Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP)

Riverbank Cave Hideaway and List of Pokemon

Riverbank Cave.png
This is a list of Pokemon that appear in the Riverbank Cave Hideaway in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP). Learn which Pokemon appear in this section of the Grand Underground.

How to Get to Riverbank Cave

Section Available Hideaways City / Route

Eastern and Western Zone
Pokemon BDSP - Riverbank Cave.png Riverbank Cave
Eterna City
Hearthome City
Veilstone City
・Routes connected to above.

Southwestern Zone
Pokemon BDSP - Riverbank Cave.png Riverbank Cave
Twinleaf Town
Jubilife City
Canalave City
・Routes connected to above.

Riverbank Cave can be accessed through the Eastern and Western Zone, and the Southwestern Zone of the Underground. Go underground in Eterna City, Hearthome City, Veilstone City, Twinleaf Town, Jubilife City, or Canalave City to find areas with Riverbank Cave.

List of Pokemon in Riverbank Cave Hideaway

Pokemon Type Appearance
Pokemon BDSP BulbasaurBulbasaur Grass Type Pokemon Poison Type Pokemon National
Pokemon BDSP SquirtleSquirtle Water Type Pokemon National
Pokemon BDSP CaterpieCaterpie Bug Type Pokemon National (BD)
Pokemon BDSP WeedleWeedle Bug Type Pokemon Poison Type Pokemon National (SP)
Pokemon BDSP RattataRattata Normal Type Pokemon National
Pokemon BDSP RaticateRaticate Normal Type Pokemon National
Pokemon BDSP EkansEkans Poison Type Pokemon National (BD)
Pokemon BDSP Nidoran♀Nidoran♀ Poison Type Pokemon National
Pokemon BDSP NidorinaNidorina Poison Type Pokemon National
Pokemon BDSP Nidoran♂Nidoran♂ Poison Type Pokemon National
Pokemon BDSP NidorinoNidorino Poison Type Pokemon National
Pokemon BDSP OddishOddish Grass Type Pokemon Poison Type Pokemon National
Pokemon BDSP GloomGloom Grass Type Pokemon Poison Type Pokemon National
Pokemon BDSP VenonatVenonat Bug Type Pokemon Poison Type Pokemon National
Pokemon BDSP VenomothVenomoth Bug Type Pokemon Poison Type Pokemon National
Pokemon BDSP PsyduckPsyduck Water Type Pokemon Start
Pokemon BDSP PoliwagPoliwag Water Type Pokemon National
Pokemon BDSP PoliwhirlPoliwhirl Water Type Pokemon National
Pokemon BDSP BellsproutBellsprout Grass Type Pokemon Poison Type Pokemon National
Pokemon BDSP WeepinbellWeepinbell Grass Type Pokemon Poison Type Pokemon National
Pokemon BDSP TentacoolTentacool Water Type Pokemon Poison Type Pokemon 7 Badges
Pokemon BDSP TentacruelTentacruel Water Type Pokemon Poison Type Pokemon 7 Badges
Pokemon BDSP SlowpokeSlowpoke Water Type Pokemon Psychic Type Pokemon National (SP)
Pokemon BDSP ShellderShellder Water Type Pokemon National
Pokemon BDSP CuboneCubone Ground Type Pokemon National
Pokemon BDSP LickitungLickitung Normal Type Pokemon Start
Pokemon BDSP HorseaHorsea Water Type Pokemon National
Pokemon BDSP StaryuStaryu Water Type Pokemon National
Pokemon BDSP ScytherScyther Bug Type Pokemon Flying Type Pokemon Start (BD)
Pokemon BDSP PinsirPinsir Bug Type Pokemon Start (SP)
Pokemon BDSP TaurosTauros Normal Type Pokemon National
Pokemon BDSP ChikoritaChikorita Grass Type Pokemon National
Pokemon BDSP TotodileTotodile Water Type Pokemon National
Pokemon BDSP HoothootHoothoot Normal Type Pokemon Flying Type Pokemon Strength
Pokemon BDSP LedianLedian Bug Type Pokemon Flying Type Pokemon National
Pokemon BDSP MurkrowMurkrow Dark Type Pokemon Flying Type Pokemon Start (BD)
Pokemon BDSP QwilfishQwilfish Water Type Pokemon Poison Type Pokemon National
Pokemon BDSP ShuckleShuckle Bug Type Pokemon Rock Type Pokemon National
Pokemon BDSP CorsolaCorsola Water Type Pokemon Rock Type Pokemon National
Pokemon BDSP OctilleryOctillery Water Type Pokemon Waterfall
Pokemon BDSP TyrogueTyrogue Fighting Type Pokemon National
Pokemon BDSP TreeckoTreecko Grass Type Pokemon National
Pokemon BDSP MudkipMudkip Water Type Pokemon National
Pokemon BDSP WurmpleWurmple Bug Type Pokemon Start
Pokemon BDSP SilcoonSilcoon Bug Type Pokemon Start (BD)
Pokemon BDSP CascoonCascoon Bug Type Pokemon Start (SP)
Pokemon BDSP LotadLotad Water Type Pokemon Grass Type Pokemon National (SP)
Pokemon BDSP LombreLombre Water Type Pokemon Grass Type Pokemon National (SP)
Pokemon BDSP SeedotSeedot Grass Type Pokemon National (BD)
Pokemon BDSP NuzleafNuzleaf Grass Type Pokemon Dark Type Pokemon National (BD)
Pokemon BDSP WingullWingull Water Type Pokemon Flying Type Pokemon Defog
Pokemon BDSP PelipperPelipper Water Type Pokemon Flying Type Pokemon 7 Badges
Pokemon BDSP SurskitSurskit Bug Type Pokemon Water Type Pokemon National
Pokemon BDSP NincadaNincada Bug Type Pokemon Ground Type Pokemon National
Pokemon BDSP CarvanhaCarvanha Water Type Pokemon Dark Type Pokemon National
Pokemon BDSP LunatoneLunatone Rock Type Pokemon Psychic Type Pokemon National (SP)
Pokemon BDSP SolrockSolrock Rock Type Pokemon Psychic Type Pokemon National (BD)
Pokemon BDSP BarboachBarboach Water Type Pokemon Ground Type Pokemon Strength
Pokemon BDSP WhiscashWhiscash Water Type Pokemon Ground Type Pokemon Waterfall
Pokemon BDSP CorphishCorphish Water Type Pokemon Dark Type Pokemon National
Pokemon BDSP CrawdauntCrawdaunt Water Type Pokemon Dark Type Pokemon National
Pokemon BDSP KecleonKecleon Normal Type Pokemon National (BD)
Pokemon BDSP ClamperlClamperl Water Type Pokemon National
Pokemon BDSP TurtwigTurtwig Grass Type Pokemon National
Pokemon BDSP PiplupPiplup Water Type Pokemon National
Pokemon BDSP BidoofBidoof Normal Type Pokemon Start
Pokemon BDSP BibarelBibarel Normal Type Pokemon Water Type Pokemon Strength
Pokemon BDSP KricketotKricketot Bug Type Pokemon Start
Pokemon BDSP BudewBudew Grass Type Pokemon Poison Type Pokemon Start
Pokemon BDSP BuizelBuizel Water Type Pokemon Start
Pokemon BDSP BunearyBuneary Normal Type Pokemon Start
Pokemon BDSP GlameowGlameow Normal Type Pokemon 7 Badges (SP)
Pokemon BDSP PuruglyPurugly Normal Type Pokemon Defog (SP)
Pokemon BDSP StunkyStunky Poison Type Pokemon Dark Type Pokemon Strength (BD)
Pokemon BDSP SkuntankSkuntank Poison Type Pokemon Dark Type Pokemon Strength (BD)
Pokemon BDSP GibleGible Dragon Type Pokemon Ground Type Pokemon 7 Badges
Pokemon BDSP GabiteGabite Dragon Type Pokemon Ground Type Pokemon Waterfall
Pokemon BDSP MunchlaxMunchlax Normal Type Pokemon Defog
Pokemon BDSP CroagunkCroagunk Poison Type Pokemon Fighting Type Pokemon Start
Pokemon BDSP MantykeMantyke Water Type Pokemon Flying Type Pokemon Waterfall

Pokemon BDSP Related Guides

Pokemon BDSP Grand Underground.png

Grand Underground Features

Grand Underground Pokemon Locations

Hideaways and List of Pokemon
Fountainspring CaveFountainspring Cave
Pokemon Water Type IconPokemon Grass Type Icon
Stargleam CavernStargleam Cavern
(Various types)
Dazzling Cave IconDazzling Cave
(Various types)
Grassland Cave IconGrassland Cave
Pokemon Grass Type IconPokemon Bug Type Icon
Spacious Cave IconSpacious Cave
(Various types)
Big Bluff Cavern Icon
Big Bluff Cavern

Pokemon Ground Type Icon
Riverbank CaveRiverbank Cave
(Various types)
Volcanic Cave IconVolcanic Cave
Pokemon Fire Type Icon
Sandsear Cave IconSandsear Cave
Pokemon Fire Type IconPokemon Ground Type Icon
Rocky Cave IconRocky Cave
Pokemon Ground Type IconPokemon Rock Type Icon
Bogsunk Cavern IconBogsunk Cavern
Pokemon Water Type IconPokemon Poison Type Icon
Still-Water Cavern IconStill-Water Cavern
Pokemon Water Type IconPokemon Grass Type Icon
Whiteout Cave IconWhiteout Cave
Pokemon Ice Type Icon
Icy Cave IconIcy Cave
Pokemon Ice Type IconPokemon Water Type Icon
Glacial Cavern IconGlacial Cavern
Pokemon Ice Type IconPokemon Water Type Icon
Swampy Cave IconSwampy Cave
Pokemon Grass Type IconPokemon Poison Type Icon
Typhlo Cavern IconTyphlo Cavern
Pokemon Fire Type Icon
Sunlit Cavern IconSunlit Cavern
(Various types)

All Grand Underground Pokemon Locations

Other Grand Underground Guides

Grand Underground Maps & Data
All Underground Pokemon Grand Underground Map: Items & NPC Locations
Grand Underground Guides
Pokemon Hideaways Underground Man Missions
List of Statues and Effects How to Get Shiny Statues
Digging for Treasure All Treasures and Appearance Rates
How to Make a Secret Base How to Find Diglett
Sphere Trader Locations List of Spheres
Removed Features
Capture the Flag Traps


1 Anonymousalmost 3 years

Wheedle is not available in Brilliant Diamond. I’ve looked dozens of times in the caves and caverns listed but I have never seen it, only caterpie.


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