Elden Ring

Holy Ground Ash of War Location and Effect

Holy Ground is an Ash of War in Elden Ring. Read on to learn the location of Holy Ground in-game, as well as how to use Holy Ground, its effect, and FP cost per cast.

Holy Ground Location

Drops after Destroying Chariots in Auriza Hero's Grave

Drops after you destroy the chariots inside the Auriza Hero's Grave in Altus Plateau. It will drop alongside the full set of Tree Sentinel armor.

Auriza Hero's Grave Walkthrough

How to Destroy the Chariots in Auriza Hero's Grave

To get the equipment set, you need to head to Auriza Hero's Grave in the far eastern area of Capital Outskirts, within the outer wall of Leyndell.
Once inside, head to the entrance to your right and head down while evading the chariot. On the bridge connecting to another hallway going up, jump down the hole. Continue along the path until you reach the room with two chariots inside.
Carefully head down, avoiding the chariots until you reach another chariot stationed near one of the boss rooms. You'll notice a corpse hanging along the ledge on the path to your right.
There is a wooden beam you can jump down to just below the corpse. Jump down until you reach the lowest area and follow the path. At the end will be a ladder you can climb up.
After climbing up the ladder, wait for the chariot to move down before running up. To your right will be an entrance to a fire pillar. Hit the fire pillar to ascend it, then head back to the entrance using a Memory of Grace.
Head back to the room where the two chariots are, and watch as they crash to a chariot in the middle of the room. You will get the Equipment set afterward as a result.

How to Use Holy Ground

Used to Deploy a Temporary Healing AoE

When cast, Holy Ground creates an AoE that heals players and allies when they step on top of it. Its effect is similar to deploying a Warming Stone as it can also heal any co-op allies you have in multiplayer.

Holy Ground Effect and Basic Info

Holy Ground Overview
Elden Ring - Holy Ground Ash of War
Creates an AoE where you can heal over a certain amount of time.
Elden Ring - Sacred Sacred
FP Cost
Skill Type Ash of War
Infusable Weapons All Shields
Chargeable? No

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