Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel

All Normal (N) Rarity Spell Cards

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A list of all Normal (N) Rarity Spell Cards in Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel and where to get them!

List of All Normal (N) Rarity Spell Cards

Normal (N) Rarity Spell Cards by Type

Jump to Section
Normal Spell.pngNormal Equip Spell.pngEquip Quick-Play Spell.pngQuick-Play
Ritual Spell.pngRItual Continuous Spell.pngContinuous Field Spell.pngField

Normal Spell Cards

Card Name
A Feather of the Phoenix
A Wingbeat of Giant Dragon
A.I. Contact
A.I. Love Fusion
Absorb Fusion
Abyss Script - Fantasy Magic
Abyss Script - Fire Dragon's Lair
Abyss Script - Opening Ceremony
Abyssal Designator
Advance Draw
After the Struggle
Against the Wind
Amazing Pendulum
Amazoness Spellcaster
Ancient Gear Drill
Ancient Gear Explosive
Ancient Gear Factory
Ancient Gear Workshop
Ancient Telescope
Appliancer Reuse
Aqua Jet
Armed Dragon Blitz
Back to Square One
Back-Up Rider
Battery Charger
Battle Waltz
Beast Rage
Big Wave Small Wave
Black-Winged Strafe
Block Attack
Blue Medicine
Blustering Winds
Bonding - D20
Bonding - D2O
Bonding - H2O
Book of Taiyou
Branded Bond
Burning Draw
Burst Return
Burst Stream of Destruction
Calming Magic
Card Advance
Card Rotator
Chaos End
Chaos Greed
Chaos Seed
Chosen One
Cocoon Party
Constellar Star Cradle
Constellar Twinkle
Contract with Exodia
Contract with the Void
Corruption Cell "A"
Cost Down
Counter Cleaner
Creature Seizure
Cross Attack
Crystal Beacon
Crystal Blessing
Cubic Wave
Curse of Fiend
Cynet Fusion
D - Spirit
Danger! Response Team
Dark Burning Attack
Dark Designator
Dark Magic Attack
Dark Magic Twin Burst
Dark Mambele
Dark World Lightning
Dark-Piercing Light
Darkness Approaches
Decode Destruction
Delta Attacker
Des Croaking
Dian Keto the Cure Master
Different Dimension Capsule
Dimension Distortion
Dimension Fusion Destruction
Double Attack
Double Snare
Double Summon
Dowsing Fusion
Dragon's Gunfire
Dragonmaid Changeover
Drytron Eclipse
Dwimmered Path
Earthbound Immortal Revival
Elegant Egotist
Emergency Assistance
Evil Eye Awakening
Evolution Burst
Exile of the Wicked
Fairy of the Spring
Fake Hero
Falling Current
Faustian Bargain
Feast of the Wild LV5
Feather Shot
Fengsheng Mirror
Fifth Hope
Final Destiny
Final Gesture
Final Inzektion
Flourishing Frolic
Forbidden Trapezohedron
Fragrance Storm
Frightfur Reborn
Frost Blast of the Monarchs
Full-Force Strike
Fury of Fire
Fusion Recovery
Fusion Sage
Galactic Charity
Galaxy Queen's Light
Galaxy Trance
Gather Your Mind
Generaider Boss Quest
Gift of the Martyr
Gladiator Beast's Respite
Gladiator's Return
Goblin's Secret Remedy
Gold Moon Coin
Gouki Face Turn
Gouki Finishing Move
Gravedigger Ghoul
Gryphon's Feather Duster
Guts of Steel
H - Heated Heart
Harmonic Waves
Heraldry Reborn
Hero Flash!!
Hero Heart
Heroic Chance
Hi-Speed Re-Level
Hieratic Seal of Supremacy
Hieroglyph Lithograph
Ice Mirror
Infernity Paranoia
Iron Call
Iron Core Immediate Disposal
Jade Insect Whistle
Junk Box
Junk Puppet
Kaminote Blow
Knight's Title
Koa'ki Ring
Last Chapter of the Noble Knights
Last Day of Witch
Last Hope of Nephthys
Level Modulation
Level Tuning
Level Up!
Lightwave Tuning
Linear Accelerator Cannon
Link Burst
Link Hole
Lucky Cloud
Lyrilusc - Bird Strike
Magical Star Illusion
Magicians Unite
Magistus Invocation
Magistus Vrirtra
Magnet Circle LV2
Majestic Absorption
Malefic Selector
Mask Charge
Mathmech Equation
Mesmeric Control
Message in a Bottle
Mind Pollutant
Mind Trust
Miracle Dig
Miracle Rupture
Monster Slots
Mooyan Curry
Murmur of the Forest
Mustering of the Dark Scorpions
Mystic Box
Natural Tune
Necroid Synchro
Neutron Blast
O - Oversoul
Oni-Gami Combo
Overpowering Eye
Packet Swap
Painful Return
Parametalfoes Fusion
Particle Fusion
Pegasus Wing
Pendulum Fusion
Pendulum Storm
Pendulum Transfer
Pendulum Xyz
Performance Hurricane
Performapal Recasting
Phantasmal Martyrs
Photon Booster
Photon Hand
Plunder Patroll Shipshape Ships Shipping
Pot of Benevolence
Pot of Generosity
Power Capsule
Psychic Path
Puppet Ritual
R - Righteous Justice
Rain of Mercy
Raptor Wing Strike
Recycling Batteries
Red Dragon Vase
Red Medicine
Release Restraint
Remove Trap
Resonance Device
Return of the Doomed
Revoke Fusion
Ritual Foregone
Rose Bud
Ruthless Denial
Saber Slash
Salamangreat Recureance
Scarlet Security
Seal of the Ancients
Secret Pass to the Treasures
Shadow Toon
Share the Pain
Shield Crush
Shien's Spy
Shining Draw
Shock Surprise
Silent Doom
Six Strike - Triple Impact
Sky Striker Maneuver - Jamming Waves!
Sky Striker Maneuver - Scissors Cross
Sky Striker Maneuver - Vector Blast
Smashing Ground
Smile World
Solfachord Scale
Soul of Fire
Soul of the Pure
Soul Release
Special Schedule
Specimen Inspection
Spell Calling
Spell Gear
Spellbook Library of the Heliosphere
Spellbook of Eternity
Spellbook of Miracles
Spiral Fusion
Stamping Destruction
Star Light, Star Bright
Stop Defense
Stray Lambs
Summon Storm
Summoning Swarm
Super All In!
Super Quantal Alphan Spike
Supremacy Berry
Suture Rebirth
Swing of Memories
Synchro Blast Wave
Synchro Change
Synchro Cracker
Synchro Gift
Tail Swipe
Tannhauser Gate
That Wacky Magic!
The Big Cattle Drive
The Cheerful Coffin
The Flute of Summoning Dragon
The Graveyard in the Fourth Dimension
The Humble Sentry
The Inexperienced Spy
The Puppet Magic of Dark Ruler
The Secret of the Bandit
The Terminus of the Burning Abyss
The Warrior Returning Alive
Thousand Energy
Thousand Knives
Thunder Crash
Thunder Short
Token Sundae
Token Thanksgiving
Torpedo Takedown
Toy Parade
Triangle Ecstasy Spark
Triangle Power
Tribute Doll
Trickstar Festival
Trickstar Fusion
Twilight Twin Dragons
Tyrant Farm
Unicorn Beacon
Union Attack
Urgent Synthesis
Vampire's Desire
Variety Comes Out
Vision Fusion
Vision Release
Vylon Matter
Weights & Zenmaisures
Witchcrafter Collaboration
Witchcrafter Holiday
Wonder Clover
World Legacy's Heart
Wrath of Neos
Xyz Burst
Xyz Energy
XYZ Reception
Xyz Shift
Zexal Catapult

Equip Spell Cards

Card Name
"Infernoble Arms - Hauteclere"
7 Completed
Abyss-Scale of Cetus
Abyss-scale of the Mizuchi
Amazoness Heirloom
Ancient Gear Fist
Ancient Gear Tank
Armed Changer
Ballista of Rampart Smashing
Bashing Shield
Beacon of White
Beast Fangs
Book of Secret Arts
Borrel Regenerator
Bubble Blaster
Burning Spear
Buster Rancher
Cestus of Dagla
Chthonian Alliance
Core Blaster
Cursed Bill
Cyber Shield
Cyclon Laser
Cyclone Blade
Cyclone Boomerang
Danger! Feets of Strength!
Dark Energy
Dragon Treasure
Dragonic Attack
Ekibyo Drakmord
Elf's Light
Execution of the Contract
Fairy Meteor Crush
Follow Wind
Fulfillment of the Contract
Fusion Weapon
Germ Infection
Gladiator Beast's Battle Archfiend Shield
Gladiator Beast's Battle Gladius
Gladiator Beast's Battle Halberd
Gladiator Beast's Battle Manica
Glass Slippers
Glowing Crossbow
Gravity Axe - Grarl
Gravity Blaster
Grid Rod
Gust Fan
Heart of Clear Water
Horn of Light
Hydro Pressure Cannon
Instant Neo Space
Inzektor Axe - Zektahawk
Inzektor Crossbow - Zektarrow
Iron Core Armor
Junk Barrage
Kozmo Lightsword
Laser Cannon Armor
Legendary Black Belt
Legendary Ebon Steed
Legendary Sword
Light Laser
Lightning Blade
Lightsworn Sabre
Machine Conversion Factory
Magical Labyrinth
Malevolent Nuzzler
Mathmech Billionblade Nayuta
Metalsilver Armor
Mirror of Yata
Molting Escape
Morphtronic Cord
Morphtronic Engine
Morphtronic Repair Unit
Morphtronic Rusty Engine
Mystical Moon
Myutant Blast
Necklace of Command
Nephe Shaddoll Fusion
Nitro Unit
Noble Arms - Arfeudutyr
Noble Arms - Clarent
Omega Goggles
One-Shot Wand
Opti-Camouflage Armor
Orb of Yasaka
Parallel Panzer
Paralyzing Potion
Phantasm Spiral Crash
Phantasm Spiral Grip
Phantasm Spiral Wave
Power of Kaishin
Prevention Star
Psychic Sword
Raise Body Heat
Raptor's Ultimate Mace
Raregold Armor
Reptilianne Rage
Reverse Breaker
Rising Fire
Rising Sun Slash
Ritual Weapon
Rocket Pilder
Rod of Silence - Kay'est
Rod of the Mind's Eye
Scroll of Bewitchment
Shooting Star Bow - Ceal
Silver Bow and Arrow
Sky Striker Mecharmory - Hercules Base
Solitary Sword of Poison
Spark Blaster
Spirit Burner
SPYRAL GEAR - Fully Armed
Steel Shell
Stellarknight Alpha
Super Strident Blaze
Sword of Dark Destruction
Sword of Deep-Seated
Sword of Dragon's Soul
Sword of Kusanagi
Sword of Sparkles
Sword of the Soul-Eater
Synchro Boost
Thorn of Malice
Train Connection
Trial of the Princesses
Trickstar Magical Laurel
Twin Swords of Flashing Light - Tryce
Two Toads with One Sting
U.A. Powered Jersey
Vengeful Servant
Vicious Claw
Vile Germs
Violet Crystal
Wicked-Breaking Flamberge - Baou

Quick-Play Spell Cards

Card Name
Amazement Special Show
Appliancer Conversion
Artifacts Unleashed
Assault Mode Zero
Assault Overload
Assault Revival
Battle Tuned
Bayonet Punisher
Beast Magic Attack
Branded Opening
Bubble Illusion
Bubble Shuffle
Chaos Scepter Blast
Cold Feet
Combination Attack
Crashbug Road
Crusadia Power
Crusadia Testament
Cybernetic Fusion Support
Cybersal Cyclone
Cynet Backdoor
Cynet Crosswipe
Dimension Explosion
Double Cyclone
Double or Nothing!
Dragon Laser
Dragon's Fighting Spirit
Dragonmaid Send-Off
Dream Mirror of Chaos
Dual Avatar Defeating Evil
Ego Boost
Enemy Controller
Evil Eye Confrontation
F.A. Downforce
Factory of 100 Machines
First Step Towards Infestation
Flint Missile
Fog Control
Foolish Return
Form Change
Fullmetalfoes Fusion
Future Drive
Galaxy Storm
Gateway to Dark World
Gladiator Taming
Golden Gearbox
Graceful Dice
Grand Convergence
Gravity Lash
Guard Penalty
Guardragon Reincarnation
Hidden Fangs of Revenge
Hippo Carnival
Hyper Galaxy
Illusion Balloons
Illusion Magic
Indomitable Gladiator Beast
Jar Robber
Karakuri Gold Dust
Karma of the Destruction Swordsman
Koa'ki Meiru Initialize!
Legendary Wind-up Key
Level Down!?
Limit Overdrive
Magistus Theurgy
Magnificent Machine Angel
Majespecter Sonics
Majesty with Eyes of Blue
Malefic Divide
Malice Dispersion
March Towards Ragnarok
Megalith Unformed
Melffy Tag
Mind Wipe
Miraculous Rebirth
Mirage Tube
Mirror of the Ice Barrier
Monster Recovery
Mysterious Triangle
Nemeses Adrastea
Order to Charge
Photon Generator Unit
Photon Trident
Prank-Kids Pandemonium
Predaprime Fusion
Psychic Fervor
Pyramid Energy
Quick Booster
Quick Charger
Rage with Eyes of Blue
Rapid Trigger
Reverse of Neos
Ring of Defense
Rookie Fur Hire
Runaway Karakuri
S-Force Showdown
Saber Reflection
Sargasso Lighthouse
Scramble!! Scramble!!
Scrap Sheen
Searing Fire Wall
Sebek's Blessing
Secrets of Dark Magic
Seed of Deception
Six Scrolls of the Samurai
Sky Striker Mecha - Eagle Booster
Sky Striker Mecha - Shark Cannon
Smile Universe
Soul Reversal
Space Cyclone
Spellbook Organization
Stand In
Star Changer
Star Power!!
Strike of the Monarchs
Super Double Summon
Super Quantal Alphancall Appeal
Super Rush Headlong
Synchro Control
TA.I. Strike
Tailor of the Fickle
Telekinetic Power Well
Tellarknight Genesis
The Big March of Animals
The Book of the Law
The Reliable Guardian
Time Passage
Time Thief Startup
Trading Places
Transcendent Wings
Tri-Brigade Rendezvous
Trickstar Bouquet
Tricky Spell 4
Turning of the World
Tyrant Dino Fusion
U.A. Turnover Tactics
Uni-Song Tuning
Ursarctic Slider
Vertical Landing
Void Seer
Vylon Polytope
Wild Fire
Witchcrafter Draping
Witchcrafter Unveiling
Yosenju Wind Worship
Zombie Power Struggle

Ritual Spell Cards

Card Name
A.I.'s Ritual
Armor Dragon Ritual
Black Illusion Ritual
Black Luster Ritual
Black Magic Ritual
Commencement Dance
Contract with the Dark Master
Curse of the Masked Beast
Cycle of the World
Cynet Ritual
Dark Dragon Ritual
Emblem of the Awakening
Gishki Aquamirror
Gishki Photomirror
Good & Evil in the Burning Abyss
Hamburger Recipe
Hymn of Light
Impcantation Inception
Incandescent Ordeal
Litmus Doom Ritual
Luminous Dragon Ritual
Nekroz Mirror
Oracle of the Herald
Prediction Ritual
Primal Cry
Red-Eyes Transmigration
Revendread Evolution
Rise of the Salamangreat
Shinato's Ark
Shinobird's Calling
Sprite's Blessing
Super Soldier Synthesis
Synthesis Spell
Turtle Oath
White Dragon Ritual

Continuous Spell Cards

Card Name
"A" Cell Incubator
Abyss Prop - Wild Wagon
Abyss Script - Abysstainment
Amazoness Fighting Spirit
Ancient Warriors Saga - Borrowing of Arrows
Ancient Warriors Saga - East-by-South Winds
Ancient Warriors Saga - Sun-Liu Alliance
Aquarium Lighting
Aquarium Set
Aquarium Stage
Arcane Barrier
Ascending Soul
Attack Pheromones
Attraffic Control
Banner of Courage
Blessings of the Nile
Blockout Curtain
Borrel Supplier
Bubble Barrier
Burning Land
Call of the Mummy
Card Shuffle
Card Trader
Child's Play
Chronomaly Pyramid Eye Tablet
Chronomaly Temple - Trilithon
Cocoon Rebirth
Common Soul
Constellar Belt
Continuous Destruction Punch
Core Overclock
Cynet Recovery
D - Formation
D.D. Borderline
Dark Contract with the Entities
Dark Contract with the Swamp King
Dark Contract with the Yamimakai
Dark World Grimoire
Different Dimension Deepsea Trench
Domino Effect
Double Defender
Dragon Mastery
Dragonmaid Welcome
Dust Barrier
Electromagnetic Shield
Everliving Underworld Cannon
F.A. Winners
Fire Formation - Domei
Fire Formation - Ingen
Forbidden Dark Contract with the Swamp King
Frightfur Factory
Future Glow
Generaider Boss Loot
Gingerbread House
Goddess Skuld's Oracle
Goddess Urd's Verdict
Goddess Verdande's Guidance
Gogogo Talisman
Graydle Impact
Guarded Treasure
Hazy Pillar
Heavy Forward
Hollow Giants
Impenetrable Formation
Incarnated Machine Angel
Infected Mail
Infinite Cards
Jam Breeding Machine
Kishido Spirit
Lighten the Load
Lightsworn Sanctuary
Machina Defense Perimeter
Magician's Left Hand
Magician's Restage
Magician's Right Hand
March of the Monarchs
Marshmallon Glasses
Melffy Hide-and-Seek
Mokey Mokey Smackdown
Morale Boost
Mystical Cards of Light
Mythical Institution
Nagel's Protection
Non-Spellcasting Area
Orcustrated Einsatz
Out of the Blue
Outrigger Extension
Paralyzing Chain
Phantom Knights' Spear
Poison Chain
Poison Fangs
Poisonous Winds
Prank-Kids Pranks
Precious Cards from Beyond
Primordial Soup
Pyramid of Wonders
Resonant Destruction
Ritual Cage
Ruins of the Divine Dragon Lords
Scrap Lube
Secret Sanctuary of the Spellcasters
Seed Cannon
Senet Switch
Senri Eye
Shien's Dojo
Shifting Shadows
Shiranui Style Solemnity
Spiral Spear Strike
Spirit Message "A"
Spirit Message "I"
Spirit Message "L"
Spirit Message "N"
Spiritual Energy Settle Machine
Spiritual Forest
Spring of Rebirth
Staring Contest
Starry Knight Ceremony
Subterror Cave Clash
Summon Cloud
Sunvine Cross Breed
Synchro Chase
Talisman of Trap Sealing
Temple of the Sun
The A. Forces
The Dark Door
The Fountain in the Sky
The Kaiju Files
The Resolute Meklord Army
The Second Sarcophagus
The Third Sarcophagus
The Weather Rainy Canvas
The Weather Sunny Canvas
Time Thief Hack
Toon World
Toy Vendor
Tri-Brigade Stand-Off
Two-Man Cell Battle
Vampire's Domain
Veil of Darkness
Vendread Nightmare
Vengeful Bog Spirit
Vylon Element
Wailing of the Unchained Souls
War Rock Ordeal
Weapon Change
Whitefish Salvage
Witchcrafter Bystreet
Witchcrafter Scroll
World Legacy Key
World Legacy's Corruption
Worm Call
Yang Zing Prana
Yellow Luster Shield
Yosen Training Grounds
Yosen Whirlwind
Zero Extra Link

Field Spell Cards

Card Name
A Legendary Ocean
Acidic Downpour
Amorphous Persona
Aroma Garden
Array of Revealing Light
Breaking of the World
Centrifugal Field
Chaos Zone
Chorus of Sanctuary
Colosseum - Cage of the Gladiator Beasts
Crusadia Revival
Crystolic Potential
Cynet Storm
Cynet Universe
Danger! Disturbance! Disorder!
Dark City
Defense Zone
Despia, Theater of the Branded
Dinomic Powerload
Dogmatika Nation
Doll House
Euler's Circuit
F.A. Circuit Grand Prix
F.A. City Grand Prix
F.A. Off-Road Grand Prix
Fire Prison
Flawless Perfection of the Tenyi
Fortissimo the Mobile Fortress
Gaia Power
Ghostrick Parade
Gouki Cage Match
Gunkan Sushipyard Seaside Supper Spot
Jurassic World
Kyoutou Waterfront
Laser Qlip
Lemuria, The Forgotten City
Live☆Twin Channel
Luminous Spark
Marincess Battle Ocean
Mausoleum of White
Megalith Portal
Metaphys Factor
Molten Destruction
Mystic Plasma Zone
Neo Space
Ogdoadic Origin
Otherworld - The "A" Zone
PSY-Frame Circuit
Realm of Light
Rising Air Current
Saber Vault
Sargasso the D.D. Battlefield
Shien's Castle of Mist
Shiranui Style Synthesis
Skyscraper 2 - Hero City
Smile Action
Sorcerous Spell Wall
Spider Web
Starlight Junktion
Starry Knight Sky
Summon Over
Temple of the Mind's Eye
The Nordic Lights
The Seal of Orichalcos
Trickstar Light Arena
Trickstar Live Stage
Vampire Kingdom
Void Expansion
World Legacy Discovery
World Legacy Scars
World Legacy's Nightmare
Zodiac Sign

Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel Related Guides



List of All Spell Cards

General Staple Cards

Best Cards
Best Searchers Best Hand Traps

The Best Cards to Craft

By Type

Spell Cards by Type
Normal SpellNormal Equip SpellEquip Quick-Play SpellQuick-Play
Ritual SpellRitual ContinuousContinuous Field SpellField

By Rarity

Card Rarities


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