Pokemon TCG Pocket (PTCGP)

Deck Matchup Statistics

Pokemon TCG Pocket - Deck Matchup Statistics
The three top decks in Pokemon Trading Card Game Pocket (PTCG Pocket) are Pikachu ex, Articuno ex and Starmie ex, and Mewtwo ex and Gardevoir. Read on to see our findings as we pit these three top decks against each other and how they compare!

Deck Matchup Statistics

Pikachu ex Deck

Deck Commentary
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Pikachu ex Deck
Pikachu ex Deck

Deck Type: Lightning
• Easy to set up and attack with.
• Efficient attack and retreat costs.
• Positive matchup against Starmie ex and Articuno ex decks.
• Weak to Fighting-type decks.
• May lack the necessary damage output against high-HP Pokemon.
Card List

Pikachu ex Deck Strategy Guide and Card List

Articuno ex Deck

Deck Commentary
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Articuno ex Deck
Articuno ex Deck

Deck Type: Water
• Can sweep through teams after a successful Misty.
• Has access to all the best Trainer cards.
• Weak to Lightning-type decks.
• Difficult to recover if Misty usage is unsuccessful.
Card List

Articuno ex Deck Strategy Guide and Card List

Mewtwo and Gardevoir Deck

Deck Commentary
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Mewtwo and Gardevoir Deck
Mewtwo and Gardevoir Deck

Deck Type: Psychic
• Consistent and powerful.
• Simple strategy to implement.
• Weak to Dark-type Pokemon.
• Hard to set up Gardevoir
Card List

Mewtwo and Gardevoir Deck Strategy Guide and Card List

Results of 10-Game Round Robin

Pikachu ex Articuno ex and Starmie ex Mewtwo ex and Gardevoir Wins
Pikachu ex - 10-9 10-6 2
Articuno ex and Starmie ex 9-10 - 9-10 0
Mewtwo ex and Gardevoir 6-10 10-9 - 1

To summarize the results of our 10-game round robin between the three top decks, Pikachu ex won twice, Articuno ex and Starmie ex won 0 times, while Mewtwo ex and Gardevoir won once. With Pikachu ex leading the three decks in wins, it is a fair point to say that Pikachu ex is at the very top of the Genetic Apex format.

This does not mean that Articuno ex and Starmie ex is weak, however. It is still an effective and explosive deck. Based on our testing, if the Starmie deck's Misty had flipped heads more times, or if it went second more times, it is highly possible that it could beat Pikachu ex.

Mewtwo ex and Gardevoir appear to be at a disadvantage against Pikachu ex's tempo, but it is about 50/50 against Articuno ex and Starmie ex.

Pikachu ex vs Articuno ex and Starmie ex

Pokemon TCG Pocket - Pikachu ex VS Pokemon TCG Pocket - Starmie ex and Articuno ex
Pikachu ex Articuno ex and Starmie ex
Number of Wins 10 9
Games Going First 6 13
Wins When Going First 3 5
Win Rate When Going First 50% 38%
Win Rate When Going Second 53% 66%

10 Match Tests vs Pikachu ex Deck - Matchup Statistics

This matchup ended with a 10-9 victory in Pikachu ex's favor. This is a very close set, considering Articuno ex and Starmie ex's type disadvantage.

Most of the games where the Starmie ex deck won were games where it scored lucky Misty flips, but there were also games when Zapdos ex worked as a wall that could also severely damage Articuno ex.

While the Pikachu ex deck's type advantage was also a deciding factor, the presence of Pincurchin allowed the Articuno ex and Starmie ex deck to OHKO it with a well-placed Sabrina. This allowed it to win the points race in some games.

Articuno ex and Starmie ex vs Mewtwo ex and Gardevoir

Pokemon TCG Pocket - Starmie ex and Articuno ex VS Pokemon TCG Pocket - Mewtwo ex and Gardevoir
Articuno ex and Starmie ex Mewtwo ex and Gardevoir
Number of Wins 9 10
Games Going First 9 10
Wins When Going First 3 4
Win Rate When Going First 33% 40%
Win Rate When Going Second 60% 66%

Mewtwo ex takes a 9-10 victory over Starmie ex and Articuno ex, with Gardevoir being set up on three games allowing Mewtwo ex to attack freely.

The approach that Mewtwo ex has to take in this matchup is to first use one of its Mewtwo exs as a wall while a second one sets up on the Bench. It then uses Gardevoir to accelerate Energy onto Mewtwo ex letting it attack for multiple turns in succession.

Articuno ex must rely on lucky Misty flips to put the matchup in its favor, however it isn't always lucky and must pivot to Starmie ex's two-Energy Hydro Splash to reliably deal damage to Mewtwo ex.

Mewtwo ex and Gardevoir vs Pikachu ex

Pokemon TCG Pocket - Mewtwo ex and Gardevoir VS Pokemon TCG Pocket - Pikachu ex
Mewtwo ex and Gardevoir Pikachu ex
Number of Wins 6 10
Games Going First 10 6
Wins When Going First 3 3
Win Rate When Going First 30% 50%
Win Rate When Going Second 50% 70%

This matchup ended with Mewtwo ex losing 6-10 to Pikachu ex. Mewtwo ex had more first turns, but the results still showed the overwhelming strength of Pikachu ex.

Both decks excel when going second but it can be said that Pikachu ex, a deck that doesn't rely on evolutions, is more consistent than Mewtwo ex and Gardevoir.

Mewtwo ex also has lots of requirements in order to gain maximum value out of the deck, such as completing the Gardevoir evolution line and getting multiple Energy on Mewtwo ex. Pikachu ex, on the other hand, requires significantly less. It requires only 3 Pokemon on your Bench and two Energy attachments. The lesser amount of conditions for an optimal board state swings the matchup in Pikachu ex's favor.

Pokemon TCG Pocket Related Guides

Deck Building Guide

All Deck Tier Lists

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Best Rental Deck Tier List Best F2P Beginner Decks

Deck Articles

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How Rental Decks Work Staple Cards for Decks
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Best Erika Decks 10 Match Tests vs Pikachu ex Deck - Statistics
List of Non-ex Decks

Meta Decks

Best Meta Decks
Mewtwo exMewtwo ex Celebi ex and SerperiorCelebi ex and Serperior Pikachu exPikachu ex
Gyarados ex and GreninjaGyarados ex and Greninja Vaporeon and Articuno exVaporeon and Articuno ex Volcarona and Arcanine exVolcarona and Arcanine ex
Scolipede and WeezingScolipede and Weezing Starmie ex and Articuno exStarmie ex and Articuno ex Arcanine exArcanine ex
BlaineBlaine Pikachu ex and RaichuPikachu ex and Raichu Gyarados ex and VaporeonGyarados ex and Vaporeon
Pidgeot exPidgeot ex Charizard exCharizard ex Aerodactyl ex and PrimeapeAerodactyl ex and Primeape
Exeggutor exExeggutor ex Lt. SurgeLt. Surge DragoniteDragonite
Alakazam and JynxAlakazam and Jynx Mew ex and WeezingMew ex and Weezing GolemGolem

Off Meta Decks

Articuno exArticuno ex Venusaur exVenusaur ex Dragonite and WeezingDragonite and Weezing
Lapras exLapras ex Greninja Greninja Mewtwo ex and Weezing Mewtwo ex and Weezing
Marowak exMarowak ex PrimeapePrimeape Venusaur and WeezingVenusaur and Weezing
ArbokArbok Lock Zapdos exZapdos ex Blastoise exBlastoise ex
Gengar exGengar ex Machamp exMachamp ex Wigglytuff exWigglytuff ex
MelmetalMelmetal KogaKoga Omastar and Articuno exOmastar and Articuno ex
Kingler and Articuno exKingler and Articuno ex FrosmothFrosmoth Lapras ex and ButterfreeLapras ex and Butterfree
PoliwrathPoliwrath Tentacruel and GreninjaTentacruel and Greninja Victreebel and Exeggutor exVictreebel and Exeggutor ex
Gengar ex and GolbatGengar ex and Golbat Persian and MawilePersian and Mawile Lickitung and PrimeapeLickitung and Primeape
Gengar ex and GolbatExeggutor ex and Alakazam Frosmoth and Articuno exFrosmoth and Articuno ex GyaradosGyarados
CentiskorchCentiskorch and Moltres ex Grapploct DeckGrapploct Cincinno and Weezing Cinccino and Weezing
BrockBrock KabutopsKabutops Aerodactyl and DragoniteAerodactyl and Dragonite
Eeveelutions and DittoEeveelutions and Ditto LickitungLickitung ArticunoArticuno
ZapdosZapdos MoltresMoltres VenusaurVenusaur
CharizardCharizard BlastoiseBlastoise

Rental Decks

All Rental Decks
Venusaur Ex Rental Deck Venusaur ex Rental Deck Charizard ex Rental Deck Charizard ex Rental Deck Blastoise ex Rental DeckBlastoise ex Rental Deck
Pikachu ex Rental DeckPikachu ex Rental Deck Mewtwo ex Rental DeckMewtwo ex Rental Deck Machamp ex Rental DeckMachamp ex Rental Deck
NidoqueenNidoking and Nidoqueen Rental Deck OmastarKanto Fossils Rental Deck KogaKoga Rental Deck
Brock Rental DeckBrock Rental Deck Blaine Rental DeckBlaine Rental Deck Lt. Surge Rental DeckLt. Surge Rental Deck

Starter Decks

All Starter Decks
PinsirPinsir Starter Deck RapidashRapidash Starter Deck SandslashSandslash Starter Deck


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