Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel

Ride Into the Future Selection Pack

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Master Duel - Ride Into the Future Selection Pack
This is a guide on Ride Into the Future, a Selection Pack in Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel released during its 2nd anniversary. Read on to see all cards available in this Selection Pack and how to unlock it!

Ride Into the Future: Pack Summary

All Cards
Diabellstar the Black Witch Cosmic Quasar Dragon T.G. Glaive Blaster WANTED: Seeker of Sinful Spoils Snake-Eyes Flamberge Dragon Infernoble Knight Emperor Charles Emperor Charles the Great Crimson Dragon Elemental HERO Flame Wingman - Infernal Rage Revolution Synchron T.G. Rocket Salamander Snake-Eyes Poplar T.G. Mighty Striker Wheel Synchron T.G. Over Dragonar Courageous Crimson Chevalier Bradamante Snake-Eye Ash Angelica, Princess of Noble arms Original Sinful Spoils - Snake-Eye T.G. Trident Launcher Infernoble Knight Ogier On Your Mark, Get Set, DUEL! Jet Synchron T.G. Halberd Cannon Sinful Spoils of Betrayal - Silvera T.G. Close Elemental HERO Grandmerge Dramatic Snake-Eye Chase Angelica Divine Temple of the Snake-Eye T.G. Limiter Removal Camelot, Realm of Noble Knights and Noble Arms Duelist Genesis Noble Arms Museum "Infernoble Arms - Almace" T.G. Gear Zombie Infernoble Knight Ricciardetto Infernoble Knight Turpin Snake-Eye Birch Synchro World Sinful Spoils of Subversion - Snake-Eye Sinful Spoils of Doom - Rciela Scrap-Iron Sacred Statue Horn of Olifant Lightning Warrior Junk Berserker Doppelwarrior T.G. Tank Grub T.G. Screw Serpent T.G. Star Guardian Jet Warrior Synchro Material Stardust Chronicle Spark Dragon Stardust Sifr Divine Dragon "Infernoble Arms - Joyeuse" Synchro Transmission Infernoble Knight - Roland "Infernoble Arms - Durendal" Accel Synchron Synchro Transcend Synchro Overtop Startling Stare of the Snake-Eyes The Continuing Epic of Charles T.G. All Clear Stardust Xiaolong T.G. Drill Fish T.G. Recipro Dragonfly T.G. Booster Raptor Synchro Chase Starlight Junktion Snake-Eye Oak Unknown Synchron Necroid Synchro Elemental HERO Avian Elemental HERO Burstinatrix Rush Warrior Synchron Carrier Hyper Synchron Quickdraw Synchron Synchron Explorer "Infernoble Arms - Hauteclere" Infernoble Knight Astolfo Infernoble Knight Oliver Infernoble Knight Maugis Converging Wishes

Ride Into the Future: Availability

Ride Into the Future Selection Pack Shop Duration
February 7, 2024 - April 11, 2024

Cards to Craft

Key Cards
Infernoble Knight Emperor Charles Diabellstar the Black Witch Cosmic Quasar Dragon T.G. Glaive Blaster Snake-Eyes Flamberge Dragon Emperor Charles the Great Crimson Dragon Elemental HERO Flame Wingman - Infernal Rage Revolution Synchron T.G. Rocket Salamander Snake-Eyes Poplar WANTED: Seeker of Sinful Spoils
T.G. Halberd Cannon Elemental HERO Grandmerge Jet Synchron T.G. Trident Launcher Infernoble Knight Ogier On Your Mark, Get Set, DUEL! Original Sinful Spoils - Snake-Eye Angelica, Princess of Noble arms T.G. Mighty Striker T.G. Over Dragonar Courageous Crimson Chevalier Bradamante Wheel Synchron Snake-Eye Ash "Infernoble Arms - Almace" Noble Arms Museum Duelist Genesis Camelot, Realm of Noble Knights and Noble Arms T.G. Limiter Removal Divine Temple of the Snake-Eye Angelica Dramatic Snake-Eye Chase T.G. Close Sinful Spoils of Betrayal - Silvera

Ride Into the Future: List of Cards by Rarity

List of Cards
UR Infernoble Knight Emperor Charles
Diabellstar the Black Witch
Cosmic Quasar Dragon
T.G. Glaive Blaster
Snake-Eyes Flamberge Dragon
Emperor Charles the Great
Crimson Dragon
Elemental HERO Flame Wingman - Infernal Rage
Revolution Synchron
T.G. Rocket Salamander
Snake-Eyes Poplar
WANTED: Seeker of Sinful Spoils
SR T.G. Halberd Cannon
Elemental HERO Grandmerge
Jet Synchron
T.G. Trident Launcher
Infernoble Knight Ogier
On Your Mark, Get Set, DUEL!
Original Sinful Spoils - Snake-Eye
Angelica, Princess of Noble arms
T.G. Mighty Striker
T.G. Over Dragonar
Courageous Crimson Chevalier Bradamante
Wheel Synchron
Snake-Eye Ash
"Infernoble Arms - Almace"
Noble Arms Museum
Duelist Genesis
Camelot, Realm of Noble Knights and Noble Arms
T.G. Limiter Removal
Divine Temple of the Snake-Eye
Angelica's Angelic Ring
Dramatic Snake-Eye Chase
T.G. Close
Sinful Spoils of Betrayal - Silvera
R T.G. Gear Zombie
T.G. Star Guardian
T.G. Screw Serpent
Lightning Warrior
Junk Berserker
T.G. Tank Grub
Jet Warrior
Synchro Material
Stardust Chronicle Spark Dragon
Stardust Sifr Divine Dragon
"Infernoble Arms - Durendal"
"Infernoble Arms - Joyeuse"
Infernoble Knight - Roland
Accel Synchron
Synchro Transcend
Horn of Olifant
Synchro Transmission
Infernoble Knight Ricciardetto
Infernoble Knight Turpin
Snake-Eye Birch
Synchro World
Sinful Spoils of Subversion - Snake-Eye
Sinful Spoils of Doom - Rciela
Scrap-Iron Sacred Statue
N Starlight Junktion
Synchro Chase
T.G. Booster Raptor
T.G. Recipro Dragonfly
T.G. Drill Fish
Stardust Xiaolong
Unknown Synchron
Necroid Synchro
Elemental HERO Avian
Elemental HERO Burstinatrix
Rush Warrior
Synchron Carrier
Hyper Synchron
Quickdraw Synchron
Synchron Explorer
"Infernoble Arms - Hauteclere"
Infernoble Knight Astolfo
Infernoble Knight Oliver
Infernoble Knight Maugis
Converging Wishes
Snake-Eye Oak
Synchro Overtop
T.G. All Clear
The Continuing Epic of Charles
Startling Stare of the Snake-Eyes

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