Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel

All Super Rare (SR) Spell Cards

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These are all the Super Rare (SR) Rarity Spell Cards in Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel. Read on to find out more about each card in this category, what their effects are, and how you can fit them to your Decks!

List of All Super Rare (SR) Spell Cards

Super Rare (SR) Spell Cards by Type

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Normal Spell.pngNormal Equip Spell.pngEquip Quick-Play Spell.pngQuick-Play
Ritual Spell.pngRItual Continuous Spell.pngContinuous Field Spell.pngField

SR Normal Spell Cards

1st Movement Solo1st Movement Solo A Wild Monster Appears!A Wild Monster Appears! A.I. Meet YouA.I. Meet You
Abyss ActorsAbyss Actors' Dress Rehearsal Abyss Script - Rise of the Abyss KingAbyss Script - Rise of the Abyss King Adamancipator SignsAdamancipator Signs
AfterglowAfterglow Allure of DarknessAllure of Darkness Ancient ChantAncient Chant
Ancient Gear CatapultAncient Gear Catapult Ancient Gear FusionAncient Gear Fusion Ancient LeafAncient Leaf
AnteAnte Appliancer TestAppliancer Test Aqua Chorus RoundAqua Chorus Round
Arcana ReadingArcana Reading Armored XyzArmored Xyz Ayers Rock SunriseAyers Rock Sunrise
Banishment of the DarklordsBanishment of the Darklords Beetrooper DescentBeetrooper Descent Birth of the Prominence FlameBirth of the Prominence Flame
Boogie TrapBoogie Trap Branded in WhiteBranded in White Card of DemiseCard of Demise
Card of the SoulCard of the Soul Cards from the SkyCards from the Sky Cards of ConsonanceCards of Consonance
Celestial ObservatoryCelestial Observatory Chaos SpaceChaos Space Charged-Up HeraldryCharged-Up Heraldry
Chronomaly TechnologyChronomaly Technology Cloudian AerosolCloudian Aerosol Creature SwapCreature Swap
Creeping DarknessCreeping Darkness Cross BreedCross Breed Cross OverCross Over
Crystal AbundanceCrystal Abundance Cyber EmergencyCyber Emergency Cybernetic HorizonCybernetic Horizon
Dark CallingDark Calling Dark CorridorDark Corridor Dark ElementDark Element
Dark FusionDark Fusion Dark HoleDark Hole Dark World DealingsDark World Dealings
Deep Sea AriaDeep Sea Aria Destiny DrawDestiny Draw Dice DungeonDice Dungeon
Diffusion Wave-MotionDiffusion Wave-Motion Dimer SynthesisDimer Synthesis Double Evolution PillDouble Evolution Pill
Dragged Down into the GraveDragged Down into the Grave Dragon ShrineDragon Shrine DragonDragon's Mirror
Dragonmaid HospitalityDragonmaid Hospitality Drastic DrawDrastic Draw Dual Avatar InvitationDual Avatar Invitation
Duelist AllianceDuelist Alliance Duelist GenesisDuelist Genesis E - Emergency CallE - Emergency Call
Eldlixir of Black AwakeningEldlixir of Black Awakening EN - Engage Neo SpaceEN - Engage Neo Space EN ShuffleEN Shuffle
Evil MindEvil Mind Evo-DiversityEvo-Diversity Evo-ForceEvo-Force
ExchangeExchange Extra PendulumExtra Pendulum Extra-Foolish BurialExtra-Foolish Burial
Face Card FusionFace Card Fusion Fire EjectionFire Ejection Fish SonarFish Sonar
Five Star TwilightFive Star Twilight Foolish Burial GoodsFoolish Burial Goods Forge of the True DracosForge of the True Dracos
Frightfur FusionFrightfur Fusion Frightfur PatchworkFrightfur Patchwork Fury of Kairyu-ShinFury of Kairyu-Shin
Gagaga Academy Emergency NetworkGagaga Academy Emergency Network Galaxy CycloneGalaxy Cyclone Gem-Knight FusionGem-Knight Fusion
Generation ForceGeneration Force Gift ExchangeGift Exchange Gladiator Proving GroundGladiator Proving Ground
Goblin Biker Grand EntranceGoblin Biker Grand Entrance Gold Pride - The Crowd Goes Wild!Gold Pride - The Crowd Goes Wild! Golden Bamboo SwordGolden Bamboo Sword
GravekeeperGravekeeper's Inscription Greater PolymerizationGreater Polymerization Heat WaveHeat Wave
Herald of the AbyssHerald of the Abyss Heritage of the ChaliceHeritage of the Chalice Hey, Trunade!Hey, Trunade!
Hidden ArmoryHidden Armory Hieratic Seal of CreationHieratic Seal of Creation Hyper Rank-Up-Magic UtopiforceHyper Rank-Up-Magic Utopiforce
Icejade CradleIcejade Cradle Icejade ManifestationIcejade Manifestation Inferno Fire BlastInferno Fire Blast
Instant ContactInstant Contact Into the VoidInto the Void InvocationInvocation
Iron DrawIron Draw Jackpot 7Jackpot 7 JokerJoker's Straight
Karakuri Cash CacheKarakuri Cash Cache Kuji-Kiri CurseKuji-Kiri Curse Law of the CosmosLaw of the Cosmos
Ledger of LegerdemainLedger of Legerdemain Left Arm OfferingLeft Arm Offering Lunalight FusionLunalight Fusion
Lyrilusc - Bird CallLyrilusc - Bird Call Machina RedeploymentMachina Redeployment Machine DuplicationMachine Duplication
Made to Order Mermaid Outfit OutfitterMade to Order Mermaid Outfit Outfitter Magical Contract DoorMagical Contract Door Magicalized FusionMagicalized Fusion
Magnet InductionMagnet Induction Mannadium AbscissionMannadium Abscission Marincess DiveMarincess Dive
Materiactor AnnulusMateriactor Annulus Mayakashi ReturnMayakashi Return Medallion of the Ice BarrierMedallion of the Ice Barrier
Metalfoes FusionMetalfoes Fusion MetamorphosisMetamorphosis Miracle ContactMiracle Contact
Molten Conduction FieldMolten Conduction Field Monster GateMonster Gate Morphtronic ConverterMorphtronic Converter
MutamorphosisMutamorphosis Necrovalley ThroneNecrovalley Throne Night BeamNight Beam
Ninjitsu Art of Mosquito MarchingNinjitsu Art of Mosquito Marching Nordic Relic HlidskjalfNordic Relic Hlidskjalf Numbers Last HopeNumbers Last Hope
Obedience SchooledObedience Schooled Odd-Eyes FusionOdd-Eyes Fusion OilOil
OjamagicOjamagic OjamassimilationOjamassimilation Original Sinful Spoils - Snake-EyeOriginal Sinful Spoils - Snake-Eye
Overlay NetworkOverlay Network Painful DecisionPainful Decision Pantheism of the MonarchsPantheism of the Monarchs
Peeking GoblinPeeking Goblin Pendulum CallPendulum Call Pendulum ParadoxPendulum Paradox
Pendulum TreasurePendulum Treasure Photon SanctuaryPhoton Sanctuary Piri Reis MapPiri Reis Map
Pot of AvaricePot of Avarice Pot of DesiresPot of Desires Pot of DichotomyPot of Dichotomy
Pot of DualityPot of Duality Pot of ExtravagancePot of Extravagance Pot of ProsperityPot of Prosperity
Pre-Preparation of RitesPre-Preparation of Rites Preparation of RitesPreparation of Rites Psychic Feel ZonePsychic Feel Zone
Raidraptor - CallRaidraptor - Call Rainbow BridgeRainbow Bridge Rank-Down-Magic Numeron FallRank-Down-Magic Numeron Fall
Rank-Up-Magic Admiration of the ThousandsRank-Up-Magic Admiration of the Thousands Rank-Up-Magic Astral ForceRank-Up-Magic Astral Force Rank-Up-Magic BarianRank-Up-Magic Barian's Force
Rank-Up-Magic Zexal ForceRank-Up-Magic Zexal Force Rare ValueRare Value Realm ElegyRealm Elegy
ReasoningReasoning Recurring NightmareRecurring Nightmare Red-Eyes FusionRed-Eyes Fusion
Red-Eyes InsightRed-Eyes Insight Resonator CallResonator Call Return of the Dragon LordsReturn of the Dragon Lords
Reversal QuizReversal Quiz Rikka GlamourRikka Glamour Ring AnnouncerRing Announcer
Riryoku GuardianRiryoku Guardian Rose Bell of RevelationRose Bell of Revelation Royal TributeRoyal Tribute
Sacred Sword of Seven StarsSacred Sword of Seven Stars ScrapyardScrapyard SekkaSekka's Light
Shaddoll FusionShaddoll Fusion ShienShien's Smoke Signal Single PurchaseSingle Purchase
Small WorldSmall World Solar RechargeSolar Recharge Soul ChargeSoul Charge
Speed RecoverySpeed Recovery Speedroid ScratchSpeedroid Scratch Spell Card “Soul Exchange”Spell Card “Soul Exchange”
Spell Power MasterySpell Power Mastery Spellbook of KnowledgeSpellbook of Knowledge Spellbook of the MasterSpellbook of the Master
Spiral Flame StrikeSpiral Flame Strike Springans WatchSpringans Watch Stardust IlluminationStardust Illumination
Starry Knight BalefireStarry Knight Balefire Summon DiceSummon Dice Super Koi KoiSuper Koi Koi
Swords of Revealing LightSwords of Revealing Light Swordsoul EmergenceSwordsoul Emergence Synchro CreedSynchro Creed
Synchro OvertakeSynchro Overtake T.G. Limiter RemovalT.G. Limiter Removal Tenacity of the MonarchsTenacity of the Monarchs
The Beginning of the EndThe Beginning of the End The Eye of TimaeusThe Eye of Timaeus The Fang of CritiasThe Fang of Critias
The Law of the NormalThe Law of the Normal The Mask of RemnantsThe Mask of Remnants The Sacred Waters in the SkyThe Sacred Waters in the Sky
Therion ChargeTherion Charge This Creepy Little PunkThis Creepy Little Punk Thunder Dragon FusionThunder Dragon Fusion
Time StreamTime Stream Toon BookmarkToon Bookmark Toon Table of ContentsToon Table of Contents
TransmodifyTransmodify Triangle OTriangle O Tribute BurialTribute Burial
TunerTuner's High Ultra PolymerizationUltra Polymerization Unexpected DaiUnexpected Dai
Ursarctic DepartureUrsarctic Departure Utopia BusterUtopia Buster Vaalmonica SceltaVaalmonica Scelta
Vaylantz Wakening - Solo ActivationVaylantz Wakening - Solo Activation Vehicroid Connection ZoneVehicroid Connection Zone Vessel for the Dragon CycleVessel for the Dragon Cycle
Voici la Carte (TodayVoici la Carte (Today's Menu) WattrainWattrain White Circle ReefWhite Circle Reef
Windwitch ChimesWindwitch Chimes Wise ManWise Man's Chalice WisemanWiseman's Chalice
Witchcrafter CreationWitchcrafter Creation World Legacy SuccessionWorld Legacy Succession Yosenju Oroshi ChannelingYosenju Oroshi Channeling
Zefra ProvidenceZefra Providence Zektrike Kou-ouZektrike Kou-ou ZERO-MAXZERO-MAX
Zombie NecronizeZombie Necronize Zombie RebornZombie Reborn

SR Equip Spell Card

"Infernoble Arms - Almace""Infernoble Arms - Almace" AngelicaAngelica's Angelic Ring Butterfly Dagger - ElmaButterfly Dagger - Elma
Cursed Bamboo SwordCursed Bamboo Sword Disposable Learner DeviceDisposable Learner Device Divine Sword - Phoenix BladeDivine Sword - Phoenix Blade
Dragunity Divine LanceDragunity Divine Lance Evil Eye of GorgoneioEvil Eye of Gorgoneio Evil Eye of SeleneEvil Eye of Selene
Fleuret de FleurFleuret de Fleur Inzektor Sword - ZektkaliberInzektor Sword - Zektkaliber KahyoreigetsuKahyoreigetsu
Living FossilLiving Fossil Mikanko Dance - MayowashidoriMikanko Dance - Mayowashidori Overdone BurialOverdone Burial
Power of the GuardiansPower of the Guardians Ring of MagnetismRing of Magnetism Spellbook of LifeSpellbook of Life
Stoic ChallengeStoic Challenge Supermagic Sword of RaptinusSupermagic Sword of Raptinus SuperviseSupervise
Symbol of HeritageSymbol of Heritage Wonder WandWonder Wand Xyz UnitXyz Unit

SR Quick-Play Cards

"A" Cell Recombination Device"A" Cell Recombination Device A Deal with Dark RulerA Deal with Dark Ruler Action Magic - Full TurnAction Magic - Full Turn
Ages of Stars and FrostAges of Stars and Frost Amazing Time TicketAmazing Time Ticket Amazoness CallAmazoness Call
Anti-Magic ArrowsAnti-Magic Arrows ArrivalrivalsArrivalrivals Artifact IgnitionArtifact Ignition
Basal Rose ShootBasal Rose Shoot Battle FusionBattle Fusion Book of EclipseBook of Eclipse
Book of Lunar EclipseBook of Lunar Eclipse BowntyBownty Branded in High SpiritsBranded in High Spirits
Burial from a Different DimensionBurial from a Different Dimension Burning SoulBurning Soul Chain SummoningChain Summoning
Chimera FusionChimera Fusion Circle of the Fire KingsCircle of the Fire Kings Concours de Cuisine (Culinary Confrontation)Concours de Cuisine (Culinary Confrontation)
Cosmic CycloneCosmic Cyclone Cyber Energy ShockCyber Energy Shock Demise of the LandDemise of the Land
DicephoonDicephoon Draco Face-OffDraco Face-Off Dragunity WhirlwindDragunity Whirlwind
Dramatic Snake-Eye ChaseDramatic Snake-Eye Chase Edge of the RingEdge of the Ring El Shaddoll FusionEl Shaddoll Fusion
Emergency TeleportEmergency Teleport Extra GateExtra Gate Fighting Flame SwordFighting Flame Sword
Final CrossFinal Cross Forbidden LanceForbidden Lance Frozen RoseFrozen Rose
Geargia ChangeGeargia Change Gemini SparkGemini Spark Generation NextGeneration Next
Gladiator Beast UnitedGladiator Beast United Igknights UniteIgknights Unite Inferno Reckless SummonInferno Reckless Summon
Infestation PandemicInfestation Pandemic Link BoundLink Bound Live☆Twin HomeLive☆Twin Home
Magical Musket - Cross-DominationMagical Musket - Cross-Domination Magical SpringMagical Spring Majespecter WindMajespecter Wind
Mask ChangeMask Change Mask Change IIMask Change II Mementotlan Bone PartyMementotlan Bone Party
Mementotlan FusionMementotlan Fusion Mischief of the Time GoddessMischief of the Time Goddess Mistaken ArrestMistaken Arrest
Ogdoadic DaybreakOgdoadic Daybreak OverexaggerationOverexaggeration Phantom KnightsPhantom Knights' Rank-Up-Magic Force
Photon Stream of DestructionPhoton Stream of Destruction Play of the TIstinaPlay of the TIstina Pot of AcquisitivenessPot of Acquisitiveness
Quick LaunchQuick Launch Rank-Up-Magic Cipher AscensionRank-Up-Magic Cipher Ascension Realm EulogyRealm Eulogy
RebellionRebellion Relinquished FusionRelinquished Fusion Rise Rank-Up-Magic RaidraptorRise Rank-Up-Magic Raidraptor's Force
Runick DestructionRunick Destruction Runick Flashing FireRunick Flashing Fire Runick Freezing CursesRunick Freezing Curses
Runick Golden DropletRunick Golden Droplet Salamangreat ChargeSalamangreat Charge Salamangreat CircleSalamangreat Circle
Satellarknight SkybridgeSatellarknight Skybridge Scareclaw StraddleScareclaw Straddle ScrapstormScrapstorm
Seventh ForceSeventh Force Shared RideShared Ride SilverSilver's Cry
Sky Striker Mecha - Hornet DronesSky Striker Mecha - Hornet Drones Sky Striker Mecha - Widow AnchorSky Striker Mecha - Widow Anchor Sol and LunaSol and Luna
Solfachord SymphonySolfachord Symphony Soul CrossingSoul Crossing SpeedliftSpeedlift
Speedroid WheelSpeedroid Wheel Spell of PainSpell of Pain Spellbook of FateSpellbook of Fate
Spellbook of JudgmentSpellbook of Judgment Super RejuvenationSuper Rejuvenation Tally-ho! SpringansTally-ho! Springans
The Flute of Summoning KuribohThe Flute of Summoning Kuriboh The Monarchs StormforthThe Monarchs Stormforth Toon Page-FlipToon Page-Flip
Tri-Brigade Airborne AssaultTri-Brigade Airborne Assault Tri-Brigade RoarTri-Brigade Roar Tsukumo SlashTsukumo Slash
Turn SilenceTurn Silence Twin TwistersTwin Twisters U.A. Locker RoomU.A. Locker Room
Unauthorized ReactivationUnauthorized Reactivation Urgent ScheduleUrgent Schedule Vanquish Soul Dust DevilVanquish Soul Dust Devil
War Rock DignityWar Rock Dignity Wavering EyesWavering Eyes World Legacy ClashWorld Legacy Clash
World Legacy MonstrosityWorld Legacy Monstrosity Xyz ImportXyz Import

SR Ritual Cards

Advanced Ritual ArtAdvanced Ritual Art DogmatikamacabreDogmatikamacabre Gishki NekromirrorGishki Nekromirror
High Ritual ArtHigh Ritual Art Nekroz CycleNekroz Cycle Nekroz KaleidoscopeNekroz Kaleidoscope
Prayers of the Voiceless VoicePrayers of the Voiceless Voice Ravenous VendreadRavenous Vendread

SR Continuous Cards

Ancient Gear AdvanceAncient Gear Advance Ancient Warriors Saga - Deception and BetrayalAncient Warriors Saga - Deception and Betrayal Aroma GardeningAroma Gardening
AsymmetaphysAsymmetaphys Black Feather WhirlwindBlack Feather Whirlwind Black WhirlwindBlack Whirlwind
Blessing of the Voiceless VoiceBlessing of the Voiceless Voice Boss RushBoss Rush Branded RegainedBranded Regained
Breath of the TistinaBreath of the Tistina Cerulean SkyfireCerulean Skyfire Contract with Don ThousandContract with Don Thousand
Cubic DharmaCubic Dharma Cubic KarmaCubic Karma Curse of AramatirCurse of Aramatir
Cursed EldlandCursed Eldland Cyberdark RealmCyberdark Realm Cynet CodecCynet Codec
D - ForceD - Force Dangerous Machine Type-6Dangerous Machine Type-6 Dark Contract with the GateDark Contract with the Gate
Dark Magical CircleDark Magical Circle Dark Room of NightmareDark Room of Nightmare Dark World ArchivesDark World Archives
Deck LockdownDeck Lockdown Degenerate CircuitDegenerate Circuit Dirge of the Lost DragonDirge of the Lost Dragon
DogmatikamatrixDogmatikamatrix Doll HappinessDoll Happiness Dream Tower of Princess NemleriaDream Tower of Princess Nemleria
Earthshattering EventEarthshattering Event EndymionEndymion's Lab Evil Eye ReposeEvil Eye Repose
Fateful AdventureFateful Adventure Field BarrierField Barrier Finite CardsFinite Cards
Fire Formation - TenkiFire Formation - Tenki Fire Formation - YokoFire Formation - Yoko Flame SwordsrealmFlame Swordsrealm
Floowandereeze and the Unexplored WindsFloowandereeze and the Unexplored Winds Fortune VisionFortune Vision Freezing Chains of the Ice BarrierFreezing Chains of the Ice Barrier
Future FusionFuture Fusion Galaxy HundredGalaxy Hundred GeneralprobeGeneralprobe
Goblin CircusGoblin Circus Ground CollapseGround Collapse Gunkan Suship Catch-of-the-DayGunkan Suship Catch-of-the-Day
Harmonic Synchro FusionHarmonic Synchro Fusion Hidden Temples of NecrovalleyHidden Temples of Necrovalley Hysteric SignHysteric Sign
Icejade CurseIcejade Curse Kaiser ColosseumKaiser Colosseum Kashtira BirthKashtira Birth
Libromancer Origin StoryLibromancer Origin Story Live☆Twin SunnyLive☆Twin Sunny's Snitch Malefic TerritoryMalefic Territory
Melffy Staring ContestMelffy Staring Contest Messenger of PeaceMessenger of Peace Millennium RevelationMillennium Revelation
Miracle StoneMiracle Stone Mirage of NightmareMirage of Nightmare Nightmare PainNightmare Pain
On Your Mark, Get Set, DUEL!On Your Mark, Get Set, DUEL! OnomatopickupOnomatopickup Pendulum EvolutionPendulum Evolution
Piercing the DarknessPiercing the Darkness Pinpoint LandingPinpoint Landing Power FilterPower Filter
ProhibitionProhibition Quiet LifeQuiet Life Ragnaraika BloomRagnaraika Bloom
Raidraptor - RoostRaidraptor - Roost Rainbow Bridge of the HeartRainbow Bridge of the Heart Scatter FusionScatter Fusion
Six Samurai UnitedSix Samurai United Soul AbsorptionSoul Absorption Subset BeatSubset Beat
Supernatural Danger ZoneSupernatural Danger Zone Supply SquadSupply Squad Synchronized RealmSynchronized Realm
Temple of the KingsTemple of the Kings Terrors in the Hidden CityTerrors in the Hidden City The Weather Snowy CanvasThe Weather Snowy Canvas
Tool BoxTool Box Valhalla, Hall of the FallenValhalla, Hall of the Fallen Vernusylph CorollaVernusylph Corolla
Void ApocalypseVoid Apocalypse Void ImaginationVoid Imagination Void VanishmentVoid Vanishment
Volcanic Blaze AcceleratorVolcanic Blaze Accelerator Walls of the Imperial TombWalls of the Imperial Tomb WattkingdomWattkingdom
Wave-Motion CannonWave-Motion Cannon White ReincarnationWhite Reincarnation Wind-Up FactoryWind-Up Factory
Xyz Change TacticsXyz Change Tactics Yaminabe PartyYaminabe Party

SR Field Cards

Abyss Playhouse - Fantastic TheaterAbyss Playhouse - Fantastic Theater Advanced DarkAdvanced Dark Amazoness VillageAmazoness Village
Ancient City - Rainbow RuinsAncient City - Rainbow Ruins Black GardenBlack Garden Boot Sector LaunchBoot Sector Launch
Brain Research LabBrain Research Lab Camelot, Realm of Noble Knights and Noble ArmsCamelot, Realm of Noble Knights and Noble Arms Catalyst FieldCatalyst Field
Clear WorldClear World Closed ForestClosed Forest Dimension DiceDimension Dice
Divine Temple of the Snake-EyeDivine Temple of the Snake-Eye Divine Wind of Mist ValleyDivine Wind of Mist Valley Dragonic DiagramDragonic Diagram
Dream Mirror of JoyDream Mirror of Joy Dream Mirror of TerrorDream Mirror of Terror Duel AcademyDuel Academy
Earthbound GeoglyphEarthbound Geoglyph Earthbound PrisonEarthbound Prison EmpowermentEmpowerment
Evil Eye Domain - PareidoliaEvil Eye Domain - Pareidolia Fallen ParadiseFallen Paradise Fusion GateFusion Gate
Fusion Recycling PlantFusion Recycling Plant Future VisionsFuture Visions Gateway to ChaosGateway to Chaos
Ghostrick MansionGhostrick Mansion Heavy Metal RaidersHeavy Metal Raiders Hidden Springs of the Far EastHidden Springs of the Far East
Hidden Village of Ninjitsu ArtsHidden Village of Ninjitsu Arts Ignister A.I.LandIgnister A.I.Land KozmotownKozmotown
Labrynth LabyrinthLabrynth Labyrinth Lair of DarknessLair of Darkness Light BarrierLight Barrier
Magical Citadel of EndymionMagical Citadel of Endymion MagicianMagician's Salvation Megaroid CityMegaroid City
Meklord FortressMeklord Fortress Morphtronic MapMorphtronic Map Mound of the Bound CreatorMound of the Bound Creator
Mount SylvaniaMount Sylvania Multi-UniverseMulti-Universe New FrontierNew Frontier
Noble Arms MuseumNoble Arms Museum Ojama CountryOjama Country OnomatopiaOnomatopia
Oracle of ZefraOracle of Zefra P.U.N.K. JAM Extreme SessionP.U.N.K. JAM Extreme Session Performapal Dramatic TheaterPerformapal Dramatic Theater
Prank-Kids PlacePrank-Kids Place Pseudo SpacePseudo Space Revolving SwitchyardRevolving Switchyard
Rikka KonkonRikka Konkon Ritual SanctuaryRitual Sanctuary Royal Penguins GardenRoyal Penguins Garden
Sacred Scrolls of the Gizmek LegendSacred Scrolls of the Gizmek Legend Salamangreat SanctuarySalamangreat Sanctuary Sangen SummoningSangen Summoning
Savage ColosseumSavage Colosseum Secret Village of the SpellcastersSecret Village of the Spellcasters Soul Binding GateSoul Binding Gate
SPYRAL ResortSPYRAL Resort Stand Up Centur-Ion!Stand Up Centur-Ion! Tearlaments PerlegiaTearlaments Perlegia
The Hidden CityThe Hidden City The Weather ForecastThe Weather Forecast Tilted TryTilted Try
Traptrip GardenTraptrip Garden U.A. Hyper StadiumU.A. Hyper Stadium Union HangarUnion Hangar
Venom SwampVenom Swamp Vernusylph in Full BloomVernusylph in Full Bloom War Rock MountainWar Rock Mountain
Zexal FieldZexal Field

Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel Related Guides



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Ritual SpellRitual ContinuousContinuous Field SpellField

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