Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP)

How to Beat Champion Cynthia Guide

How to Beat Champion Cynthia

This guide covers everything you need to know to beat Cynthia, the Champion of the Elite Four in in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, a Pokemon remake for the Nintendo Switch. Read on to learn about Cynthia's Pokemon team and types, and recommended Pokemon to use against Champion Cynthia!

All Cynthia Battles
Cynthia Chamption Battle Cynthia Rematches
Elite Four Lucian Champion Cynthia
Lucian Cynthia

Champion Cynthia's Pokemon Team and Types

Type and Suggested Level

BDSP - Champion Cynthia.png
Type Specialty All Around
Suggested Level Lv. 70 ~ Lv. 75

Champion Cynthia's Pokemon

Pokemon Type Ability / Item Moves
Pokemon BDSP SpiritombSpiritomb
(Lvl. 61)
Pokemon Ghost Type Icon Pokemon Dark Type Icon Pressure
Sitrus Berry
Shadow Ball
Dark Pulse
Sucker Punch
Pokemon BDSP RoseradeRoserade
(Lvl. 60)
Pokemon Grass Type Icon Pokemon Poison Type Icon Poison Point
Expert Belt
Dazzling Gleam
Shadow Ball
Sludge Bomb
Energy Ball
Pokemon BDSP GastrodonGastrodon
(Lvl. 60)
Pokemon Water Type Icon Pokemon Ground Type Icon Storm Drain
Sludge Bomb
Rock Tomb
Pokemon BDSP LucarioLucario
(Lvl. 63)
Pokemon Fighting Type Icon Pokemon Steel Type Icon Inner Focus
Wise Glasses
Aura Sphere
Dragon Pulse
Flash Cannon
Nasty Plot
Pokemon BDSP MiloticMilotic
(Lvl. 63)
Pokemon Water Type Icon Marvel Scale
Flame Orb
Mirror Coat
Ice Beam
Pokemon BDSP GarchompGarchomp
(Lvl. 66)
Pokemon Dragon Type Icon Pokemon Ground Type Icon Rough Skin
Yache Berry
Dragon Claw
Swords Dance
Poison Jab

How to Beat Champion Cynthia

Defeat Spiritomb with a High Power Attack or Fairy Type Move

BDSP - Gyarados against Cynthia

Because Spiritomb has high defenses and its ability, Pressure, increases your PP usage by 2 per move, quickly defeat it with either a high powered attack or a super effective Fairy type move.

Get Ready during Gastrodon and Roserade

BDSP - Cynthia

We recommend using healing items such as Full Restores and Revives to heal as many team members as you can during Gastrodon and Roserade to prepare for the later half of the battle when Cynthia will bring our more powerful Pokemon, such as Lucario and Garchomp.

Use a Physical Move on Milotic then Finish it off with Special Moves

BDSP - Luxray against Cynthia

Cynthia's Milotic holds a Flame Orb and has the ability Marvel Scale, which increases its Defense when inflicted by a status condition. The Flame Orb only takes effect on the second turn, so we recommend using a Physical Move on the first turn then Special Moves to finish it off.

If you have Luxray on your team, a great combo attack would be to start with Spark then finish it off with Thunderbolt.

Quickly Defeat Lucario with Super Effective Moves

BDSP - Garchomp against Cynthia

Lucario is another powerful Pokemon that can sharply raise its Special Attack with the move Nasty Plot. Take it out quickly with a super effective move such as Close Combat (Staraptor), Flare Blitz (Rapidash), or Earthquake (Garchomp).

Lower Garchomp's Attack Stat with Intimidate

BDSP - Gyarados against Cynthia

Garchomp is Cynthia's highest-level Pokemon and can sharply raise its Attack with Swords Dance. Bring out a Pokemon with the Intimidate ability to decrease its attack. If you have more than one Pokemon with Intimidate, you can continuously switch them out while using Revives to keep them alive.

Let Gyarados Learn Ice Fang

Becuase Garchomp is 4x weak against Ice, we recommend equipping one of your Pokemon with an Ice type move like Ice Fang or Ice Beam. Gyarados has a good match up against Garchomp, especially since it already has the ability Intimidate.

You can go to the Move Reminder to let Gyarados relearn the move Ice Fang and use it against Garchomp. Since Garchomp holds a Yache Berry, the first attack will only inflict half the damage, but afterwards, you can take full advantage of this weakness.

Best Team to Beat Champion Cynthia

Best Pokemon to Beat Cynthia

Pokemon Recommended Moves
Pokemon BDSP GyaradosGyarados
Pokemon Water Type Icon Pokemon Flying Type Icon
Waterfall (Lv. 21)
Crunch (Lv. 24)
Dragon Dance (Lv. 36)
・Wide coverage due to access to both Water and Dark type moves.
・You can setup Dragon Dance during Gastrodon.
・Intimidate lowers Garchomp's Attack stat.
Pokemon BDSP StaraptorStaraptor
Pokemon Flying Type Icon Pokemon Normal Type Icon
Aerial Ace (Lv. 28)
Close Combat (On Evolution)
Brave Bird (Lv. 49)
・Has access to super effective moves against Lucario and Roserade.
・You can inflict high amounts of damage with Brave Bird.
・Intimidate lowers Garchomp's Attack stat.
Pokemon BDSP GastrodonGastrodon
Pokemon Water Type Icon Pokemon Ground Type Icon
Earth Power (Lv. 39)
Scald (TM49)
Ice Beam (TM13)
・Great type match up against Lucario.
・Counter Garchomp with Ice Beam.
・High Defenses.

Bring a team that can handle all five battles

As you will have to use the same party for battling Cynthia that you use against the four members of the Elite Four, it is important to bring a versatile team that is effective against all of the Elite Four members and gives coverage to Cynthia's team as well.

Elite Four Types and Weaknesses

Trainer Main Type Primary Weaknesses
Aaron Pokemon Bug Type Icon Pokemon Fire Type Icon Pokemon Rock Type Icon Pokemon Flying Type Icon
Bertha Pokemon Ground Type Icon Pokemon Grass Type Icon Pokemon Water Type Icon Pokemon Ice Type Icon
Flint Pokemon Fire Type Icon Pokemon Water Type Icon Pokemon Ground Type Icon Pokemon Ice Type Icon
Lucian Pokemon Psychic Type Icon Pokemon Dark Type Icon Pokemon Bug Type Icon Pokemon Ghost Type Icon
Cynthia All-Around -

All Elite Four Types and Pokemon

Best Elite Four Teams

Generally speaking, you will want to bring the six Pokemon you have trained to the highest level up to this point, and the team composition will likely not change much from the main team that you used throughout your adventure. Having a Grass, Fire, and Water type on your team will cover most of your bases, while allowing room for powerful Pokemon such as Lucario and Garchomp to help with odd matchups.

While Lucian, the fourth trainer, has a team mostly centered around psychic type Pokemon, it is not totally necessary to bring a Dark / Bug / Ghost Pokemon. While having some moves of this type on your team will certainly give you an edge, the majority of his Pokemon have low defense and can simply be overpowered without type effectiveness, and meanwhile Bronzong can be defeated with Fire attacks.

Best Team: Best Pokemon to Use for the Story

When Starting with Turtwig

Best Elite Four Team When Starting With Turtwig
Pokemon BDSP TorterraTorterra Pokemon BDSP RapidashRapidash Pokemon BDSP GarchompGarchomp
Pokemon BDSP LucarioLucario Pokemon BDSP StaraptorStaraptor Pokemon BDSP GyaradosGyarados

When Starting with Chimchar

Best Elite Four Team When Starting With Chimchar
Pokemon BDSP InfernapeInfernape Pokemon BDSP GyaradosGyarados Pokemon BDSP GarchompGarchomp
Pokemon BDSP StaraptorStaraptor Pokemon BDSP LucarioLucario Pokemon BDSP RoseradeRoserade

When Starting with Piplup

Best Elite Four Team When Starting With Piplup
Pokemon BDSP EmpoleonEmpoleon Pokemon BDSP RapidashRapidash Pokemon BDSP GarchompGarchomp
Pokemon BDSP LucarioLucario Pokemon BDSP RoseradeRoserade Pokemon BDSP StaraptorStaraptor

All Cynthia Battles

All Cynthia Battles
Cynthia Chamption Battle Cynthia Rematches

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Pokemon BDSP Story Walkthrough.png

Complete Story Walkthrough

Elite Four Trainers

1st Trainer 2nd Trainer
Aaron Bertha
3rd Trainer 4th Trainer
Flint Lucian

All Elite Four Types and Pokemon

Elite Four Rematches

1st Trainer 2nd Trainer
Aaron Bertha
3rd Trainer 4th Trainer
Flint Lucian

All Elite Four Rematch Teams


4 Anonymousover 2 years

An average Absol lv 65-69 can solo OKO her whole team. Alternate swords dance and potions till you max attack. Night slash will work except against Garchomp and Roserade, use sucker punch for those two.

3 Anonymousabout 3 years

If you know what you are going up against than you can use whatever team you want and prepare for the battle before hand. I used and usaring and with one swords dance it one shot almost everything. It knocked out the garchomp after taking a hit, resulting in a double knockout. This was in set battle style as well.


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