Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP)

How to Beat Fantina: Hearthome City Gym Guide

BDSP - How to Beat Fantina

This guide covers everything you need to know to beat the Hearthome City Gym Leader, Fantina, in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, a Pokemon remake for the Nintendo Switch. Read on to learn about Fantina's Pokemon team, Fantina's type specialty, recommended Pokemon to use against Fantina, and how to beat the Hearthome City Gym.

All Fantina Battles
Fantina Gym Battle Fantina Rematch
Previous Gym 5th Gym Next Gym
Crasher Wake Fantina Byron

Before the Fight

See Drifloon at Hearthome Gym

The trainers in the second area of Hearthome Gym are the only trainers in the game to use Drifloon. If you don't see it now, you won't be able to complete the National Dex without waiting until a Friday or trading for a Drifloon, so don't miss it, no matter what!

How to Complete the Sinnoh Dex

Fantina's Pokemon Team and Types

Type and Suggested Level

Type Specialty Pokemon Ghost Type Icon
Suggested Level Lv. 39 ~ Lv. 42

Fantina's Pokemon

Pokemon Type Ability / Item Moves
Pokemon BDSP DrifblimDrifblim
(Lvl. 32)
Pokemon Ghost Type Icon Pokemon Flying Type Icon Aftermath
Zoom Lens
Strength Sap
Pokemon BDSP GengarGengar
(Lvl. 34)
Pokemon Ghost Type Icon Pokemon Poison Type Icon Cursed Body
Colbur Berry
Shadow Claw
Confuse Ray
Sludge Bomb
Dazzling Gleam
Pokemon BDSP MismagiusMismagius
(Lvl. 36)
Pokemon Ghost Type Icon Levitate
Expert Belt
Confuse Ray
Phantom Force
Magical Leaf
Dazzling Gleam

Fantina's Hearthome Gym Puzzle

The Hearthome Gym features a simple quiz set-up where a signboard offers a question and the player must go through the doors with the correct answers to reach Fantina.

Gym Puzzle Solution Video

Hearthome City Gym Quiz Answers

BDSP - Hearthome City Gym Quiz

Questions Answers Door
1 3 plus 5 plus 7 is? 15 Right
2 12 plus 28 is? 40 Middle
3 3 times 13 is? 39 Left
4 The first room's answer? 15 Right

How to Beat Fantina

Bring Strong Physical Attackers

Fantina's Ghost types are vulnerable to strong physical attacks. A strong physical Dark or Ghost move should be able to deal significant damage to most of her team. Top contenders here include Luxray and Gyarados with Bite.

Gengar's Colbur Berry will reduce the damage dealt by Dark Moves

If you intend to deal super-effective damage using a Dark type move to Fantina's Gengar, you might be surprised when you don't deal as much damage as you expected. It would be better to exploit it's Ghost or Ground weakness instead.

Avoid Risking Confusion Damage

Whenever Gengar or Mismagius inflict confusion via Confuse Ray, it might be better to switch out or healing this status condition away. With their high offensive prowess, it can be fatal to hit yourself in confusion, and receive damage from them in one turn.

Best Team to Beat Fantina

When Starting with Turtwig

Best Team to Beat Fantina When Starting With Turtwig
Pokemon BDSP LuxrayLuxray Pokemon BDSP TorterraTorterra Pokemon BDSP GyaradosGyarados

For all the teams, we recommend leading with Luxray. A strong Spark should deal significant damage to Drifblim and has the added bonus of inflicting Paralysis. Hopefully you'll be able to take down Drifblim without suffering a Burn.

Torterra's Earthquake is a strong physical super-effective move has the potential to deal phenomenal damage against Gengar, provided that his Sludge Bomb doesn't take Torterra out first.

Mismagius has great Special Stats but poor Physical Defense. Favor using Physical moves against it to deal as much damage as possible. Also, remember that it has the Levitate ability which will keep it immune from Ground type moves.

When Starting with Chimchar

Best Team to Beat Fantina When Starting With Chimchar
Pokemon BDSP LuxrayLuxray Pokemon BDSP InfernapeInfernape Pokemon BDSP GyaradosGyarados

As mentioned above, we recommend leading with Luxray. Exploit Drifblim's electric-type weakness by hitting it with a strong Spark. Gyarados should also have access to Bite to deal with these Ghost-Types.

The three recommended Pokemon here all have great Physical stats so they should be able to deal huge chunks of damage against Fantina's Mismagius. Go for high-powered physical moves that have normal effectiveness and you should be able to whittle them down in no time.

When Starting with Piplup

Best Team to Beat Fantina When Starting With Piplup
Pokemon BDSP LuxrayLuxray Pokemon BDSP RapidashRapidash Pokemon BDSP StaraptorStaraptor

Luxray really is the most reliable electric-type lead you can have at this point . Spark will deal signifcant damage to Fantina's Drifblim. Rapidash also has respectable physical attack and can deal good damage with it's Flame Wheel agaisnt Gengar and Mismagius.

Staraptor has some viability in this battle, especially against Mismagius. By having a natural immunity to Ghost moves, and resisting Magical Leaf, Staraptor should be able to overpower Mismagius with Aerial Ace.

When things get rough, remember that you can always use recovery items to heal your team back up. Be sure to stock on items if you're not feeling confident!

All Fantina Battles

All Fantina Battles
Fantina Gym Battle Fantina Rematch

Previous and Next Gym Leaders

Previous Gym 5th Gym Next Gym
Crasher Wake Fantina Byron

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