meta-contenders for a reason.

Magical Meltdown

Magical Meltdown is a powerful Field Spell that search you one Aleister the Invoker and allows you to safely activate card effects that Fusion Summons a Fusion Monster. This card, plus Aleister on the field, generates a tremendous amount of value and can single-handedly win you a Duel.

Small World

Small World is the perfect searcher for Decks that is predominantly built with a single archetype. It needs to to have something that's exactly the same as the monster you revealed from the hand, to search out the monster.

While it does banish a different monster with the same similarity face-down, it still doesn't diminish the benefit of searching out any monster at your discretion.

Foolish Burial

For such a simple effect, Foolish Burial has become such a powerful card that even now it remains Limited in the current banlist. Being able to send any monster card from the Main Deck to the GY is fine, but on Decks that like having cards there it is a near-essential card.

If there are cards in your Deck that have effects that trigger in the GY, or effects that can be activated there, this is the best card in the game for them.

Reinforcement of the Army

Warrior-based Decks will always have space for Reinforcement of the Army, and for very good reason as there are a lot of strong Warrior-type monsters that are essential in certain decks' combos.

It also does not have any once-per-turn clause at all, which is most likely why this card is currently Limited in the banlist.

Trap Trick

For Trap-heavy Decks, Trap Trick is a cheat code in getting certain Normal Traps Set on the field as soon as possible. Though the trade-off may be to banish a copy of the same Trap Card from the Deck, and the player using it can activate one more Trap Card the turn this effect resolves, gaining a game-winning advantage through this Trap happens more of then than not.

What are Card Searchers?

Draws Specific Cards

Drawing Power

Card Searchers are cards in Yu-Gi-Oh Master Duel that allow you to search specific cards from your deck to provide advantage. They could be added to the hand, sent to the Graveyard, or be immediately put on the field--so long as it generates advantage.

These are valuable in any deck but are mostly appreciated by decks that revolve around certain pieces to work.

These cards are highly prioritized when it comes to Deck Building. This is due to the fact that it nets thins your deck in addition to netting you card advantage. Thinning your deck allows you to naturally draw other cards that support your deck instead of ones that you could've drawn using your card searchers.

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