Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel

Glory on Wings Secret Pack

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This is a guide on Glory on Wings, a secret pack in Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel. Read on to see all cards available in this secret pack and how to unlock it!

Glory on Wings: Pack Summary

All Cards
Cyber Slash Harpie Lady Harpie Harpie Harpie Channeler Harpie Perfumer Hysteric Sign Harpie Harpist Harpie Harpie Conductor Harpie Dancer Hysteric Party Harpie Oracle Alluring Mirror Split Toon Harpie Lady Harpies Harpie Queen Harpie Lady Phoenix Formation Harpie Lady 1 Harpie’s Feather Rest Harpie Lady Elegance Harpie Lady 3 Harpie Girl Harpie Lady Harpie Lady 2 Harpie Cyber Harpie Lady Birdface Harpie Lady Sisters Triangle Ecstasy Spark Elegant Egotist Cyber Shield Harpie

Glory on Wings: Unlock Conditions

How to Unlock
Craft SR/UR cards within the pack or get them from opening other packs.

Cards to Craft

Key Cards
Cyber Slash Harpie Lady Harpie Channeler Harpie Harpie
Harpie Harpist Harpie Perfumer Hysteric Sign Hysteric Party Harpie Dancer Harpie Conductor Harpie

Glory on Wings: List of Cards by Rarity

List of Cards
UR Cyber Slash Harpie Lady
Harpie Channeler
Harpie's Feather Duster
Harpie's Feather Storm
SR Harpie Harpist
Harpie Perfumer
Hysteric Sign
Hysteric Party
Harpie Dancer
Harpie Conductor
Harpie's Pet Phantasmal Dragon
R Harpie Oracle
Harpie Lady Elegance
Harpie’s Feather Rest
Harpie Lady 1
Harpie Lady Phoenix Formation
Harpie Queen
Harpies' Hunting Ground
Toon Harpie Lady
Alluring Mirror Split
N Cyber Shield
Elegant Egotist
Triangle Ecstasy Spark
Harpie Lady Sisters
Harpie's Pet Dragon
Harpie Lady 2
Harpie Lady 3
Harpie Girl
Harpie Lady
Cyber Harpie Lady
Harpie's Pet Baby Dragon

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