Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel

All Rare (R) Spell Cards

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These are all the Rare (R) Rarity Spell Cards in Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel. Read on to find out more about each card in this category, what their effects are, and how you can fit them to your Decks!

List of All Rare (R) Rareity Spell Cards

Rare (R) Rarity Spell Cards by Type

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Normal Spell.pngNormal Equip Spell.pngEquip Quick-Play Spell.pngQuick-Play
Ritual Spell.pngRItual Continuous Spell.pngContinuous Field Spell.pngField

Normal R Spell Cards

AbominationAbomination's Prison Abyss Script - Dramatic StoryAbyss Script - Dramatic Story AccellightAccellight
Acid RainAcid Rain Adamancipator FriendsAdamancipator Friends After the StormAfter the Storm
Ancient RulesAncient Rules Armor BlastArmor Blast Armor Ninjitsu Art of AlchemyArmor Ninjitsu Art of Alchemy
Aroma BlendAroma Blend Assault TeleportAssault Teleport BarkionBarkion's Bark
BattlinBattlin' Boxing Spirits Beta Evolution Pill - UltranscendanceBeta Evolution Pill - Ultranscendance Big Evolution PillBig Evolution Pill
Bond Between Teacher and StudentBond Between Teacher and Student Book of LifeBook of Life Boon of the Meklord EmperorBoon of the Meklord Emperor
Brain ControlBrain Control Branded LossBranded Loss Breath of LightBreath of Light
Bujin Regalia - The MirrorBujin Regalia - The Mirror BujincarnationBujincarnation BujinunityBujinunity
Card of SanctityCard of Sanctity Cards for Black FeathersCards for Black Feathers Cards of the Red StoneCards of the Red Stone
Chain SummonChain Summon Charge Into a Dark WorldCharge Into a Dark World Clear New WorldClear New World
Condolence PuppetCondolence Puppet Contact GateContact Gate Contact with GustoContact with Gusto
Contact with the AquamirrorContact with the Aquamirror Convert ContactConvert Contact Core CompressionCore Compression
Crystal PromiseCrystal Promise Cup of AceCup of Ace Cyber Repair PlantCyber Repair Plant
Cyber RevsystemCyber Revsystem Cyberdark Impact!Cyberdark Impact! D.D. DesignatorD.D. Designator
Danger! Excitement! Mystery!Danger! Excitement! Mystery! Dark CoreDark Core Dark EruptionDark Eruption
Dark Factory of Mass ProductionDark Factory of Mass Production Dark Magic CurtainDark Magic Curtain Dark Magic VeilDark Magic Veil
Darklord ContactDarklord Contact De-SynchroDe-Synchro Divine EvolutionDivine Evolution
Doctor DDoctor D DodododrawDodododraw DownbeatDownbeat
DraconnectionDraconnection Dragon Revival RhapsodyDragon Revival Rhapsody Dragonic TacticsDragonic Tactics
Dragunity GlowDragunity Glow Drytron NovaDrytron Nova Earthbound WhirlwindEarthbound Whirlwind
Emblem of Dragon DestroyerEmblem of Dragon Destroyer Emerging Emergency Rescute RescueEmerging Emergency Rescute Rescue Enchanting Fitting RoomEnchanting Fitting Room
Eradicating AerosolEradicating Aerosol Eternal DroughtEternal Drought Eternal RestEternal Rest
Evil Eye ReemergenceEvil Eye Reemergence Evolution End BurstEvolution End Burst FA.I.ghting SpiritFA.I.ghting Spirit
FiendFiend's Sanctuary Final FlameFinal Flame Final LightFinal Light
Fire RecoveryFire Recovery Fish and KicksFish and Kicks Fish and SwapsFish and Swaps
FissureFissure Flash of the Forbidden SpellFlash of the Forbidden Spell Flower GatheringFlower Gathering
Flower StackingFlower Stacking FortuneFortune's Future Frightfur RepairFrightfur Repair
Fusion ConscriptionFusion Conscription Fusion DestinyFusion Destiny Fusion of FireFusion of Fire
Fusion SubstituteFusion Substitute Fusion TagFusion Tag Galaxy ExpeditionGalaxy Expedition
Ghost FusionGhost Fusion Ghostrick ShotGhostrick Shot Gladiator BeastGladiator Beast's Comeback
Glorious NumbersGlorious Numbers Goblin ThiefGoblin Thief GottomsGottoms' Second Call
GravekeeperGravekeeper's Stele Hammer ShotHammer Shot Harpie Lady Phoenix FormationHarpie Lady Phoenix Formation
Harpie’s Feather RestHarpie’s Feather Rest Hero MaskHero Mask HEROHERO's Bond
Hypernova BurstHypernova Burst Insect ImitationInsect Imitation Iron Core of KoaIron Core of Koa'ki Meiru
Jack-In-The-HandJack-In-The-Hand LandoiseLandoise's Luminous Moss Leeching the LightLeeching the Light
Legacy of a HEROLegacy of a HERO Legend of HeartLegend of Heart LeodrakeLeodrake's Mane
Level LifterLevel Lifter Light of RedemptionLight of Redemption Lightning VortexLightning Vortex
Link BackLink Back Link PartyLink Party Lucky LoanLucky Loan
Luna Light PerfumeLuna Light Perfume Magic Gate of MiraclesMagic Gate of Miracles Magic PlanterMagic Planter
Magic ReflectorMagic Reflector Magic Triangle of the Ice BarrierMagic Triangle of the Ice Barrier Magical BlastMagical Blast
Magical MalletMagical Mallet Magikey MafteaMagikey Maftea Majespecter StormMajespecter Storm
Makiu, The Magical MistMakiu, The Magical Mist March of the Dark BrigadeMarch of the Dark Brigade Mega Ton Magical CannonMega Ton Magical Cannon
Melodious ConcertoMelodious Concerto Merciful Machine AngelMerciful Machine Angel Meteor of DestructionMeteor of Destruction
MimicatMimicat MimiclayMimiclay Mini-GutsMini-Guts
Miracle FusionMiracle Fusion Miracle Synchro FusionMiracle Synchro Fusion Monster ReincarnationMonster Reincarnation
Moray of GreedMoray of Greed Morphtronic AcceleratorMorphtronic Accelerator Multiplication of AntsMultiplication of Ants
Myutant FusionMyutant Fusion Necroquip PrismNecroquip Prism NightmareNightmare's Steelcage
Nobleman of CrossoutNobleman of Crossout Nobleman of ExterminationNobleman of Extermination Numeron CallingNumeron Calling
Numeron Chaos RitualNumeron Chaos Ritual Numeron CreationNumeron Creation Numeron StormNumeron Storm
Ojama Delta HurricaneOjama Delta Hurricane Old MindOld Mind One-Kuri-WayOne-Kuri-Way
One-Time PasscodeOne-Time Passcode Orcustrated ReturnOrcustrated Return Over DestinyOver Destiny
Overlay CaptureOverlay Capture Overlay RegenOverlay Regen Overload FusionOverload Fusion
OwnerOwner's Seal Parallel TwisterParallel Twister Parallel World FusionParallel World Fusion
Pendulum HaltPendulum Halt Pendulum RisingPendulum Rising Performapal PopperupPerformapal Popperup
Photon VeilPhoton Veil Pot of RichesPot of Riches Power BondPower Bond
PredapracticePredapractice Psi-ImpulsePsi-Impulse Psychic Eraser LaserPsychic Eraser Laser
PsychokinesisPsychokinesis Quill Pen of GulldosQuill Pen of Gulldos Rank-Up-Magic Limited BarianRank-Up-Magic Limited Barian's Force
Rank-Up-Magic Numeron ForceRank-Up-Magic Numeron Force Rank-Up-Magic Raid ForceRank-Up-Magic Raid Force Rank-Up-Magic Skip ForceRank-Up-Magic Skip Force
Rank-Up-Magic Soul Shave ForceRank-Up-Magic Soul Shave Force RecardinationRecardination Release Restraint WaveRelease Restraint Wave
Reptilianne PoisonReptilianne Poison Reptilianne RamificationsReptilianne Ramifications Reptilianne SpawnReptilianne Spawn
Resonator EngineResonator Engine Restructer RevolutionRestructer Revolution Revival SwarmRevival Swarm
RiryokuRiryoku Sabatiel - The PhilosopherSabatiel - The Philosopher's Stone Sacrifice Level-UpSacrifice Level-Up
SageSage's Stone Scareclaw ArrivalScareclaw Arrival Scareclaw DeclineScareclaw Decline
Sextet SummonSextet Summon Shield & SwordShield & Sword Shining Hope RoadShining Hope Road
Short CircuitShort Circuit Shuffle RebornShuffle Reborn Simorgh RepulsionSimorgh Repulsion
Sinful Spoils of Subversion - Snake-EyeSinful Spoils of Subversion - Snake-Eye Sky Striker Maneuver - Afterburners!Sky Striker Maneuver - Afterburners! Skydive ScorcherSkydive Scorcher
Soul ExchangeSoul Exchange Soul TakerSoul Taker Space GiftSpace Gift
Spacetime TranscendenceSpacetime Transcendence Special HurricaneSpecial Hurricane Spell Power GraspSpell Power Grasp
Spell ReproductionSpell Reproduction Spell WallSpell Wall Spellbook Library of the CrescentSpellbook Library of the Crescent
Spellbook of PowerSpellbook of Power Spiritual EntanglementSpiritual Entanglement Stand-OffStand-Off
Star BlastStar Blast Stardust ShimmerStardust Shimmer SummonerSummoner's Art
Sunvine SowingSunvine Sowing Swordsoul Sacred SummitSwordsoul Sacred Summit Synchro RumbleSynchro Rumble
System DownSystem Down Tearlaments GriefTearlaments Grief The Chorus in the SkyThe Chorus in the Sky
The Claw of HermosThe Claw of Hermos The Shallow GraveThe Shallow Grave The True NameThe True Name
Ties That BindTies That Bind Toon RollbackToon Rollback Top ShareTop Share
Tremendous FireTremendous Fire Tri-WightTri-Wight Trial and TribulationTrial and Tribulation
Tribute to the DoomedTribute to the Doomed U.A. Signing DealU.A. Signing Deal Ultra Evolution PillUltra Evolution Pill
Ursarctic DrytronUrsarctic Drytron Vaalmonica DisarmoniaVaalmonica Disarmonia Vaalmonica IntonareVaalmonica Intonare
Vaalmonica VersareVaalmonica Versare ValkyrieValkyrie's Embrace Vaylantz Wars - The Place of BeginningVaylantz Wars - The Place of Beginning
Venom ShotVenom Shot ViperViper's Rebirth Virtual World City - KauwloonVirtual World City - Kauwloon
Warrior EliminationWarrior Elimination Water of LifeWater of Life Where Arf Thou?Where Arf Thou?
White ElephantWhite Elephant's Gift White MirrorWhite Mirror Wild NatureWild Nature's Release
Winds Over the Ice BarrierWinds Over the Ice Barrier Wing RequitalWing Requital World Legacy SurvivorWorld Legacy Survivor
Worm BaitWorm Bait Xyz GiftXyz Gift Xyz RevengeXyz Revenge
Yang Zing PathYang Zing Path Zexal EntrustZexal Entrust

Equip R Spell Cards

"Infernoble Arms - Durendal""Infernoble Arms - Durendal" "Infernoble Arms - Joyeuse""Infernoble Arms - Joyeuse" Abyss-Scale of the KrakenAbyss-Scale of the Kraken
Air Cracking StormAir Cracking Storm Amulet of AmbitionAmulet of Ambition ArchfiendArchfiend's Staff of Despair
Assault ArmorAssault Armor Autonomous Action UnitAutonomous Action Unit Axe of DespairAxe of Despair
Axe of FoolsAxe of Fools Big Bang ShotBig Bang Shot Black PendantBlack Pendant
Bound WandBound Wand Break! Draw!Break! Draw! Broken Bamboo SwordBroken Bamboo Sword
Celestial Sword - EatosCelestial Sword - Eatos Comic HandComic Hand Crystal ReleaseCrystal Release
Cursed ArmamentsCursed Armaments D.D.R. - Different Dimension ReincarnationD.D.R. - Different Dimension Reincarnation Darkworld ShacklesDarkworld Shackles
Double Tool C&DDouble Tool C&D Dracoback, the Rideable DragonDracoback, the Rideable Dragon Dragon NailsDragon Nails
Dragon ShieldDragon Shield Emblem of the Plunder PatrollEmblem of the Plunder Patroll Falling DownFalling Down
Favorite HeroFavorite Hero Fighting SpiritFighting Spirit Fuhma ShurikenFuhma Shuriken
Fusion Sword Murasame BladeFusion Sword Murasame Blade GagagarevengeGagagarevenge Galaxy ZeroGalaxy Zero
Horn of the UnicornHorn of the Unicorn Insect Armor with Laser CannonInsect Armor with Laser Cannon Karakuri Gama OilKarakuri Gama Oil
Life ExtremeLife Extreme Lucky Iron AxeLucky Iron Axe Mage PowerMage Power
Magic FormulaMagic Formula Magicalized Duston MopMagicalized Duston Mop Magnum ShieldMagnum Shield
Mark of the RoseMark of the Rose Mask of BrutalityMask of Brutality Mask of the AccursedMask of the Accursed
MegamorphMegamorph Mist BodyMist Body Moon Mirror ShieldMoon Mirror Shield
Neos ForceNeos Force Ninjitsu Art Tool - Iron DiggerNinjitsu Art Tool - Iron Digger Noble Arms - CaliburnNoble Arms - Caliburn
Noble Arms - ExcaliburnNoble Arms - Excaliburn Noble Arms - GallatinNoble Arms - Gallatin Noble Arms of DestinyNoble Arms of Destiny
Nordic Relic DraupnirNordic Relic Draupnir Parasomnia PillowParasomnia Pillow Penguin SwordPenguin Sword
PestilencePestilence Phalanx PikePhalanx Pike Power PickaxePower Pickaxe
Psychic BladePsychic Blade Rainbow VeilRainbow Veil Reaper Scythe - DreadscytheReaper Scythe - Dreadscythe
Restoration of the MonarchsRestoration of the Monarchs Ribbon of RebirthRibbon of Rebirth SalamandraSalamandra
Salamandra FusionSalamandra Fusion Salamangreat ClawSalamangreat Claw SaqlificeSaqlifice
Shine PalaceShine Palace Silver WingSilver Wing Starlit PapillonStarlit Papillon
StonehengeStonehenge Sword of Dark RitesSword of Dark Rites Symbols of DutySymbols of Duty
Tailwind of GustoTailwind of Gusto Telekinetic Charging CellTelekinetic Charging Cell Tokkosho of Ghost DestroyingTokkosho of Ghost Destroying
Unstable EvolutionUnstable Evolution Vylon ComponentVylon Component Vylon FilamentVylon Filament
Vylon MaterialVylon Material Vylon SegmentVylon Segment White VeilWhite Veil

Quick-Play R Spell Cards

"A" Cell Scatter Burst"A" Cell Scatter Burst A.I.dle RebornA.I.dle Reborn Abyss Script - Romantic TerrorAbyss Script - Romantic Terror
Action Magic - Double BankingAction Magic - Double Banking ALERT!ALERT! Amazoness Secret ArtsAmazoness Secret Arts
Armed Dragon FlashArmed Dragon Flash Asceticism of the Six SamuraiAsceticism of the Six Samurai Battle of Sleeping SpiritsBattle of Sleeping Spirits
Berserk ScalesBerserk Scales Berserker CrushBerserker Crush Black and White WaveBlack and White Wave
Blaze CannonBlaze Cannon Blind Spot StrikeBlind Spot Strike BlizzardBlizzard
Book of MoonBook of Moon Branded in RedBranded in Red Bug SignalBug Signal
Call of the AtlanteansCall of the Atlanteans Cattle CallCattle Call Celestial TransformationCelestial Transformation
Column SwitchColumn Switch Concentrating CurrentConcentrating Current Contact OutContact Out
Cosmic FlareCosmic Flare Cunning of the Six SamuraiCunning of the Six Samurai Curse Reflection DollCurse Reflection Doll
Cyberload FusionCyberload Fusion Cybernetic ZoneCybernetic Zone Dark Burning MagicDark Burning Magic
Dark Magic ExpandedDark Magic Expanded Dark Magic InheritanceDark Magic Inheritance Dark World AccessionDark World Accession
Dark World PuppetryDark World Puppetry De-FusionDe-Fusion Dedication through Light and DarknessDedication through Light and Darkness
Destruction Swordsman FusionDestruction Swordsman Fusion DetonateDetonate Diamond-Dust CycloneDiamond-Dust Cyclone
Diced DiceDiced Dice Double Hero AttackDouble Hero Attack DragoroarDragoroar
Draw MuscleDraw Muscle Drytron AsterismDrytron Asterism Eldlixir of White DestinyEldlixir of White Destiny
Emergency ProvisionsEmergency Provisions ESP AmplifierESP Amplifier Eternal CyberEternal Cyber
Everlasting AlloyEverlasting Alloy Eye of IllusionEye of Illusion F.A. Pit StopF.A. Pit Stop
F.A. Test RunF.A. Test Run Fire King Sky BurnFire King Sky Burn Fires of DoomsdayFires of Doomsday
Fist of FateFist of Fate Flash FusionFlash Fusion Forbidden ChaliceForbidden Chalice
Forbidden DressForbidden Dress Forbidden ScriptureForbidden Scripture Ghost Meets Girl - A MayakashiGhost Meets Girl - A Mayakashi's Manuscript
Ghost Meets Girl - A ShiranuiGhost Meets Girl - A Shiranui's Story Glory of the Noble KnightsGlory of the Noble Knights Greed GradoGreed Grado
Half ShutHalf Shut Hand DestructionHand Destruction Heavenly Dragon CircleHeavenly Dragon Circle
Igknight ReloadIgknight Reload Inferno TempestInferno Tempest Intercept WaveIntercept Wave
Life HackLife Hack Light of the BrandedLight of the Branded Light Wing ShieldLight Wing Shield
Magical DimensionMagical Dimension Magical Musket - Steady HandsMagical Musket - Steady Hands Magnet ReverseMagnet Reverse
Majespecter CycloneMajespecter Cyclone MaterializationMaterialization Mayhem Fur HireMayhem Fur Hire
Meklord DeflectionMeklord Deflection Million-Century Ice PrisonMillion-Century Ice Prison Mistaken AccusationMistaken Accusation
MultiplyMultiply My Body as a ShieldMy Body as a Shield Mystical Space TyphoonMystical Space Typhoon
Mystical Wind TyphoonMystical Wind Typhoon Mystik WokMystik Wok Mythical BestiaryMythical Bestiary
Night FlightNight Flight Offerings to the DoomedOfferings to the Doomed Pendulum ImpenetrablePendulum Impenetrable
Pendulum ShiftPendulum Shift Photon LeadPhoton Lead Poison of the Old ManPoison of the Old Man
Pop-UpPop-Up Psychic WavePsychic Wave Purrely Delicious MemoryPurrely Delicious Memory
Purrely Happy MemoryPurrely Happy Memory Purrely Pretty MemoryPurrely Pretty Memory Rage of Kairyu-ShinRage of Kairyu-Shin
Raging Mad PlantsRaging Mad Plants Rainbow RefractionRainbow Refraction Rank-Up-Magic Doom Double ForceRank-Up-Magic Doom Double Force
Rank-Up-Magic RaptorRank-Up-Magic Raptor's Force Rank-Up-Magic Revolution ForceRank-Up-Magic Revolution Force RESCUE!RESCUE!
Resonator CommandResonator Command Ritual Beast ReturnRitual Beast Return Ritual BeastRitual Beast's Bond
Roulette SpiderRoulette Spider Runick DispellingRunick Dispelling Runick SlumberRunick Slumber
Runick Smiting StormRunick Smiting Storm Rush RecklesslyRush Recklessly Sacred SerpentSacred Serpent's Wake
Salamangreat Burning ShellSalamangreat Burning Shell Salamangreat TranscendenceSalamangreat Transcendence Scrap FistScrap Fist
Secret Skills of the Six SamuraiSecret Skills of the Six Samurai Security BlockSecurity Block Serial SpellSerial Spell
ShrinkShrink Silent BurningSilent Burning Silent GraveyardSilent Graveyard
Silent Sword SlashSilent Sword Slash Sinful Spoils of Doom - RcielaSinful Spoils of Doom - Rciela Spell Shattering ArrowSpell Shattering Arrow
Spellbook of WisdomSpellbook of Wisdom Spool CodeSpool Code Spright SmashersSpright Smashers
Squib DrawSquib Draw Successor SoulSuccessor Soul Super Hippo CarnivalSuper Hippo Carnival
SwallowSwallow's Nest Swords at DawnSwords at Dawn Synchro TranscendSynchro Transcend
Tearlaments HeartbeatTearlaments Heartbeat The Great Mikanko CeremonyThe Great Mikanko Ceremony The Phantom KnightsThe Phantom Knights' Rank-Up-Magic Launch
Thunderforce AttackThunderforce Attack Thunderspeed SummonThunderspeed Summon Ultimate FusionUltimate Fusion
Unacceptable ResultUnacceptable Result Unleash Your Power!Unleash Your Power! Vaalmonica InvitareVaalmonica Invitare
Vendread ChargeVendread Charge Wake Up Centur-Ion!Wake Up Centur-Ion! War Rock SpiritWar Rock Spirit
World LegacyWorld Legacy's Memory Xyz AlignXyz Align Xyz Double BackXyz Double Back
Xyz EncoreXyz Encore

Ritual R Spell Cards

Beastly Mirror RitualBeastly Mirror Ritual Breath of AcclamationBreath of Acclamation Chaos FormChaos Form
Contract with the AbyssContract with the Abyss Dawn of the HeraldDawn of the Herald DogmatikalamityDogmatikalamity
DoriadoDoriado's Blessing Earth ChantEarth Chant End of the WorldEnd of the World
Final Ritual of the AncientsFinal Ritual of the Ancients Forbidden Arts of the GishkiForbidden Arts of the Gishki Fortress WhaleFortress Whale's Oath
Garma Sword OathGarma Sword Oath Javelin Beetle PactJavelin Beetle Pact Libromancer BondedLibromancer Bonded
Machine Angel Absolute RitualMachine Angel Absolute Ritual Machine Angel RitualMachine Angel Ritual Mikanko KaguraMikanko Kagura
NovoxNovox's Prayer Odd-Eyes AdventOdd-Eyes Advent Rebirth of NephthysRebirth of Nephthys
Recete de Poisson (Fish Recipe)Recete de Poisson (Fish Recipe) Recette de Viande (Meat Recipe)Recette de Viande (Meat Recipe) Resurrection of ChakraResurrection of Chakra
Revendread OriginRevendread Origin Revival of DokuroriderRevival of Dokurorider Ritual of DestructionRitual of Destruction
Ritual of GraceRitual of Grace Sonic TrackerSonic Tracker Super Soldier RitualSuper Soldier Ritual
Underworld Ritual of PredictionUnderworld Ritual of Prediction War-Lion RitualWar-Lion Ritual Zera RitualZera Ritual

Continuous R Spell Cards

"A" Cell Breeding Device"A" Cell Breeding Device Advance ForceAdvance Force Advance ZoneAdvance Zone
Alluring Mirror SplitAlluring Mirror Split Amorphage InfectionAmorphage Infection Ancient Gear CastleAncient Gear Castle
Ancient Gear FortressAncient Gear Fortress Ancient Warriors Saga - Three VisitsAncient Warriors Saga - Three Visits ArchfiendArchfiend's Oath
Armed Dragon LightningArmed Dragon Lightning Arrive in LightArrive in Light Attack the Moon!Attack the Moon!
Backup SquadBackup Squad Blaze AcceleratorBlaze Accelerator Boot-Up Order - Gear ChargeBoot-Up Order - Gear Charge
BujincandescenceBujincandescence Burden of the MightyBurden of the Mighty Burning Bamboo SwordBurning Bamboo Sword
Cauldron of the Old ManCauldron of the Old Man Chain EnergyChain Energy Clockwork NightClockwork Night
Cloudian SquallCloudian Squall Code A Ancient RuinsCode A Ancient Ruins Constellar Star ChartConstellar Star Chart
Constellar TempestConstellar Tempest Core Transport UnitCore Transport Unit Corridor of AgonyCorridor of Agony
Cosmos ChannellingCosmos Channelling Court of JusticeCourt of Justice Crystal TreeCrystal Tree
Cynet OptimizationCynet Optimization Dark Snake SyndromeDark Snake Syndrome Decisive Battle of GolgondaDecisive Battle of Golgonda
Different Dimension GateDifferent Dimension Gate Dimensional FissureDimensional Fissure Dinomist ChargeDinomist Charge
Disciples of the True DracophoenixDisciples of the True Dracophoenix Don ThousandDon Thousand's Throne Double ExposureDouble Exposure
Dragonoid GeneratorDragonoid Generator Dragunity DraftDragunity Draft Dream Mirror PhantasmsDream Mirror Phantasms
Ebon SunEbon Sun EctoplasmerEctoplasmer EN WaveEN Wave
Exosister CarpedivemExosister Carpedivem Fairy Tail TalesFairy Tail Tales Fire Formation - GyokkouFire Formation - Gyokkou
Fire Formation - TensuFire Formation - Tensu Fire King SanctuaryFire King Sanctuary Frightfur SanctuaryFrightfur Sanctuary
Frontline BaseFrontline Base Gadget BoxGadget Box Galaxy WaveGalaxy Wave
GearbreedGearbreed Gladiator RejectionGladiator Rejection Goblin Biker Grand BashGoblin Biker Grand Bash
GravekeeperGravekeeper's Servant Heart of the UnderdogHeart of the Underdog Herculean PowerHerculean Power
Insect BarrierInsect Barrier Insect NeglectInsect Neglect Iron CageIron Cage
Jewels of the ValiantJewels of the Valiant Jursassic PowerJursassic Power Karakuri AnatomyKarakuri Anatomy
Level Limit - Area BLevel Limit - Area B Libromancer RealizedLibromancer Realized Lyrilusc - Bird SanctuaryLyrilusc - Bird Sanctuary
Machina Armored UnitMachina Armored Unit Machine Assembly LineMachine Assembly Line Madolche SalonMadolche Salon
Madolche TicketMadolche Ticket Mask of DispelMask of Dispel Mayakashi WinterMayakashi Winter
Meklord AssemblyMeklord Assembly Miracle FertilizerMiracle Fertilizer Ninjitsu Art NotebookNinjitsu Art Notebook
Ogdoadic Serpent StrikeOgdoadic Serpent Strike Opening of the Spirit GatesOpening of the Spirit Gates Perform PuppetPerform Puppet
PredaponicsPredaponics Pride of the WeakPride of the Weak QuarantineQuarantine
Raidraptor - NestRaidraptor - Nest Reinforcement of the ArmyReinforcement of the Army's Troops Return of the MonarchsReturn of the Monarchs
Rikka FlurriesRikka Flurries Ritual Beast InheritanceRitual Beast Inheritance Scareclaw DefangingScareclaw Defanging
Sea LordSea Lord's Amulet Sea Stealth IISea Stealth II Second Coin TossSecond Coin Toss
Seven Cities of the Golden LandSeven Cities of the Golden Land Shard of GreedShard of Greed Shinobird Power SpotShinobird Power Spot
Sky Striker Mecha Modules - MultiroleSky Striker Mecha Modules - Multirole SolidaritySolidarity Soul Devouring Bamboo SwordSoul Devouring Bamboo Sword
Soul PendulumSoul Pendulum Spell AbsorptionSpell Absorption Spell ChronicleSpell Chronicle
Spell EconomicsSpell Economics Spellbook Star HallSpellbook Star Hall SpidersSpiders' Lair
Spirit ConverterSpirit Converter Springans BootySpringans Booty SPYRAL MISSION - AssaultSPYRAL MISSION - Assault
Stairs of MailStairs of Mail Star PendulumgraphStar Pendulumgraph Strength in UnityStrength in Unity
StumblingStumbling Summoning CurseSummoning Curse Sunvine ShrineSunvine Shrine
Super Solar NutrientSuper Solar Nutrient Swords of Burning LightSwords of Burning Light Swords of Concealing LightSwords of Concealing Light
Synchro DilemmaSynchro Dilemma Terminal WorldTerminal World Terminal World NEXTTerminal World NEXT
The Sanctum of ParshathThe Sanctum of Parshath The Weather Cloudy CanvasThe Weather Cloudy Canvas The World TreeThe World Tree
TollToll Tri-Blaze AcceleratorTri-Blaze Accelerator Tri-Brigade ShowdownTri-Brigade Showdown
Triamid LoadingTriamid Loading True Draco HeritageTrue Draco Heritage Ursarctic RadiationUrsarctic Radiation
Verdant SanctuaryVerdant Sanctuary Virtual World Gate - QinglongVirtual World Gate - Qinglong Vision with Eyes of BlueVision with Eyes of Blue
War Rock MediumWar Rock Medium Water HazardWater Hazard Wave-Motion InfernoWave-Motion Inferno
Will of the SalamangreatWill of the Salamangreat Wonder BalloonsWonder Balloons World Legacy GuardragonWorld Legacy Guardragon
You and A.I.You and A.I. Zefra PathZefra Path

Field R Spell Cards

Adamancipator LaputiteAdamancipator Laputite Amazement Precious ParkAmazement Precious Park Ancient ForestAncient Forest
Archfiend PalabyrinthArchfiend Palabyrinth Augmented HeraldryAugmented Heraldry Beetrooper FormationBeetrooper Formation
Bug MatrixBug Matrix CanyonCanyon Castle LinkCastle Link
Catapult ZoneCatapult Zone Chronomaly City BabylonChronomaly City Babylon Clock Tower PrisonClock Tower Prison
Curse of the Shadow PrisonCurse of the Shadow Prison Cyberdark InfernoCyberdark Inferno Dark Contract with Patent LicenseDark Contract with Patent License
Dragonic PendulumDragonic Pendulum Drytron FafnirDrytron Fafnir DueltainingDueltaining
Elborz, the Sacred Lands of SimorghElborz, the Sacred Lands of Simorgh Extra NetExtra Net Fandora, the Flying FurtressFandora, the Flying Furtress
Fire Fortress atop Liang PeakFire Fortress atop Liang Peak Fire King IslandFire King Island Floowandereeze and the Magnificent MapFloowandereeze and the Magnificent Map
Galloping GaiaGalloping Gaia Generaider Boss StageGeneraider Boss Stage Ghostrick MuseumGhostrick Museum
Giant BallparkGiant Ballpark Great Sand Sea - Gold GolgondaGreat Sand Sea - Gold Golgonda Guardragon ShieldGuardragon Shield
HarpiesHarpies' Hunting Ground HexatellarknightHexatellarknight Ignition PhoenixIgnition Phoenix
Impcantation ThanatosisImpcantation Thanatosis Iron Core Specimen LabIron Core Specimen Lab Karakuri Showdown CastleKarakuri Showdown Castle
Lost WorldLost World Madolche ChateauMadolche Chateau Magellanica, the Deep Sea CityMagellanica, the Deep Sea City
Magical MeltdownMagical Meltdown Magikey WorldMagikey World Magnetic FieldMagnetic Field
MajestyMajesty's Pegasus Malefic WorldMalefic World Mausoleum of the EmperorMausoleum of the Emperor
MementomictlanMementomictlan Myutant Evolution LabMyutant Evolution Lab Naturia ForestNaturia Forest
Noble Knights of the Round TableNoble Knights of the Round Table Orcustrated BabelOrcustrated Babel Pacifis, the Phantasm CityPacifis, the Phantasm City
Perfect Sync - A-UnPerfect Sync - A-Un Realm of Danger!Realm of Danger! S-Force BridgeheadS-Force Bridgehead
Scrap FactoryScrap Factory Shrine of Mist ValleyShrine of Mist Valley Sky Striker Airspace - Area ZeroSky Striker Airspace - Area Zero
Solfachord HarmoniaSolfachord Harmonia Stairway to a Fabled RealmStairway to a Fabled Realm Stars Align Above the ShrineStars Align Above the Shrine
Summon BreakerSummon Breaker Super Quantal Mech Ship MagnacarrierSuper Quantal Mech Ship Magnacarrier Supreme KingSupreme King's Castle
Symph AmplifireSymph Amplifire Synchro WorldSynchro World Temple of the SixTemple of the Six
Tenchi KaimeiTenchi Kaimei The Grand Spellbook TowerThe Grand Spellbook Tower The Sanctuary in the SkyThe Sanctuary in the Sky
Triamid CruiserTriamid Cruiser Triamid FortressTriamid Fortress Triamid KingolemTriamid Kingolem
U.A. StadiumU.A. Stadium UmiUmi Ursarctic Big DipperUrsarctic Big Dipper
Vaalmonica, the Agathokakological VoiceVaalmonica, the Agathokakological Voice Vendread NightsVendread Nights WetlandsWetlands
White Rose CloisterWhite Rose Cloister World Dino WrestlingWorld Dino Wrestling World Legacy in ShadowWorld Legacy in Shadow
Xyz OverrideXyz Override Xyz TerritoryXyz Territory

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