Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel

The Synchronized Cosmos Selection Pack

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Master Duel - The Synchronized Cosmos Selection Pack

This is a guide on The Synchronized Cosmos, a Selection Pack in Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel. Read on to see all cards available in this Selection Pack!

The Synchronized Cosmos: Pack Summary

All Cards
Moray of Avarice Plunder Patrollship Jord Naturia Beast Diabolantis the Menacing Mantis Donner, Dagger Fur Hire The Most Distant, Deepest Depths Ghoti of the Deep Beyond Worldsea Dragon Zealantis Icejade Gymir Aegirine Assault Synchron Spellbound Accel Synchro Stardust Dragon Naturia Mole Cricket Askaan, the Bicorned Ghoti The Abyss Dragon Swordsoul Fairyant the Circular Sorcerer Stardust Wurm Satellite Synchron Plunder Patrollship Lys Paces, Light of the Ghoti Stardust Warrior Beat, Bladesman fur Hire On Your Mark, Get Set, DUEL! Naturia Gaiastrio Tilting Entrainment Arionpos, Serpent of the Ghoti Guoglim, Spear of the Ghoti Ghoti Chain Final Cross Icejade Manifestation Mimesis Elephant Abyss Keeper Rex, Freight Fur Hire Mayhem Fur Hire Redbeard, the Plunder Patroll Matey Ghoti Cosmos Shif, Fairy of the Ghoti Naturia Camellia Lightning Warrior Blackeyes, the Plunder Patroll Seaguide Miracle Synchro Fusion Dimensional Allotrope Varis Zep, Ruby of the Ghoti Snopios, Shade of the Ghoti Minairuka Naturia Leodrake Stardust Chronicle Spark Dragon Shamisen Samsara Sorrowcat Circle of the Fairies Naturia Mantis Infernalqueen Salmon Ixeep, Omen of the Ghoti Naturia Blessing Ghoti Fury Different Dimension Deepsea Trench Dash Warrior Forgotten Temple of the Deep Atlantean Attack Squad Sonic Warrior Helmer, Helmsman Fur Hire Bravo, Fighter Fur Hire Donpa, Marksman Fur Hire Recon, Scout Fur Hire White Aura Monoceros Junk Changer Synchro Fusionist Whitefish Salvage White Moray Sea Stealth Attack Eanoc, Sentry of the Ghoti Lemuria, The Forgotten City Naturia Antjaw Naturia Ladybug Naturia Marron Naturia Pineapple Junk Defender Rose Girl Plunder Patroll Booty Pride of the Plunder Patroll Limit Overdrive Plunder Patroll Shipshape Ships Shipping Piwraithe the Ghost Pirate Plunder Patroll Parrrty Electric Jellyfish

The Synchronized Cosmos: Availability

Available in the In-Game Store
May 10, 2023 - July 13, 2023

Cards to Craft

Key Cards
Naturia Beast Ghoti of the Deep Beyond Worldsea Dragon Zealantis Icejade Gymir Aegirine Assault Synchron Accel Synchro Stardust Dragon Naturia Mole Cricket Plunder Patrollship Jord Diabolantis the Menacing Mantis Donner, Dagger Fur Hire Moray of Avarice The Most Distant, Deepest Depths Spellbound
Naturia Gaiastrio Beat, Bladesman fur Hire Stardust Warrior Plunder Patrollship Lys Satellite Synchron Stardust Wurm Paces, Light of the Ghoti The Abyss Dragon Swordsoul Fairyant the Circular Sorcerer Askaan, the Bicorned Ghoti Tilting Entrainment Arionpos, Serpent of the Ghoti Guoglim, Spear of the Ghoti On Your Mark, Get Set, DUEL! Icejade Manifestation Final Cross Ghoti Chain

The Synchronized Cosmos: List of Cards by Rarity

List of Cards
UR Naturia Beast
Ghoti of the Deep Beyond
Worldsea Dragon Zealantis
Icejade Gymir Aegirine
Assault Synchron
Accel Synchro Stardust Dragon
Naturia Mole Cricket
Plunder Patrollship Jord
Diabolantis the Menacing Mantis
Donner, Dagger Fur Hire
Moray of Avarice
The Most Distant, Deepest Depths
SR Naturia Gaiastrio
Beat, Bladesman fur Hire
Stardust Warrior
Plunder Patrollship Lys
Satellite Synchron
Stardust Wurm
Paces, Light of the Ghoti
The Abyss Dragon Swordsoul
Fairyant the Circular Sorcerer
Askaan, the Bicorned Ghoti
Tilting Entrainment
Arionpos, Serpent of the Ghoti
Guoglim, Spear of the Ghoti
On Your Mark, Get Set, DUEL!
Icejade Manifestation
Final Cross
Ghoti Chain
R Lightning Warrior
Mayhem Fur Hire
Naturia Leodrake
Stardust Chronicle Spark Dragon
Miracle Synchro Fusion
Naturia Mantis
Redbeard, the Plunder Patroll Matey
Blackeyes, the Plunder Patroll Seaguide
Abyss Keeper
Shif, Fairy of the Ghoti
Naturia Camellia
Rex, Freight Fur Hire
Dimensional Allotrope Varis
Zep, Ruby of the Ghoti
Snopios, Shade of the Ghoti
Shamisen Samsara Sorrowcat
Circle of the Fairies
Mimesis Elephant
Ghoti Cosmos
N Dash Warrior
Forgotten Temple of the Deep
Atlantean Attack Squad
Sonic Warrior
Helmer, Helmsman Fur Hire
Bravo, Fighter Fur Hire
Donpa, Marksman Fur Hire
Recon, Scout Fur Hire
White Aura Monoceros
Junk Changer
Synchro Fusionist
Whitefish Salvage
White Moray
Sea Stealth Attack
Different Dimension Deepsea Trench
Lemuria, The Forgotten City
Naturia Antjaw
Naturia Ladybug
Naturia Marron
Naturia Pineapple
Junk Defender
Rose Girl
Plunder Patroll Booty
Pride of the Plunder Patroll
Limit Overdrive
Plunder Patroll Shipshape Ships Shipping
Piwraithe the Ghost Pirate
Plunder Patroll Parrrty
Electric Jellyfish
Eanoc, Sentry of the Ghoti
Infernalqueen Salmon
Ixeep, Omen of the Ghoti
Naturia Blessing
Ghoti Fury

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