Elden Ring

List of All Scarab Locations and Drops

Elden Ring - List of All Scarab Locations and Drops

This is a guide to Scarab Locations in Elden Ring. This guide will show all the Scarabs and their drops, as well as explain what Scarabs are!

All Scarab Locations and Drops

Scarabs by Region
Limgrave Liurnia of the Lakes Altus Plateau
Caelid Siofra River Ainsel River
Mountaintops of the Giants

Limgrave Scarab Locations

In-Game View Map Location
Location ▶︎ Limgrave - West Limgrave
Reward ▶︎ Ash of War: Wild Strikes
Location ▶︎ Limgrave - Weeping Peninsula - On top of the collapsed structure west of Tombsward Ruins
Reward ▶︎ Incantation: Divine Fortification
Location ▶︎ Limgrave - Weeping Peninsula - Crevice east of Tombsward Catacombs site of grace
Reward ▶︎ Incantation: Lightning Strike
Location ▶︎ Limgrave - Near the whirlwind north of the Third Church of Marika
Reward ▶︎ Ash of War: Sacred Blade
Location ▶︎ Limgrave - Beach west of the Church of Elleh (Invisible Scarab)
Reward ▶︎ Ash of War: Stamp (Sweep)
Location ▶︎ Limgrave - North of Agheel Lake South
Reward ▶︎ Ash of War: Unsheathe
Location ▶︎ Limgrave - West Limgrave
Reward ▶︎ Ash of War: Determination
Location ▶︎ Limgrave - Weeping Peninsula
Reward ▶︎ Ash of War: Mighty Shot
Location ▶︎ Limgrave - Northwest of Stormhill Shack
Reward ▶︎ Ash of War: Storm Wall
Location ▶︎ Limgrave - West of Deathtouched Catacombs
Reward ▶︎ Bolstering Material: Somber Smithing Stone 1
Location ▶︎ Limgrave - Weeping Peninsula
Reward ▶︎ Incantation: Poison Mist
Location ▶︎ Limgrave - South of the Church of Dragon Communion
Reward ▶︎ Bolstering Material: Somber Smithing Stone 1
Location ▶︎ Limgrave - Stormveil Castle
Reward ▶︎ Ash of War: Stormcaller
Location ▶︎ Limgrave - Stormveil Castle - Below Rampart Tower
Reward ▶︎ Ash of War: Storm Assault
Location ▶︎ Limgrave - Stormveil Castle - Basement Area
Reward ▶︎ Sorcery: Rancorcall

Limgrave Interactive Map and Region Guide

Liurnia of the Lakes Scarab Locations

In-Game View Map Location
Location ▶︎ Liurnia of the Lakes - Northwest of the Converted Tower
Reward ▶︎ Ash of War: Sword Dance
Location ▶︎ Liurnia of the Lakes - North of Rose Church
Reward ▶︎ Incantation: Bloodflame Blade
Location ▶︎ Liurnia of the Lakes - Cliffs west of the Folly on the Lake
Reward ▶︎ Bolstering Material: Somber Smithing Stone 2
Location ▶︎ Liurnia of the Lakes - Northwest of the Folly on the Lake
Reward ▶︎ Ash of War: Thops's Barrier
Location ▶︎ Liurnia of the Lakes - Southeast of the Main Caria Manor Gate (Invisible Scarab)
Reward ▶︎ Ash of War: Hoarfrost Stomp
Location ▶︎ Liurnia of the Lakes - Caria Manor
Reward ▶︎ Sorcery: Carian Piercer
Location ▶︎ Liurnia of the Lakes - Ravine-Veiled Village
Reward ▶︎ Bolstering Material: Somber Smithing Stone 4
Location ▶︎ Liurnia of the Lakes - North of Frenzied Flame Village
Reward ▶︎ Incantation: Frenzied Burst
Location ▶︎ Liurnia of the Lakes - On the Celing of One of the Ruined Bridge West of Academy Gate Town
Reward ▶︎ Ash of War: Charge Forth
Location ▶︎ Liurnia of the Lakes - North of East Gate Bridge Trestle Site of Grace
Reward ▶︎ Ash of War: Shield Bash
Location ▶︎ Liurnia of the Lakes - Caria Manor
Reward ▶︎ Sorcery: Frozen Armament
Location ▶︎ Liurnia of the Lakes - East of Gate Town Bridge
Reward ▶︎ Bolstering Material: Somber Smithing Stone 2
Location ▶︎ Liurnia of the Lakes - Northwest of Academy Gate Town
Reward ▶︎ Bolstering Material: Somber Smithing Stone 2
Location ▶︎ Liurnia of the Lakes - North of the Grand Lift of Dectus
Reward ▶︎ Bolstering Material: Somber Smithing Stone 3
Location ▶︎ Liurnia of the Lakes - Renna's Rise
Reward ▶︎ Ash of War: Chilling Mist

Liurnia of the Lakes Interactive Map and Region Guide

Altus Plateau Scarab Locations

In-Game View Map Location
Location ▶︎ Altus Plateau - Northwest of Leyndell, Royal Capital
Reward ▶︎ Ash of War: Thunderbolt
Location ▶︎ Altus Plateau - East of Capital Outskirts
Reward ▶︎ Bolstering Material: Somber Smithing Stone 6
Location ▶︎ Altus Plateau - Northwest of the Hermit Merchant's Shack
Reward ▶︎ Ash of War: Lightning Slash
Location ▶︎ Altus Plateau - North of Seethewater River
Reward ▶︎ Ash of War: Barrage
Location ▶︎ Altus Plateau - South of the Road of Iniquity Side Path
Reward ▶︎ Incantation: Protection of the Erdtree
Location ▶︎ Altus Plateau - On the Lake North of the Sealed Tunnel (Invisible Scarab)
Reward ▶︎ Ash of War: Prayerful Strike
Location ▶︎ Altus Plateau - North of the Erdtree Sanctuary Site of Grace in Leyndell, Royal Capital (Invisible Scarab)
Reward ▶︎ Incantation: Barrier of Gold
Location ▶︎ Altus Plateau - Northwest of Abandoned Coffiin
Reward ▶︎ Ash of War: Sacred Order
Location ▶︎ Altus Plateau - Surrounded by Three Enemies Southwest of The Bower of Bounty
Reward ▶︎ Bolstering Material: Somber Smithing Stone 5
Location ▶︎ Altus Plateau - Inside the Pipe Near the Giant Crayfish in the Subterranean Shunning-Grounds
Reward ▶︎ Bolstering Material: Somber Smithing Stone 7
Location ▶︎ Altus Plateau - Drop down to the east from the silo's entrance in the Subterranean Shunning-Grounds. Upon landing face west to see the scarab.
Reward ▶︎ Bolstering Material: Somber Smithing Stone 6

Altus Plateau Interactive Map and Region Guide

Caelid Scarab Locations

In-Game View Map Location
Location ▶︎ Caelid - North of Smoldering Wall Site of Grace
Reward ▶︎ Ash of War: Lifesteal Fist
Location ▶︎ Caelid - Northeast of the Shack of the Rotting
Reward ▶︎ Incantation: Whirl, O Flame!
Location ▶︎ Caelid - West of Farum Greatbridge
Reward ▶︎ Bolstering Material: Somber Smithing Stone 9
Location ▶︎ Caelid - South of Sellia Crystal Tunnel (Invisible Scarab)
Reward ▶︎ Incantation: Poison Armament
Location ▶︎ Caelid - Rooftops of Sellia, Town of Sorcery
Reward ▶︎ Ash of War: Double Slash
Location ▶︎ Caelid - West of Isolated Merchant's Shack
Reward ▶︎ Ash of War: Sky Shot
Location ▶︎ Caelid - Southeast of Inner Aeonia
Reward ▶︎ Ash of War: Sacred Ring of Light
Location ▶︎ Caelid - Northeast of Caelid Highway South
Reward ▶︎ Ash of War: Poisonous Mist
Location ▶︎ Caelid - Near Fort Gael North Site of Grace (Invisible Scarab)
Reward ▶︎ Ash of War: Flame of the Redmanes
Location ▶︎ Caelid - Southern end of the Farum Greatbridge Site of Grace
Reward ▶︎ Incantation: Bestial Constitution

Caelid Interactive Map and Region Guide

Siofra River Scarab Locations

In-Game View Map Location
Location ▶︎ Nokron, Eternal City - Southeast of the Aqueduct-Facing Cliffs
Reward ▶︎ Incantation: Order Healing
Location ▶︎ Nokron, Eternal City - West of Hallowhorn Grounds
Reward ▶︎ Ash of War: Enchanted Shot
Location ▶︎ Nokron, Eternal City - South of the bridge near Siofra River Bank
Reward ▶︎ Bolstering Material: Somber Smithing Stone 5
Location ▶︎ Nokron, Eternal City - Northeast of Siofra River Well Depths
Reward ▶︎ Sorcery: Oracle Bubbles

Ainsel River

In-Game View Map Location
Location ▶︎ Lake of Rot - Northeast of the Grand Cloister Site of Grace
Reward ▶︎ Bolstering Material: Somber Smithing Stone 6

Mountaintops of the Giants Scarab Locations

In-Game View Map Location
Location ▶︎ Mountaintops of the Giants - Southwest of Ancient Snow Valley Ruins
Reward ▶︎ Bolstering Material: Somber Smithing Stone 8
Location ▶︎ Mountaintops of the Giants - On the northern side of Freezing Lake close to the Site of Grace (Invisible Scarab)
Reward ▶︎ Ash of War: Seppuku
Location ▶︎ Mountaintops of the Giants - South of the Dragon Temple Lift Site of Grace in Crumbling Farum Azula
Reward ▶︎ Incantation: Golden Lightning Fortification
Location ▶︎ Mountaintops of the Giants - On Top of the Leftmost Rock Pillar East of Ordina, Liturgical Town
Reward ▶︎ Bolstering Material: Somber Smithing Stone 8
Location ▶︎ Mountaintops of the Giants - On Top of the Rightmost Rock Pillar East of Ordina, Liturgical Town
Reward ▶︎ Bolstering Material: Somber Smithing Stone 7
Location ▶︎ Mountaintops of the Giants - On Top of the Tallest Rock Pillar East of Ordina, Liturgical Town (Invisible Scarab)
Reward ▶︎ Bolstering Material: Somber Smithing Stone 9

To be updated with more Scarab locations!

What are Scarabs?

Special Mobs that Drop Rare Items

Elden Ring - Scarab

Scarabs are special types of mobs that drop valuable items such as Ashes of War and Spells upon death. They look like dung beetles that push a glowing ball and will try to run away if you get close. Chase and defeat them by any means to acquire a rare item.

Crimson and Cerulean Teardrop Scarabs

Elden Ring - Crimson Teardrop Scarab

Teardrop Scarabs are a different kind that will not drop any item upon death. Instead, killing them will refill a charge of your Sacred Flask depending on the color of their glow.

Crimson Teardrop Scarabs will refill a charge of your Flask of Crimson Tears while Cerulean Teardrops Scarabs will refill your Flask of Cerulean Tears. Take note that Teardrops Scarabs can't refill more charges than the flasks' charge limit.

How to Upgrade Flasks

Elden Ring Related Guides

Elden Ring - Skills

All Skills (Weapon Arts)

All Skill Guides

Skills by Type
All Weapon Skills All Ashes of War
Related Skill Guides
All Scarab Locations How to Remove Skills


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