Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel

Advance of Great Forces Selection Pack

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Master Duel Advance of Great Forces Selection Pack
This is a guide on Advance of Great Forces, a Selection Pack in Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel. Read on to see all cards available in this Selection Pack, how to buy it in-game, and how long it will last in the shop!

Advance of Great Forces: Pack Summary

All Cards
Ragnaraika Stag Sovereign The Black Goat Laughs Ancient Gear Statue Charge of the Light Brigade Lightsworn Dragonling Ragnaraika the Evil Seed Aromalilith Rosalina Aromaseraphy Jasmine Repair Genex Controller Aromalilith Rosemary Arms of Genex Return Zero Ancient Gear Dark Golem Enlightenment Dragon Ancient Gear Fusion Fairyant the Circular Sorcerer Genex Ally Birdman Aroma Gardening Asset Mountis Ragnaraika Skeletal Soldier Ragnaraika Mantis Monk Ragnaraika Chain Coils Minerva, the Athenian Lightsworn Aromalilith Magnolia Haggard Lizardose King of the Feral Imps King of the Skull Servants I.A.S. -Invasive Alien Species- Ragnaraika Bloom Ancient Gear Advance Ragnaraika Wicked Butterfly Solar Recharge Ancient Gear Dragon Cyclos the Circular Sprite Genex Undine Weiss, Lightsworn Archfiend Ancient Gear Commander R-Genex Undine Ancient Gear Tanker Ragnaraika Samurai Beetle Aroma Blend Starry Dragon Ancient Gear Duel Ragnaraika Hunting Dance Lightsworn Aegis Circle of the Fairies Cross-Dimensional Duel Ancient Gear Golem Aromaseraphy Angelica Ancient Gear Box Aromage Bergamot Minerva, Lightsworn Maiden Genex Ally Axel Genex Controller Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter Humid Winds Aromage Laurel Blessed Winds Ancient Gear Frame Periallis, Empress of Blossoms Ancient Gear Howitzer Aroma Healing Wightlord Ragnaraika Armored Lizard R-Genex Turing Cursed Bride Doll Ragnaraika Selene Snapper Botanical Lion Chirubimé, Princess of Autumn Leaves Rose Girl Aromage Cananga Ancient Gear Tank Ancient Gear Soldier Aromage Rosemary R-Genex Oracle Skull Servant Felis, Lightsworn Archer R-Genex Accelerator Gragonith, Lightsworn Dragon R-Genex Crusher R-Genex Magma Aromage Marjoram Genex Power Planner

Advance of Great Forces: Availability

Advance of Great Forces Duration
September 12 2024 - November 7, 2024

Cards to Craft

Key Cards
Charge of the Light Brigade Aromaseraphy Jasmine Ancient Gear Dark Golem Enlightenment Dragon Ragnaraika Stag Sovereign Arms of Genex Return Zero Aromalilith Rosemary Repair Genex Controller Aromalilith Rosalina Ragnaraika the Evil Seed Lightsworn Dragonling Ancient Gear Statue The Black Goat Laughs
King of the Feral Imps King of the Skull Servants Solar Recharge Genex Undine Aroma Gardening Genex Ally Birdman Ancient Gear Fusion Fairyant the Circular Sorcerer Ragnaraika Skeletal Soldier Ragnaraika Mantis Monk Ragnaraika Chain Coils Minerva, the Athenian Lightsworn Aromalilith Magnolia I.A.S. -Invasive Alien Species- Asset Mountis Ancient Gear Commander Weiss, Lightsworn Archfiend Cyclos the Circular Sprite Ancient Gear Dragon Ragnaraika Wicked Butterfly Ancient Gear Advance Ragnaraika Bloom Haggard Lizardose

Advance of Great Forces: List of Cards by Rarity

List of Cards
UR Charge of the Light Brigade
Aromaseraphy Jasmine
Ancient Gear Dark Golem
Enlightenment Dragon
Ragnaraika Stag Sovereign
Arms of Genex Return Zero
Aromalilith Rosemary
Repair Genex Controller
Aromalilith Rosalina
Ragnaraika the Evil Seed
Lightsworn Dragonling
Ancient Gear Statue
The Black Goat Laughs
SR King of the Feral Imps
King of the Skull Servants
Solar Recharge
Genex Undine
Aroma Gardening
Genex Ally Birdman
Ancient Gear Fusion
Fairyant the Circular Sorcerer
Ragnaraika Skeletal Soldier
Ragnaraika Mantis Monk
Ragnaraika Chain Coils
Minerva, the Athenian Lightsworn
Aromalilith Magnolia
I.A.S. -Invasive Alien Species-
Asset Mountis
Ancient Gear Commander
Weiss, Lightsworn Archfiend
Cyclos the Circular Sprite
Ancient Gear Dragon
Ragnaraika Wicked Butterfly
Ancient Gear Advance
Ragnaraika Bloom
Haggard Lizardose
R Ancient Gear Golem
Aromaseraphy Angelica
Ancient Gear Box
Aromage Bergamot
Minerva, Lightsworn Maiden
Genex Ally Axel
Genex Controller
Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter
Humid Winds
Aromage Laurel
Blessed Winds
Ancient Gear Frame
Periallis, Empress of Blossoms
Ancient Gear Howitzer
Cross-Dimensional Duel
Circle of the Fairies
R-Genex Undine
Ancient Gear Tanker
Ragnaraika Samurai Beetle
Aroma Blend
Starry Dragon's Cycle
Ancient Gear Duel
Ragnaraika Hunting Dance
Lightsworn Aegis
N Chirubimé, Princess of Autumn Leaves
Botanical Lion
Aromage Cananga
Ancient Gear Tank
Ancient Gear Soldier
Aromage Rosemary
R-Genex Oracle
Skull Servant
Felis, Lightsworn Archer
R-Genex Accelerator
Gragonith, Lightsworn Dragon
R-Genex Crusher
R-Genex Magma
Genex Power Planner
Aromage Marjoram
Rose Girl
Ragnaraika Selene Snapper
Cursed Bride Doll
R-Genex Turing
Ragnaraika Armored Lizard
Aroma Healing

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