Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel

Flame of Fury Selection Pack

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Master Duel - Flame of Fury Selection Pack

This is a guide on Flame of Fury, a Selection Pack in Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel. Read on to see all cards available in this secret pack and how to unlock it!

Flame of Fury: Pack Summary

All Cards
Destructive Daruma Karma Cannon Rescue-ACE Turbulence Prediction Princess Tarotrei Prediction Princess Tarotreith Triple Tactics Thrust Pressured Planet Wraithsoth Evigishki Neremanas Kashtira Arise-Heart Rescue-ACE Hydrant Kashtiratheosis Focused Aquamirror Gishki Zielgigas Rescue Cat Weighbridge Scareclaw Straddle Pot of the Forbidden Number 11: Big Eye Kashtira Big Bang Gishki Grimness Gishki Nekromirror Prediction Princess Coinorma Gishki Shadow Tearlaments Kashtira Dyna Mondo Maple Maiden Maple Maiden Gishki Vision Rescue-ACE Impulse Rescue-ACE Air Lifter Rescue-ACE Monitor Scareclaw Kashtira Tenchi Kaimei Scareclaw Sclash Scareclaw Arrival Gunkan Suship Ikura-Class Dreadnought Gizmek Naganaki, the Sunrise Signaler Emerging Emergency Rescute Rescue Gishki Abyss Prediction Princess Arrowsylph Forbidden Arts of the Gishki Prediction Princess Crystaldine REINFORCE! EXTINGUISH! CONTAIN! Scareclaw Defanging ALERT! RESCUE! Underworld Ritual of Prediction Gizmek Makami, the Ferocious Fanged Fortress Scareclaw Decline Gunkan Suship Shari Humongous Hive Hegemon - Zexstagger Scareclaw Twinsaw Black Cat-astrophe Kashtira Overlap Rescue-ACE HQ Couple of Aces Bayerock Dragon Rescue-ACE Fire Engine Rescue-ACE Fire Attacker Prediction Princess Bibliomuse Vanguard of the Underground Emperor Soul Scheduling - Red Vinegar Vamoose Gishki Chain Prediction Ritual Prediction Princess Astromorrigan Deus X-Krawler Ambulance Rescueroid Gishki Ariel Ambulanceroid Gishki Emilia Rescueroid Watch Cat Gishki Noellia Gishki Photomirror Scareclaw Belone Evigishki Levianima Gishki Aquamirror Gishki Avance Gishki Psychelone Aquamirror Illusion Gizmek Inaba, the Hopping Hare of Hakuto Prediction Princess Petalelf Gunkan Suship Ikura Scareclaw Acro Scareclaw Astra

Flame of Fury: Availability

Flame of Fury Shop Availability Duration
October 10, 2023 - December 5, 2023

Cards to Craft

Key Cards
Gishki Zielgigas Prediction Princess Tarotrei Rescue Cat Kashtira Arise-Heart Evigishki Neremanas Rescue-ACE Turbulence Prediction Princess Tarotreith Triple Tactics Thrust Pressured Planet Wraithsoth Rescue-ACE Hydrant Kashtiratheosis Focused Aquamirror Destructive Daruma Karma Cannon
Gishki Vision Gishki Shadow Pot of the Forbidden Number 11: Big Eye Prediction Princess Coinorma Scareclaw Straddle Tearlaments Kashtira Dyna Mondo Maple Maiden Maple Maiden Rescue-ACE Impulse Rescue-ACE Air Lifter Rescue-ACE Monitor Scareclaw Kashtira Kashtira Big Bang Gishki Grimness Gishki Nekromirror Weighbridge

Flame of Fury: List of Cards by Rarity

List of Cards
UR Gishki Zielgigas
Prediction Princess Tarotrei
Rescue Cat
Kashtira Arise-Heart
Evigishki Neremanas
Rescue-ACE Turbulence
Prediction Princess Tarotreith
Triple Tactics Thrust
Pressured Planet Wraithsoth
Rescue-ACE Hydrant
Focused Aquamirror
Destructive Daruma Karma Cannon
SR Gishki Vision
Gishki Shadow
Pot of the Forbidden
Number 11: Big Eye
Prediction Princess Coinorma
Scareclaw Straddle
Tearlaments Kashtira
Dyna Mondo
Maple Maiden
Maple Maiden
Rescue-ACE Impulse
Rescue-ACE Air Lifter
Rescue-ACE Monitor
Scareclaw Kashtira
Kashtira Big Bang
Gishki Grimness
Gishki Nekromirror
R Prediction Princess Crystaldine
Prediction Princess Arrowsylph
Gishki Abyss
Forbidden Arts of the Gishki
Gizmek Makami, the Ferocious Fanged Fortress
Gizmek Naganaki, the Sunrise Signaler
Emerging Emergency Rescute Rescue
Gunkan Suship Shari
Gunkan Suship Ikura-Class Dreadnought
Scareclaw Arrival
Scareclaw Sclash
Tenchi Kaimei
Humongous Hive Hegemon - Zexstagger
Scareclaw Decline
Underworld Ritual of Prediction
Scareclaw Defanging
N Black Cat-astrophe
Prediction Ritual
Prediction Princess Astromorrigan
Deus X-Krawler
Ambulance Rescueroid
Gishki Ariel
Gishki Emilia
Watch Cat
Gishki Noellia
Gishki Photomirror
Gishki Chain
Evigishki Levianima
Gishki Aquamirror
Gishki Avance
Gishki Psychelone
Aquamirror Illusion
Gizmek Inaba, the Hopping Hare of Hakuto
Prediction Princess Petalelf
Gunkan Suship Ikura
Scareclaw Acro
Scareclaw Astra
Scareclaw Belone
Vanguard of the Underground Emperor
Prediction Princess Bibliomuse
Rescue-ACE Fire Attacker
Rescue-ACE Fire Engine
Bayerock Dragon
Couple of Aces
Rescue-ACE HQ
Kashtira Overlap
Scareclaw Twinsaw
Soul Scheduling - Red Vinegar Vamoose

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