Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP)

Curse Effect and Pokemon That Learn It

Curse is a Ghost-type Move in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP). Learn what Pokemon can learn Curse, as well as its Power, Accuracy, PP, and Effect.

Curse - Effect

Type Ghost Type Move
Category Status Type Move Icon
Power -
Accuracy -
PP 10
Effect A move that works differently for the Ghost type than for all other types.

Pokemon That Learn Curse

By Default

SlowpokeSlowpoke SlowbroSlowbro SlowkingSlowking

By Level Up

GastlyGastly (20) HaunterHaunter (20) GengarGengar (20)
OnixOnix (16) SteelixSteelix (16) NumelNumel (29)
CameruptCamerupt (29) TorkoalTorkoal (44) ShuppetShuppet (26)
BanetteBanette (26) DuskullDuskull (36) DusclopsDusclops (36)
RegirockRegirock (30) RegiceRegice (30) RegisteelRegisteel (30)
TurtwigTurtwig (17) GrotleGrotle (17) TorterraTorterra (17)
BidoofBidoof (49) BibarelBibarel (58) SpiritombSpiritomb (40)
DusknoirDusknoir (36)

By Evolution

No Pokemon currently learn this move via this method.


No Pokemon currently learn this move via this method.

By Egg Move

BulbasaurBulbasaur IvysaurIvysaur VenusaurVenusaur
ZubatZubat GolbatGolbat GeodudeGeodude
GravelerGraveler GolemGolem FarfetchFarfetch'd
GrimerGrimer MukMuk ExeggcuteExeggcute
ExeggutorExeggutor CuboneCubone MarowakMarowak
LickitungLickitung KoffingKoffing WeezingWeezing
RhyhornRhyhorn RhydonRhydon LaprasLapras
EeveeEevee VaporeonVaporeon JolteonJolteon
FlareonFlareon AerodactylAerodactyl SnorlaxSnorlax
CrobatCrobat SudowoodoSudowoodo SunkernSunkern
SunfloraSunflora WooperWooper QuagsireQuagsire
EspeonEspeon UmbreonUmbreon MisdreavusMisdreavus
DunsparceDunsparce SlugmaSlugma MagcargoMagcargo
SwinubSwinub PiloswinePiloswine CorsolaCorsola
SkarmorySkarmory MiltankMiltank LarvitarLarvitar
PupitarPupitar TyranitarTyranitar TorchicTorchic
CombuskenCombusken BlazikenBlaziken MudkipMudkip
MarshtompMarshtomp SwampertSwampert SlakothSlakoth
VigorothVigoroth SlakingSlaking AronAron
LaironLairon AggronAggron ElectrikeElectrike
ManectricManectric GulpinGulpin SwalotSwalot
WailmerWailmer WailordWailord ZangooseZangoose
LileepLileep CradilyCradily AnorithAnorith
ArmaldoArmaldo TropiusTropius ChimechoChimecho
AbsolAbsol SphealSpheal SealeoSealeo
WalreinWalrein CranidosCranidos RampardosRampardos
ShieldonShieldon BastiodonBastiodon ShellosShellos
GastrodonGastrodon MismagiusMismagius ChinglingChingling
BonslyBonsly MunchlaxMunchlax HippopotasHippopotas
HippowdonHippowdon LickilickyLickilicky RhyperiorRhyperior
LeafeonLeafeon GlaceonGlaceon MamoswineMamoswine

By Move Tutor

No Pokemon currently learn this move via this method.

Pokemon BDSP Related Guides

Pokemon BDSP Moves

List of Moves

Moves by Type and Category

Moves by Type
Grass TypeGrass Water TypeWater Fire TypeFire
Electric TypeElectric Ice TypeIce Fighting TypeFighting
Ground TypeGround Poison TypePoison Flying TypeFlying
Psychic TypePsychic Bug TypeBug Rock TypeRock
Ghost Type,Ghost Dragon TypeDragon Dark TypeDark
Steel TypeSteel Fairy TypeFairy Normal TypeNormal
Moves by Category
Physical IconPhysical Special IconSpecial Status IconStatus
Special IconUnusable Moves


1 Anonymousabout 3 years

What the move actually does: Ghost type: decrease user max HP by 50% to curse target. Target loses 25% max HP every turn afterwards. If user has <50% HP move still works. All other types: +1 ATK +1 DEF -1 SPD for a max of +6 or -6 respectively.


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