Pokemon TCG Pocket (PTCGP)

List of Pikachu Pack Cards in Genetic Apex (A1)

Pokemon TCG Pocket - List of Genetic Apex Pikachu Booster Pack Cards

This is a list of all cards found in the Genetic Apex Pikachu booster pack in Pokemon Trading Card Game Pocket (PTCG Pocket). Read on for a list of all exclusive and non-exclusive cards as well as how to get them!

List of Pikachu Pack Cards in Genetic Apex (A1)

All Pikachu Pack-Exclusive Cards

Pikachu Pack Cards
Genetic Apex Pikachu Pack Exclusives Genetic Apex PacksNon-Exclusives
# Card Name Details
A1 005 Caterpie
HP: 50
Illust.: Miki Tanaka
Rarity: ◇
A1 006 Metapod
HP: 80
Illust.: Yuka Morii
Rarity: ◇
A1 007 Butterfree
HP: 120
Illust.: Shin Nagasawa
Rarity: ◇◇◇
A1 014 Paras
HP: 70
Illust.: Naoyo Kimura
Rarity: ◇
A1 015 Parasect
HP: 120
Illust.: Eri Yamaki
Rarity: ◇◇
A1 039 Growlithe
HP: 70
Illust.: Mizue
Rarity: ◇
A1 040 Arcanine
HP: 130
Illust.: kodama
Rarity: ◇◇◇
A1 041 Arcanine ex
HP: 150
Illust.: PLANETA Saito
Rarity: ◇◇◇◇
A1 053 Squirtle
HP: 60
Illust.: Mizue
Rarity: ◇
A1 054 Wartortle
HP: 80
Illust.: Nelnal
Rarity: ◇◇
A1 055 Blastoise
HP: 150
Illust.: Nurikabe
Rarity: ◇◇◇
A1 056 Blastoise ex
HP: 180
Illust.: PLANETA Tsuji
Rarity: ◇◇◇◇
A1 064 Seel
HP: 80
Illust.: Masako Yamashita
Rarity: ◇
A1 065 Dewgong
HP: 120
Illust.: Kanako Eo
Rarity: ◇◇
A1 070 Horsea
HP: 60
Illust.: Saya Tsuruta
Rarity: ◇
A1 071 Seadra
HP: 70
Illust.: Sanosuke Sakuma
Rarity: ◇◇
A1 072 Goldeen
HP: 60
Illust.: Kyoko Umemoto
Rarity: ◇
A1 073 Seaking
HP: 100
Illust.: Kyoko Umemoto
Rarity: ◇
A1 077 Magikarp
HP: 30
Illust.: Sekio
Rarity: ◇
A1 078 Gyarados
HP: 150
Illust.: Mitsuhiro Arita
Rarity: ◇◇◇
A1 081 Omanyte
HP: 90
Illust.: Suwama Chiaki
Rarity: ◇◇
A1 082 Omastar
HP: 140
Illust.: kirisAki
Rarity: ◇◇◇
A1 094 Pikachu
HP: 60
Illust.: Mitsuhiro Arita
Rarity: ◇
A1 095 Raichu
HP: 100
Rarity: ◇◇◇
A1 096 Pikachu ex
HP: 120
Illust.: PLANETA CG Works
Rarity: ◇◇◇◇
A1 097 Magnemite
HP: 60
Illust.: sowsow
Rarity: ◇
A1 098 Magneton
HP: 80
Illust.: kirisAki
Rarity: ◇◇◇
A1 099 Voltorb
HP: 60
Rarity: ◇
A1 100 Electrode
HP: 80
Illust.: Asako Ito
Rarity: ◇◇
A1 101 Electabuzz
HP: 70
Illust.: Ryuta Fuse
Rarity: ◇
A1 102 Jolteon
HP: 90
Illust.: Kouki Saitou
Rarity: ◇◇◇
A1 103 Zapdos
HP: 100
Illust.: Hitoshi Ariga
Rarity: ◇◇◇
A1 104 Zapdos ex
HP: 130
Illust.: PLANETA CG Works
Rarity: ◇◇◇◇
A1 113 Clefairy
HP: 60
Illust.: kirisAki
Rarity: ◇
A1 114 Clefable
HP: 100
Illust.: Sanosuke Sakuma
Rarity: ◇◇
A1 124 Drowzee
HP: 70
Illust.: Yukiko Baba
Rarity: ◇
A1 125 Hypno
HP: 100
Rarity: ◇◇◇
A1 139 Diglett
HP: 50
Illust.: Masako Yamashita
Rarity: ◇
A1 140 Dugtrio
HP: 70
Illust.: Akira Komayama
Rarity: ◇◇
A1 147 Geodude
HP: 70
Illust.: Kouki Saitou
Rarity: ◇
A1 148 Graveler
HP: 100
Illust.: Naoyo Kimura
Rarity: ◇◇
A1 149 Golem
HP: 160
Illust.: Sumiyoshi Kizuki
Rarity: ◇◇◇
A1 150 Onix
HP: 110
Illust.: otumami
Rarity: ◇◇
A1 160 Mienfoo
HP: 60
Illust.: match
Rarity: ◇
A1 161 Mienshao
HP: 80
Illust.: Atsuko Nishida
Rarity: ◇◇
A1 166 Nidoran F
HP: 60
Illust.: Miki Tanaka
Rarity: ◇
A1 167 Nidorina
HP: 80
Illust.: Kagemaru Himeno
Rarity: ◇◇
A1 168 Nidoqueen
HP: 140
Illust.: nagimiso
Rarity: ◇◇◇
A1 169 Nidoran M
HP: 60
Illust.: Naoyo Kimura
Rarity: ◇
A1 170 Nidorino
HP: 90
Illust.: Kouki Saitou
Rarity: ◇◇
A1 171 Nidoking
HP: 150
Illust.: kawayoo
Rarity: ◇◇◇
A1 193 Jigglypuff
HP: 60
Illust.: Mizue
Rarity: ◇
A1 194 Wigglytuff
HP: 100
Illust.: Atsuko Nishida
Rarity: ◇
A1 195 Wigglytuff ex
HP: 140
Illust.: PLANETA Igarashi
Rarity: ◇◇◇◇
A1 202 Chansey
HP: 120
Illust.: MAHOU
Rarity: ◇◇
A1 208 Eevee
HP: 60
Illust.: Sekio
Rarity: ◇
A1 211 Snorlax
HP: 150
Illust.: Naoki Saito
Rarity: ◇◇◇
A1 216 Helix Fossil Item
Play this card as if it were a 40-HP Basic Colorless Pokemon. At any time during your turn, you may discard this card from play. This card can't retreat.
Illust.: Toyste Beach
Rarity: ◇
A1 220 Misty Supporter
Choose 1 of your Water Pokemon, and flip a coin until you get tails. For each heads, take a Water Energy from your Energy Zone and attach it to that Pokemon.
Illust.: Sanosuke Sakuma
Rarity: ◇◇
A1 224 Brock Supporter
Take a Fighting Energy from your Energy Zone and attach it to Golem or Onix.
Illust.: Taira Akitsu
Rarity: ◇◇
A1 226 Lt. Surge Supporter
Move all Electric Energy from your Benched Pokemon to your Raichu, Electrode, or Electabuzz in the Active Spot.
Illust.: nagimiso
Rarity: ◇◇
A1 232 Squirtle
HP: 60
Illust.: Taira Akitsu
Rarity: ☆
A1 233 Gyarados
HP: 150
Illust.: Nurikabe
Rarity: ☆
A1 235 Electrode
HP: 80
Illust.: DOM
Rarity: ☆
A1 238 Diglett
HP: 50
Illust.: Masako Yamashita
Rarity: ☆
A1 240 Nidoqueen
HP: 140
Illust.: aoki
Rarity: ☆
A1 241 Nidoking
HP: 150
Illust.: nagimiso
Rarity: ☆
A1 248 Eevee
HP: 60
Illust.: sowsow
Rarity: ☆
A1 250 Snorlax
HP: 150
Rarity: ☆
A1 254 Arcanine ex
HP: 150
Illust.: PLANETA Saito
Rarity: ☆☆
A1 256 Blastoise ex
HP: 180
Illust.: PLANETA Tsuji
Rarity: ☆☆
A1 259 Pikachu ex
HP: 120
Illust.: PLANETA CG Works
Rarity: ☆☆
A1 260 Zapdos ex
HP: 130
Illust.: PLANETA CG Works
Rarity: ☆☆
A1 265 Wigglytuff ex
HP: 140
Illust.: PLANETA Igarashi
Rarity: ☆☆
A1 267 Misty Supporter
Choose 1 of your Water Pokemon, and flip a coin until you get tails. For each heads, take a Water Energy from your Energy Zone and attach it to that Pokemon.
Illust.: Sanosuke Sakuma
Rarity: ☆☆
A1 271 Brock Supporter
Take a Fighting Energy from your Energy Zone and attach it to Golem or Onix.
Illust.: Ryuta Fuse
Rarity: ☆☆
A1 273 Lt. Surge Supporter
Move all Electric Energy from your Benched Pokemon to your Raichu, Electrode, or Electabuzz in the Active Spot.
Illust.: nagimiso
Rarity: ☆☆
A1 276 Zapdos ex
HP: 130
Illust.: PLANETA CG Works
Rarity: ☆☆
A1 279 Wigglytuff ex
HP: 140
Illust.: Shibuzoh.
Rarity: ☆☆
A1 281 Pikachu ex
HP: 120
Illust.: Ryota Murayama
Rarity: ☆☆☆

All Non-Exclusive Cards

Pikachu Pack Cards
Genetic Apex Pikachu PackExclusives Genetic Apex PacksNon-Exclusives
# Card Name Details
A1 026 Pinsir
HP: 90
Illust.: Eri Yamaki
Rarity: ◇◇
A1 027 Cottonee
HP: 50
Illust.: Kanako Eo
Rarity: ◇
A1 028 Whimsicott
HP: 80
Illust.: Atsuko Nishida
Rarity: ◇◇
A1 029 Petilil
HP: 60
Illust.: Naoyo Kimura
Rarity: ◇
A1 030 Lilligant
HP: 100
Illust.: You Iribi
Rarity: ◇◇
A1 042 Ponyta
HP: 60
Illust.: Uta
Rarity: ◇
A1 043 Rapidash
HP: 100
Illust.: Misa Tsutsui
Rarity: ◇◇
A1 048 Heatmor
HP: 80
Illust.: Suwama Chiaki
Rarity: ◇
A1 051 Sizzlipede
HP: 60
Illust.: Teeziro
Rarity: ◇
A1 052 Centiskorch
HP: 130
Illust.: GOSSAN
Rarity: ◇◇
A1 057 Psyduck
HP: 60
Illust.: Shibuzoh.
Rarity: ◇
A1 058 Golduck
HP: 90
Illust.: Naoki Saito
Rarity: ◇◇
A1 091 Bruxish
HP: 90
Illust.: Mizue
Rarity: ◇◇
A1 092 Snom
HP: 50
Illust.: ryoma uratsuka
Rarity: ◇
A1 093 Frosmoth
HP: 90
Illust.: aoki
Rarity: ◇◇
A1 105 Blitzle
HP: 60
Illust.: Shin Nagasawa
Rarity: ◇
A1 106 Zebstrika
HP: 90
Illust.: Misa Tsutsui
Rarity: ◇◇
A1 110 Helioptile
HP: 60
Illust.: 5ban Graphics
Rarity: ◇
A1 111 Heliolisk
HP: 90
Illust.: otumami
Rarity: ◇
A1 112 Pincurchin
HP: 70
Illust.: Tika Matsuno
Rarity: ◇◇
A1 118 Slowpoke
HP: 70
Illust.: Miki Tanaka
Rarity: ◇
A1 119 Slowbro
HP: 130
Illust.: Kagemaru Himeno
Rarity: ◇◇
A1 133 Woobat
HP: 60
Illust.: MAHOU
Rarity: ◇
A1 134 Swoobat
HP: 60
Illust.: Masakazu Fukuda
Rarity: ◇
A1 135 Golett
HP: 90
Illust.: Kyoko Umemoto
Rarity: ◇
A1 136 Golurk
HP: 140
Illust.: match
Rarity: ◇◇
A1 137 Sandshrew
HP: 70
Illust.: Miki Tanaka
Rarity: ◇
A1 138 Sandslash
HP: 100
Illust.: Miki Tanaka
Rarity: ◇◇
A1 162 Clobbopus
HP: 80
Illust.: Yuu Nishida
Rarity: ◇
A1 163 Grapploct
HP: 130
Illust.: kurumitsu
Rarity: ◇◇
A1 164 Ekans
HP: 60
Illust.: MAHOU
Rarity: ◇
A1 165 Arbok
HP: 100
Illust.: Naoki Saito
Rarity: ◇◇
A1 179 Pawniard
HP: 50
Illust.: Kouki Saitou
Rarity: ◇
A1 180 Bisharp
HP: 70
Illust.: Anesaki Dynamic
Rarity: ◇◇
A1 189 Rattata
HP: 40
Illust.: Atsushi Furusawa
Rarity: ◇
A1 190 Raticate
HP: 80
Rarity: ◇
A1 198 Farfetch'd
HP: 60
Illust.: Miki Tanaka
Rarity: ◇
A1 199 Doduo
HP: 60
Illust.: Yuya Oka
Rarity: ◇
A1 200 Dodrio
HP: 80
Illust.: Miki Tanaka
Rarity: ◇◇
A1 212 Minccino
HP: 60
Illust.: sui
Rarity: ◇
A1 213 Cinccino
HP: 90
Illust.: 0313
Rarity: ◇◇
A1 214 Wooloo
HP: 70
Illust.: Yoriyuki Ikegami
Rarity: ◇
A1 215 Dubwool
HP: 120
Illust.: saino misaki
Rarity: ◇
A1 284 Charizard ex
HP: 180
Illust.: PLANETA CG Works
Rarity: ♛
A1 285 Pikachu ex
HP: 120
Illust.: PLANETA CG Works
Rarity: ♛
A1 286 Mewtwo ex
HP: 150
Rarity: ♛

How to Get Genetic Apex Pikachu Pack Cards

Open Pikachu Booster Packs

Pokemon TCG Pocket - Opening Packs

Opening Pikachu booster packs from the Genetic Apex set can net you some of the exclusive cards from this pack.

Do note that it is not guaranteed that you will get unobtained cards everytime you open a new pack.

How Booster Packs Work in Pokemon TCG Pocket

You Can Get Non-Exclusive Cards

Pokemon TCG Pocket - Non-Exclusive Cards

Some cards are not exclusive to any pack within this set, and you may get these if you open any booster pack.

You are likely to get duplicates of these cards if you tend to open any of the packs, but you can use the extra ones to customize a card with the use of Shinedust!

How to Get Shinedust and Customize Cards

Pokemon TCG Pocket Related Guides

Pokemon TCG Pocket - Cards

Pokemon TCG Pocket Card List

TCG Pocket Card Lists

Cards by Expansion Set
Shining Revelry Pack IconShining Revelry (A2b) Released: Mar 27, 2025
Triumphant Light Triumphant Light (A2a) Released: Feb 28, 2025
Space Time SmackdownSpace-Time Smackdown (A2) Released: Jan 30, 2025
Mythical IslandMythical Island (A1a) Released: Dec 17, 2024
Genetic ApexGenetic Apex (A1) Released: Oct 30, 2024
Pikachu Genetic Apex GA Pikachu Pack
Promo APromo-A
Pokemon Cards by Type
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Grass Type Icon.png Grass Pokemon TCG Pocket - Fire Type Icon.png Fire Pokemon TCG Pocket - Water Type Icon.png Water Pokemon TCG Pocket - Lightning Type Icon.png Lightning Pokemon TCG Pocket - Psychic Type Icon.png Psychic
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Fighting Type Icon.png Fighting Pokemon TCG Pocket - Darkness Type Icon.png Darkness Pokemon TCG Pocket - Metal Type Icon.png Metal Pokemon TCG Pocket - Dragon Type Icon.png Dragon Pokemon TCG Pocket - Colorless Type Icon.png Colorless
Cards by Rarity
Pokemon TCG Pocket - One-Diamond 1◇ Pokemon TCG Pocket - Two-Diamond 2◇ Pokemon TCG Pocket - Three-Diamond 3◇ Pokemon TCG Pocket - Four-Diamond 4◇
Pokemon TCG Pocket - One-Star 1☆ Pokemon TCG Pocket - Two-Star 2☆ Pokemon TCG Pocket - Three-Star 3☆ Pokemon TCG Pocket - Four-Star Crown
Pokemon Cards by Evolution Stage
Pokemon TCG Pocket - List of Basic Pokemon CardsBasic Pokemon Cards Pokemon TCG Pocket - List of Stage 1 Pokemon CardsStage 1 Pokemon Cards Pokemon TCG Pocket - List of Stage 2 Pokemon CardsStage 2 Pokemon Cards
Trainer Cards
Pokemon TCG Pocket - List of Item CardsItem Cards Pokemon TCG Pocket - List of Supporter CardsSupporter Cards
Pokemon TCG Pocket - List of Fossil Item Cards Fossil Item Cards Pokemon TCG Pocket - List of Pokemon Tool Cards Pokemon Tool Cards
Cards by Generation
Pikachu Icon Generation 1 Cards Gen 1 Celebi Icon Generation 2 Cards Gen 2 Gardevoir Icon Generation 3 Cards Gen 3
Lumineon Icon Generation 4 Cards Gen 4 Cinccino Icon Generation 5 Cards Gen 5 Froakie Icon Generation 6 Cards Gen 6
Bruxish Icon Generation 7 Cards Gen 7 Wooloo Icon Generation 8 Cards Gen 8 -
Misc. Card Lists
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Best Pokemon TCG Pocket Tier ListBest Cards Tier List
Pokemon TCG Pocket - List of New CardsList of New Cards Pokemon TCG Pocket - Unreleased CardsUnreleased Cards
Pokemon TCG Pocket - List of Full Art Cards Full Art Cards Pokemon TCG Pocket - List of Immersive CardsImmersive Cards
Pokemon TCG Pocket - List of ex Pokemon Cardsex Pokemon Cards Pokemon TCG Pocket - Pokemon Cards with AbilitiesPokemon Cards with Abilities


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