Pokemon TCG Pocket (PTCGP)

Gallade ex Deck Strategy Guide and Card List

Pokemon TGC Pocket - Gallade ex Deck Deck Build and How to Play

The Gallade ex Deck is a Stage 2 Offense with Gallade ex Deck featuring Gallade ex from the Space-Time Smackdown Set in Pokemon Trading Card Game Pocket (PTCG Pocket). Read on for the complete list of cards in this deck, basic information on the deck, how to play the deck, and optimal matchups for it!

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Gallade ex Deck Guide

Deck Evaluation

Ace Pokemon Tier Ranking
Gallade ex
Space-Time Smackdown (A2)
Mythical Island (A1a)
A Tier
Energy Type(s)
F2P Friendly?
Deck Difficulty
Deck Strengths
Pokeball Icon Can punish Energy-heavy Attackers with Energized Blade.

Pokeball Icon Has a valuable type advantage over Lightning-type decks.

Pokeball Icon Two Energy is an efficient cost for an Attack, even for its base 70 damage.
Deck Weaknesses
Pokeball Icon Weak to Psychic-types.

Pokeball Icon May be difficult to set up because it is a Stage 2 deck.

Best Meta Decks Tier List

List of Cards

Gallade ex Deck List
Pokemon Cards
Druddigon ×2 Ralts ×2 Kirlia ×2 Gallade ex ×2
Trainer Cards
Leaf ×2 Pokemon Communication ×2 Giant Cape ×2 Rocky Helmet ×2
Poke Ball ×2 Professor's Research ×2

Deck Building Guide

Packs Required for Gallade ex Deck

Packs Needed for Gallade ex Deck
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Promo-A Pack Pokemon TCG Pocket - Mythical Island (A1a) Pack Pokemon TCG Pocket - Space-Time Smackdown (A2) Dialga Pack Pokemon TCG Pocket - Space-Time Smackdown (A2) Palkia Pack

Hover over with your Cursor or Tap the packs to see which cards can be found in each pack!

How to Play Gallade ex Deck

How to Play Gallade ex Deck

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Gallade ex Deck Core Combos and Interactions

Tank Attack Punisher Description
Pokemon TCG Pocket - A1a 056 DruddigonDruddigon Pokemon TCG Pocket - A2 148 Rocky HelmetRocky Helmet ・Druddigon's Rough Skin will subtract 20 HP from the opponent's Active Pokemon if it attacks.
・Rocky Helmet will also subtract 20 HP if the opponent attacks.
・When combined together, the opponent's pokeon will lose 40 HP if it attacks Druddigon.

Best Starting Hand

Best Starting Hand

Start with Druddigon in the Active Spot and place Ralts in the Bench. Use your Item cards to get more cards in your hand, and by your next turn, you should be able to evolve Ralts into Kirlia.

Other Good Starting Cards

Recommended Starting Hand

If you already have the Rocky Helmet, you can attach it to your Druddigon to increase the counter damage to 40 HP—severely punishing your opponent's Pokemon if they attack.

Best Cards Tier List

Gallade ex Deck Strategies

Gallade ex Deck Deck Strategies

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Strategy 1: Use Rocky Helmet to Stack Damage with Druddigon's Rough Skin

Rocky Helmet Set-Up

Place Druddigon in the Active Spot and equip it with the Rocky Helmet. Druddigon's Rough Skin will deal 20 HP to the opponent's pokemon if it attacks. This will stack with the Rocky Helmet which also gives the same effect—this means that the opponent loses 40 HP total if it attacks Druddigon.

With this set-up, your opponent will be more reluctant to attack, giving you extra time to evolve your Ralts in the Bench.

Strategy 2: Attach Giant Cape to Gallade ex

Gallade ex is your primary attacker for this deck so you want to make sure it doesn't get one hit KO'd right away. Equip Gallade ex with the Giant Cape to increase its HP by 20. This will prevent it from being instantly defeated by attacks like Mewtwo ex's Psyblast.

Game Phases

Early Game

Key Card(s) Required
Step Description
1 Place Druddigon on the Active Spot and equip it with Rocky Helmet.
2 Start building up Ralts in the Bench.


Key Card(s) Required
Step Description
1 Evolve Kirlia in the Bench

Late Game

Key Card(s) Required
1 Use Leaf to switch Druddigon out for Gallade ex without any Retreat Cost.
2 Attach the Giant Cape to Gallade ex to increase its HP.

Gallade ex Deck Best and Worst Matchups

Best Matchups

Deck Commentary

Energy Scale Decks
Type: Grass

・Decks with Pokemon whose power scales on energy like Celebi ex will be greatly disadvantaged against Gallade ex, who gains bonus damage from the opponent's energy.

Worst Matchups

Deck Commentary

Snipe Decks
Type: Water

・Decks with Greninja or any Pokemon with attacks that could bypass the Active Spot could easily snipe your bench before you finish building Gallade ex.

Overall Consistency

This deck has a very high risk, high reward type of play style. When played correctly, Gallade ex has the potential to counter powerful meta decks like Mewtwo ex and Celebi ex. However, if you mistime the use of Gallade ex, then you will be very easy to defeat once your main damage dealer is compromised.

How to Beat Gallade ex Deck

You would want to play cards like Greninja, Zebstrika, or Honchkrow who could attack around Druddigon. If you could damage or defeat Ralts or Kirlia before they could evolve into Gallade ex then your opponent will be greatly disadvantaged without its primary damage dealer.

Gallade ex Deck F2P & Substitutes

Gallade ex Deck Card Substitutes

Card Explanation

・ Hitmonlee is a good pokemon to have during your early game phase.
・ Its attack has a low cost and could hit any Bench pokemon, disrupting your opponent's building phase.

・ Marshadow could swiftly punish your opponent if any of your Pokemon gets defeated, dealing -100 HP with its Revenge.

Pokemon TCG Pocket Meta Guide

Gallade ex Deck Other Viable Options

Card Possible Cuts


・ Blue's ability to subtract damage taken by your Pokemon could help extend the lifespan of your Gallade ex, so you could switch it in for one of your Rocky Helmets

F2P Gallade ex Deck List

F2P Gallade ex Deck List
Pokemon Cards
Hitmonlee x1 Marshadow x1 Ralts x2 Kirlia x2
Gallade ex x2
Trainer Cards
Leaf x2 Pokemon Communication x2 Giant Cape x2 Rocky Helmet x1
Blue x1 Poke Ball x2 Professor's Research x2

This deck makes use of Marshadow and Hitmonlee instead of Druddigon, making for a more aggressive play rather than defensive.

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All Deck Tier Lists

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Meta Decks

Best Meta Decks
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Dialga ex and Lickilicky exDialga ex and Lickilicky ex Pachirisu exPachirisu ex Yanmega exYanmega ex
Infernape ex DeckInfernape ex Gallade exGallade ex Dialga ex and MelmetalDialga ex and Melmetal
Darkrai ex and WeezingDarkrai ex and Weezing LucarioLucario GarchompGarchomp
Porygon-ZPorygon-Z Togekiss NewTogekiss Dialga ex and BastiodonDialga ex and Bastiodon
RhyperiorRhyperior Mismagius exMismagius ex Mewtwo ex and GardevoirMewtwo ex and Gardevoir
Celebi ex and SerperiorCelebi ex and Serperior Pikachu ex and ZebstrikaPikachu ex and Zebstrika Gyarados ex and GreninjaGyarados ex and Greninja
Vaporeon and Articuno exVaporeon and Articuno ex Volcarona and Arcanine exVolcarona and Arcanine ex Scolipede and WeezingScolipede and Weezing
Starmie ex and Articuno exStarmie ex and Articuno ex Arcanine exArcanine ex BlaineBlaine
Pikachu ex and RaichuPikachu ex and Raichu Gyarados ex and VaporeonGyarados ex and Vaporeon Pidgeot exPidgeot ex
Charizard exCharizard ex Aerodactyl ex and PrimeapeAerodactyl ex and Primeape Exeggutor exExeggutor ex
GolemGolem Lt. SurgeLt. Surge -

Off Meta Decks

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Empoleon DeckEmpoleon Volkner Deck IconVolkner Alakazam and JynxAlakazam and Jynx
Mew ex and WeezingMew ex and Weezing DragoniteDragonite Articuno exArticuno ex
Venusaur exVenusaur ex Dragonite and WeezingDragonite and Weezing Lapras exLapras ex
Greninja Greninja Mewtwo ex and Weezing Mewtwo ex and Weezing Marowak exMarowak ex
PrimeapePrimeape Venusaur and WeezingVenusaur and Weezing ArbokArbok Lock
Zapdos exZapdos ex Blastoise exBlastoise ex Gengar exGengar ex
Machamp exMachamp ex Wigglytuff exWigglytuff ex MelmetalMelmetal
KogaKoga Omastar and Articuno exOmastar and Articuno ex Kingler and Articuno exKingler and Articuno ex
FrosmothFrosmoth Lapras ex and ButterfreeLapras ex and Butterfree PoliwrathPoliwrath
Tentacruel and GreninjaTentacruel and Greninja Victreebel and Exeggutor exVictreebel and Exeggutor ex Gengar ex and GolbatGengar ex and Golbat
Persian and MawilePersian and Mawile Lickitung and PrimeapeLickitung and Primeape Gengar ex and GolbatExeggutor ex and Alakazam
Frosmoth and Articuno exFrosmoth and Articuno ex GyaradosGyarados CentiskorchCentiskorch and Moltres ex
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KabutopsKabutops Aerodactyl and DragoniteAerodactyl and Dragonite Eeveelutions and DittoEeveelutions and Ditto
LickitungLickitung ArticunoArticuno ZapdosZapdos
MoltresMoltres VenusaurVenusaur CharizardCharizard
BlastoiseBlastoise - -

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