Pokemon TCG Pocket (PTCGP)

All Status Effects Explained

All Status Effects Explained - Pokemon TCG Pocket
Pokemon cards can be afflicted with status effects in Pokemon Trading Card Game Pocket (PTCG Pocket). Read on for a list of status effects and how to cure them, all Pokemon that can inflict status effects, and other secondary battle effects!

List of Status Effects

Status Effects in Pokemon TCG Pocket

Status Effect
Poison Status Effect - Pokemon TCG Pocket Poison Take 10 damage for every turn
Sleep - Pokemon TCG PocketSleep Pokemon cannot attack or retreat
Every turn, the player must do a coin toss. If it lands on Heads, the pokemon wakes up.
Paralysis - Pokemon TCG PocketParalysis Pokemon cannot attack or retreat
Paralysis will be cured after 1 turn
Confusion IconConfusion Pokemon attacks have the chance of failing
The player must do a coin toss if the Pokemon attacks. If it lands on Tails, the attack fails.
Burn IconBurn Take 20 damage for every turn
Every turn, the player must do a coin toss. If it lands on Heads, the pokemon heals from burn.

Battle System Explained

Status Effects and How to Cure

What Are Status Effects?

Status effects are special conditions that can hinder a pokemon's performance both during and after their turn. Status effects can affect a pokemon in multiple ways: they could lose extra HP, prevent pokemon moves, or keep them from retreating.

How Do Retreat Costs Work?

Status Effect Activate at the End of the Turn

At the end of a turn, all pokemon with status effects will be checked by the game. During a check, pokemon will either lose HP or do a coin toss depending on their status effect. This will happen for every turn until the status effect is cured.

Status Effects Also Activate at the End of Your Opponent's Turn

Pokemon checks also occur at the end of your opponent's turn. In other words, your pokemon's status effects can activate outside of your turn.

As an example, if your pokemon has the poison effect, they will take 10 damage not only during your turn, but also your opponent's turn so you would want to cure your status effects as quickly as possible!

Battle System Explained

Status Effect Order

Poison → Burn → Sleep → Paralysis

If your pokemon has been afflicted with multiple status effects, they will always be checked in the order above.

How to Cure Status Effects

checkmark Evolve your pokemon
checkmark Return pokemon to Bench (only for Poison and Confusion)
checkmark Do a Coin Toss (only for Sleep)
checkmark Wait for the turn to end (only for Paralysis)
checkmark Use a Lum Berry to cure any status effect.
checkmark Use Koga to switch out pokemon. (only for Weezing and Muk)

There are 5 main strategies you can use to cure status effects: you could evolve pokemon, retreat them to bench, land heads on a coin toss, wait for the turn end, or use a Lum Berry Pokemon Tool Card.

In special circumstances where you have a Muk or Weezing on the active spot, you can use the supporter card Koga to force retreat through Sleep or Paralysis.

List of Supporter Cards

List of Pokemon That Inflict Status Effects

Pokemon That Inflict Poison

List of Cards
Venomoth Tentacruel Nidoking Grimer
Weezing Nidoking Weezing Salazzle
Whirlipede Roserade Skuntank Drapion

Pokemon That Inflict Sleep

List of Cards
Vileplume Frosmoth Hypno Wigglytuff ex
Wigglytuff ex Wigglytuff ex Shiinotic Flabebe
Darkrai Phione Gengar Jigglypuff

Pokemon That Inflict Paralysis

List of Cards
Articuno Eelektross Pincurchin Dedenne
Dedenne Glaceon

Pokemon That Inflict Confusion

List of Cards
Kricketune Mismagius ex Mismagius ex Mismagius ex
Cherrim Misdreavus

Pokemon That Inflict Burn

List of Cards
Magmortar Magcargo

Other Secondary Effects in Pokemon TCG Pocket

Secondary Effect Effect
Retreat Lock Pokemon cannot retreat for 1 turn or until the opposing pokemon leaves the Active Spot
Move Lock Pokemon cannot attack for 1 turn or until conditions are met
Energy Removal Energy is removed from your Pokemon
Damage Modification Damage taken is reduced or increased

All Pokemon Cards with Abilities

Retreat Lock

Some pokemon cards prevent the opposing pokemon from retreating or until the pokemon inflicting the ability is defeated or returns to bench.

List of Cards that Lock Retreating

Genetic Apex (A1)
Mythical Island (A1a)
Space-Time Smackdown (A2)

Move Lock

There are pokemon cards which can use moves that prevent a pokemon from attacking for 1 turn. If certain conditions are met, they might prevent the opposing pokemon from attacking indefinitely.

List of Cards that Lock Attacking

Genetic Apex (A1)
Genetic Apex (A1)

Energy Removal

Certain pokemon cards can also discard a random energy from their opponent's pokemon.

List of Cards that Remove Energy

Genetic Apex (A1)
Genetic Apex (A1)
Genetic Apex (A1)
Genetic Apex (A1)
Gyarados ex
Mythical Island (A1a)
Mythical Island (A1a)
Mow Rotom
Space-Time Smackdown (A2)

Damage Modification

A number of cards can adjust the damage they inflict or receive from opposing pokemon. They can either reduce or increase the damage dealt from attacks or the damage they can absorb. This can come in the form of Attack Effects, Abilities or Trainer Cards.

List of Cards that Modify Damage

Pokemon with Damage Modifying Abilities
Genetic Apex (A1)
Genetic Apex (A1)
Pokemon with Damage Modifying Attacks
Mr. Mime
Genetic Apex (A1)
Genetic Apex (A1)
Genetic Apex (A1)
Mythical Island (A1a)
Mythical Island (A1a)
Space-Time Smackdown (A2)
Space-Time Smackdown (A2)
Space-Time Smackdown (A2)
Space-Time Smackdown (A2)
Supporter Cards
Genetic Apex (A1)
Genetic Apex (A1)

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Battle Guides
Battle Guides

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How Do Weaknesses Work? Are There Resistances in Pokemon TCG Pocket?
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How Do Types Work? How Many Cards in a Deck?
How Do Multiplayer Battles Work? All Pokemon TCG Pocket Rule Differences
Pokemon TCG Pocket Meta Guide Is it Better to Go First or Second?
Auto-Battle Guide How to Change and Edit Decks
Coin Toss Bug: Can You Rig to Always Flip Heads? What is Pokemon Checkup?

Status Effect Guides

All Status Effects Explained
Poison Status Effect - Pokemon TCG Pocket Poison Sleep - Pokemon TCG Pocket Sleep Paralysis - Pokemon TCG Pocket Paralysis
Confusion IconConfusion Burn IconBurn


1 Anonymous3 months

In the "List of Cards that Remove Energy" section, it should probably be Fearow there, not Doduo. Also, Persion removes a random card from your opponent's hand. It does not remove a Pokemon's energy.


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