Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP)

How to Beat Candice: Snowpoint City Gym Puzzle Solution and Guide

Pokemon BDSP Candice Gym

This guide covers everything you need to know to beat the Snowpoint City Gym Leader, Candice, in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl. Read on to learn about Candice's Pokemon team, Candice's type specialty, recommended Pokemon to use against Candice, how to solve the Ice-type Gym's puzzle, and how to beat the Snowpoint City Gym.

All Candice Battles
Candice Gym Battle Candice Rematch
Previous Gym 7th Gym Next Gym
Byron Candice Volkner

Candice's Pokemon Team and Types

Type and Suggested Level

Type Specialty Pokemon Ice Type Icon
Suggested Level Lv. 45 ~ Lv. 48

Candice's Pokemon

Pokemon Type Ability / Item Moves
Pokemon BDSP SnoverSnover
(Lvl. 38)
Pokemon Grass Type Icon Pokemon Ice Type Icon Snow Warning
Icy Rock
Razor Leaf
Water Pulse
Pokemon BDSP SneaselSneasel
(Lvl. 38)
Pokemon Dark Type Icon Pokemon Ice Type Icon Pickpocket
Chople Berry
Metal Claw
Hone Claws
Pokemon BDSP MedichamMedicham
(Lvl. 40)
Pokemon Fighting Type Icon Pokemon Psychic Type Icon Pure Power
Expert Belt
Ice Punch
Bulk Up
Brick Break
Rock Slide
Pokemon BDSP AbomasnowAbomasnow
(Lvl. 42)
Pokemon Grass Type Icon Pokemon Ice Type Icon Snow Warning
Sitrus Berry
Aurora Veil
Giga Drain

Candice's Snowpoint Gym Puzzle

The Snowpoint Gym employs an icy floor puzzle where the player must slide around the room clearing large snowballs that they run into.

Gym Puzzle Solution Video

Snowpoint City Gym Puzzle Solution

When you slide through the ice with enough momentum, you can destroy the giant snow balls blocking the straight path to Candice. Follow the steps shown in the image above to destroy all the snowballs and clear the way to her platform.

Gym Puzzle Skip Bug

If you take one step to the left upon entering, slide across from the main entrance toward Candice, then tilt the stick slightly to the right while moving up, it's possible to slide up the ice wall and get to Candice without participating in the puzzle at all. Consider exploiting this bug for your next speedrun!

How to Beat Candice

Exploit the many weaknesses of Ice Types

Defensively, Ice types are pretty easy to handle. Candice, in particular, has 3/4 members of her team weak to Fire and Fighting. And even though her entire team is weak to Flying types, you may have trouble relying solely on them since they are weak to Ice-types. Having party members with Fire and Fighting type moves will help take care of this fight easily.

Have a Ghost or Flying Type ready for Medicham

Not all of Candice's Pokemon are ice-types though! She does have a Medicham on her roster which you can prepare for by bringing in your Flying or Ghost type at this point. It still has Ice Punch and Rock Slide to hit Flying-types back with, so be ready!

Beware Abomasnow's Earthquake

If you're relying on Fire types or Steel types, it's important to know that you shouldn't dilly-dally when facing off against Abomasnow as it does have Earthquake which can catch you off guard. Faster Fire-types such as Infernape and Rapidash shouldn't have much of an issue, but it's good to keep in mind just in case.

Best Team to Beat Candice

When Starting with Turtwig

Best Team to Beat Candice When Starting With Turtwig
Pokemon BDSP RapidashRapidash Pokemon BDSP StaraptorStaraptor Pokemon BDSP LucarioLucario

Much like the Gardenia fight, it might be best to keep the turtle benched for this fight. Rapidash should be able to make quick work of most of Candice's team thanks to it's Fire-typing, with Lucario ready as back up.

Staraptor is a reliable choice to handle Medicham by lowering it's attack with Intimidate before hitting hard with a Brave Bird.

When Starting with Chimchar

Best Team to Beat Candice When Starting With Chimchar
Pokemon BDSP InfernapeInfernape Pokemon BDSP JirachiJirachi Pokemon BDSP StaraptorStaraptor

Another easy one for players who started with Chimchar. Infernape will be able to set Candice's team ablaze in no time at all. Jirachi and Staraptor can step in, in case things get dicey. But it's highly unlikely for that to be necessary.

When Starting with Piplup

Best Team to Beat Candice When Starting With Piplup
Pokemon BDSP RapidashRapidash Pokemon BDSP LucarioLucario Pokemon BDSP EmpoleonEmpoleon

Without a lot of fire-types available, Rapidash will be your reliable bet for this battle once again. Leave it to Rapidash to burn most of the enemies down with your steel types Lucario and Empoleon ready for back-up.

All Candice Battles

All Candice Battles
Candice Gym Battle Candice Rematch

Previous and Next Gym Leaders

Previous Gym 7th Gym Next Gym
Byron Candice Volkner

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