Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel

All Ultra Rare (UR) Spell Cards

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All Ultra Rare (UR) Spell Cards in Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel. Read on to find out more about each card in this category, what their effects are, and how you can fit them to your Decks!

List of All Ultra Rare (UR) Spell Cards

Ultra Rare (UR) Spell Cards by Type

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Normal Spell.pngNormal Equip Spell.pngEquip Quick-Play Spell.pngQuick-Play
Ritual Spell.pngRItual Continuous Spell.pngContinuous Field Spell.pngField

Normal UR Spell Cards

A Hero LivesA Hero Lives Advanced Heraldry ArtAdvanced Heraldry Art Angel of Blue TearsAngel of Blue Tears
BarianBarian's Chaos Draw Bingo Machine, Go!!!Bingo Machine, Go!!! BonfireBonfire
Branded FusionBranded Fusion Card DestructionCard Destruction Card of FateCard of Fate
Change of HeartChange of Heart Charge of the Light BrigadeCharge of the Light Brigade Cold WaveCold Wave
ConfiscationConfiscation Crystal BondCrystal Bond Cynet MiningCynet Mining
Dark Ruler No MoreDark Ruler No More Dark SpiritDark Spirit's Mastery Delinquent DuoDelinquent Duo
Diamond Core of KoaDiamond Core of Koa'ki Meiru Dimension FusionDimension Fusion Draw of FateDraw of Fate
Endless Engine Argyro SystemEndless Engine Argyro System Evil Eyes UnleashedEvil Eyes Unleashed FiendsmithFiendsmith's Tract
Final CountdownFinal Countdown Focused AquamirrorFocused Aquamirror Foolish BurialFoolish Burial
Fortune Lady CallingFortune Lady Calling Fossil DigFossil Dig Fossil FusionFossil Fusion
Fusion ArmamentFusion Armament Fusion DeploymentFusion Deployment Giant TrunadeGiant Trunade
Gold SarcophagusGold Sarcophagus Gouki Re-MatchGouki Re-Match Graceful CharityGraceful Charity
Gravity BalanceGravity Balance Ground XenoGround Xeno HarpieHarpie's Feather Duster
Heavy StormHeavy Storm Heroic CallHeroic Call Heroic EnvoyHeroic Envoy
Hieratic Seal of ConvocationHieratic Seal of Convocation Instant FusionInstant Fusion Interrupted Kaiju SlumberInterrupted Kaiju Slumber
KashtiratheosisKashtiratheosis Land FlippingLand Flipping Last WillLast Will
Lightning StormLightning Storm Link into the VRAINS!Link into the VRAINS! Lullaby of ObedienceLullaby of Obedience
Magical Stone ExcavationMagical Stone Excavation Margin TradingMargin Trading Memories of HopeMemories of Hope
Mind ControlMind Control Monster RebornMonster Reborn Monster Reborn RebornMonster Reborn Reborn
Moray of AvariceMoray of Avarice Nadir ServantNadir Servant Neos FusionNeos Fusion
Numbers EveilNumbers Eveil Ogdoadic Water LilyOgdoadic Water Lily One Day of PeaceOne Day of Peace
One for OneOne for One OnomatopairaOnomatopaira Onslaught of the Fire KingsOnslaught of the Fire Kings
OstinatoOstinato Painful ChoicePainful Choice Pot of GreedPot of Greed
Primal SeedPrimal Seed RaigekiRaigeki Rank-Up-Magic  - The Seventh OneRank-Up-Magic - The Seventh One
Rank-Up-Magic Argent Chaos ForceRank-Up-Magic Argent Chaos Force Ready FusionReady Fusion Reinforcement of the ArmyReinforcement of the Army
RekindlingRekindling Ride of the ValkyriesRide of the Valkyries Rite of AramesirRite of Aramesir
Sales BanSales Ban Secret PasswordSecret Password Seventh AscensionSeventh Ascension
ShadowShadow's Light Simorgh OnslaughtSimorgh Onslaught Sky Striker Mobilize - Engage!Sky Striker Mobilize - Engage!
Slash DrawSlash Draw Snake RainSnake Rain Solfachord EleganceSolfachord Elegance
Spell Card “Monster Reborn”Spell Card “Monster Reborn” Spellbook of SecretsSpellbook of Secrets SpellboundSpellbound
Stake your Soul!Stake your Soul! Sweet Dreams, NemleriaSweet Dreams, Nemleria Sylvan CharitySylvan Charity
Symbol of FriendshipSymbol of Friendship Tales of the White ForestTales of the White Forest TerraformingTerraforming
That Grass Looks GreenerThat Grass Looks Greener The Forceful SentryThe Forceful Sentry The Hallowed AzaminaThe Hallowed Azamina
The Melody of Awakening DragonThe Melody of Awakening Dragon Ties of the BrethrenTies of the Brethren Time-Tearing MorganiteTime-Tearing Morganite
Tokusano ShinkyojinTokusano Shinkyojin Trade-InTrade-In Traptantalizing TuneTraptantalizing Tune
Triple Tactics TalentTriple Tactics Talent Triple Tactics ThrustTriple Tactics Thrust TuningTuning
Ultimate SlayerUltimate Slayer Upstart GoblinUpstart Goblin Uradora of FateUradora of Fate
Void ReignitionVoid Reignition Witchcrafter Confusion ConfessionWitchcrafter Confusion Confession Yu-Jo FriendshipYu-Jo Friendship
Zexal ConstructionZexal Construction

Equip UR Spell Cards

Double-Edged SwordDouble-Edged Sword Golden RuleGolden Rule Mikanko Fire DanceMikanko Fire Dance
Mikanko Water ArabesqueMikanko Water Arabesque Original Bamboo SwordOriginal Bamboo Sword Premature BurialPremature Burial
Smoke Grenade of the ThiefSmoke Grenade of the Thief Snatch StealSnatch Steal United We StandUnited We Stand

Quick-Play UR Spell Cards

Berserker SoulBerserker Soul Called by the GraveCalled by the Grave Chain StrikeChain Strike
Clashing SoulsClashing Souls Cocoon of Ultra EvolutionCocoon of Ultra Evolution Crossout DesignatorCrossout Designator
DualityDuality Earthbound FusionEarthbound Fusion Emblema OathEmblema Oath
EMERGENCY!EMERGENCY! Exosister PaxExosister Pax Floowandereeze and the Advent of AdventureFloowandereeze and the Advent of Adventure
Forbidden DropletForbidden Droplet Limiter RemovalLimiter Removal MetaltronusMetaltronus
Ninjitsu Art Notebook of MysteryNinjitsu Art Notebook of Mystery OjamatchOjamatch Pig Iron vs. Pen PegPig Iron vs. Pen Peg
Purrely Sleepy MemoryPurrely Sleepy Memory Rank-Up-Magic Quick ChaosRank-Up-Magic Quick Chaos Runick TipRunick Tip
Saga of the Dragon EmperorSaga of the Dragon Emperor Sangen KaimenSangen Kaimen ScapegoatScapegoat
Set RotationSet Rotation Sky Striker Mobilize - Linkage!Sky Striker Mobilize - Linkage! Soul ServantSoul Servant
Spirit CharmersSpirit Charmers Spright StarterSpright Starter Super PolymerizationSuper Polymerization
SwallowSwallow's Cowrie The Breaking Ruin GodThe Breaking Ruin God UnityUnity
WANTED: Seeker of Sinful SpoilsWANTED: Seeker of Sinful Spoils Wings of LightWings of Light

Ritual UR Spell Cards

Meteonis DrytronMeteonis Drytron

Continuous UR Spell Cards

Awakening of the PossessedAwakening of the Possessed Barrier of the Voiceless VoiceBarrier of the Voiceless Voice Branded LostBranded Lost
Brilliant FusionBrilliant Fusion Card of Safe ReturnCard of Safe Return Constellar TellarknightsConstellar Tellarknights
Crimson GaiaCrimson Gaia Deception of the Sinful SpoilsDeception of the Sinful Spoils Gateway of the SixGateway of the Six
Gold Pride - Better Luck Next Time!Gold Pride - Better Luck Next Time! Infernity LauncherInfernity Launcher Legacy of the DuelistLegacy of the Duelist
Mass DriverMass Driver My Friend PurrelyMy Friend Purrely Overload Future FusionOverload Future Fusion
Salamangreat Burst GryphonSalamangreat Burst Gryphon Shining SarcophagusShining Sarcophagus Tearlaments ScreamTearlaments Scream
The True Sun GodThe True Sun God The World LegacyThe World Legacy Toy BoxToy Box
Zoodiac BarrageZoodiac Barrage

Field UR Spell Cards

Appliancer Electrilyrical WorldAppliancer Electrilyrical World B.E.F ZelosB.E.F Zelos Barian UntopiaBarian Untopia
Chicken GameChicken Game Dark SanctuaryDark Sanctuary Deskbot BaseDeskbot Base
Divine Domain BaatistinaDivine Domain Baatistina Domain of the True MonarchsDomain of the True Monarchs Dragon RavineDragon Ravine
Ecole de ZoneEcole de Zone GeartownGeartown Golden Castle of StrombergGolden Castle of Stromberg
Grand Spiritual Art - IchirinGrand Spiritual Art - Ichirin Icejade Cenote Enion CradleIcejade Cenote Enion Cradle Libromancer First AppearanceLibromancer First Appearance
Magical Mid-Breaker FieldMagical Mid-Breaker Field Mystic MineMystic Mine NecrovalleyNecrovalley
Nightmare ThroneNightmare Throne Nouvelles Restaurant "At Table"Nouvelles Restaurant "At Table" Numeron NetworkNumeron Network
Palace of the Elemental LordsPalace of the Elemental Lords Peaceful Planet CalariumPeaceful Planet Calarium Plunder Patroll ShipyarrrdPlunder Patroll Shipyarrrd
Pressured Planet WraithsothPressured Planet Wraithsoth Primeval Planet PerlereinoPrimeval Planet Perlereino Primitive Planet ReichphobiaPrimitive Planet Reichphobia
Runick FountainRunick Fountain Sky IrisSky Iris The Gates of Dark WorldThe Gates of Dark World
Therion DiscolosseumTherion Discolosseum Toon KingdomToon Kingdom Trickstar Light StageTrickstar Light Stage
Vaylantz World - Konig WissenVaylantz World - Konig Wissen Vaylantz World - Shinra BanshoVaylantz World - Shinra Bansho Zombie WorldZombie World

Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel Related Guides



List of All Spell Cards

General Staple Cards

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Best Searchers Best Hand Traps

The Best Cards to Craft

By Type

Spell Cards by Type
Normal SpellNormal Equip SpellEquip Quick-Play SpellQuick-Play
Ritual SpellRitual ContinuousContinuous Field SpellField

By Rarity

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