Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel

Heroic Warriors Selection Pack

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This is a guide on Heroic Warriors, a Selection Pack in Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel. Read on to see all cards available in this secret pack and how to unlock it!

Heroic Warriors: Pack Summary

All Cards
Libromancer Fire Libromancer Mystigirl Heroic Call Libromancer First Appearance Heroic Envoy Endless Engine Argyo System Therion Discolosseum Therion Irregular Libromancer Doombroker Symphonic Warrior Rockks Vendread Scavenger Heroic Champion - Claivesolish Libromancer Fireburst Therion "King" Regulus Avendread Savior Pre-Preparation of Rites Ashura King Revendread Executor Symphonic Warrior Guitaar Heroic Challenger - Morning Star Libromancer Geek Boy Therion "Empress" Alasia Therion Charge Generalprobe Ravenous Vendread Therion Cross Libromancer Intervention Libromancer Displaced Therion "Lily" Borea Heroic Challenger - Assault Halberd Heroic Challenger - Double Lance Symphonic Warrior Miccs Libromancer Bonded Libromancer Realized Symphonic Warrior DJJ Scar of the Vendread Libromancer Agent Libromancer Magigirl Therion "Reaper" Fum Libromancer Firestarter Vendread Charge Planet Pathfinder Manju of the Ten Thousand Hands Symph Amplifire Revendread Slayer Heroic Challenger - Extra Sword Revendread Origin Heroic Challenger - Swordshield Vendread Core Heroic Retribution Sword Heroic Advance Sphere Kuriboh Heroic Chance Heroic Challenger - Clasp Sword Heroic Challenger - Ambush Soldier Heroic Challenger - Spartan Heroic Challenger - Night Watchman Cynet Ritual Paladin of Storm Dragon Heroic Champion - Jarngreipr Therion "Bull" Ain Therion "Duke" Yul Heroic Challenger - Knuckle Sword Symphonic Warrior Guitariss Therion Stand Up! Libromancer Prevented Symphonic Warrior Synthess Infernoble Knight Oliver Tribe Drive Execution of the Contract Cyberse Magician Parallel eXceed Symphonic Warrior Basses Symphonic Warrior Piaano Symphonic Warrior Drumss Rose Paladin Vendread Revolution Vendread Reunion Revendread Evolution Vendread Striges Vendread Houndhorde Vendread Revenants Ritual Cage Showdown of the Secret Sense Scroll Techniques

Heroic Warriors: Availability

Availability in the In-Game Shop
January 10, 2023 - March 9, 2023

Cards to Craft

Key Cards
Avendread Savior Therion "King" Regulus Libromancer Fireburst Heroic Champion - Claivesolish Vendread Scavenger Symphonic Warrior Rockks Libromancer Doombroker Libromancer Fire Therion Irregular Therion Discolosseum Endless Engine Argyo System Heroic Envoy Libromancer First Appearance Heroic Call Libromancer Mystigirl
Heroic Challenger - Assault Halberd Revendread Executor Symphonic Warrior Guitaar Pre-Preparation of Rites Ashura King Therion "Lily" Borea Heroic Challenger - Morning Star Libromancer Geek Boy Therion "Empress" Alasia Therion Charge Generalprobe Ravenous Vendread Therion Cross Libromancer Intervention Libromancer Displaced

Heroic Warriors: List of Cards by Rarity

List of Cards
UR Avendread Savior
Therion "King" Regulus
Libromancer Fireburst
Heroic Champion - Claivesolish
Vendread Scavenger
Symphonic Warrior Rockks
Libromancer Doombroker
Libromancer Fire
Therion Irregular
Therion Discolosseum
Endless Engine Argyo System
Heroic Envoy
Libromancer First Appearance
Heroic Call
Libromancer Mystigirl
SR Heroic Challenger - Assault Halberd
Revendread Executor
Symphonic Warrior Guitaar
Pre-Preparation of Rites
Ashura King
Therion "Lily" Borea
Heroic Challenger - Morning Star
Libromancer Geek Boy
Therion "Empress" Alasia
Therion Charge
Ravenous Vendread
Therion Cross
Libromancer Intervention
Libromancer Displaced
R Heroic Challenger - Double Lance
Heroic Challenger - Extra Sword
Heroic Challenger - Swordshield
Heroic Retribution Sword
Planet Pathfinder
Revendread Slayer
Revendread Origin
Vendread Core
Symph Amplifire
Vendread Charge
Manju of the Ten Thousand Hands
Symphonic Warrior Miccs
Libromancer Firestarter
Therion "Reaper" Fum
Libromancer Magigirl
Libromancer Agent
Scar of the Vendread
Symphonic Warrior DJJ
Libromancer Realized
Libromancer Bonded
N Paladin of Storm Dragon
Cynet Ritual
Heroic Challenger - Night Watchman
Heroic Challenger - Spartan
Heroic Challenger - Ambush Soldier
Heroic Challenger - Clasp Sword
Heroic Chance
Heroic Advance
Rose Paladin
Showdown of the Secret Sense Scroll Techniques
Sphere Kuriboh
Ritual Cage
Vendread Revenants
Vendread Houndhorde
Vendread Striges
Revendread Evolution
Vendread Reunion
Vendread Revolution
Symphonic Warrior Synthess
Symphonic Warrior Drumss
Symphonic Warrior Piaano
Symphonic Warrior Basses
Parallel eXceed
Cyberse Magician
Execution of the Contract
Infernoble Knight Oliver
Tribe Drive
Heroic Champion - Jarngreipr
Therion "Bull" Ain
Therion "Duke" Yul
Heroic Challenger - Knuckle Sword
Symphonic Warrior Guitariss
Therion Stand Up!
Libromancer Prevented

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