Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel

The Bizarre Playing Board Secret Pack

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Master Duel - The Bizzare Playing Board Secret Pack

This is a guide on The Bizarre Playing Board, a Secret Pack in Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel. Read on to see all cards available in this Secret Pack and how to unlock it!

The Bizarre Playing Board: Pack Summary

All Cards
Arktos XII - Chronochasm Vaylantz Mamonaka the Vaylantz United Performapal Monkeyboard Vaylantz World - Shinra Bansho Vaylantz World - Konig Wissen Performapal Pendulum Sorcerer Performapal Celestial Magician Shinonome the Vaylantz Priestess Vaylantz Wakening - Solo Activation Vaylantz Genesis Grand Duke Performapal Barokuriboh Performapal Duelist Extraordinare Performapal Ladyange Performapal Odd-Eyes Valet Performapal Classikuriboh Performapal Gentrude Performapal Skullcrobat Joker Performapal Dramatic Theater Performapal Silver Claw Performapal Parrotrio Dueltaining Performapal Laugh Maker Performapal Smile Sorcerer Vaylantz Wars - The Place of Beginning Performapal Trampolynx Nazuki the Vaylantz Ninja Performapal Odd-Eyes Butler Vaylantz Buster Baron Performapal Gold Fang Vaylantz Voltage Viscount Vaylantz Mad Marquess Saion the Vaylantz Archer Hojo the Vaylantz Warrior Vaylantz Dominator Duke Performapal Pinch Helper Smile Universe Smile World Performapal Odd-Eyes Seer Smile Action Smile Potion

The Bizarre Playing Board: Unlock Conditions


How to Unlock
Craft SR/UR cards from within the pack or get them from opening other packs

Cards to Craft

Key Cards
Performapal Monkeyboard Performapal Pendulum Sorcerer Performapal Celestial Magician Vaylantz World - Konig Wissen Vaylantz World - Shinra Bansho Mamonaka the Vaylantz United Arktos XII - Chronochasm Vaylantz
Performapal Dramatic Theater Performapal Skullcrobat Joker Performapal Gentrude Performapal Classikuriboh Performapal Odd-Eyes Valet Shinonome the Vaylantz Priestess Performapal Ladyange Performapal Duelist Extraordinare Performapal Barokuriboh Vaylantz Genesis Grand Duke Vaylantz Wakening - Solo Activation

Limited-Time Availability

Master Duel - The Bizzare Playing Board Secret Pack Shop

To celebrate the addition of the new Secret Pack, The Bizarre Playing Board will be available for a limited time to all players, starting on its release day of December 5, 2023 until February 7, 2024.

After the campaign, players must unlock this Secret Pack much like all other Secret Packs--through crafting SR or UR cards associated with The Bizarre Playing Board.

The Bizarre Playing Board: List of Cards by Rarity

List of Cards
UR Performapal Monkeyboard
Performapal Pendulum Sorcerer
Performapal Celestial Magician
Vaylantz World - Konig Wissen
Vaylantz World - Shinra Bansho
Mamonaka the Vaylantz United
Arktos XII - Chronochasm Vaylantz
SR Performapal Dramatic Theater
Performapal Skullcrobat Joker
Performapal Gentrude
Performapal Classikuriboh
Performapal Odd-Eyes Valet
Shinonome the Vaylantz Priestess
Performapal Ladyange
Performapal Duelist Extraordinare
Performapal Barokuriboh
Vaylantz Genesis Grand Duke
Vaylantz Wakening - Solo Activation
R Performapal Gold Fang
Performapal Silver Claw
Performapal Parrotrio
Performapal Laugh Maker
Performapal Smile Sorcerer
Performapal Trampolynx
Vaylantz Buster Baron
Performapal Odd-Eyes Butler
Nazuki the Vaylantz Ninja
Vaylantz Wars - The Place of Beginning
N Smile World
Performapal Pinch Helper
Smile Universe
Smile Action
Smile Potion
Saion the Vaylantz Archer
Vaylantz Voltage Viscount
Vaylantz Mad Marquess
Hojo the Vaylantz Warrior
Vaylantz Dominator Duke
Performapal Odd-Eyes Seer

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