Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel

Beginning of the Next Journey Selection Pack

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Master Duel - Beginning of the Next Journey Selection Pack Top Image

This is a guide on Beginning of the Next Journey, a Selection Pack in Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel. Read on to see all cards available in this Card Pack and how to unlock it!

Beginning of the Next Journey: Pack Summary

All Cards
Albion the Sanctifire Dragon Nadir Servant Gate Guardians Combined Mannadium Prime-Heart Vicious Astraloud Ringowurm, the Dragon Guarding the Hundred Apples Bystial Dis Pater Despian Luluwalilith Guiding Quem, the Virtuous Visas Starfrost Mannadium Riumheart Peaceful Planet Calarium Trivikarma Gate Guardian of Wind and Water Gate Guardian of Water and Thunder Gate Guardian of Thunder and Wind Golden Cloud Beast - Malong Icejade Aegirine Tally-ho! Springans Aluber the Jester of Despia Shadow Ghoul of the Labyrinth The Bystial Aluber Icejade Ran Aegirine Tearlaments Perlegia Riryoku Guardian Tri-Brigade Roar New Frontier Mannadium Abscission Brightest, Blazing, Branded King Mannadium Reframing Fallen of Albaz Tri-Brigade Ferrijit the Barren Blossom Etude of the Branded Scareclaw Decline Scareclaw Defanging Mannadium Torrid Mannadium Meek Mannadium Fearless Labyrinth Heavy Tank Tri-Brigade Kitt Scareclaw Sclash Allvain the Essence of Vanity Swordsoul Sacred Summit Albion the Shrouded Dragon Branded in Red Dogmatika Nexus Icejade Erosion Scareclaw Arrival Spright Smashers Silvervine Senri Tearlaments Grief Tearlaments Heartbeat Cross-Sheep Tearlaments Sulliek Capshell Tri-Brigade Stand-Off Kashtira Akstra Fallen of Argyros Labyrinth Wall Shadow Tri-Brigade Rendezvous Double Attack! Wind and Thunder!! Swordsoul Punishment Branded Opening Mannadium Imaginings Prey of the Jirai Gumo Mannadium Breakheart A Shattered, Colorless Realm Double Hooking Tri-Brigade Oath Dogmatika Encounter Springans Call! Springans Blast! Screams of the Branded Branded Bond Tearlaments Cryme Despia, Theater of the Branded Swordsoul Assessment Branded Sword Tribe Drive Branded Disciple Branded in Central Dogmatika Spright Gamma Burst Scareclaw Twinsaw Tearlaments Metanoise

Beginning of the Next Journey: Availability

Beginning of the Next Journey Shop Duration
December 5, 2023 - February 7, 2023

Cards to Craft

Key Cards
Nadir Servant Visas Starfrost Albion the Sanctifire Dragon Gate Guardians Combined Mannadium Prime-Heart Vicious Astraloud Ringowurm, the Dragon Guarding the Hundred Apples Bystial Dis Pater Despian Luluwalilith Guiding Quem, the Virtuous Mannadium Riumheart Peaceful Planet Calarium Trivikarma
Tri-Brigade Ferrijit the Barren Blossom Fallen of Albaz Aluber the Jester of Despia Icejade Aegirine Tally-ho! Springans Golden Cloud Beast - Malong Gate Guardian of Thunder and Wind Gate Guardian of Wind and Water Gate Guardian of Water and Thunder Shadow Ghoul of the Labyrinth The Bystial Aluber Icejade Ran Aegirine Tearlaments Perlegia Riryoku Guardian Tri-Brigade Roar New Frontier Mannadium Abscission Brightest, Blazing, Branded King Mannadium Reframing

Beginning of the Next Journey: List of Cards by Rarity

List of Cards
UR Nadir Servant
Visas Starfrost
Albion the Sanctifire Dragon
Gate Guardians Combined
Mannadium Prime-Heart
Vicious Astraloud
Ringowurm, the Dragon Guarding the Hundred Apples
Bystial Dis Pater
Despian Luluwalilith
Guiding Quem, the Virtuous
Mannadium Riumheart
Peaceful Planet Calarium
SR Tri-Brigade Ferrijit the Barren Blossom
Fallen of Albaz
Aluber the Jester of Despia
Icejade Aegirine
Tally-ho! Springans
Golden Cloud Beast - Malong
Gate Guardian of Thunder and Wind
Gate Guardian of Wind and Water
Gate Guardian of Water and Thunder
Shadow Ghoul of the Labyrinth
The Bystial Aluber
Icejade Ran Aegirine
Tearlaments Perlegia
Riryoku Guardian
Tri-Brigade Roar
New Frontier
Mannadium Abscission
Brightest, Blazing, Branded King
Mannadium Reframing
R Dogmatika Nexus
Tri-Brigade Kitt
Albion the Shrouded Dragon
Allvain the Essence of Vanity
Swordsoul Sacred Summit
Branded in Red
Icejade Erosion
Scareclaw Arrival
Scareclaw Sclash
Spright Smashers
Silvervine Senri
Tearlaments Grief
Tearlaments Heartbeat
Tearlaments Sulliek
Scareclaw Decline
Scareclaw Defanging
Labyrinth Heavy Tank
Mannadium Fearless
Mannadium Meek
Mannadium Torrid
Etude of the Branded
N Tri-Brigade Stand-Off
Tri-Brigade Rendezvous
Tri-Brigade Oath
Dogmatika Encounter
Springans Call!
Springans Blast!
Screams of the Branded
Branded Bond
Branded Opening
Despia, Theater of the Branded
Swordsoul Assessment
Branded Sword
Tribe Drive
Branded Disciple
Branded in Central Dogmatika
Spright Gamma Burst
Tearlaments Metanoise
Tearlaments Cryme
Scareclaw Twinsaw
Fallen of Argyros
Labyrinth Wall Shadow
Double Attack! Wind and Thunder!!
Swordsoul Punishment
Kashtira Akstra
Mannadium Imaginings
Prey of the Jirai Gumo
Mannadium Breakheart
A Shattered, Colorless Realm
Double Hooking

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